It is a demanding time for the Oil, Gas and Chemical Industries. On one hand, we must provide raw materials and energy efficiently to support daily life, with oil transfer hoses tailored for extreme weather, for digital operation, for recycling and sustainable end of life processes. On the other hand, we are building a net-zero future, developing liquefied gas marine hoses.

    All these require knowledgeable and talented engineers from multiple disciplines. It is the time for investment, development, and actions on an industrial scale. Join us to learn more about the challenges.

    Emily Ho
    Senior Design and Development Engineer
    Dunlop Oil & Marine Ltd (DOM)

    Pamela Robinson CEng MIMechE
    Senior Mechanical Engineer
    United Utilities

    Maurice Worthington
    Vice Chair
    IMechE North West Centre Process Industries Division

    Richard Coe
    Senior GMDP Quality Consultant & Member of the IMechE Pharmaceutical Technical Advisory Committee

    Hello and welcome everyone to today’s session um I’m a key meeting on uh the present oil and future liquified gas large scale Marine transfers I will be your chair for this uh lunchtime presentation I am myself Pamela Robinson um if we move on to the next

    Slide uh the plan is to run with the main presentation with um Emily uh for about 40 minutes and then we’ll follow with a 20 minutes uh Q&A session if you could post all your questions um in the chat box which is available in your

    Overview box which is off to the side if you post all your questions there we should be able to get to them um at the end of the presentation if there are too many then we we’ll um we’ll we’ll sort something out to be able to um answer

    Them later so um I mention myself I’m pela Robinson I currently work for United utilities as a um senior mechanical engineer so I’ve got um background in water and waste water um industry uh our speaker to De uh today Emily ho if you can just give a brief introduction

    Please hi um I am Charter mechanical engineer I am the project manager leading low temperature liquefied ammonia and liquefied carbon dioxide Marine host development in Dunlop Oil and Marine in Grimsby UK thank you Emily and then our two panel members Richard Co if you can give a brief introduction

    Please yes uh good good morning everybody uh or good afternoon should I say um my name is Richard Co I’m chartered mechanical engineer and also a chartered quality professional uh I’m a consultant in the the pharmaceutical industry but I’m bringing hopefully bringing some expertise in safety of uh enclosed process

    Systems to the uh to the to to today’s discussion thank you Morris please hello I’m M I am Morris withington I’m the vice chair of the IMI process industry division Northwestern Center I’m a retired engineer but um I’m a a charted engineer and I follow the institution of mechanical

    Engineers my role is a panel member for this presentation by to given by Emily thank you um so as mentioned before any questions please put them in the chat box and we’ll get to them at the end of the presentation um now Emily over to you um to deliver today’s uh talk thank

    You hi hi good afternoon everyone thank you for joining us today the energy sectors is currently going through a transition period on one hand we are supplying oil and gas responsibly reliably and affordably on the other hand we must work towards a less zow future I’m here to present to you our

    Ongoing development in theiving fields with large scale Marine transportations this is an insight to of a little Park um sorry this is a insight to a little part of a much bigger industry serving all of us daily first of all I so quickly introduce theob oil Marine then described the current old

    Transfer operation in demanding marine environment And and share with you the exciting development of L es for the global Le energy Market Dunlop oil Marine is a manufacturer of marine houses for o oil transfer worldwide we base in grimby the east coast of England and have approximately 250 EMB boyes Marine hose string can be fting or

    Submarine can be fting or submarine hundreds of meters long in each systems they have been used to transfer oil of so and leer ports our Grim spe P was built in 1955 and start making hes in 1958 we have a strong focus on providing quality products our flexible manufacturing processes enable

    Tailor solutions to all our customers we also provide a full scale of customer support and services dnop oil and limited is part of the quanti group of Continental we therefore have access to a wide range of specialized material technology and knowledge oil and gas is everywhere supporting our daily

    Life we use this a field lubricant Coatings as well as fish St for fertilizers Road building waterproof and lightweight materials they enable us and Empower us to many activities functions and comfort according to a survey in 2016 a f glowal p five gallon of oil is consumed per person per

