Public Policy (session 1) – 21/11

    We really feel is going to be um useful to you and to your colleagues um today and in the future and um many of you have been very instrumental in helping us put this together and we thank you for that contribution um it’s been invaluable and it continues to be uh and

    Will be throughout this program which is going to run these communities for for over two years um and uh we look forward to working with each of you and colleagues of yours across your countries and territories going forward now as you know in addition to this online

    Series uh the go program is also organizing other opportunities for you uh to participate in expert guided field visits that will occur across a series of countries and territories where participants like yourselves will be able to get an up close look at some practical and effective Solutions uh to energy transition

    Related challenges that you and others like you are facing or may face in the future and of course as part of these visits uh there will be opportunities for exchange with others uh in similar circumstances uh like yourselves and we really feel that these exchanges uh are are part and parcel of

    This effort uh of uh enhancing the Your Capacity to deliver uh that which you’re charged with delivering for your respective countries and territories and ultimately identifying and implementing Innovative and adapted Solutions uh to reduce rce Reliance on expensive and polluting fossil fuels so in short uh

    I’d just like to say that we invite each and every one of you uh to take full advantage of all the opportunities that our program is looking to uh make available to you um and are developing and rolling out for your benefit and I know all of my colleagues

    And our partners uh joined me in saying we really sincerely hope that you find your participation in in this series um that we’re inaugurating tonight and this effort going forward uh to not only be interesting and useful but really fun and inspiring um and uh and and with that

    I’ll I’ll pass it back to our uh go Community Workshop series leads and uh so once again thank you thank you one and all and a fruitful experience to one and all thank you um thank you Hub um my name is lot I will be your moderator

    Today um I will go quickly through the presentation of workshops as this is the first of the trainings this is the first training and sort of what to expect what is the goal and then I’ll walk through the agenda of today so I’ll try to take

    Um a few minutes uh to present this and then we’ll start with T the tabl so that we’re all aware who we have in the call with us before we dive into some presentations and some examples uh from uh B Portugal and Netherlands that we have here I hope that’s okay with everybody

    Um if that’s okay by the way Han I received your presentation so that’s good we have it now and let me share the slides here we go and please let me know if you see them here we go can you see the slides yes all right good um so as I

    Mentioned earlier my I’m I come from Tini uh together with three e colleagues who are also here in the call with us and con uh we have we Consortium that has been contracted by Geo program to implement the Geo energy transition community and uh we’ll be implementing two sets of trainings of online

    Trainings focusing on political on policy legislation regulation and also institutional framework that is needed for energy transition in these trainings we’ll be focusing on both gaps and obstacles but also good practices and levers that are needed for development of the policy and regulation but also for implementation for very important

    Monitoring and evaluation of energy transition in the public policies and Associated measures um after the training session so as as you know they’re recorded as you just agreed to record uh the recordings will be made available uh so that it also serves better purpose for you but also your

    Colleagues um and there’ll be an evaluation form that will be uh sent out so that you let us know how happy you are what you would like to change or maybe improve with these pres with these trainings so as I mentioned there is a set two sets of trainings one in English

    One in French and the trainings there is eight of them uh they’re grouped in two sets so the first five trainings will be focusing more on the energy policy and implementation programs and institutional framework whereas the last three will be focusing on regulation um they will happen starting

    From today uh tomorrow and the day after and then also next week and the week after so we close by the end of the week of the of the 5th of December uh today we’ll be talking about energy policy purpose and the scope tomorrow we’ll dive into the cycle phases of the energy

    Policy and then on Thursday we’ll be discussing institutional framework and stakeholder coordination then next week continuing with the policy and implementation we go let’s say of of course uh more detailed and uh and tangible um Parts which is the implementation programs and action plans and then how to set let’s say kpis uh

    Ensure monitoring and evaluation of those programs so that we can have that feedback loop and Improvement let’s say both implementation programs but also policy and then we start uh in December with the regulation with the introduction to energy regulation principles then we dive into utility rate design um and customer responses to

    Utility pricing and then finally we go into the regulation needed for Energy Efficiency and renewable energy so today uh we’ve heard welcome from aab thank you for that um and I’ve just sort of went through um the overview uh we’ll ask in a minute when I stop presenting that each of you present

    Yourselves so that you also know and we know who is here with us and then we’ll hear from um our colleague Lopez from Portugal about energy policy and transition in aor and Madera we’ll have some time for questions and discussions um which is also we really

