Lost Ark Class Build
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    《Punisher Slayer Build》

    《Full Moon Soul Eater Build》

    00:00 Intro
    00:02 Hello !
    00:31 Before Going in
    01:13 Class Engraving
    02:19 Combat Stat & Engraving
    03:53 Can & Can’t
    05:30 Requirements
    05:58 Core Mechanic
    06:54 Skill Composition
    07:31 Build & Priority
    08:26 Awakening
    08:42 Advantage
    09:15 Tips
    10:01 Skill Combo
    10:48 Outro
    ▶TKG Introducing
    BUILD YOUR Predator Slayer
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    #update #slayer #predator
    🎵Music provided by TrackTribe
    🎵Track : A Night Alone

    Hello, Guys TKG is here, for your comfortable Lost Ark life! In this video, I’d like to cover one of its classes, slayer, as the lots of guys was asked about the variation build of the slayer.

    So, I thought it’ll be great to share some of the builds & infos for your Lost Ark journey. and of course, add more categories and explanation for more clear build. now, follow me, I’ll show you what you need.

    Before going into the main part, one thing you need to know is that this video, is made on and based on KR server. So, that means, some of the preference and the build can be little bit different with the global.

    In other words, some of the build can be little bit, I mean can be not familiar than the common build of the predator slayer on the global right now. And, as I mentioned in the beginning some of the composition, build, skill combo can be not familiar with the global server right now.

    As the KR server is quite ahead on update progression than the global. it might be little different too. So, watch this video with those considerations and use this video as your reference to your Lost Ark journey. Let’s start with the most basic of this video, class engraving I’m going to cover

    In this video, is predator. As you guys might already and roughly know about the predator class engraving, predator class engraving will disable the signature skill called bloodlust. And as you expect, predator slayer is another back attack type classes. So, if you really do hate about catching the back all the time.

    This class is not for you. Normally and commonly swiftness build based classes are great on passive, continuous damaging and not that great on momentary performance, but unlike those specialty, predator slayer is also capable on those factors too. One big disadvantage of the predator slayer is on maintaining the burst during the whole

    Contents for better performance. And sometimes you might miss the burst, more like turning off with do nothing. Might be trickier to keep that burst mode but of course, that thing will gets better as your veterancy keep goes on. Well, let’s talk about those detail later on this video.

    As the predator slayer was quite released long ago, most of the stat, engraving build are quite formalized too. so, actually, there is not many things to comment for the predator stat build too. As the predator class engraving disable the specialization efficiency, I mean disable the bloodlust, swiftness is quite forced to use.

    And I got to be honest, predator slayer build has a quite variable to choose from, but what I want to say is that I can’t show all of the variation on this one video. So, I’ll show you the most representative and commonly used engraving and stat build on this video.

    And of course, full swiftness is recommended to use. And got to be honest, mixture with the other accessories is not recommended. I mean like one critical accessory on the earring or ring. As backbone of the predator slayer is coming from the continuous damaging and maintaining the burst mode during the whole contents.

    So, personally, try to stick this critical and swiftness build for better performance for your predator slayer. Common build of the predator slayer is cursed doll, ambush master, raid captain, grudge, predator. And for the plus one engraving adrenaline or ether predator is quite recommended to use.

    Also, if you don’t like the penalty of the cursed doll, you can replace it with the mass increase engraving. But I think commonly cursed doll is quite used well. Also, for the 97 stone players, +2 mass increase can show you the ceiling performance, but

    If you can’t afford that much requirements, try to use the ether predator or adrenaline. As I mentioned in the first, predator slayer, in more KR expressions, she is quite capable on 딜몰이, more like rushing the damaging dealing with continuous damage dealing.

    And personally, I think, this is the more best advantages of the predator slayer too. unlike the other swiftness-based classes have to give up one part, I mean mostly giving up the rushing part. But predator has a both advantages. Also with the swiftness build, you could feel the most comfortable on your control too.

