Estarli Co-Founder, Oliver Francis, shares his tips on why e-bikes make sense, now more than ever.

    Hear from Estarli riders all over the UK about how they use their e-bikes for commuting, school drops and daily journeys.

    Oliver discusses the health, societal and financial benefits of e-bikes using folding, hybrid and e-cargo Estarli e-bikes and owners as case studies.

    Estarli design and build award winning e-bikes in Hertfordshire including folding, hybrid and e-cargo bikes.

    As one estarli customer says, “e-bikes are the difference between getting out and riding and not riding at all”.

    Check out the chapters below:

    0:00 Intro
    0:22 1: Health – E-bikes empower you to exercise on your terms
    0:42 The fitness value of e-bikes
    1:45 Commuting without sweat on an e-bike
    2:50 Rising UK obesity and declining cycling budgets
    3:12 Physical and mental health benefits of e-bikes
    3:53 2: Planet – The impact on C02 from e-bike use
    5:28 Reducing waste with recoverable materials and plastic-free packaging
    6:34 3: Wallet – Save money commuting with an e-bikes
    8:19 4: Speed – Travel faster on e-bikes
    8:30 E-bikes can help solve road congestion in Berkhamsted
    9:05 My commute is faster on an e-bike
    9:51 5: Community – E-bikes connecting communities

    Hello now apologies it is a little bit cliche but it’s that time of year when people tend to step back and reassess their goals and if one of those things you’re thinking about is your mode of Transport whether that’s for work or Leisure or school trips then maybe this

    Video might just help here are five reasons to get an ebike in 2024 number one Health ebikes are proven to help the Mind Body and Soul I’m talking about mental health as much as heart lungs and limbs the beauty is you can tailor your fitness goals to your

    Journey you want to take it easy whack the power modes up you want to challenge then ride it like a normal bike and of course everything in between you know being a dad of two young kids I don’t get that many chances to to exercise so

    Being able to do this every morning is just my little injection of a bit of exercise especially when I get to London and I can try and beat all the other bikes with this electric bike it’s good it’s good fun I’m trying to get fit you

    See cuz I’m trying to lose weight and and just get fit cuz i’ I’ve got out of it and um I just literally put it on when I get towards the hill and then um turn it off again when I get to the top at my age it’s the difference for me

    Between going out in a bike and not bothering because I know I can always get home no I’m quite an active person but this is still perfect for those days I want to go out and have an adventure without breaking a sweat so for example

    I can go out for an 8-hour hike one day and then the next day I can go out for a 2hour cycle on this bike without being totally exhausted which by the way makes this a fantastic tool for Recovery it’s a bit of exercise not so much that I

    Build up a sweat getting into work so it means I don’t have to wash and change or have a shower and by the time I get in and yes it’s not completely free of exercise value so yes there’s a good balance really between those two if I

    Were to have a bit more of a workout then I can just turn the assist down and just use the gears that’s fine even though I’ve got these conditions that are debilitating I can still ride I can ride as far as I want to go I can do all

    The things that I used to do I can get all of the sensations I used to get with the help of an ebike now if you find yourself in a bit of an argument with someone who claims that ebikes aren’t as good for your health as normal bikes

    Then firstly probably try and find something better to argue about but secondly get them to consider the suedes of people who only ride because of ebikes and this is the key Point those people for whom if ebikes weren’t an option they wouldn’t ride at all for this growing group of people the health

    Benefits of ebikes are undeniable on top of that and mainly because ebikes encourage riding further and longer quote unquote those who ride ebikes officially get more exercise minutes per week than those who ride normal bikes case closed too soon recently cycling electric raised the valid question of why cycling

    Budgets in the UK have been cut at a time when obesity say is costing the UK 100 billion a year there are 1.2 million obesity related Hospital admissions annually it’s obviously not a miracle nor the only cure but not that long ago the government promoted active travel as

    A prescription to boost health and for good reason so I’ve already felt the benefits physically feeling a lot healthier my mental health is improved my appetite’s improved because I’m needing to eat more to keep up and I think the nice thing as well is is that even though it’s an electric bike you

    Don’t have to use that so you still get those benefits of just using a pure bicycle this is the same government that said air pollution is the biggest environmental health threat to the UK population on the benefits of Health alone it’s not that hard to connect the dots more people exercising while

    Traveling fewer people sitting on their bums chucking out exhaust fumes equals a healthier population for all and on that subject number two the planet according to the European environment agency road traffic accounts for about 1/5th of EU CO2 emissions of course we believe that ebikes can cut that a lot as more people

    Learn that ebikes are sustainable and Greener alternative to cars buses taxis Etc they’re also cheaper and more sociable but we’ll come to that later the key thing is it’s the short Journeys that hurt the most so if ebikes can be used instead of cars say for those short

    Journeys to work or to school or to your mat’s house or to the shops then we can start to make a real difference you know we try to drive as little as possible and cycle everywhere we can it sets a really good example to my kids and it’s

    Just the best way to get around now we’re not naive to the fact that there are more parts to an ebike more components more batteries etc etc these things mean that the initial footprint is of course greater than a normal bike but as I said earlier ebikes are proven

    To get more people riding further and for longer and that Collective time spent on two wheels is a great thing for the planet because it means less time collectively spent in the car check out these numbers from the federal environment AG agency if you only consider the time spent on the road

