Highlights of what happened globally in the sport of sailing in the last 7 days.
    Trimaran SVR Lazartigue has Major Damage after hitting something and having water flooding into the hull. Keep watching this channel (Subscribe) for our extra videos as they come in.
    Charles Caudrelier, (Maxi Edmond de Rothschild), has opened a 70 miles lead on second placed Tom Laperche, (SVR Lazartigue), as the ARKÉA ULTIM CHALLENGE-Brest’s two pacemakers, contemplate their rapid descent into the Southern Ocean, set to pass Tristan ds Cunea tonight, making between 34 and 36 knots, with some 1400 miles still to sail to pass the longitude of the solo Ultim race round the world’s first great Cape, the Cape of Good Hope.

    This is your weekly Global Sailing Highlights Show, the World on Water January 19, 2024.

    Still with the Arkea Ultim Race, here is their weekly recap of the first week of racing. Imagine just eight days of sailing and the lead boats are in the deep south Atlantic headed for passing the Cape of Good Hope. The leader is clocked at 35 knots. All the teams are represented in this report.

    A total of 101 sailors from 46 countries participated in the 2024 Ilca 6 Women’s World Championships. Anne Marie Rindom from Denmark, was crowned Women’s World Champion in the Ilca 6 Class 2024, maintaining her lead throughout the championship. The current Olympic champion finished with 58 points in eleven races. Charlotte Rose, from the United States, finished in second place, with 75 points, and with a three-point difference, the Belgian, Emma Plasschaert, secured third place.

    There was an incident packed stopover in Auckland after the Ocean Globe Races’, Leg 2 finish, the fleet set off on Leg 3 to Brazil via Cape Horn, on a sparkling Kiwi Day.
    There was a unfortunate incident during the stopover which involved race leader Translated 9, resulting in a heavy time penalty on the yacht going forward, and the subsequent removal of their skipper.

    The shore Team for Ultim Banque Populaire has finished their repair and now it’s time for Armel to get back into race mode. He has lost a day and the fleet has made good progress towards their first Cape.

    Emirates Team New Zealand brought their new foil out into sailing commission this week out on a beautifully flat Hauraki Gulf summer’s day with the mercury nudging 23 degrees, and a variety of wind strength from 5-13 knots, perfect for the initial test of the most refined foil, yet seen in this America’s Cup cycle.

    The ultim svl aati traran which is racing in the South Atlantic towards the Indian Ocean in second place on the Akia ultim challenge breast Tom La perch has suffered damage to the dagger board following a collision that occurred last night at 4:30 a.m. UTC solo Skipper Tom Le perch

    Immediately informed his technical team and he has been in constant contact with them he is positioned about 1,300 mi from Cape Town the Collision damaged the the dagger board case causing a significant water Ingress which remains stabilized Le perch is safe and is being assisted by his technical team to assess

    The damage and organize the next steps over the next few hours Charles cordr Maxi Edmund de Rothschild has opened a 70 M lead on second place Tom La perch svr laa as the AA ultim challenge breasts two pacemakers contemplate their rapid descent into the Southern Ocean set to

    Pass Tristan deuna to tonight making between 34 and 36 knots with some 1,400 Mi still to sail to pass the longitude of the solo ultim race round the world’s first great Cape the Cape of Good Hope for for This is your weekly Global sailing highlights Show the World on water January 19th 2024 still with the AIA ultim race here is their weekly recap of the first week of racing imagine just eight days of sailing and the lead boats are in the Deep South Atlantic headed for passing

    The Cape of Good Hope the leader is clocked at 35 knots all the teams are represented in this Report The t-sh prop prop Video for for PR For Fore Braan We are sailing only media Please Subscribe share like and check the alerts Bell a total of 101 Sailors from 46 countries participated in the 2024 ilka 6 Women’s World Championships and Marie rendam from Denmark was crowned women’s world champion in the ilka 6 class 2024 maintaining her lead throughout the

    Championship the current Olympic champion finished with 58 points in 11 races Charlotte Rose from the United States finished in second place with 75 points and with a three-point difference the Belgian Emma plit secured third place Amry rindam world champion it’s been a really long rat in a lot of ways

    Very different from what we had normally can you just tell us about your buildup for this event because uh you made it look easy I’m sure it wasn’t no uh it definitely wasn’t easy um very tricky conditions big waves um we’ve been training in my training group

    We have been training in lanote and it’s been really really good for this uh conditions out here um we had a long period with base training and since the Olympics last time I’ve been missing that cuz it’s been a bit hectic with everything else I mean it’s not it’s not

