BEST Legendary CAVALRY Investment Order for F2P! Rise of Kingdoms Cavalry Guide 2024

    Rise of Kingdoms is a Real-time Strategy game released on Mobile and PC devices. In Rise of Kingdoms, players choose a civilization, join a kingdom, and play alongside alliance mates to become the strongest they can be. Rise of Kingdoms battles happen in real time on the map. Anyone can join or leave a battle at any time, allowing true RTS gameplay. In Rise of Kingdoms, fight alongside your alliance to take control of a vast kingdom. Clash with other players and use superior tactics to emerge victorious in this MMORPG strategy battle royale. Rise to the top and you and your civilization will be written down in your kingdom’s history! #RiseOfKingdoms #RoK #MobileGames

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    NEW players should check out my video “Rise of Kingdoms BEGINNERS Guide 2024! Rise of Kingdoms Tips – Best Commanders & Civilization in ROK”

    BEST Legendary INFANTRY Investment Order for F2P! Rise of Kingdoms Infantry Guide 2024

    YSG is BAD in Rise of Kingdoms (For New F2P Players)

    Top 7 BEST OPEN FIELD Commander Pairs 2024 – Rise of Kingdoms

    0:00 Cavalry is INSANE
    0:28 What is a “Main” for a Troop Type?
    2:48 Is Cavalry GOOD for F2P Players?
    4:30 Best CIVILIZATION for Cavalry
    7:25 Best CITY SKINS for Cavalry
    8:41 Best EPIC Commander Pairs
    11:01 About Minamoto and Cao Cao…
    12:34 First LEGENDARY Commander
    13:33 About Yi Seong-gye…
    14:50 Priority for KvK 1 – 3
    16:35 About Saladin…
    18:37 1st March Investment
    22:00 2nd March Investment
    23:09 3rd March Investment
    24:24 4th March Investment
    26:54 EQUIPMENT Upgrade Order
    29:10 Iconic Tier Upgrade Order

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    If you are a free-to-play player in Rise of  Kingdoms in 2024 then this is the guide for   you historically choosing to build more Cavalry  armies has been a pretty effective strategy for   a lot of players and I would argue in the late  game that that’s probably your best choice as  

    A free-to-play player so in today’s video we’re  going to go over the best civilization City skins   Commander investment order and Equipment upgrade  order including the new iconic tiers but first   what’s going on guys cheers now the first thing  I want to cover in this video is is something  

    That I should have made a little bit more clear  in my infantry guide for free-to-play players   that I just posted the other day of course if  you’re interested in being an infantry main   as a free to play player go ahead and check out  that video on my channel and consider subscribing  

    To the channel and liking this video so you  don’t miss the next one but I want to answer   the question what does it mean to be a main of a  troop type in 2024 because in the past you know  

    When when the game was basically brand new being  a main for a troop type meant that you only sort   of built just that troop type for your armies  and this was before the equipment system was in  

    The game this was before the Armament system was  in the game this was before a lot of different   systems and being a main of a troop type has sort  of evolved over the years eventually it meant that  

    You were running like a 311 setup meaning you  would run three of your main troop type one   of each other troop type and these days in 2024  if you’re a free-to-play player what I would be  

    Focused on doing is running two of your main troop  type as armies in the Open Fields and one of the   other troop types so in this video we’re going  to be covering two main Cavalry armies that are  

    Supported by an infantry March and an Archer March  and what the best strategy is and how you should   get to that point in the end game the reason that  I wouldn’t recommend building three armies of the  

    Same troop type is because you’re going to get a  lot of different blueprints for a lot of different   troop types and so it doesn’t really make sense  to not craft those things and the same thing is   also True For Your armaments Right these are  randomized and so you can’t always guarantee  

    That you’re going to get only armaments with only  attributes for the troop type that you really care   the most about and so those things combined with  the fact that the other troop types also have some   insanely powerful commanders that you really need  to have uh you know in your lineup the 311 lineup  

    Just doesn’t really make sense for free to play  and also the reason that we’re only running four   marshes instead of five is because the probability  if you’re a brand new player that you’re going to   be missing some blueprints or you’re going to  be maybe missing some armaments or things like  

    That you really want to run the best of the best  that you’re account can manage and running around   with a fifth suboptimal March that has a lot  of blue equipment on it it’s just not really   you’re going to get really awful trades with  that and it’s going to make your hospital fill  

    Really fast which costs a lot of resources and  so really you just want to focus all your efforts   on a small handful of the most effective armies  that you can build in the game the next question   becomes should free-to-play players choose to be  a Cavalry Main in Rise of Kingdoms and I would  