    Day and from a claron 2022 report 177% of Lal gas and 64% of oil produced globally moved by sheep so how are oil and gas being transport by sea from Offa to onsa facility in relatively calmed protected and shallow bay area conventional po Ming system are used the submarine H sit on the

    Normally connected to the pipeline and manifold pimp and lay on the seab bed it is pickuped on board for offloading when a tanker arrives in deeper and rougher rougher sea locations single point Ming system are used folding H deliver oil from the tanker to the boil and then submarine

    Hose transfer it from the boil from the boil to the fixed pipel line on the seabat which is connected to our onsa facility this Marine hoses stay in the sea throughout their surface life five years 10 years or even 15 years they have to withand the element of the

    Ocean wave tie wind temperature even hurricanes and earthquakes Marine hes also off low oil from folding production facilities to tanker so folding Productions facility typically stay in remote or deep water location where fixed platforms are not suitable this is an example of a single Mo boring system oil is transferred it from the

    Tanker through the folding hose to the boil and then submarine hes to the man to the pipe and manifolds to a offo pipeline and then a Ono pipeline to Ono facilities the wles stay in the boil sping swing Circle while oil is being transferred

    Here this is an image of a oil of oil transferred it from a folded production facility storage and offloading unit to a subtle tanker with a folding hose it is however not all operation just same as before climate change means that our ocean enironment are becoming more hostile we are increasingly seeing

    Single porn Ming system rather than conventional boy systems our host are meeting higher specification in strength and fatigue than ever before hydrostatic and hydrodynamic studies are Carri out in the design stage to design a system that performs in the environment to minimize forces in the system and to define the host reinforcements

    The oil company International Marine Forum gun OC IMF and the American petroleum industry API and other bodies for example in defense have guidelines or standards on techical requirement and qualification test for oil transfer this hole on the left is being tensioned torsioned and psychic bending in the middle the Integrity of the host

    Connection will test and the final f f host test was a to at least five times working PES according to O IMF before the hes are sectioned are cut up for Section inspections for quality control each order will under will undergo batch test testes and certifications here are two of them to

    The left we can see the hes in our band test Rick performing the minimum band radius in which the hose was taken to four times its internal diameter on the right the Marine hose was seded in water after weighing in Air Technology is also now at a stage

    Where we can do remot Health monitoring of folding system full careful use of sensors this can help to optimize offloading schedule surface periods and system design full history available will enable machine learning more timing And Timely actions in the future as the Marine host manufacturer we are regularly asked by customer as to

    What can be done with old hoses so a few years ago we conduct a survey with Marine host users and we got over 50 response from around the world based on do was born and the market size we estimate that there is about 10,000 tons of marine green hose

    Being retired from service every year and this is equivalent to the weight of 70 blue [Applause] Wells the historic model for for product consumption was to that take ra materials make the product use the product and then dispose the product start again the F the Paris crime agreement

    And the drive for carbon neutral is challenging that historical me model and we need to find more sustainable way of consuming products now the desire is to set up a circular economy time model whereby products are reused we make or recycled rather than going to landfill this is what manufacturers and

    Customer have to work towards if we are to achieve carbon neutral in the coming that case another model I’m presenting is the waste hierarchy in terms of disposals in an environmental friendly manner there is a preference to disposal from reducing consumption food to sending to Landfield and I use this

    To discuss Marine H disposal options so the most preferable options on the waste hierarchy is to reduce consumption of products using fewer Marine hose well it seems strange for hose manufacturer to suggest it using fer hose but I shall explain there will be several lengths of hoses

    Required in a system but we can optimize the surface life of the hoses to be purchased optimize the cycle time so that over a period there will be fewer little hose purges in the first Pace that at that point will lead to be disposed of how do we do that you may

    Ask some examples consider using API 17K hoses for subc systems 17K hoses are designed with greater capacity and longer fatig lifetime allowing much longer surface period before change out double cus hoses they have been around in our industry for years but they provide the extra reassurance and risk reduction when

    Seeking to optimize surface period to for each folding hose positions or and choose pant hoses with high quality and fatigue resistant material look at the overall life cycle CA rather than inter initial purchase PLS also we move Health monitoring of folding system for cever use of sensors and digital

