This recording briefly discusses depression. The presenter is a nutritionist and has been helping people for more than 30 years.

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    Psychology and she also did at unisa uh first year in honors in sports psychology so there we go she knows a bit about that and she probably needs just a a master’s degree just to share the house with me so uh I hand over to Barbara she’s going to do the talk on

    Depression this evening okay welcome um I’m going to share my screen with you right can you all see that but just give me Frank give me the thumbs up there can you see my screen okay right now to come back to depression um it is not as simple as

    Black and white if you deal with depression um if you see there you won’t believe it but Chris Chris actually had clinical depression for 14 years when we were still in South Africa and we just came out of University so he wrote that book and it is his life story how he

    Beat clinical depression right if you look at the types of depression it is very much like cancers you get different cancers now that way you also get different types of depression you get get major depression uh it man man uh fested and characterized by a combination of symptoms that interfere with the ability

    To work study sleep eat talk walk behave and enjoy just about every activity of life then you also get theia um which is a less severe type less severe type of depression but it’s uh involved long-term and chronic symptoms um that do not disable but it

    Is difficult to live with it because it make your life unpleasant um you’re not always feeling good so also although it’s not as bad as the rest you know it is still not really nice to live with it then you get a third type of depression which is

    Bipolar disorder and you know it is also called a manic depression which um lots of people have these days and um we know more about right symptoms of mania or depression every individual is unique unique and different so that’s why and everybody react differently uh to depression uh it depends on the person

    The symptoms of depression are as follows um its continuous feelings of immense sadness guilt of hopelessness emptiness pessimism worthlessness and I’m going to tell you quite a few more um negative thoughts the craving to stay in bed all day um the the burning tinling Sensational all over the body I

    Remember when Chris had it he got like pins and needles in his hands and at that stage he was at every psychologist you can get at the end they were crying didn’t know what to do I was studying psychology at that time and I went with

    Him to some of these sessions because I wanted to know how can I help him and you know that thing which they say how do you think you can help him and the moment they say to me that then I know they’re busy you know practicing their

    Psychology on me so I just you know left it um but he also you know at that stage went for heart uh stuff in bloom fontin you name it he he went to 22 doctors and not one could help him we really tried everything um you also get lactic acid

    Buildups so you know you you in pain all the time I remember he moaned a lot about pain his whole body paint his joint pain everything pain dizziness the feeling that you could faint at any moment that also happened and you know it makes you anxious because you don’t

    Know when it can happen and I saw it many times the need to keep the light out like staying in a dark room that he did a lot just you know and it’s difficult to get a person like that out of that dark room sleeping problems insomnia a lot intense leg and joint

    Pains stiff muscles acute thirst I remember how much water he drank at that stage he still still drink a lot of water but not as much as then it’s like permanently thirsty um and then also repetive thoughts and actions um and then more symptoms is you can read there Rising

    Heart severe sweating lack of energy problems hearing I remember when we stayed in Peter Marburg um you know we will sit in our house and then Chris asked me do you hear it and then I said what are you talking about and then um you know he could hear the stuff which

    Is going on in town which is 10 kilomet away but he couldn’t hear me speaking to him um then eye pain and redness and then this is how he beat clinical depression um after suffering quite a few years became before we came to this point at this point we were in

    Queenstown already and it I will say it’s about 4 years on and in 1989 our GP actually said to him you know what you a tall person your work is very stressful I mean he was 26 then he worked at that days with um shopping malls and schools which they built and

    It is was his responsibility um you know for everything it was millions of RS at that days which which was quite a lot for a young for a young young guy so he said to him why didn’t you start taking vitamin B vitamin B is for your nerve

    System so you know start taking Vitamin B and the other thing which he started on was omega-3 salmon oil because it is antiflammatory and it helps with body pains when I run marathons that’s the first thing I take or like today when I play two hours tennis my body is really

    Sore then I get home and I’ll drink four Omega-3s it really help with body pain um and also thing which you call full motion which is for cartet repair and maintenance um while he were on the medication which the doctors gave him and they really gave him bags full he

    Eventually was taking six times the daily doses of um that Trine so um and he was just not getting better he was getting worse and worse and worse and I think that you know he realized that you know like um he say in the book that he

    Realized that he his health was in trouble that uh he need to do something and only he could do something about it and he decided to put all the medication away and the doctor said to him if you do that you will die because you can’t

    Go to cold turkey from the ad doeses which he was on well he didn’t tell me that that I can tell you I never knew about that but he put it all down like with smoking you must just say put it down never again and that’s what he done

    And I remember in Peter Marburg at that time it was 2 three degre at night in the middle of the night then he sit outside on the uh you know on the stoop and then he will he was sweating like crazy and he will put buckets of water

    On himself and the scum was coming out of his mouth but you know he didn’t die um he survived he’s a Survivor okay so um which is really good at that stage our kids were small so I think you know he had to think about that as well uh

