On the agenda this week:

    1. This week’s filming locations and GWIA answer
    2. General Chat

    Come and join The Village People! (Subscribers only!)

    One second just uh just trying to sort my phone out here because otherwise it’s turn so far just trying to sort my phone out here people because I’m supposed to do these streams on my phone uh in landscape yeah you forgot to change orientation but uh just yeah okay oh

    Hello anyway hello folks uh I’m rocking the Aragon look tonight as you can see I look like something out of Lord of the Rings and then again it is quite cold so you know nothing much more I can do about the weather it’s not going to snow though apparently which is a good

    Thing so anyway who have we got who we got in Alice is here Richard is here Jade is here Mike is here hello folks how are we I’m not alone I have a Lauren Lolli beans over there currently sat in my computer chair because it’s comfy yes that’s where all the that’s where

    All the videos are made just there in my little station my two screens know that don’t point that thing at me I’m not gonna point it at you Nikki don’t worry Nikki is here as well just in the background stitching as always so excellent Richard says love

    The pink bike well well you weren’t the only one who loved the pink bike I’ll be honest with you it was uh quite the experience and I’m glad that everybody I’m glad everybody sort of um enjoyed that episode with me trying to do something mental in Winter by going all

    The way down to the end of sperm point on a pink bike but uh you know regardless of the color of the bike it got me to the end and that was the important thing um very difficult very difficult ult to do even on a bike you

    Know it’s not the easiest of things um but then again it is four miles long all the way to the end of spurn so it better than walking it let’s be fair let’s be fair uh how are things with the family asks Jacob you’re new Jacob not seen you

    Before not a regular face in here you’re always welcome of course come and join the fun well family are okay to be honest with you we’re all happy doing her own thing Hannah’s got a bit of a an issue with a leg at the moment but a

    Foot it’s a foot isn’t it um but uh it’s um it’ll sort itself it’s nothing serious Hannah’s been um doing Hannah things Lauren’s been doing Lauren things I’ve been doing my thing and Nikki’s been stitching that’s basically it and working of course yeah of course so um let’s see you look like some

    Somebody out of the traitors what’s that traitors not heard of that I don’t watch a lot of Telly so if that’s some kind of TV program then I’ve got no idea what you mean by that anyway uh I’ve only got one sort of thing to sort of talk about this

    Week um other than that it’s kind of a general chat for half an hour this one because there’s nothing else really to talk about uh and that is of course the where I’m going uh tomorrow and Wednesday and the guess where I am answer um so where am I going I’m going

    Up to the east riding tomorrow I’m going to Bridlington for the first time so uh that’s going to be cool not actually going to be filming anything in brid itself uh I’ll be doing uh some stuff on the way up so I’ll be going to uh North frodingham to start with that’s the

    Biggest of the ones I’m doing um I’ll be going to foston which has got a an interesting little uh foot path which I am going to walk down um it’s interesting because you wouldn’t know it’s a path but uh you’ll see why that’s the case in that

    Episode uh Kel which is next door to foston then you’ve got uh harpen as well and then I’m going to Burton Agnes Fame for its Hall carnaby um a lot of people are getting excited about carnaby last week because that’s got um a rather interesting Landmark that you would

    Associate with the seaside even though carnaby is not actually on the seafront um but speaking of the seafront I’m also going to bston and I’m going to ome as well and they are both on the sea so uh yeah there’s eight in total I should be doing up there and I’m going

    To be staying in BRD I’m going to be staying in the Brunswick hotel now Nikki’s stepdad um comes from bradlington he’s Bridlington born and Brad he lives here in Rother room now though um but every time Bridlington comes up in conversation he’s always willing to tell us a few things isn’t he

    Um so don’t be surprised if you might have a a little bit of input in some of these episodes because you will know them um and I’m hoping that when I do brid itself that he’ll sort of chip in quite a lot so uh yeah that’ll be quite cool so yeah

    That’s where I’m going this week the guest where I am answer from last week now for some strange reason the the short for this week’s guess where I am got a heck of a lot of views way more than normal well over 2,000 which is mental they usually only

    Get about a hundred um quite why I don’t know I don’t know um but what sort of happened on the back of that is everyone was trying to guess where this Pub was which is effectively what you’re supposed to do um only one person got it

    Um and that was really on the back of another comment uh the answer was the elder tree in which is in horsington which is in East Lindsay now quite Why YouTube chose to put that one out sort of to more people than normal don’t know but uh yeah it’s definitely a closed pub