    Technology the can this can help optimize surface perod and system design the Le best options is to reuse the hose can we find a second purpose for the hoses that have the surface period the these are a few common ones there are however usually no reliable and regular markets for this

    Use Le on the hierarchy is repair it is about keeping the hoses in surface as per ocimf recommendations have a good maintenance inspection program for the hoses to optimize hoses surface life we recommend if possible that conditional based assessment is foral rather than time based access management software will

    Also have to keep track of host conditions and field test results when hoses are finally retired from surface and can’t find a second use for them we consider ways to recycle Marine hes are not easy item to disc construct because of its composite multiple layer structure how do you do

    It there are a number of Technologies EMB boid for recycling tires and some of them are applicable for marine hose the two sewing most pmis for marine host application are mechanical and thermal mechanical can include cutting tearing shedding and jetting thermal C techniques like pesis unfortunately the makeup of the hose

    Will require a multi Lum require number of this posesses to break down one single hoses into each constituent parks that can potentially be reused into other products there is the next problem finding an outlet market for the these constructed materials steel is relatively easy the others not

    So last we look at Burning the hoses as the carcass similar to tires have high Copic with contents they can generate heat and power the py fores tly can recover the carbon back from the rubber compound and recover oil and gases leaving the seel steel component to be recycled

    And yet much more changes are happening for the longer term we can be shipping more and more liquified gases than oil based product they can be transported from soil to Sea instead of from sea to soil looking at the trend in the energy Market all demand is to Peak in two

    2029 while Lal gas is to maintain for some time providing decarbonization across industry the relable sector is going fast which present challenges but also opportunities green sources of energy are being s and high hydrogen is being considered as a clean Source then Transportation challenge with hydrogen with sells in inches in

    Ammonia the P to decarbonize is also generating a market for carbon dioxide to be captured and stored the idea of carbon capture and storage is to collect the carbon emission from major industrial site compass and cool them in liquid and then transport them by pipeline or ship to off sore

    Locations then they are injected into deepart oil and gas fuel or aquaus G tons per year of carbon dioxide will therefore be taken out of the earth atmosphere a large scale carbon capture and storage is still at an early stage of development but International but the International

    Energy agency are saying that it will be virtually impossible to meet Global Climate targets without using this technology the scale up and knowledge effective deletes and Equipment developed over decades in the oil gas and chemical industry are most closely related to carbon capture we are now actively leading the development last year

    Year the UK government selected East Coast carbon capture utilization and storage industrial cutter in Lofton England as one of the two to be set up and running by me 2020s another two more Custer will be Ming in UK by 2030 meanwhile hydrogen and ammonia are projected to be the important Green Field in

    2050 hydrogen is generated from H water electrolysis using green energy from wind solar or Hydro power and amonia act as a carrier of green hydrogen we have have a lot to do to realize it our industry and government are investing and pushing the development of technology and infrastructure ammonia is easier to

    Transport in liquid form as stse hydrogen requires either very high passes or very very cold temperatures the carbon capture and storage industry is planning to use Marine hose to transfer liqui carbon dioxide from the transport tanker to the deplo ofo wer for storage so interests are growing in the

    Market for marine hes for both a only transfer and the transfer of liquefied carbon dioxides they are expected to be hundred of meter Longs as oil Marine hoses withstanding the element of the ocean throughout their surface life Le holds material compatible compatible to liquefy ammonia and carbon dioxide

    And new host construction that minimize conversion back to Ingress are required there are many design and operating requirements for liquified gas hoses that are different from hoses designed for handling cool oil or Li lfi petroleum products as highlight in gun form9 liquified gas are kept at low temperatures with highe formation

    Risk it is subject to temperature and pessure Cycles when the temperature increase they permeate and expand readily the gy however do not specify the method to quantify the performance there currently no standard for liquefy carbon dioxide hoses an ISO 5771 can only be applicable to Small four ammonia hose less three

    In ammonia is toxic and currently restricted as a marine field liquify carbon dioxide hose will be red for 40 bar while oil Marine hose are normally 21 bars for liquefied gas it can face it can have face change and expand so a can of liquefied car ammonia

    Can turned to ammonia gas enough to fill a ballow a drum at minus 33 degre Z it can happen very quickly if there is a good supply of thermal energy and cause Rubber bister and damages phase change therefore must be mitigated and controlled in liquefied gas applications while there is very small