    Want this to be uh interactive so please feel free to ask your questions and and get involved and then we’ll hear from johanes Barrett or Han uh from University of abor um and director of pro B and he’ll be presenting sustainable energy road map for boner uh

    S uh stasus and saba and then we’ll also have some time for questions and discussion and we’ll try to have let’s say as much discussion as possible but we hope that we have enough time to hear from uh Len Peters our CEO thinki and she’ll be presenting the three of

    Problems objectives and recommendations and then I’ll have some closing remarks mainly uh reminding of the next steps so I close with this I thank you for your attention I will stop uh presenting here and uh maybe we start um introductions maybe Len as your my first let’s say uh colleague here

    Maybe you can present yourself and then we hear from the rest of the Consortium and then we go around hi all so I’m luci’s colleague um uh I’ll be working uh with her on these sessions uh for the ones who will join also the frenches you will see me there

    As well today my job is a reporter so um I’ll be muted most of the time and following the discussion to ensure you have a decent report of this session that you can look after uh again uh to pick up some stuff so that’s me thanks

    Man and also with us from the concertium we have Yan corneli y do you want to present yourself hi um hi all of you great to see um uh you here on the screen so I’m Yan Cornell um I’m uh uh leading uh the advisory services at 3E uh based in

    Brussels uh and I’m also managing the uh clean energy for EU Island Secretariat uh and this project here together with my colleague Ricardo who will uh present himself morning everybody I’m Ricardo noo from free as well and some of you may have already uh seen my my emails as

    In this project I’m the single point of contact towards the um the OC focal point and I have sent out almost all the invitations that you have received and in particular I will be in charge of the wor stream number three on the um on on renewable energy and of course we’ll be

    Most of the times together uh with you during uh this first sessions thank you thanks I see also we have Quentin with us hi Quentin hi everybody um I’m cont cler I will be mostly active in the French online training so you won’t hear me as

    Much in the English ones uh and I hope you will enjoy what we prepared for you all right thanks um all right um Jean Baptist do you want to present yourself or we uh start with the participants I see I mean very quickly I’m Johan batist I’m the regional

    Coordinator for the go program in the Caribbean and um so yeah you can go up with other participants right uh okay well then U maybe I can um ask people to present themselves as I see you on the screen um so Natalie Samson could you present yourself I’m Natalie Samson I work for

    The government of pel and I’m responsible for legislation on this matter hello welcome um thank you jaia P okay so good afternoon to all of you my name is R P lops I am full professor of electrical engineering in University of Porto and I’m also associate director

    At Ines Tech uh that is also based in portum and we’ll hear later from ja as well presentation um Andrea gof I’m sorry if I don’t say your name correctly I know I’m used to that so uh I hope that’s okay yeah that’s okay um it’s Andrea her

    But how you pronounce it it’s solt fine also I work also at the government of Cur I’m a legislative lawyer right welcome um Stella vaning pretty good Stella Von good afternoon everybody I’m also from the beautiful island of cound Caribbean and together with some of the colleagues

    Here in this meeting from kirel I a member of a working group that is trying to realize a hydrogen value chain as part of our energy transition on the island all right thank you thank you for letting us know some more details um I see also re van VPO

    VPO good afternoon my name is Ria V government of Virgin Island hello welcome um AR Richardson good afternoon my name is Ain Richardson I’m with the Public Utilities Commission in anguila um we’re here just to learn more about green energy and concept of Regulation that can be

    Beneficial to us um when we take a more ongoing task hopefully next year well you’re welcome and uh we’re very glad to have you here that’s the whole point of the trainings yeah um um zus hello hello everyone I am zinus Norbert I am the project officer for the

    EU funded sustainable energy project in the tuen Kos Island and this project resides within the ministry of Public Safety and utilities the energy and utilities department so I’m happy to be here happy to have you here uh Gilbert Jano yes Gilbert Jano um I’m with the

    Government of curo I in the ministry of Economic Development and doing policy advisor together with my other colleagues welcome um Eric salaman I am Eric salanka I work in the department of uh EU the energy utilities department and I involved in policy and regulation activities uh of the

    Department thank you thank you um Stephen M Mambi yes my name is Steven MBI I work also for the government of Kuro at the ministry of uh economic development of Kuro as policy advisor nice to meet you welcome thank you Natalie ponella good afternoon my name is natal

