On today’s free swim, Danny tells us how he was put in an all time bathroom nightmare scenario, we also get into where to get the best “Chicago Food” in the city, and how some of the best places are dying out.

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    All R today is Wednesday it is January 17th welcome to the dog walk presented by Baro Sports free swim Wednesday I’m joined by Chief Danny and uh Denny Lance as well behind the ones and twos in a very cold studio located on the west side of Chicago yeah we’re basically in

    Donnie Do’s or Chef Donnie’s Meat Locker here that’s what it feels like it’s freezing it’s a cold one it’s a cold one which I imagine a lot of studios are cold today a lot of I mean there’s people North America is is cold today

    Did you see it was was 14 in Dallas yeah which is crazy and I also saw a tweet where like Western North Dakota compared to South Florida was 150 degree difference oh South Florida just never they never deal with any [ __ ] other than hurricanes yeah right like few what two

    Three hurricanes a year it’s a big [ __ ] though don’t don’t trudge off hurricanes not trudging them off but like it’s one of those things would you rather if you’re going to have a property where you had to live somewhere would you rather roll the dice with a hurricane

    And property damage or you’re in the great white North and you’re just freezing your ass off for 4 months a year but you know like your house is going to be fine yeah I mean we’re on the other side of January at least yeah officially that’s a positive yeah but

    Not the winter the days start getting have started getting longer officially I haven’t felt that yet though they have technically and that’s I feel like start on Christmas day they start getting longer I feel like we’re dummies for this as well mhm we always refer to

    March as being like you know like St Patrick’s Day weekend or like as being like The Benchmark the official start of summer yeah like that’s according to her very good friend white sock Dave yeah uh we always equate that to like light at the end of the tunnel it’s also because

    There’s literally more light at the end of your day which we like kind of fail to bring up a lot yeah I know that but it’s it’s like it’s also supposed to be the start of spring and like you’re not imagining low3s for start of spring I always just said it’s the most

    Disappointing month weatherwise yeah but it is I just that whole expression we’ve talked about this before too but it’s like out like or in like a lion out like a lamb like March is just [ __ ] like March is never good anymore no just gray and disappointing

    Cold but at least you get your life back I know you don’t like that but having a life who needs that yes the social activity starts happening same Patrick I’m saying lights not life sorry do I sound like I they kind of go hand in hand a little bit though too like

    There’s something to be said for the sun going down at 7 when it’s tip off for March Madness and it’s not in like you’re not getting the boots and the you know the whole thing we like I got to wait outside like end of March Madness

    You I start to feel pretty good yeah January February is like apocalyptic yeah yeah hey speaking of March man speaking of college basketball if you’re looking to get tickets you should look no further than our friends at game time uh obviously everyone out there has probably had a frustrating ticket

    Experience where your tickets didn’t work when you got to the gate maybe wouldn’t print maybe you got ripped off uh that’s not going to happen with our friends at game time they’re the best for last minute tickets uh flash deal Zone deals they’re easy to find easy to

    Buy and uh they’re covering every event you could possibly think of comedians yeah it’s uh the procrastinators ticket ticket app you can get them last minute that’s why we love them we’re we’re not big planners we like you know what spur the moment Cubs game Bulls gameit

    Sometimes I plan to go last minute and you can do that that’s to me that’s the best like Hey we’re going to the game where are we sitting I don’t know yet we got to wait to see what the deals are on game right I bought tickets for the

    Blackhawks game yesterday for today’s game and it was steel it was awesome I have great seats on game time it was fantastic Danny Lance on that’s not a paid actor real stuff although he has been a paid actor and model yeah he’s just passionate about game time I

    Appreciate it yeah it’s true it’s facts so take the guest work out of buying tickets with Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code dog walk for $20 off your first purchase terms of apply again create an account redeem code dog walk for $20 off

    Download game time today last 100 of tickets lowest price guaranteed uh I got a couple things I don’t know if you want to start with something you got something sure yeah so I was at an undisclosed location a bar and they had multiple restrooms but they were all um multi-gender all single

