Watch LIVE! the World Boxing Cup: GB Open – Sheffield 2024
    Every day from 17 to 19 January 2024 @ 11:00 & 17:00 UK time
    Finals LIVE! on Saturday, 20 January 2024 @ 10:00 & 13:30 UK Time

    It is the first stage of the prestigious series that will culminate with the World Boxing Cup Finals at the end of the year.

    The competition is just the fourth major elite, international, Olympic-style boxing event to take place in Great Britain since the London Olympics in 2012, bringing top boxing talent from around the world to Sheffield in the run-up to the first World Olympic Qualification event.

    #TimeForWorldBoxing #GBOpen2024 #WorldBoxingCupSheffield24 #OlympicBoxing #NationalLottery #VisitSheffield

    Yeah Well a very good evening and a warm welcome here from the English Institute of sport in Sheffield for the world boxing cup where this morning we had some fantastic high quality action and we expect more of the same this evening seven context contests for this evening

    Bout and um lots of um home interest involved as well England Fighters coming up we don’t have any Welsh or uh Scottish fighters on this evening but in terms of representing England we’ve got Joe tiers Patrice mulai huy Malone and Lewis Richardson Lewis of course was alongsiders for uh commentary yesterday

    We’ll have Patrick brown with us today we’ll introduce him in just a moment uh Elite national champion and uh he will be looking forward to getting involved with the action uh starting his campaign in this world boxing cup from tomorrow we’re here at the world boxing Cup in

    Sheffield in association with GB boxing England Boxing and of course World Boxing really really important plenty on the line for these Fighters not just national pride in representing their countries but they will want to stake their claim and convince their coaches to select them for the upcoming next

    Opportunity to go to the Olympic qualifying tournament so lots on the line for these Fighters as they pursue their dreams and chase their dreams of becoming an Olympia there are of course some Fighters here who have already qualified for the Olympics they will be seeing this as the perfect way to get

    Ready to peek at just the right time for what will be the Pinnacle of their boxing career in the Olympic style of the sport let’s go to our MC now Craig denome okay ladies and gentlemen welcome to the English Institute of sport Sheffield my name is Craig Denim and I’m

    The Master of Ceremonies for this session of the GB open World Boxing cup the event is brought to you by GB boxing UK Sports the national lottery Sheffield City Council England Boxing and sting our competing nations are the Czech Republic Denmark England Finland Germany Mongolia the Netherlands Nigeria Norway

    Panar Scotland Sweden Wales French Polynesia and the refugee boxing team so ladies and gentlemen the officials are ready the boxers are ready is time to make some noise it’s time to start boxing so ladies and gentlemen introducing your boxers to the ring and firstly introducing your Red Corner

    Representing the Czech Republic give it up for Eric Sui so here we go then we’ve had an incredible morning of action and uh lots to live up to for the evening session but no doubt it will do because we’ve got some top quality Talent on display getting underway with our opening bout of the evening session

    Here at the English Institute of Sport the man from The cze Republic in the Red Corner making his way to the ring this the men’s light welterweight category 63 and 1/2 kilos we’ve got three contests at this weight category following that will be four in the light middleweight 71 kilogram

    Category all ladies and gentlemen introducing your blue corner to the ring representing England give it up for Joe ties so in the opening bout of this evening session huge home support for Joe ties the man from Darlington making his way to the ring wearing blue four times national champ Champion

    Represented England at the Commonwealth Games got to the quarterfinal stages boxes out of billon boxing Academy a recent interview he talked about the pressure that is on the all of these Elite fighters to qualify talks about how becoming an Olympian can change your life he does have the AIM and ambition to turn

    Pro comes from a boxing family brothers who all boxes brother Jimmy actually had the um pleasure of commentating on his professional debut in Sheffield last year it’s a very much part of the family as he gets ready to put on a display in front of the home

    Crowd okay ladies and gentlemen this is B number 23 which is a light welterweight contest scheduled for three rounds of 3 minutes and introducing your boxers firstly boxing out of the Red Corner we in the old red with white trim and representing the Czech Republic giving up for Eric

    Sui and across the ring his opponent boxing out of the blue Corner we’re in the all blue with white trim and representing England give it up for Joe ties your referee and the bell representing Germany Miss Susan kopka well alongside me for commentary this evening we’ve got Patrick brown two

    Times Elite National Champion uh from my neck of the woods I’m glad to say fellow manun so you’re in good hands here today uh his box is out of mide fire station with of course Nigel Travis will talk a little bit more about what you’re doing

    And how things are ahead of your opening Bout Tomorrow Pat but let’s get this one underway and um you’re expecting a a pretty interesting contest here yeah definitely Stacy it’s it’s nice to talk by yourself from Manchester and uh this contest tonight is H it’s an important

    One for Joe and if he sticks to the game game plan um I believe he should get through it he talked in um an interview recently in the buildup to this competition saying about it does feel the pressure all of the time as all the boxers will because it’s that you know

    You’re chasing that one dream for a minimum of four years in in most cases aren’t you and everything rides on opportunities like this cuz even getting selected to go to the qualifying tournament is is difficult when you’re in a very competitive uh Nation such as GB do you feel that that pressure

    Definitely for sure especially when you’re on top of your game and you’re the one to get off the top shelf everyone’s coming for yourself you do feel that extra pressure and I know Joy is at the top and at the moment um he’s he’s looking sharp and if he keeps it up

    He’s going to be doing well made a good start here but is is in with a he keeps very capable opponent Eric sui man from the Czech Republic in red Joe ties of course the Englishman in blue like to see Joe speed his foot working and out because when he does he gets

    [Applause] success the next um opportunity for boxers to qualify will be uh next month in Italy so in many cases this is their chance to send a message to the coaches to ensure that their name he’s on the roster for that one because it’s their opportunity to

    Qualify so really really to perform well a lovely back hand there from Joe tiers he did well as well not only did he land really nice defensive maneuver to to slip away after that as well looks like he’s starting to adjust his feet just enough Pat to get that

    Range in distance yeah Joe Joe takes a while to get into the fight but when he gets in into his Groove he’s a very hard opponent to face and as you can see he’s weaving in and out now with that right hand and it’s h showing success left of

    This one it looks like Joe tiers has really started to find his range in the last few exchanges is having the better of them as a Result let C Joe stabed the body working well yeah he’s really good at stabbing the body and then throwing her right over the [Applause] top it was a good start for the man for the Czech Republican red ER sui but Joe tiers oh great shot there to end the

    Round by Joe that can be the difference if it was tight for the judges that could sway it in Ty’s favor has talked about the uh the pressures of trying to secure qualification talks about how the Olympics can change your life which indeed it can and um has every intention

    To turn pro after this Olympic cycle as I say his brothers boxer commentated on his brother Jimmy Ty’s um Pro debut last year also a very skillful boxer he said there was always loads of rivalry between them’d be sparring all the time around the house and um he fought out in

    Um Hungary at the beginning of last year lost on a split decision to Ukrainian opponent has just continued to improve since then and hopefully the timing’s right for him where he can really excel at this tournament and stake his claim for selection definitelya is’s 100% got boxing and his blood and that

    Competitiveness from his brothers and it follows through in training because I know he always challenges me even though I’m a lot heavier than him he always comes for me Joe does whether it’s on the track or in the ring round two hopefully some of that of challenging the big Lads like your Pat

    Has paid off him here there’s that stabb to the body that he talked about nice and sharp seems to seems to me he’s got the measure of the the Czech Republic fighter he is still shipping a couple of shots cuz he’s he’s handy and capable isn’t he he

    Is Eric sui but it it does seem that it towards the back end of the first round he he was beginning to just judge that distance and timing a bit more effectively let’s see if we can continue that now and build upon it in the second

    Round nice sharp jab oh great shot Again by Joe with that right hand that was a lovely one two from tiers right down the pipe landed nice and clean just maintaining his composure now just needs to stay switched on as well Pat sometimes he’s Landing nice but then if

    He holds his feet he’s just getting caught by sui isn’t he at theend as he comes out yeah he gets caught he’s throwing that Loop in back and sui just needs to be aware of [Applause] that just needs to be a little bit cute defensively CU his work going forward

    Has been uh really accurate well timed just doesn’t want to take anything in return which has managed to evade that in these last couple of exchanges good body shot as as his opponent is coming into him [Applause] There on his toes now tiers nice work both of those Jabs Landing crisp and clean minute and a half left to go in this second round scheduled for three threes of course Olympic style boxing no head out for the men good work from tiers just getting

    Tied up like to see Joe use that movement that is just on there and bait his opponent into him plenty of support here and makes a big difference Pat being able to box at home it’s not something that you get to do very often as it as a a GB boxer

    Definitely not no I don’t think shot back Joe tiers perfectly timed caught the check fighter as he was coming in intelligent boxing from Joe Tai as this and this is what you want to see where they can have an opponent in front of them that brings something different and

    Having to work out how they can just find those little gaps to penetrate that right hand over the top well timed back hand from ties and those can make all the difference and it always seem clear judges big shots can be the difference can’t they definitely and he’s doing it

    At the right time back and he’s in those yeah almost every time at will now this is great work from from Joe tiers last few seconds of the second round oh nearly takes a good shot from the Czech fighter but replies with one of his

    Own I feel that was a good round for Joe tiers we’ll see what the judges made of it yes I agree Stacy that right and was really good once again in the second round what difference does it make them being able to fight on home turf where

    You’ve not got the travel uh Logistics of it you’ve you’ve got the home support it’s familiar surroundings yeah it definitely makes a difference obviously you’ve got the extra pressure from your family and friends coming to support you but as you know and as everyone else knows pressure creates diamonds um in

    Terms of managing your weight you’re eating your own food you’re in your own comfort so it does definitely play A Part we’ seen in the replay some of that lovely work from Joe tiers he’s mixing up his shots really well Pat but that backand is just when it’s Landing it’s really eye catching

