How would you spend 10 trillion dollars? Buy a garage full of sports cars? Build a mansion as big as Vatican city? If you are wise, you’d follow the Rothschilds’ example. They spend money in the billions, but only where it counts. They don’t buy, they invest. So imagine the all-out surprise when Nat Rothschild bought the 85-million-dollar Planet Nine superyacht. The name, of course, comes from being larger than Pluto itself. No wonder the Science community decided the dwarf planet at the Solar system’s edge can no longer be named a planet.

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    How would you spend $1 trillion buy a garage full of sports cars build a mansion as big as Vatican City if you’re wise you’d follow the Roth Shields example they spend money in the billions but only where it counts they don’t buy they invest so imagine The All Out surprise when Nat Roth

    Shield bought the $85 million Planet NES super yacht the name of course comes from being larger than Pluto itself no wonder the science Community decided the dwarf planet at the Solar System’s Edge can no longer be named a planet but who can resist seeing such beauty just look

    At her one could argue Nat fell in love or maybe he was peer pressured by his wealthy friends into buying an ultra luxurious yacht imagine everyone is going for a sale while horn Nat sits at the dog crying he’s a Roth Shield godamn it he deserves better nay he deserves

    The best indeed Nat’s purchase was seen as a rarity by all and several other Roth Shields voiced their concerns still Baron Edmund deroth Shield’s grandson was SPM this is not a luxury this is an investment after all who said that Investments can’t have an ultra luxurious VIP Suite an owner’s deck

    Worth half of London and nine other elegant cabins if you decide to host the G8 Summit on your yacht after all most tin foil hated gentlemen around the world claim that the Roth Shields are ruling the world so why hide it to top it all off the guests could also arrive

    By helicopter since driving to the port is so pleas iian regardless Nat’s adamant that this is nothing more than an investment and though the Roth Shield Patriarchs might have a thing or two to say about that our next entry is without a doubt something even mayor amshel Roth

    Shield would find appealing the Roth Shields are an old ashkanazi Jewish Family that originated in Frankfurt during the mid 18th century they lived in a small house in the Jewish ghetto in Frankfurt they shared their home with several other families this house actually gave the Roth Shields their

    Name back then houses were distinguished not by a number but rather by an emblem hanging above the door so mayor Amell the first powerful Roth shield in history was referred to as mayor amill from the red shield or in old German deroth Shield so when mayor’s son Nathan

    Roth Shield bought gunnersbury Park in 1830 to build one truly astounding Mansion guess what was hanging above the door Nathan Roth Shield’s story is a bit complicated once he came of age he was sent to Great Britain to expand the Roth Shield Empire inside the vast United

    Kingdom after all how can you control the entire world if you don’t have agents in the Empire that covers a quarter of the globe Nathan didn’t take this Mission well initially he thought his father was disappointed in him and was chasing him away in a new hostile and unknown land

    It was only after mayor died in 1812 that Nathan understood his father’s decision he sent Nathan not because he didn’t trust him around the family business but precisely because he trusted him to succeed on his own in this hostile environment thus Nathan Ean decided to build a mansion to

    Commemorate his father and put his Crescent on one of the most expensive buildings at the time therefore the son who was too late to show his father the Gratitude he deserved bought some land for 177,000 equivalent to roughly $3 million today and built Paradise Nathan transformed the deserted fields at

    Gunnersbury into a beautiful park with a central piece a magnificent Mansion filled to the teeth with tapestries works of art and all sorts of luxuries the early 19th century kind so when the house was sold just 100 years later the price Rose 100 fold as they sold it for the Staggering equivalent of

    $132 million in today’s money this was by far the most expensive house in England not owned by the the crown still with a $25 billion portfolio this colossal estate looks like an overcrowded dormatory room with a shared bathroom compared to the rest of their Estates along with what’s essentially

    Real estate hoarding spread over three continents the Roth Shields have other passions as well wine and art are two things that the entire family takes to the extreme you needn’t look any further than shat no moton Roth Shield to see that the chatau itself is a piece of

    Architectural Landmark on its own it dates back to the 12th century when the first Vineyards were seeded in 1853 Nathaniel deroth Shield traveled alongside these parts of France when he stumbled upon this vast field of grapes as a lover of good wine he ordered a bottle of the finest wine regardless of

    The price little did he know this wine would haunt his dreams he tried several other wines along his journey yet none came even close to what chatau brain muton offered it was like Coke only much more addictive so on his way back Nathaniel made an offer that would

