Dualtron Victor Luxury VS Spider Max Quelle Trottinette Electrique choisir?

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    Here we go, head I’m framed, almost… Ah I have no more voice, I’m sick. Saturday evening evening, Sunday evening evening, too many evenings there. Too many parties, too much drinking. With the Time for Racing team I drank too much, in short. There was an awards ceremony there this weekend, we

    Celebrated. The electric scooter is a new discipline from the Motorcycle Federation. A 2024 French championship with 5 events on the karting circuits. I’m good what about you ? Well done handsome kid, you managed it! So Jeff jealous or not? I’m super happy, my guy! Come next year !

    Anyone who wrote to me saying I’m going to smoke you, you won’t. I know very well you won’t, stop talking. And then I’m going to drink whiskey in it. Hello everyone, welcome to Dualtron Store by Voltee! Today new video versus

    Fight between the Victor Luxury and the Spider Max. Many of you have asked me to do this comparison and today we are going to do the comparison between these two models. Before starting, I remind you that there is a discount code valid on the entire Voltee

    JEFFRIIDE site all in capital letters attached to the voltee.co site. Before going into detail to see the differences between these two models, we will talk about price. As I speak to you, there is a €300 difference between a Spider Max and a Victor Luxury. Is the Spider Max worth the

    Extra €300? We’ll see it in the video! Battery level they have the same batteries, 24 or 30 amps. I always advise you to take the biggest battery, because an electric scooter is not like a car, the more the battery drains the less you will

    Have good acceleration. It will still be good because it’s a two-motor scooter… But also less max speed. The more the battery drops the less performance we have so I always advise you to take the 30, but if you do 5 to 10 terminals during the day don’t worry, take the

    24 there is no point in taking a 30 amp. We’re going to fly over these two scooters, it’s really a Dualtron Victor and Spider Max fight. If you want to watch my old videos where I present the Spider Max and the Dualtron Victor Luxury in more detail, don’t hesitate to scroll down and

    Watch the other videos that I offer on my YouTube channel. This is really a Fight versus video between these two models, friends. I forgot, I will of course tell you at the end of the video which is the best scooter for you based on your use. I remind you that there

    Is no perfect scooter, at least at the moment. There is always a model that will best suit your needs. I think I’ve told you everything, here we go, I’m going to take the little Osmo Pocket 3 that I love and we’re going to see together the differences on these two models.

    Come on, let’s start, the biggest difference you’ll see right away is at the handlebars. As you can see, the Spider has the new EYE 4 screen the large rectangular screen, while the Dualtron Victor has the EYE 3. The new

    EYE 3 color. So I have a slight preference for the EYE 4 because the screen is larger. It’s more visible and I also prefer this backlit trigger which is not equipped on the Victor Luxury. These two screens are connected via the Mini Motors application so no worries about

    Configuring these two scooters, everything is done via the application and above all look at the instructions friends. Everything is included in the instructions, there is nothing very complicated. Before it was very complicated, it was the parameters P1 P2 P3 etc, now you just have to read so there you go.

    If you still have any questions about these settings, don’t hesitate to tell me in the comments. This is the only noticeable difference we see on the handlebars, which really catches our eye. Afterwards of course we find a single Eco

    Turbo Single Dual switch to limit the speed and a single motor or two motors, and here on the other hand on the Spider Max, as you can see there is a headlight, indicator and horn switch. It’s here

    The biggest difference on these two scooters is that the Spider Max is equipped with a horn, turn signals and an additional headlight. As you can see, the horn is positioned here on the Spider Max. We have a large headlight that we already know which equips

    The Achilleus, Thunder 2, Storm, Thunder 3, while the Victor Luxury does not have one. No horn, no additional headlight, only deck lights here, position lights which will not be sufficient to provide lighting. Besides, the Spider also has position lights underneath , but don’t worry Voltee offers the installation of headlights as an extra.