    Say that most likely in the late game Cavalry  is the best choice for free-to-play players and   the reason for this is because first of all they  historically have had some of the most consistent   and best open field PVP Commander choices in the  game right and we’re going to talk about those  

    Later in the video but on top of that Cavalry  have the highest March speed out of any troop   type in Rise of Kingdoms which just by default  will give you good Mobility so you might have   a higher probability of running away from another  player who might be an infantry man or an Archer  

    P moving quickly in the open field is going to  be very important especially as a free to play   player so you can get out of bad positioning that  way your hospital doesn’t get unnecessarily filled   too quickly also the commanders that Cavalry  have at their disposal like some of the best  

    Choices for you are commanders that are found  on the Wheel of Fortune whereas other troop   types might have some commanders that are in the  mightiest Governor that sort of flesh out their   you know five army or four Army lineup and it’s  just a lot easier for free to play players to  

    Get their hands on a wheel of fortune Commander  even if they can’t spin the wheel a ton cuz gems   are light at least they’ll be able to get those  commanders guaranteed as soon as soon as they come  

    Around if they have just a small handful of gems  available also some of the best in slot pieces of   equipment for Cavalry are things like the ash of  the Dawn and Novar control which you can get from  

    The equipment chests here in the tavern and you’re  going to be opening these periodically for free I   mean Crystal keys are rewarded from events and a  ton of other things redeem codes and things like  

    That so it’s not like with archers where you would  either run a six-piece set or 42 split between the   Archer set and the leadership set so progression  for your equipment is just going to be a little  

    Bit easier all right with all that out of the way  let’s start with your best civilization choices   and just like in my infantry video the number one  thing that you should focus on as a free-to-play   player is Germany for a majority of your play  time the only time that you would switch away  

    From Germany would be when you’re going into  kvk in the late game when you’re really going   to be focusing your entire account on PVP your  civilization choice is really a micro optimization   if you go through all the different civilization  choices you’re going to notice that the bonuses  

    That you get here really are are quite small when  you compare it to everything else in the game   right like getting your city hall to 25 maxing  out your Tech maxing out your commanders your   equipment your armaments like this stuff right  here is one of the last things that you should  

    Really be worrying about and for a majority of the  time that’s why you stay as Germany because they   give you the 10% action point recovery bonus and  this really isn’t you can’t get this from anywhere   else right like getting troop attack you know you  can get troop attack from a million other places  

    You can’t get 10% action point recovery and as  a free-to-play player somebody who’s going to be   chaining barbarians a ton and who might run low  on action points and you know as a player who a  

    Lot of their value comes from action points right  that’s how you’re going to get a lot of your gems   and things like that from the Barb chaining  the 10% action point recovery here is going   to be you know the most beneficial thing that you  can basically get from any civilization as a free  

    To play player now the other thing too is you get  a 5% troop training speed which is nice this just   means that in the same amount of time you’re going  to be able to train slightly more troops which is  

    Great and also it just so happens to be the case  that Germany is a Cavalry Civilization so they are   going to get 5% Cav attack which is great and you  get the tonic Knight which is a really powerful   special unit for Cavalry so overall Germany is  a really great choice for free-to-play Cavalry  

    Players and if you never ever switch away from  Germany that’s not even the end of the world   right I mean you have the Cav special unit and  bonus like you could theoretically just stay   as Germany permanently and you would be fine with  that now the other thing that you have to consider  

    Though is Ottoman Empire and we talked about this  also in the Infantry video and that’s just because   yes you lose the special units and you lose the 5%  attack which is not that big of a loss but you’re  

    Gaining 5% skill damage and 5% March speed which  are basically the two most important stats for   open field PVP especially as a free-to-play player  a lot of your damage comes from skill damage when   you’re running Cavalry commanders and so that’s  going to be absolutely crucial and March speed you  

    Know you already are fast in the open field but  having that extra 5% could just push you a little   bit farther and might be the difference between  running away from an enemy chasing you and not   and so realistically Ottoman Empire is probably  in the very late game your best open field PVP  

    Choice and also you’re going to be running only  two Cavalry marches one Archer and one infantry   March and so the Ottoman Empire bonuses this works  for all the troop types basically the March speed   and the skill damage is good for all four of your  armies whereas if you’re running Germany then the  

    5% C attack and special unit is only good for two  of your armies right your Cavalry armies when it   comes to the best City skins for Cavalry players  first of all you know when you’re choosing an epic  

    Skin obviously you just want to go for anything  that gives you a Cavalry bonus and ideally removes   some form of Archer or infantry attack mighty  forest is definitely one of the best choices for   Cavalry in the Epic tier and the Glorious Siam  I don’t know if I pronounced that correctly is  