    Skyrocket the previous owners into the rich man’s life after the purchase Nathaniel renamed it chatow muton Roth Shield under the leadership of the Roth Shield family chatow muton Roth Shield has consistently produced some of the world’s finest wines but when you’re a Roth Shield being the best in a business

    Is the bare minimum Baron Philipe de Roth Shield was chilling out with a glass of his favorite wine one night wondering how to spend a colossal amount of money and make this wine even better sitting in his favorite armchair staring at the fireplace in front Baron Philip’s gaze suddenly fixed on a painting

    Hanging just on the right of the fireplace it was a Picasso with its glorious cubic forms Philip thought about how art infinitely improves wine taste and a grand idea came to his mind why not sell art along with the wine thus since 1945 the bottles are genuine art pieces

    As the labels are commissioned to famous artists like fr bacon and Picasso each year this cost Millions to the Roth Shields over the years but can you genuinely place a price on combining two of your greatest passions well actually you can $700 a bottle as I already told

    You the Roth Shields spend only if they can make a profit in the long run so the chatow muton Roth Shield is one gorgeous mix of the family’s most beloved passions is it any surprise that that chatau is worth around2 $ 10000 million today not that they will sell it anytime

    Soon but just having such lavish property is a statement on its own to the Roth Shield’s most expensive real estate the story is just wholesome it’s a story about love no not the boring kind we’ve seen a thousand times it’s a story about The Love between two siblings actually there should be a

    Movie about Baron Ferdinand de Roth shield and his little sister Alice and was 8 years older than his sister but he loved her to bits so when he was sent off to England at the age of 17 it was heartbreaking for both of them Ferdinand was living in London while Alice was in

    Vienna 20 years would pass before they see each other again and though they kept in touch only through the mail the traditional one which took 2 weeks to get from Great Britain to Austria they couldn’t be there for each other through the most challenging times in their

    Lives Ferdinand lost his child at Birth and just a few days later his wife but Alice was not allowed to comfort her brother it was when her father died in 1874 that she finally left for England to reunite with her brother Baron Ferdinand was so happy to see his little

    Sister that he decided to build her a stunning home one that would compliment her elegance and Beauty thus the won Manor came to be the baron spared no expense in building an architectural Landmark he invested 1.5 million British pound equivalent to 265 million USD today there Alice would

    Spread her wings and become one of the biggest art collectors socialites and one of the most powerful women in the world at the time she designed the home’s interior and exterior show casing her class pwon Manor was more than a home it was a museum of Alice’s and ferdinand’s extensive art collections

    Tapestries Furniture Ceramics books and all sorts of treasures outside the gardens cost Baron Ferdinand another Fortune as today the manner’s grounds alone would have cost the owner $86 million still that’s a small price to pay for making your little CIS happy isn’t it today werson Manor is a museum

    Of Alice’s Grand Vision there the public can witness Baron Ferdinand and Alice’s breathtaking art collections actually if there is something in common between every single Roth Shield except of course with being five-dimensional lizards controlling the world with telekinetic Powers it is their love for art the Roth Shields

    Collection could fill entire cities with Priceless pieces of art though for insurance purposes the main body of the art collection is valued at 2 billion doar the whole art collection is truly Priceless there are tapestries from the Byzantine Empire antiques that date back to William the Conqueror time and some

    Conspiracy theories even suggest that the family owns several religious artifacts like the Holy Grail the original blueprints of Noah’s Ark and even locks of hair from Jesus Christ now that sounds Preposterous even for the world’s most wealthy and influential family stepping back to reality their art collection was truly astounding and

    No wonder a smalltime garage painter who later became a bloodthirsty power hungry psychotic dictator took a liking to the Roth Shield’s art pieces though not too keen on Wealthy Jewish families he didn’t mind taking a sizable chunk of their collection during Fran’s occupation from Nazi Germany the small

    Man with huge Ambitions and a silly mustache personally arrived to pick up the loot 3,500 pieces went missing and although some were returned after the war the majority are still scattered around the world waiting to be found who knows if you find one the Roth Shields may even

    Reward you or at least take you for a spin in their interdimensional spaceship but enough about the Roth Shield’s luxurious purchase this opulent family truly spends their money on investments a lot of them some more liberal bleach users are adamant that the Roth Shields have a controlling