    I’m going to show you, look we have a Victor here which is equipped with dual headlights. This is an installation from Voltee with a Fun Trott accessory, and at least you will be able to adjust a headlight more or less far away by adjusting the inclination to illuminate correctly. This is the only

    Small fault that I will give to the Victor Luxury, this is a winning point for the Spider Max which is better equipped with EYE 4 horn and additional headlight. We will see at the end if these additional accessories justify the price difference of €300, because I remind you that it is

    The same engine, the same battery and the same performance. We will see that there are still other differences and we will add up all these differences at the end of the video. In terms of braking, we find Nutt hydraulic braking on the Dualtron Victor Luxury. On the Spider it’s Mini Motors braking,

    Mini Motors levers with a small grip handle there as you can see. It’s super cool Mini Motors. We find the Nutt calipers and there calipers rebadged Mini Motors, so this is a positive point for the Victor Luxury. We know the effectiveness of Nutt calipers, however

    We do not yet know their effectiveness of Mini Motors calipers, so we will have to see over time. In terms of braking it’s the same, 140 disc for both. In terms of tires, on the Victor Luxury they

    Put 10 by 3 tires, while on the Spider it’s 10 by 2 and a half tires. However, they put very wide rims on both the Spider and the Victor Luxury, which means that this 10 by 2 and a half tire is very wide and grips the ground really well. For that it is

    Tied in terms of tires for these two scooters. Afterwards, going back down we find two charging ports on the Spider Max while on the Victor Luxury, you can see here, there is only one charging port so you will only be able to put one charger. That’s an

    Additional point for the Spider Max, however Voltee offers fast chargers so frankly is there any interest? Are you going to put two chargers at the same time? Frankly, such situations are rare. Maybe during long rides, but it’s rare. Well, it’s still an extra point for the Spider Max. So I summarize, better

    EYE 4 screen on the Spider Max, indicators, horn, better lighting on the Spider Max, dual charging port on the Spider Max. In terms of pneumatics and braking, there are additional points for the Dualtron Victor Luxury for Nutt braking, even if it remains hydraulic braking on the Spider Max.

    Afterwards, in terms of size and weight, I will try to put them side by side. Maybe you ‘ll be able to figure it out, we’ll see. As you can see, on the Spider here the handlebars are lower than on the Victor. There are a few centimeters more, so

    This is an additional positive point for the Victor. Already the handlebars are low as standard on everything that is Dualtron, it is true that for tall people and even people who are 1.70 75, we like to have the handlebars a little higher. So here, the Spider Max

    Has a slightly lower handlebar. And why, because they are trying to gain weight. The Spider has been known for years to be a powerful scooter from Dualtron, two motors. It was the first powerful, two-motor, lightweight scooter. This Spider Max also has an

    Additional positive point, which is that it is approximately 3 kg lighter than the Dualtron Victor Luxury. They tried to save weight by lowering these handlebars a little , gaining material. We have the answer. Afterwards, in terms of waterproofing, there is better

    Waterproofing on the Spider Max. Why, because the controllers are in this little toe clip on the Spider Max, and in the controller they inject a kind of silicone, which makes the controller completely waterproof while on the Dualtron Victor, the controller is waterproof

    . The interior positioned in front, and there is no silicone injected into it. You will tell me and it is true, that Mini Motors have now made enormous progress in everything relating to waterproofing and water infiltration. We have very, very few reports of water infiltration on the

    Controllers, but we still had to emphasize this point on the Spider Max, that there is a real plus on these controllers in terms of waterproofing. There is no risk of burning them due to water infiltration, which there is on a Victor Luxury even if it is very rare. The indicators are

    Placed here, they are still very, very close to the indicators of the Spider. I’ll show you up front, the turn signals are placed here under the headlights. It’s good to have added indicators, it’s in high demand in the industry. Does it have any real

    Use given where they are positioned, very low and very close, I doubt other road users will realize if you are going to turn right or left. They will see something flashing and it will alert them, but from there they will really know if you are going to turn right or

    Left I doubt it. In terms of length and width, it is almost identical. We talked about tires, braking, handlebars, controller, battery, they’re the same, we’re going to talk about mudguards. As we can see there, on the Spider Max the mudguard perfectly encompasses the rear wheel. It is very wide,