    Probably the best epic skin for Cavalry in my  opinion sacred Sanctuary is also a really good   choice when it comes to legendary skins at your  disposal like I mentioned in the Infantry video   you really shouldn’t be competing in any Zenith of  power events unless you know for sure you can get  

    It and it also coincides with maybe a Mightiest  governor that you really care about but really   Zenith of power is way too expensive for 99.9% of  free to-play players and really the extra stats is   not something that is a game changer right really  you should just leave those zenith of power skins  

    To the rally and Garrison leaders of your kingdom  or continent realistically however the best choice   for City skin for Cavalry players is going to  be the Twilight Falls City Skin this is because   it gives you 5% skill damage at the cost of 10%  infantry attack and like I said earlier losing  

    Infantry attack as a Cavalry player is not a big  deal at all this is basically almost no penalty   realistically and the 5% skill damage is going  to be really great for all of your armies not   just your Cavalry but especially your Cavalry  because they do deal a lot of skill damage so  

    If you can get your hands on Twilight Falls this  is probably the best choice for you for open field   PVP okay now let’s move on to talking about your  commander upgrade order and first we’re going to  

    Start with the very early game before kvk 1 and  up through kvk 1 What epic commanders or epic   pairings should you be focusing on and Baibars  is going to be a king for you he is the best  

    Epic Commander for Cavalry in the game the reason  for this is because he has a five Target 1,000   damage Factor AOE and the targets lose 50% Marge  speed for 2 seconds it’s a very powerful slowdown   especially in the early game and especially this  10,000 damage factor is just insane on top of that  

    He gives you 20% attack this skill does basically  nothing but the fourth skill gives you 50% March   speed for 10 seconds and a small healing Factor  when you exit combat so this isn’t that big of a   deal really all you’re doing with by Bowers  is just massive AOE damage and that’s it he  

    Doesn’t bring anything else to the table and  the best commanders to pair him with are first   of all Sun Tzu Sun Tzu obviously is an infantry  Commander but as a secondary he’s just going to   deal more AOE skill damage he also gives a skill  damage bonus to both himself and buy bars which  

    Is really nice and your buy bars is going to take  10% less damage when your Sun Tzu is behind him   so really great pairing there if you want a pure  Cavalry epic March then you could put Belisarius   behind your Baibars you don’t want Belisarius  primary necessarily for PVP so the mobility  

    Tree is not great for PVP your damage output is  going to really suffer when you compare it to the   skill tree that being said sometimes you would  run Belisarius primary and five bars secondary  

    If you are going into enemy territory as a stealth  March and you want to just kill Farmers so you can   basically just flip the order of these commanders  depending on what you’re doing most of the time   for PVP you’ll run Baibars primary Belisarius is  a really nice compliment to him because he gives  

    You 30% Cavalry defense so that’s the a little bit  of tankiness that by bars doesn’t normally have he   also gains even more Marge speed when he’s exiting  combat so you can see the Synergy there which is   nice and you have a really powerful debuff on the  active skill for Belisarius basically the target  

    Loses 60% of stats for 2 seconds which is wild and  the fourth skill here is nuts you deal 25% more   damage when your enemy has less than 50% units  remaining huge damage bonus so if you can chase  

    Those yellow and red marches Bellis Arius is great  now I know this video is mainly for free to play   players but if you’re watching this and you’re  a small low spender or a medium spender Minamoto  

    Is actually an insanely good pickup in the early  game like right when you start the game if you can   get a 5511 Minamoto that is an insane combo and  the great news is that you actually can lock his  

    First two skills to guarantee that upgrade so it’s  not even like it’s a gamble you can guaranteed get   5511 I think it’s about $30 that’s from buying  the VIP bundles if you buy the correct one on   and in case you’re wondering it’s 10 sculptures  to summon him and then 190 sculptures to get  

    That 5511 configuration so buy your VIP bundles  accordingly to save the most amount of money but   I can’t stress this enough if you are a lower  mid spender you probably should get Minamoto   in the early game he transitions really well in a  season of conquest at least for your first one and  

    Is also one of the reasons why Cavalry is not only  good for free to- play players but is even better   for Mid and low Spenders because of Minamoto  which is great when it comes to Cao Cao you can  

    Replace your Belisarius or your sun tzu with  Cao Cao as the secondary to your buy bars if   you can get his first skill to five and his third  skill to let’s say three or five ideally it would  

    Be five that’s just going to give you a ton of  single Target damage powerful debuff nice March   speed and attack bonus but that’s just going to  come down to luck of the draw and whether or not  

    You can get those uh skill upgrades from your gold  keys that you’re opening up or again if you’re a   lower mid spender I think Cao Cao is the first  thing that you can get from the daily special  

    Offer you could buy those bundles every day so  that’s something to consider Cao Cao is great in   the early game Minamoto ages is much better than  Cao Cao to be honest with you but you will still  