    Petronella I’m working also at the ministry of Economic Development uh in kurasa and thank you for facilitating um this training thank you thank you for joining us um then I see Han bre yeah my pleasure to be a part of this training home braet I work in

    Denmark for the University of Alor but I live in the Netherlands on an island almost as beautiful as ceso Tex um all right welcome Han and we’ll also hear later a presentation from Han as well um g hi good afternoon it’s Gail Adams I’m from Aruba for the government of ARA

    Department of Economic Affairs and I work as policy advisor in the sustainable development planning unit right welcome nice to meet you and Sherin Fredick good afternoon shervin Frederick I work for the government of St Martin I’m a Senor policy advisor and I’m also part of the energy work group here thank

    You for having us thank you for joining us uh aimos hi hi my hi everyone my name is aim arasmus I’m work for the disable um from the government of thank you thank you uh and then I see Emmanuel um hello I’m Emanuel D from the program I’m the communication manager of the

    Group program and I have the good team here with me hello hi hello thank you for joining us um I’m sure I missed somebody but because I was following mainly the people that have their um cameras on here we definitely have more participants so I would ask you if you

    Can please unmute yourself and present yourself as I was going through the the list of the videos and then I’m not not sure on the list who who has presented um hey good afternoon everyone my name is a Isaac from the government of s Martin senior policy advisor Department

    Of Economic Affairs hello everyone nice to have you here hi good okay I continue yeah okay I’ll continue first um so I’m Jessica Rogers senior policy advisor for the ministry of tiad for the government of St Martin so my colleagues shervin and ail who just introduced

    Themselves and we are happy to be here so thank you for having us as part of our energy work group thank you thank you Jessica um hly okay afternoon everybody this is Haley Trot Ministry of communication and works BBI I’m responsible for energy in the ministry welcome hi good afternoon everyone my

    Name is nikima hickinson I’m a senior policy advisor here for the Department of interior and Kingdom relations on St Martin you just heard from the experts on St Martin we are all sitting in the energy work group and we uh and I am actually the focal point for the go

    Program on St Martin thank you welcome MIM all right I’m sure we like Bruno um I could go through the list but um yes hello my is Bruno I can open my camera just a moment very if you sorry about that yes my name is bro I’m expert in energy

    Transition and Energy Efficiency policy bro nice to me okay so everyone hello hi I’m Courtney Hassel I’m a policy adviser for economic Affairs at the public en saba and I have energy as a topic in my portfolio so that’s why I’m participating right thank you Courtney hi Cameron Clark from the UK

    Government’s foreign Commonwealth and development office uh covering climate and environment across our UK overseas territories hello Cameron welcome good to have you Cameron and I’m this is right right maybe oral you can go first I’m sorry sking you I’m also one of the regional coordinators for the go program

    Yes all right um Fon Islands the representative yeah yeah I would forgive me for not turning our screen on that our Internet’s terrible so if I did the whole system would would crash down here um so this is Stacy bragger I work for the forcen islands Development Corporation which is a Economic

    Development agency here in the forcon islands and uh my role is a strategic projects manager and um as part of our business we we provide uh energy advice and uh financial support for for businesses with regards to renewable energy so uh interested to hear discussion thank you thank you for

    Having for joining us today um all right um anybody else that we have not heard from my name is uh Damian haran from public utilties Commission in Anga um the regul do hello Damian and we have also Janet Lawrence good afternoon I’m Janet Lawrence I work for connect St

    Lena limited which is the utility provider on St Lena Island hello Jen welcome J hi my name Isis from the government of Angola the ministry of Public Utilities where I’m lead on energy hello Travis good to see hi Kristen Smith um policy adviser in the K Island government Ministry of

    Sustainability hello Kristen all right um I’m just gonna wait a second yeah if we still have anybody else that wants to introduce themselves yeah hi uh I’m kushu Katra I work with the sensin island government as the policy projects and Communications officer happy to be here thank you for joining us

    Welcome hi everyone I’m also from Ascension Island my name is Tiffany Simpson I’m the director of conservation so I’m working with with kushbu and the rest of a working group trying to deliver a sustainability strategy for the island so thanks very much for inviting us thank you for joining all

    Right I think that’s everybody I’m going to assume that’s every everybody because I don’t hear anybody else joining okay good all right then we continue with our program we’re really happy thank you for all of you for joining us and it’s really great to see um there is different uh participants uh

