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    ——————— ——————– ——————– ——————– ——————– —————

    Nir Eyal is the author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products and Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life. Previously, he taught as a Lecturer in Marketing at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and Design School, and he sold two technology companies since 2003.

    For most of his career, Nir worked in the video gaming and advertising industries, where he learned and applied (and sometimes rejected) the techniques used to motivate and manipulate users. Nir writes to help companies create behaviors that benefit their users while educating people on how to build healthful habits in their own lives.

    Nir is an active investor; he puts his money where his mouth is by backing habit-forming products that improve lives. Some of his past investments include Eventbrite (NYSE:EB) and Kahoot! (KAHOOT-ME.OL), Anchor.fm (acquired by Spotify), Canva, Refresh.io (acquired by LinkedIn), Product Hunt (acquired by Angelist), Homelight, Marco Polo, Byte Foods, FocusMate, Dynamicare, Wise App, and Sunnyside.

    Although Nir received most of his education by earning an advanced degree from The School of Hard Knocks, He also received an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Nir Eyal.

    0:00 – Episode Teaser
    1:27 – Researching Human Habits
    5:55 – What is social media doing to us?
    10:43 – “The Reptilian Brain”
    12:51 – Pain Management
    20:30 – Why do we stop ourselves from moving on?
    23:30 – Controlling attention in a distracting world.
    29:39 – Resisting distractions and building self-control.
    41:57 – Why the to do list is the devil?
    48:27 – Time management and productivity strategies.
    51:01 – The Scientist Mentality
    53:00 – Procrastination and goal achievement strategies.
    1:04:45 – Nir’s work

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    Because what most people do they leave it to the last minute, right? If the cigarette is in your hand, you’re gonna smoke it. If the chocolate cake is on the fork and you’re on a diet too bad, you’re going to eat it. If you sleep next to your cell

    Phone every night, it’s gonna be the first thing you reach for in the morning before you say hello to your loved one. Like to welcome to the show, Nir Eyal. How’re you doing Nir? Great. Good to see you, Alex, how are things?

    I’m good, man. I’m good. Thank you so much for coming on the show man. Like I was telling you before we get started, I am a fan. I read your first book hooked. I took your course. And I read your new book as well in distractible, which is a must

    Read for I think the planet that anyone who wants to get anything done should read you love it. Thank you, you may quote me on appreciate it, it’s fascinating because it’s, you know, when I was, you know, you and I are think are of similar vintage. So

    When we were coming up, you know, the world wasn’t as noisy. You know, we had three channels. On television, maybe you’re younger than me, I’m not sure. But you know, that In our day, we had, you know, we sat around the fire when we were

    Inventing the wheel for the first time, you know, back then when dinosaurs roamed the earth. That was right, we did right. And cartoons were on Saturdays. But it was a it wasn’t as crazy as far as attention, things grabbing our attention as it is now. And the all this technology’s really done wonders

    For us. But it also has created a lot of harm. It’s like any tool, you can use it for good, or for evil. And in your first book, you really talked about some of the evil stuff that social media companies do to hook us on stuff. So my very

    First question is what got you started in this line of work and researching human habits? And what hooks us psychologically and all this kind of stuff? Yeah, I’m struggling, because there’s a lot I want to jump into from what you just said. And a lot of I think common

    Cause a common misperception. So one of the things that really surprised me about distraction is that it is nothing new, in fact that it’s very common to think, oh, you know, it’s it’s these days, that the world is just crazy the way it is. And so

    That’s why we’re so distracted. And it’s social media, and it’s Twitter. And it’s the news, and it’s the politics. But actually, we you know, one of the first things I learned in my research was that Plato, the Greek philosopher, talked about this problem of distraction. 2500 years ago, 2500 years ago,

    People were complaining about distraction. And in fact, we know that the Romans, some of the some of the earliest writing that we have from the Roman Empire was about how the kids these days are so lazy, and they won’t stay focused. And it’s amazing. So every single generation has this perception

    That things are so out of control, and so distracting, and I can’t focus and I can’t, you know, people should just focus on their priorities. And the reason that happens, I think, it’s because, you know, if we are similar vintage if you’re, you know, I was born in the 70s.

    I was was born in the 70s. Some grew up in the 80s, sir. Okay, excellent. So the thing is, the world was actually just as crazy, arguably, right? We we had the Cold War, we had far more people in poverty than we do today. By every conceivable

    Metric, access to clean water, access to education, empowerment of women, the world was demonstratively worse. And if you don’t believe me, there’s a wonderful book called fact fulness by Hans Rosling everybody should read it’s another must read and everyone’s list that demonstrate the world

    Is getting better and better as as much as it seems like it’s getting worse because that’s what we see in the media. Of course, the world has gotten a lot better and continues to get better. We just didn’t realize it cuz we were kids. We didn’t

    Realize how tough things were back then. And how distracting the world was even back then. I mean, people have been going through moral panics around distraction. Since time immemorial, right when we were kids, it wasn’t social media, robbing our brains. It was video games and Dungeons and Dragons

    Television, you know, the television, just television, of course, we were called couch potatoes. It was like a big pandemic about about that we’re all becoming couch potatoes. And before Guess what? To our parents. They did it about the radio. And before that they did it about books. They literally

    Talked about how books were going to rotting our brain people’s brains. Exactly. Literally, that’s literally what they said about books, bicycles, bicycles were very bad for you because they, you know they would lead to lead to lasciviousness, they would lead to feeble mindedness. Every new

    Technology that has a massive impact on this type of scale, has a moral panic around it. So we shouldn’t be that surprised. That being said, it is clearly a fact that if you are looking for distraction these days, it’s easier than ever to find that

    The fact that we are carrying around these devices in our pocket, if You’re looking to get distracted, you’re gonna find distraction, right? And much of that is a technological miracle. It’s amazing that I can open up my phone and I can get the world’s information I can connect. Look, I’m not even sure

    Where you are. Where are you physically? I am in Austin, Texas. Austin, you’re in Austin. I’m in Singapore. We’re talking over the internet, with video cameras here for free. Like, this is a miracle, right? This is science fiction. It’s very it’s very 2001.

    Yeah, in a way. 2022 Yeah, it’s very 2001. So but the price of all that progress is, of course that we have to adapt, we have to learn how to properly use these technologies. And I think that’s what I’m fighting for is we need to stop moralizing and

    Medicalizing these these technologies and these behaviors and figure out look, you know, there’s a lot of great stuff that comes with these technologies, how do we get the best of them without letting them get the best of us? So in your first book, you really talked about what social

    Media companies do to us to get us hooked on their products. And I think it’s a really good kind of primer to our conversation about distraction, because what they’re doing is so brilliant and diabolical at the same time, in many ways, I’d love to hear

    Your thoughts about and if you could just give, give everyone just a little bit of understanding of what’s happening to our minds. When Instagram kicks on or Twitter or TikTok or Snapchat or whatever the new one is coming up. Yes, so my first book hooked wasn’t a takedown of social

    Media, it was actually a how to guide for everyone building habit forming products. So the book is, he looks at the best in the business looks at the stickiest products out there. And social media companies are among the examples. But it’s not

    Just about social media. And the idea is that we can steal their secrets, right? Why is it that the media companies know how to keep us hooked, but we can’t get people hooked to exercise or meditation, or prayer or eating right? Or connecting with loved