    Get some use out of him regardless all right with  the very beginner stuff and anecdotal stuff out   of the way what’s the first legendary Commander  that you’re going to actually be investing in as   a Cavalry player and surprise surprise nothing  has changed here it’s still going to be Richard  

    The First with his first skill to five and the  rest of his skills to one okay just unlock these   last skills that’s all you need the first skill  is the main thing that you want to focus on it’s  

    10 sculptures to summon Richard from his Wheel  of Fortune and then it’s I think 50 sculptures   to get this first skill to five and that’s going  to be really important for the longevity of your   account you’re going to use Richard the first  a ton for chaining Barbarians in home Kingdom  

    Lost Kingdom basically everywhere Richard is  an insanely good PVE Commander he’s a great   tank for tons of different events and especially  in Sunset Canyon and lost canyon Golden Kingdom   things like that like you’re really going to get  a lot of value out of this super cheap investment  

    You might be able to use him as PVP in kvk 1 but  he’s really not a great PVP Commander especially   beyond that so just keep that in mind next we  have to talk about Yi Seong now again I did  

    Just make a video recently talking about why I  don’t love Yi Seong as an early game investment   for free-to-play players anymore I think he’s  extremely expensive and as soon as you hit kvk   3 in season a conquest he’s instantly outclassed  by multiple different commanders even amongst the  

    Archer tier and you’re really going to wish that  you had those 690 sculptures to invest in a couple   of different places as well so if you’re watching  this video and you’re asking yourself should you   get Yi Seong first of all I would recommend at  least unlocking him when his Wheel of Fortune  

    Comes around that’s 10 sculptures and the reason  for this is because there is a museum system in   the game and it is possible that they could add a  third Relic tier for Yi Seong and if they do that  

    Who knows what else they could do here they could  bump these stats up more they could give him a   third stat who knows it might be worth just having  him on your account just in case they do something  

    Insane with that but the only people that should  be expertising Yi Seong are players that are very   hardcore free to play players players who have  three or four Farm accounts players who are   going to be participating in a really effective  jumper project who are really going to focus on  

    Winning kvk 1 like most players are not going to  go through all that effort right like you’re going   to have to be playing 2 3 4 hours a day just to  keep your account up to speed and to get enough  

    Sculptures otherwise not worth it skip e and that  is that and really your 5111 Richard in the early   game is the only investment that you’re going to  make unless you purchase Minamoto and this is kind  

    Of where I just want to pause and say that being  a Cavalry main for free to-play players has sort   of the slowest progression in terms of early game  and mid game because you’re really you don’t have  

    Any good choices for commanders to invest in for  your first like seven months of playing the game   right like all the commander choices that you have  are pretty much garbage okay but once you hit the  

    Late game your patience is rewarded by giving you  some of the very best late game commanders at your   disposal so that’s why I say that if you’re  a lower medium spender it’s even better for   you cuz you’re going to have Minamoto and that’s  going to be really great plus when you get into  

    Season of Conquest The Relic for Minamoto in the  museum is 60% of stats which is just absolutely   wild lots of legendary commanders don’t even have  that many stats and that’s not even taking into   account that he already has stats on his on his  skills right but for free-to-play players you’re  

    Going to have to just be patient okay so what does  that mean what do you do in the early and mid game   as a free to play player if you don’t have any  great commanders to invest in first of all focus  

    On getting your city hall to 25 if you haven’t  done that already you need your City Hall at 25   to unlock tier five units eventually and you also  can’t even go into the lost kingdom unless you  

    Have City Hall 25 so absolutely crucial and you  also want to be focusing on your VIP level okay   a lot of players ignore their VIP level they just  want to get to tier five units as fast as possible  

    But I’m telling you guys you know you want to be  farming a lot of gems get your VIP 10 okay that’s   when you’re going to get one legendary Commander  sculpture every single day and that is going to  

    Absolutely change the progression of your account  that is so important VIP 12 gives you two and VIP   14 I believe is what gives you three exactly so  Focus on those three things maxing your buildings  

    Maxing your Tech and getting your VIP at least to  10 if not 12 or higher now if you are extremely   impatient in the mid game and you absolutely must  invest in something to keep your interest in the  

    Game if you’re just so bored there’s nothing to  do you want at least one Commander to invest in   the only choice is salad and every other commander  in the early game like I said is garbage Saladin  

    You get him in kvk 2 and he is decent 55 51  you do not need to expertise Saladin which is   actually really great and this is another reason  why for low to mid Spenders who maybe have more   sculptures than the free to play players they  might be able to make that solid investment  

