TalkSPORT’s Simon Jordan shares his thoughts on Everton and Nottingham Forest reportedly having breached FFP rules and discusses possible points deductions for both Premier League teams.


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    It’s been reported that both Everton and Nottingham Forest are expecting to be referred to an independent commission over breaches of the Premier League’s profitability and sustainability regulations I want to get into this in more detail with Simon in a second but Martin if you are if you

    Are Sean D say Everton at the moment you’ve already been kicked where it hurts regards the 10 points deduction there they are given their best shot yesterday against Aston Villa trying to darnest to win the game and he’s got to go into work this morning and wait for some kind of an

    Announcement regards this it ain’t easy if you’re D at the moment it ain’t easy if you’re Nuno spiritus Santo you’re trying to make progress but all the while this is rumbling in the background yeah well it’s not easy for the clubs uh never mind the managers I think that um

    You know uh it’s been it’s been quite some years now since Manchester City find themselves in trouble 115 breaches apparently and yet that’s not been resolved and if I was Everton or any of the other clubs suddenly right out of the blue they were dock 10 points now

    They may well have broken the rules and and they admitted that that they did do but it do seem really strange that Manchester City can can avoid it anyway perhaps because they’ve got fantastic lawyers I don’t really know about this here but they have avoided and suddenly

    Um almost seemingly out of the blue Everton were do these points now Suddenly It’s coming again and uh and notingham Forest could be uh could be culprits as well too so yeah it is it’s a strange one and you don’t know where you’re standing Everton did brilliantly

    To to claw those points back it takes a bit of effort it takes then you the start to lose a couple of games uh they got a result on at the weekend but even so it was you know it it’s really really tough and as a manager what do you say

    To the players you know you where do where do we stand they they’ll be asking those particular questions themselves well Simon why I mean the question here to me is why are the Premier League able to Bear their teeth with some clubs whilst others are able to Kick the Can

    Down the road and I’m talking about Chelsea spending a billion in a year I’m talking about Manchester City chelse hasen’t been charged of anything no no no no no no so Chelsea are not part of the conversation right now when they produce accounts which produced those problems and and and then the Premier

    League will take a view Manchester City scenario is completely different whether I like it or I don’t and I certainly think they have something to answer to their charges and their processes and what they’re being alleged to have done is very different from straightforward accountancy principles over a threeyear

    Cycle different completely different and Everton’s position as much as I agree with the idea that 10 points is a harsh sanction they CED to it they didn’t they haven’t missed Financial fair play by 9 million like people say yeah they’ve missed it by 250 million and they were

    Allowed to make a series of adjustments including covid adjustments and and and interest payments on the stadium and and and costs of capitalization of the stadium that they’re building all of that was allowed to be included and they still missed it so everence is not a 9 million problem as it’s being

    Characterized by certain people it’s a 250 million pound Miss but should they not be allowed a bit of grace period to stabilize and recover some they’ve been they’ve been hit once and they took that right on the chin no they didn’t they didn’t take anything on the chin they

    Cried and they’ve gone out and defended themselves against it and they’ve got everybody that will listen to them to write letters uh and get involved including the former bank of England Governor so they’ve got themselves busy they haven’t taken it on the chin at all and to be honest with you neither would

    I expect them to because they’ve got a sanction that’s never been seen the likes of I expected them to do some sort of appeal but they’ve already coped to the culpability of it their chief executive or sorry their Finance director came out with the most ridiculous statement and in the witness

    Evidence given by their owner he talks about the need to spend money because he had no Midfield well what’s that got to do with a price of cheese when you’re observing to financial fair play on that very point and Everton’s interim CEO Colin Chong said this when the 10 points

    Was announced myself and everybody at the club are shocked and disappointed by the ruling of the Premier League commission we believe the sanction is disproportionate and wholly unjust the club’s view is that the harshness and severity of this punishment are neither a fair nor a reasonable reflection of

    The evidence that was submitted to the commission for that reason the club intends to appeal the outcome before the Premier League appeals board this is a sporting sanction that directly impacts supporters the club and our players and staff and our fans will stick together in the face of what the club believes to

    Be an unprecedented and disproportionate sanction as we enter the next phase of this legal process there is no further comment we can or will make but rest assured we will be standing up for evertonians and our great Club so they’ve got an appeal that’s ongoing for

