Ricky Gervais dishes out controversial takes on political correctness and oversensitivity in a taboo-busting comedy special about the end of humanity.

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    Ricky Gervais: Armageddon | Official Clip | Netflix

    I think we live too long. That’s why we have time to worry about all this. We’re not meant to live this long. Uh, as a species, we’re about 300,000 years old, as Homo sapiens. We’ve been around as hominids for a few million years,

    And, of course, along with every other life form that exists at the moment, we’ve been evolving for three and a half billion years. Everything that exists at the moment came from the same blob of organic matter three and a half billion years ago. That’s why it annoys me when people say,

    “Oh, yeah. Humans, we’re the most evolved.” We’re not the most evolved. We’re no more evolved than the slug or the snail. People go, “Oh, come on. Look at ’em.” Yeah, they got it right early doors. Nature keeps testing them. “Do you want eyes?” “No.” “Not really. No.”

    I have noticed one thing about the slug and the snail. Let’s not split hairs. Let’s be honest. The snail is basically a slug with a shell on it, isn’t it? Right? But if you pull the shell off the snail, it starts giving it all… “Oh, I’m dying. I’m dying.”

    And the slug is like, “Welcome to the real world, ****.” Know what I mean?


    1. He's done it again. Another Ricky Gervais stand-up special that's about as funny as Michael McIntyre. How can a comedian be so funny at the Golden Globes but not at all funny in his own show?

    2. Gerçekten de ha teker teker örlmüşüz ha kıyamet kopmuş (armageddon) komple yok olmuşuz.. hiç bi farkı yok ki..a kıyameti çok abatıyoruz.. aslında herkesin kendi ölümü kendisi için bir kıyamet sonuçta.. insanlık her an yok olup tekrar diriliyor.. mesela 100 yıl sonra şu an dünyada yaşayan 7 milyan insandan hiç biri yaşamayacak. ani aslında her 100 yılda bir insanlık tamamen yok olup başkaları yerimize geçiyor. Üreme diye bi şey bi anda yok oluverse ya da erkekler sperm iretmti bi anda kesi verse o zaman insanlık çoğalamaz ve 100 yıl içinde yok olup giderdik.. bu kadar basit.
      100 yıl çok uzun bi zaman dilimi de değil.. Türkiyenin kuruluşu 100 yıl olmuş.. ama Türkler vinlerce yıldır var.. İnsanlar onbinlerce yıldır, insansılar yüzbinlerce yıldır var.. Dünya milyarlarca yıldır… yani 100 yıl çok kısa bi zaman aralığı.. Türkiyenin kurulduğu dönemde dünyada yaşayan milyarlarca kişi içinden hiç kisme şu an yaşamıyor.. sürekli insanlık değişiyor.. sürekli bi yok oluş yenilerinin gelişi var.

    3. Just watched this last night and the 3 of us barely laughed while occasionally being put off by Rickie's ego and agenda. Days earlier we watched vintage Gervais standup and it was far superior, what happened to the guy? He's become bitter, intellectually lazy, and prone to self aggrandization. And when he compared comedians to actors, as if they both just play roles, he revealed how out-of-touch and partisan he really is.

    4. I find most of his comedy good but for some reason this 'Armageddon' show was not that funny. He's trying to hard to be offensive without it being funny. Cruelty(humour?) about a bigoted limbless 'handicapped/disabled' boy, even if 'imaginary' just isn't that funny.

    5. Boring anti-woke bs (nobody cares!), lazy, unfunny, turned off halfway through. Like listening to your crazy drunk uncle muttering nonsense in the corner.

    6. This was a disappointing special. No, Ricky we don’t have to tear down rain forests to feed the cows to feed us. America and Canada produce enough grain to feed most of the world. Unfortunately, I get the feeling you’re alright with the farmers being attacked through insane regulations and taxes and are quite happy with Bill Gates buying up all the farmland in America so we can eat zee bugz. 🍖 🥩 😋 Please be funny not propagandizing.

    7. Well, this Netflix version of his tour has certainly got people reacting, hasn't it? Always the case when Ricky is involved, which, I imagine is exactly what he intended it to do! He is a down to earth, well read and intelligent man with opinions – so refreshing these days. Good for him! I especially personally agreed with his closing comments – spot on!

    8. Without doubt the unfunniest yet. He's been getting away with murder for years now. It's pretty much the same jokes rehashed. Embarrassing really. Good luck to the guy afterall he did give us The Office and Extras which I liked
      immensely. A bit of a Bono really, used to be really good but now a pain in the arse. See you later Ricky you had a good run. PS The fish pie joke is so old and juvenile….

    9. Wow, Netflix are removing anything negative at all from the comments, I liked it but simply made the comment he's extremely predictable now, there was nothing challenging at all about guessing almost all the punchlines, seems like there's some over sensitive people moderating these comments. Nothing like some hypocrisy with your morning coffee.

    10. This was a very weak set from Ricky. He's trying to be clever, funny and shocking but failing on all 3. His timing was way off and it lacked energy. Almost as if he hadn't written most of the material himself.

    11. Ricky Gervais speaks with as much authority about something that supposedly has taken place over 3.5 billion years ago as a theist does about the world's having been created by a god, and with as much evidence to support it. And he is, of course, not alone in the conceit.

    12. Oh man if your going to make jokes about Christians beliefs and you want to use science to back you up…… make sure your getting your science facts correct!!!!

      Snails do have eyes………..🤦

    13. Armageddon isn't funny? good, you are halfway there, now you just have to sit down, watch it again, and really crank up those two left over brain cell of yours, and try to understand what he is saying, and what he is attacking. i personally could not laugh most of the time, because what he said is so true it fken worries me what our society will become 10 years from now.

    14. God damn. This is pure gold. Havent laughed this hard for a long time. Disabled Timmy joke is one of the best jokes Ive ever heard. This generetion of soft and weak humans is tge dowfall of us and he made it really clear.

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