    Without feeling horrible about it again 95% of  players should be skipping Saladin entirely he   does not age as well as he used to although  he is still really good in season of Conquest   the problem is his single Target damage factor is  just so low and also the March speed debuff here  

    Is just greatly outclassed by March speed debuffs  from other commanders like Liu Che and like huo   and that’s the thing about Universal sculptures is  that you can use that one sculpture on Saladin or   you could use that one sculpture on huo and huo  has a 2,700 damage Factor single Target which is  

    Basically double that Saladin and his March speed  debuff is 50% for 3 seconds whereas Saladin’s is   30% for 5 seconds so a little bit longer but  a little bit worse the defense and attack is  

    Nice here and also he takes 30% less skill damage  and 20% less Counterattack damage so he is one of   the more tanky Cavalry units in the game and at  5551 he’s pretty cheap plus he also has his Relic  

    Here which gives him even more attack and some  nice March speed this could get double relied in   the future so this could bump up to 15 or 20  for both of these so keep that in mind but I  

    Think the days of investing in Saladin as a 5551  commander are pretty much over but again if you   just want something to build that you could use  in season of Conquest you could go for Saladin  

    If you must if you did get that Minamoto then at  least you have the Minamoto Saladin combo that   you could pair together and that’s going to be a  pretty tanky pair that can pop off a ton of single  

    Target damage so like I said unfortunately free to  play not going to have that option okay now let’s   move over to the tier maker so that way we can go  over what the order should be when you finally hit  

    Season 3 of kvk and you start to invest in some  actual good commanders what should that order   look like well the first thing that you want to  realize is that the first Wheel of Fortune that   you will get your hands on most likely is the  Cavalry Choice wheel which means you’re going  

    To be able to choose which Commander you want to  work on and in that first wheel you’re going to be   able to unlock a lot of really good commanders  first of all Nevsky is a great choice but you  

    Can also unlock Jon of Arc you can unlock huo you  can unlock William and I wouldn’t recommend some   of the other choices but for that first wheel you  have some of the best commanders at your disposal  

    To at least unlock and of these four I would  say the best first thing to invest in is a nevi   okay nevi is such a powerful Commander he has a  really nice even spread of stats he also gives a  

    Bonus to skill damage and he has a decent single  Target damage Factor on top of the fact that he   has a really powerful defense reduction so even at  something like 5551 you’re going to have a really  

    Powerful Commander with Nevsky as soon as you get  that first Wheel of Fortune coming around and here   is where you know if you invested in that Minamoto  you slap Minamoto behind him and you have a super   powerful single Target damage machine especially  with the Relic on Minamoto that’s really really  

    Amazing if you don’t have the Minamoto then you  have a couple different options first of all if if   you went for the ysg you could try it it is very  squishy just keep that in mind it this is you know  

    Some people have done this it’s okay I prefer the  Scipio prime ysg like we did in the Infantry video   I think that’s a much better pair cuz they both  have AOE here they don’t so you lose a little bit  

    Of the skill damage value on the fourth skill of  ysg but you could run this in a pinch similarly   you could run the Mehmed behind him Mehmed’s Relic  is also insane he also gives you some attack and  

    Health as universal he’s also an AOE Commander if  you have him at 5511 or better then that’s a good   sort of emergency shoe in if you really need  need a PVP Army and of course if you got the  

    Saladin then you could run the Saladin with him  as well however I think the best first pairing you   should build is obviously Nevsky Joan I think this  pairing has been around since basically the moment  

    Joan entered the game this has been the tried and  true Cavalry pair and it shows no real signs of   slowing down this is an insanely powerful Army the  fourth skill on Joan makes her active skill pop  

    Twice every other skill cycle and it is one of the  most powerful AOEs in the game it’s 2,000 damage   factor three Target with some rage engine and some  awesome stuff so really what I would recommend as  

    A minimum viable build would be a 5551 Nevsky with  a 5115 Joan of Arc Prime and this is where if you   picked up any skill reset items along the way in  the early game you can get some of them for free  

    As a free-to-play player they’re very rare you  only get maybe one or two a year as a free-to-play   player so please keep that in mind anytime you  can get your hands on them you should get your  

    Hands on them and if you do get them use them on  Joan Prime if you can’t get the 5115 then you can   settle for the 5×15 so basically the second skill  whatever that lands at is good third skill doesn’t  

    Matter that much so you know 5515 if you have to  that would be like the most that I would go for   Joan unless you’re extremely unlucky or something  like that you really want a fourth skill to five  

    Is what I’m trying to say eventually however you  will expertise your nevi okay so I would say get   nevi to 5511 or 5551 then do the Joan 5115 or  5515 however you can get it then go back back  

    And finish the Nevsky and from there you’re going  to move on to your second pair and who would your   second pair be and this is where we’re going  to Branch out the next Army that we’re going to  