    And got to be honest, if you don’t get stressed by the some keeping and maintaining buff during the whole damaging cycle, you might see some satisfying DPS performance during the gameplay. Also, if you are confident on your controls. It might show more better performance than you expect.

    And as you expect you need to know how to maintain and keep and manage your burst mode during the gameplay. More like you need some effort for your buff control. Otherwise, you are forced to give up the most of your DPS cycle.

    And as I said, you need some effort for controlling your buff, which means you need to know how to utilize your burst mode in right place on right time. And one annoying thing of the predator mechanism is an exhaust. maybe the best reason for giving up the predator slayer, I think.

    Exhaust will disable your identity very long time. Well, let me show you about those detail in the core mechanic section. Come to think of it, you really have to know the raid gimmick timing. Like you need to know the approximate timing about the gimmicks.

    Otherwise, you’ll miss the whole burst mode and enter the exhaust mode right away. Well, actually, there is not many things to concern on her requirements. But I think, personally, focus and the gale wind rune is quite recommended to use on her skill composition and her build.

    So, if you don’t have it try to get one of those things on collectibles or the other contents. And as I keep mentioning, try not to make a mixture stat or accessories. Try to use the full swiftness for better performance. I’m serious.

    Core mechanic of the predator slayer is burst mode and keeping it. If you keep making a effective hit on the enemy, you’ll and can keep your burst mode. The longer you’ll keep maintain the burst mode you’ll get the de-buff called fatigue.

    Fatigue can be theoretically stacked to 30, but normally, if you wish or you want to hear some “man you are really good at this” then normally, about 26 ~ 27 is deserve that good. The reason is simple. that fatigue buff level are directly related to exhaust up-time.

    As I said exhaust is a de-buff that disable the burst mode. The exhaust up-time are decided like this. So, more higher fatigue buff level, you’ll get the short duration of exhaust mode. So, hit more for maintain the burst and the fatigue buff.

    Currently predator slayer has a two typed skill composition, for KR expression, 6 deal, 7 deal. But I think the 7 deal build little bit trickier on maintaining and keeping the burst mode, so personally 6 deal build recommended to use. So, I’ll show the 6 deal build on the skill build section.

    Actually, there is not many things to comment on her skill composition. All you have to know is you have 6 damage dealing skills, and 1 synergy, 1 movement skill which really helpful for maintaining the burst mode. Predator skill composition can be summarized like this text box.

    Actually, there is not many things to comment on her skill composition. All you have to know is you have 6 damage dealing skills, and 1 synergy, 1 movement skill which really helpful for maintaining the burst mode. Skill build can be summarized like this text box.

    I’ll show you the skill and tripod in this textbox, and I’ll explain the gem, tripod priority on the priority section. Gem and tripod priority can be summarized like this. No matter what, higher level of gems on guillotine and the brutal impact will hugely helps for your skill and damaging cycle.

    Actually, annihilation gem priority was sorted by the damage factor, so, actually there is not many things to comment on the gem priority. And to align the skill circulation brutal impact, guillotine, final blow quite require high level of cooldown gem.

    So, try to set aside the other cooldown gem and try to set the cooldown gem of the three skills. Tripod priority also can be summarized like this. Awakening skill is a Ragna break. Actually, awakening skill of the slayer is quite formalized to Ragna break.

    I’ve never saw the players who are using the execute as main awakening skill. I think it is almost not worth for debate. So, try to use the Ragna break. As I mentioned in the first, unlike the other swiftness-based characters aren’t that capable

    On rushing and pouring the huge damage skills, predator slayer is really do capable and perform very good on that part, which looks quite satisfying. Also, as her build is based on the swiftness, you might experience the cool and very light control during the gameplay.

    And I think personally, predator slayer has a quite satisfying performance on align her skill cooldown, so, mostly, you can utilize the DPS skills whenever you want. Wild stomp is a synergy, counter, and the buff keeping skill too. third tripod earth impact is also an effective and stationary hitting skill.