    Amount of liquid changing phase we relied on the composite pile structure to restrict the internal expansions the line of material is critical in limiting the F concentration inside the whole composite structure because any outer layer in the structure cannot have a higher concentration than the liner for it can

    Only move from high concentration to a lower concentration while the rubber still provide flexibility to cope with the Dynamic Marine conditions we know that it will be more and more challenging and demanding as B size increases we utilize our de case of lwh how on Marine H structured require strength

    Requirement and large po composite P structure on the Le designs to give ourselves and our customer the confidence we have to test our host material and design in in representative conditions the only options is to therefore to have our own test unit install and run in our grim be site

    At the back of the factory it composed of a tax room T room housing the refrigerat using unit and the aex room housing seven test wles just outside the aex room are the liquified gas supply cylinder then the test wasle will be will be remotely monitored and operated in the control

    Room we have multiple test check desire for different testment robber physical properties we enforcement coil materal ad material to matal adhesion and rubber permeation there are also weap G gas expansion cycl JS and compos PS each test vle can be independently temperature controlled start up and shut down we aim to one all

    Seven test whle at the same time 24 hours seven days a week to meet the con the customers schedules light energy like so light Engineers everywhere in the industry we have a busy time ahead for many years to come to enable green energy delivery to the world’s population our marine host development

    Program therefore comp complies of multiple team teams working in parallel material development design testing stimulation manufacturing to Le economic scale quality control they are all interlined today I have provideed you with an insight to the advancing oil and gas operation and our ambition for the future Marine infrastructure has been

    Successfully moving oil across oceans for many decades we want to do the same for the future Green Fields large scale safe and durable low temperature paralized transportation there is a crime crime emergency still we must get everything right we are approaching the challenges with innovation in engineering and science material and Manufacturing

    Techniques we invest in leading at test facility our people and our low age we use utilize ize our expertise our experience expore Le options and then from other industry Engineers are therefore working tirelessly to cover all expert required for achieving a less Zillow future and thank you for your attention

    Thank you Emily for that um sorry um on the screen now are some links uh for your uh CPD certificate uh should you wish um to get one of those and any event feedback um this presentation will be sent out later so you will get um a copy

    Of this if you don’t quite manage to chop down those notes um if you can get go to the next slide Emily just like to draw your attention to uh the next event that we we are hosting it’s on energy transition geothermal energy opportunities and

    Barriers and it’s a tech talk on the uh 30th of November another lunchtime um webinar uh if you’re interested in that please uh go to the nearu uh website imq website and register your attendance there so uh thank you very much for that Emily we’ll Now open up to the uh

    Questions we’ve had a few in um so what uh the first question that came in uh what level of internal pressures and temperatures are your hoses rated to which I think you did answer later on Emily sorry hold on let me just stop sharing first so sorry yes

    Uh what you can have the other panel members as well on the screen if they can make themselves visible that be appreciated sorry so Emily uh what levels of internal pressures and temperatures are your hoses rated to um we we are R to for um for for carbon dioxide for liquified carbon

    Dioxide is 40 bar and minus 50° C down to minus 50° C um for the ammonia is um 25 bar and down to minus 33 degree c um thank you um but that’s more than what is what the currently rated to now I got from your presentation the yes yes

    That is more than the per is higher than what we normally use now which is 21 bar and we don’t we do not normally go down to minus 50° C no thank you um also asking uh the material of your hoses I’m not sure if

    You diverged to be able to tell us the material it mentions some top secret on your slides um the material we have um rubber uh uh line a rubber liner which is uh which is a barrier liner which is barri so it won’t allow ammonia or

    Carbon dioxide to go into the in inner part of the hose and then the subsequent there will be layer of reinforcement to make sure that it can still fatigue you can still we can still handle fatigue and tensile and torsion we have um and bed and and uh Ed spinal wire for

    Um to withstand crush internal uh outside crush and then we have many many layers of um rubber um and most of them to achieve the dynamic uh capability they are quite uh they’re composed of Lal rubber Lal rubber is one of the U most dynamic rubber at low temperatures