    The other thing which he was taking is calmag which is calcium magnesium um I always took it for my back but calcium magnesium is also very good uh for your nervous system and then finally the absolute Royals Royce that everyone on planet Earth has to take every day is

    The supplement which is called PR andn that is your essential oils that is the stuff which they take out of the bread these days and out of everything else these days for shelf life for money so um you know by taking that out they actually do the human race no service

    Because we don’t get the oils anymore more so we all have sick cells remember you’re just as healthy as your sickest cell Chris also changed or we as a family changed our diet uh we eat a lot more vegetables um luckily he never actually drink any alcohol um and since then he just

    Stopped drinking overall he just never since then never take alcohol and you will laugh but his favorite is Fresco he don’t drink any um he don’t drink any uh uh coffee uh it’s too strong for him and you all know Frisco is not really a coffee but anyway and he take purified

    Water and he watch what he put in his mouth right then uh the thing which really helped him when we were in Queenstown was a a counselor it was actually a doctor in psychiatrist a psychiatrist uh who really helped him it was a old little womany um and he went

    And see him weekly and man that that guy really helped him through it all I would 100% recommend if you have depression that you go and speak to somebody that is much more worth than any pull any doctor can give you okay but the other thing which you also need to remember it

    Is not a pity party so if a person have depression um don’t go and sulk with him you need to um you know try and be patient but need to be firm and uh lead them uh you know uh encourage them to get out of the dark room and things like

    That okay um and then we all know about learned behavior you know that thing where you have a fly which jump up and you put the lid on and then later a flea a flea okay a flea and then later you can leave the the lit and then it it

    Won’t jump out anymore so it is the same with behavior you know you you can change Behavior again right um and then it’s not all being bad so the one thing which we also did was Dr Caroline Leaf detox brain program she is excellent she have lots

    Of books um she have online courses which you can do which is some which is only 10 minutes daily and it really helped to retrain your brain to say that so really good to go and listen to her so if we look when a person suffer from

    Uh depression um what people think I feel is at the left is sadness but what I actually feel is nothing sadness self lovea isolation hopelessness anxiety and guilt so it’s it’s so much more than just sadness depression isn’t just sadness okay then you need to find out um you

    Need to find a plan of action for yourself and you need to commit to it then do not stick to something that is not working so if you do find a plan of action and you use it and it’s not getting any better then change you know find another plan of action something

    Which is actually working and Chris say at the bottom I soon realize that medication are not a fix for our mental problems but merely a type of masking of the S symptoms right and this is just a graph to show you um during our lifespan uh

    You get a few good one which is your green line your excitement your honeymoon everything which is good which is happening to you then you get a okay the blue line in the middle and then you get a distress uh despair the red line at the bottom which is numbness

    Disbelief and then you can get depression and then you can go into a crisis and how it’s been handled so just to show you what happened to you then it’s time to act nobody but you can fix it for you and I heard Chris this many times said to people who come

    And see him and then he cheat to them and he said it doesn’t matter what other people see oh only you know what the problem is and only you can fix it so take charts and accept responsibility for yourself decide to get better it is a decision learn to love yourself and

    Take care of yourself and I know lots of people if I look on Facebook there’s so many people who say I hate myself look what I am and oh you know all of this and this and it’s time to get over that you need to decide to love yourself

    Change your attitude to change learn to be be fanatical about implementing change recognize your good and bad habits and work on them it’s hard work uh become shelfies learn to say no I know lots of us are people Pleasers like Jos Meers will tell you but you

    Must learn to say no sometimes you also need to say no take your time eat the right food taking care in your eating habits it’s part of loving yourself remember remember this body you only have one of them if you mess it up then you’re responsible for it you put it in

    Your mouth nobody else eight if you seek sadness it will find you you will see all the people who you know if you have a petty party you will have a lot of people hanging on to this Petty party so just give it time it’s you will more find that than you

    Will find the individual who stand up okay it’s easy to to be pulled down it’s not that easy to stand up listen to upbeat music socialize with positive minded friends who can support you oh man that is very very important your friends in this times is really important in avoid the TV news

    Newspapers and bad programs so please if the TV only have bad news put it off find something else to do don’t be addicted to the TV and sit and listen to the same old sad news every night after night after night now uh nine cry if you

    Want to or even if you don’t want to and I know in South Africa when I grow up they say Boys Don’t Cry but please if you’re a boy you’re welcome you can cry it’s not a weakness to cry it is actually a man who can cry so it’s okay

    To cry and can often bring clarification and soothing because it help you to to accept it and to get over it all right then start with baby step stps and don’t overwhelm yourself remember you’re not going to fix this all in one go this takes time and I saw with Chris 14 years

    We went through it it’s not there is no quick fix then avoid stimulants like alcohol and drugs they may give you temporary relief but the symptoms will always come back often much worse so it’s not a solution to take the drug and think you’re going to be over it