    Build is a Scipio Prime with Liu Che secondary the  reason for this is they are both AOE commanders   they both have infantry Mart speed they both have  a ton of damage output on their kits and also the  

    30% Health reduction on Scipio is insane the  Slowdown effect on the AOE from Liu Che is   insane and also because he deals smite damage any  commander that you’re hitting the open field that   reduces the skill damage they take has no effect  for Liu Che so he’s going to still be hitting them  

    At full power which is really nice I think this  pairing is probably it might be the most powerful   open field combo in the game right now I would  say get a 5551 Scipio Prime and a 5515 Liu Che   or however his skills land his last two they’re  pretty interchangeable in terms of Effectiveness  

    And then eventually you will want to expertise  both of these commanders I do think that is worth   it I think as a single Infantry repair if you have  both these expertise you’re going to be able to  

    Run this pairing for a very long time probably  years at this point it’s just so insanely good   that you’re not you’re not going to regret this I  I can’t imagine you will once these two commanders  

    Are expertised then you’re going to go and work on  you guessed it an Archer March and that’s going to   be J Leong primary with Herman Prime secondary  J Leong at 5511 is the minimum Herman Prime at  

    5551 is the minimum eventually you will expertise  the Jay Leong and the Herman Prime is up to you   he’s a little bit tankier at expertise he’s just  a little bit better at expertise to be honest with  

    You but you know if you’re finding that he’s  useful at 5551 you don’t need to expertise him   then fine leave him there otherwise an expertise  here probably you won’t hate it you probably won’t   regret it but at 5551 that is good value this is  definitely the best Archer March in the game right  

    Now and it is a contender for one of the best open  field marches in the entire game period the reason   that we’re going for one of each troop type in a  Cavalry video is because like I said earlier in  

    The video you’re going to be collecting blueprints  for a bunch of different troop types you’re going   to be collecting armaments for all the different  troop types and some of these other commanders   that aren’t Cavalry are just so insanely good that  you just need them also the Herman Prime spreading  

    His poison is going to make the skill damage from  all your other commanders hit even harder so like   the support here is insane the support on the  health debuff here is insane so you have to  

    Think about how these all work as a unit you’re  just going to perform much better if you have one   of each troop type next you can move on to your  fourth and arguably final pair it’s no brainer  

    That huo is going to be the primary Commander  here and at the time of recording this video   the best commander to pair him with is William  William is a bit of an older Commander at this   point and I do suspect over the next perhaps  6 months we will almost definitely get a new  

    Release cycle for Cavalry meaning we’re going to  get a new Mightiest Governor commander and a new   Wheel of Fortune Commander for Cavalry and one  of those commanders if not both might be more   powerful than William in this investment guide and  so if you’re watching this video in June or July  

    Of 2024 or later then keep that in mind look at  who the newest commanders are for cavalry and more   than likely one of them will be paired with your  huo instead of the William with that being said  

    Though and because that’s only speculation what we  know at the time of recording this video is that   Huo William pops off this is a great combination  I run this okay you can run the 5551 huo or 5515  

    Depending on how you want to do it and then the  William only needs to be 5551 as well so you could   Technic Ally build a pretty value budget build  here and put you know all your best Cavalry gear  

    On your one March and your second rate gear on  the secondary March eventually you probably want   the huo expertise that’s just my opinion I think  huo like all of his skills are really solid he’s  

    Great in the open field he pumps out a ton of  single Target damage I mean 2700 is just wild   especially because his rage cost is lowered right  so it’s it’s it’s insane and William is another   one of those supportive marches where he’s going  to give your other armies and allies a bonus to  

    Defense and some rage over time rage per second  so realistically this is a great second Cavalry   pairing and if you get this right now if you have  this at the time of recording this and posting   this video You’re basically done this if you’re  a Cavalry main you’ve got all the best armies  

    That you could possibly get the question is if  you move on to Five Armies then yes you’ll be   thinking about something like Xiang Yu but again  I don’t think you should be focusing on building  

    A fifth March I think you should use this Fifth  Army slot to grab a rune to join a rally to join   a Garrison there’s a ton of different things you  can do and make use out of that last Army slot  

    You don’t necessarily need to be Fielding with  five armies all the time that’s very expensive   to do so especially with tier five units you’re  probably not going to be able to sustain that as   a free-to-play player so if anything you know as  new commanders come into the game later down the  

    Line perhaps some of these other commanders can  move into that fifth slot and then you could maybe   build another Army later if you really really  want to but for right now I would stick to just  

    This and you’re going to be golden okay with the  commanders out of the way let’s talk about your   equipment and the order with which you should  upgrade that equipment of course what you see   on the screen here is your entry level Cavalry  build okay you see eventually you’ll get a full  

