Dive into the enthralling world of ancient secrets with our latest video, “THIS Discovery in Egypt Will Change Our View of the PAST.” This feature presents a groundbreaking discovery in Egypt that is set to redefine our understanding of history.
    In this video, we unveil an exceptional find that has captivated the world of archaeology. Join us as we explore how this remarkable discovery in Egypt was made by a team of dedicated archaeologists, and why it’s considered a game-changer in historical and archaeological studies.
    The recent archaeology discoveries in Egypt have always fascinated us, but this particular find has created an unprecedented buzz in the history community. We delve into the details of this archaeological find, examining its implications and how it fits into the grand tapestry of human history.
    From the intricate process of unearthing this discovery to the analysis and interpretation of its significance, we provide an in-depth look at this historical milestone. This video is perfect not only for archaeology enthusiasts but also for anyone with a keen interest in the mysteries of the past.

    This discovery in Egypt isn’t just about adding another artifact to our collection of archaeological finds; it’s about rewriting history and providing new insights into the lives of ancient civilizations. It challenges established narratives and invites us to view the past through a different lens.
    Featured on our history channel, this video is an invitation to journey through time and rediscover a chapter of the past that has remained hidden until now. It is a celebration of the continuous quest for knowledge and understanding that drives the field of archaeology.
    Subscribe to our channel for more fascinating content on archaeology discoveries and historical insights. Stay tuned for more updates as we unravel the secrets of the past, one discovery at a time.

    #DiscoveryInEgypt #Archaeology #ArchaeologistsDiscovered #Discovery #History

    Ooh the secret of the cursed Garden not only ancient artifacts and inscriptions can carry curses deep in the Armenian mountains in an abandoned Valley a Mysterious Garden has been discovered which archaeologists estimate is more 800 years old according to ancient local Legends each plant in this

    Garden has its own curse imposed by a once powerful magician the garden abounds in rare plants some which are not found in other parts of the world scientists and botanists are puzzled as to how these species could survive for so long without human care locals meanwhile avoid this place telling

    Stories of strange accidents befalling those who trespass on the gardens plants The Mystery of the cursed Garden in Armenia is of keen interest both among researchers and among lovers of mysticism however so far archaeologists are in no hurry to study this area because in addition to PL and there

    Should also be archaeological artifacts that belong to the ancient people who lived there and cursed this place inscription from the necropolis of shik Abdul kerna shik Abdul kerna an ancient necropolis in luxur Egypt is famous for its tombs with inscriptions intended to deter robbers the national museum of Scotland houses a unique slab

    With one of these Texs it says pass by and don’t touch even the slightest stones here if you come across this Stone do not step over it know that the gods who rest in the mountains are gaining strength every day despite the fact that their stones are carried away

    Written in hieratic scripts this warning states that removing even one stone from the tomb will anger the gods and spirits of The Departed however given that the slab was moved to Scotland without apparent consequences it seems that the ancient warning may not be taken seriously bby’s stoop chair at TH Museum

    In North Yorkshire an old wooden chair with a dark history hangs on the wall this ominous object is known as the Busby stoop cheer or the Dead Man’s cheer they say that this damn cheer brings death to those who dare to sit on it in 1702 Thomas buby was convicted of

    Murder according to one version he was arrested in a Local Tavern where he was sitting on his favorite chair at the time of his arrest Busby cursed it over time the old Busby pop seat began to be link to the untimely death of those who sat on it for example several Canadian

    Pilots sat on this cheered during World War II and were soon killed in bombing raids although mortality among wartime Pilots was already high several fatal car accidents and other tragic death in the 1970s were direct linked to stool eventually the pub owner donated it to the museum to prevent further

    Tragedies the curse of aan hotep’s Tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt lies the tomb of aan hotab shrouded in dark Legend an ominous inscription is cared on the walls of the Tomb warning of dire consequences for those who dare to disturb the Peace of the pharaoh’s

    Eternal sleep according to the curse any robber will lose his Earthly wealth die in the sea waves burn in Flames leave no descendants be deprived of burial and die of hunger in addition the bones of the Intruder are threatened was destruction foreshadowing a Terri find fate in the afterlife and this is only

    Part of the terrible predictions other Horrors await anyone who dares to disturb the Pharaoh of course there were no officially documented DS associated with these curses for now would you dare to visit this tomb write in the comments under the video ancient Jewish curses in ancient times on Mount ibal in

    Israel archeologist Adam zerle discovered a lad tablet dating back to the mid 13th century BC recently recently an international team of scientists including check Specialists revealed the mystery of this tablet using xxray tomography Daniel vck a participant in the study said the text was written on a lat sheet which was

    Then folded to hide the content the size of the plate is extremely small only 2 cm in length and width previously similar finds were opened mechanically but this led to their damage the new method made it possible to decipher the text without harming the artifact researchers have determined that the

