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    #propertyinvestment #ukproperty #propertyauctions #propertypodcast

    Good morning beautiful people of the internet and welcome back once more to the Sunday special live joined by these glorious people Helen Charley P renck Adam G Lawrence because he is the G apparently I heard that somewhere myself Jay Howard included um we got the Sunday supplement to burn through and I think

    Adam then has super important things that he has to shoot off for so you’ll be stuck with just the three of us it’s a solid B Team we’re out today I call ourselves a B Team um we’ll try and keep it apolitical um and uh yeah let’s see how we get on

    Adam what’s the news be be for best of course but let’s let’s just get it right top G not just G top G please please thank you uh so um this week interesting week really um we had a little bit of movement the right way downwards in the

    Banks reversionary rate which was down below 8% for the first time in a couple of months that’s right we’re now at a stage where when you drop off a loan the average rate the banks are charging people is 8% and bear in mind that would be for mostly Residential Mortgages so

    Obviously your average bite a letter is paying a bit more so that’s how painful things are still um we also had a bit of a bit of a dichotomous week because we had some slightly improved GDP figures for November although my argument is that’s more driven by inflation being lower

    Than it is by growth being particularly better because we have to remember that real GDP figures are of course adjusted for inflation and that’s probably why December will probably be will probably be okay but on the flip side of that we also had inflation in the US come out

    Once again which seems to happen about every other month at the moment a bit higher than expected and they haven’t had a meaningful move downwards in their core inflation since June last year so I am as I often am completely and utterly perplexed by the rest of the world who

    Is now going inflation will be down to 2% by April and stuff like this because it hasn’t happened in the US yes the US economy is running a lot hotter but also it’s been stubbor in the Euro zone so I don’t see what now suddenly is so magical about the UK especially as

    Historically we’ve had higher inflation than both of those countries um and of course the other event this week that might be inflationary is we scrambled the four fighter jets we’ve got left of our limp Air Force of course and got stuck in in the Red Sea um we have to

    Remember conflict normally brings bond yields downwards and that did happen this week why does that happen because money flocks to safety and government bonds are seen as safe um it’s also usually seen as an event that’s going to harm the stock market which is usually wrong because apart from anything else

    GDP goes upwards in the event of wars I’m hopeful this isn’t going to be too hot but it’s not ideal when you’ve got an Iran funded organization and the US in the UK getting involved um more cynical people than I would point out in this election year and I’m sure there’s

    A an element of looking at the the looming polls and uh I’m not sure this can save sunak to be honest because everyone’s done their de with him even though the vast vast majority of the damage that’s been done has not been done by sunak it’s been done by the

    Idiots before him but unfortunately for him those are the same idiots that he aligns himself with and as someone so eloquently put it to me Partners in property London on Thursday uh they’re two cheeks of the same ass anyway I saw that in my um my Facebook feed um for

    Whatever reason it shows that I must read and listen broadly across the board because the labor party sponsored advert popped up to me today and uh before we came online and there were three 80 comments on this post but I clicked on it and I could because I thought I’ll

    Read the comments and uh I could only see one and you know when Facebook automatically defaults to like most relevant or whatever so I I change the toggle on most relevant to see all comments wondering why 379 comments had been hidden as not relevant um I would characterize

    Probably 250 of them as your supporting genocide in Palestine um screw UK starma basically um and then the others are sort of smattering of similar but less eloquent versions of the two cheeks of the same ass analogy um I think we’ve said it before but I think the the the

    Likely result here is a low turnout and what that leads to we don’t know there are a few pollsters this week predicting it’s kind of like you’ve got start you got you got sunak at about minus 45 I think in the polls and then you got

    Starma at minus 22 so it’s like I so it’s the old letterer of evils argument when you look back you know people like Cameron and Blair were miles in front they had positive popularity or of course thanks to covid and all the rest of it we’ve all just lost faith with

    Governments in general so whoever’s in charge is a problem and I think there’s there’s some element of an argument there but of course the US have got an election this year as well so a little bit of hot action in the Red Sea defending yourself I mean I always knew

    From when I was a kid and you went to self-defense it could actually be quite aive Rive um but that’s nothing compared to the international law version of self-defense which seems to be uh self attack some of the time but but there we go um we’ll see how long that all goes

    On of course oil’s ticked up a bit not a huge amount but a bit but again drawing this back to solely economics um we’re talking about inflationary events here Energy prices are up this month um oil’s going up again not down there’s reasons to be concerned and of course even

    Though the bond yields go down because money flocks in ultimately inflation stronger you know the argument that’s been being used for a long time and I’ll remind everyone we haven’t got a bank of England meeting for three weeks yet and we’ve still got to have that first