    Person too and I had to take a dump spur the moment so I was like all right I’m just go in and out it was like the start of the night what could go wrong so I’m in there I take a while I’m waiting in

    Line a couple uh like a guy and two girls are behind me so I’m like okay have to make this quick can’t make it seem like I just took a dump I’m in there and it’s the automatic flusher and it’s just not flushing I I am getting up I’m getting

    Up I’m sitting back down I’m cleaning off the sensor I’m I’m acting to the toilet as if I’ve left like okay you could flush now nothing’s working I think that’s prime example of us relying on technology too much I feel like the ones that have an automatic flusher

    Usually have like the uh the rip cord where you’re able to like still press a button to not not even here you can’t do that with our toilets in the office I’ve I’ve never Tak I haven’t taken a [ __ ] at this office I do it every day well you

    Have but I don’t coffee hits I had my first coffee here then I got to go but yeah what do you I so instead I just I don’t know if this is better or worse but I just put a bunch of toilet paper in it like not clogging

    It but no hiding the hiding the Poo wasn’t what do they what do you think they think is under there but they don’t know for sure there’s always a shadow doubt they have it’s better than them walking in seeing a fish out of water brown snake it definitely smelled to some

    Degree too it wasn’t too bad and it wasn’t a big one either Yeah by your standards that’s another thing how do you know what a big [ __ ] is it’s all all your own B how many you looking at a lot of adult shits in your life single turd

    Uh clean the water wasn’t affected the color wasn’t if you lose sight of the deep end of the pool the little the little little cup yeah that’s a that’s a big boy that’s true yeah it didn’t so wait was it two or three bathrooms there’s two oh I was going to say maybe

    It was a possibility that I I think this is one of those times where you just got to walk out of them and be like I didn’t vote for Biden like this is this is your problem you wanted Single Sex bathroom so now you got to deal with it yeah or

    Anything just to distract him was it the guy or the girl it ended up being the girls yeah were they going in together too so they know that they were talking [ __ ] about your [ __ ] no he’s saying the guy the the guy used the other bathroom

    And the girl came in his right so I’m saying a lot of times girls go to the bathroom together they’ll be in the stall they’re you know they’re doing their thing they’re chatting so they if you have two girls walking into a single bathroom together which I would say is

    At least a 50/50 chance especially if they know each other then you know that they’re in there talking [ __ ] about your [ __ ] yeah they were definitely talk oh is it that guy is it that mustache pooper I tried turning the lights off in there and everything I was like what is

    Going to trigger this sensor but no we we there needs to be the emergency flusher on all those automatic flushers yeah I I thought that came standard cuz so did I I I Googled hacks while I was in there like to get to your hotel room colder and hotel but that’s like also

    One of those things where I thought the story was going to be like it was flushing non-stop like I couldn’t get it to stop flushing you’re getting blowb up your like it’s a intentional but day cuz I’ve had that before where it’s like hey I wasn’t ready for you to flush yet

    Right as soon as you stand up I’ll take that all day over when that’s not flushing did you make a joke about it when you left cuz that was an option too no because my thing was again couldn’t see like [ __ ] water and I was just

    Trying was trying not to bring it up as much as possible I wanted them to maybe think that it was the guy before me you know anything or maybe that it somehow flushed after like the door fully closed I don’t know how that would work but I

    Was just in Hopeless mode I think you you got to just from the bathroom where that’s happening you got to call an Uber like you got to like you’re out your night’s over yeah I won’t be hitting on those girls that night yeah I think it’s just such dog [ __ ] etiquette not to

    Flush the toilet though so they got a wrong read on you so I maybe would have made a joke about it like hey that toilet is broken and I didn’t break it I wasn’t trying to make friends right after that I was just trying to let

    Bygones be bygones and we can both move on with our night maybe they sure those girls weren’t going to be the one well maybe they maybe maybe they uh realized through their experiences in the restroom that it was a defective flusher you’ll take that though over a a clog an

    Overflow oh yeah overflow well how do you even handle it with the automatic flusher you know say say you plunge it and it works is that the automatic flusher just automatically I just had a maybe a genius idea oh we don’t get many of those from you I know it probably