    Hidden text is written in proto Hebrew and dates back to approximately 1,400 1,200 BC making it the oldest known text in this language the text contained ancient curses one of them read you’re cursed by the god ywh Yahweh this discovery is of great value for history and archaeology proving the deep roots

    Of written culture in this region murus in the necropolis of Sakara the ancient Egyptians famous for the their Majestic pyramids also built mastabas truncated tombs more than 160 such ferary structures containing imal mummies were discovered in Sakara not all of these tombs contain Grim inscriptions but some contain brightly colored hieroglyphs warning burglars

    Archaeologists claim that those who dare to invade these sacred spaces will suffer the Wrath of the Gods according to one prediction the gods will punish violators by twisting their necks like geese promising a painful end one such curse can be found in the MBA of kentaki ehi which states those who enter this

    Tomb with unclean intentions I will grab them by the neck like a bird I will fill their hearts with fear ancient dice research at the Celtic settlement in sarav celissia has yielded a unique find a 2,000-year-old dice the oldest found in Poland to date the Kelts inhabited regions of modern Southern

    Poland including the glip chip plateau from the 4th to the 2 Century BC archaeological excavations in this area have been ongoing for 11 years the most interesting find of this year was a dice found in the semi underground building the dice is made of bone or horn archaeologist SOA says that although

    Such dice are known mainly from settlements in lower Austria Bohemia and Moravia they are rare in Sor several years ago plain chips were found there a well preserved iron fibula a decorative clasp was also discovered this unique find is an excellent condition thanks to the protective layer formed when it was

    Exposed to fire each year finds reveal more about the life of the Kels in this region an absolute Rarity in 20122 archaeologist discovered a unique item in a woman’s grave an iron folding chair after restoration it was shown to everyone the find was made in the village of anzy Germany during the

    Excavation of a burial side from the 7th Cur Tre the grave contained the remains of a woman aged 4050 and a number of artifacts including a multicolored necklace and bres a male barrial with luxurious weapons was found nearby indicating Frankish influence in those days the restored folding chair was

    Presented at the conference archaeology in Bavaria it consists of two parts connected by an axis and is decorated with breast decorations the pillars show traces of seed fastenings probably made of fur such chairs are rare in burials the fine indicates the high social status of the diseased in Europe only 29

    Graves with similar chairs are known and only six of them are made of iron Professor Maus fi expressed delight at the find emphasizing its historical value he noted its importance for understanding the social cultural aspects of the Early Middle Ages this cheer is a testament to the rich history hidden beneath the

    Earth thosis gold an ancient treasure is considered one of of the most famous cursed objects in history 2,000 years ago the ancient French city of tulo known to the Romans as toosa was home to the GIC vula tribes when the toosa GS returned home from campaigning and plundering in the Eastern Mediterranean

    They found the Romans welcoming them lured by the huge reserves of gold they had brought with them it is said that this loot was cursed and the Romans Who took possession of the gold were never seen or heard from again the treasure is rumored to still be out there somewhere

    With many claiming it lies at the bottom of the lake in the south of France however treasure Seekers fear the Fate that could befall those who dare to rescue it ancient jar with curses archaeologists have discovered a 2300 yearold Clay Pot in Greece containing the bones of a butchered

    Chicken that was apparently used as part of a curse to paralyze and kill 55 people in Athens this fine sheds light on the use of magic in ancient Greece ancient Greek curse tablets or thin sheets of lad containing spells against a specific person were common they were

    Often buried on the ground by those who wanted to curse another person Le signs were often made with nails to make holes also in this case a large iron nail was pierced through the pot containing the bones the archaeologist indicated that all of the outer surfaces of the pot

    Were covered with Stacks with more than 55 names the nails symbolically limited the abilities of the victims of the curse our archeologists have determined that the chicken was slaughtered as a part of a ritual it is suggested that those who used the magic wanted to transfer the bird’s helplessness and

    Inability to defend itself onto those they cursed the researchers explained that the chicken’s unscrewed hat and Pierce lower limbs suggested that the corresponding body parts of the 55 unfortunate people would also be affected according to Lamont the pot’s location in a building used by Artisans could mean the curse was related to

    Workplace Conflict at the time Athens in the surrounding area experienc political upheaval after the death of Alexander the Great curses TX curses written on Clay shards in the shape of a human figure date back to around the 24th to 22nd centuries BC these ancient taxs executed in the form of various hieroglyphs

    Served as a kind of magical protection against the animist of Egypt the Egyptians wrote down the names of their opponents on fragments of dishes and brought punishment on on them cursing them to the Seventh Generation after this fragments of objects were broken and buried in the ground or left in

    Places intended for rituals these curses could contain cruel wishes such as killing enemies with a knife or Spear and other types of painful death carved snake head tenic Titan the ancient Center of Mexico City was once the heart of the Triple Alliance and had between 200,000 and 400,000 inhabitants