    The 10 points Simon now today they could be hit with a second one I can’t be right can it why these are the rules sporting sanctions it’s interesting how they C they framework it as a sporting sanction that directly affects the the uh the fans no your mismanagement did that right the

    Consequences of your mismanagement is a set of circumstances that have been brought upon your club and yes they do have a a reasonable scenario of saying because I thought they’d get six points I’m surprised they got 10 and they may get six points they may get six points

    In the pill and then guess what they’ll get they’ll probably get four points stack back on top again because they’ve breached it again so if they’ve breached it again what do you say you’re you’re you’re you’re a recidivist this is what you do okay so just go back to the

    Manchester City Point okay you say they’re separate entities that’s fine 115 breaches going back over a period of 10 or 10 or 11 years why has that not been resolved and and why is it why has it not been there’s a variety of reasons and one of the reasons that you allude

    To is probably one of the reasons which is the fact that they’ve got some very high powerered very sophisticated legal thinking alongside the fact that UA took them to task over these things UA then sanctioned them it then got up overturned by the court of arbitration and Sport and the Premier League seemed

    To have sat in the background waiting for these precedents to have been set rather than bearing their own teeth it’s a difficult one because UEFA aren’t sanctioning Everton they aren’t off somebody else and so there there’s a a kind of precedent perspective as who goes first right I think the Premier

    League could have gone simultaneously that the Premier League have gone off them for 115 charges it isn’t a straightforward principle of they they can clearly evidence where the breaches are it’s about the Mis the Mis misrepresentation of funds in terms of who put money where and for what reason

    What were the commercial value of the sponsorship deals and all of these things whereas Everton are straightforward they’ve C to it Everton have C to it yeah we were1 million pound over the limit so we lost 115 million you actually lost 350 million and you were allowed to adjust it down to 115

    And you still couldn’t get it beneath the 105 which by the way is no badge of honor soever have cop to as you say simonc they might have to do the same again today I I’m with you Martin I would want Manchester City to be able given the fact they’re unequivocally

    Innocent I would want them to be able to account for it quicker but the evidence behind it and the people that suggest they’ve got an understanding of the complexity of the case say there is a logical reason why this takes this amount of time I don’t concur but that’s

    What they say I know you’re closer to it than most s you can make more sense of it than most but to the man in the street this doesn’t look right the the the look is not good here everon having cop to it once as you say may have to do

    The same again today forests are quaking in their shoes awaiting their fate probably today but there appears to be no real urgency to take on Manchester City they’re not waiting their fate today they’ve been charged there was a massive departure from being charged to being found guilty we see that in every

    Walk of Life what’s happened is that the Premier League have tightened up the rulle so you have to produce your accounts by the end of December rather than the end of March which means they can streamline the process to sanction you during the course of a season which

    Has been an argument that the clubs themselves have run they’ve all said what’s the point of a retrospective situation we’re going to sue we’re going to do this well you can’t because you signed up to the rules in the first place so they’ve now streamlined it yeah

    But they’re going to be charged and resolved in the same season city as you once said to me that might not be resolved until the end of the decade but not to but it’s not going to happen today so as we’ve seen in many other walks of life what you get charged with

    And what you get convicted of are often two different things they will have an ability to be able to put forward very strong and robust defenses of the reasons why there should be exceptions made to some of the balance sheet adjustments they think they’re allowed to make specifically not forest’s case

    Which is the timing of the sell of BR Johnson they’ll make the argument they didn’t sell Brennan Johnson before June the 30th because if they’ have done that they’ have got 30 million quid for him they decided to sell him in the transfer window in August because they can get50

    Million PS because of the critical mass that the uh the transfer window brings when people have got competitive tension to bid for a player and get the price up they’ll argue that that should be a post sheet adjustment which then gets taken back into the previous year and Forest

    Are also unfortunate because they only get 61 million pound of a losses CU they they’re coming up from the championship so they got two years of 12 half million pound of a losses one year 35 okay we’ll look more closely at Forest predicament the other side of this break but it it’s

    Been covered everywhere the back of the times this morning Everton and Forest learn fate today Everton and naum Forest will discover today whether they have broken the Premier League’s profit and sustainability rules we concentrate more on notum Forest at this particular time Simon the the the period under review