    From even multiple from from one Island which is great to see and we really hope that this set of uh trainings will be useful um and as I mentioned at the beginning please keep your notes if you have any suggestions or recommendation we would like to hear from you after the

    Um after the training so with this I would like to introduce xia Lopez who introduced himself um earlier to us but xia is a full professor at the um faculty of engineering at Porto University where he teaches in The Graduate and post-graduate areas uh he was for seven years director of

    Sustainable energy systems PhD program at the University and director of advanced courses on sustainable energy systems he’s also dor and member of the board of in Research Institute in Portugal and he’s vice president of the board of Portuguese Association for electric vehicles Professor pekas Lopez was responsible for Ines PTO act and

    He’s also together with us collaborating on the clean energy for you Island Secretariat um and he’ll be talking to us today about um experiences and lessons learned from Azores and Madera um Jaa please take the floor thank you Lucia I’m going to share my screen let’s hope it

    Works uh is it okay can you see my screen we don’t see it yet not yet H what about now no no we see you really yeah okay let me see if I change screen what about this one no it’s now we see it yeah now it’s okay y go

    Ahead okay so uh good afternoon to all of you good evening for some of us um so I would like to talk about the the pass that is being followed regarding energy transition in Madera and theor as well as the policy measures that uh have been are being adopted in

    In in in these two uh archipelagos let me see why I cannot change slide now I have a problem I don’t know what oh okay now it’s working yeah now it’s working okay I will start by the case of Madera so uh the archipelago of Madera

    Is composed of the two main Highlands in the Atlantic Ocean with about two 260,000 inhabitants Madera obviously being the largest one with more than 250,000 inhabitants um uh the demand of energy in Madera I can show you uh that from this pie chart where you can see the

    Percentages of energy usage and you can see a very interesting uh fact that electricity already represents a considerable amount obviously uh there is um uh a part related with uh um gas oil gasoline and and some fuel oil um in in in in 2019 uh just to show you also how

    Electricity is generated what is the the what are the primary energy sources being used so obviously uh at the present so in 2019 uh this is a system mainly based on thermal um thermal generation so with fuel oil and natural gas uh however there’s already some uh generation from

    Hydro wind power and solar PV as well as a waste to energy um so the local government local Regional government uh defined um some strategic plans uh of action up to 2050 and here you can see uh what is foreen for 2030 and 2050 and uh very important and I want to

    To stress this fact is um is the this trajectory that is foreseen where there is a a strong decrease in energy consumption due to the uh increase in um in efficiency and also very important the the increase in the use of renewable energy and this is clear also in this

    Flux diagram for 2050 what is foreseen obviously this is due to the fact that the local economy is supposed to be largely electrified and the Renewable Power sources will be used to to feed um that electrification and so electricity will be the main Vector uh for this this this

    Change so there is a large increase in renewable electricity between 2030 and 2050 and uh here you can see what is foreseen uh and I will talk a little bit about the what is already being done for this to happen uh but you can see that

    Um U mainly uh when power solar PV and uh they are supposed to increase largely in in the coming years uh to to to to to to allow to produce electricity mainly from Renewable Power sources also uh it is foreseen the the the utilization of ocean energy by ocean energy I mean um

    So mainly offshore wind energy as well as some wind uh as well as some wave energy but it will be mainly uh offshore wind power so um the the evolution of um of foreen for the generation of electricity will be based in wind and solar PV as I have already mentioned and

    Let me stress this fact that U mainly private investments will be made to support this increase in uh in this type of generation there will be also an effort in terms of hybridization of wind and solar PV plants and very important is the fact that ocean oan mechanisms uh

    Will be adopted to define the remuneration of this renewable electricity very important for the success of all this uh change is the fact that a specific grid code for data was defined um in order to set very demanding requirements uh for Generation uh in order to be sure that the system

    Is capable to operate in the most robust Manner and um for that purpose um several studies have been made um and it took quite a long time to to make I I must say because I was responsible for for those studies so we we did um almost during one year and

    A half a lot of studies mainly studies related to the dynamic behavior of the system for the coming years in order to see how to define these these requirements let me head that at the end manufacturers were consulted in order to be sure that what we were defining was

    Possible to be delivered and so this was a very important effort that is very much um important for the success of this transition um so this grid code was issued in October 2019 you can see uh here a table that uh shows uh the type of requirements that have been uh