    Isn’t it is yeah and it also what it does as well as being an ey catching point for the for the judges to uh notice it also means that the cck fighter isn’t able to set himself it’s putting him out of his momentum taking him out of his rhythm equally important

    As well 100% third and last round had backto back vies against the same opponent Vladimir traal in October and December last year sui prior to that party for B in May U where we lost to the Austrian fight to Tano so not necessarily had the best preparation to go into a tournament like

    This with only three fights months apart but he’s equipped himself really well certainly doesn’t seem to be struggling in terms of gas cuz this is being fought at a frenetic Pace isn’t it it definitely has yeah the pace has been high Joe’s um staying in there he seems

    Very relaxed still which um which is good in the last round good left up again by Joe he can f if he can find the range of the timing for that back end again then that really no doubt there it is again good job on the way he’s timing it in such a

    Way that he’s allowing the check fighter just to take that little step in and he’s just catching him as he comes in and the good thing is about Joe is he can box but he also can fight if he ever needs to that’s why it’s so forceful cuz

    He’s that back hand is being met with an incoming fighter sort of stepping in as he catches him at the same time it’s almost double the force down [Applause] tle the crowd really getting up for this one now they know that it could uh you don’t want to

    Leave anything to chance you want to just make sure you get score as many points as possible shots landed on those target areas just to make sure no doubt in the mind of the judges the crowd on the feet now shouting lovely backand again from Joe

    Tiers just over a minute left in this final round he’s showing higher volume of punches on his opponent this round Joe which is good to finish the round ja just allowed him to set up that back hand he able to get his shots off before both boxes became [Applause] Tangled

    Got some great support here Joe tiers really vocal getting behind him exciting fight for the fans to enjoy as well cuz it has been competitive Pat definitely has been competitive Stacy yeah they’re both going back and forth and ooh those back hands of Joe ties though I mean there there there’s plenty

    That he’s done really really well and plenty that he’s done better than the check fighter I would say but that backhand really really effective lovely work to the body as well from tires Eric such doing everything he can throwing everything at him in these closing stages there goes the clackers both men

    Will be seeking to land those Final Shots just to leave that impression on the minds of the judges in this final round well we were hoping that we’d have a great uh evening session of boxing to match the morning and uh if that’s anything to go by we’re in for a

    Real treat cuz that was a cracker pack yeah it was a great fight there I really love the right hands from Joe like we were saying and some of his body shots in that last round they were really pacing all credit to his opponent though

    Um he had an engine on him and he was always throwing shots and he was always in the fight and giving Joe trouble heing there as he was coming in well of course we don’t know what the judges will have decided and as I keep reiterating it’s different when you

    Watching as a fan and it’s different when you’re calling it from ringside as Pat and I are when you’re a judge looking for something entirely different so let’s see okay ladies and gentlemen batt number 23 please show your appreciation for both boxers so ladies and gentlemen after

    Three rounds of boxing we go to the scorecards we are officials at ringside score a split decision in favor of your winner unboxing out of the blue corner it’s Joe tires well well deserved in uh our opinion Pat because we felt he’d done uh the better work particularly we enjoyed

    Those back hands that when he timed them they were so accurate so sharp and so eye-catching but Superior in every Department there Joe tiers and he’ll be really pleased to get his campaign at this world boxing cup underway with the win as he strives towards his dream of being selected for the qualification

    Tournament for the Olympics next month in Italy plenty on the way though really tough category the men’s light Welter at GB 63 and a half kilos we’re going to see two more England fighters in that category Patrice and huie in a couple of fights time but

    We’ve got Mongolia and Sweden up next as we enjoy some of the uh replay of that Fantastic action from our opening bout and a great win for the man from Darlington Joe tiers okay ladies and and gentlemen we move on to B number 24 so introducing

    Your boxers to the ring firstly your Red Corner representing Mongolia give it up for TGA iron berter so second bout of this evening session underway making his way to the Red Corner from Mongolia tulga o this the men’s light welterweight 63.5 kg Category lost in the National Final in December was the under 22 Asian championships he reached the final where he lost to the ladies and gentlemen introducing your blue corner to the ring representing Sweden give it up for haers Broman well now we see the first of the 11 time

    National champion and Nordic Champion hus browman at this world boxing Cup in Sheffield he did in fact fight Joe tyers who we’ve just seen the man from England in the former bout he boxed him in the tamama semifinal Tama tournament semi-final in November he lost to Joe tyers but he’ll be

    Um looking to go one better hit and overcome his Mongolian opponent ion bter attemps to like a low lead hand Broman quite relaxed back foot fairly typical you’d say in Swedish style let’s see what we have in okay ladies and gentlemen this is band number 24 which is a light wel to waight

    Contest scheduled for three rounds of 3 minutes and introducing your boxers firstly boxing out of the Red Corner we’re in the all red with white trim and representing Mongolia give it up for TGA I am and across the ring his opponent boxing out of the blue Corner wearing

    All blue with white trim representing Sweden give it up for humus Broman your referee at the Bell representing Czech Republic Mr Thomas Schmid here we go then men’s light welterweight 63.5 kg category just seen Englishman Joe tiers in action he won by Split Decision against man from the Czech Republic Eric sui and

    This man fighting out of the blue Corner Swedish fighter Broman lost to Joe tyers in the Tama tournament semi-final in round one he’ll be wanting to make sure doesn’t let that happen here against oan bartar the Mongolian he’s coming off a loss as well in the National Final in

    December made it to the under 22’s Asian Championship Finals as well so good backhand there to kick things off from Broman Patton he’s um he’s got a high guard oh ships a big back out a big uh lead hook there from the Mongolian fighter see Broman in previous

    Contests and he’s quite often adopted that relaxed sort of low lead hand but I think you have to feel comfortable and confident before you can do that so he’s started with a bit more caution here and he ought to as well because this Mongolian fighter o Barta we know he’s

    He’s a front foot fighter he he likes to put pressure on and um that’s exactly what we’re seeing here with these opening moments of this this first round yeah t is looking very sharp at the moment and and strong um browman still walking forward though he’s not fased by the punch power

    And um the big combination thrown his way and he’s also H him with some big big shots himself and although he’s um he’s an interesting one TGA o b because he’s um he’s not tall and rangy but he he extends his arms when he throws those shots they’re always sort of wide

    Looping shots so he he sort of gets a gain on the the range and the distance doesn’t he definitely yeah definitely um Brom is the taller fight would like to see him throw his jab more and keep him on the end of his Rod but like you said

    TGA is throwing long shots as well as weeping hooks of the body which is um he has just that little little split second movement where he just dips as well at the knees part as he then comes over the top with those looping shots and it can

    Be difficult to judge those because such is the case when when a fighter does that oh lovely lead oh two lovely lead hands there just having a quick word but um yeah two massive lead hands for the on goal in there but he’s just just out of

    Range but then just dips and steps at the same time and throws those overhand shots with his lead and backand and it is really hard to judge because before you know it it’s uh it’s caught you yeah it’s overwhelming when they come in with um dipping the legs and then firing up

    With powerful shots cuz as you know we moving targets harder to hit um broman’s got a cut beneath his left eye there hopefully that doesn’t get [Applause] worse referee having a little look at that round but does look like he’s got a fair possesses a fair bit of power the Mongolian [Applause]

    Fighter we’ve seen that in previous contests as well coming to the end of the round now the Mongolians holding the center of their ring whereas at the start it was the Swedish fighter yeah like I say haven’t seen hus bro in um previous contests um quite often he will adopt

    That style of that low lead hand and plenty of movement skipping around the ring but it tends to be when a fight is in their flow they’ve got that Rhythm they’ve got that momentum a bit of confidence but he’s not been able to do that here because such is the continuous

    And somewhat Relentless pressure from o barter as we see in some of the action here he Upstairs Downstairs mixing the shots up oan barter and uh great deal of success with it as well Landing cleanly Pat yeah he’s constantly in broman’s face and throwing fishous combinations up and down he’s not just

    Head on and either which can also throw a fighter off the game plan like to see how browman comes out into the second round now and see if he changes his tactics seconds out round two so we’re under away in round two we don’t know how the judges have seen the opening round

    But from um our feeling is that bter F in red has taken that first round some little triggers that um the Mongolian fight is doing before he throws his combination he’s always ending on a big left H it’s always fascinating as well part isn’t it of how Fighters come out for

    The second round when they they’ve had that first opportunity to see what their opponents got and try things and some things have worked some things haven’t make the way back to the corner and then they get the instructions from the coach and it’s whether they can make the adaptations and adjustments and also

    Sometimes I don’t know about you but I certainly it when I was fighting when you think a miles behind everything’s going wrong there’s a big Gulf in class here and get back to the corner and you just sometimes need that person to say you just need to do these couple of

    Things differently and you’re fine and you kind of go out with that extra spring in your step and confidence yeah it it makes makes it um a lot better for you in the ring when you’re coming out with instructions cuz sometimes when you go to the corner um your brain’s all

    Foggy and then the coaches definitely clear your mind it’s difficult to to see and diagnose if you like coach yourself and and see what’s not quite working sometimes you’re aware that something isn’t quite working you just can’t put your finger on it of course that’s where

    Coach worth Thea will take that time to compose you in between rounds and give you real Clarity on what you need to do and if you can go out and do it sometimes it’s just small adjustments that make the difference do you think that that this the Swedish fighter of course he’s

    Fighting out the blue corner browman you think he’ve done better in this second round I think it’s definitely not as physical this round um the Mongolian hasn’t got to him as much I don’t know if that’s because all saying that he just caught him a big left up there and

    We are starting to see now just little glimpses p as I was saying before of what I’ve seen of of browman before where he drops that lead hand gets on his bike a bit and gets that fluidity and movement which seems to be his more natural preferred style of boxing wasn’t