    Share of all major banks in the world someone called JP Morgan and let them know they no longer have their own bank still the power of the Roth Shields is undeniable they have control over some of the biggest companies in the world wherever there is money to be made the

    Roth Shields have Investments this is from the days of old when in 1769 the Roth Shield patriarch mayor Amell Roth Shield was hired by the crowned Prince vilhelm of Hess once the Young Prince came into power in 1785 he appointed mayor to manage his Kingdom’s finances as a court Jew yes

    Yes I know this title would raise an eyebrow or two these days but back then this was a rare honor this was the highest position that any Jew May hope for in a Catholic dominated Europe every wealthy Aristocrat had a court Jew whom they entrusted with managing their money

    The Bible forbade lending money in exchange for profit most Aristocrats in those days indeed had the moral compass of a drunken British soccer fan during a riot but they had to keep their god- obeying appearance or they risked losing not only the respect of their peers but

    Their lands and wealth as well many Jews like the Roth Shields saw this as an opportunity to gain vast riches mayor invested the money he earned in a bank this became a trend where reinvesting the riches brought even more dough so today everywhere you look the Roth

    Shields out there gas and petrol for example Agora oil and gas is at the Forefront of the industry the company was bought for merely $370 million spare change really today the company is worth well over 1.4 billion in just under a decade Lord Roth shield made a cool

    Billion doll profit for the family now striking oil in the North Sea just months after the family took control of the company didn’t exactly disprove conspiracy theorists that the Roth Shields have powers beyond our comprehension but hey it might just be luck and with gas and oil prices soaring

    After the covid pandemic and the friendly neighborhood visit by Russia in Ukraine this Venture seems like a gold mine on its own still while they did diversify their portfolio the Roth Shields never forgot where their money came from initially banking indeed sounds like a good investment especially

    If you have several trillion dollars in capital to secure your business their banking Empire didn’t grow without its fair share of controversies in the 18th century when wars were as ominous sneezing the Roth Shields Clan ensured they were always on The Winning Side how did they do that I

    Hear you asking well they had a bank in every major country in Europe Austria France the Holy Roman Empire Great Britain and later the United States thus they made sure to finance both sides Whenever there was a war profiting was inevitable over the years keeping track of all their Banks became a sure

    Especially in the 20th century when Banks began spreading like mushrooms after rain thus Jacob Roth Shield had a brilliant idea he established a trust that would consolidate and operate all family banks in the United Kingdom so the Roth Shield Investment Trust was born this industry giant is worth more than $7.7

    Billion despite selling off their Royal Bank of Scotland shares in 1985 since each giant Corporation needs an equally impressive headquarters Jacob bought the famous Spencer house to ensure RIT Capital Partners employees would feel dominated and humbled whenever they came to work this Palace nestled in the heart of London is truly

    A prized possession of the RIT with its golden decoration antique furniture and art pieces by renowned Masters hanging on every wall the house was renovated in the late 1980s and is widely known as London’s most extensive renovation of the 20th century indeed a title befitting this massive and Ultra expensive project costing £35

    Million today this lavish house is worth north of $100 million the pretty good price Force essentially a palace in the middle of London unfortunately it’s not really on the market so don’t expect to see a particular Saudi Prince Waltzing inside anytime soon indeed when it comes to the Roth Shields Investments the $7.7

    Billion worth of RIT is nothing but pocket change after all money is for Chumps the truly wealthy measure their riches in pounds or more accurately in carrots being the family responsible for the myth that Jews hoard all the world’s gold one can easily conclude how much gold

    The family owns hint it’s a lot of it they not only have gold bars but also own several gold mines across the world those however are not the most profitable mines in their portfolio this honor goes to riotinto the mining Corporation is worth $103 billion and is the second largest metal mining

    Corporation in the world moreover riotinto is a testament to the Roth Shield’s industrial Spirit it was just a small local mining operation when they bought the company 150 years ago today riotinto is the biggest producer of copper in the world with a yearly turnover of $30

    Billion not a bad purchase indeed and a tough act to follow if you ask me actually this was always a huge cloud hanging above every Roth shield in history they needed to be better to make their ancestors proud Edmund adula der rooth Shield was no different except he

    Was a bit down on his luck though he had a brilliant education in Geneva and a secure job as a banker Edmund didn’t seem to shine in any way his father often told him the family story and gave his cousins as examples of success more often than not Edmund felt his father