    Practice some form of meditation prayer you know is also meditation it is proven to clear and relax the mind to help bring some clar clarity oh there prayer is also a form of meditation so nobody said you must go and sit and say oh you know like that um there’s lots of ways

    Of doing meditation then watch your diet avoid alcohol sugar salt and fat clean your water use a water filter if you can because there’s lots of hormone disruptors in water so um that that is another talk but they are in the water increase your intake of fresh fruit

    Vegetables and fiber avoid or remove pesticides from your fresh produce and the last one is really important believe in yourself because we all do you deser deserve to live a f a fulfilling life too so you worth it every bit of you right get your basic steps right the

    First one is Dr food so you need to eat correctly then Dr sleep you need at least eight hours sleep a night so make sure that you sleep enough fresh air Dr air so you need to not sit in the fumes like Frank sit at school in the fumes

    You need need to to get fresh air open your windows get a mother-in-law tongue in your house so that you can purify just make sure the mother-in-law’s tongue is a plant not a woman yeah it’s a plant okay please okay just check it you can go and F the plant that I can

    Show you then dror exercise you need exercise even if you walk three times a week nobody say you you’re going to have to go play 2 hours tennis and Run 2 kilometers you know you can just get some exercise okay Doctor Outdoors make sure you go

    Outside and not sit in your house all the time force yourself to go outside even if it in the beginning it’s just still your stoop but you need to get out of your house doct laughter um watch funny stuff on there’s lots of funny stuff on Facebook Chris love to watch

    These things you always say watch here watch here watch here you know and sometimes I don’t catch the joke but you know that’s fine um you you know just watch some funny stuff it’s always good to laugh then you also need to detox uh we believe in detoxing once every six

    Months and five reasons to detox is to remove the toxins from the body okay so that you get all the metals out of your body healthy immune uh function is very very important your immune system um helps you to fight all diseases it’s also good to jump start a weight loss

    Program if you do have a weight loss problem you know start also with a detox slow premature growth and increase your energy after a detox you always feel like you can move the world okay and did you know the average person is exposed to 85 to 168 or more different chemicals

    Daily now this is not just the things you eat it your hair shampoos the perfumes the underarms the air outside the car the car the seats when you get into your car in the morning uh it’s just everything around you Everything You Touch everything you have to deal

    With all the toxins where you work so there’s really a lot of them and I have the if you want the studies we have it in a booklet so I can send it to you if you really want to go and read it yourself um and then almost 13,000 chemicals are used in

    Cosmetics and only about 10% have been evaluated for safety because there isn’t money to test all these things so you know people take shortcuts then 95% of fragrance chemicals are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum you know petrol comes from Petrol especially like your vanilla flavors and stuff like

    That so and remember they say it’s organic because because petrol come from the ground so it come out of the ground it’s organic so don’t get fooled by that now things you need to reduce is sugar pasta rice peanut butter popcorn bread red meat and coffee yes because

    Popcorn makes your body acidic peanut butter stick to your intestines so that your colon at the end will work like a host pipe if you eat a lot of it so you you can’t good nutrition in things to increase is raw fruits raw vegetables seeds and cook from scratch very

    Important not to eat a lot of fast food stews soups and things like that not too much fruit because you’ll end up being diabetic yes I know but moderation yes sits the diabetic expert next to me and now okay then uh things to reduce is the

    TV believe it or not it’s not always very positive uh movies watch what you you what which movies you watch the these days you know what I’m I’m really getting fed up with movies because they always swear in the movie or there’s some gruesome things in the movies they can’t make decent movies

    Anymore then your news your screen time your negative associations um you know if I always say said to my kids a friend is a person who leave you better than what they found you so if your friends not leaving you better get yourself new friends um I am

    Really proud of my friends so I’m I’m okay time thinking about your problems really it’s not going to sit and help to sit there and Su and think and think and think how bad rumination okay it’s a too bigger word for me that’s an English word okay so um

    You know get up and do something listen to positive talks reading positive books positive associations serving and helping others you know by helping other people it make you feel good because it’s good to help other people activities outdoor such as swimming gardening running tennis think about goals work tan your problems other tan

    Your problems okay so probably just mean you go outside and get a bit of sunshine yes so um you know uh uh set goals for yourself get out and go for it okay it says think about goals work other than your problems sorry it’s a spelling

    Mistake but it is good to tan as well because it’s vitamin D so it’s good for you right and then self talk um you are talking to yourself all the time you might as well talking to yourself positively it doesn’t mean you are cucko because you talk to yourself um by encouraging yourself

    Positively right and this is the wellness pyramid I changed it a little bit and did you rest um I wonder if you can see what I changed okay I swapped the whole grains and the protein because um protein is something which you really need your whole body is