    Coincides with Forest promotion yes to the Premier League and they’re in the eyes of some lavish spending under the owner evangelist marinakis Martin’s mate the the Martin’s mate the club said it had quotes fully complied with its obligations in a recent statement do you think they’ve got a decent argument I

    Think they’ve got a sustainable argument whether they can get across the line the challenge of forest is it doesn’t cover the per they in the Premier League that’s one of the three years it covers 20 to 21 21 to 22 and 22 to 23 right and

    One of those years of the Premier League year so they only get a small part of allowable of allowable losses given the fact that they’re in the championship so ironically they probably would have got sanctioned in the championship as well because it’s likely they would have breached the Championships profit and

    Sustainability rules their argument I believe will Center on the value of Brennan Johnson’s and when they decided to sell him to be able to meet the challenges they might have under Financial fair play they would suggest I think that selling Brenan Johnson prior to June the 30th of 2023 which was the

    End of the financial year which is the third year of the cycle and the part where they’re going to get themselves sanctioned that three-year cycle was not a commercially sensible thing to do because it have got less value for Brennan Johnson than they did when they sold him in August to Tottenham Hotspur

    For a more inflated thee they will argue that that should be priced into the thinking of any adjudication that suggests they’ve contravene Financial fair play and breach those rules I would suggest another argument would be that you’ve got to sell him for the price that you’ve got to sell him because

    You’ve spent too much money elsewhere and Everton would also suggest that maybe that argument could have been run in their favor when they had to sell with charlon for slightly lesser fee than they might wanted to and they provided that evidence I think I mean that’s the reasons why let’s see Forest

    Were to fall foul and that would be extremely hurtful for the lik yourself Martin you know having done so much for the club in the past let’s say they fall foul is that a message Simon that you shouldn’t quotes give it a go when you

    Get into the Top Flight as Marin AIS and Forest promised they would do and indeed did no I mean despite all the criticism maybe Norwich got it right all along Norwich came up did next to nothing went down again and and of course didn’t fall

    F but it went down again went down again Forest came up fighting we’re going to give it a go but look at where it’s gone 200 million to Jake hum all the fans at know they get Fly fed up with being marooned in the middle of the championship you should absolutely give

    It a go but you should be able to balance given that your professional men know the obligations upon you you might not like them you might not like being told as a businessman as I damn sure didn’t when I walked in the football league and got told by people that I

    Thought couldn’t write their own names on a Blackboard what I should do financially but you do that because that’s the nature of the Beast so you sit there and go right okay here’s what I’ve got to do now you know the balance The Balancing Act is to be able to meet

    The obligations at the same time as having a go now of course you’re going to fall into the territory of course the argument is going to be easy now to land it straight at the owner look at the bom mountain of players that you bought that the manager didn’t want in the first

    Place so it’s all on you it’s entirely your fault that will be the narrative the fact is that if they’ve got a cogent argument and a Salient one they’ll run it they’ve got good representation representation that very very very very rarely loses in DeMarco so they’ll put

    Their best foot for yeah yeah yeah yeah but having said that they’re in a pickle and they await their F today they’re not going to get their fak today what they’ve been is charged when somebody gets charged they don’t get convicted on the same day do yeah but no but at the

    Same time they’ll discover whether or not they brought the profit and sustainability R they being charged so they’re being charged yeah but people get charged all the time you see I don’t think you get much Sympathy For The Fan have you for the forest fan or the

    Everton fan I’ve got sympathy I’ve got sympathy for all parts of it but everyone’s a contributing factor everybody wants their football club to be run better and at the same time wants it to spend as much as it possibly can if not engan Forest had gone up and and

    Not spent any money there’d be a scream and howl from the Notting for fans suggesting you’ve been out of the league for 25 years you didn’t have a go but the flip side of that that doesn’t give owners the opportunity to be completely and utterly proplate and then reap the

    Whirlwind of those consequences the bottom line is is that if Forest gets sanctioned if they get sanctioned will they get sanctioned to the same extent that Everton gets sanctioned if they are to get sanctioned and is the overriding perspective of football that governance is a bad thing because I would suggest

    That trying to to maintain the financial sanity and stability of an industry trumps the individual moments of sack him buy the best player get the next barding I would suspect it probably trumps those things I mean I I reckon fans are scratching their heads Martin I I really really do because of course