    Able to do it in the first round but he has done it momentarily here in the second it it’s been relatively effective when he has and he’s let those long shots go but he’s always a threat o barter is he’s he’s changed somewhat as well

    Cuz he was very much on the front foot in the first round and it sort of fluctuated in this round hasn’t it between boxing on the back foot countering and then stepping in as well it’s definitely gone back and forth maybe um tar is he’s having a bit of a

    Rest this round you never know and uh he wants to he wants to keep himself fresh for tomorrow if he if he believes he’s winning the fight but you that’s the problem with these amateur fights you can’t always a huge risk isn’t it tomorrow doesn’t come if you don’t get

    The win today we’ve seen it happen many many times and Brom has been catching him this round he has he got to keep that work rate up and that pressure that served him so well in the first round definitely what’s important to you Pat when you’re in the in the corner and

    Everybody has a different sort of way of doing it so whether it’s with Nigel Travis at your M side or whether it’s with the GB coaches what is it that’s most important and effective for you I would say just if if I’m if I’m being a bit sloppy

    And stuff I do like a little a little clip to wake me up but then I also like a cal mind as well if I’m winning the fight and I know I’m in comfortably someone to just say um don’t go rush it in trying to stop your opponent or don’t

    Throw silly shots that you don’t need to need to take because you’re ahead in the fight so yeah a bit a mix of both to be on his Stacy well I remember getting one of those uh Clips if we can call it that from Nigel Travis when he did my corner

    At the Harring gay box cup and was concussed for about the first 20 seconds of the the round I’ve got a pretty good chain round absolutely he’s a belter though he really is yeah he is definitely he’s a top man and an excellent coach as well but a brilliant

    Human being which helps when you guide in Fighters whether that’s at the professional or Elite level or just getting kids in the gym and making sure they’re on the right track good start with that jab from o the Mongolian fighter in red and a good right hand slipping through the middle as

    Well at times as well Broman in the in the second and the opening parts of this round is O big shot by Broman there he’s hurt the one go back and I was just going to say he started to in the first round he was trying to box in the second

    And third he’s more met fire with fire hasn’t he and that’s exactly what we saw there he’s been punching whilst the Mongolian has been punching instead of tucking up and absorbing it he’s thrown at the same time and he’s he’s gone Toe to Toe with him and he’s he’s had

    Success that was a massive backand if it this is in the balance then those are the sorts of big shots that can sway it got to his work rate here on isn’t he can’t take anything for granted definitely not no and I think that shot there from browman it’s really gained

    The respect um from toga which I think he needed as well and yeah still think he’s slightly hurt from that shot well he did seem to drop the pace and the intensity in the second round I am barter Pat was maybe thinking if that was deliberate in some sense but he just

    Doesn’t seem to have that same snap as he did in the opening round although a good little combination from him just then yeah I think he gets more success when he goes down to the body and works his way up and finishes on that big left

    Up but that only comes out once in a blue moon both Fighters look like the Gasping to get the air in now it has been fought with quite a bit of intensity this one and sometimes it’s it’s tiring because the amount of shots that throwing other times when you’re

    Loading up that’s tiring in a different way isn’t it definitely when you Lo a lot of oxygen to the muscles as well especially when you’re missing and you’re hitting air you you’re really gasping for it then and bad intention shots have been thrown this round last

    Minute of the third and final round oh good shots there by Roman nice lead up followed up with the back hand from the Swedish fight who’s got a bit of a pep in his step now as he steps to the Mongol in again yeah he’s got another another bit of energy coming

    Through it seems the Swedish fighter is pushing the pace [Applause] now I think o b hasn’t had the kind of preparation and the number of fights she would want coming into this and perhaps that’s telling maybe cuz the intensity does appear to have dropped since the first

    Round although it’s still been a quality display but browman when he’s really got stuck into him has had some great success and shown that he can really scrap when required as well so that was a really interesting one not privy to the uh the judge’s scorecards between the uh first and second round

    So who would you go for if it was there that’s a tough one Stacy I think the first round you’ve got to give it to the Mongolian definitely and then second round he did slow down but he also did hit the Swedish fight with some big shots but he the Swedish fighter also

    Hit him with some big shots I think amazing how it can the momentum can shift as well because as you say really what we felt was a clear round in the favor of the Mongolian fighter o o okay ladies and gentlemen B number 24 please show your appreciation for both

    Boxers so ladies and gentlemen after three rounds of boxing we go to the scorecards where’re your officials and ringside scor unan decision Victory all in favor of your winner boxing out of the Red Corner it’s TGA iron b a round of applause both boxers I don’t think you could Grumble either way

    With that pack cuz as you say some Fierce exchanges Big Shots landed by both Fighters um and he he did press forward hampus browman the Swedish fighter but a really good display from the Mongolian fighter o o b and I get the feeling that now he’s got that first

    Run away he’s got his engine going he’ll improve with each fight in this tournament yeah the ball’s definitely rolling for him now going into the second fight and as you know the the first fight of the tournament is always the hardest and um I just think the better shots come from the Mongolian

    With the more more Flores even though the Swedish fighter was C capur him with some big right hands yeah you want that first one out the way to get familiar with the surroundings get the nerves out of the way and he rushed off if you you haven’t

    Fought for a while and O barter has done that we expect him to see an improved version of him next timeout we’ve got an all England clash in the next light welterweight bout got Patrice M galai and huy Malone seeing some of those replays there from the fight we’ve just been watching between

    Mongola and Sweden and that lovely backhand that browman managed to land a couple of times as we get okay ladies and gentlemen we move on to batt number 25 introducing your boxes to the ring and firstly your Red Corner representing England give it up for Patrice [Applause] Mugal so Patrice malalai represented England in the Red Corner bear in mind both Fighters represented England in this contest light well to8 men 63.5 kilog kilogram category so as you can see a facely competitive category for the men’s GB team and ladies and gentlemen introducing your blue corner representing England give it

    Up for huy Malone the man from Coventry representing England hu Malone makes his way to the ring both national champions these two Huey four times National Champion three times GB TR Nations gold medalist it’s been sparring with European Champion Adam a team of course a real up and cominging talent been

    There at Shane mcguiggan’s gym sparring with him so topnotch top level sparring for him fights out of the chry the king amateur boxing club in centry is tall rangy he’s got those long levers up against Patrice National Champion five times Haring gay box Cup champion based

    In London he’s been doing some pad work with former two-time world champion James de Gale of course one of the boxes on the wall in the GB changing Ms is an Olympic medalist so both have had some good experiences here okay ladies and gentlemen this is band number 25 which is a light

    Welterweight contest scheduled for three rounds of 3 minutes and introducing your boxers firstly boxing out of the Red Corner wearing all red with white and representing England given up for Patrice melai and across the ring his opponent boxing out of the blue Corner wearing all blue with white representing England give it

    Up for Hue [Applause] Malone your referee at the Bell representing Germany Mr Alexander doish well this is one that I know you’ve been looking forward to Pat so both national champions yeah two Ls in the G as I say Patrice in the Red Corner he’s been doing some pad

    Work with former two-time world champion James de Gil and in blue has been sparing with Adam Aim so both had some good experiences and this has begun at an incredibly frantic Pace here is come out of the blocks fast like a gry hound let’s see if this pace can be

    Held great support for both fighters of course the opportunity to fight on home turf is a rare one at International level so they’ll really want to take that into the fight with them all that home support put on a display for everyone who’s come here to support them [Applause] today

    Patrice melai in the red boxing out the South Post stance nice work off the back foot there Pat from him going to have to be aware of isn’t it that if you although he’s eager to get get up close and get his shots up he will get caught as he just did there

    That’s something he’s got to be aware of that can be the case with the fighter that’s comfortable on the back foot pack you can’t go rushing in cuz they will catch you no you’ve got to stoke him slowly and Patrice is a sharp shooter as you can see there another back hand from

    Patrice down the pipe and um here we needs to just still put the pressure on but take his time a little bit cuz he is also getting success there’s a difference between just wed in an intelligent pressure and it’s a very difficult thing to do Pat when you’ve

    Got a fighter who’s on the Move difficult to pin down and you’re so eager to get your shots off cuz if you just wait without applying the right kind of pressure when you’re not impressing yourself upon them but equally yeah it’s way go about that pressure is really got

    To be the right balance and it’s a difficult thing to do tatri is really looking for that backand as he comes in as you’ve just seen there again he’s got long hasn’t he M’s got really long reach he’s utilizing every inch of that reach

    As he just edges back you can see as hu Malone comes towards him Patrice just shifts his feet just slightly steps back steps back waits for him to come in and then bang lets those hands go not quite cleanly on those occasions but see him again here just edging back

    With his feet bringing hu on and then lets that let’s that back hand go as we just saw there he changed the angle as he threw that as well so really difficult for huie to pin him down he’s looking more comfortable now Patrice as well with his hands down but he can’t get

    Complacent because here is still a dangerous Fighter coming forward last 15 seconds in this opening round F to step back we hear the clackers signal in the last 10 well that was a very Explosive Start to the round and clearly you had it in mind hiri that he needed to put the

    Pressure on and sometimes you just have to make those adjustments that when you say pressure it’s got to be in an intelligent composed deliberate manner definitely he’s come out the blocks fast there there and um Patrice ended up being the more comfortable fighter towards the end of the

    Round just seeing some of the replays of the action there yeah it’s lovely how he just adjusts his feet just those tiny tiny steps back to trece M and then waits for huy to come in and then just tags him let’s see who he went from the body up instead of

    Going for the head straight away it’s more difficult to move the body isn’t it the head is a much more movable Target so with a fighter that’s constantly on the move and on the toes does tend to be a bit more effective and productive to go to the

    Body at least to start with a shot to the body and work from there but let’s see what this round has in store big sharp opening from Patrice with a big one [Applause] two [Applause] another big lead hul continuing to try and stalk his man and close down the distance he him alone