    Imposed so low voltage right through high voltage right through reactive current control active current control especially during faults um post active power recovery gradients okay and so here you can see the type of plots for the studies that have been developed regarding the behavior of frequency in

    The system for many of the scenarios and the operating conditions and disturbances that have been tested and simulated in the system and uh nowadays uh what is important to refer is that grid Code Compliance studies are required to New Generation Plant so every new investor that wants to make a

    A large power plant uh using um these uh resources these renewable resources is required to to show a g code compliance study but but for this to to to happen it’s very important to stress that it’s important to invest also in new energy storage systems and by storage systems I

    Mean hydr pumping and uh in this case hydrop pumping with artificial upper and lower reservoirs and Battery Energy Systems here you can see the investment that has been made in Madera in the top of the mountains with a um artificial Reservoir with for 1 million cubic meters and this is presently already in

    Operation and allows to to to to store uh renewable electricity to be used later so very important also to to to mention is the fact that battery systems are operated with converters in Grid forming mode which allows the disconnection of the thermal units without loss of security so in fact the

    The approach that the local utility is following is that battery converter is capable to replace one thermal unit and if it trips uh so this battery system is in operation until the new new new thermal plant is started and uh so it’s possible to operate the battery between

    Uh 15 minutes to half an hour without any problems and this increases the penetration of renewable generation in the island and minimizes renewable energy Calment let me say that this is the approach followed not only in Madera but also in PTO Santo the small the smallest tyot that you have seen so this

    Is the the the approach followed in PTO there are no hydrop pumping uh but so battery energy storage systems are in operation there also important is the fact that we have been studying the utilization of a synchronous condenser uh to assure enough in to the system and

    In this way to keep um the the robustness of operation in in the adequate levels so also a grid expansion plan has been defined and this grid expansion plan is is necessary because it’s important to accommodate the new renewable generation plants and as well as the hydrop pumping systems and

    So this agreed expansions plan is supposed to be Revisited from time to time in order to to to keep the pace of the int ruction of these renewable energy sources also very important is the fact that security of Supply that is a a big concern in in this this archipelago in

    These islands and so um we we have developed reliability and generation adequacy studies that allow to to to to assure that we have a an optimal expansion plan uh that takes into consideration the time variability associated with the renewable generation in different time frames so this means

    That we have dealt with the daily seasonal and early variations and uh in this way we are uh capable to assure that the expansion plan along the next years is such that the security of supply and the capability to to to keep uh the demand to feeding the demand is assured for

    That purpose we use chronological Monto Carlo simulation to access the reliability indexes and so this is an example for 2030 and the type of studies that have been developed now let me talk a bit about also the case of aorus so the aorus highlands uh there are nine Islands in

    Aorus uh with a population of 250,000 inhabitants the largest the most populated the largest and most populated island is s Miguel the second one is Tera and um so wa um you’re not talking anymore no I it seems that this slide is let me see

    Okay that no the slide kept my my my record but that’s okay so regarding Azores so in terms of primary energy consumption this is the the way how it has been evolving in the last years and this is the consumption on kilotons of oil equivalent and in

    Aorus um the electricity is not that big as uh in terms of share uh in as in Madera but um uh if we look at the the origin of the electricity in aoris it’s very important to to stress the fact that although fossil uh fuel uh is used

    Larly to produce mainly the main part of electricity it’s very important to stress that there is a geothermal resource that is quite important and apart from geothermal energy it is possible also to use wind power hydro and now very recently there is a a um a big uh increase in solar

    PV generation and this is popping up uh very fast in in aorus so this is just to show you the portfolio of generation in the nine islands and you can see that in two of the islands s Miguel and TCA there is um a considerable uh installed capacity for the production from

    Geothermal sources and that is also an important resource that is wind power uh and especially Ina with 12.6 megaw installed capacity anyway wind power is also increasing and is supposed to increase in the coming years so uh a very ambitious target has been proposed um for for aorus that I I have

    To say that um I think it’s difficult to attain that is 80% of the renewable uh of the electricity to be consumed has to be of renewable origin by 2030 so there is also a strategic uh uh plan uh that has been prepared and you can see that um the plan shows that

    This will be made mainly through the increase of the geothermal generation but also through wind power and a very large increase as I said before in solar PV generation so how is this going to be done in aorus so as I said the large increase in shmal wind and solar PV

    Generation and regarding wind and solar PV generation this is made uh by private investors and of course the same recipe is being followed in aorus that is the installation of battery energy storage systems at least in seven of the nine Islands in aor is although some Studies