    With your ebike the power consumption results in an average CO2 emissions value of around 2 G per kilm depending on the power mix of course in comparison a car emits about 152 G of CO2 per passenger kilm while public transport emits between 50 and 111 CO2 per kilm we

    Urge you to look into this kind of thing yourself cuz there’s loads of different studies out there but of course the theme is kind of the same waste is a big thing and at Starly we really believe in maintaining our bikes and batteries as much as possible

    So they live for as long as possible we recondition battery packs in order to extend their lives and in the design and build process we use reclaimable materials like aluminium we’ve also removed all plastic from our packaging but of course we know that we can still

    Do more so we’re going to launch a few initiatives this year so watch this space researchers from the University of Leeds found that ebites could reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the UK by as much as 50% that’s a big number now of course lots of Journeys by ebike aren’t

    Possible and there are caveat to all this but just to consider if ebikes could even cut emissions by 25% what a result that would be but the government and local councils need to play their part as well in making sure that road safety and infrastructure is as good as

    It can be so that more people find it easier to make the step onto ebikes but if you get an ebike you’re only going to be heaping pressure on those people to make the change okay the eagle eyed ones might have noticed it looks a little bit

    Different now I popped out on the cargo bike to film something for 2 hours came back and it’s practically pitch black don’t you love the UK this time of year no don’t think so three wallet ebikes aren’t cheap of course we don’t pretend they are and we try and do everything we

    Can to make sure they’re as affordable as possible lots of people have tried to compare the cost of having an ebike versus having a car the electric bike shop one of our Retail Partners has done just that and this is what they discovered for a car averaging 35 m to

    The gallon 1,000 Mi would take 29 gallons or 130 L and 150 a liter 1,000 mi in this car would cost £195 for an ebike with an average range of 50 m on a full battery which costs 30p to charge 1,000 M will require 20 charges at 30p so the total fuel cost

    For the ebike would be £6 so fuel costs for ebikes are 0.03% of a car even if you calculated in come with a slightly different figure you’re certainly going to be on that side of the fence ebikes are a lot cheaper to run than cars throwing insurance and parking and

    Repairs the golf becomes huge even if you buy a secondhand car for the same price as an ebike over time the savings are still really significant if I decide I want to just pop down the shop I could just take the bike take my lock my bag

    And my basket and um so quick straight down the hill get shopping put it back in your basket back home again and I’ve got a little bit of exercise saved a bit of money on my fuel you know fresh air it’s all a pleasure really I love it

    Yeah got everything everything I need on top of that you can save 25 to 42% off the cost of a newi bike through cycle to work schemes these schemes are essentially government incentives designed so that you can pay for the bike over a period of time through salary sacrifice which means you can

    Essentially hire the bike off your employer and pay it off over time and then at the end of that period the ownership can be transferred okay the fourth one is speed now the truth is only you are going to know if your daily trips or commutes are

    Going to be quicker on an ebike versus the transport you already using we’d obviously recommend that you give it a try and you come and see us or you go and see one of our Retail Partners and test out an ebike for one of your Journeys what we can talk about with

    Authority is the speed of commuting in this town berkhamstead where our Factory is this is one of those classic Valley towns which is a real commuter Hub to London and when it was built it all made sense but now there are too many houses too many cars and the roads are really

    Congested especially at busy times for people going to work and doing the school run unfortunately that means it literally grinds to a halt at peak hours and people who are cycling can ride on through blissfully and not have the stress of traffic jams and parking I live about a 10-minute drive away from

    Where I work in the mornings or the evenings when I can just sail past this on my comfy bike put my power assist on to get up a little bit of a hill like this it’s just amazing in the mornings the Town Center is just gridlock so it takes my wife twice as

    Long to drive as it does for me to go on the bike short commuter work Journeys are only about 25 minutes it really takes the frustration of waiting at bus stops away or being on a crowded tube which is punishingly boring and uh frustrating my commute now is just it

    Makes me feel giddy I feel happy when I’m cycling now and finally number five Community something we really believe in here is that people who ride more become much more invested in the communities with which they live or work or both I guess it’s the tangible stuff you see

    More you smell more you hear more you end up living and breathing it we think that helps people better connect and when they connect more to the places they live and the people in it good things happen if I am driving my usual commute I’m just on those straight roads

    But on the bike I can take those little turn offs and I found Little Adventures myself within the city that I already know it just makes you realize I could have done this underground but I was in fresh air in the greatest city in the world and

    It’s kind of emotionally just one of the most incredible things that’s happened to me in my adult life just having a bike again okay to conclude if it’s starting to feel like your car and rail journeys don’t make much sense in the current climate then they probably don’t and if

    You were to switch to an ebike then you’re probably going to find out that it’s a lot cheaper for you and a lot faster one thing that’s for sure is that it going to make your health and the health of the people on your route and the whole Planet a lot better thanks

    Very much for tuning in if you want to hear more especially from our customers check out our YouTube page cuz there you can see a whole series of my sty stories and of course if you want a test ride in a stly get in touch with us or

    Go to the test ride tab on our website and you can find the store closest to you


    1. Yeah sure. Just send me $5 grand, for that e-bike purchase. And send another $2 grand, for the maintenance/spare-parts/tires, to keep that e-bike rolling.

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