    Prov a very very difficult task as Patrice mulai is just on the move all of the time and ready to pounce with that counter slight success there by H as your work from the body upwards like we talked [Applause] about for holding there for Patrice M galai now that could make a difference

    Pat definitely yeah and um the referee is not messing around there straight away with a point it’s going to be on your mind that as well isn’t it for both Fighters huy now might give him a bit of momentum and impetus not that it needed

    Any but you know in the back of M’s mind he’s going to be thinking I’ve had a point taken there and it can play into things can’t it yeah who is going to force the play Pace even more now knowing that Patrice is had a point took off

    Can patri hold the pace that he res setting he come out with some sharp shots at the start of the round can he keep it up big left hand there from Patrice but then other big shots from huie yeah he’s landed well on a couple of occasions there H Malone but just

    Excellent footwork back foot boxing with those sharp counters and if you’re going to box on the back foot Pat you have to be sharp and accurate with those counter punches because otherwise the other fighter just looks so dominant in terms of the front foot pressure but a beautiful display of counter punching

    With the uppercut followed up by the back hand from Patrice maalai excellent display of counter punching and as I say just as hu Malone comes forward and Stokes him he adjusts his feet those tiny movements draws him on and then lets the counter go he walked right onto

    It yeah it’s a really good fight this Patrice is showing good single shots on the odd one two is who’s coming in but then Hy comes back with um combinations they’re both going back and forth bit messy at stage you won’t serve either boxer particularly well although you’ve got to

    Imagine if it gets a little bit Scrappy and disjointed it’s going to favor the man in blue H Malone is Patrice preferring that Rhythm and fluidity who he looks The More Physical fighter whereas Patrice is um if he can stop his rhythm and M he’s going to be in

    Malone’s favor Scrappy as it is sometimes that what you have to do you just have to get the win or the advantage in any way that you can galai back in his back foot preferred uh style now though and goodness me that was a a very frantic second round C High paac

    Round it’s going to be funny to see what’s going to happen with the points with that point took off for Patrice yeah it certainly will both Fighters um making the way back to the corners getting their instructions and taking on some water will’ll be uh sucking the air in now Pat

    Because they really did expend a lot of energy in that second round we’ve seen some of that frantic and intense action here so no wonder the mouths are gaping open and they’re trying to get as much airing as possible to give the absolute best in this final three minutes and as you know

    As a fighter Stacy the last round you give it your all so I think we’re going to see another hard tase round coming our way seconds out well you may well be able to hear the supporters of H third and last round shouting from the stands you need to win this round

    He’ll be aware of that but so will Patrice mgal he won’t want to leave anything to chance and he looks sharp and switched on and the pair of these for this to be the opening bout for both men has been an incredible Pace pack cuz mentally

    You’ve got to be ready to go at it like this in the in the opening bout of a tournament sometimes it just does take that first one under your belt but now the man having the chance to warm to the task straight at it from the first Bell and

    They have not stopped it’s been relentless definitely stac and whoever the winner is the cobwebs are certainly going to be off for the next opening Bout Tomorrow cobwebs and all of spiders I think been knocked out of that ring as hu Malone applies the pressure again

    Trying to push mgal up against the ropes but he steps to him Smothers him doesn’t allow him to get his shots off as the two are separated by the referee and the action resumes and they’re straight back at it both fighter are getting success Patrice has been Landing a good few

    Ballows underneath and who is C Lely back there from him again yeah when he times that he lands it perfectly and it really is an eye catching shot as he continues to move lovely again lovely work the only Landing Patrice mallai P but it’s the defensive work after as he just

    Rolls away and it just looks so impressive doesn’t it yeah he’s like a b OFA p as you can see there he’s he’s sticking and then he’s moving just held his feet for just a second there so Malone able to get a couple of shots off but been limited his

    Opportunities for Success such has been just this excellent display of back foot counter punching from Patrice malalai in this good shot there with the lead hand from [Applause] theone this round the pace is still kept High yeah absolutely final minute of the last round they’ve given absolutely everything

    So much on the line you’ve got to consider the fact that these two are teammates both GB Representatives they will want to State their claim to be selected for the Olympic qualifier next month in Italy so everything is on the line here for these these boxers she would expect nothing less

    Than this to be fought with the highest of intensity so much at stake 30 seconds remaining oh dear got a little bit messy there as gai down to the canvas but coming to the last 10 seconds short and off we go like to see you have an

    Explosive ending to this one we hear the clackers both men eager to try and get those Final Shots in lovely work nice and compos there from Mall’s eye as he just sees the round out on his toes good work from him in those uh final few seconds what an engaging bout as well

    You couldn’t take your eyes off that contest P definitely not no it was explosive there was uh displays of aggression from Huey and the physical side but then we’re also seeing the sweet side from Patrice bobbing and weaving and both Fighters seem that they’ve won the fight so we like to see

    What the judges think of that right now absolutely both Fighters uh breathing heav as you’d expect expended a lot of energy there they gave absolutely everything really tough contest for for both of them tough tactically for hu Malone nice show of respect between the two fighters there tough tactically for him to you

    Know figure out how he could close the distance and and get at him but equally difficult for mgal terms it was very physical and he constantly had to be on the move and on his game let’s see how this one has gone okay ladies and gentlemen B number 25

    Please show your appreciation for both boxers so ladies and gentlemen after three rounds of boxing we go to the scor cards we your officials and ringside score a unanimous decision victory in favor of your winner and boxing out of the Red Corner it’s Patrice smai a round of applause both boxers

    Well in terms of the body language there malalai really happy as you’d expect because he he got the win there real disappointment on the face of hue Malone I think he thought he might just have through his work rate and some of the shots he landed done enough there but the cleaner blows

    Landed from Patrice mcal ey which is obviously the way that the uh judges have seen it yeah Pat ear the box out of his skin there didn’t get caught excellent bout wasn’t it 100% so much to break down there really good performance both Fighters shows there those back hands it were so

    Perfectly timed and accurately landed great performance from matrice melai but what an effort from hu Malone can hopefully take plenty from that as he continues to build towards his goals but a really good account of himself but what a performance from G as you see in here

    And it goes to as quality example of back foot counter function crisp really well timed week in week out at the gym these two are competing against each other and the standard is always high can be really difficult when you’re that familiar with an opponent can be difficult to find those

    Uh little percentages of advantage over one another when you know each other inside out and you train together and Spar together you’re on Camp together all of the time but what a fight that was that we were um able to uh enjoy their top quality Olympic style boxing

    We’ve got here from the English Institute of sport in Sheffield this is the world boxing cup there’ll be four events like this throughout the year Fighters can build up ranking points and as an end of year final event it’s one of the four different competitions that the world bought

    In are putting together include the world boxing championships every two years the Continental championships World Boxing cup as we have here today and the world boxing challenge events plenty of opportunities to fighters to develop okay ladies and gentlemen we move on to B number 26 introducing your boxers to the ring

    And firstly your Red Corner representing the Netherlands give it up for Tony Jaz Tony Jazz from the Netherlands the Dutchman in red making his way to the corner this as we move into the light middleweight category 71 kilog goes by the name of the white diamond been doing a bit of training back in November at salah’s gym in Las

    Vegas I’m sure he will have picked up plenty there he been on training camp here in Sheffield previously back in 2022 before the very accomplished Englishman Harris Akbar at the Europeans in 2022 lost that one by unanimous decision in youan and ladies and gentlemen introducing your blue Corner representing Denmark given up for

    Nikolai tan he in against the quality operator here though the Danish fighter European games champion last year the under 22 European champion and danish Champion he’s beaten Harris akar who just talking about there who who beat Tony Jazz who’s in the opposite corner this evening but ter Tyrion beat him in Helsinki last

    April at the GB tournament and he went on to lose against Welshman Yan Croft who was with us yesterday on coms in the GB semi-final the important thing to note here though is that Nikolai Teran the Daye has already secured qualification for Paris 2024 so not fighting with the pressure

    Of having to be selected for the qualification tournament okay ladies and gentlemen this is B number 26 which is a light on middleweight contest scheduled for three rounds of 3 minutes and introducing your boxers firstly boxing out of the Red Corner we’re in the all red with a white trim and representing

    The Netherlands give it up for Tony Jazz and his opponent across the ring boxing under the blue cornal wearing all blue with white trim representing Denmark giving up for Nikolai Tan Your referee at the Bell representing Norway Mr Thomas Nelson so an interesting one this P because we’ve been talking you know

    We’ve reiterated it as well throughout yesterday and this morning’s sessions that for lots of these Fighters one of the key elements is that they need to impress at this tournament because they want to be selected for the next opportunity to go to the Olympic qualification tournament in Italy next

    Month of course not the case here for Nikolai to Teran in um blue the Danish Fighter fighting out the South Pole stands cuz he’s already qualified for Paris but Tony Jazz from the Netherlands in red he got it all to do so nikolai’s doing well there with a

    Straight left hand to the body and then right hook over the top that’s working well straight away he’s showing that he’s the more physical fighter at the moment nice lead hand to the body there Nikolai nice and controlled he’s taken the dominant position in terms of ringmat from the beginning first and third

    There and as you know Stacy it’s always awkward fighting a South pow so I bet tone he’s it’s always awkward but he needs to throw that right hand down the middle to catch the South Pole and then is he just keeping it at Close Quarters just keep stepping forward doesn’t he um

    Good shot there by lovely shot again he does look to possess more power than the Dutchman T you can you can never really know until you’re in with someone you only know when you’re in and you feel it but it it looks to me like he is feeling

    The power of tan yeah I agree Stacy that’s why he still on the outskirts of the ring and he is trying to look for that right hand down the middle but Nikolai is seeing it from long distance away and he’s countering just continues to Edge his way in just

    Applying that pressure with his front foot switches his stance though and throws a a lead right hand which is different type of problem for Tony Jazz to deal with back into his South Pole stance now and just those tiny movements that little dip of the shoulder isn’t it pat to try and