    Yes so it’s it’s a lot of different compos a lot of different material and that’s why we Face the problem when we tried to recycling it to take them apart again yes uh that leads us on to another the another question uh do you think in the future there will be the technology

    To allow hose comp Composites to be recycled into new hoses or perhaps even other purposes we at at the moment um we’ve gone through the the different we cycle we uh we use recycle we are looking at at the moment is um to recover carbon back which can be used in

    Other rubber indust with production um and also we’re looking at um the M the steel can be used readily we use readily um but maybe with uh gas and oil extracted can be reused but it is a limited Park and we are still ongoing development we’re SP

    Spending lots of Manpower onto onto the topic yes and that is our aims to try to use as much as possible um that is our Target but yeah we’re working towards it thank you um given that the LG transfer system is a compressed gas system of substantial volume and subject

    To the pressure equipment safety regulations 2016 but is technically exempt under schedule one Clause 1A how are the potentially significant residual safety concerns arising from this apparent blanket statement managed during design we um Marin host we work towards the ped the P directive and we have two standards we

    Have um standard already like um the gun foam and the API and other defense standards that require us to test the host um to add up operating temperature above operating temperatures and burst test it to five times um the operating PES so we we there are we have

    A full set of test that need to be carried out to make sure that it is uh safe as a person as as if as any other person uh system thank you um Richard did you have anything further to add um yes I think I think on that one

    Um I was just sort of listening with great interest to your um presentation Emily and the um the uh the uh extensive testing and uh pressure testing and fatigue testing that you do and I think that’s that’s admirable I think my concern would be that and in relation to

    The underlying message in that in that in the last question would be that how this is managed as uh an IND an industry as a whole I think your company specifically sounds as though you’re doing a large amount of very good work but in in relation to the industry

    That I work in which is Pharmaceuticals um we’ve had you know par similar um safety concerns in the past and obviously in Pharmaceuticals if there’s an accident then quite a few PE patients get harmed and so on and that’s that’s resulted in our industry big becoming highly

    Regulated so that for example going back to your question you’ll you’ll test test and self-certify the individual lengths of hoses but then how how is that then captured in in a in a controlled manner because I presume once you’ve sent that hose out for use in in

    Industry then who looks after that and who makes sure that it’s used as intended and who retires it at the end of its uh intended life I think that you know that that’s the sort of the inputs there for for the oil Marine hose um the St there is the standard which is

    The gum form standard um the ocm IMF standard and also the API standards which we areh here to depending on uh the customer request and for so we will have those tests done um with third part uh with third party certified bodies um and it is common in our industry that if

    We call it is API 177k hose or if it is gun form hose we have to provide certif certif um certification um on on on the test that we have performed on on the list of test that is specified um the problem we have now is some of that doesn’t cover load doesn’t

    Have low temperature testing doesn’t have liquified gas test um cycle test and that was not relevant for the oil Marine hose so for that part that’s why we we spend the whole year to design and build a wake that we can put our material and host construction into a test Rak in low

    Temperature uh paralized it uh liquefy the ammonia and liquefy the carbon dioxide to see that it is it is still uh reliable uh good performing intacted material and structure after before and after test so it doesn’t detect the material and the strength doesn’t drop drastically um because it has been in

    The low temperature or it has been uh subject to the to the new food um we we do it our best to think what we’ believe if is required but there is no um standard currently there is little um exactly what what the um industrial

    Agreement is on on that front and we are trying to do our best for what we think it is yeah it is required and we and as I say it it we take the we take the effort to spend a whole year to design

    And build the r yeah yes I think I think it’s it’s it’s sort of a message to the you know to to the industry generally that I think given the uh the undoubted increased risks associated with compressed gases you know and if we start to use these things for hydrogen

    Transfer for example then that that risk increases yet again um they would be really sensible for the industry to get together and produce some sort of self-regulation and then then you’ve got the the additional risk that obviously if you sell your hoses to somebody as a system then that somebody then also has

    A great responsibility to look after that system and operate it as intended so you know taking again taking my farma industry as an example then I would prefer the regulation to to lead the accident rather than the accident Drive the regulation we we do have a we do in the