    However the arrival of the Spaniards led to mass death from small poox now centuries later an amazing find has been discovered in the city center an nastic snake head measuring 1.8 by 1 M due to the characteristics of the soil many details of the artifact were preserved

    The researchers were amazed to see that 80% of the carbons were still covered in bright pigments ochre red blue black and white this is a reflection of how Mexicans decorated their temples and religious images to preserve rare pigments scientists use a special chamber the work in which will last

    Until 2024 this artifact reminds us of the greatness of the ancient AXS and allows us to see a world full of bright colors and finest art this discovery connects us to the culture and history of tenk Titan and adds new pieces to the Mosaic of human history the discovery of

    The astec snake shows how much remains to be learned about ancient civilizations tomb of anui antii and no March of ancient Egypt who lived around 2,100 BC left behind a unique Legacy although his status was below Pharaoh antii was careful to leave an ominous warning on the walls of his

    Tomb it says that any ruler who en Roaches on his tomb will be rejected by the Falcon God keman in addition a curse will fall on the descendants of the offender predicting them the Lost inheritance modern archaeologists who examined the tomb were not afraid of these predictions but it seems that even

    Robbers in ancient times did not dare to touch the last Refuge of anti Fe the chained Oak one of the most famous curses in English History is the legend of the chained Oak according to history one dark Autumn night in the 19th century the Earl of sherbury

    Traveled in his hor drone Carriage on an Old Forest Road to his family estate at ton tow Stafford chair suddenly they came across an elderly woman standing in the middle of the road the lady asked the account for money but he cruy rejected her refused to help and

    Demanded that she get out of the roadway then the woman cursed the count and his family saying that with every branch falling from the famous old oak tree on their estate one of his family members would die the curse came true within a few hours when one of the Count’s family

    Members unexpectedly died shortly after an overnight storm tore a branch from an oak tree this convinced the account of the reality and power of the curse he ordered his servants to chain the branches of the tree to prevent them from falling until now the venerable old oak tree remains in his old rusty

    Chains Tomb of saranet the first sanut the first the no Marge elephantine during the 12’s dasty also left behind a formidable massage on the walls of his tomb its purpose was to protect the offering intended for the god whose statue was located inside the tomb the inscription speaks of severe

    Consequences is for those who dare to touch these sacred gifts whoever en Roaches on them will suffer terrible torment his hand will be CAU off like a bulls his neck will be twisted like a bird he will lose his position his son will not have any position he will have

    No home in nuia No Grave in the necropolis his God will reject his bread his flesh and the Flesh of his children will be consed to fire the corpse will not find peace in Earth I will pursue him like a crocodile in the waters a snake on the Earth Earth and like an

    Enemy in the necropolis thus even the most thean archaeologist should think twice before visiting this tomb because the spirit of Saran ped the first May begin to hunt for them corpse for damnation why were curses placed in tombs in ancient times often the diseased and the performer of the ritual

    Did not know each other the dead man’s body served only as means to transmit the curse to the forces of the underworld who then carried it out there is evidence from the 4th Century BC for that some practitioners believed that the spirit of the disease remaining near

    The grave after burial could perform a curse in both cases the dad were seen as agents capable of influencing the curse being intermediaries to Subterranean forces or active forces in their own right capable of interfering in the Affairs of the living of particular interest in curs rituals were certain

    Types of disease whose Souls were considered especially restless and changeable the graves of such people were especially suitable for Supernatural use these included people who died before term for example infants children women who died before childbirth and those who died from violence for both groups sudden death meant that they left unfulfilled without

    Living through the standard life cycle their Spirits were especially outraged and thirsty for revenge on the island of parus a child’s grave was found with a 10 figurine pierced with seven iron Nails his hands behind his back his neck in its in news on the the figurine was the name of the person

    Theopus gold necklaces in an unusual place at the end of August in the province of Estus Spain sergeon Nar chandi accidentally discovered a unique piece of gold jewelry while working on a pipeline in the municipality of cavi at first glance Sergio realized the value of the find in front of him was an

    Ancient talk a neck decoration symbolizing high social status soon archaeologists arrived at the discovery site these artifacts experts said could be key to understanding the Iron Age revealing the secrets of pre-roman societies these decorations will help us delve deeper into the cultural technological and social aspects of that

    Era estimating the age of the jewelry scientists suggest that they’re about 2 and a half thousand years old torqus traditionally made from precious materials are most often associated with Celtic and Germanic nobility experts noted that the high level of craftsmanship inherent in these ancient jewelry which opens New Horizons for the

    Study of artifacts of this time the fat lady of sagos the fat lady of sagos represents a unique testimony to the ancient culture that flourished in the CES Islands during the Neolithic era its Discovery revealed many secrets about the lifestyle religious practices and artististic traditions of this ancient