    Doesn’t work we’d have to have a plumber on but you know fountains like water fountains like outside of a a hotel or whatever office building that’s just it’s not like they’re getting an inflow of water why don’t we just have the toilet set to flush constantly so it’s

    Just constantly taking it out and cycling it through I don’t know how it’ be a lot of water but I feel like you could do it some places could definitely use that like yeah like a Home Depot or something where it’s just always it’s always in flush mode yeah it’s like how

    The F fre breze pluging Glades they just yes they just squirt every couple hours yeah I don’t like it I think that’s a good idea it’s not a terrible idea might I’d have to come up with a water filtration usage system mhm but if you could that could kill two birds with

    One stone if you’re able to separate the waste and recycle that water back into the tank well then you’re you’re saving water and you never have a clog toilet ever again unless you’re like doing some damage damage and you’re not getting embarrassed in you’re not get embarrassed they don’t call him Danny

    Damage for nothing yeah Danny dumps Danny dumps Danny damage uh is that Danny dumps going in the bathroom oh no you know what he’s doing in there he’s call he’s calling Uber speaking of like heavy meals you know what um you know what’s kind of perturbed me for a little bit uh

    Obviously a lot of people [ __ ] on deep dish yeah uh because you know they say it’s heavy which it is um but I feel like and I love Detroit style pizza I think it’s really good I feel like they don’t get enough [ __ ] for being heavy as

    Well and some of them are more Airy than others don’t get me wrong but by and large it’s a heavy style of pizza and they don’t get the heavy wrap like that Chicago deep dish but like cuz you can’t match the denseness of cheese yeah that that cheese adds another pound dude sure

    But lasagna but cuz like what’s that is it pizza friendly pizza pizza Happy Pizza on Western that do the Detroit style have you ever had it no I’ve done it’s like a Ukrainian Village it’s awesome and it is light and fluffy and just a little bit

    Of cheese and it’s like delicious and if you have other Detroit yeah it’s like super dense yeah like if you ever had Jets yeah yeah Jets is good yeah you know but it’s undeniably heavy right you know yeah but I think I could if you’re like eating competition you have to have

    You have to finish a Jets or you know 16in Jets or a 16inch lose I think I’m having an easier time with the Jets it’s almost like if there was like a 500 lb guy in the room and a 300lb guy everyone’s calling out the 500 this gu

    Fat as [ __ ] fair fair but but that doesn’t mean that the 300 pound or he’s healthy he’s fine someone gave me uh the Frozen lose for a Christmas gift um so I had one recently those [ __ ] hit and but like you can’t even you can’t eat one by yourself it’s not a

    Personal size pizza so I think all right you’re you’re probably right now if a deep dish was cold I think you could I’m like skewing the argument I know that does change it I think in your favor yeah cu the problem is is the cheese is

    So stringy it’d be harder to eat fast yeah and I think you would have to ask people from Detroit like our tourists go in their city oh I can’t wait to sell this Detroit style piz and then they’re like oh man that was heavier than I

    Thought you know that is true like I I feel like like I’m going to get a New York slice I’m going to have a Chicago deep dish I don’t think people are like I got to get a Detroit style in Detroit yeah what are they known for another con

    The Coney dogs they do like that I’ve never had one of those in Detroit yeah or like yeah it’s like a chili and cheese kind thing they’re known for those as well maybe it’s just cuz they’re they’re a third place style pizza in terms of Fame not in terms of

    Taste but in Fame I think people do though like I definitely um well when we lived at Greektown Casino for like 3 weeks like it was definitely like oh nice like weing Detroit you know I wonder at what point does a tourist try deep dish because you’re not going to

    Really do it for lunch if you have a whole day planned ahead you going to Navy Pier taking a shot of aort that’s something you might have to end the night with you’re going to want to take a nap after your first depends on your age too cuz I remember like we would

    When we were tourists from the suburbs we would go to like Uno you know like Uno and du like right downtown to have like an authentic Chicago deep dish for dinner uh didn’t depending on what time of day we were there but it was like on the list of