    Special talent on everything but you’re running  the two-piece halberd set this gives you a ton   of Cavalry stats for green pieces which is insane  you have the Cavalry helmet and three Windswept   pieces here you’re going to get a little bit of  Cal stats and also some March speed out of that  

    Which is really nice moving on you’re going to  upgrade those wind swept pieces to the purple   pieces this is going to give you a ton of both  defense attack and some health and then from   there you’re actually going to replace the hir  set with the purple pieces so here you have the  

    Gladiator legs which give you more Health as  well with the special talent which is nice and   the Heart of the saint which gives you a ton of  Cavalry defense this is a really good weapon the  

    Weapons in this game are very expensive as pieces  to craft so the fact that Cavalry has a really   powerful weapon that you don’t necessarily need  to switch over to Legendary as soon as possible   is really great this is a great midgame build from  there you are going to replace your your first  

    Two pieces to Legendary are going to be the chest  piece and the boots these two pieces both give you   Cavalry Health which is really really impressive  and you’re going to get the two-piece set bonus  

    When you go ahead and do that so when it comes to  bang for your buck these two pieces are the best   to replace you’re going to notice here that we’re  still running the blue helmet that’s how good that  

    Blue helmet is and eventually you will replace  it okay you replace the helmet and the weapon I   would say helmet first then weapon later this is  going to give you some cab defense and the weapon   gives you some Cavalry attack now you’ve got a  piece set bonus here for Cavalry which is nice  

    As you’re going to see you have four pieces here  that give you Cavalry Health which is insane so   a ton of really tanky stats here we have like I  said earlier in the video Navar’s control gloves  

    And the ash of the dawn for the legs these both  can be obtained in the crystal keys so you don’t   even need to or you really would never run a six-  piece set bonus for Cavalry anyway and the reason  

    That you would upgrade these to last although  you know if you have the blueprints and you can   upgrade them then go for it but the reason you  go for it last is because this only has half a  

    Point more of stats than the Gladiator talented  legs that we replaced it from right and Navar’s   control replaces you know this has attack and  health this has all Health but it’s basically   the same number of stats pretty much so those  are the least impactful upgrades now when it  

    Comes to your iconic upgrades for these pieces of  course putting the iconic crystal in the legs and   in the boots is going to give you the base Health  bonus which is going to be the most impactful from  

    From a basically a tier one perspective but beyond  that I think you want to go for your weapon first   Okay the reason for this is because it gives you  upwards of 2% damage to troops on the map whereas  

    If you look at other pieces like the helmet or  the chest those only give you 1% extra damage and   really the bottleneck here is most likely going to  be the blueprints so in order to get 2% damage on  

    The map from upgrading both these pieces you would  need one two and three additional blueprints for   both of these so that is six legendary blueprints  whereas for this you only need 1 2 three so it’s   half the amount of blue blueprints of course  the upgrade materials and stuff are going to  

    Be a little bit higher cuz it is the weapon  compared to the helmet and the chest but like   I said blueprints will most likely be the bottom  neck here so you get the most bang for your buck  

    On the upgrades to the weapon in my opinion plus  also ignoring enemy defense and having more units   is really impactful after the weapon I really  like upgrading the boots here I know that you get   Cavalry attack which is not that impactful but I  think the 5% Marge speed for a free-to-play player  

    Is going to be really really nice beyond that the  legs actually give you for Cavalry 1% damage on   the m which is nice plus more Cavalry Health which  is great after that I would say the chest and the  

    Helmet probably deserve the most attention and  then at the very back of the pack is probably   the gloves now one thing that I want to point  out here with the Awakening and with the iconic   tears is that like I said before the bottleneck  is probably going to be the blueprints and so  

    More than likely you know if you can do a specific  upgrade for your Cavalry then you probably should   just do it like if you’re going into kvk if you  can make that upgrade is it worth upgrading or  

    Holding off until you get the correct next upgrade  it’s really hard to say most likely you’ll want to   just do the upgrade right especially if it’s a  piece that you got lucky and you got the special  

    Talent like that’s going to be a really big factor  and with that being said that’s pretty much going   to do it guys if you made it to the end of this  video drop a thumbs up on it it really helps out  

    The channel a ton it’ll really it’ll push this  video out into the YouTube algorithm so other   Rise of Kingdoms players might see it and while  you’re down there consider subscribing to the   channel and clicking the Bell to be notified the  next time that I upload a rise of Kingdoms video  

    Comment down below your thoughts on Cavalry  as a main choice for free to play players I   would love to hear from you down there what  your thoughts are and with that being said   guys thank you so much for watching this has been  Omniarch I will talk to you guys again soon peace


    1. I've noticed as a cav main the special troop you get from a cav civ makes a huge difference as compared to running for example ottoman. Only time I would run ottoman is if I was running 2 or more archer marches. Most cav players should run Germany.