    At the moment um whether or not it will reopen at some point I don’t know um but yeah it’s certainly seen better days if you know looking at the front of it looks a bit run down I think the um the most sort of s sort of the weirdest

    Thing about it was the doll did anyone notice the doll in the window so above the door if you go if you haven’t seen it um above the main door there’s a there’s a like a a window and and there’s there’s like a disturbing doll that’s looking down onto the the road

    Outside watching passes by mental thing but maybe that’s what did it I don’t know I don’t know but uh yeah horsington was the answer anyway so used to be two pubs in horsington I found that out later and uh unb known to me I’d actually filmed the other one so you’ll

    See them both in the episode okay Alice says I washed my car yesterday my back number plate was starting to disappear that happens at this time of year doesn’t it you know this time of year everyone’s car gets really really mcky um mine’s you know not it’s not it’s not

    It’s not it’s not the cleanest car you’ve ever seen at the moment um I will wash it eventually good morning out there Dave in Australia don’t know what the weather’s doing for you down there but I imagine it’s a lot warmer than it is here uh let’s see

    See who else do we got oh Spitfires Spitfire Kev hello you’re new as well brilliant excellent um Jacob says do you have any pets yes yes Lauren could you go and fetch the the MOG over I think angel will have to make an appearance now now that we’ve mentioned

    It we have a cat um her name is Angel and trust me angel is the pretty much the worst name you could have for her because it’s more demon to be honest with you um definitely got a few murder mittens on her I’ll tell you that much once uh Lauren’s

    Cter will uh give her appear no certainly not the most socialable of cats we used to have two dogs um ah Lauren’s got now they put belong am I going to get scratched I’m probably going to get scratched here we go here is our angel angel you’re famous you’re famous you’re

    On YouTube look angel look Angel here angel look you’re not interested are you I know what’s wrong with you it’s nine o’clock at nine o’clock Hannah comes downstairs and feeds her she’s also not happy because I just had to run after you had to run after her yes I know we

    Caught her eventually though so only because I cored her out hand his door trust me this is this is you wouldn’t think it to look at her but trust me angel is one vicious cat don’t get on the wrong side of her I say that

    Much I’m gonna have to put her down in a moment because otherwise I may get scratched or or something similar prob you’ll be putting down now before she flies off and knocks your phone out good idea say byebye angel say byebye byebye see you then yeah so there’s our angel

    Um anything but like I said but uh we have some fun with her we used I said we used to have two dogs we used to have uh Greyhounds um Chloe and Tony were their names um but uh they’re uh they’re running Greyhound racers in the sky now

    So now we’ve got um we’ve got a cat instead so so yeah it’s different ball game different ball game right let’s see what we got uh oh good evening Carol didn’t see you there you snuck in hello demon cat very cute have you ever visited pocklington not yet not

    Yet but I um oh yeah yes yes I thought you meant have we done the done the episode yet no we haven’t done the episode yet we’ve been to puckington before um so it is coming we’ve got um we’ve got sort of an either or date for it

    Coming up depend February the 11th or February the 25th so one of those two dates I’ll let you know in you course we will be in pocklington and it will be we because it will be me and Nikki as well so the girl and maybe the girls too depends so yeah Pon is

    It’s coming it’s coming um if I remember rightly after this run that I’m doing this week in theing puckington is the next one so it’s like it’s like nine episodes away plus the two that you’ve not yet seen so it’s 11 episodes away effectively at the moment on

    Saturdays so uh oh now the cat’s going mental you can’t see this off camera but the cat is chasing something around the floor is it like a a rapper or something something probably yeah dear might be a demon cat but very very funny very very funny cat for some reason like sweet wrappers

    And crisp crisp packets I think that rattles basically if you sort of fold it up and flick it the cat will chase it um cat toys and never touches them yeah you buy all these things you know cat toys and what not but you know it’s it’s it’s rappers that this cat likes

    For some reason I don’t know why chasing a Fredo rapper Fredo rapper brilliant brilliant oh dear okay just lean in a little bit here so I can see some of these comments uh Carol has nine cats but put it down to being in cat rescue well that’s understandable I

    Suppose okay which Amber Valley episode did you drw drive through a Ford um that was old the wasley where I drove through the Ford you can hear the cat can’t you he’s getting mad at it now yeah probably just frustrated because Hannah’s not come down yet to feed her

    Um what was I saying yeah yeah it was old Oley where I drove through the Ford um not the easiest of tasks I must admit there’s a there’s an episode coming up in West suffk you you saw the the first in the West suffk series yesterday but