    Made up by protein so it is sugar and fat then whole grains fruit and vegetables protein and then exercise okay and this is the way you should eat it not the other way around where if you look at people sh shopping trolley most of the shopping trolley is just full of

    Sugars right what to do drink plenty of purified water avoid avoid sugars uh fizzy drinks um and fresh bread uh bread is really not very good for you so get yourself like um you know uh uh sourdough bread things which you bake yourself and not the rubbish you buy in

    The shops avoid tea and coffee eat just a little bit of tea yeah a little but yeah well in moderation eat little red meat but eat a lot of fish chicken uh clean all your fruit and vegetables make sure you take all the toxins off if the vegetables are

    Systemic poisoned then make sure you buy them organic get some exercise set goals goal setting is very important because if you don’t know where you’re going you aren’t going anywhere associate with great people try to help the less fortunate people by helping others up um you also help yourself cut out reading

    Newspapers and stressful movies what to look for in a supplement because you can’t eat it anymore there’s just no ways that you can eat enough these days to get all your nutrients in so you have to supplement now what is important when you supplement because you can also

    Supplement the wrong things if you use a bad supplement it can give you cancer if you use a good supplement it can prevent cancer just to give you an idea how important a supplement is um the first thing does it have a thirdparty seal of approval is it made from concentrated

    Human food extract okay not not the not the karua bossi you are not going to eat the grass the grass cuttings next to the road human food do they have third party studies showing it get into your blood what is the point of taking a supplement and it’s not getting into your

    Blood if so are there clinical trials that show it is help it helps you and not harm you it must help you okay now there very important is a juice extracted from organically grown nonhybrid Vine ripened non GMO fruit and vegetables produced according to pharmaceutical regulations published in

    Peer review journals now I suggest that sentence you writee down and whenever you go look it’s so big you’ll have to take a snapshot of the draw well if you look for a supplement that is the supplement you look for that is what we call a seal of

    Approval now if you do have supplements at home if it have any of that seals on and it says organic then you’re still okay but if it doesn’t have any of that seals on then it is not organic there you can see Ireland have their own seal New Zealand Italy Canada France Sweden

    Australia and there’s just general seals as well there’s also a green Green Leaf which I don’t see on here I’ve seen that in South Africa already the yeah I saw the Green Leaf in South Africa it is very much like the fifth one but it’s just a green leaf

    Okay then um this is what Chris started with with the breakfast pack okay um the first one is omega-3 and this omega-3 includes all eight omegas from the fish families um and lots of the omegas you get in the shop is only Omega 3 omega 6 or Omega 3

    6 and9 we anyway have enough Omega 6 so you need to take a complete omega-3 that you know you don’t cause imbalances in the other parts of the omegas it need to be cold press like your um olive oil or your avocado oil it need to be cold

    Press because the moment you boil a oil it actually go rans it it needs to be tested for 200 families of toxins um this one is tested and they could not find any toxin and yeah in the UK they did a study um at the gynecologist and Obstetricians at the

    King’s College and they actually said this is the only omega3 they will give to pregnant women because um the others all have toxins in them now if you look to the right you will see what this omega-3 do it lower your inflammatory index by 68 % and all that rest so it is

    Really good for pain but it’s also good for cholesterol and everything else so you can um you know I can send you this as well if you if you wanted to ask the person who invited you to show you this right then it also the pro vitility

    Which is in that s which you saw in the beginning it also have a little green tablet like look like a rugby ball at the left which we call the Tre andn which we said to you it’s so important for energy um it’s your lipids and steroids not um steroids steroids it’s

    Steroids because it is important it heal the cell membrane so that good nutrition go can go in and the toxic waste can go out um also collated minerals and the the collation is to um enhance the absorption um also vitamin E um which is

    Is d alpha to ceral um and not DL the moment there’s a DL on the label it mean it is synthetic so it’s made in a laboratory so please don’t buy supplements and then there is on the label the L um the the vitamin E includes all

    Eight factors of vitamin E your um your for toopal and toatal then um that little rck ball which you see there in 2003 the Nobel Prize was given for cell technology allowing verification that whole grain lipids and stero control cell membran Health just to tell you how important

    TRN is for you then the last of the four tablets in that little breakfast pack is the antioxidant and that is not made from ponum telen or you know these ponum which you get especially here in the UK a lot they they say you must scoop it out dry it

    And put it in your soup well I’m definitely won’t do that so um it is made from food it includes 15 families of catenoids and it has been proven in human clinical trials published in preer review journals um so that trial there where you see it increase your immune

    System with 37% in 20 days that study is done and that study um the person who invited you can also get you that study but that uh little catenoid also saved my life more than 20 years ago when I had hepatitis because um you know it boost the immune system with 37%

    It increase your natural killer cells by 20% it curbs oxidation damage by 44% and it also help your heart uh you know by 500% so really really great tablet to take right when we look at the protein shake um and uh for the people in New