    Ones? Right? What would the world be like, if we could use the same psychology that gets people hooked to media to get people hooked to healthy habits, and that’s exactly what hooked did. That’s what my book was all about. So companies in every conceivable industry, from healthcare, to education, to

    Financial services, all kinds of companies use these techniques today, since I published hoped to help people build healthy habits in their lives. And the idea is basically, that if you can design a product experience in a way that people use the product, because they want to not because they have to just

    The same way that you would check social media, for example, what if that was the same habit to exercise or to learn new language? How amazing would the world be? And so that’s that’s really what that book was about. Now, it does. You know, there is

    A chapter in the book around the morality of manipulation and how we need to be very careful about these techniques. And it’s also something I wanted to show the consumer that you know, this isn’t, this isn’t by mistake, right, that I don’t care what

    Form of media all media sells your attention. Right? They sell your eyeballs to advertisers. Does anybody not know that? And it’s not just social media companies, we need to stop saying, oh, with social media, it’s the goddamn New York Times and Fox News and CNN are the same business. Do we not know

    That they make money on your attention? So we and frankly, podcasts? All of us saying here, I mean, I make a living off of advertising, for my shows, without question, but it’s about how you do it. And but it is not just social media. It’s just they do it very well.

    They do it very well. Right. Right. It totally. But and I would think that the perspective shouldn’t be that it’s not a bad deal, in fact, that whether it’s podcasts or the news, or social media, that, frankly, we get a lot from this, right, there’s an

    Exchange here. But we need to be wide eyed, we can’t we can’t fool ourselves or be ignorant to the fact of what’s happening, that we are trading our time and attention to be solicited to through ads. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I think

    It’s a great thing. The fact that you know, people can listen to your podcast for free. And sometimes they have to listen to an ad here and there, I think is a pretty good value exchange. But we need to be aware of what’s going on and our

    Responsibility in that equation, that there’s nothing wrong with reading the news. It can be great. It’s a good thing to understand what’s happening in the world. But if we are escaping our problems, right here now, by worrying about somebody’s else’s problem, 3000 miles away to escape our present

    Reality and we don’t do anything about that. In reality, we’re just listening to escape our present discomfort. That’s when it can become a distraction. That’s when we have things that we want to do with our time and attention our life. And we get sidetracked we go off track because we are using distraction

    To take our mind off of discomfort and that was a really big revelation for me as I took five years to write in distractible was that the source of most of our distractions, we’re talking 90% Studies have found 90% of our distractions are caused by what we call internal triggers these

    Uncomfortable emotional states that we seek to escape boredom, loneliness, fatigue, uncertainty, anxiety, it’s not the pings and rings, the pings, dings and rings, the external triggers, account for only 10% of our distractions 90% of the time that we get distracted, we get distracted because of feeling. Distraction overwhelmingly begins from

    Within. And that really was a crucial insight for me in terms of changing my own life and my relationship to distraction. So is that is that kind of I mean, if we go back into the reptilian brain, and we go deeper into our past, on a

    Subconscious level, you know, we’re always afraid about, you know, we’re always generally speaking, we don’t move forward a lot of times, because our brain is built to keep us alive. It’s not built to support our dreams. It wants us to stay away from the unknown. That’s why we’re always afraid of what’s

    Around the corner, but the tiger could kill us around the corner. Is that a fair? pretty fair statement? Well, first of all, I asked you respectfully, and politely don’t use the term reptilian brain neuroscience, please just don’t actually use that term. It doesn’t exist. There is no such

    Thing that the brain is the brain. It’s not like we have a, you know, there’s this notion that we really fight that we’re that we’re somehow beholden to our anatomy, our brains big Well, it’s the reptilian brain. That’s what made me do what I did. Not my I know, I completely

    Totally, totally. And it’s, it’s not your fault, either. By the come. way, it’s not your fault. Because there are people out there who love to sell this narrative literally sell this narrative, they sell it in books, they sell in organizations, they sell it in movies, even that want to feed

    People with this bullshit, frankly, excuse my French, that they’re powerless. People and people eat it up. People love it right? Well I mean, because if what and I don’t mean to interrupt you, because I just because I have I have studied, one of my one of

    My hobbies is neuroscience, and going into the brain and what makes us tick in the psychology of it, again, not nearly as deep as you have. But for my understanding is that there are things in our brains that subconsciously stop us from moving forward. Because of the fear of the Tiger around the

    Corner. I use that analogy a lot. Things like that. Are those the same? In would you agree to that is that that’s some that is part of it. It’s subconscious. But once you’ve made aware of it, then you kind of fight through it. That’s why we don’t

    We avoid pain and want to gain pleasure as a general state. Yeah, so lots of unpack lots. Yeah, in fact, we now know that this whole pain pleasure paradigm is also wrong. We used to think in what Freud said, the pleasure principle, Jeremy Bentham said something similar that everything’s about the

    Pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain, carrots and sticks, right? We now know that’s actually not true from a neurological basis, from a neurological basis. And we can literally see this happening in the brain through fMRI studies, that human motivation, all human motivation is about one thing,

    All human motivation, it’s not about pain and pleasure. It’s all about the avoidance of discomfort. That’s it. That’s it. Even the pursuit of pleasurable sensations, right, wanting to feel good craving, desire, lusting, is itself psychologically destabilizing. And if that is true, right, if all human motivation is about a desire to escape discomfort,

    That must therefore mean that time management is pain management, weight management, is pain management, money management, is pain management, attention management, is pain management, that fundamentally this is the struggle. And this by the way, I didn’t invent this. This is a very Buddhist philosophy. And of course, neuroscience has now come to the

    Fact that this is in fact very true, that it’s really about managing these uncomfortable sensations. But when we break them down to what they really are, and make them less scary, right, we need to stop thinking that it’s the media, that it’s

    The crazy things in the news, that it’s our boss, that it’s our kids, that it’s all this crazy things that are happening. Really, it’s feelings, guys, it’s feelings. And so when we can stop for a minute, and understand that these internal triggers can become our masters, we have an opportunity to master

    Them. And so that’s the first step to becoming indestructible is to master your internal triggers. And there’s all kinds of beautiful techniques that we can use. I’ve talked about over a dozen in the book that we can use to first step one, to becoming indestructible is learning ways to master these

    Internal triggers these uncomfortable emotional states that lead us towards distraction now. Do we have a Do we have inborn reflex Next is of course right if you hear a loud gunshot you’re going to flinch right that’s that’s an inborn nature do we have learned behaviors learn habits that overwhelmingly

    Is the source of this problem, right that we, we, we get into a routine habit around looking to numb ourselves from a particular discomfort. So what most people do distractible people, when they feel that discomfort when they feel bored, lonesome, uncertain, stressed, anxious, they look for relief with some

    Kind of distraction. They take a drink, they scroll the social media channel, they turn on the TV, they look for escape from that discomfort. In distractible people learn to use that discomfort, high performers, people who use the techniques I talked about in the book, they feel the same way everyone else

    Feels they also feel bored, they also feel lonely, they also feel stressed, anxious, uncertain, they feel the same things. But they learn to use that discomfort, like rocket fuel, to propel them towards traction, rather than trying to escape it with distraction. That’s the big difference.