    Meeting where the three Hawks don’t vote to put the rate up before we consider the rate going down there’s a lot of as usual disconnected thought that goes on so we may or may not avoid a technical recession we had a three tick up in GDP

    For November which is good news um um but it might should be enough to avoid a technical recession because we contracted .1% in Q3 a lot of this stuff I consider is a bit of a waste of time because 0.1 here or there who cares the problem is we’re averaging around zero

    And our 12 month growth for the economy is 0.2% in real terms now I being a positive glass half full kind of guy would probably put a positive spin on that and say well that’s good actually because we’ve had so much inflation that means we’ve kept pace with inflation

    Which is incredibly good actually but the conspiracy theorist in me still believes that 4% inflation is a secret Target that is risky but they need something to try and inflate this debt away otherwise the fiscal drag is going to destroy economic performance in the US and the UK at some point over the

    Coming decades and although we could say the politicians don’t care about stuff like that I don’t think they want to be looked back on in history as the people who fiddled while Rome burnt sort of thing and they’ve got to be a bit careful about that the other bit that I

    Went into in some detail was the bank of England now have a Blog that they’ve had for a while it’s called Bank overground um so it’s not what uh you do when there’s a tube strike uh it’s it’s actually the bank sharing their thoughts that are informing their strategic

    Decision making quite useful and there was a recent piece um in December which is basically talking about because the mortgage rates are going up how much is consumption going to go down that’s the real question they were looking at because households have got so much money um and

    They actually captured some data in terms of what people said that they really did so for every 100 pounds that went up in your mortgage if it went up in 2023 or or the first half of 2023 I should say you cut about 50 PS from your monthly expenditure that was what the

    Average household did so you might think where did the other 50 pounds come from well either you borrowed it you took it out of your savings or you got paid more and therefore you had that extra money to spend but that’s a little bit of a

    Measure of how much does it impact the economy and I do like the the idea of the overground series because it shares the the insights and more more of them have been about property in the past 12 months than for a very long time so I’m

    Going to be looking into that a bit more in future I also had a bit of a snipe at Right Moves three most important things for the rental market this year because none of them looked like they should really be in the top three to be honest

    But they were affordability will be a challenge is something I directly disagree with because no one is talking about how much affordability has gone up and the the the Bible of statistics on this stuff is the on real household disposable incomes that are now at a record high so whilst everyone’s busy

    Moaning about cost Del living crisis and all the rest of it on average the average person is doing better I think that actually some probably some bad spending habits have crept into people’s budgets probably because they’ve had free money from the government and I’m sorry to sound like such a miserable git

    On that front but that is really what I believe um and I think people need to manage their own household budgets better it’s as simple as that um the cost of living crisis as far as the stats say is officially over and there’s now of course there’ll be people

    There’ll be a small percentage of people who are still impacted really negatively but I think people need to slap themselves around the face start from square one and and have a real look at their household spending and budgets apart from anything else um they also mentioned the renters Reform Bill is

    Meaning that people are going to scale back on EPC upgrades which makes as much sense as the way I’ve just said it I it makes no sense at all I can’t see the two things really being correlated I think landlords are just put spending on hold because they

    Don’t need to do it legally now anymore um until there’s a change of government most likely um and I can’t even remember the third one it was such a filler of column inches so that’s how how weak that was but Right Moves analysis right moov are such a monopolistic company

    Because Zupas analysis is about 100,000 times better and right mov don’t do anything about it they just know that they’re the incumbent on the sales side and there you go I think the third one was yeah pricing pricing things realistically or something like that but I mean like the market were putting a

    Guide how to uh sell the property in the auction and like the ultimate guide how to sell the property in the auction and while doing research uh came across right move article and that article is saying oh you need to dress up the property uh before you put it into

    Auction I be like what this is insane don’t do that it’s like the reverse of the poor ribons you know you do dress it up you just don’t dress it up like a like a normal sale you dress it like an auction sale spray spray paint on the floor

    White was walls or whatever yeah yeah yeah oh some of those articles are just funny and like you said I just filler words brilliant we are possibly losing Adam now it’s 9:20 so I said he might be going around that oh well now we have to take over morning about right move

    Economy I’ll be honest I spend a lot of time I I I look at the the right move and zuper data and the zuper data is pretty much taken from um uh the uh it’s gone straight out my head they get their data straight from land registry there you go that took far

    Too long to get out my head sorry child was awake at 5:00 am and I’ve been watching Peppa Pig just as an excuse for my terrible mental capacities this morning they get it straight from there but um I was talking to someone who does um who works in in the data field in