    Wanted to have his cousins as children rather than him thus he decided to prove his father wrong and future generations to point at his portrait when giving examples of a successful Roth shield and oh boy did he manage to do that in 1953 when he was only 27 Edmund established

    La comp financier hoping to become the leading Global inter dealer broker just half a century later later his legacy is worth nearly $212 billion the company is managing Financial operations in Switzerland which along with its chocolate unwillingness to join sides and incredibly photogenic cows is also well known for its Superior banking sector

    Today the company is run by Edmund Sun Benjamin deroth Shield who managed to expand the business to over 30 countries who knows one day Benjamin may even surpass the most expensive investment the Roth Shield family ever made the Glen core Mining Company when you own a company employing 145,000 people it’s

    Hard to explain how you don’t have power over a particular government imagine 145,000 people going on a protest because you decided to follow some ecological policies and decided to limit mining in certain areas that’s the power the Roth Shields wield in Australia so you don’t want coal fueled Industries in

    Your country good luck when Glen core puts out more than 110 million tons annually they need markets to sell it so either you play ball or you’re out of office in the next election cycle thus this Mega Corporation owning several mines and the world’s largest deposit of

    Zinc and Lead is worth nearly 13 $ 30 billion so yeah uh some of the conspiracies about the Roth Shields may actually turn out true indeed no other family can come even close to the Colossal Roth Shield family wealth however there’s one family that’s on their way to surpass the Roth Shields

    And their vast political power and immense wealth care to learn more about them just click on this video next next


    1. Yes clean coal …is great it's only coal what's the problem

      And just think the world will move move like Pangea one day again… Let's not worry about a hole in the ground… Do you think China's mantel could releases pressure on demand… This reducing yeah… You know … And tapping pure resources.

    2. The BEAUTY of life is that NO MATTER their wealth, they will decay and die like EVERYONE!!

    3. Why don't you talk about all the philanthropic work the Rothschilds have done and continue to do. Why do you only concentrate on what they purchase? You come across as sounding like an anti semite.

    4. They are valued under 100 billion…which make sense..10 trillion is way way far fetched..the only that i would beleive they have that number,be the Arab Family..pouring billions in 75 years could do it..

    5. 0:51 Who else noticed in this picture Jamima Khan, Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan's first wife. She was also best friends with Lady Diana.

      She is standing 2nd from the right. OMG!

    6. 0:51 Who else noticed in this picture Jamima Khan, Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan's first wife. She was also best friends with Lady Diana.

      She is standing 2nd from the right. OMG!