    Only the ukas 6 stuff you do is it no it’s not um so it’s just been nice to have a period where I can you know get back in shape gold medalist at the last Olympic Games is there anything you’ve done different this Olympic cycle as it

    Draws to an end um yeah there’s a lot of things I’ve done differently um I think the campaign has been so much shorter but I also allowed myself to do something else and sail other boats and other classes and um know finished studies helps me a bit with the focus in

    The ilka so you’re you’re Keen to take the the cover off in the morning I’m definitely Keen to take the cover off and and sail Ila just um it’s an awesome boat and yeah and finally Mell platter I hope I’ve said that right it’s first time I’ve ever been here just a little

    Chat about the venue because uh it feels very different to those European venues where we often race at yeah I mean yeah we haven’t been here more than six days before the championship and and obviously that makes you um you have to be good at adapting and and and quickly

    Figure out how toell fast here and I think that’s one of our um strong things on the on the team because um the level is so high on on our little training group and we quickly figure out how how is it to sail here and then we share the

    Knowledge within our group um and yeah then just having p as a coach cuz he’s so experienced now I’m so glad you said that you’ve always got to have a shout out for the coach yeah for sure I mean he makes a big difference in our in our

    Training group and um yeah just really really proud of our whole team that we help each other so much and uh also makes room for the next generation and then and I’m sure ni I’s ready to take over as soon as I step down so yeah it’s

    Really just um it’s just yeah it’s fun to be I see I see her training very hard and you’re going to make one you’re going to make everyone very jealous to join your your training group thank you so much for your time and just uh any words you have for your fellow

    Competitors I’m just uh really happy to compete against them I think it’s a really high level and I’m really proud of this class that we came a long way I was in London Games and now the level is in a in a totally different different level uh compared to 10 years ago so

    Just really proud and and I hope this class will continue for a long long time thank you very much and best wishes for the future thank you so Much There was an incident packed stopover in ockland after the ocean Globe races leg 2 finish the fleet set off on leg three to Brazil via Cape Horn on a sparkling kiwi day there was an unfortunate incident during the stopover which involved race leader translated nine resulting in a heavy time penalty on the

    Yacht going forward and the subsequent removal of their Skipper 12 iconic yacht powered down ockland Harbor with real purposes weak and it made for a thrilling start to leg three of the ocean Globe race next stop Yacht Club padell EST Uruguay but first there’s K horn in perfect northeasterly 15 to 20

    Not winds it looked easy a tight start line in front of the Royal New Zealand yacht Squadron delivered great pictures as Yachts fought for the line tight tacks ducking and Diving making it difficult to tell who’d actually crossed the line first for Ys arrive too early with last minute Maneuvers to save

    Themselves and one forced J broke baton cars on Ellis Bri deip the French Swan 53 Triana skippered by Jean diu currently sitting fourth in ic ranking overall burst through and succeeded in clinching first spot just seconds ahead of the Finnish yacht gallana with secure and Australian entrant Outlaw for an around theor race

    Where a few seconds do not make much difference this was seriously close racing the pontoons of Jellico Harbor buzzed with anticipation nerves and excitement as the first yacht translated 9it current IC leader slipped their lines at noon followed by the fleet at 3 minute intervals with a short stat line right

    In front of the Royal New Zealand yacht Squadron many spectator boats and onshore Spectators enjoyed the Fantastic nautical performance much like the scenes witnessed back in 1977 when the witb first visit vised ockland the OG Yachts including seven former witb Yachts put on a display befitting the celebration of the 50th anniversary of

    The original witb races with many witb veterans cheering on the fleet from the decks of the legendary Steiner 2 and lion New Zealand at 1400 hours local time Sunday 14th Sarah Jane Blake daughter of the much adored late sir Peter Blake who won every leg on the

    Witb arbo Steiner 2 fired the start cannon from the traditional wooden brig Breeze Don McIntyre ogr director and founder was naturally delighted with the start earlier in the day during the official crew photograph he told the sailors of the pride he felt in their achievement to date recognized the

    Challenges they faced ahead in the daunting sail around Cape Horn and instructed them in no uncertain terms to stay safe wow the start was everything you could hope for these Sailors have worked so hard to get here and they have a lot of sailing ahead of them to get

    Around Cape Horn anything can happen over the next 6,000 Mi to Uruguay with the 12 yards across the start line the fleet raced towards the Royal akarana Yacht Club leaving a marker to Port then across towards the gate at North head it didn’t take long before the familiar patterns of leaders