    So it’s it’s kind of the mentality of a an athlete that pushes through the pain of a workout. Because it’s this, it’s uncomfortable. I mean, working out is not comfortable. As a general statement. When you push interior muscles to grow. It is a mental thing that you break through and some people can’t

    Deal with. After the first week of working out and you haven’t worked out and five years, it ain’t comfortable. Without that’s absolutely right. Right. Again, pain management. It’s it’s really about us around listening to that discomfort. And I think in society today, you know, we’re so good at

    Numbing pain, we have a pill for everything, right. But as I like to say pills don’t teach skills. pills don’t teach skills that we have become so reliant, and I say pills figuratively and not metaphorically. But but but physically, right, there are

    Certain pills that can make you feel one way or the other. And many times people will use those things to escape discomfort. But then we also use all kinds of other pills in our society, right? We how many, like I said before, right? With media, we

    Escape reality, how many of us check email when we don’t know what else to do at work? Because we don’t want to have to do the hard thinking of like, wait, what should I actually be working on right now? Well, let me just check email for a quick

    Sec. So all of these pills that take us away from what we really want to do. These are our distractions in life. And these distractions are not allowing us to be the best versions of ourselves, basically, correct? That’s right. That’s right. And not let us do what we say we’re

    Going to do so. So this is, I think, an important distinction, that if you ask most people, what is the opposite of distraction, most people say the opposite of distraction is focus, right? I don’t want to be distracted, I want to be focused. But just but focus is not actually the opposite of

    Distraction. If you look at the origin of the word, the opposite of distraction is not focus, the opposite of distraction is of course, traction. And when you when you look at the two words, it makes perfect sense traction and distraction. Both come from

    The same Latin root to Hooray, which means to pull. And they both end in the same six letters, ACTA when that spells action. So reminding us that distraction is not something that happens to us, but rather it is an action that we ourselves take. So traction, by definition is any action that

    Pulls you towards what you said you were going to do things that move you closer to your values closer to the person you want to become, those are acts of traction. The opposite is distraction. Distraction is any action that pulls you further

    Away from what you said, you were going to do further away from your values further away from becoming the kind of person you want to become. So this is more than just semantics. This is really important because I would argue that any action can

    Be traction or distraction based on one word, and that one word is intent. So as Dorothy Parker said, The time you plan to waste is not wasted time. So I kind of take issue with people who say, Oh, social media is melting your brain. And these new

    Technologies are so bad for you. No, not true, as long as you use them on your schedule, and according to your values, not someone else’s. So if you want time to play video games, enjoy, you want to watch Netflix, you want to watch YouTube, you want

    To go on social media, great, do it, but do it according to your schedule. That’s how you turn distraction into traction. So we need to stop moralizing and medicalizing these perfectly normal behaviors that can give us a lot of good in our life by

    Making time for them. Second thing is that anything can be distraction, if it’s not what you plan to do. So let me give you a perfect example. For years, I would sit down at my desk at work and I would say okay, now I’m going to focus on

    That big important thing I have to work on. Nothing’s going to get in my way. Here I go. I’m going to get started. Nothing to do right now. I’m just going to focus on this one super important task that I’ve been delaying. I’m not going to get

    Distracted. But first let me check some email. Right. How often does that happen? You say every day they got to work on that big thing right now but let me just check for a few minutes email or let me start on those those tasks on the to do list

    That You know, just to just to get started, before I get to the big important one, let me just do the easy stuff just to get some momentum, right. And what I didn’t realize is that that is the most dangerous form of distraction. The most pernicious

    Form of distraction is the kind of distraction that tricks you into prioritizing the urgent and the easy work at the expense of the heart and important work we have to do to move our lives and careers forward. So just because something’s a work related task

    Doesn’t mean it’s not a distraction. If it’s not what you plan to do with your time. It is by definition, a distraction. So then why do we do that to ourselves? What’s going on in our brains? That pauses that thing? Is it just the pain of

    Doing the hard work that you just want to avoid for as long as humanly possible is kind of like writing the term paper the night before? Or studying on the bus on the way to school for that test? Yeah, yeah. So the reason we do this is because it’s it’s a

    Skill that many of us haven’t learned. Just like many skills, right? You didn’t know how to read and write before you taught you were taught how to learn to read and write, right? This is a skill just like any other. And so that’s half of it. We talked

    About trick, we talked about traction and distraction. The other part of it are the triggers. We talked a little bit about those earlier, the external triggers and the internal triggers. So the external triggers, these are the pings, dings, and rings, all the things in your outside

    Environment, right, all the things that will lead you to traction or distraction based on stimuli in your outside environment, the pings, dings and rings. But as we know, that’s about 10% of our distractions come from external triggers. The other 90% come from these internal triggers

    That we talked about earlier. So this is now the indestructible model. Now we can we can learn this skill set to overcome these impulses, right that if you wanted to summarize my book, my five years of research, it would be into this mantra that the antidote to impulsiveness is forethought. The antidote to

    Impulsiveness is forethought that you ask why do we do this? Why despite knowing what to do, we don’t do it. Right. We know we should go exercise we know we should eat right? We know we should be fully present with our family. We know we should do the

    Hard work that moves our career forward. Why don’t we do it? The reason is impulse control. That’s it. It’s just impulse control. Well, what’s the antidote to impulse control? The antidote to impulse control is forethought, that when you plan ahead, when you know what to do to prepare for that distraction,

    There’s no distraction you can’t overcome. Because what most people do, they leave it to the last minute, right. If the cigarette is in your hand, you’re going to smoke it. If the chocolate cake is on the fork and you’re on a diet too bad,

    You’re going to eat it. If you sleep next to your cell phone every night. It’s going to be the first thing you reach for in the morning before you say hello to your loved one. So most people distractible people leave these kinds of things to happen

    To the last minute. They don’t prepare. They don’t learn how to be indestructible, and then they act surprised they got distracted. And that’s what I’m trying to change. So boiler coil has a wonderful quote he said, a mistake repeated more than once is a decision. A mistake repeated more than once the

    Decision so distractible people choose to be distractible because they keep getting distracted by the same thing again and again and again. Okay, we know social media is distracting. Yep, got it. But what are you going to do about it? Distract when people say, Well, what am I gonna do? It’s,

    It’s my lizard brain. I’m addicted. My mind is being controlled. In distractible people say, Ah, okay, you got me once. But you’re not going to get me again. Because I understand why I got distracted, and I can do something about it. I can take steps today to prevent getting distracted tomorrow.

    So what are some of the steps that we can take? Because it sounds fantastic. What you’re saying, wonderful, we all would just like to be machines that just like wake up in the morning, don’t look at the phone for this or that and you’re

    Working and you’re getting all your your things done. And it’s moving us forward. I mean, honestly, what we’re talking about here is is almost an epidemic for humanity, because we’re not moving forward in the way we want to in life, in every aspect spiritually, mentally, physically with loved ones.