    Trigger Tony Jazz and then the back of that he explodes this fight’s different to the last it’s a little bit more it’s inches with distance the both only taking a tiny step back and a tiny step forward to be in range and it’s all in the middle of the

    Ring yeah completely different this one amazing how um we do say we’ve heard it a million times Pat that Styles make fights but it certainly changes them doesn’t it oh definely you can see some Fighters are able to adapt and box in a completely different manner depending

    Who’s in front of them well that’s why boxing is so exciting because you just never know what a fight can turn out to be good opening around there from Nikolai yeah it was a fairly controlled display for him wasn’t it he controlled every aspect of that really the the the

    Timing the pace the distance the range is um he’s featured on dut television has uh Nikolai ter Teran he’s really popular back in Holland says ever since he started boxing the Olympics has been his main dream says boxing’s taught him everything that he knows about respecting humility and he was even

    Mixing with royalty last year P he was invited to Prince Christian’s birthday which is a w thing that they invite people too have uh presumably who’ve accomplished things as Nikolai has so he got invited to that and was mixing with Dutch royalty so that’s a privilege in

    Itself certainly is and uh that on the back of becoming European games champion last year and subsequently qualifying for Paris 2024 so he’s up against it here the man second round Denmark sorry Denmark Danish royal family not Dutch not that I’m an expert me royal families anyway but still best not to

    Mix them up isn’t it yeah Nikolai Teran invited to the um the Danish Royal Family’s uh Prince Christian’s birthday last year so really uh popular in Denmark and good work here again like to see Nikolai throw that single shot to the body which he was doing really well in

    The first round it was controlling the distance and keeping him in control it looks like Tony’s come out with a different sort of style and captur him there as he went in what would you be telling Tony Jazz to do in in between those rounds what

    Would you want him to see and do differently in this second round I would say go twice and try and more G Shields out there yeah I was try and say go twice hit him like jab him up and down two phe attacks yeah and then um try and

    Land that right hand don’t just go for the head try and whip it underneath as well to his body so you’re at least hitting something whether it is his arms or his chest well G Shield back in place now for the Dutchman so back underway it’s really affected that stiff

    Back hand to the body from Nikolai as he rolls out as well certainly is a good display this from the Danish boxer Tony Jazz doing everything that he can to try and find a way through to land those shots but even when he’s throwing not tending to land cleanly Pat as is the

    Case with Nikolai to when he lands they are landing clean they are and you can hear it from a when they land I think Tony just needs to like we said just a for the chest so you’re hitting something because nikolai’s head movement and his distance it is really really

    Good it’s difficult as well because when the Dutchman he’s wearing red of course Tony Jazz when he um throws at the same time as Nikolai to ter and he get the uh the Danish man gets the better of it cuz he’s got faster hands and he can mix his

    Shots up better he can change the angles more effectively so he does get the better of it in the exchanges if they both throw at the same time he definitely does yeah and is really in control at the moment Nikolai like he was in the first round he’s just coming

    Into his own now his footwork as well is so Superior isn’t it he’s really comfortable moving in and out out of range he’s quick on his feet and Tony Jazz just doesn’t have that Fleet footed movement does he he’s not able to move as nimbly as as we just seen he’s good

    At not the Danish fighter there changing the angles pivoting moving his feet lovely footwork from him and it’s just great [Applause] back last 10 seconds of this second round well really tried to impose himself upon in the Dutchman Tony jazz in red is’s uh he’s got his work cut out with the

    Danish fighter to Terry and he’s just been exceptional throughout this uh contest controlling the pace and the distance not going to talk about what TV channels he’s been on or what royal families as have got Dutch and danish mixed up but he is definitely Danish um

    And he has qualified for Paris 2024 and how important are tournaments like this when you know you’ve qualified so you haven’t got that type of pressure but he’s obviously going to want to be peeking at the right time and getting as much experience in now before the Olympics yeah it’s definitely important

    Stacy because as we’re talking about last fight you’ve got to get them cobwebs off and you’ve got to stay sharp because even though you’ve made it to the Olympics which is a a great achievement in itself you obviously you want the medal so there’s nothing fighting to prepare for fighting is

    There if you if you’re going to box you know you can do as much snc as you wish and all the run it’s all important of course it is session back sessions everything but nothing quite like actually boxing being in there with different opponents who pose different

    Problems and you have to work it out he’s trying to stand his ground there Tony jazat yeah I think Tony knows his behind now and I think he knows he has to come up with something to stop him good shot from there with his lead hand BS Nikolai would just kind of not

    Take a back step too much where you get complacent but he’s done the work now and he lives the fight another day tomorrow if he gets through this round and you’re quite right it’s not about being complacent is it it’s about managing the fight if you’re up on the

    Cards and you’ve got you don’t want to risk a cut exactly for this tournament you don’t want to risk anything that’s going to cause your problems in your preparation for the Olympic so really important just to manage the fight he’s doing that now he’s slowed the pace

    Right down hasn’t he by just holding his feet not getting involved just uh catching Tony Jazz as he comes in just overextends a little bit with that back hand but back at range now again both boxes credit to Tony’s weather through the storm in the first round with some

    Big shots and he’s holding the center of the ring and he’s still in the fight even though Nikolai is very comfortable you can’t R tely back hand there ter terion really good work from him he doesn’t need to do anything particular different here Pat either because Tony jazz is not coming bowling

    In flying at him is he he’s measured so he’s able to just still control the pace and and distance and stay out of uh danger really for the most part but able to pick him off with those crisp clean shots which is still eye caping lovely exchange from both boxes there though

    This is what Nikolai doesn’t want to get into now a bit of a slugfest a minute remaining in this final round he’s one to going to want to keep it clean and tidy and just see out the round cuz as by our Reckoning he’s uh well ahead but who knows how the

    Judges have seen it got to watch that head there as he goes in as well certainly don’t want to get a cut in uh when it’s tournament style boxing got to box the next day or the day after and you’re going to want to be uh don’t want to be dealing with cuts

    That sort of cause you any problems in inhibit you Pat yeah and it’s them Cuts as well that can possibly open up in the future even though they are healed you really don’t want to have them Cuts 20 seconds remaining it couldn’t be more different this one to the fight we

    Saw pre previously between uh Patrice mcai and hu Malone it was frantic it was phonetic it was just a a million miles an hour from the first Bell this one been fought at a very different pace but yeah good showing their appreciation for that and Nicolai showing a good supply of boxing

    Both fights is just um in the corners now having their gloves removed and making the way to the referee I think the good thing is about this tournament as well Stacy is that you can have Pro wraps so your hands are fully protected cuz when you’re fighting

    Over consecutive days it does take a toll on your knuckles okay ladies and gentlemen B number 26 please show your appreciation for both boxers so ladies and gentlemen after three rounds of boxing we go to the score cards where your officials and ringside score a unanimous decision

    Victory in favor of your winner boxing out of the blue corner it’s Nikolai tan a round of applause both boxers well that’s exactly what the Danish fighter will have wanted as he continues his preparation towards Paris 2024 he’s already secured qualification for the Olympics so this now is’s about fine

    Tuning making sure he’s got that match Fitness making sure that he’s ready to peek at the right time for the Pinnacle of his career to fight at the Olympics in a few months time he’ll be pleased with that and he’ll crack on from here now disappointment for the Dutchman Tony

    Jazz who did everything that he he could the man who goes by the white diamond but just wasn’t able to close that Gap got Germany and Panama coming up now so we’re just looking through just seeing sorry the uh the replay of the action from the previous Fight okay ladies and gentlemen this is B number 27 introducing your boxes to the ring and firstly your Red Corner representing Germany give it up for mag COV got a quality operator here the German fighter shaido making his way to the ring a slow confident determined

    Look about a slow walk in a got determined look about Him he fractured his hand meaning that he couldn’t compete at Tokyo 2020 wasn’t able to qualify due to the injury and says that the Olympics is his Ultimate Dream so that’s what he’ll have his eyes on at this and ladies and gentlemen introducing your blue corner to the ring representing Panama giving

    Up for Eduardo bford Eduardo Beckford in Blue from Panama making his way to the ring PanAm games semi-finalist lost to Mexican Marco verie unanimously on points in October he box five times in 2023 the America’s qualification tournament in Chile Beckford Mets Jonathan are Bela the Colombian Beckford was ahead in the first round abdola took the second and Beckford took the final rounds did had a really tough contest there he did advance to the semi-final where as I say he was then beaten by Mexico’s Marco verie had to reach the final in order to

    Secure qualification so he just missed out okay ladies and gentlemen this is B number 27 a l middleweight contest scheduled for three rounds of 3 minutes and introducing your boxers firstly boxing out of the Red Corner in the all red with white and representing Germany give it up for mag catch it

    Off and ladies and gentlemen across the ring his opponent boxing out of the blue cornner wearing the blue with white and representing Panama giveing it up for Eduardo Beckford your referee at the Bell representing Wales giving up for Gary Meredith here we go then men’s light middle weight 71 kilogram kilogram uh weight

    Category so skatov in the red representing Germany as I just said fractured his hand meaning he wasn’t able to qualify for Tokyo 2020 and it has been his lifelong dream to do so so he want to impress here in order to be um selected for the next Olympic qualification opportunity the

    Tournament out in Italy next month he’s in against Eduardo Beckford the man from Panama in blue PanAm games semi-finalist one of the interesting things here Pat is that Beckford in blue the man from Panama box five times in 2023 skatov from Germany and red boxed 16 times huge difference isn’t it and in

    The last bout as well you’ve got a a South for versus orod do so that should be interesting this fight yeah he’s um long and rangy Panama fighter not too dissimilar to his uh teammate athenia B on the three time Olympian from Panama who’s tall and Ranger also yeah they both look

    Physical I have been told that the German uh he has got a bit of a whack behind him yeah certainly has we’ve seen that in some of his uh previous bouts that’s for sure he’s beaten Englishman Harris akar and Garen Croft in the semi-finals and finals in international