    They want the best for their Club there’s a huge excitement can you imagine being a forest fan and up they come and they are hoping that marinakis makes the sounds that he made we’re we’re going to go in there Full Tilt we’re going to give it a serious go

    Because it’s all about winning trophies music to their ears the fans pay their money that’s of course that’s what they want to hear and yet today and he say not going to find out they’re fake today well they’ll know today if they have broken the rules the news will come to

    Them I assume that everyone knows the rules in the first place you know so they maybe they have to abide by them but we have it is it’s an interesting dilemma because I think the n city have been accused as a yoyo club going up and down like West used to be that’s

    Absolutely going up and down and you think to yourself well if youd spent a little bit more money you could have done this absolutely and and whatever you say about maragas he he spent the money he went big when they went into the Premier League and um in fact he was

    Getting a lot of players in in the championship during that time as well too so uh so somewhere along the way they did spend big and and it it bore fruit at the end of the day because after 23 years they finally made it I know it’s simplistic to to look at it

    This way Sim there’s an argument if your owner’s got the money and wants to spend it let them yes there is an argument to that and I and we’ve made that argument and we’ve rehearsed that argument and there’s Merit in capitalism and being allowed to develop businesses the

    Tragedy of the football world is what you do at the top affects you at the bottom so whilst you’ve got the will to do things if you don’t put some controls in place when man united or Manchester City or Liverpool or Arsenal are prepared to pay players £300,000 a week

    It does affect forest green Rovers because the drip down effect drops drops drops drops drop it’s it’s a it’s a matter of fact it’s not de so the argument is how do you introduce governance to be able to get some sustainability without stopping without sorry allowing clubs to develop so the

    Cartel doesn’t maintain I would suggest in a new ownership model you allow them some dispensation so a guy walks in the door buys a business from another football club owner that looks at it and goes that’s not what I want it to be that’s the way you wanted it to be so I

    Want a bit of dispensation to be able to invest some money in over a three-year cycle so that I can make the business a little bit more like I want it to be I would suggest that if you give people when they buy a football club a slightly

    Different perspective over a couple of years or three years and then they have to fall in line with everyone else then you don’t discourage capital investment you don’t discourage the principle people have to invest in the business and you don’t maintain the view that others have which is this is all about

    Protecting the cartel it’s all about expectations these rules didn’t apply when you were uh owner just coming in when I was leaving yeah and I would have appreciated them Financial fair play because you can already spend what you’ve got so I’d have L to turn around

    The fans and say I’m going to up the season ticket prices because we’re all in it together Jim White and and Jordan Monday to Friday mornings from 10: on a.m. on dab via the talk sport app and on your smart speaker talk sport


    1. Luton, Sheff U, Burnley and Brentford must be rubbing their hands with glee if Everton get another 10 point deduction and Forest get hit with a 10 point deduction

    2. I wish simon jordan would sometimes keep his capitalist opinions to himself. He states he always speaks the truth and professes to have intellect but his arrogance and misleading comments on the topic of evertons situation is increasingly frustrating

    3. The Manc charge and investigation were held behind closed doors for many years!
      What Jordan may or may not be aware of, so I believe, is that the rules will be relaxed later this year. Will that include historical discrepancies?

    4. Rules are Rules, but the punishment is created as they go along and is not set in stone!
      Is it true that if the law is ambiguous, it should favour the defendant? Am I wrong?

    5. Random thought based on a small part of this video – what if promoted teams don’t get penalised for being a championship side the previous 2 seasons? Treat it as if they could have spent the premier league budget but chose not to. Therefore the £115M losses premier league teams get would apply for 2 seasons giving them £50M extra to spend per season, so an extra £100M added to their spending ability on top of whatever they were legally allowed to spend…. Just a thought 💭