    Because of these, these triggers these internal triggers, and some external triggers. And this is a skill that is so needed as film bye bye. Like they by humanity. So I’d like you look at you know, I know a lot of Navy SEALs. And I’ve spoken to

    These kinds of, you know, rangers and these guys are just like they were trained to be this is this the way I do this is way that they’re not like checking Facebook. They’re not. They’re not distractible, because that’s not the way they

    Were trained. That’s an extreme. But so what are some things we could do man that can help us deal with this, this epidemic? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I call this the skill of the century because if you think about it, there’s no area of your life

    That is not affected by your ability to control your attention. Right. This is truly how we choose our life. It’s how we control our attention. I don’t care if it’s fear single health, mental health, spiritual health, relationships, your job, everything requires you to sustain attention. And so in

    Especially for our kids, man, if you think the world is distracting now, just wait a few years with augmented reality and virtual reality in the metaverse, it’s only going to become more distracting. So it’s absolutely critical. We learn these skills ourselves and set an example for our children

    Because this is the skill of a century. So how do we do it? Okay, go back to that model of traction, distraction, internal triggers, external triggers. And if you’re only listening to me right now and can’t see I’m pointing here there’s so you can

    Think of arrows to the left and to the right are attraction and distraction. And then you have arrows point to the center of that bisected line. Those represent external and internal triggers. Now we have the four points of our compass, we can work through these four steps. And there’s these four big

    Strategies that we can use to become in distractible. Step number one, master the internal triggers. And we can talk about some techniques for how do you do that we talked about those internal triggers are these uncomfortable emotional states, you need to have tools in your toolbox. This is the most

    Important step tools in your toolbox ready to go. So that when you feel discomfort, right, we talked about earlier time management is pain management, attention management is pain management, you need to have these tools in your toolkit ready to go. So that when you feel that discomfort when you

    Feel bored, lonesome stressed, anxious, what do you do? Right? Do you reach for one of these tools to help you move towards traction? Or do you reach for doing something else that takes you towards distraction, so we have to build that that toolkit,

    We can talk about some of the tools. The second step is to make time for traction. Okay, make time for traction. Traction, again, is any action that moves you towards your values towards your goals, things that you do with intent. The problem is that most people don’t plan their time. Okay, so

    Let’s get really nitty gritty here. I see. I’ve seen people for five years since I’ve been researching this book. And I’ve talked to a lot of high performers and low performers, people who are distracted people are not distractible. And a common quality around these people who live their life

    According to their values is that they plan their time. Now what do I mean by that? I’m not talking about a to do list. In fact, we can talk about why to do lists are one of the worst things you can do for your personal productivity. But what

    We find with high performers, is that they they realize that you cannot say you got distracted, unless you know what you got distracted from. Let me say it again. You can’t say you got distracted unless you know what you got distracted from. So if

    You can’t look to a calendar and say, Ah, I planned time to be with my family, I planned time to do focused work I planned time for meditation. If you just have empty space on your calendar, you have no right to complain about distraction,

    Because what the heck did you get distracted from, you have to make time for traction based on your values. And we can talk about exactly how to do that as well. The third step is to hack back the external triggers, we know that our attention is being

    Hacked by various actors, right? Whether it’s media companies, our boss, our kids, people want our time and attention. But that doesn’t mean we can’t hack back. So even though it only accounts for about 10% of our distractions. We can go systematically through all of these external triggers, like

    Your phone, like email, that’s the easy stuff. That’s kindergarten. What about when your boss is the distraction? What happens when your kids are the distraction? What happens if there’s another stupid meeting you didn’t need to attend? That’s a distraction. We can go through systematically each and

    Every one of those to hack back those external triggers. And then finally, the last step is to prevent distraction with pacts packs, use what’s called a pre commitment device to make sure that after we’ve tried the other three steps, this keeps us in, right. So there’s a strategy around keeping distraction out,

    There’s a strategy around keeping ourselves in to the task at hand. And so we do this through what we call a pre commitment or a pact to prevent distraction. We can talk about exactly how to do that as well. But now I wanted to lay out

    Those four big strategies, Master internal triggers, make time for traction, hack back the external triggers and prevent distraction like PACs. It sounds like a lot. It’s actually not you can do one small thing in each of these categories, and each of these four strategies to become in distractible. And of

    Course, as you learn these methods, you can always refer back to them and say, Okay, I got distracted because of such and such, why did I get distracted? And what can I do about it next time, and then you can take out this, this toolkit,

    So to speak, and say, Ah, okay, I need to make sure I handle my internal triggers better, or you know what I didn’t, I didn’t plan time for traction there, or that was an external trigger. I know what to do about that next time or next time, I’m going to

    Use a pact by knowing these four key strategies. This is how anyone can become indestructible. And of course, I’m, I’m trying to summarize right, like a 250 page book. A lot more than five seconds. Yes. All right. So let’s go. So let’s go through those four pillars, if you will, and kind

    Of give us at least one tip or two in each to kind of help us out a little bit. Absolutely. Okay. So let’s start with the most important step. You can’t skip this step. None of the other stuff will work if you don’t first master your internal triggers. So

    Understanding what is that discomfort we’re trying to escape. So being able one to identify it. So one of the tactics in the book is very simple, which is just keeping track of your distractions. So having a little sheet of paper by your desk, you can, you know, for example, I have these post

    It notes that I keep with me at all times. And when I get distracted, which I still do, right, even though I wrote the book in distractible, from time to time, I still get distracted. But I understand why I got distracted so I can do something

    About it. In the future. As we said earlier, the antidote to impulsiveness is forethought. So what I want you to do is when you get distracted, there’s no guilt, there’s no shame, you didn’t do anything wrong. You’re a human being, I want you just

    To write down what was that action that you did instead of the task at hand? And what was the preceding emotion? What did you feel? Exactly? Before you got distracted? Was it boredom? Was it anxiety was stress uncertainty? What was that sensation, okay. And we know that simply noting that

    Sensation, simply writing it down is a very empowering first step. Okay, the next thing that you can do, there’s all kinds of techniques that I talked about in the book, one of the techniques that I like, and I use almost every single day is

    Called the 10 Minute Rule. The 10 minute rule says that you can give in to any distraction, okay, can be checking email, when you said you were going to work on that big project. It’s, if I’m trying to stay on a diet, and I’m trying to resist that

    Chocolate cake or that cigarette, if I’m trying to quit smoking, whatever that distraction might be, you can get into it. But not right now. In 10 minutes, okay, in 10 minutes. And this comes from acceptance of commitment therapy, it’s a well studied technique. The idea here is that

    What you’re doing is you’re training yourself to give your to realize that you have the agency, you’re learning the skill set, that you can resist that temptation. So what do you do for those 10 minutes? Here’s what you do. So many times. So I

    Write every day, I’ve been a professional writer for well over a decade now. And writing is always hard work. I don’t know when people say like they can get into a writing habit. I think that’s ludicrous. I’ve never been in a writing habit, because habits are behaviors done with little or no conscious

    Thought. How do you write without conscious thought? That’s crazy. Writing is hard work. And every time when I’m writing, the the thing I want to do most is to escape that discomfort, right? Because it’s full of internal triggers. Is this any good? Is anyone going to like it? What if this leads

    Nowhere, it’s full of all these internal triggers. So what do I do when I feel like oh, I just want to check email real quick. Or let me just google this one thing. Instead, what I do is I set a timer for 10 minutes. And then I pause from it, I take a

    Deep breath. And my job is to do what we call surf the urge. Surfing the urge acknowledges that these sensations are transitory, they’re like waves, they crest and then they subside, even though in the moment, we feel like we’re going to experience them forever, we feel like we’re going to have

    That craving that urge that itch forever. That’s never the case, right? These urges are like waves. And your job is to serve that urge, like a surfer on a surfboard. And so there’s some some mantras, some some self talk that I can give you that I

    Give you in the book on what you can say to yourself during that surfing the urge session. And what you will find is that by the time those 10 minutes are up, if you’ve just surf the urge for a few minutes, you will find that nine times out of 10,

    You’ll be back to the task at hand. That if you just allow yourself that time to say, Yep, I’m a grown adult, I can do whatever I want. I can give in to that temptation, but not right now. What you’re doing over time with that 10 minute

    Rule is expanding your agency expanding your belief in your ability to delay that gratification by saying, okay, you know, what, actually, you know, I think I could go 12 minutes, or maybe 15 minutes. And so over time, you’re building that capacity to prove to yourself, yeah, you know, I

    Don’t have to give in to every little urgent whim. I can wait for a few minutes. And I’ll get to that a little bit later. So that’s one technique and dozens for how to master internal triggers. You are you are a pro sir. You’ve you’ve done this before.