    It even goes down on the sides. It goes down a lot behind, on the back of the wheel, whereas on the Victor Luxury it doesn’t go down that much. It covers the wheel perfectly at the

    Beginning, but not at the end. There are a few riders who have given me feedback on this mudguard, it’s true that if you really ride in huge amounts of water and at high speed, it’s possible that you will get the back of your pants soaked . For that, don’t worry, once again

    I remind you and I’m going to show you, Voltee offers all -carbon accessories. Wheel washers, new mudguards too. You will be able to overcome this problem of splashing water. Afterwards, everyone will like the aesthetic of

    One or the other more or less. I like the toe clip of the Spider, but I still have a preference for the toe clip of the Victor Luxury which I think is really prettier, nicer than the toe clip of the Spider. That remains my opinion, but everyone sees noon at their door.

    As you can see, this is not all original. This is an extension offered by Fun Trott at Voltee, where you will be able to move the toe clip back and gain length and therefore comfort because you will have more room to put your feet. It’s good especially for

    Older people. Another difference, I positioned them like this so that you can clearly see, we have a better kickstand on the Spider Max, another additional point. Better crutch because you will be able to adjust the height and the base is wider whereas these are

    The old crutches on the Victor Luxury and they are quite fragile. Another positive point on this Spider Max. Come on, before giving you a quick conclusion on these two scooters I wanted to show you this. Look, the Dualtron Spider is equipped with holograms. It says Dualtron

    Spider in red. Are we going to see the Spider, we can see it slightly. The Victor doesn’t have holograms, but it does have LED strips on the deck. Look at the Spider too, so on that it’s

    A tie I want to say. So this button which manages the lighting of the chassis headlights and the LEDs on the Victor Luxury, this big switch, you should avoid using it. It’s quite fragile, so either leave the LED strips on all the time or not at all.

    This is a little tip to avoid breakdown problems. So in terms of battery, once again don’t hesitate to look on the voltee.co site. Voltee does things well, on their site you will be able to already select the scooter and choose the battery.

    Depending on the battery, there is an estimate of autonomy. In general, many of you ask me how much autonomy I will be able to do with this trot and that trot. It depends on your weight, the weather conditions, if you have a lot of hills or not, generally you have to halve

    The autonomy which is announced on the sites. So I think we’ve gone over the differences between these two models together, so yes €300 more for the Spider Max but EYE 4 screen, indicators, horn, additional headlight, controller which is stuffed with silicone for

    Better waterproofing , better kickstand on the Spider Max, dual charging port, is it worth the extra €300, yes. Will it suit you more than someone else? It will be up to you to make your choice based on all the information I have given you.

    My opinion is that the Dualtron Victor Luxury with its higher handlebars will have better driving comfort, but don’t worry about this Spider Max because Voltee offers extensions. You will be able to add a small extension to the handlebars to recover the

    Missing centimeters on this Dualtron Victor Luxury. I would say that the Victor Luxury is indeed less well equipped, in fact it is 3 kg lighter. It has the same batteries, it’s €300 less, so there you go. You also have to do this based on your income, friends. Are you

    Ready to add €300 more to have a more equipped scooter, it’s up to you to make your choice and also in terms of aesthetics. And I say ciao ciao to you! No, what I’m going to do is completely rubbish.

    I don’t know why I say Fight, there won’t be any sound in the thumbnail. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know anymore! I don’t know anymore, I’m tired, I’m rusty, I’m not making enough videos at the moment. I’m especially sick!


    1. Teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun teverun

    2. Concernant la Spider Max, cela fait 3 mois que je l'utilise en Haute-Savoie, je vais au taf avec tous les jours quelque soit la météo, j'ai pris des trombes d'eau avec et je n'ai pas eu de problème. Le contrôleur est vraiment étanche.

    3. Teverun bb 😎 faut voir tout ce que je crame en dualtron 😅
      Les mec s'arrête me demandé le prix je leur 1k5 et ils compreme qu'il ce sont fais arnaqué

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