    There’s an episode coming up in in West suffk where I attempt to drive through a Ford and change my mind very quickly um because it was just way too deep way way way too deep um you know with all the the rain we’ve had just lately sometimes

    The the the Fords which are supposed to be shallow just become impassible um and this one certainly was so yeah you’ll you’ll see it in a few weeks time it’s it’s a long way away it’s the last it’s the last one in the Run of eight so it’s you know seven

    Weeks away yet but you’ll see what I mean it’s uh certainly wasn’t um a good idea to try drive through it so good job there was a bridge instead good job have been crossed look I’ve got a bit more sense than that Nikki so you’re okay you’re

    Okay and I know when things are a nogo in the car 20 years experience driving so doesn’t mean I’m any good but there we are mind you to be fair on saying that with the amount of stuff that I film from the you know with the camera

    On the dash these days um no one’s ever complained on any of the videos where where something like that is featured no one’s ever complained about you know that I’m driving badly or something like that um which is a good thing I take that as a compliment you know no no no

    Comments is a is is a is a good thing in that regard I suppose and it’s I suppose it’s even more important now that I’m doing you know these driving videos every week you know so uh so yeah can’t say fairer to be fair um right let’s see Carol says I’ve

    Seen that toxy lock has been pretty badly damaged channels near gorp very high Y not Sur Uris me I mean I I haven’t been down that way for a while um when I was going to Lincolnshire last week I couldn’t cross Dunham Bridge because that was flooded on the

    Lincolnshire side um you couldn’t cross Trent bridge in Gainesboro either because of the floods on the beckingham side um but luckily I didn’t need either of those two roads anyway because I was going down to to nework to cross the uh the river there there to get to where I

    Was going to go um so was a good job really I do believe Trent bridge in Gaines is reopened now so all that’s back to normal um not sure about dunam bridge but you know don’t need that this week anyway the the floods have been mental to be honest with you they’ve been

    Absolutely crazy and it seems to get worse every year you know every time the rain comes you’d have thought we’d been more prepared now you know but we’re just not we’re just not um so there you go um let’s have a look the fording upper Slaughter where’s upper Slaughter Dave

    Is that somewhere in considering you’re in Australia is that somewhere in Australia because I don’t recognize that as a British place so uh let’s see oh um speaking of speaking of cars being submerged in water there was a a thing going around this morning about um hornsey

    Seafront which had uh been breached the sea had breached the seaw wall uh and there was a car floating in water there on the seafront so that doesn’t bode well for the future hay episode does it I it should have all disappear by then what have

    Thought um Jacob why don’t you go to a zoo NEW Zoo series well don’t need a don’t really need to go to a zoo to be honest with you we’ve got we’ve got the cat we got me you get the animal rights people going on about animals in

    Captivity you did yeah I think I may have I think I may have seen may have filmed a zoo before at one point I can’t remember where it was though they not oh yes I can it was in um new ball West linday I think that’s the only one I can

    Think of that I’ve seen up to now I know there are big ones you know major ones like Twi cross for example which I’ve been very close to quite got to it yet um there are other other ones so you know landmarks like that they don’t come

    Up all that often and when they do you want to catch them because it’s something different you know there’s always you can always guarantee in my videos there are going to be there’s going to be stuff which you’ve seen before mostly I mean every video you you’re bound to see things

    Like roads houses Bridges um Rivers phone boxes Parish notice boards Village HS churches chapels all that kind of stuff you know all that kind of all those sort of normal things like the bread and butter but when something different comes up that just gives the the episode a whole new aspect

    You know it’s like the the easington episode the sperm Point lighthouses you don’t see lighthouses in every episode do you and so when you when you come across one you want to catch it and it’s be the same with a zoo so actually get toi yeah they have yeah yeah yes Dave

    Allotments as well yes pumping stations water yeah yeah I mean even sometimes the the mo the most mundane of things like a pumping station you know we probably walk past them drive past them every day and don’t really appreciate what they do I mean there’s the headen episode which

    Is coming out this Saturday there’s a there’s a there’s there’s a pumping station in that which I felt was worth you worthy of capturing because it was a bit bigger than your average one um nothing special about it really but you know how many other people are capturing

    Things like that let’s be fair how many other people are are walking around taking pictures of that not many not many um P’s got more than that though let’s be honest a lot more than that um let’s see am I the black monk of pontif frct