    Zealand who know Jo maloma that was why he died because his kidneys couldn’t take it any longer because of all the rubbish protein shakes um which they take um they they found in the protein shake is 25 essential vitamins and minerals from Whole Food there’s also 5

    G of fiber which from all the essential Whole Food fiber families again it’s from families not just one um and it also contains 2,000 uh digestive enzymes okay so that’s why it’s good for your digestive system they use the glycemic response control technology which make it great for

    Diabetics and for people who want to lose weight so it helped that your blood sugar don’t Spike they also use the protog guard system and that is why it doesn’t uh kill your kidneys because they predigested so that it does not hurt your kidneys and it promote easier

    Digestion and the important thing of a protein is that pdcaa score and that score is 1.76 and you can go to any shop I went here to a health store in the UK they could not give me any protein shake if you look at all the things which is

    On this slide they could not give me any Shake which which tick all these boxes where this protein shake tick all this boxes because it also contain all 22 amino acids also 18 G of absorbable protein because there’s a little bit of apple sugar in the shake to make it

    Taste a little bit better um that fiber just encapsulate the leftover sugar and take it out of your body that you don’t get a spike it’s no genetically modified or artificially anything in that shake only 140 calories and 90% lactose free right and then the other things which

    Are which is good for depression I told you is Vitamin B which it’s the main thing which Chris started on and I actually tested him on this one um I took his V I do his little box where he take his tablet and I left out the vitamin B for a week

    Because I wanted to see if it’s not psychosomatic you see so um and then after a week he said to me this vitamin B isn’t working anymore he get the pins and needles in the hand any again so I said well I didn’t put it in your box I

    Just wanted to test you so it actually really work um it played an important that’s not difficult you just go to the toilet and see that it’s yellow man yes well it play important role in promoting a healthy cardiovas ular system which is very important to you also contains

    Eight members of the essential B vitamin family plus Coline and inoco okay and then I just going to lift out the important stuff for you here it’s exclusive formula it’s derived from biologically bound yeast and then at the right threshold control um the technology for sustained release of Vitamin B and nutrients so

    That is just that it stay in your body for 6 hours so sustained release just mean that you know vitamin B is water soluble when you go to the toilet two three times and it’s out where this one um it’s a easy way to test it because if

    You take this one uh you go to the toilet the your Wii is yellow for 6 hours where normal the other vitamin B if you go after you the third time you go it’s out so really good value for money then magnesium why that is important it boosts overall energy and

    Stamina uh by working alongside with CoQ10 uh within the mitochondria to produce ATP for cellular energy ATP is very good for cellular energy support normal blood pressure support heart rhythm healthy muscle strong bones and teeth um it helps to maintain a proper balance of calcium and magnesium in the

    Body it boosts your immune system and support healthy neur neurolog neurological Mass muscular just nerves man yes so um for your skeleton and metabolic functions so magnesium is a really good uh tablet to have and I know in South Africa you don’t have it yet

    But the moment you come it they say the most people are magnesium deficient right just a few things it’s double Amino uh acid gation it is it just mean they have a protein coating uh around the tablet for better absorption so um it’s also vegan um and I’m not

    Going to say too much because um I already did the previous slide then herbo rest relax um I know I don’t think you get it in South Africa we don’t get it either but you can get it from people who can get it in other countries like

    Kenya and um I think in Ghana and you also get it in the USA it promotes restful sleep so if you can get your hands on it if you have depression very very good for you because it help lift mood and promote calm relaxation and it

    Contain eight herbs and all the herbs is there I’m not going to go through all of them but really good tablet if you can if you ask um the person to sleep if you insomnia yeah so if if you um the person who invited you see if they can get a

    Hold of it for you then Cal with D3 um this is the one thing for Co now which they find which is important is the people who get enough vitamin D don’t get it so easy and they also recover easier so um our calac have D3 it’s also double amino acid cation to

    Promote fast dissolution and maximum absorption of minerals calcium and magnesium and it’s a perfect blend of gelated calcium and magnesium it’s in the ratio 2: one um and it also includes a, IU of um highly bioavailable vitamin D3 and it is she shell derived so excellent and I truly

    Believe in calet and you take your calet by itself at Night Never mix it with other vitamins in the morning um and it’s really good for people who struggle to sleep as well it relax you then aloe vera Plus my word this is really a great product for for stress

    For anything um it is a herbal tea blend um it calms and it relax you it’s a adaptogen so if you’re down it pep you up if you’re too high it calm you down so you know it just it is an excellent program we we we live on this that I can

    Tell you um it’s also additional support well if you don’t drink alcohol we might as well drink Alo there you you go additional support is vitamin C and it also contains electrolytes and it is a it is sweetened um and it also have a little bit of

    Lemon in it and it also give you some energy then your lipotropic junk we don’t have it here in the UK but you we can get hold of it so if anybody need it um it’s a concentrated Whole Food lipotropic factors Coline and in we already about this one uh the