    Competitions but I’ve been said that the year before he lost to both so that shows that he’s you know he’s able to overcome losses which takes a certain mentality and it also suggest perhaps that he’s improved as well it sure does and it also shows as well at this level

    The boxing it really is sometimes a flip of a coin and who’s the sharpest man on the night absolutely sometimes you flab a gasted at the result you expect it to go one way and it doesn’t we’ve all been there so that sometimes can happen so what

    Looks like a win or loss on paper there’s often a or sometimes a different story behind it but both men have made a good account of themselves in this opening round with minute left in this one Pat who do you think started better so I think the German’s obviously controlling the

    Center of the ring and forcing the pace but he also likes to get involved physically and Beckford is once again like Patrice he being like a bar of soap being slippery moving around and is causing the German [Applause] problems both are interchange in between having that high lead hand guard and

    Then dropping it low as well so trying to keep each other guessing def defense from both boxes are really doing well this round only maybe the single one that’s getting through other than that the head’s moving off the center and the hard to hit nice backand a moment AG go

    From Beckford but skatov replied with a stiff jab of his own so both having success in these exchanges very much on the front foot applying the pressure but as you rightly said Pat Beckford effed off effective that back foot it’s be interesting to see how the judges see this one he is a

    Long rangey awkward Southpaw Beckford just five times last year but top quality action in the America’s qualification tournament in Chile where he faced Jonathan arer and and then uh the Mexican Marco ver and of course scatch of he’s um he’s another one who’s in the the bundes fere so that’s the the

    The the they have a military arm and a civilian arm and they have sports soldiers that you once you passed your basic training you can be part of that whilst competing he’s based at the federal base in heidleberg he’s pursuing a teaching degree and the Olympics is his Ultimate Dream it’s his father’s

    Main wish he says he was voted by box Sport magazine the AA boxer of the year in 2018 and as I say Miss qualification for Tokyo due to that hand injury he did say that he’s convinced everything happens for a reason they did have great

    Success in 2023 won gold at the Box cup the equivalent of this one boxing World Cup in Cologne last October so yeah I remember watching capable he’s got good reputation I think the second round is always a fascinating one as well cuz he had that first round to sort of test

    Each other out but also the coaches have had a chance to have a look and give those instructions and three rounds is is nothing in which to make the changes that you need to make in order to to overturn a first round if you’re down on

    The cards or whatever the case might be really important that you’re able to make those adaptations in Olympic style boxing with just the the three rounds pack especially when you’re in with experience operators like these two because when they know the up on on around uh they know how to seal it

    Through till the end but you do also get the obsessions that come through and they ruffle some feathers and turn it the away Backford lunging in there and missing the German don’t want to do that a lot because he will pay the [Applause] price well again this one not been fought at the Frantic Pace that we’ve seen in some of the previous bouts this evening but really really controlled and you can

    See what both boxes are trying to do Pat gatov just trying to there by be back there that’s where he’s got to be careful asn’t it he can’t hold his feet too long and wait in front of Beckford in in range he is edging in but sometimes he’s not throwing po no

    He’s not throwing and that that’s when beckford’s capitalizing on that and he has got a really awkward style that Beckford he reminds me of aara who for Canelo I know it’s different Pro to amate but he has got that style [Applause] absolutely he has [Applause] indeed it’s just those Split Second

    Margins part as well between getting the timing perfectly right and just waiting that Split Second too long and somebody like bford if those long levers will catch you definit got to get that that timing right scratch it off and I think this round as well Beckford is he’s

    Deliberately going on the ropes to maybe bring the German in on some bait and he has been caping in with some single shots here and there like you said stated the Germans holded his feet maybe a bit too long in front of [Applause] him interesting this pack because

    Certainly in the latter part of this round anyway neither fighter really utilizing the jab too much no they’re not good right hand there from the J they both seem to be looking for that backand more frequently don’t know where they’re just waiting and as soon as it’s

    An open they’re trying to get the back hand off but not utilizing the jab too much in either case yeah I agree and like us boxes know the jab it’s a crucial part of of the sport and of the game you definitely need to put it in your Arsenal for

    Sure well who would you have ahead in your mind at this stage I believe the German won the first round and then the second round Beckford might have just knits it with them little shots from when his back was on the ropes and he he was catching the German and also both of

    Them the defenses are really good that they not been Landing Flores or punches what about you Stacy yeah certainly a difficult one to um to call and second again it’s always difficult when you’re either watching it as a fan or just saying what you see in

    Front of you judges have the job last round to watch it in uh far more detail he looking for very specific things and then they must decide 10-point must-win system who they going to give the 10 points to each round and he’s going to get the nine in some cases

    Of course it can be a wider margin but lovely backhand there from skatov and that’s exactly what he needs to do more of it certainly is and he come out strong and hard in the face of Beckford seen him using that jab a little bit more though and neither man really used

    It too much or not to any great effect that I noticed in the second round but skatov just used it there and it just enabled him to to put Beckford out of his rhythm a little bit give him something to think about whilst he setled the back hand rather than just

    Being in front of him well that’s it keeping him busy with that back hand wasn’t he it’s with that jab sorry which helped him set up the back hand more need just flip the jab out and it gives the opponent something to think about and it also gets the opponent’s eyes on

    The jab and then they don’t see the back cross coming this is better from scatchard of in this round I think Pat is applying that pressure but where is in the the previous round he was in front of him but not always throwing now when he’s in

    Position he is letting his hands go and mixing his shots up yeah he’s throwing a lot more shots he’s looking more dominant as a result isn’t he yeah he is Beford needs to throw more than just the single shots and he can’t just keep waiting around now like he did in the

    Second where he he could just pop the odd one or two not a great deal coming back from Beckford here when it is the falling short sced of stepping into apply the pressure again can he back him up against the ropes and get that back hand off again

    Nice work not Landing cleanly but the more volume and the heavier punches are coming from the German fighter in red scatch it off Pat I think I think the Germans starting to realize as well that Beckford he doesn’t like this Pace in the last round cuz the German really is in his

    Face and he’s not giving him time to breathe yeah in the previous round he was in front of him like like this but sometimes holding his feet a bit too long and waiting too long to throw in this round he’s been busier with the jab in particular and that’s allowed him to

    Set up the follow-up shots and seeing some nice work from him again there with the lead hander looping hook Beckford not as effective in this round I feel what about you Pat yeah I agree St here I think the Germans taking this round so far and I think it’s just

    Because of the volume of punches he’s throwing a hell of a lot more and like you said he’s flicking that jab out whether it’s Landing or not it’s giving the opposition something to think about well closing stages of this one as we he the cler to Signal the last 10

    Scatch it off marauding forward I think this has sealed the victory for the German yeah certainly he’s been much busier in that final round and I think if the judges were split on this one then that perhaps will have swayed them who knows of no way of knowing what they’ve been

    Um what’s impressed them throughout the previous two rounds but I certainly think skatov there went through the gar and was was much busier in that third round and certainly won the third round by Myrick in yeah I agree third round definitely to the German and but all

    Credit to Beckford he’s he’s a tricky operator and he’s shown some really high quality boxing skills there especially in the second [Applause] round well some cheers from the crowd as we await the final result from our MC okay ladies and gentlemen B number 27 please show your appreciation for both

    Boxes so ladies and gentlemen after three rounds of boxing we go to the scorecard where your officials and ringside score a unanimous decision victory in favor of your winner boxing out of the Red Corner it’s magga man sketch it all yeah good performance the fighter magamed skatov good performance from

    Eduardo Beckford though the man from Panama but just had too much fire power at times sced of was really dominant in terms of ring positioning and just had too much for the man from Panama in the end so a good win for skatov yeah good win for the

    German yeah plenty of positive to take for Beckford as he despondently makes his way down the steps out of the ring we’ve got an absolute cracker coming up next English fighter Lewis Richardson and against the Norwegian Martin scarim as we look through the replays of the action we can see scatch

    Of there much busier in that round sticking out that jab setting up the back hand much more effective I felt like the third was his best round we look forward to the introductions now Lewis Richardson of England and Martin googam of Norway this one again in the light middleweight men’s 71 kilogram

    Category you head to RMC Craig Den referee just making his way into the ring there’s a good crowd here for this evening session you can expect the atmosphere to rise as we await our home ladies and gentlemen this is B number 28 introducing your boxers to the ring firstly your Red Corner representing

    England giving up for Lou Richardson well if you joined us yesterday you will have heard the voice of leis Richardson as he was alongside me for co- commentary for the morning session yesterday he went off to um get focused of course on the task at hand today European finalist in

    2022 Commonwealth Games bronze medalist in 2022 so real good pedigree the 27y old from Colchester recipient of the GB Awards Community award last year for his contribution to the council scheme box Smart in Colchester helping young people using the sport of boxing to help them

    On a positive path he is um a really exceptional Ambassador and role model in the sport Lewis Richardson and ladies and gentlemen introducing your blue corner of the Ring representing Norway give it up for Martin Scott Heim here we go then Nordic Champion the 23y old from Norway Martin scog Heim in blue

    Making his way to the ring interestingly his last bout he fought the man who we’ve just seen in action the German fighter who just won by unanimous decision maged scotched do that was in the Tama tournament semi-final he lost that one he also lost to him in the world boxing Cup in

    Cologne so he’s probably pretty pleased that he hasn’t drawn him that was the good news whether it’s okay ladies and gentlemen this is top quality for three rounds of off announcements from introducing your boxers firstly boxing out of the Red Corner we’re in the old red with white

    Trim representing England give it up for Lis Richardson and ladies and gentlemen across the ring his opponent boxing out of the blue Corner wearing all blue with white trim representing Norway give it up for Martin skim your referee representing Sweden mik moio here we go then as I say Martin