    Have been made also to create uh hydrop pumping storage this was not possible due to environmental constraints but so the the battery storage systems are presently under uh installation the same approach is being followed in in aorus so uh these Bas are operated with converters in Grid forming mode so the

    The the approach is such that it is possible to operate the Highland with um a battery converter that is capable to replace one thermal unit and if it trips uh it it it is kept in operation until a diesel power plant is uh started and this increases the penetration of

    Renewable energy so uh also hybrid solar PV plants with battery energy storage systems are presently under study we are studying some of these systems in in in in aorus um uh in in aoris also the local utility in this case it it was not a decree that has been prepared but uh the

    Local utility is adopting a similar requirements for um in terms of requirements for generation for the new rest plants and so grid Code Compliance studies are required and also development of security of Supply studies uh to define the trajectories of the evolution of the portfolio generation is also uh being done in in

    Aoris Jo if I can uh interrupt I’m sorry um could we maybe um skip the case of graciosa and go for its conclusion so that we yeah thank you okay um yes I I understand that 20 minutes have passed okay so just to show you also the

    Type of studies related with security of Supply so we are for instance looking at um reliability indexes like loss of load expectation and so the portfolio generation is being defined such that uh indexes like this are kept low in order to be sure that it is possible

    To keep uh to get possible to to to to feed the demand so there is also the study case of graciosa I’m going to skip it this is a small island but uh uh the interesting thing is that there’s a hbd system there with a power purchase

    Agreement uh used for the purpose of production renewable electricity so and in graciosa just just to mention that A system that was fully dependent on diesel unit has p uh to operate with more than 60% of renewable energy and this is presently the the the situation well I would like to

    Conclude by saying that um uh it is possible to increase um the the to to reduce largely the use of fossil fu fuels uh in in islanded systems like in Madera and in aorus this is done by increasing the efficiency of the use of uh energy um and uh also very important is

    The fact that in both archipelagos the electrification of the local economies is the path adopted uh to to to to reduce um the dependence on fossil fuels and this way to increase the use of renewable electricity and this is expected to take place up to 2050 very ambitious targets

    Have been defined for both archipelagos Madera and aorus and um of course for this to succeed it is important to increase largely energy storage usage to enas enhance grid infrastructures to enforce grid code requirements to assess periodically security Supply and uh in this way it is possible

    To have a reliable robust clean and resilient power system that is very important to contribute to the decarbonization of these islanded economies and uh with this I finish thank you very much I know that I I overpassed a few minutes my time slot thank it was it was very interesting uh

    Thank you for this presentation of course the slides will be available to participants so so they can also see and and contact if they have any any other questions um now if you if any of the participants have a question please feel free to turn on your microphone um and

    Your video if you want ask a question to yes I will I will be happy to answer if there there are any questions also you can write it in the chat if you want uh maybe I already have one question Jia if that’s okay for you okay indeed both

    Madera and aor are good examples for already let’s say high share of Renewables yeah um in their energy uh uh portfolio uh however and you and you discuss what is coming up and even the higher let’s say targets that they have set until 2030 and 2050 and indeed at

    This point it’s a High um let’s say it’s there is an accent on electricity grids and the need for security of supply and the and the introduction of battery is um my question is what if you could say which aspect of energy policy has helped to reach this uh place already so to

    Reach where Madera and Azores are right now is it mainly um let’s say that there were targets already or there was a specific policy which was supporting introduction of Renewables and which one do you think was the most maybe U better than another or was there any sort of lessons learned from that

    Aspect okay so clearly it’s important to stress the fact that in both archipelagos the regional governments defined a policy um uh supported in uh strategic plans uh and uh as I said with very ambitious targets and also they uh set the scene for or um having the possibility of including private investors

    Developing uh renewable energy projects to to support the this electrification because as I said the electrification is um is a way to achieve those targets but obviously this is only um interesting if this electrification has behind renewable energy sources because otherwise it makes no sense so and this

    Has been done of course that being um islanded systems there is always the risk of When developing these um uh projects of renewable power plants that they can be curtailed and in order to to reduce the curtailment it’s very very important to have this um capability of storing the surpluses of renewable

    Energy and for this purpose in for instance in Madera they started quite a long time ago and they build a very very large for the dimension of the island renewable um I mean um hydrop pumping system as a matter of fact there are two hydr pumping facilities not only one is