    Society salag despite its small size was of key importance in the early history of the aan region in addition to its role as a connect and ismus between antiaris and Paris it was a center of production and trade as evidenced by finds of obsidian Tools in Access of

    Local needs ceramic vases discovered on the island provide insight into the design and style of that era their patterns and shapes reflect creativity that may have had religious or cultural significance to the people of sagas overall the discoveries at sagas provide invaluable information about the ancient world of the aan region tomb of

    Haku Haku the famous Egyptian traveler of the six dasty also did not remain aloof from the fashion of leaving curses and tombs in his last Refuge he left an extensive inscription in which he told about his travels and knowledge about another life but at the same time he

    Included in the inscription a Stern warning for anyone who dares to disturb his Eternal peace the curse goes like this I will seize you like a wild bird and bring you to Justice and you will be judged by the great God himself for a modern person such words may not seem

    Very scary but for the ancient Egyptians this was a real curse that it was better not to mess with during the pyramid age being cursed by the great God was considered one of the most terrible curses curse of Carlile at the center of the underground

    Passage in the city of Carlile is a 14 ton Granite Boulder the curs stone as it is called was installed as a part of the New Millennium celebrations in 2001 hundreds of WS are engraved on the stone part of a curse composed in 1525 by Archbishop danbar of Glasgow to W of the

    Ravers had pillaged along the borders of England and Scotland following the Stone’s installation press coverage included floods a fit and mouth epidemic a large fire in the city and a terrible season for the local football team all of which occurred just a few years after the Stone’s placement opponents of the

    Stone including the local counselor demanded its removal cing the curse the local White Witch stated that removing the stone would only acknowledge the reality of the curse and therefore increase its power tomb of senenmut senenmut has served as Chief Architect and royal advisor to queen hatchu left a significant Mark in the

    History of ancient Egypt although some sources claimed that they may have been love relationship between him and the Queen the authenticity of these rumors remains unknown however the tomb of senmut located not far from the burial places of hatchepsut and her husband testifies to his high status and

    Proximity to the Royal House the tomb is surprisingly well preserved to this day an archaeologist discovered a strict curse in it the following warning was carved on the walls anyone who harms my image will be denied the right to follow the king of his time will not be buried

    In the western cemetery and his life will not be recognized on this Earth curse of branza the Royal House of branza ruled Portugal and its overseas possessions from 1640 to 1910 the banza family curse is perhaps one of the most famous in European history and is mentioned in many historical documents according to

    The history of the curse it began during the reign of King John the force of Portugal reigned from 1640 to 1656 it is said that King John attacked The Franciscan ther who approached him asking for arms the young king pushed the old man away and ordered him to get

    Out the angry monk then placed a curse on the king saying that every firstborn of his Royal Line would die before ascending the throne the curse came true all but three of the firstborn men of the House of branza died before they could become kings tomb of H

    Mustasa located in Sakara became the final in place for a high ranking official from the times of the Old Kingdom of Egypt this burial site like many other Egyptian tombs is decorated with hieroglyphic inscriptions telling the story of the life of hir but the peculiarity of these inscriptions is

    That after the biographical part they turn into a short but powerful curse if anyone an us here having committed unworthy Acts or after intimacy with women then he will be judged with me at the meeting of the great God despite the many years that have passed since the

    Cre cretion of this curse we hope that it has not brought harm to any modern researcher or visitor to this ancient tomb curse of the vampire in the depth of the Andes among ancient ruins archaeologists tumble upon an unusual burial the Crypt similar to the grave of a vampire has been hiding a

    Secret for centuries the body covered with strange symbols lay in an untouched coffing and next to it was a set of pointed objects Made of Stone and Bone local Legends speak of an ancient sorcerer who in the guise of a vampire frightened the inhabitants according to Legend his spirits still wanders the

    Ruins seeking the victim to avenge the disturbance of his world Legend claims that whoever dares to disturb the script will fall under its bloody curse from the moment this burial was opened strange events began to occur researchers encounter strange diseases and unpleasant accidents reinforcing fear and Superstition among the local

    Population such a big barl challenges many archaeological beliefs about the ancient civilizations of Peru and opens a new page in the study of andian rituals and beliefs today archaeologists and historians are trying to unrel the mystery of this place trying to separate truth from fiction reality from mysticism despite the fact that legends

    About vampires originated far from South America do you believe in ancient curses would you be brave enough to take part in excavations and explorations of cursed places write about it in the com under the video I’ll be interested to read share this video with your friends and subscribe to the channel thanks for

    Views bye everyone


    1. Omg thank you Julia! I am not sure what it is about listening to your narration that helps me to get out of my head and relax when life becomes stressful. Such as dealing with the recent loss of my family member 😢but, you were able to help distract me for a little bit. Thank you

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