    I can tell you are amazing. You You’re so much. There’s so much information and in a sentence from you. It’s like people listen to this again and again and go back to it again again. All right. And the second pillar, what what’s a tip that you can give us?

    Yeah, and thank you for that. By the way. The reason I know this stuff so well is that I live it right. I’ll be honest with you. I didn’t write the book for my readers. Yeah, I wrote the book for me. I wrote the book for me. I didn’t. I didn’t write it

    Because I was I was in distractible I wrote because I was distractible. In fact, it took me five years to write that book because I kept getting distracted while I was writing it. It wasn’t until I figured out the techniques that actually

    Work. Not only big A based on the research, right? I hate reading these self help books, that’s, hey, this worked for me. So it’s gonna work for you. Like that’s not good enough. I want to see the peer reviewed studies. So I had to sort

    Through tons. I mean, I’m talking 1000s of studies. There’s over 30 pages of citations in the back of the book, to figure out what techniques not only work are effective, but also are backed by good research. And so I’ve implemented this into my own life. And let me tell you,

    There’s no area of my life that hasn’t improved. I’m 44 years old, I’m in the best physical shape of my life. I’ve, why it’s not because I have blue jeans. Because I exercise when I say I will, I have a better relationship with my daughter

    Than ever before my wife than ever before, I’m more productive at work than ever before. It’s not, it’s not because I’m smarter or better. It’s just that I know that when I say I’m going to do something, I do it. And so I can live out my

    Intentions and my values and be the person I want to be. It doesn’t mean I’m perfect. Like I said, I still get to strike from time to time. But now I know what to do about those distractions, as opposed to letting them happen again and

    Again. So the second the second pillar, the second strategy, making time for traction. So traction, as we talked about earlier, it are these actions that pull you towards what you say you’re going to do. And so the idea here is to be very

    Clear about how you want to spend your time well, how do you decide how to spend your time, you have to look at your values, what are values, values are attributes of the person you want to become? I’ll say that, again, values are attributes of

    The person you want to become. So I give people these three life domains that you can use to assess how to spend your time now what I want you to do, is to look at your calendar for the week ahead. And I want you to plan out every minute. Now for

    Some people, this is going to strike them as Wow, that’s crazy. That’s so rigid. That’s so difficult. Well give me a chance here. Okay. And if it sounds like too much, do maybe one day or one afternoon, okay? What I want you to do is to plan

    Out how would the person you want to become spend their time? How would the person you want to become spend their time so that you can live up to your values, if you want to see what someone’s values really are? Not just what they say they are, but

    What their values really are? You look at their checkbook? How do you spend your money? And how do you spend your time, okay, that’s how you figure out what someone’s values really are. So I want you to turn your values into time. And we do that with

    These three life domains starting with you, you’re at the center of these three life domains. If you can’t take care of yourself can’t take care of others can’t make the world a better place. So I want you to look at your calendar. And I

    Want to ask you, I want you to ask yourself, how would the person I want to become spend their time taking care of themselves? Now? What might that include? For example, sleep? Okay, we’ve all read the books we all know sleep is very

    Important, right? When we tell our children you need to go to bed on your bedtime. Well, do we have a bedtime? Or are we hypocrites, right? I used to do this to my daughter all the time. You have to go to bed your bedtime. But I didn’t have a

    Bedtime? Is sleep less important for me. Now it’s just as important I need sleep. But it wasn’t in my calendar. Well, guess what today, I have a bedtime. It’s in my schedule. And before bedtime comes time for for personal hygiene, right?

    You took a shower and you brush my teeth. It’s in my calendar. Now I don’t identify every little two minute task. I do them in about 30 minute buckets, right? So get ready for bed is a category is a has a space on my calendar. But it’s in my

    Schedule. For me, Physical Fitness is important, right? When you ask people, What are your values? What’s important to you? Oh, health health is very, very important. Oh, yes. Is it really? Do you have time in your calendar to take care of your

    Health? Or is it more of an aspiration? I’ll get to it someday. So if exercise is important to you, it’s important to me doesn’t have to be important to you. By the way, it’s one of your values. Nobody should tell you what your values

    Are. But if physical health is important, do you have time to take a walk to go to the gym to whatever it is that you want to do for yourself? Is it in your schedule? Time for fun, right? If you want to play video games, if you want to read a book, if

    You want to meditate prayer paint, I don’t care, put it in your calendar, right actually have it hold a space in your calendar. So that’s the eu domain. The next life domain is the relationship domain. And this one is really important because we know that there is a loneliness epidemic in the

    Industrialized world, that people we know that that loneliness is as detrimental to our health as smoking and obesity. Now why do we have this loneliness epidemic? A big part of it is that people have lost the regular times to be with their friends and family. It’s not on our schedules like it

    Used to be past generations used to have the church group the bowling league, the the Kiwanis Club, they had these regular interactions every Thursday night is my bowling league, right? We know that these groups, these civic organizations have declined precipitously. A lot of this has happened because of the secularization of society. We

    Just don’t go to religious events like we used to. So we don’t have that time to be with others to be with our community. Put it on your schedule. Now I’m not saying you have to go to a religious institution. But I am saying that you need regular

    Interaction with people you love and who love you. So don’t give your family your friends, your loved ones, whatever scraps of time are leftover, put it on your calendar, put time with your kids with your with your spouse, put that with your best

    Friends put it on your schedule. The next life domain is called the work domain. And this is where most people start if they plan their day, maybe they’ll have a meeting here and there. They’ll they’ll We’ll start with the work domain, I actually

    Think it comes last. Now, this is where most people spend their waking hours at work during the work week. And work can be divided into two kinds of work. We have what we call reactive work. Reactive work is, you know, the reacting to emails, reacting to messages, reacting to meetings, reacting to other

    People tapping you on your shoulder, that’s reactive work, then there’s what we call reflective work. reflective work is the kind of work that can be that can only be done without distraction, planning, thinking, strategizing, that kind of work can only be done without distraction, what we find is

    That low performers spend almost all their time doing reactive work, right reacting to whatever is coming across their desk, because it’s very comfortable, right? When you use your inbox as your to do list, you don’t have to think you just do whatever’s in your inbox. But of course, what happens is, if your

    Entire day is spent doing reactive work, you’re running real fast in the wrong direction. So you have got to put in some time in your day, I don’t care if it’s 15 minutes, 20 minutes, whatever amount of time, you have to have some day

    Booked out to work without distraction in order to do that reflective work to move your life and career forward. So make sure you have that time in your day, as well. So now, you will have what’s called a time box calendar. And so this is how we

    Turn our values into time is by having that that week, right? Ideally, those seven days planned out. Now, you can also and I of course, I want you to have time, for fun, it’s not just be a robot machine, you know, productive stuff, I want

    You to plan time for the things that make life worth living as well. But the beauty of it is that when you do that, you’re turning distraction into traction, you don’t have to feel guilty about the fact that you want to spend time with your

    Kids or, you know, squeeze in a meditation or play video games through anything you want. If you turn it into time on your calendar, now it’s traction. So that’s how we make time for traction in our day. That’s the second step.