    Tonight no I’m more like Aragon like I said um Dave Scott it’s a village in gler Shear in the cotwell is it oh right okay I’ve not been down that way since I went to flying flying the helicopter so um and I don’t know anything really

    About the cells really yet so that’d be cool because once I eventually get back down there I can find that Ford can’t I let’s see uh wait till you go to Kent with the oost houses that sounds familiar oost houses houses are part of the Brewing process I think okay cool right cool

    Cool oh did you how did I know it was going to be stitching related how did the allotments thing start um right this goes back to the now then ah which episode was it I can’t remember which episode it was it could have been anything really but I

    Remember the first time I made a point of it was elica in the East Riding of Yorkshire but there was a previous episode before before that where someone had commented saying you didn’t show the allotment and me being me when I was out the next time I found the a patch of allotments

    And I purposely filmed it so that this guy could see that you know sometimes I do show a lots and I just said something along the lines of there we go are you happy now there’s the allotment and it just kind of stuck every time now I see

    A patch of aot it’s like a running joke that I capture them so the fans inverted commas can can put them to with the with the rest of their collection I suppose um so yeah every time I see allotments now I don’t purposely you know go out my way to find

    Them um you know when I’m planning my roots I sometimes see them uh you know overhead on the map sometimes I can catch them sometimes I can’t um but yeah it’s it’s just a it’s just a quirk of the videos now and it just basically you know stemmed from a a random comment

    From a guy who complained that I didn’t um didn’t film them one time um and it’s just gone from there really so so there you go Simon really enjoy your videos is there a map of the parishes you visited well do you mean an entire UK map

    Because if the if if if you’re meaning that then then the answer is no but obviously I do have the maps in every episode which shows you where I’ve been um now of course in theory I could combine all those together to make one big UK map but that would take me forever

    Um so yeah it would be cool if there was a a map that showed them all I think actually thinking about it I think there is one but I can’t really fill it in because it’s it’s some of the areas too small to sort of do it properly and you wouldn’t know

    What you would you wouldn’t know basic if I tried to do it you you you you’d look at it and think well where’s that one because it’s kind of not shown because it’s too small so so no there isn’t unfortunately I know I know what you mean though I know what you

    Mean uh Jacob says where’s your favorite place in the East Riding oh blind me um good question I don’t think I’ve got one quite frankly I I just I just love the whole County I mean for all the bits I’ve seen um to be fair what’s left of it once you have that

    On I’m just trying to think now I mean I suppose withy is always going to be a a favorite of our it’s always a favorite of ours isn’t it withy um anywh that’s on the SE I think mind you having said that some of the Inland stuff skidby was quite nice with a

    Windmill I don’t think I can narrow it down to just one to be fair I think there’s I think there’s a few I think probably probably changes you know on a regular basis Richard what about dust bins I’m not going to film dust bins although having said that obviously bins can be

    Interesting because sometimes they they have the council logo on them anyway let’s see uh brewing beer yes yes Nikki Carol says brewing beer correct parents used to go on holiday hot picking in the 40s and 50s uh how nice are the chips at Upton chippy don’t know don’t know not been there for

    Donkeys yonks a fire chip shop for people who don’t know um I imagine they’re just as nice as any other chippy really but I’ve not been I’ve not been there for a good number of years so uh I genuinely I genuinely can’t remember back that far

    Honestly so uh so yeah I suppose you have to go and find out yourself um let’s see I’m sure I missed another comment back up here that wanted to look at uh maybe not Maybe not maybe not okay okay um why don’t you do a Lake District series like grassme and Winder

    Oh don’t worry about that there will be I will get to the Lake District eventually uh of course it won’t be called the Lake District series it will be West Morland and furnace is what it will be because that’s the other cumbrian District I work by District I don’t you know just

    Do a general area I work by actual District um so if you look for the Lake District series it won’t be ever be there um because that’s just how I am because I I like I like things to be defined I like there to be defined boundaries don’t like areas you know

    Gray area kind of thing I don’t like that kind of stuff have to there has to be sort of rigid boundaries and that’s basically how I work um so yeah West mland and furnace is where you’ll see the the Lake District it might even go thinking the Lake District to extend

    Over the border into Cumberland it might do probably does actually it’s big place isn’t it so yeah but of course kumria is such a long way away that at the moment it’s not it’s not the sort of thing I can get to every week I would like I would like

    To but it’s not all always possible you know because some of these some of these places farflung places you know we live in rotheram and even though it’s kind of a a central town if you like in the middle of the middle of the the country