    Things to do it’s going to weigh you down a little man you can’t be going to a Cubs game after two SLI of deep dish but I well that’s your tummy talking but it’s all about how much self-control you have cuz here’s my take on deep dish I

    Think mostly everyone like males M can do two slices no problem okay it’s that third slice that puts you over the edge you agree or not sure I I’m this is specifically for tourists though knowing that they have a day plan like getting beers later it’s just I’d prefer maybe

    Not going in on a full ass stomach also like this the memory that I’m having of doing it when I was a tourist I I was like a kid I was like probably 13 so I was like you just eat all you don’t even give a [ __ ] and that’s another thing

    Tourus calories like they’re not really monitoring they’re going all out on that deep dish and I yeah maybe but I think you could like you’re able to gut it more like you’re able to well yeah it could be your first time having it do you ever do different toppings on your

    Deep dish or you just all cheese cuz I feel like the toppings don’t really work in a deep dish yeah I don’t think they’re good I don’t like topping on deep dish the same that’s the sausage though it’s like a different monster saus the lose when it’s it’s like baked

    In the crust that uh yeah or the people get the the flat sausage on there the sausage patty yeah that’s at the bottom of the Frozen loose yeah he just had it not long ago yeah Big John says he shits all over the yard when he has that from

    Gos East that’s another shame dude I’m actually like gos East but it’s like dying there I think the one in the east side of St Charles is still is it popping there’s like five left I was stunned to see that endangered species it’s sad I think I think their sauce is

    Really good yeah um G is good yeah and they don’t get they don’t like get to love anymore as much I think G oro’s kind of ate them you think so I think I feel like funding and they blew up gonos yeah I feel like their locations are

    Everywhere but I I I do think that when I was young goo maybe it was just a St Charles thing but like goino East was a a bigger deal and then sometime like and towards High School like we got a gonos MH so I don’t know I think I think G just came

    Into their space and killed them and there’s a significant size difference in L and ganos the ganos pieces are [ __ ] enormous wer yeah yeah and things not getting through the door yeah we we said this before broken record but it is it is crazy how like even nationally the

    Italian beef hasn’t overtaken the slice of deep dish for Chicago I think Italian beef is third the dogs are probably pop a regly dog is a Muscat I would say if you’re visiting you think so I think that that’s just standard favorite dog in the city they’re good don’t get me wrong

    Really you pick a wriggly hot dog over any hot dog in the city I would too they’re great and that the ones in the right field um right field like down the right field line in the corner they have the Vienna grilled dogs like they’re [ __ ] awesome and you’re Mr playing

    Guy too so we we differ in here like to me just growing up and going to hot dog stand like in the city like it’s a steam dog like that’s just how youe you prefer the grill taste more I understand I’m not saying you’re right or wrong cuz are

    Both good but to me like a Chicago style hot dog like if you go to a real stand it’s got to be steamed so that’s my that’s my would R’s good but I’d be surprised because to me that’s not the uh yeah I guess but I I and it is

    Probably I would say maybe 95% of the hot dogs I’ve ever had in my life have come off a grill wow because I love like the if it’s a if it’s a backyard yeah what mean obviously yeah that is an interesting act cuz like I you know 95% I think like

    You you didn’t have plac char which I understand yeah I’m probably revers easily yeah probably like more like cuz summer you do Pond a lot of [ __ ] Oscar Myers and [ __ ] so maybe like more like 8515 but the wgly dog too I I feel like I’m always starving when I eat it

    Or you’re or you’re drunk dude and there’s something about the setting too like there is you know like I I love that uh you know Chicago Cut and where it’s like right on the river like it’s great view of downtown like there is something that like your environment

    Adds to the meal and I do think that holds with a wriggly dog over yeah you know I mean you talk about uh like Taurus calories the regular dog never counts does not count and you know what bring another one and a bag of peanuts

    And a couple of beers yeah and that does not count peanuts certainly don’t count no [ __ ] the peanuts like I have to like come up for air and it’s because my mouth is so dry from the I could feel it like in my fingers too from like