    Terms of like cation purification measurements all that kind of stuff and they said that the land R data is appalling especially when you consider how they record commercial property transactions because they don’t record them properly all the time and then you um then it’s recording hmos and things

    Like that apparently they’re not very good at recording that kind of data um and uh recording auction transactions or trying to record backto backs they don’t most of the time if you’re doing a backtack uh a trade like we would do it um with us being the the person that

    Gets skipped over for for stamp Duty purposes they almost don’t register that either which which I think is problematic because it makes it difficult if there is a limited uh title guarantee issue you can’t do full rot of title if you skipped over our transaction you don’t see who the person

    Well it’s it’s it’s problematic but um and they so I I wonder how then you kind of have to hope that the people at zuper are really really very good at kind of duping that information applying um Market sensitivity so trying to figure out well this is what we’ve

    Actually seen marketed and listing this is what the agents are telling us when the sale goes through or when pric has dropped and things like that so hopefully they’re taking the root information from Land reg applying their own internal data and coming up with something that’s somewhat useful but um

    I I remember I was working for an auctioner um this was almost 10 years ago I started working for them on the 17th of February 2014 some dates you just don’t forget um the date I entered hell no no it’s um uh working in an auction company any

    Auction Company is a crucible it’s an absolute Tempest of fire and brimstone because everything moves so fast anyway I started working there and not the first person I spoke to on the phone but one of the first conversations I heard one of the sales guys having um when

    This kind of conversation happens they put the person on speaker phone the whole office goes quiet and we listen and this person was like well I’ve got this three-bedroom house I can’t remember it was some place in London Southeast I think um and the zlet estimate for my house is 560,000 or

    Whatever it was and the guy um the guy I’m talking about who put the call on on on speaker phone was an absolute ass still is doesn’t work for that auctioner anymore thank god um and he basically tore the entire estimate down like he

    Went at that point we had lwn res as an agent you have the background data for right move which means you can see historical transactions and literally just tore down that 560,000 to it’s probably worth 420 and that’s if you’ve tarted it up um and that’s kind of that

    Was my first real impression of how bad the uh zupa price estimate um mechanisms on their website work but you can’t really take taint that data with the the market data they put out because it is really really very very different that’s my also think that a

    Lot of things have changed since like whatever 10 years ago and even now when you get an estimate from like H track or um or even like property data does give pretty good estimates of uh property values obviously then to look into the tiny bits of details about the flat does

    It have parking does it have extra Garden does it have all those kind of things that will affect the value but they will affect the value like 10% either side it’s not going to be gigantic so um I think the estimates have in been like much better in the last few

    Years are you using much of that hen like no just I just I’ve been on the other side of it in terms of like it’s funny isn’t it like there’s there’s kind of people that are in the business and what we know and whether it’s reliable

    Or not and then there’s what the lay person believes and every like residential place I’ve ever sold like of my own I’m talking not investment but of my own like zup’s been been way off on the downside and I’m not just saying that like I you know may I have

    Spreadsheets of these things I know know what every house on that road pound per square foot is worth and then so trying to convince you know somebody that you’re selling it to that this is actually the appropriately priced is um been challenging you can actually you can actually you can actually submit a

    Request to ZL change your oh I’ve had them oh yeah oh yeah I’ve sent them all my data I’ve sent them historical data they’re not good in my experience not many people are oh wow oh W but um yeah i’ seen the comments that we started David Tate has started a

    Really good Trend good morning from Chesterfield and good morning from Sheffield oh that’s nice to know where everybody is hi and I guess is probably in London WI a there’s a good Northern contingent yay pling South London I bet so um yeah it’s a nice um nice trend on the on the

    Charts um great well I think uh I where are you P back in Portugal yeah I’m back in Portugal back in my desk feels like work is Flowing now full force with your little suspect plant in the background a couple suspect plants I promise it’s not marijuana um brilliant um good stuff well

    Um it’s uh it’s good to see someone of those uh of those people from the north because I we actually planning a couple of events that uh will be spread St with Omar and safe uh more details will come soon but uh yeah how’s the YouTu Channel

    Going it’s uh it’s going uh pretty good uh need 200 subscribers and um yeah the videos also I think are getting better I think we’re getting better at that we’re enjoying it I think that’s the that’s the part that’s you know um we’re enjoying it so that that is that’s good it’s it’s

    Actually really fun to kind of um we all kind of come from reviewing properties where the auction or otherwise with different hats on yeah and different ways of looking at things um but yeah the the last set of recordings we did recently haven’t been released yet they