    As it were you can get North southeast west pretty easily you know some of the farflung places they have to be planned out carefully because they’re so far away this is why I’ve not been to Devon or Cornwall or D or Dorset yet I’m going to

    Dorset you know later this year but um you know some counties like that if they were just around the corner then yeah then it would be easy um but they’re just not you know it’s going to take me a good four hours to drive down to

    Dorset there you go I mean it took me two to get to suffk you know last week so week before you know so that’s the uh it’s the nature of the job isn’t it you um you have to you have to travel but it’s the time spent travel

    In sometimes although I do have sort of no sense of distance really anymore you know some places that I’m going to in the near future means I have to pass through places I’ve already been to and when I was driving to those places I was thinking to myself well that’s a

    Long way away but then I look at the map and think well it’s not really because I’ve been there and it wasn’t so bad and now I’m going a bit further you know harri’s a good example of that because I’ve been looking at the harate map again today working out where I’ve

    Been working out where I’m going to go and I’m just thinking to myself well that place is two hours away but I’ve been there which is literally just next door so it actually isn’t that far because I remember how far it was if that makes sense I just don’t have any

    Sense of distance now not really so are we going to see you climbing any mountain mountains yeah yeah there’ll be some mountains eventually when I get into the Peak District a bit more there is one uh big whether you call it a mountain actually um I suppose it is a

    Mountain it kind of overlooks a a steep Cliff um I’ll tell you where I’m thinking it’s it’s uh it’s it’s Matlock there’s a a big sort of Cliff Edge it’s called giddy Edge uh and it’s basically a path that runs along the edge of the cliff literally millimeters from The Edge uh

    It’s got a handrail which is a good thing and I do plan to use the head strap to actually walk along this path um so yeah because carrying the the tripod would not be a good idea trying to be careful whether there’s a steep drop to your right hand side um so yeah

    Um yeah you will see me climbing some mountains um not quite sure whether I want to climb the likes of scaffold bike or or anything like that the cat is going mental for some reason but yeah yeah there will be some mountain climbing so let’s see um let’s see take your time and

    Enjoy the journey yes Mike I’ll tell you I am enjoying the journey I am enjoying the journey there’s uh I’m absolutely enjoying it probably more than ever am I interested in football yes yes I am I’m a liver ball fan we’ll leave it at that Alice you won’t catch me on giddy

    Edge I take it you know giddy Edge then Alice dear yeah it’s uh I’ve only ever seen videos of it so I don’t know what it’s like myself yet but um I do plan to walk on it um so kind of place that you don’t want to look down really certainly

    Not if you’re susceptible to vertigo so win it’s pass yeah that’s another one yeah win it’s pass is another one isn’t it um I’ve never been up win it’s pass you know it’s literally just a couple of miles to the west of here into the into the Pete District

    I’ve never been to it Castleton been to Castleton never actually been to the Past it’s funny isn’t it let’s see uh right uh where are we 32 minutes in we have a good chat tonight uh I’m sorry the um there was no real sort of issues or things to talk about

    Properly but it’s one it’s one of those weeks you know it’s been a bit bit slow bit quiet not really much to to um to chat about but sometimes this is the this is what you need in these meetings just a a little Nat bit of banter bit of

    Um yeah catchup yeah yeah sometimes that’s all you need you need much more than that um next week is a members meeting so if you are a member then obviously I shall see you in seven days time if you’re not a member well now’s the the time to to join press the join

    Button uh on any of the videos and and yeah you can see me again here next week um of course with it being a members meeting there they never as um plentiful chat wise but sometimes the the the the members have sort of more ideas of what to say I suppose

    Don’t they and members get sneak peeks H yeah the members get sneak peeks too so that’s a good thing um yeah I think I think tonight though we’re we’re pretty much there we’re done uh effectively so I will be in uh Bridlington tomorrow and you guys will get what video have you

    Got tomorrow you’ve got um what day is it tomorrow it’s Tuesday tomorrow isn’t it oh waron waron is what you guys get tomorrow uh members get done and Massie um so yeah two very interesting places in Manchester there one with a a tollbridge which costs you a very small fee and the

    Other one with a big Hall and Parkland and a mill as well anyway time for me toh disappear and I will see you um next week so thanks for joining us and byebye for now see you later wrap up warm people it’s cold okay yes


    1. Hi, go up Boston Stump, and Burton Agnes one of my favourite places, lovely village, steeped in history, grounds beautiful, stay safe, Caz from kilnhurst ❤

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