      Americans have taken over Ten EPL Clubs. Wall Street Agents are taking over England's National Treasure; Association Football. Bringing rules to their own advancement and politics, making players kneel to BLM contrary to Christian believes, gunners playing in white, hiking prices of tickets. Wall Street "Divides and Conquers" on behalf of the rich. They‘re messing with rules, creating confusion for their own advancement. This is how Wall Street operates with a shadow governance making shocking decisions out of the blue. They are instigating Red Fury of Arsenal, Liverpool and ManUtd of which the Glazer‘s have ruled since 2003-5, with fans paying for the takeover and their own extravagant living standard with Old Trafford falling down, the bloodsucked club in decay, not won EPL since 2013 when Ferguson retired. Twenty years of Glazers rule. Now one of their own has been sent in to rescue. It reminds one of twenty years of Swales at ManCity 1973-1993, where at the beginning City was a European powerhouse; Champions of England 1968, FA Cup 1969, European Cup Winner‘s Cup, League Cup 1970, missing out on the England title on goal difference 1973, League Cup 1975, second to Liverpool in League 1977, FA Cup losers 1981, relegated 1983, club in decay then collapsing. Then at the turn of the century good Mancunians started planning using the Commonwealth Games as springboard.



      Since 2008 ManCity owners have revitalised Eastlands, modernised Etihad now enlarging it to 61.400, building hotel and fan facilities, built world‘s greatest Academy producing extraordinary talent, wonderful women‘s team and playing brand of football never seen in England. A 23.500 Music Hall & Sport Arena being built in Eastlands adjacent to Etihad. But in the shadow things were happening. In 2018 Mob Attacked ManCity Bus outside Anfield with the Club‘s blessings, creating hatred & slander against ManCity and they broke into City‘s computers, without EPL doing a thing. In 2019 City‘s computers were hacked. Der Spiegel published stolen material. After UEFA two year ban, CAS Court of Abritation Sports overturned it and reduced fine from ₤30M to ten. Then out of the shadows EPL made its accusation on breach of 115 charges. Notice this: Wall Street forced Abramovich out of Chelsea because of his Nationality; what do you call that, putting their own in power, messing up the club. Now Everton and Nottingham Forest all of the sudden are charged and people don‘t know where they stand. This is destructive. They attack those who are not theirs in order to enhance themselves getting more control. Not good for England, nor fans who have to pay WS bills. I‘m of the opnion that ManUtd should apologise to the People of Manchester for trying to destroy the ManCity Project in Eastlands. I‘ve been a City fan since 1967, a leading journalist in Iceland. White and O‘Neal don‘t know where they stand, with Jordan supporting shadow governance. Interesting.

    7. If, I was the owner of Everton & forest….I would have taken the FA court. Let them explain how we are getting charged when ManCity & Chelsea are walking free ….Let them explain themself, which helps your case.

    8. Everton knew 100 percent they were millions n millions over the allowed amount of money- Simon is right ! They got what they deserved and cried and cried about it !

    9. Simon is wrong. And this is the problem with all these people who seem to think they are privy to this information. They aren't. Too many voices out there giving opinions, sadly they are in the limelight and everyone is believing them. Admit it, PL have lost the plot, they are corrupt, I feel Everton supporters are correct with their signs. The bigger clubs are paying their way out of rules they have broken. End of.

    10. Simon Jordon, no mention of his mate Bill Kenwright, this was the very reason the Everton fans were protesting last season, to remove the board of directors and were labelled rent a mob, then the board threw the fans under the bus with headlock gate and scared to attend.

      At no point we’re the board members in any danger of attending the games, the protests were peaceful, but no surprise our Chairman got defended, while every single media outlet slated the supporters and backed the board.

      Shame on the lot of you for putting the blame on the supporters.

      I hope any neutral reading this now realises why the Evertonians were protesting against the board last season, none of the board are there now, my condolences to Bill, it was always a football matter and not an attack on a human being, but through no fault of our own,the fans are being punished instead of the guilty party.

      Just like the super league breakaway, it was not the fans or teams fault, and rightly just got a fine, where is the justice of the supporters now being punished with a points deduction, instead of a similar fine to the owners of the collapsed breakaway league.

    11. Everton wernt kicked where it hurts, more like a slight tap to the ankle. A 10 points deduction when it looks like, on their curtrent form, they could stand that is not being kicked where it hurts. Had they been given a 10 point deduction when it would have certainly meant relegation, that would have been kicking them where it hurts.