    Cracking the the shells he’s got a bed battlefield of Shell Shell at your ankles dude I had a game last year where I almost like I have to stay away from rley for a little while I had a paper cut on my index finger and like

    But I wasn’t going to stop eating the peanuts or just like grinding through that bag or just like literally salting the wound for you know six seven Innings so I’m like I I can’t go to a game the rest cuz I can’t if I go to a game I

    Have peanuts I feel bad for peanuts man why I don’t know they’re just that player that is good and like deserves more but just has like a nagging injury history that you got to worry about and that’s the shells you know like there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be hammering

    Peanuts right now they’re great they are great but you only eat them in a setting where you could be a SLO but you guys make fun of me for but I when we stop at quick trip or all these different places on our little road trips I you guys are

    Getting different than I’m almost always getting peanuts like a bag of planter peanuts it’s different like I like those pistachios are like the rich stepa that came in over I’ve always said has built-in portion control for pistachi because you get annoyed with having that

    Open up I have a bag at home and I just I’m like well this one there’s a half a millimet slit do you know the trick huh you don’t know the trick bite it I don’t know no never bite it you take one of the other shells and just use that as a

    Wedge to pry it open it works so easily you still like need to have nails to do that no all you do is just wet I I wish I had a bag of pistachios right now that’s one of the one times I could feel Elite is when I could just throw a nut

    And be like that’s not worth my na I’m not going to use your trick but like this is one of those things like this is What Separates Me from a gorilla like I know how to use tools I can I’m going to get that pistachio out of there gorilla go hungry

    I’m eating gorilla e or gorilla’s eating the shell yeah probably chomping it they even peeling their bananas yeah that’s true but yeah you’re right like peanuts is not it’s not getting that household attention that it should but I think nuts are still pretty strong like people are eating walnuts pecans it’s supposed

    To be healthy could you imagine the up up like the nut intake that would be like increased if you do that all those [ __ ] kids with their peanut allergies that’s what’s killing peanuts more than anything yeah you’re right and and peanuts man they really only work if you

    Have a place like a ball game where you can just throw the shells on the ground that’s what I’m saying the issue there’s so much other like loose stra [ __ ] that’s why I love the lodge yeah the lodge is great for that poroy reviewed Nicks on Randall Road

    When he was going up to Madison Nix is is like I’ve only been there one time it’s pretty good like Chicago style pizza it’s fine but like that’s a peanut on the ground place like that’s that’s the appeal is like you just go in there and just Chuck your peanuts on the

    Ground you think all those places like tried not making on the ground at first like it’s inevitable the shells are going to get everywhere let’s just let’s just turn into a clean up guy at the end of the shift oh they got to have two

    Terrible damn c a shop shop vac yeah me and Danny went to the lodge after smoke out and we’re just pounded peanuts it was great great spot up the Speak Easy in the back for you uh they had before but not that time they had they had me

    Sign ites they they love us back there that’s awesome yeah no yeah that’s a good group it took the uh we had all these English guys in for an AUM Forest like party and I had I felt like sort of obligated to like show these people a

    Good time cuz they really took care of me when I went to England and Lodge is at like near the top of my list of places to go we talked about it too I think I said I was like I think that’s a good like I think I we talked about

    Maybe yeah I told I was like yeah I think the The Lodges was a good spot it was nice and that’s in kind of like uh cuz you’re not in Oldtown but you’re clo you could walk to Oldtown from there that and there’s like a good stretch of

    Little bars right right around the lodge too Lodge is a great spot yeah it is yeah it’s not too touristy for some reason it’s like it’s so small but it’s never that like you don’t feel elbow to Elbow I feel like it’s like the other ones in that area like Butch m get

    Crazy what’s the up the one right next to mothers Shenanigans there’s one other one that I’m thinking of that a hopsmith a hopsmith that’s what I think of as like Northshore kids go to hopsmith yeah there’s a lot of Northshore kids around there friends like like L are always

    Just hanging around there hang out there um cake eaters yeah yeah nothing against hopsmith but your yeah but your clientele sometimes is C you bring up a good point though like you said before and I actually got into this argument um this weekend it wasn’t really an