    The last one especially got a little bit spicy so so so one one is com tomorrow one is coming tomorrow it was Jay’s big and it’s in London and it’s messy proper messy I I think people want to watch that episode to tomorrow at 700

    P.m. that’s all I can say I’ve not been notorized to release more information where abouts in London Jay or is it SEC uh it’s an NW postcode and it’s close to the a406 is uh that doesn’t narrow it down for Northwest London but still yeah not my Nea Woods

    Then no although um I did see something your voxel or your place’s voxel Victoria Vox it’s one of the V yeah I saw something in voxal um I think it was in savil I was going to send it over to you but it looked crap so I didn’t send it

    Over and not the the wrong kind of crap it’s not the right kind of crap for auction it looked crap for auction but you know what I mean yeah yeah but I think that property tomorrow that’s going to be a a good like seeing how it

    Does in the auction it’s going to be a good barometer how all other properties are going to do because normally if the market is a bit wobbly those uh messy properties don’t do very well because people tend to stick with the simple ones um but if those Mery properties do

    Well and then that means probably most of the other things are going to do well as well just because the trend is kind of like there’s more positivity in the market so I think that would be a good that would be a good barometer be fair be

    Fair po we don’t know how messy is just yet because there was no legal pack the legal pack could surprise us if it has relevant and necessary seems when the receivers are going to give you uh relevant all documents we’ve from those receivers before J we’re two weeks into

    The new we’re two weeks into 2024 and you’re all negative I’m I’m thinking possibility I’m thinking let’s make something great happen you’re like oh but John hyper realist hyper realist it could happen it could those things don’t don’t eliminate itself you know they can be hyper realist and

    Optimistic they are not the same ass cheeks on the same [ __ ] are they they’re not the same cheeks those are completely different cheeks water I’ve never heard that phrase before but it’s one of those that’s just gonna itation I can now I’m abs for the next

    10 days that’s all people are can hear from me so maybe we should get may we should get people who are listening to this to kindy to share like what’s what’s going on are you still keeping up with your New Year’s resolutions if anyone does that personally I think New Year’s

    Resolutions are pissed but what I do like is what goals you setting what are you looking to achieve in q1 do you break it up by quarter do you break it up monthly do you just have a General goal where you don’t break go down into the kpis and the details what’s everyone

    Up to is everyone still going to the gym is that something that’s happening that’s normally that’s normally a January thing isn’t it I don’t know yeah God to be honest one thing that I was really curious about is uh how it happen that the tax year in the UK is from like

    The 5th of April or 6th of April uh because actually that’s quite a good time to be making uh kind of of goals resolutions and stuff like that when things are like it’s a spring and and things are growing and I want that uh has that been uh some astrological has

    That been some astrological influence on the tax system in the UK or is it uh what’s uh is it a question for chat GPT what’s that it’s definitely a question for chat GPT because originally um April wasn’t considered the new year at least um not since like the GRE or Roman times those

    Empires but previously um in the esoteric uh what they would Now call Pagan teachings um April was the um the new year was the rebirth and all that kind of stuff col star and things like that um and those are kind of teachings that have changed and Christianity stole

    A big chunk of stuff from uh Christmas which was um satalia um and and all those other kind of things it’s interesting it’s all rehashing of the same story you go back far enough and you look at the uh Egyptians and Osiris being reborn and born of a virgin mother and blah blah

    Blah blah blah yeah two cheeks of the same AR J two cheeks of the same AR yes they are oh wow I think that ass has got many [Laughter] cheeks um every week we do a summary of this um of of each episode we put it through the AI that summarizes it and

    Stuff like that I’m looking forward to the summary from this week you should images as for images as well oh he’s back he’s back I’d really like to see how it interprets um two cheeks of the same answer abely brilliant chat no one got a sense of

    Humor I think find out you could probably you could train it to have a sense of humor but I imagine it’s default setting is probably German you know not really uh not really big with the humor it’s funny actually I’ve been I’ve used it to to write a couple of Po

    Just like short posts when I’ve just got I don’t know like a meme or something to share and I’ve put in write a social media Post in the style of Helen Charley and chat gbt’s version of in the style of Helen Charley is just to smother it

    In emojis it’s like oh wow same American dble it definitely thinks I’m American same American cheesy driil but just splattered with Emojis like okay thanks so have when when you do that have you have you trained it by um putting in previous posts saying this is how Helen

    Charlee writes that all that training thing load up actually I’ve had it load up like proper my property investor news articles and things like that but it I can’t say it’s working fabulously so yeah it spit something back out and I say another another another again funnier like less cheesy