    So you mentioned to do lists. And I just wanted to kind of spotlight that for a second because it is being Yeah, it screamed from the top of the mountains, you needed to do list every day to go through things and everything. And I saw your

    Book too, you’re like, that’s the devil. So please explain to the audience why the to do list is the devil. Right! So there’s a few things that make To Do List particularly awful. Now, before I say that, it’s it’s not that

    Writing things down on a piece of paper or in an app and getting them out of your brain is a bad thing. That’s actually a very, very good thing. But that’s where most people stop. And what I’m saying is that you have to take those tasks and put

    Them on your schedule. If you do it, most people who keep it to do list do which is just I’m putting things down out of my brain onto the list, what you will very soon get is an endless list of things to do. Why? Because to do lists have no

    Constraints, there’s no bottom, there’s no end to your list of to dues. Whereas with a time box calendar, there is a constraint, what’s the constraint? It’s 24 hours in a day, right? So when you measure yourself only based on output, you will get bad

    Results. What do I mean by that? a to do list is things that you want to complete, right? A bunch of cute little boxes that you want to check off right output. So it’s kind of like if you went to a baker, and you said, Hey, I need a birthday cake? Well,

    What’s the baker gonna do? They’re gonna say, Okay, well, to make a birthday cake, I need flour, I need sugar, I need eggs, I need all these inputs to make the output. But when you make a to do list without a schedule without using your

    Calendar, it’s like you have outputs without the inputs. Right? What’s the output for the work? We do? So sorry? What are the inputs for the work we do? The the input is just two things. For knowledge workers. It’s time and attention. That’s

    It time and attention. Those are your only two inputs. But how do we expect to get all these outputs, all these things done all these tasks checked off, if we haven’t planned the inputs. And so that’s why it’s not that writing things down is a bad

    Thing. It’s a very good thing is that most people skip the crucial next step, which is to put it on your schedule, when are you going to do those things? Because that forces you to prioritize? That forces you to look at it and say, Okay,

    Well, I’m not going to have time to do all these things I’m going to have time to do I’m gonna work on this test this test this task, and the other stuff is going to wait for another time because this the one of the reasons that to do lists are the

    Devils as you said, is that what most people what happens to most people is that they get home from a long day. They feel like they’ve been super busy, they’ve run ragged, and they look at their to do list and it’s full of things they still haven’t

    Finished. Right? And what does that do to your psyche? What does it do to your self image if day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year? You are reinforcing your self image of someone who doesn’t do what they say they’re

    Going to do, loser and so that begins to take this this psychic toll and then you start hearing people say oh, you know what? I’m no good with time management. I’m not a morning person, I’m a Sagittarius, they come up with all kinds of

    Reasons that are silly, right has nothing to do with the fact that you’re using. It’s not you that’s broken. It’s this stupid technique you’ve been using that’s broken. So as opposed to using it to do list, a much better technique is to use this

    Time box calendar technique to make time for traction. Now, what you start tracking now changes. So you stop measuring yourself, based on how many cute little boxes you check off. Rather, you start measuring yourself by one thing, and one

    Thing only. And that is, did I do what I said I was going to do? For as long as I said I would without distraction. Notice, I did not say did I finish? That is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if you finish, but you’re saying, well, when am

    I gonna get my work done? Right? I got to do all these things. How What do you mean, I’m not supposed to finish? Here’s the kicker, the people who measure themselves simply based on this one metric of did I work on what I said I was going to work on

    Without distraction, finish more, they actually get more done than the people who like the cute little checkboxes technique of the to do list. Why? Because when you have this to do list, there’s no feedback mechanism, there’s no way for you to know, how long did it actually take you? Which is why

    On average, we know that people take three times longer to finish a task and they estimate Why does that happen? Because there’s no learning involved. Whereas when you have a time box calendar, you can say, Okay, let me say, I worked on this task without distraction for 15 minutes, let’s say, right? You

    Could do anything for 15 minutes, right? So you weren’t on the task for 15 minutes, you say, Okay, well, I needed to work on this blog post. And I got about 500 words in and if I want the blog post to be 2000 words, that means I need 430

    Minute increments. Great. Let me put that on my calendar. As opposed to when you put on your to do list, write blog post. I have no idea. You’re setting yourself up for failure. You’re saying? Exactly. So not only do these to do lists, when you use

    Them inappropriately degrade your self image, right? People start believing this rubbish, that there’s somehow no good at this technique, which is not true. Not only do they not have any kind of feedback mechanism, the third really terrible thing about to do lists is that they don’t even let you enjoy the

    Time you have off. This is what I call the tyranny of the to do list. This is what happens you just happen to me all the time. I’d come home from work and all I want to do is relax, just want to watch some Netflix, maybe be with my daughter just relax,

    Right? But here’s the thing, I have all those unfinished tasks on my to do list. And I’m thinking about as I’m watching Netflix, or as I’m playing with my daughter, I’m thinking about all the things I still haven’t done. That’s terrible. So many of your listeners, I bet haven’t ever experienced what real

    Leisure feels like leisure should be when you are fully immersed in a task and you know, that’s exactly what you should be doing. So when you are in distractible, when you turn your values into time, you have time on your calendar to be with your

    Daughter, right to watch Netflix to do whatever it is you want. And if you do anything else, including work stuff on your to do list, that then becomes a distraction. So it’s only when we time box that we can truly enjoy our time because we know

    That’s exactly what we said we were going to do with it. You’re gonna we’re gonna get some hate mail from all the So from what I’m taking is out of the to do list is that Sagittarius cannot do to do lists but I that’s all I heard.

    Well that’s a message that was the core message I got from that entire bit right there on the to do list that Sagittarius is cannot do to Sagittarius Well there Sagittarius is of course they’re gonna give hate me I mean Nir, it’s fascinating to go go down this road with you

    Because, you know, I’ve, I’ve tried to organize my life. And we talked about this a little bit before we get started. I’ve read your books, I took your course, I’ve got the box calendars, I bought the busy cow I got I got the not the I cow

    The one that comes with the Mac, I got the professional one that gives you more options and you could cut the cord it’s really cool. And I set that up multiple times in my life. And the problem I have with it is sticking to this thing that I’ve

    Created. And by the way I took time built this machine at this time to this time it’s going to be family time at this time to this time is meditation at this time at this time is work and this and that. And my biggest issue is sticking to it. And

    There’s something about it I didn’t understand why I didn’t stick to it. So now I use it. Obviously for my interviews and you know scheduling time, and there’s blocks of time that I do for that. But I almost have a mental block calendar in my head

    That like okay, I’m gonna work from eight to nine at nine I start my meditation for two hours. gives me enough time to prep for this next interview. Have I It’s working. It’s working. It’s not perfect, but it’s working for me. What tips