    Argument it was just like a you know stating of facts because I tried Rosemary for the first time Joe flam’s place he’s been on the show a couple times yeah um so we went on a Sunday but I guess like and my uh my other friend

    Was like oh I like going like if we’re going to dinner I like to go like on a Friday or Saturday cuz you’re more like at least my group like we’re like we go out on the weekend like we’re not really day drinking that like we get we we

    Drinking that much or like I’d like to have a few more drinks on the weekend but I’m like yeah but then the problem with going to dinner on Friday and Saturday is if you want to go out after you’re like [ __ ] you got a you got a

    Brick in your stomach I I guess for me like the big meal is the go out experience and that’s more than enough you have a few drinks at the table true but then it’s always nice to go to a bar after for a few and then sometimes

    You’re like [ __ ] you feel like [ __ ] cuz you just ate and you’re like I don’t know you know what I mean yeah so like what would you do the Friday Saturday experience comes with a couple cocktails else try out to try out the home like the cocktail menu but like you’ll

    Probably be too full to go for a night cap or like to do the after effect or just like really get the full experience of the meal and not have to worry about huh so like you got to go out or can you just double up the drinks at dinner yeah

    See I prefer that just double up the drinks at but like you just like to go out though I I don’t love bar hopping in general so like I would be if it’s a good group let’s have like a big round table is was it a group or you’re going

    Out like or six of us okay see that that to me is like that’s a dinner party yeah and like you go out you kind of you know split all the appetizers around and you just tie one on you sit I don’t care if that meal takes four hours I kind of

    Prefer that rather than be like ah let’s let’s run across the street for the sake of like yeah we’re having a good time here we’re comfortable here let’s stay yeah and I guess what I I like to change the scene to just like a like look a

    More relaxed like you’re getting out of there like I don’t know free up a table like there’s something to that too yeah there is the free of a table thing to the restaurant I think is probably good you know you want to sit there just drinking the espresso I think like I

    Think Thursday would be my night to do that to do the big dinner yeah over and then have places to go after to bar hop but hard coordinating with other schedules but I think that’s move I think that’s a Sunday a man a late night Sunday dinner with the boys I like that

    Idea though I I feel like it’s too depressing almost you know Monday’s right around the corner you’re monitoring you’re drinking a little more than you would be I I like the idea of doing a Sunday dinner with the boys when football season’s over I’ve probably done that like 80% of Sunday since

    College really yeah like like like four of us or so yeah I think that’s I think that’s great together it’s a great it’s great but that like once a month yeah but it’s hard with like football season like that’s it’s impossible during football season yeah what drink are you ordering with a

    Meal uh I usually like kind of browse theirs if I panic if like you know see what they got like special if I panic I’ll obviously get an oldfashioned um I will say like hog salt and like you know the bats and the Oldtown ale houses of

    The city have unreal penicillin oh yeah yes interesting what’s that again isn’t that like a it’s like lemon um like honey and like something else so that sounds almost like my Gold Rush it’s let me let me a Gold Rush is whiskey lemon and honey M and that’s like the first

    First one I ever had was at travoli Tavern actually oh which the penell no the Gold Rush sorry cuz I had never heard of it and then it was on the menu and then I think we did like a cocktail draft like not long after that and I

    Took it cuz it was it’s become like my drink of choice so this is Scotch ginger and lemon so Ginger kind of kind of similar I don’t love ginger in general M but that is like they s oh honey ginger syrup so yeah it’s kind of kind of

    Similar I don’t know what the big difference between a penicillin and a uh maybe it’s there’s a between whiskey and Scotch that like a a real Drinker would know and I was like I got a scumbag pallet so not us yeah I feel I don’t know it’s a good question I haven’t gone

    Out for a big dinner in a while think I probably got some boxes to check I mean there’s so many places here it’s insane a penicillin try it out if you go to hog Sal any hog Salt restaurant I did go to Toco last weekend but that was kind of

    Spur the moment that place have you been there it’s like uh you’ve been mataro no no I heard good things though yeah Monaro is awesome and this is the same Chef open up a place in on Southport like uh I don’t know it’s very very good very good yeah yeah Rosemary