    Less American and after about yeah 10 goes we get something and I’m like oh I’ll deal with this and just rewrite it myself and so hence yeah used it for about three points I I like using um I like using it to kind of because sometimes it would just structure

    Something even if not all the words are right or it needs to change of tone because yeah basically starting an entire thing off of putting the structure of it is the part that I find takes the longest if I’m drafting something out so this kind of just cuts

    That time down massively even if I have to go over it twice um normally what we’re left with is something that I had kind of instructed it to put out but B I’ve kind of taken all of the bits out there that are in congruent or don’t

    Match my style and things like that so I think if people are looking to treat it as you give it the information perfectly and it spits out perfectly it just doesn’t work like that no it’s always gonna you always need that human touch to make the article relatable yeah I

    Have used it more actually so I’ve started you know I’m on my menopause Mission um on menopause information sharing Mission I’ve started a new Instagram helipa and I’ve used it for that where I’m just getting factual information or five top tips or something that’s just you know quite information based I’ve

    Used it a lot for that and that’s that’s been an amazing time saer and then just again tweak it accordingly but that’s been really useful and give me a follow hello PA hell hell brilliant um there’s a I saw um an advertising of an app that allows you to just speak like

    Make voice notes but like all rumbling all kind of stuff and then those Rumblings are then organized into kind of notes and stuff like that and you just keep it uh it and then it can combine all kind of notes and then you just you just speak to the phone

    Like need to share that because I’ve used let me get let me get an affiliate link two seconds let me make some money out of this a Traer um I’ve used otter but the stuff again that otter spits back at you take so much editing afterwards but oh guys’s giving us a comment

    Here yes uh hello guy I started new resolution on the 8th January last year I decided to try fasting for 16 hours to day for three months this week I passed 12 months on my of my 23rd resolution and haven’t filed for one day wow wow

    Quite proud of myself my wife jul loves JG show one of our friends and they said yes what about if you were writing it as an 11y old boy i. our sons Julie put it in to ride as an 11y old boy and wife it was amazing cool 8th of January is a

    Great day to do anything really just saying thank you for all your wishes by the way everybody thank you yeah how did you celebrate Helen do you know what it was the most horrific weather here it was absolutely awful it was proper British weather so uh we’re

    Going to go to this actually yeah I had a I had a really miserable birthday there we go really miserable birthday so we’ve postponed it and going to do something when the weather gets nicer S I just wrote the day off it was so [ __ ] I’m like yeah like this isn’t

    Happening like let’s postpone it fasting I’m big into fasting guy I’m there with you there’s an amazing book she looks around to see if she got it my bookshelf over there um because women have to fast differently this is all part of my menopause Deep dive um

    Women have to fast differently to men women can’t or shouldn’t the optimum way for women to fast is not every day men can do because of your testosterone levels and that that gets circulated every 24 hours with women in our cycles and the hormones going up and down at different levels

    Over the cycle you shouldn’t fast uh yeah it’s not optimal to fast every day for a woman and there’s certain times during the month that you shouldn’t fast so there’s a really good book I’ll try and put the Link in fast like a Girl by Mindy pelts she did an amazing podcast

    With Steven Bartlett um that’s what got me into it I listened to it and I went straight into a 36 hour fast don’t actually recommend i’ build up to it that was a bit extreme um shared it with a friend and she did the same there’s something com really

    Compelling about that about that podcast sent it to my friend yeah Mindy pelts yes Helen Hudson’s just commenting there yeah Mindy p Health yeah amazing I sent it to my friend and then she did it too and it’s yeah it’s a it’s a for a menopausal woman I had to

    Tell you it’s a game changer I’ve lost 11 kilograms heily but I’ve been doing um intermittent fasting now since um I think towards the end of October um and there have been some days where I haven’t kept up with it like a date night or whatever you just got but um

    Overall um I don’t measure myself because uh it’s uh I fall into negative habits with that kind of stuff but I can definitely tell that I’ve lost um big chunk of weight cool but I’ve uh rowing I’m doing free weights and kettle bells so hopefully convert the chunk into to Hunk amazing James said he’s amazing gos he’s on track with Tim gos so onun a 70 meter Ultramarathon Papa me mile meters yeah if it’s meters not that Ultra even even I could run 70 meters I mean I’d be huffing and puffing halfway through but 70 is possible no what James is planning is is insane but it’s brilliant James are you running up for a charity you’re

    Doing fundraising you’re doing anything like that share share links with us it’s big deal like stuff like that brilliant and he mentions the um property and papadon meeting is actually one of the property sisters mentioned it this week I think she met Rod there um Suzanne hello Suzanne if you if you’re watching