    2. Why didn’t you mention France as a civ? I’d say it is for every troop main. When you are running t5 marches, the impact of France is MASSIVE during kvk (healing speed & health buffs). You can use gear & armaments for things like skill dmg & march speed.

    3. cao cao just came in wheel of fortune whole you buy that i am sitting at 1.3m power and heading into kvk 1 in a week ps. i am free to play meaning i whole only be able to unluck cao cao but not skill him up

    4. Why u didnt talk about soc weapons? Developers are adding more ways to get coins. And yeah, they are still hard to get, but arguably, as a f2p, its faster and easier to go for at least 1 soc equipment cause gems are also hard to get so doing gem events for say chest and boots while going for soc weapon would get you to a desired set faster

    5. Hey, it's off topic but what do you think about close up dot mode option? Like actual dot mode but when close up, in addition to simplified graphics. If you like this idea make a suggestion through video please 😉

    6. I am a cav specialist and in the last KVK, I mono-troop typed cavs as an ultra low spender. There's a number of benefits to mono-troop typing cavs as a low spender;

      1. Crystal tech, going all in on Cav attack tech and skipping all others allows for 20.5% delta of Cav attack vs. other troop types, when going "all in" on cav tech and skipping the others

      2. 11 points of base health/defence from Germany (similar to 11% of stats)

      3. 5% cav attack from Germany

      4. Using Battles Bloom, +15% cav health vs. a delta of -5% att/def on other types. So a 20% to 15% stat delta above an Epic

      Overall, that's 51.5% of stats you gain by mono-troop typing. Netted vs. Ottoman + Twilight falls, you're running a net of ~40% relative stat gain, and all your marches are reasonably fast. (I'm approximating 1% of stats = 1% of skill dmg = .5% of all dmg)

      What you sacrifice:

      1. Access to the best meta comms of each troop type (biggest impact)

      2. Access to armaments (i.e., a triple roll archer is useless to a cav specialist). This is partially mitigated by trans stones now.

      3. Reliance on leadership AoE secondaries (Honda, Mehmed) OR type-swapped AoE Archers in Unbound or SoS as secondaries

      Mono Troop typing cavs works better than you expect. It's not doable with INF. Doable with archers, as they have insane commander depth, but questionable to do so because of march speed as well as targeting priorities most people follow

    7. Hi Omni i have a question.. how come you want us to work on the cav march first and then work on inf and archer and finally the second cav march rather than working on maxing one cav march first, and then maxing a second march in order to maximize use out of research/equipment.

    8. Minamoto might seem expensive when looking at those vip chests, but add up the cost of expertising any other commander and you'll find he's actually the cheapest one in the game

    9. Hey omni. I May spend some money on minamoto not for expertise. But having him 5511 is it enough? Will it be useful for SOC?. In other words is 5511 is it a good investment or you need expertise for sure?

    10. thank you for your content. I recently started playing again and I will follow all your tips. But what should I do during kvk 2 without having any legendary commander? except Richard. And how should I use Aethelflaed?

    11. I don't understand why everyone insists on running Huo/William when their march speed debuff doesn't stack..Why not run Huo/Joan and Nevsky/William? You can potentially hit more enemies with the debuff

    12. Great video, great analysis as always. I could not agree more with the strategy of prioritizing your VIP level. I did not do this (I made MANY mistakes), but I sure wish I did! Getting those 1, 2, or preferably, 3 golden heads every single day is an incredible advantage.

    13. FINALLY A PERFECT VIDEO. Finally some one approve Germany civ as best for F2P and cavs are best for F2P. 👍👍👍.
      5+ Years in this game as F2P. First 2 years as Infantry may be got to 1B KP. Then maxed Attila/Takeda as my first cavs. 3 years later still as F2P. 9B KP.

    14. I mean…getting blueprints of other troop types, is not so easy to get……legendary ones are from egg event, you kinda have to pick those if you really want them. I'm going to go for 5 cav marches. I want to be quick on the field. Not to get picked on.

    15. Hi , i came back to the game after a year and on my account i have ch 18 , should i do a new account or keep play with this one? ( I almost never used speed ups, gems and resources packs )

    16. Yo brooo am a new fun of yours…I have just watched a video of yours…and fr am a mobile player…which is the least best specs that u recommend for a smooth PC ROK…?

    17. playing with 3 cav marches nevsky+ william xy cao huo mehmet or cao i have 450 gold heads for saving fornew commanders i dint invest any archer infantry yet btw im 50 mill

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