    Is great obviously yeah um and then my second other thing I wrote down here was I does anybody know how to dispose of batteries does anybody else like how do like I could ask I could ask my brother-in-law works for a pretty big battery company does

    Like how are you supposed to do that I got a hard enough time recycling yeah I don’t and then I looked it up it’s like technically California is the only place where you like have to worry about that yeah but it’s still there always like don’t like I you weren’t supposed to

    Throw them away but then like do you know why you probably know why why why would I know why smarter than I okay yeah uh sometimes sometimes I know things yeah yeah no I don’t know that one I’m sure it’s I mean it’s I’m sure it’s horrible for environment for the

    Soil I’m sure a lot of people don’t even realize either that you’re supposed to dispose them I mean what are you going to do put them in a plastic bag leave them your counter for 6 months this is like thear this is one of those things

    Where it’s like like oh it’s bad for your health you know it’s bad for the planet and it’s like sure but you know what the number one thing is bad for your health is probably just eating sugar and it’s like like maybe I should just not worry about how I’m disposing

    Of the battery until I cut sugar out of my diet you know so baby stats yeah but then you could argue that only affects you versus someone else if a battery’s in a you know shows up in as mercury in my fish next time that’s what I’m saying

    Turtles eating that battery like The Simpsons were three-eyed fish BL exactly what what other things are you supposed to dispose of in a certain way is it like paint or something grease gree that’s for your pipes yeah grease is a [ __ ] it stops me from like

    Making bacon half the time don’t want to deal with this [ __ ] Grease now is that all the time or just like some of the time that could happen with bacon grease yeah so no it’s all the time really but like it’s it’s one of those things that’s like pretty easy fix so

    You’re not going to like be like oh you’re going to [ __ ] up you might clog your pipe and it might you know but depending on what kind of pipes you have under your sink cuz I had I had an issue with this where I had coconut oil actually I

    Put like a glob I can’t remember what I was making but I just poured it down the sink thinking it would not be that big of a deal it was a big deal and it like complet completely clogged and like the drain under you know the pipes

    Underneath my sink like burst but it wasn’t like I fixed it myself me and YouTube fixed it it was not like that big of a problem and then you look it up because then I was like oh what if this happens like with bacon grease and they’re like well you can really just

    Use dish soap break soap grease hot water run it plunge it you should be fine oh okay so like it’s you know don’t take my advice look it up yourself but it’s like it’s not the end of the world if you’re pipes clog see this is why he

    Asked you if you knew about battery recycling when you uh got to the YouTube video how long did it take for them to get to the point that it was a little bit of an intro I’d say the the relevant material in that video was probably like

    45 seconds in and lasted about 30 seconds that’s pretty good actually yeah yeah dude sometimes we get those 10 minut or it’s like I just need jumping on change the [ __ ] headlight on this car yeah it’ll tell you like what you can use coconut oil for before just

    Telling how how to get it out of your sink here’s you could buy it here’s what shelf it’s going to be on here’s what price it’ll be at this store lady I didn’t ask how to buy coconut oil I asked how to get it out of my sink yeah

    It’s a lot of lot of variables I’m just going to start ripping off other how-to videos I’m just going to find out how to do it make my own video where I just cut you chase skin of yeah you don’t need all these free promos at the beginning shouting out

    Their Facebook here where her tits are and you’re not going to be any scratch on it though man it’s for the people I don’t need the scratch it’ll be uh it’ll be low no profits low to no I’ll monetize that [ __ ] um you just do just do doet them on

    Tik Tok be like all right here’s this guy’s taking way too much time here’s how you actually fix your car yeah I’ll put a record scratch there this guy’s talking too much just put like the text like step one this step two that and then you’re done yeah that’s actually

    Not a bad idea not at all they’re freaking out about the coconut oil clogging up their sink the whole time they don’t want to be listening to him promoting his new mixtape whatever it could be his other business I had a Uber driver maybe two or 3 months ago who is