    And as it is a half-stationary skill, it is quite useful on, I mean more like having some trouble because of the distance from the enemy or the situation you need to force to pull out and keep your distance because of the gimmicks.

    From there, wild stomp can perform a great role on keeping your burst mode, identity. Wild rush is a movement skill, but also can be a great part on maintaining the burst mode. the first tripod of the wild rush has an emitting burning aura effect, which can give you passive

    Effective hit on the enemy. in other words, you can even maintain the burst mode with the wild rush too. Skill combo of the predator slayer is like this, actually, the skill combo of the predator is a really a reference.

    As you can just know to looking at it, put the synergy, final blow and furious claw for conviction and judgement. Guillotine for faster consecutive skill performance and then continue the other skills you have. As I keep mentioned, skill combo of the predator slayer is really a reference, and most of

    All it is not fixed. More like you need to group up some core circulation like synergy burst and guillotine , and then use the other skills with more flexibility on your own. So, try to keep in mind about those core skill group and then use the other skills and circulate with more flexibility.

    That’s it for this video, thanks for watching everyone, and always thanks for your big support, hope this video was little helped for your Lost Ark journey. Hope you do well with your slayer with this video, and of course, if you liked my video, hit the sub for more upcoming infos from KR.

    I’ll comeback with more useful infos in the next video.



      BUILD YOUR Predator Slayer

      this video also containing the upcoming updates on KR

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      This video was made in and from KR community

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      Punisher Slayer Build


      Full Moon Soul Eater Build


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      Full Moon Soul Eater Build


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    2. Great video!! Also its funny cuz i have that exact 5×3+2 on my slayer &' people always said it’s worse than adrenaline1 hahaha, finally i got a source to show &' proof that my build with mass2 is highest ceiling :3

    3. Hi tkg if u dont mind i need some guidance in what to do in my slayer im relative noob i have 2 chars 1520 and started my souleater, i have my slayer at 1540, i used mokoko before souleater, so the question is i have legendary predator eng but atm i will only have 150 pheons cause of souleater should i try to do 5×3 or 5×3+1
      And i literally have no gold cause i buy the 5 legendary predator, and my stone on her is only 67 so i was thinking about starting buying grudges legendary and try to do a 5×3+1 cause i want to main her too or at least get accept faster

    4. TKG i dont know how to reach you beside Youtube,
      Im done honing my Predator Slayer to 1580 as my 7th Alts.
      Now i want to build ancient acc on it,
      With 5×3+1
      It is easier and cheaper to go ETHER PREDATOR (1), looking for adre 1 is way too expensive on NA West.

      My Question ;
      How is it compare to Adrenaline 1?
      How many % worse is it? Take AKKAN for example.

      Please i need your insight, if EP 1 is doing okey
      Im gonna buy and get full ancient acc right now!

      (wheter u reply or not) thankyou anyway.

    5. I really love all of your videos! I think for some who doesn't know, you could have added the efficient chaos dungeon clear as an advantage too with dominion set and guillotine spam 🙂
      Great work as always!

    6. hi thx about the guide, i would like to ask, wich tripods i need to level and wich others dont, because you dont especify wich ones are.

    7. KBW is superior to CD with adrenaline which puts both at 15% except KBW has no healing penalty. And for consistent crits i recommend at least ~ 28% base crit before entropy which is around ~ 780 so you eventually want a split between 1500 swiftness and 780 crit. There are rarely crit synergies anymore and you will see more white numbers if you completely dump your crit. And you only trade 4% cd for 7% crit.

    8. hello! thank you for this guide it's been really helpful! I wanted to clarify one thing you said about the cooldown gem priority. In the image you show brutal, guillotine, volcanic as the highest priority overall but you said that brutal/guillotine/final blow were the most important for smooth skill circulation is that correct?

    9. Hey! Awesome guide with all the needed information in a very condensed way. My question is can I run predator on my new slayer right when I unlock engravings or does it have some requirements to be viable over punisher? Also do you have a specific chaos dungeon build?

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