    Inositol it help keeps fats emulsified in the blood and I’m not going to talk too much about this further um if you want more information ask us in the UK in the UK but you do get it in South Africa then your feminine and your masculine herb this uh South Africa have

    Feminine herb but you can get masculine herb from Kenya and Ghana um so and the people who invited you you can get it from that it is for male Vitality it includes aena ca for renewed physical Vitality um it’s a tonic for the nervous system and then your feminine herb

    Contains 10 herbs and it promotes positive mental attitude very very good for woman then and remember these statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration I don’t know if they mean much these who are they in any case the World Health Organization doesn’t even mean anything these

    Products are not intended to uh diagn treat cure or prevent any diseases this is only a recommended vitamin and mineral program to assist your body promoting a healthy lifestyle it is not a medical prescription to replace a doctor’s treatment if you have health issues please cons consult your doctors

    We are not doctors uh I have a diploma in nutrition so I can help you with the food and this stuff but we are not doctors uh please consult your doctor but I do enjoy it when the doctors phone and say they’re diabetic what can they

    Do okay so um books which we can also recommend um this is a real stories of real people with real life problems you can buy that book on Amazon and reason to stay alive of Matt H which you can read there’s also a book and I told you about Caroline Leaf you

    Allowed to read the Bible as well yes I know that so um you know positive books to read this is the beginning of a new life Journey a new life right thank you then I’m just going to share a little um video with you okay now now bear with

    Me because I hope it works I hope it works and this is Chris’s testimony for you and I said to her do you know it’s probably been like five six years that I’ve not even thought about being depressed ever again and I actually had

    To go back and look at my notes or go and read in the book again that that’s how well I’ve been able to manage and get rid of it but basically the first thing everything Lou said is your reaction to the depression what you

    Really have to go and do is first of all deal with the cause of the depression so uh you know Barbara said I mustn’t say that if you weren’t depressed before you don’t know what it really is uh most people they just feel a bit down and they think that’s depression no that’s

    Not depression depression is when your color of your eyes change and you can’t breathe properly and you can’t walk and you can’t talk and you’re in pain and so it can be extreme though so don’t just uh the day you feel down think you’re depressed it’s not really that simple

    It’s something a lot worse is depression but the secret of it is uh it’s all up to you it’s you can change your depression and that’s also the bad news you can change the depression so you know the first thing we normally do is we dishonest with ourselves you run

    Somewhere else and you blame someone else and you try and find someone else to stand in for your problem and then you run to the medication which is the normal route and uh I tried that for 14 years and the medication didn’t really work so if you want to I did them

    All the lexotan Inderal to Norman Ativans I was on 64 per day which is about five times more than uh the manufacturers would prescribe to you so where other people were taking a box a day I was taking were taking a box a month I was taking a box sometimes a day

    Okay so if it really gets bad but if you can deal with what the cause is you know it’s so ridiculous let’s say a woman is abused by a husband and he throws her down the staircase and beats her up every evening you can’t just tell her to

    Think positively about it you know and that’s really what the what the medication and the psychology wants to do is you’ve got to make the thing acceptable in your mind and that doesn’t actually work that way it’s like somebody being run over by a bus uh you

    Just tell him to keep crossing the road someday it’s going to not feel that bad when the bus drives over you no you teach him to press the button stop the bus and cross safely so that’s a bit of an approach that you should have to it

    And uh but you also have to make up your own mind whether you think that the medication is a solution to your depression if you think the solution of your depression lies in medic ation well good luck to you I was shot at Petrol

    Bombs thrown at me I was locked up in a container I was waterboarded and no medication was going to change that in my life okay so you have to change the way you react to the depression and then obviously you have to do all of these

    Things get rid of the newspaper get rid of the television get rid of the bad Friends that talk nonsense into your head if your boss is a problem get rid of your boss I got rid of my partners and all of these things that give you extra headaches that you shouldn’t

    Really have in your life in any case and uh then you also need to find out things that aggravate it for me it was coffee and red meat made it worse uh made me down if I had a steak for three four days I’d be low so you have to adjust

    All of those things and uh then I found a lot of help in vitamin B complex that was my go-to and if you said to me all the other products are uh not available what do you take I take vitamin B complex of most uh

    Benefit from that uh from 3 andn Cal Mag and then obviously the shake those are the things that were great for me but uh I found most things though that people do most damage to other people so that’s one of the saddest things about depression a lot of that is caused by

    Somebody else you know so somebody in flicts depression on somebody else and in my situation it was quite bad because one of the people had died so you can’t even go back and beat them up and you have to learn to deal with that okay so

    Uh and please I know that you want other people to feel sorry for you and if you the husband and the wife and the friend and please don’t feel sorry for the depressed person the depressed person actually needs his own courage and strength a lot more than you feeling