    Like hey man like I’m I can’t I can’t remember his name I wouldn’t say it anyways but he had a QR code which took him to like whatever his YouTube but he was a rapper and he’s like pick out anything and I’m like any like what do

    You mean like just say a word I’m like what like it’s I spy he so yeah I like I spy and I’m like uh mailbox and he did like a 4minute freestyle about my name and mailboxes and it was terrible and it was probably the worst Uber experience

    Of my life cuz it’s like I don’t even want to talk to you but I’m being like serenad with a guy like a guy who’s trying to make it as a rapper like I part of me is like hey like good hustle like you you know you never know but

    It’s like man like that felt like a [ __ ] torture chamber oh yeah I had a talkative one the other week I was ubering to Nick teran’s to sleep over and out of nowhere she was just like pretty smooth ride right I was like yeah five stars she’s like yep everyone says

    That I’m like well do you ask everyone like that or they’re obviously going to be like yes and she just kept going off about how many miles she had how well she takes care of her cars gave me the history of her past past three cars I

    Was like dude give me this [ __ ] sleepover how was the sleepover it was good and Nick apparently started a rumor on the yak that I cried I didn’t cry he made it very believable though uh we just played board games the whole time some video games just you and him no moo

    Rudy oh a whole crew mhm that’s great old school sleepover the best yeah I haven’t had a sleepover we tried prank calling both of you guys actually really and neither of you answered and we we didn’t we didn’t even start 67 we just did like oh moo you don’t have Chief’s

    Number just call him he’s not going to pick up if it’s private and think someone what night was that last Thursday I didn’t get a call maybe we didn’t call you then but we called we went o for like 12 really yeah cold was it cold that’s Friday oh

    It might have been in the morning like what time is it past midnight yeah well that was at 3:15 so you said it was Thursday yeah yeah so I I did have one it is a Philly call yeah that was him yeah but that was yeah that’s a dangerous game you

    Fellas that’s the best part of that was a great part no but if you’re let’s say you’re in bed with a significant other and you you get a name coming through your you know random phone number calling you late night that’s not a great look hey as long as you have

    Nothing to worry about you have nothing anything to worry about but we were just going to tell you that the company is getting new laptops we wanted to know how big you wanted your screen and then it was going to force you how big is a screen normally I was going to whatever

    You said we were going to be like are you sure you want it that big that that was the whole play yeah we’re going to take it from there all right let’s call Chief and ask him how big biggest he wants his new computer to be and be

    Hilarious like you want the standard size keyboard or the new one and then he was going to force you to be like what’s like the new one and we were just going to put you in a mental pretzel while you’re trying I think I could have got

    Out of that one no I don’t know technology dude you if you thought we were going to say we were someone you know from BARC on the tchas side and be like hey Ryan sry for late call I got this last minute uh what screen sized do

    You want your new laptop to be and then you would what what’s the normal screen size I just be like I don’t need a new one like well we kind of have to give the company all new ones we need champ them champ you’re using that huid Packer

    Forever think you would have [ __ ] you would have been Hook Line and siger for that no I would but like that’s I think that fits more in my my argument that because I like you’re asking me computer [ __ ] just whatever it is it’s fine true

    Fair yeah all right then I’m like I hear Danny giggling in the background and knows you [ __ ] [ __ ] um all right everybody thanks for listening thanks for for watching uh really fun interview tomorrow with PFT enjoyed having him on talked for a little over an hour just bullshitting

    About his career and like it’s wild we get into like the company like passed on them and [ __ ] oh really yeah super name names uh yeah he names names he gets into it he gets into the nitty-gritty a little bit okay and just like other fun

    [ __ ] too so tune into that and uh yeah that’s it everybody thanks for listening we’ll see you tomorrow


    1. Eddie going out to dinner on Sunday and then going to Medieval Times on Monday instead of watching football is insane. How can a man who enjoys football do that?

    2. Ryan stole that toilet idea from Romy and Michelle. Holy ol fuck! I’m not a plumber, don’t need to be. Sell your “house”. Relinquish your right to vote. What the hell are you doin trying to influence anything besides the lunch order?

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