    7. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

      00:27 🎯 Joe Rogan discusses his belief in a JFK assassination conspiracy involving multiple shooters and the single bullet theory.
      05:20 🌐 The conversation explores the conspiracy theory surrounding the term "conspiracy theory" itself, suggesting it was coined by the CIA to debunk alternative narratives.
      06:29 🕵️‍♂️ Discussion touches on the theory that Hitler may have survived World War II and lived in South America, supported by declassified documents and eyewitness accounts.
      09:47 🚀 Joe Rogan and the guest delve into conspiracy theories related to the moon landing, discussing oddities in press conferences, footage, and the lost telemetry data.
      19:27 💀 The conversation explores the historical discovery of human bones in Benjamin Franklin's London house, suggesting it was linked to anatomy experiments by his protege, William Houston.
      21:45 🏛️ Ancient technology debate: Analysis of artifacts reveals machining marks, tool precision, and remarkable symmetry beyond primitive capabilities.
      27:51 🗺️ Antarctica on ancient maps: Presence on maps from the 1500s suggests evidence of advanced civilizations predating modern discovery in 1820.
      29:41 ⚰️ New evidence in Epstein case: 60 Minutes reveals autopsy photos and inside-cell images, raising questions about the official suicide narrative.
      36:04 🌌 Infinite universe theory: Discussion on the concept of infinite universes, each with variations, including parallel conversations and actions.
      40:57 💉 Anti-meth campaign blunder: South Dakota's "Meth. We're on it." slogan sparks controversy and criticism for its unconventional and confusing messaging.
      41:51 🕵️‍♂️ Jeffrey Epstein's case involves guards charged with falsifying records and conspiracy, potentially connected to a broader cover-up. The island was a honey pot with powerful people in compromising positions.
      43:32 🌐 Opening up Jeffrey Epstein's case could lead to the biggest political scandal, involving powerful figures and intelligence agencies. Barr and others may not have a genuine interest in exposing the truth.
      46:18 🎬 Oliver Stone discusses challenging subjects in his films, such as Nixon's life and the JFK assassination. He addresses liberties taken in the plot for the sake of storytelling without violating the truth.
      51:54 🏰 Graham Hancock explores the mystery of the Great Pyramid's construction, suggesting psychic powers cultivated by ancient civilizations. He discusses the Stone Date hypothesis related to human evolution and consciousness.
      57:46 🍄 Graham Hancock advocates for the serious exploration of psilocybin as a nootropic vitamin, highlighting its potential benefits in overcoming fear response, neurogenesis, and addressing PTSD under controlled settings.
      01:02:38 🚀 Some photos presented as legitimate space travel images were test runs with blacked-out backgrounds, as seen in an example involving Michael Collins during Apollo 11.
      01:05:10 🌕 Critically analyzing moon landing skepticism requires objectivity; faked training exercise photos don't disprove the moon landing, considering various possibilities like film damage.
      01:07:20 💀 Theories suggest death opens a gateway to a realm accessible through psychedelics, aligning with ancient cultures describing it as a Well of Souls with disembodied spirits.
      01:09:11 🕵️‍♂️ After World War II, high-ranking Nazis escaped to South America through various routes, forming isolated German communities; Hitler's fate remains uncertain due to declassified documents.
      01:15:42 🛸 Witnesses to a Brazil UFO incident faced intimidation from men in suits offering money and relocation, with reports of a foul stench lingering in the aftermath.
      01:23:49 🌌 Joe Rogan discusses the theory that fake space endeavors are a cover for a fake alien attack conspiracy, suggesting a link to historical figures and the Vatican's powerful telescope named Lucifer.
      01:26:28 🕵️ Joe Rogan shares his perspective on the JFK assassination, leaning towards the possibility that Lee Harvey Oswald was involved but might have been a patsy in a larger conspiracy.
      01:30:29 🔄 Discussing cancel culture, Joe Rogan mentions that canceling doesn't have a lasting impact, citing examples like O.J. Simpson, Bill Cosby, R. Kelly, and Charlie Sheen, who continue with their careers despite controversies.
      01:31:59 🏀 Reflecting on Magic Johnson's HIV announcement, the conversation touches on the impact, the debunked rumors surrounding it, and the stigma associated with the virus.
      01:35:50 🌐 Joe Rogan expresses concern about the potential for a significant world event that could reshape global perspectives, highlighting the difficulty in discerning truth in conflicts like Venezuela and Syria due to biased narratives.
      01:44:29 🌐 The discussion explores the possibility of our reality being a simulation and questions whether we should migrate into a virtual reality.
      01:45:10 🤖 As technology advances, there is a concern that humans will become symbiotic with electronics, incorporating them into our bodies and eventually creating artificial life.
      01:46:19 🧠 Technology itself has no inherent moral dimension; it is the decisions made by humans on how to use and deploy technology that introduce morality.
      01:47:39 🚫 The speaker emphasizes that as a species, we are clever but not necessarily wise, and that psychedelics can be important tools for aligning cleverness with wisdom to make ethical decisions.
      01:53:01 🔄 The conversation shifts to conspiracy theories, discussing Alex Jones' exposure of events like Bohemian Grove and his claims about government chemicals affecting frogs' genders, highlighting the need to filter information for credibility.

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    8. هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه هههه

    9. Отл. фактоЛогия реалий: "KGB [как и SS, Abwehr, NSA + NIS…] всегда считался филиалом MI-6". — Dr. J. Coleman, "The com-mittee of 300"; «Нацистских концлагерей больше нет, но еще немало концлагерей в мире, причём их число с каждым днём возрастает [!]». — Э.М. Ремарк, 1952; "Государство без справедливости есть шайка [SS / Gestapo] разбойников". — Авр. Августин. Resolution 217 A (III) of the UN General Assembly of 10.10.1948 __??? = Nuremberg Trials-2.0 ______ 14:22 _______ !!!

    10. สวัสดีท่านรอง ที่เคารพรัก
      ตรงนั้น เป็น กลุ่มสหายใบไม้เขียว ที่คนเหล่านั้น อยู่ไปก็น่ารังเกลียด ใช่หรือไม่ครับ เราคิดว่าขจัดออกไปเยอะมากแล้ว

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