    Do you have? Like, first of all, I’d love you to unpack what I just said. And is there any tips you can give me to kind of stick with it, man? Yeah, absolutely. So okay, so step number one, we talked about his master these internal triggers. So so we can get back

    To that in a second about how you’re utilizing. Step number two is you said, Okay, you’re planning the time, but you sometimes fall off track, which is totally fine, right? I still fall off track from time to time and I wrote the book, right? Because being in distractible doesn’t mean you never get

    Distracted, I made up the word indestructible. So I can define it any way I want. If you don’t, if you’re not perfect, you’re human. That’s, that’s part of being a human being. The idea is that you’re you’re learning from that. So the mentality is not to

    Be a drill sergeant. What the way you’re speaking about this is kind of sounds like a drill sergeant mentality, I said, I was going to do this, and I didn’t do the thing, I have to go the extreme, I have to go to the two extremes,

    Either loosey goosey, or it’s full metal jacket? Exactly. So I would invite you, instead of trying that, that, that drill sergeant mentality, try the scientist mentality, what does a scientist do? A scientist has a hypothesis, runs an experiment, and then sees the results. And then based on the

    Results, comes up with another hypothesis and does another experiment. Our opportunity to run this experiment happens every day. Over time, it becomes every week. What does that look like? In my calendar on Sunday evenings at 8pm? I have a time block to plan my week ahead. Now, what does that look like? I

    Look at my calendar for the for the week that just passed in the calendar for the week ahead. And I plan how to change that schedule, so that I can live out my values in the week to come. And if I say to myself, You know what, last week, I kept wanting

    To meditate first thing in the morning. And it wasn’t, it was very difficult to do. It wasn’t working out for me, I had too many things on my mind. And my daughter needed this and I need to okay, well what would happen if I change that time in my in

    My calendar to put meditation at a different time, or maybe my writing time might change or you know what, I have that big meeting or I have that doctor’s appointment, now I have to move things around. So when you make that schedule, it doesn’t mean

    That that schedule never changes quite the opposite, it changes all the time, except in the day. So you never change your schedule. In the day. Once you make that schedule on the day begins, the calendar day begins, you stick to that schedule. And

    If you fall off track, you try and get to the next task, or the next time block, not the task, the time block that’s in your schedule, you already know what to do as soon as you you can. So you bring yourself back from that distraction. But if that

    Day didn’t work out as well as you plan, right? Tomorrow, you can change it and make it easier to follow that plan. So you have that flexibility. Now, the next thing I would say is that we only talked about two of the strategies, you need all four

    They have to work in concert. So one of the things that was very interesting that you said was that you said you know, I have no problem sticking to my time box calendar when I have an interview. What Why was that? Well, because I have someone else that’s waiting for me. And

    As part of my it is part of the values of what I am doing. This is my livelihood. This is all I do. So I can’t not show up to an interview when you’ve set up in Singapore. And I’m like, Ah, sorry. Like, the whole, the whole show will come crashing

    Down quite quickly. Right! So there’s a cost to not falling through route. What is the cost to not showing up for yourself? When you say hey, I want to what what is what is it you said you were going to

    I meditate or to do some graphic work or have to write an article or something like that, you know, I tend to prioritize meditation, I prioritize working out now. And those kinds of things. Those are unmovable for me generally speaking like that

    Certain every morning, I wake up and I go workout and beautiful. And I meditate a lot But but when the writing is the writing the thing that you said I’m going to write? Well, Yeah, it depends. We’ll look for its writings. As we’ve already explained, this is horrible. It’s a horrible, horrible

    Profession. Yeah, the blank page is terrifying. But to do that kind of work or to do things that you might not like to do. That is my biggest weakness. It might and I can I can acknowledge that in myself. By doing the self work that I’ve

    Done over the years is anything if I have a hard thing to do, and and five easy things to do, I will attack the five easy, so much faster, because I feel accomplished at it. But the big the big thing that needs to get done gets pushed or pushed or

    Just gets nibbled on and doesn’t really get the thing until I have to like taxes or due Gotta you’re gonna go to jail if you don’t do them. So this is this is this is this is everything right? You said everything that I need to know already right that you talked

    About how it’s the easy tasks that get done first, the hard task get delayed. You talked about that you’re very capable of doing these things if you have the proper incentive if you have the proper pressure. So it’s about we So we’ve

    Established you will do them, right? If I said, so give me let’s make this really concrete. What’s something that you said, I need to do? It was on your schedule. So you did step number two of making time for traction? And then you found that you got

    Distracted during the middle of the task? Can you? Can you give me a reason? Oh, yeah, prepping, prepping, I released obscene amounts of podcast every week, I do about eight episodes across three different shows. And I have to prep those. So I have to like,

    You know, get my I have to I have a team, thank God. But I have to kind of like organize like, Okay, this has been released this day. This has been released this day. And I’d like to, I still like to do graphics. So I do my graphics for the

    Thumbnails and things like that. So I have to do that. It’s not particularly the most fun thing I do all week. It is administrative work. I would rather not do it. And I push it, push it to the point where I should have everything done by

    Friday. But sometimes I tell my wife, I didn’t get those videos done. I got to pick an hour on a Saturday morning to knock them out. And she’s like, well, who was the price? And my parent my family does? And she’s always like, why, but like you had a

    Week like, Why do you like, I know, I just got busy this. So that is frustrating, because I don’t want to do that on Saturdays. And by the way, right? When I go away on a vacation or have to go away for business, I have to prep a week

    Or two ahead. And then I just and I find myself I jam it all into like a two hour block. I get it done. And I’m done for two weeks. I’m like, What’s wrong with you, Alex? Like, you’re gonna obviously do this easily. Why is this such a thing? So help me!

    This is beautiful. This is you. I mean, this is this is. So I’m so glad because everything you mentioned right now can be fixed with these four tactics, right. So number one is the internal trigger. So addressing that sensation of this isn’t fun, I

    Don’t really want to do this right now. That is the number one reason we don’t achieve our goals is because we don’t want to write, I want to go to the gym, I don’t want to meditate. I don’t want to do those graphics right now. It’s a feeling. So

    Recognizing that feeling. And having a script, I want you to think for a little bit after the show around what the mantra can be to respond to that state of I don’t want to write it. So for example, when I’m writing, and it sucks, as we both know, it’s

    Very hard. My mantra is, this is what it feels like to get better. That’s my mantra so that when I feel like this is hard, I don’t want to do this right now. I’m bored, I’m stressed, I’m anxious. I repeat to myself, This is what it feels like to

    Get better. Okay, and you can come up with your own mantra. But to have and there’s all there’s there’s dozens of different things you can do to disarm those internal triggers to master those internal triggers. Next is scheduling the time. So it’s interesting, you said, when you know you have to

    Do it, because you have a travel, for example, coming up, when you crank out those two hours, and you’re done. So what I want you to do is to make sure that you had that time to do that task you didn’t really want to do whether it’s the graphics

    Or whatever the VO have it on your calendar, Okay, step number three, when you do sit down and do them, make sure you turn off all those external triggers. I don’t want any pings, dings or rings, everything should be shut off. And step number four, and

    Perhaps the most important, I think that’s this is what you’re missing is a pact is a pre commitment. Because you told me that if you have a guest waiting for you, or you have travelled coming up, and you know, you have to when you have this

    Social obligation, for example, you do the task, you do the work. So if I told you Okay, Alex, if you don’t finish these videos, right now, you have your two hours, I want you to work on them without distraction. And you yourself told me about the

    Way that you can do them in two hours, right? But if you don’t do them, if that’s not what you’re going to spend all your time doing without distraction, you’re going to have to pay me $50,000 Would you do them? At that? I finished them up tonight, sir.