    I’d like to get along to one of those once I’m uh I’m back in theuk that was their inaugural Kent one I’ve been I’ve been aiming to get up to the one that’s a little bit further north but um I I keep I keep forgetting when it is

    Yeah it’s a great idea do like a curry so oh yeah seems like Simon’s up for the 70 miles meters to be clarified Marathon Marathon no so I mean this uh I’ve got to uh this this whole Health thing is a big change for me so I’m

    Looking for that um I’m still healing from the broken leg it’s not 100% but it’s it’s far better than it was cool um yeah maybe I’ll do something with the new found Vigor and strength and blah blah blah who knows posting like before and after pictures half naked and sat on the back

    Of motorbike so and things please no no no nothing like that no no freshly caught fish either um I just keep it just keep it normal I’ll just start feeling good about myself and see where that takes me that’s good that’s good amazing um oh Sheffield okay I knew

    It was some I knew it wasn’t too far from me yeah this Wednesday thank you Helen Sheffield property Oh’s property in poons this Wednesday so if you’re up north check it out it does hottest new networking agent in the UK interesting he he’s edited it’s not agent yeah good

    Good also on an intellectual standpoint uh today is the end of the two for one sale at audible so if anyone wants to double up on their uh on their reading that is a good that is a good reminder thank you so many books of Christmas I have downloaded a book

    Called exercise and it talks about how exercise is not that good for you my kind of book I can’t read at the moment called cognitive bias P you see you seek what you find don’t you you seek what you find yeah yeah yeah there is some have you ever seen

    That Meme where they go through like the guy who invented the treadmill died at 63 and this and that and the other it’s quite amusing actually it’s the Law of Attraction Adam that’s what P’s doing he’s attracting it must have access to some pretty incredible stuff to keep them going or

    Whatever but given that they were always s with Big Macs and cokes and all the rest of it 99 and 93 and still going strong it’s not a bad innings for men is it let’s face it but I was enjoying I was enjoying sorry G yeah I’m not talking about all

    Exercise I’m just talking about certain things that people do that think they’re healthy but they’re not healthy right right fair enough there’s a lot of that there is yeah I was enjoying the fasting chat there I heard what was uh what was going on um I was going to say

    I first I first tried it back in 2012 um at the back end of 2012 because I was on a flight and I I listened to the Michael mod L BBC documentary which is like one of the first things that was ever done on it something like uh yeah I can’t

    Remember what it’s called now eat eat fast slow something can’t remember but um it’s a good program anyway and obviously full of full of sort of scientific each information although at the time there was nearly no scientific studies about it or anything else but I did it for three months solid in early

    2013 and I lost three stone by sticking to it religiously that was a f that was the five and two um and on the on the on the fat days you still have 600 calories so it’s not like you don’t have anything and I would just survive on survive on

    Soup and Cups of Tea really pretty much on those days but it was one of those things where I I didn’t I didn’t most people who talk about it have done it for a while it’s a lifestyle thing really and therefore you’ve got to keep

    It up um it’s so much better than things like you know the Cambridge diet and stuff like that meal replacement things because they’re just not sustain you you you almost you can you can lose a lot of weight on them quickly but if you say

    You can lose a lot of weight in four months you then need to spend four months getting your metabolism and your body back to normal so you can have a function or the Sy things that they drive so you need to stay on the products even in maintenance mode

    Basically forever got customer for life you know and yeah it’s just not the not the way forward so I but I think your mic is oh is it sorry perfect perfect um yeah but I uh I found that the benefits really were much more than weight related it was really energy

    Level related and things like that it was incredible absolutely incredible yeah yeah I still do it unfortunately these days I do it intermittently so intermittent fasting intermittently is probably not ideal but I’m I’m saying that because I had I was a bit easier on myself over Christmas but I had a pretty

    Good run with it in 2023 and I’m definitely looking to uh to press on in 2024 and wait wait is one part but you know I’m I’m I’m annoying in that 5 o’clock in the morning I’m full of beans but I’m also 3:30 in the afternoon I’m

    Ready for a kip you know so um it’s managing that afternoon flat spot that it really helped me with in a big way yeah that that’s been the biggest that’s what’s kept me doing it like yes I wanted to lose weight and at this age that I am all the home changes with

    Menopause everything that I would do before was no longer working which is Uber frustrating and Uber depressing actually because normally I’d do more cardio cut the carbs it would drop off no problem didn’t work didn’t work at all last January this time last year I

    Went I did cardio uh not every day but I’d say 28 out of 31 days didn’t lose a pound so that’s when I’m like okay something else is going on let’s check this out but so once I started the fasting it’s exactly that Adam and actually I’m very energetic today