    12. This talk of City having the best legal teams is rubbish. Like they've got the Avengers or something. Do people think The Premier League are strapped for cash and have to go and get Lionel Hutz? They'll have the absolute best legal team. So it is odd why the trial is taking so long to happen. Similarly, Everton will also have a really good legal team. It simply seems The Premier League are a bit scared to take City on as opposed to Everton and Forrest. Let's hope they've spent all this time before the City trial getting a concrete case ready, because it will be so incredibly funny to see them relegated.

    13. for all those crying "what about City".
      It's completely different charges. Everton have been found guilty of breaching FFP, City haven't. City failed to comply with FFP for the first two years it was introduced and paid a fine THEN (2014). Since then, they have complied and in fact have one of the biggest turnovers in football. Everything City spend is from what they earn.
      City's charges are more to do with failing to give the correct accounts. Lying about accounts. They were accused by UEFA but overturned this due to poor evidence and some of the claims being time-barred. It's not time-barred this time, but the evidence is still poor.
      They're throwing everything at City hoping mud sticks. Too good for everyone.

    14. Everton 3rd from bottom in the spending stakes over last 5 years – our funds have gone towards the stadium – Forest have bought 40 odd players – 2 totally different scenarios that the corrupt PL are using against 2 clubs not in Europe and therefore not considered to be a viable cash cow for the PL

    15. Manchester City and Chelsea are under investigation for bending accounting so that they are within FFP. They have income that is suspect. If these income are not real, they will also be charged for breacing FFP on top off the punisment for the rest of charges.

    16. Jordan is WRONG AS ALWAYS. Everton overspent by £19M on a stadium build. No sporting advantage and 10-points. The PL is corrupt to its core and the sooner we get a regulator, the better.

    17. Man City do not have 115 “charges”. They are, at this point unsubstantiated allegations made by the EPL.
      To substantiate those allegations the EPL need evidence. The only evidence they have is the same evidence UEFA relied upon and which was dismissed by CAS as follows
      In relation to the Etihad sponsorship: "There is not sufficient evidence on file to establish that arrangements were actually made between MCFC and HHSM (Sheikh Mansour) and/or ADUG, or between HHSM and/or ADUG and Etihad, or that HHSM and/or ADUG funded part of Etihad's sponsorship obligations directly.
      "In the absence of a link being proven…the majority of the panel finds that UEFA's theory on disguised equity funding remains unsubstantiated."

      Before you start down the “but it’s different, some of the UEFA allegations were time barred, the EPL allegations aren’t” . They’re the same allegations as the ones that weren’t time barred and rely on the same evidence. City wanted them including but UEFA rules wouldn’t let them.

      It’s totally different to the Everton situation. They’ve overspent compared to what they earned. It’s all in the accounts they submitted.

      City deny inflating sponsorship and have signed off accounts, prepared by external auditing companies as evidence.

      UEFA relied on incomplete hacked emails as evidence. 6 emails out of 5 million that were hacked. The perpetrator of the hacking is in prison for fraud and computer offences. The integrity of the content of the emails is questionable and although UEFA and EPL can rely on them for “internal” investigations as “proof”. As soon as they’re independently scrutinised they fail as they did at CAS.
      If, the EPL panel ( selected by the EPL and chaired by a member of the Arsenal board) find against City it will go to the U.K. courts of law. At that point the grown ups are back in the room. And before you say” there’s no appeal allowed” remember the relationship between City and the EPL is contractual. Meaning contract law will kick in. Meaning City will be able to do what they’ve been trying to do from the beginning, get this into a court of law away from the corrupt UEFA and EPL.
      And that’s the last thing the EPL want. Particularly as they’re going to be independently regulated in the future.

      So City’s situation is nothing like Everton’s. Anyone who says it is, is misguided.

    18. I have no problem with "these are the rules" and rules being enforced as long as they are being enforced equably. The fact that 115 charges against City were announced quite some time ago with no action taken against them while other clubs have subsequently had charges leveled, adjudicated, and punishments levied while none of the City charges have been acted upon is not equable enforcement.

    19. The fact that no one expected Everton to get a 10 point deduction tells me no one understands the rules. SJ comes across as either naive or a shill sometimes.

    20. The rules where changed half way through the case simple Simon. Are you really going to sit there talking about finances when you put Palace into administration.

    21. City have been told a date for there hearing so they will get there’s as for the other clubs they understand the rules broke them know crying it’s about time the premier league got tough with cheats

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