    Exactly, exactly. So we’ve established you can now we’re negotiating the price. So what you got to do, Alex for these tasks that you know will make your life better, you know, I can hear the pain in your voice when you say that time comes at

    A time with my family that says and does this Oh, so you know that. So what I want you to do is to use a pact a pre commitment. Now packs come in three different kinds. We have what we call an effort pact, an effort pact is when there’s some

    Kind of friction in between us and something we don’t want to do and that distraction. So for example, if there was if you if there was some kind of friction, some kind of effort in between stopping that task, then there’s what we call a price pact where

    There’s a financial disincentive to not finishing that task. So for example, when I was writing my book, I read I’ve done research for like four years about all the collecting all the studies and putting them all together and trying to figure out them bottle. And I just needed to write the darn thing.

    And so I learned this technique I learned in the psychology literature about making price packs. I went to my friend Mark and I said, Mark, if I don’t finish my first draft by January 1, I’m going to give you $10,000. Now, do you think I

    Finished the first draft? Of course I did. Do you think I gave mark the money? Of course, I did not need to because I did what I said I was going to do. So one challenge I would I would put to Alex is how can you use a pact to pre commitment maybe

    It’s another person, right maybe working with another person, there’s there’s a wonderful site called Focus mate.com, where you can sign up for a specific time slot. And you’ll have another person who’s also doing what you’re doing, they’re focusing on the task, just seeing another person that you’re working

    Alongside for, in this case, virtually very, very effective. Maybe you can make a better commitment with your wife. And you can say, Look, honey, if I don’t finish this on Monday, so that I have time on Saturday, I’m going to burn money. So free. I’ll give you another quick example oh, shoot,

    No, she would, she would have a heart attack, Maybe not with your wife make it with me, I have to clean the bathroom, I have to clean the bathroom by myself. Think something like that. There you go. Something like that, right? So for me, I used

    To be clinically obese, I always hated exercise for me. But I knew one of my values was to take care of my physical health. So right now, I have a calendar in my dresser that I see every single day. And on that dress on that calendar is taped a crisp,

    $100 bill. Now above this calendar, there’s a shelf and there’s a Bic lighter on that shelf. And so this is what I call the burn or burn technique that if I don’t exercise in some way, and I define the rules as you can as well, if I don’t

    Exercise six days a week it can be go for a walk, go to do some pushups, go to the gym, any kind of exercise, if I don’t burn the calories, I have to burn the money. Now, like physically light on fire, I can’t give it away. Because that would make me

    Feel good that I would make someone’s day and give them 100 bucks, I can’t do that I have to physically light it on fire. Now, why do I do that? Because my personal integrity says to me that I’m going to just do the stupid push ups or go take a

    Walk as opposed to burning that money. Because I’ve added that that price pack that I’ve ever asked, Have you ever burned, I’ve never had to burn it. Okay, I’ve never had to burn it before. And now frankly, to be honest, I don’t even need it.

    Because now I’ve learned to get into the routine of exercise. I’m in the best shape of my life. I love it actually. Now I would it would feel weird to not go exercise. Now it’s become part of my day, I really don’t even need it anymore. But if

    There is this behavior that you know you want to do, you want to edit the you know, you want to do the videos, you wanna do the graphics. And it’s kind of a chore it’s not, it’s not something you really want to do. When you try all three of these

    The the first three techniques, the master internal triggers, make time for traction and, and hack back external triggers. As the last line of defense. Right, the last resort is this fourth step of preventing distraction with PACs can be a very, very effective technique. If you use it. I would be very surprised if

    It didn’t work if you had some kind of disincentive to not doing it. Well, my friend, I appreciate all of that information. I’m going to apply it because it’s it’s not as I’ve spent I’ve as I said all this out loud. I understand how ridiculous I am.

    Because these things are so I knocked them out so quickly. But there was something in my head is like, these are, this is not fun. And I’m like, Look, I’m a pot I podcast for a living. So obviously, fun is something I enjoy. I don’t do things I don’t

    Like to do anymore. I don’t know about you. But as we get older, the level of stuff that we put up with gets lower and lower and lower. And by the way? Absolutely. And by the way, Alex, one of the solutions might be look, you made your time box calendar and

    You’re saying she’s it takes me two hours to do these graphics. You know what, maybe it’s time to let someone else do the graphics. That will be fine. Yeah, that’s also okay. I someone has been telling me to do that for quite some time. And

    I can’t let that’s the only thing I can’t let go of like I was editing all my podcasts up until like two years ago. And yeah, if people but the thing is I always tell people is like, when you have the ability and the skill set to do something,

    It’s great and it’s horrible, both at the same time. It’s because you don’t let go you know, if you didn’t know The beauty of it. That’s the beauty of the time box calendar is that you can look at it you can say yes, I can. But what is

    It come at the expense of if it comes to the expense of being with my family or growing my business or going to the gym or meditating Which I’ve learned the hard way and I’ve learned the hard way. I get to keep talking to you about this for hours I really do

    Appreciate you coming on the show and and sharing all of the your knowledge you are a a master at not being being indestructible sir I mean, seriously, you you literally wrote the book. Where can people find more about your work and pick up this new book?

    Absolutely. So the book is called indistractable if you go to indistractable but.com It’s spelt In the word distract able so indistractable.com is actually an 80 page workbook that we couldn’t fit into the back of the book so we decided to give it out for free online you can Get it right there. It’s

    All complimentary at indistructable.com and my own blog is called nirandfar.com near spelt like my first name that’s nir and far.com Thank you again so much man and I appreciate the work and the the work that you’re doing to help the world become in distractible and really, at the end, help us become better

    People that are souls and growing and doing achieving the things that we want to achieve in life and first step is to be in distractible. So I appreciate you for everything you do, my friend. I appreciate that so much. Thank you for having me.

    Thanks for watching. Click on one of the videos below to continue your journey and don’t forget to subscribe!


    1. Amazing conversation. Exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for bringing someone on who is out of the scope of what you usually cover (which I love what you cover – please keep them coming! ❤). Basically I've been very distracted, struggling with technology use/addiction, and really struggling with my meaningful, long-term goals. I've been praying for guidance on this. I can hear something explained in one hundred different ways, but until that one way comes along that resonates with me, I wont be able to change my behavior. I'm really resonating with this person's explanations for distractions and ways to handle them. Thank you ❤

    2. isnt it really as simple as practising being the "witness", the awareness, the silent observer, as the great masters of wisdom has always tried to teach us, and not really " trying to 'control" anything . But being the one who observes, although i do know this is so difficult in itself and to always try to be and live in this present moment.

    3. Magic pill lol he just mansplained how mums have to live their life everyday but then we have men like him coming home and having his time yet asking us what we did all day….. thanks 😂

    4. What does spirituality say about suffering, can it be cured? So you don't have to suffer ever anymore??????????????????????????????????

    5. I love the idea of calendar box, get organized, but guts turn upside down, my entire body is repulsed to pass to action. Not my first time, I'm allergic to boxes and discipline. Got any tips for me, anyone?

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