    Skim in the uh in the Tama tournament semi-final lost to skatov the German fighter we’ve just seen win on unanimous decision same man lost to in the world boxing cutting cologne now with a totally different type of opponent but equally as difficult in Lewis Richardson the South

    Pole fighting out of the um red corner of course 27 years old European finalist and Commonwealth goal uh Commonwealth Games sorry bronze medalist as well yeah he’s a lot tall six times in 2023 uh Lewis Martin God kind box 15 times but he’s uh he won gold at the alav cup

    In December in Portugal did LS Richardson and the Box ham International great shot there by Le Richardson yeah was a good shot so he comes to this in good form Richardson had a really good end despite having less fights than scog last year he had a

    Really good finish to 2023 Pat he really did yeah and he he’s got the height and reach here over his opponent and the way he’s going in out in his feet so far and catching him and he’s coming in it’s it’s really showing he’s controlling the pace and the fight so

    Far top quality fighter leis Richardson you haven’t seen him before excellent technical ability really good at controlling the distance just those tiny movements in and out with his feet as Pat just alluded to makes it very difficult for the opponent to set the feet Norwegian is finding out he will

    Snaap and intend in those shots as well Pat yeah as we come away from that clinch then L hitting with a good left hook and he like we said he’s really good at holding the distance and his boxing brain is second and on Lewis really is a high operator yeah highly

    Intelligent in the ring and out of it as it happens he got a master’s degree so he teaches me a few things Stacy bet he does he’s a brain box all around he taught me a few things yesterday as well lovely double jab from him there finding

    Its Target great shot down the middle there boxing as he just walks the norion onto that lovely backand it’s like Lewis was boxing yesterday no cob Works to come off here his distance and his timing they’re really showing so far and once again catching him as he come in yeah

    Absolutely very experienced rich yeah he’s Bo some really good Fighters like kak from Ukraine at 75 Kg he’s a very aggressive opponent so he really has boxed a lot of styles and he knows what to do those experiences such as boxing at the Commonwealth Games particularly a home games when there’s

    That pressure of wanting to sort of put on the best display you can in for the home fans it’s uh really stands you in good stead for when the pressure is on it really does yeah like you said like the Commonwealth games it’s a big platform in in the

    UK certainly is it took up boxing to get fit for football he played at county level Lewis Richardson and um he uh sustained an injury really bad one stress fracture to his uh back in 2018 that meant he failed to qualify for Tokyo so another athlete who suffered a real setback in pursuing

    Those uh dreams to get to the Olympics but then he had a Stell are in 2022 as we’ve mentioned before silver at the Europeans and bronze at the Commonwealth Games says he’s been really looking forward to boxing in front of a home crowd and again that experience of

    Having done so on a much bigger scale at the Commonwealth Games will have stood him in uh good stead and um just seen some of the uh action there in the replay really lovely composed controlled measured performance from Lewis Richardson taking his final instructions out Gary hail and Dave Alo

    In the corner yeah LS just needs to come out here again off his Jam keep moving his feet in and out like he’s doing and judging the range and the fight will always go in his way just sticks out that jab p and meanwhile as the Norwegian

    Comes Le is really good as well that Step Back le doesn’t yeah he he makes his opponent feel like they have to come on to him he so neat and tidy isn’t he don’t have the urge to he never feels like he has to commit he always catches

    Them when they come in right right then yeah absolutely perfect another one two beautiful by Le lovely work from Richardson this the the man in red representing England it’s a competitive category oh another backhand from Lewis bet oh and again I bet he really contaste lever his opponent here really isn’t once a

    Fighter like him judges that distance Qui sharp hook there Lewis is on fire at the moment this is an excellent display he did say that it was relishing the fact that he would be able to fight in front of a home crowd he’s had a taste of that

    At the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham on the big stage on a big scale and he was looking forward to that here and he’s certainly making the most of it and the fans are lapping it up he’s putting on a great display lovely bit of defensive work there as well just slips out

    Of slips out of Dodge lovely work this from Richardson and this is all he needs to do St he’s just the onws the left hand down the middle and he’s feet in and out and it’s winning him the fight he doesn’t need to get involved so he

    Can feel fresh for tomorrow’s fight and again interestingly with uh scam some of the facts that have seen of his he he he adopts that low lead hand position he’s not able to do it here because he’s having to bring it to Richardson but he’s getting picked off every time he

    Comes forward Le is starting to hold his feet more now as he’s see more success with the left hand but I don’t want him to get complacent which I don’t think he will do but he needs to keep on his toes think he’s able to hold his feet cuz the

    Norwegian is more and more reluctant increasingly reluctant to come forward as well P definitely yeah before he was um stepping in frequently but now he’s getting tagged time and time again with that big backand I think it’s deterring him from coming forward so Le not having to step back as

    Much indeed now he’s just gradually stepping forward himself but soon as the Norwegian comes forward adjust his feet just walks him onto that back hand lovely work from Richardson yeah the Norwegian he needs to go at least two times to try and get anywhere near Lewis

    Cuz once his feet goes back he know is going to be walking onto a big one two or a jab and this is the art of boxing hit and not get hit well another good example for the purists anyway the sweet science Lewis Richardson because he really is exceptional talent and very

    Highly skilled and really intelligent fighter as well interestingly balanced his master’s degree with boxing at the elite level he um of course likes to excel in everything that he does and says that studium is a good Focus outside of boxing for him he’s got a sports business management master’s

    Degree from Sheffield University and interestingly part his final project for University was uh Research into the feasibility of a GB boxing hosting an International Tournament so perhaps he’s probably got some things he can uh he can pass on that was useful from his research that maybe they’ve used for

    This very event but said it gave them a much more of an appreciation for what goes into putting on these events and what’s behind it uh as as is often the case really really good performance from Le Richardson though and it is a really competitive category GB light middleweight 71 kg category important

    For Richardson to put on a good display here cuz he’ll want to be selected for that next Olympic qualifying tournament to pursue his dreams the qualification for Paris 2024 on that back foot again with those lovely counters that back hand so straight and sharp tap yeah he’s using

    His levers to full advantage here and I like to see Lewis just remain calm like he is so and just see through the round pick his shots and um he’s put on a great performance still doing so you can see here the level of experience to operate at

    This definely high quality that that Lewis has because there’s nothing’s rushed nothing’s flustered just in control the whole time yeah cuz some Fighters they think fre frees and it goes within a blink of an eye it does to be fair but Lewis he he doesn’t feel the

    Urge to press the pace as much and he does take his time and pick his shots correctly and it’s it’s showing Here sometimes is a a trap you can fall into isn’t it as a fighter feeling that you have to be throwing all the time you have to be sort of on the attack all the time but of course that’s not the case and lovely controlled composed display this from

    Richardson on the back foot with those counters but equally showing that he can step forward as well as he is doing now getting behind that jab and doubling up and following up with the back hand showing that he can come forward as well which is good to see and that’s probably

    Just W Lewis up a little bit now to just keep his heading the game in this last round yeah just over a minute remain in this third and final round showing good signs of Fitness leis I know he’s a really good runner on the track every morning at

    7:00 doing everything that he can Martin scog the uh Norwegian fighter in blue yeah is up against it yeah another good one two there by Lewis he he’s just not got any comes forward he just gets C Pat but you of course got to show some Endeavor and try and come forward

    Haven’t you any chance of Landing yeah a big shot that can change things or being with a chance of winning or just to give the best of that he can but every single time he’s coming up short and Le Richardson has an answer to it little there but nothing to bother Richardson

    And he fir is straight back with those sharp Jabs he’s just keeping him on the end of his levers and the Norwegian fighter he’s just struggling to get inside and that is the only hope he’s got is to get inside and try and rough Lewis up but

    I don’t think that’s going to happen now with 10 seconds to go Le now seeing off the round he knows he’s one good performance there by excellent performance Not only was it a really good performance but to do that in your opening bout as well when as we’ve said

    You want to get the ring rust off you’re getting back into that sort of flow straight into it from the opening bell excellent performance definitely yeah no cobs coming off Lewis he was is coming out all guns firing yeah really really impressive display on the man from Colchester as we said before excellent

    Ambassador and role model for the sport use his sport to make a difference back home in his community it’s a recipient of the uh GB boxing Community award very very talented operator inside okay ladies and gentlemen B number 28 please show your appreciation for both boxers all ladies and gentlemen after three

    Rounds of boxing we go to the scorecards where your officials and ringside score a unanimous decision victory in favor of your winner boxing out of the Red Corner it’s Louis Richardson well I’d like to say that I think sitting with us on commentary yesterday was a good luck Omen so let’s

    Hope Pat that continues in the same vein and you can get a win tomorrow as well having sat with us today uh to do the cold commentary that that’s your reward for having to put up with me you get a win it’s a good omen for the next day it

    Definitely is Stacey yeah I’m fighting a good operator tomorrow I’ve boxed him before he’s qualified for the Olympics it was actually my last fight before the end of the year and I got the decision over him in the final so it be good to run him back and get another win over

    Him is’s Lewis walking over now he’s he’s happy with his performance he’s got a big smile on his face that big p on the mic Dave Alay and Gary hail the best looking coaches in the business making the way past us uh all smiles for the GB coaches and

    For Lewis Richardson as he uh just came and gives a quick fist bump as we went past um and he’s every right to be all smiles cuz that was a a superb performance for really well spectacular performance okay ladies and gentlemen this is band number 29 the final band of

    The afternoon introducing your boxers and firstly your red corner to the ring give it up representing Sweden give it up for Kevin Scott so this is our final contest of this evening’s session as we welcome in the Red Corner Swedish fighter Kevin Scott this another in the light middleweight men’s 71 kgam

    Category Swedish Champion is strong is compact he’ll be um he will have had the chance to see his opponent yesterday as he was in action yesterday some Fighters prefer not to watch the opponent they’re going to fight maybe and ladies and gentlemen introducing your blue corner to the ring