    Sorry for them I know it’s it’s terrible to say that but it actually if you agree and feel sorry with the depressed person you actually prolong the agony because then the the decision to take action is just pushed down the road though if you’re depressed you have to act now and

    You are the solution to your problem there’s nobody else that’s going to do it for you right there you go that was Chris’s testimony um anybody wants to ask oh R is on um Rai can you unmute yourself I have a lot people to unmute themselves Bara okay um just give Renee

    Um per um to unmute your okay Rai did you unmute yes I did okay Rai is a psychologist she have a doctor’s degree in Psychology and I ask her just to give us a little bit of a testimony and to say something okay Rene well good evening everybody and

    Thank you very much for the opportunity to give my five pence worth tonight um first and foremost I have to say I absolutely love the products I will not personally go out without the products and I’ve been using them for about five years now and that was after Barbara

    Nagging me and nagging me to use the products and I’m so grateful to this woman for nagging me to use the products because they work simple as that um I have autoimmune disease a very serious one and um that causes a few health issues and since I have been on the

    Products my health has steadily slowly steadily increased and I put that down to the the role the products has played in my life and also a few life changes that I have made uh along the line because you know what if you want a certain outcome you have to put the hard

    Yards in that outcome is not going to happen all by itself overnight frankly I wish but it doesn’t work like that so um yes I can I can really say that the products that I’m taking and I’m taking quite a bit of the products is really

    Been literally a lifesaver for me and it keeps me going through the day and through the winters and through Co and through Cs and through and through and through so I can highly recommend the products but I’m not going to I’m not really here to to try and convince you

    Of anything I’m not here to convince you that you have to do the products it’s up to you if you want to try them or not for me it worked for Chris it worked for Barbara it worked for my husband it worked for countless others that I know

    It worked and um you just have to have your own Journey you you have to have your own journey and find out for yourself I think that is probably the best form of experience uh when it comes to testing out something to find out whether it will work for you now I want

    To focus a little bit on on the topic of the evening which is depression depression is a very complicated mental health issue there is not a quick fix for it there is hard work involved and yes sometimes there is medication involved unfortunately in the western society and um where we live in

    Popping polls and prescription for depression is at the alltime high and that is not always the answer yes sometimes it is the answer depending on the type of depression that you have and depending on the chemical imbalances that is that is true to your unique situation so I am not one to Discount

    Medication immediately at all sometimes when patients come and see me I will actually ask them go on medication consider going on medication for the simple reason I can’t work with you you need to be stabilized first let’s get the chemicals under control so that we

    Can get to the cause or the root of of the depression because there there is no way in treating depression or any other disease physical emot emotional not not that you have emotional diseases but anything has a cause you have to get to the to the systemic root of what is causing this

    Now when it comes to depression there’s many many reasons why people people get depressed there’s historic depressions there’s things that happened in childhood there’s things that happened currently happened there’s things everywhere and it’s for all of us life happens life happens and sometimes life is not that kind in the happening but we

    Have to deal with it and when we feel ourselves unable to deal with it it’s like a helplessness sits in and when a helplessness sits in that opens the door for depression very very quickly so what I’m actually saying is puls by itself is only half the

    Cure pulse by itself is only half the Cure and that is to say if you really need an anti-depressant or anti-anxiety tablet half the Cure that’s quite a statement I have been doing my job for 33 years and I can’t call it a job because to me it’s much more than that

    It’s passion to come alongside people and to see them and journey with them to freedom freedom from depression freedom from anxiety freedom from whatever is disturbing their emotional mental psychological Wellness spiritual Wellness now when I say puls by itself is only half the Cure what is the other

    Half well that’s quite simple talking therapies talking therapies like CBT talking th like psychodynamic therapy psychodynamic is when we examine childhood historic things to see how that is influencing your here and now um CBT is coming up with the solutions of how can I combat this negative thinking

    Of mine how can I change my selft talk how can I get myself out of bed in the morning when everything in me is screaming stay in bed for the day it’s so nice and warm that is where therapy comes alongside medication but then there’s a third leg

    To this to this CH if you wish and that is nutrition and when it comes to nutrition everything that I’ve seen on the slides and I know the I know the products I know the New Life Products because I use it myself everything concerning the products and especially the products

    That has been highlighted the Omega oils the Magnesium the calciums the shakes Etc will benefit you if you really struggle with depression and another thing with depression is it’s so easy to say oh deal with it oh get over it if it was that easy you would have done that long

    Ago but it’s not that easy and sometimes you need a therapist or somebody with enough knowledge to help help you to make sense of what is happening for you why it is happening and what you can do about it because one thing a depressed person will feel quite often is

    Incredibly helpless they will feel a victim of the circumstances and that is the first lie of depression because you’re not the victim of it the only thing is you don’t understand what’s causing it so how can you fix and how can you change what you can’t understand so that is