    Because I didn’t eat last night sometimes I do like a 24hour fast so eat earli in the day and then like skip all day till dinner the next day and my energy is off the charts it’s amazing so it does some incredible things to your brain doesn’t it whatever

    Hormonally is going on once you push past that sort of 24-hour flat spot that you sometimes get it can be it can be really phenomenal can it yeah she she talks about actually what the different lengths of fast do for different um things in your body so there’s better ones for weight loss

    There’s ones where it’ll just like reset all your gut microbiome there’s ones if you want to like improve like your brain I think autop fasia kicks in after 17 hours she goes into all the detail it’s such a good book well worth well worth looking at I I read a book some I

    Suppose it’s helpful to share something that wasn’t helpful rather than all things that were but I definitely recommend people looking it up but there there is a book called delay don’t deny that was championed because it was written by um an America a non-d doctor who just discovered fasting and it

    Worked really well for her and she’s adopted it as part of her lifestyle but the central message of it you can probably tell is you can have what you want but you just have to delay when you eat it and I found for me that absolutely didn’t work because even if I

    Fasted 23 hours hours and eight for an hour in that hour I could eat three and a half thousand 4,000 calories if I had everything that I wanted and if I did that my BMR is not three and a half thousand 4,000 calories I don’t do enough moving around and enough exercise

    And I’m too old realistically so I I was putting weight on using that philosophy and realized pretty quickly I was like it’s not a hack for being able to eat anything you want and just the time window thing it’s just a it’s a philosophy isn’t it really

    That’s what it is it’s a scho of thought really I mean but I do I do think it’s got lots and lots of benefits but you also find you’re ramming the water in like you never you never have before especially in the summer it’s like

    You’re up to sort of three and a half four liters a day no no problem but I’ve been surviving on um trying to keep the fast cleaning is something that somebody advised me that seem to work well so I switch down from having normal Cups of Tea to peppermint tea um because there’s

    No milk in it and that worked quite well for me as well yeah yeah and then actually how you break the fast as well because when I did that 36 hour one I hadn’t read the book I just listened to the podcast obviously got to the end of it and was

    Like with just like oh like I mean bad naughty [ __ ] and it’s like yeah that was that’s not really the way to do it so yeah I’m I’m in the process of just trying to um cut out um breads and sugars I’m not not kind of

    I don’t want to make it um so that I don’t have any sugar or any bread but I’m just trying to control it yeah um so that that’s uh I’m not doing the sixh hour window just to eat any old thing um but it’s kind of it’s an evolving thing

    Once I’ve got the Habit down of I eat between now and now and I don’t need to eat outside of that that was the important habit I felt like I needed to create to start things off then I could start Focus in more on okay well if I

    Eat this uh it I feel better for longer if I eat that I don’t and then I just it becomes a process of elimination um I think that’s a good way to do it I tried to cut out sort of unnecessary bread or like just slices of

    Toast or whatever things like that years and years ago but I make sure if I’m going to have it it might be like a nice French stick or something that’s freshly baked so that at least if I’m having the bread I’m making the most of it and of

    Course that hasn’t necessarily got all the Preserve atives and the stuff that’s especially in the white bread that that makes it very difficult to process and makes you feel sluggish and all the rest of it you know but I can’t say I don’t have bread at McDonald’s when we go in

    There so still need to work on that one although I did have a um a keto Double Quarter Banda with cheese no bum and McDonald’s seriously need to be pressured to work better on that stuff because if you go to Five Guys they offer you your voice is G again

    Sorry they they offer you a nice lettuce wrap Burger in Five Guys um and it’s not it’s done really really well it’s a great place to go for a bunless burger whereas in McDonald’s it’s awful absolutely awful it’s stuck to the box it’s just they might it’s absolutely

    Terrible not that you can really compare a Five Guys in a McDonald’s burger because they’re just you know it’s like it’s like comparing you know a studio flatten Manion yeah I’m I’ve never I’m never gonna forget this saying it’s changed my life I’m so happy whoever told you that told you

    That so you could tell us it as well I feel like you need to write a post about it Jay because some of those pictures that you find to like put go with your post had a really good one for that done done when I heard it I did think that’s

    Got Jay Howard written all over it that has it really really has it’s a proper signature phrase isn’t it a Jay Howard special absolutely stunning absolutely stunning I think you should just I’m gonna have to shoot off again guys sorry for being a bit disjointed this morning but I I’ll still be