    Industry we do have um customer service we because all Marine hoes are make to order so we for us we have we have a full record of when was it make um what what material which batch of material it is made and then and then we Rec recommended um inspection after certain

    Period um or even sometimes H for host strings of 20 hes um bring one back up to us or to our agents for birth test to check that is still reliable and then you can extend it for another um another few years so we we do recommend we do um

    Uh we don’t just it’s not just like the house is out of the factory and that is the end of the story we do keep um supporting our customer in maintaining um the to last make it last as long as possible and we’re working towards the waste disposal as well and

    That’s is the general Trend in the industry as well yeah well I think that’s admirable customer service and goes a long way to your customers dealing with their own health and safety risk assessments thank you thank you have we got moris on the call oh Morris

    We just can’t see you that’s all did you have anything further to add on this this particular topic no I think um I was going to ask about material certification and test test certificates supplied to the um client I think Emily’s answered those she mentioned test T been supplied

    Um I’ve just noticed the next question I can I think I can deal with that if yeah can’t you see me I no no we can’t we can’t see you well I personally can’t see you I’m not sure if anyone else can but um how do we next question

    Yes I can see you now yes thank you yeah how do you ensure that boat transfer pumps cannot over pressure the hose in the event that the isolation valve between the hose and the bulk tank is inadvertently closed yeah I I’ve had some experience of design of this type

    Of system um you’ve got to be careful with the velocities I’m thinking of one loading from a boat to a storage tank on Shore and the the problem is the if the valve is shut off suddenly there hydraulic shock that goes back to the hose um so the the isolation valve

    Should close very slowly I was thinking something like um like a slow closing butterfly valve that type of thing so so the hydraulic shock has minimized um also with the pumps um we’ve used uh sliding vein pumps to to transfer from the ship to the hes along the pier um they don’t

    Lose suction so um I don’t that answers the question Emily did you have anything else to add to that question I think the um there is the lmal uh pressure for for the liquefy gas um liquefy the gas um hoses then this there is the risk of Um rapid increase in pressure if the temperature increase rapidly um so for our host they are very well insulated otherwise they won’t be transporting liquefied gas gas material so there is there will have be time should if it is the thermal temperature it should gradually releve the you will have a

    Mechanism to gradually relieve um the the system pure um for to to avoid over pize it but for ammonia it is less of a RTE because it it is even at 50° C it is still something low at relatively low pressure say 20 b whatever but the high the carbon dioxide

    Host can go up to 50 bar even at 15 degrees C so um we do have to have a system that have to be very carefully designed whole system um to relief the pair s that happen that the guas wey expand thank you Emily Richard did you

    Have anything else further to add this topic you’re on mute Richard oh sorry no I think I think it just comes back to to my sort of previous thoughts about just making sure that uh the system has safeguards in it that prevent again prevent the accident from happening but also there’s there’s also

    Then the concern that the operators need to make sure that those safety systems are functional and um are operating as intended you know before the system is put into use perhaps sort of every every time before the system’s put into use so that that would be my concern

    There that it it’s it comes back to having a you know sound set of operating procedures I think the oil and gas and chemical industry has a history has a good law na approach towards safety how to minimize safety the I think the challenging for us is to to get that all

    Liss out agreed in the short period of time in in in that is the time is our char is more is make it more problematic because we have such a short time to to do the job yeah as you say it is developed over the years with people from multiple with from multiple

    Organization um laage of a wildfield yeah yeah I mean I I just site Piper Alpha disaster which was a clear case of uh the right hand not knowing what the left hand was doing and you know and then what ensued was pretty disastrous so that’s thing we need to Bear those

    Sort of things in mind thank you uh thank you that’ll draw a close to today’s presentation thank you very much for Emily for her talk uh this lunchtime I’ve learned a lot about um the technology that you’re doing how the hes uh you’re trying to develop this

    Circular economy and then how the hes can be used for other things so you’re looking at Carbon capture and transfer of hydrogen very very informative uh thank you very much for our additional uh panel members uh Morris and Richard uh for your added contribution during

    The Q&A session um and I just remind you about to look on the am key near you website for any future events uh this recording will be posted in uh due course when it’s ready and from there you can gain your links to the CPD certificate so thank you very much for

    Your time this afternoon

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