    Emerged Spirit of hsen key penck 6 translated 9it and Maiden UK were all battling for the first spot by sunrise on the first morning of RAC pen duick 6 had taken the lead just days to the restart of the mckintyre ocean Globe race leader translated 9 was issued a

    Total of 172 hours of time penalties associated with sending three sales to a salemaker for repair without approval and without any notice this is not allowed under the notice of race unless specific processes are followed and advance notice and approvals are given in this instance no ogr approvals were

    Given to translated nine to remove sales for repair when all entrance were asked later by the organizer if sales were delivered to a salemaker for repairs a declaration was provided by the captain of translated nine clearly stating they had not been removed and were on board

    The boat in fact the sales had been removed 3 days before the captain’s Declaration was received on Investigation after the Declaration was received it was proven that three sales were sent to a salemaker by the captain of trans at 9 before the Declaration ogr immediately commenced an inquiry the captain admitted the

    Declaration he supplied was wrong and that at the time he supplied the Declaration he was aware sales were at the salemaker on that basis a total of 72 hours penalties were applied for the three sales sent without the Authority or knowledge of the ogr a further 100 hour penalty was

    Applied for the supply of a wrong declaration when asked as the Captain acted against team orders and the direct instructions of the team manager and owner and without their knowledge this 100h hour penalty was suspended subject to the entry not breaching any further nor rules if that be the case the entry

    Would be disqualified following the official report and penalties applied the captain of translated nine resigned accepting responsibility for his error of judgment the sh team for Tim Bank popular has finished their repair and now it’s time for AML to get back into race mode he has lost a day and the

    Fleet has made good progress towards their first cap for up Emirates Team New Zealand brought their new foil out inter sailing commission this week out on a beautifully flat hierar golf summers day with the Mercury nudging 23° and a variety of wind strength from 5 to 13 knots perfect for

    The initial test of the most refined foil yet seen in this America’s Cup cycle I’m here with Peter Burling Emirates Team New Zealand have just completed day 54 in the alq on the H golf after a day of Towing y today you got the sales back

    Up today what was the aim of today’s session and how did it go yeah was awesome uh summmer day down here in the hardi golf um yeah we’re just doing some more speed stuff longer straight lines just testing a few things in the foils and yeah it was really really nice day

    Out there Ying about 30 minutes until the session you stopped and people from the chase boat got on board was that due to a technical issue no I don’t think so I can’t really remember it’s been a long day but um yeah no didn’t have too many issues

    Today uh just kind of chatting through what we want to try with the testing schedule and um yeah so obviously stop and have a rest every now and then and um hard to focus for too long without without stopping so really fun day out there yeah fair enough following that I

    Noticed you did a very long tech on Port towards W hickey Island and I noticed that you’re often peering down towards your starboard foil what are you mainly trying to observe when you do that yeah we obviously have different foils on side to side so we’re just trying to

    Compare the differences um yeah subtle little details and obviously something that’s very important for the the long term is is trying to get the the fastest fores under the boat so now we’re still still pushing along trying to figure figure a few things out you are running a new

    Foil on starbo um can you speak to what conditions was this foil optimized for and what the anticipated strengths of this new design oh I think all the fours have to go across the wind range um yeah un likee America’s cups of old the last two you’re foil you just get one and

    It’s got to do everything so yeah for us it’s really about you know trying to cover everything well and um not have too many weaknesses so it’s pretty happy with it um I noticed you crashed down after one of your first jbes onto the new starboard foil was that simply just

    Getting to used to the new foil or was it just a lack of Breeze we’re just trying different BS and pieces is obviously massively underr on the j3 there for quite a while so I was um kind of waiting till for a little while to to

    Do the peel down to the two thought it was going to be a little bit windier more like it is down here up the top so yeah but all good fun and um as you said I noticed you you SWA from the j3 to the J2 um I was wondering how much

    Does your own uh dirty air affect you as you come through the job is your selling out of the job yeah well normally if you do a good job you’re quite a long way front of your own gas but um yeah obviously if you get it a bit wrong and

    End up a bit thin on the exit you can get close to it um must have been pretty close to it in that job but still survived and final question is there a particular type of Breeze or sea state that you’d like to sail in more of in

    The lead up to Barcelona or just a bit of everything really yeah well here obviously we don’t get the the swell that we do in Barcelona very often so you whenever that comes in we try and make the most of it but yeah you’ve got to be good

    Across the board and you know it’s been really nice to get some some some ligh air stuff and some more mid-range today and you we’ll put the boat back in the shed and you know keep pushing forward later in the week Oh [Applause] He

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