    Representing the Czech Republic giveing it up for Kelvin sequa so this is the man that we saw in action yesterday the man in Blue from the Czech Republic whether Kevin Scott took the opportunity to watch that who knows some Fighters do some Fighters don’t what about you Pat do you prefer

    To see who you going to be fighting would you rather not yeah I do prefer to see who I’m going to be fighting especially with me coach Ching me come up with a little bit of a game plan but that’s it I only watch him want and want

    To see the style and know how they work that’s enough for me I always wanted to see them it was kind of a better the devil you know in reality it probably doesn’t make a difference once you get in there but I think when you think about controlling the controllables if

    If that’s the way you are you want to see them other Fighters don’t want to see anything at all and just want the coaches to tell them what to do it’s um Strokes for different folks as we say but we’re going to get the official introductions now okay ladies and

    Gentlemen this is batt number 29 a live middleweight contest scheduled for three rounds of 3 minutes and introducing your boxers firstly boxing out of the Red Corner in the all red with white trim and representing Sweden give up for Kevin Scott and across the ring his opponent

    Boxing out of the blue Corner wearing all blue with white trim representing the Czech Republic giving up for Calvin squa your referee at the Bell representing England Mr Paul Rosendale well our final bout of the evening session about to get underway perhaps he’ll be at the advantage of sequa that he boxed

    Yesterday you’d always prefer to have got one under your belt won’t you whereas Kevin Scott this is his um his first one of course of of this tournament yeah it’s always better when you get one out the way the day before well they are under way so Kevin

    Scott in red the man from Sweden Swedish Champion strong and compact feeling out process here with the Jabs absolutely so if you were watching yesterday you’ll have seen the man from the Czech Republic in blue Kelvin sequester fought James Delano from the Netherlands W on a split decision he’s

    Four times National Champion man who goes by Golden Boy technically sound and tidy fighter getting caught different type of opponent here with the Swedish fighter though yeah the Swedish fighter is doing some good onws as his opponent’s coming in but he’s also getting hit himself pretty difficult to call some of these

    Exchanges Pat because both men having success aren’t they when they they get within range yeah they both are and it’s all happening relatively in the center of the Ring yeah neither man giving too much ground we’ve not got too much of a we’ve tended to have in the previous bouts an

    Obvious back foot fighter haven’t we yeah we have yeah not so much getting that here lunging in there a little bit the Swedish fighter as he’s getting caught coming in minute and a half remaining in this one that one uh that little exchange there you got a lot of um encouragement

    From the corner of sequa coach is happy with what they saw there he doubles up on the jab good too much ground it’s been thought a pretty close quarters this one there’s not like we’ve seen in some of the previous bouts Pat with every inch of the canvas being covered

    The pretty all all happening in the middle both Fighters are getting success from the Jab then when they both throw flurries they’re both getting caught oh Big Shots there two nice big back hands yeah it’s landed there tough for the judges here cuz both exchanges like you said Stacy they’re a bit 50/50

    At the moment yeah absolutely difficult one to call let see a few more body shots up close and personal they’re just looking for the Hawks at the [Applause] moment good opening round from uh both boxes though quite difficult to separate the the two of them I mean you might think

    Completely differently watching at home and say what you want about it’s it’s obvious what did you think P yeah I agree Stacy yeah I think both Fighters the output of punches were similar in the same amount of contact as well it’s going to be a tough one for the judges to score

    There if has to choose one maybe the Swedish fighter always interesting as well Pat how differently coaches go about giving and delivering their instructions in the corner some of them demonstrate every single punch they want thrown others a little bit more calm his um sequester’s coach slapping his legs there just

    To going make sure he’s ready to be on his toes as he ref just checks they’ve both got their uh guard in place they have indeed so we’re underway for the second round really open this one Pat for someone to really uh stamp their Authority on it isn’t it

    Grab you feel the check fight trying to get on the front foot here see if he gets caught as he’s coming [Applause] in really in a sense they’re pretty evenly matched it’s neither neither fighter is exceptionally better at something than the other like sometimes you have they might be better on the

    Back foot or they might be better at Landing that back hand or they’ve got more power but these two almost like mirror image of each other they really are yeah they’re holding the feet and they’re throwing similar shots does look like the the cck fight is coming forward a lot more but then

    The Swedish he’s in the middle now so it is mirror [Applause] Imaging good shot [Applause] there quest’s um corner really vocal in praising every shot he lands nice little jab that he slipped out there and Nifty footwork to get out of the way as the swed Kevin Scott came bearing back

    At him good left up there by the Swedish [Applause] boxer another good Left Hand by the Swedish boxer he’s he’s getting slightly more success this round than the check fighter in my opinion but it is still very close just having a quick word as we approach the final minute of this second

    Round it’s caught fire a little bit there Pat yeah it really has both really controlled aren’t they I mean they’re aggressive when they get chance to let the hands go but neither of them really pushing the other man back no they’ll throw one flurry and then they’ll they’ll wait for another exchange where

    They both throw again at the similar times they not so much doing two [Applause] phases 30 seconds remaining in this one still time for somebody to really not off dity on this one and yeah I think the Swedish boxer yeah I think he’s just knit this round

    Especially with the shot took a big shot there though roed his head back so real eye catching one there there’s been some good work from sequester in this round as well really difficult to separate the two of [Applause] them yeah another tight round there and they both going to have to

    Give it the roll now coming into the last a great deal you wouldn’t think to separate the two now the box has landed particularly big eye catching shots both had success with combinations and flurries up close seeing some of their um work here in the replays on uh on your

    Screen we can see both boxes have had the fair share of success I suppose it’s just a matter of which work you prefer who’s landed the more volume of punches on the target areas not certainly not something that we’re counting of the judges they’re just calling what we see

    So I’m sure third and last round been doing so and we’ll judge it from that accordingly so into the final round here and you just feel like someone can really grab this by the old yeah and go for it nice work there from sequester as he

    Just waited for Scott to come in and then tagged him good exchanges there once again from both fighters from the corner of sequester the cheering every shot and they do encourage you to do that at these International tournaments it’s tends to be quiet you don’t unless you’re at a

    Major tournament you don’t get the the huge noise and the people do believe whether it’s true or not that it can influence the judges if you have a really big cheer I know we we did that as teammates Pat I’m sure you do the same encourage to shout for every bit of

    Success for your teammate when they land on their opponent just to see if it can sway things in their favor getting the mind of the judges really is a close contest this one you feel like this one Pat could go on exactly like this for 40 rounds you

    Really could yeah and nothing would change no both Fighters aren’t slowing down they’re not showing no weaknesses similar yeah really intriguing B both Fighters you know real high quality and enjoyable to watch it’s certainly not a negative statement or putting them down in any way whatsoever it’s it’s just

    Fact in my opinion that this could just go on and on exactly like this with nothing to separate them in particular I think the only way you’re going to see a difference is if one one fighter starts slacking in a department and as of now it’s not really showing they’re both

    Still keeping the pace up and it’s a mindset sometimes Pat isn’t it to do as we say go through the gears what we mean by that he stepping up the uh the intensity whether that’s the volume of punches the power the the pace of the fight the intensity whatever

    That may be going through the gears is something that you consciously have to decide to do in your mind of course you’ve got got to have the physical attributes and conditioning to do it but you have to make that decision to step it up and yeah you certainly do perhaps just

    Not in some Fighters nature because no still a quality contest this I mean some real quality stuff from both Fighters but just don’t feel that either has really taken it to their opponent and really pushed and sort of driven forward to try and impose themselves on them as we reach

    The going up to the final 27 seconds sometimes going through the Gars Fighters fear of maybe releasing the tank too much and having no energy near the end but now they’re uping it both really sound skilled talented technical boxers but sometimes you just need to perhaps just really push forward and

    Really impose yourself on someone and take the fight to them and you just felt like if one of them did that even in sections of that fight at times it could have swayed it in their favor well that’s how close it was yeah all all

    They needed was a tiny little bit of a change it be nice to see what way the judges have gone now well we in agreement here that that was a difficult one to call you may have a totally different view of it at home but ultimately our opinions do not matter

    One iota because it is down to the five judges at ringside and how they have seen it we haven’t been privy to their scorecards in between rounds so let’s see which way it’s gone with our m okay ladies and gentlemen B number 29 please show your appreciation for both

    Boxers well ladies and gentlemen after three rounds of boxing we go to the scorecards where your officials at ringside scory a split decision in favor of your winner and boxing out of the blue corner it’s Kelvin squa round and two for the man from the Czech Republic Kelvin sequester a win yesterday by

    Split Decision against Delano of the Netherlands and a split decision win today against Kevin Scott from Sweden such a tough one to call no surprise it was a split decision but he won’t be too bothered about that Pat he’ll just want to progress as uh all boxers do and it’s

    Been such a pleasure to have your fellow man cuning alongside me for Co coms tomorrow but just let everybody know what time they can watch you in your fight tomorrow so I’m in the morning session tomorrow so boxing starts at 11:00 a.m. and I believe I should be on

    Around 12:45 1 p.m. and you’re very familiar with your opponent yeah we’ve recently just boxed um back end of the year so yeah it’s going to be good to start things off in the New Year like we did at the end of the year and would you

    Do you prefer that when you know what you’re dealing with and you’re familiar with that opponent or would you prefer to have someone you’ve never fought before it doesn’t really bother me to be honest Stacey I just get in there and I just performed to the best of my

    Ability that’s it yeah getting there with anyone that’s it absolutely anytime anywhere well make sure that you are in the right place at the right time tomorrow to follow all the action from 11:00 and especially to watch uh Pat who we’ve had the pleasure of his company on

    Co- commentary uh this evening so 11:00 tomorrow we’ll be back with you few more action from the world boxing cup here at the English Institute of sport in Sheffield from Pat Brown and Stacy Copeland thank you so much for joining us we’ll see you for more excellent action tomorrow from 11 SC You you

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