    Listening to the chat I might be able to sneak the odd comment in not sure if it’ll bit of any value but I’ll keep it in my ear but um I’m gonna have to shoot off the camera anyway thanks folks cheers um guys dropped a a long comment

    About ultramarathons and now he’s also training for team fitness challenge scoring points and all kind of things more of this comment on uh I think cut through halfway through but more of this comment on my Facebook and you can read the whole comment there thanks for commenting guy well done on your challenge

    Yeah so uh I’m uh I’m about to start reading a book and I’m saying it ominously like this because it was a book that was recommended to me I don’t know maybe 15 years ago and I never I never thought about it again I’m I’m just

    Um let me just I get the details here um and then I saw a list on bookt so Tik Tok has got like uh different communities and I just listen to what everyone’s reading it’s it’s it’s really sad but I really enjoy it and um I was I

    Was at the property investor Awards I was sitting on Helen’s table and I was probably in the best sandwich of that table I had Helen on one side and i’ had Amy rolinson on the other side and it was it was a brilliant night and um Amy’s always brilliant conversation um

    And she said what are you what what’s what are you reading now so I’m just finishing this fantasy series I’ve been reading it’s 14 books it’s a marathon blah blah blah um but I’m moving from that as a pallet cleanser to as a man thinketh from uh and from poverty to

    Power and she said okay that’s not a pallet cleanser Jay this this book will rock your world uh the book is by a guy called James Allen so the title is as a man thinketh and from poverty uh and from poverty to PO that’s the whole title there

    Um it’s it’s I’m scared to read it now based on what um Amy has said because I’ve I’ve read some of um reviews uh and they’re pretty much all five star um it’s like it’s 4.6% reviews on on on Audible so there’s a a two for one sale on Audible at the

    Moment uh and if you’re feeling brave and you want a real kind of a mindset jol um this is apparently the book this is the book so if you’ve got if you got is it one book with a long title or is it one book with a long title yeah okay

    So it’s I’ll bring it up to the so it’s as a man thinketh and from poverty to power um I I I don’t even know why and it was about must have been 15 or 16 years ago someone recommended me this book the audio book is four and a half

    Hours so it should be a quick yeah it’s manageable but um this uh yeah this this is kind of this this this feels like it’s going to be that’s one oh God here it comes she’s been up since 5 this morning hello um so yeah that would be my book

    Recommendation if you have a couple of credits going spare um definitely uh definitely have a think about about that I’ve not read it yet so this is a recommend I kind of want people to come along the journey with me that sounds like I’m a real scaredy cat

    But uh Amy put the fear of whatever is in me just was like yeah yeah you need to make sure that you read this but it’s it’s it’s it’s a small book but everyone all the comments like it’s pure gold it’s so wise it’s you know it’s a real

    Mental shock and it gets you where you want to go so there’s some really good positive comments about it you guys reading anything interesting that the two for one I don’t know if it’s which is why I say if you have a spare credit I think it’s worth a spare

    Credit brilliant I got the um I got bought the book manifest by Roxy nefzi so I’m GNA start that actually I’ve got literally I’ve got about five books on the go at the moment um but lots of the property sisters like Kim upala I know

    Read that and loved it so much and then went on the call with that lady so I’m really looking forward to reading that and I bumped into the lovely Emanuel Ezekiel Before Christmas at the airport and he gifted me a copy of his and Julie hogbins book so thank you for that

    That’s on my list and there’s something else there something else I’m should have got given another one don’t know but yeah it’s all um money and wealth and spiritual stuff manifesting that’s my vibe at the moment amazing amazing well let’s uh let’s compare notes soon on those books feel

    Like you should start your own book club Jay yeah the the Temptation actually is is is pretty damn high I would I I would do something like that but the the thing is my one of my not it’s not a New Year’s resolution one of my goals this year is to write a

    Non-property non-m mindset book so I’m forcing myself back into some creative writing I’m trying to reignite some fires and see what what what I can produce loveely and I’ve started writing one and if you can believe it or not it’s uh already quite smutting so but I

    Hear there’s a I hear there’s a pretty strong marketplace with some rather spicy um fiction so uh by the end of the year let’s see how far I get Okay guys well let’s wrap up for today uh everyone thank you so much for your comments and Ruth Ruth hi Ruth Ruth Ruth is on Ruth Ruth up for it Mills and Boon Mills and Boon I’ve got one customer okay I was thinking yeah women of a

    Certain age Jay you might have a yeah good audience though well let’s see hopefully we’ll see if we can get every single one of the property sisters Juniors and seniors to buy a copy when it comes out let’s uh amazing okay thanks everyone and we

    Will see you all next week have a lovely Sunday thank you everybody thanks for your comments

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