    Where therapy comes very much into its own right but I want to focus on things practical things that you can do that I advise my patients and my clients to do and I’m so glad I saw the six doctors out there because they are absolutely invaluable when it comes to mental

    Well-being fresh air food good sleep exercise being outdoors you know those kind of things it absolutely stimulates the right chemicals so the and I know when you feel down and when you feel very very down the last thing you want to do is go for a

    Walk very last thing it’s not even on your radar but this is where therapy can help you because it forms that accountability relationship so that you can get to go for that walk and feel better because that that is the whole reason why you’re taking a pull to begin with is to feel

    Better so why not do something that is natural that is free teach yourself to enjoy it you know as human beings we are we are so put together by learned behavior we learn to be depressed depressed sometimes we learn to be anxious somewhere along the line we we learned

    How to be scared of something and and when when we have depression depression and anxiety is normally goes hand in hand it’s very rare that you have a person with depression that does not have a measure of anxiety because the two of them go hand in hand so I don’t

    Want to take up the whole evening by talking about this but there is so much to be said for good supplements trustworthy suppl lients with a track record of yes it works with all the official seals with all the right research and papers behind

    It to back it up backed by science as as new life says there’s a lot to be said by taking that and doing little bits that you can like going for for a good walk stimulating yourself emotionally mentally psychologically do a puzzle do a new hobby learn a new

    Language but then again why are you telling me this when you know depression steals my motivation how on Earth am I going to vote to motivate myself to do those things and the chances is I’m going to start it and three days down the L the

    Line I’m going to drop it because I don’t feel like doing it anymore well that is where it’s therapy comes in its own because that is where you can be helped that is why I’m saying FS is by itself only half the Cure and in the western society that we live the

    GPS do not have the time to get to the root issues uh the last last memo I remember is like GPS is about supposed to spend three minutes with every patient um because there’s not enough GPS in the UK three minutes three minutes is morning doctor my stomach

    Aches let me give you something for your stomach ache and if it doesn’t work come back again now I am not in any way shape or form um belittling my colleagues in the medical profession they have it very tough with the the the restrictions that’s been put on them um by the

    Medical board and etc etc they are doing their best and you know what a big shout out for them in the current situation that we are coping with Co and and how they are dealing with it so but what I am saying is a poll will not take your problem

    Away only you can take that problem away once you understand what it is how it got there what it is doing for you to you against you and how to deal with it and that will require the other half of the Cure and that’s therapy there’s no shame in

    Therapy people who come for therapy is incredibly brave because they realize I can’t do this by myself it’s not a sign of weakness staying in that place without trying all avenues well that might be a sign of weakness or might be a sign of fear so good nutrition good Hobbies good

    Therapy excellent cures for depression on the other hand if you are on medication as we speak please do not be ashamed because I know what I do if I have a headache I take take a tablet there’s no difference there’s no difference between my paracetamol and your anti-depressant I want to take the

    Stigma and I want to take the shame away immediately you have nothing to be ashamed about life happens and sometimes the way life happens is not that kind and it’s difficult to deal with that so if there’s any questions that was my five P words very quickly thank you bar

    Thank you very much questions anybody with a question you want to put up your hand you want to ask a question I can unmute yourself uh Frank can you give them permission to unmute themselves is okay come on guys there must be at least one question you can’t you can’t

    Let me off the hook so easy Rene you did such a great job hope that they don’t have a question for you and besides besides it’s free if you yeah you normally have to pay you nor have to pay okay okay now it doesn’t look like there’s any questions well you can

    Always email me and um you know I can forward to Rai or osar or whatever uh thank you very much for coming tonight and listening and I really hope that we helped you a little bit bu has raised her hand unmute yourself bu can you unmute yourself Frank can you unmute her I’ve

    Tried bu you want to ask a question before we go uh don’t think she want to ask now Frank if if she’s struggling to unmute herself she can always type the question and it can it can be read out ba do you like to type your question in the chat

    Box I’ve tried to unmute P but I can’t she have to do theg looks like she wants to ask a question do you have a question yeah I do thank you very much for um that amazing um inspirational under the under the um under the subject

    Of depression so I’m very happy that I saw quite a few of the people that I know that are very close to me that have joined um I’m sure that they’ve got something out of um um yeah my daughter is suffering big time with depression

    Was put on some heavy meds and uh went and chattered to Harmon over the weekend about it so you know it’s that helping hand that helping hand that we just try if you hear it put your hand out help because that’s what it’s all about and

    Right now you know even though we can’t touch each other’s hands be there for each other and that is the most important embracing thing that I feel right now so I just wanted to say thank you absolutely well done thank you okay well done everybody thank you very much great

    Great seeing you all I will give you a little a party pooper thank you Barbara thank you Rene I appreciate your time thanks a lot Rene thank you you guys welcome thanks Frank for hosting thanks Frank great hosting

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