    There are two and they are even planning to have a third one and also the use of batteries this was extremely important otherwise there is always the risk of cailing curtailment and so the the the Investments are not so um the risky the risk of the of being feasible from the

    Economic point of view and so this is very important of course if you ask me who did those Investments of course these are investments made by the public utility uh so and with um support from European files right we have also a question in the chat um from Eric

    Salanka he asks who conducted the grid Code Compliance study is it the public supplier or the government the regulator government we did I mean inch my my my research institution so we were hired by the utility to to do the the grid code as a matter of fact so we started by

    Developing studies and then we defined the proposal for grid code and uh uh and now we also support private investors by doing the the grid Code Compliance studies right thank you J um any other questions from any other participant if I may one um which might be interested for the islands that are

    Still going into that transition uh Jo you mentioned a couple of times private investors um was it difficult to attract them I mean is there a guarantee for the business case these kind of things because a lot of islands still have to go through that transition knowing that

    They contact you for this uh for developing the grid code is one thing that can help them um having an access to a research institute is clearly an asset in that sense but I mean once you’re there budget is an issue so how is how do you make that attractive

    Enough well it’s it’s attractive enough because the remuneration is based on the principle of avoided costs so in this case you just avoid the cost of producing electricity from fossil fuels which is extremely high in Highlands and so uh the the initial solutions that have

    Been set up were based on on the avoided costs and this is the the solution that is presently in force in aorus but Madera they have evolved more and now there there are they are developing a solution based on auctions so these auctions are are are they they they work in the following

    Manner so we we defined a levelized cost of energy that is the starting point for a given technology and so showing that the this is um feasible from the economic point of view and then the private investors they bid going down so and the lowest uh offer the lowest bid

    Is the bid that wins and so in this way we are also introducing competition in this into all this procedure of producing electricity from renewable uh energy so it’s not only a path towards um the decarbonization is also a path towards uh the economic efficiency of the

    Economy right thank you Jo yes go ahead to still um I’m missing a party though I understand uh the vision for investors but then as a policy makers how do they convince the people itself I mean it’s clearly for us the benefit that could be presenting with this kind

    Of project but what about the the general public how do they I wouldn’t say they were convinced but how did the perception was for them listen in 40 years from now when your almost die de there will be renewable energy I mean that perception how did you cope with it

    Oh the the perception of the of the consumers is quite quite High even I have not mentioned that but there are also plans for uh to support the installation of solar PV panels on the top of the roofs of the houses and there’s a big adherance of the consumers of the of the

    Population uh how is this done because there there is also a financial support so um the I I I can say that the financial support is about 1, 1,300 uh per per installation so if you think that uh installing a sort of V panel of um 1.52 to 2 kilowatt 1.5 to2

    Kilow costs about € 2,500 or 3,000 maximum you can get a support of about between 1,000 and 1,000 500 and this is quite good also there’s an interesting issue that it is possible through the installation of smart meters uh through all consumers that those Smart Meters allow the B directionality of uh

    Measuring consumption and generation of power so when they have surpluses of generation those private consumers small very small private consumers as a matter of fact they are prosumers so those prosumers when they they generate power and they inject power into the greed they are remunerated for that so it’s quite interesting because this

    Investment is paid in just a few years I got it we have some kind of legislation about that too but okay I will take it consideration next thank you uh thank you joa uh thanks for for answering all our questions too um any if anybody comes up if you have a

    Question that comes up later please feel free to contact us and let us know and we’ll forward to Jo and and you have my email address ex the first page of my presentation if you have any questions please feel free to send me I will be happy to answer thank you thank you

    Thanks you and now we’ll hear from Han brette um Han will talk to us about the sustainable energy road map for boner sasus and saba and um Han is a professor at the University of alberg and he’s also a lot of uh let’s say there there

    Is a lot of um titles that Han has so I’ll just uh go through a few of them uh he’s also a Meritus professor of the Technical University of Del and uh University of alberg sustainable Innovation policy program um he’s a director of Prof B Prof B is the network

    That that was established in 2008 with the goal to practice based uh academic Network for sustainable innovation of all levels simulating stimulating young talents to contribute to Green deal transition and Spark Innovation uh he’s also involved with us in the clean energy for U Island Secretariat and

    There is few more uh let’s say titles that Han has but I won’t go through all of them Han it’s really pleasure to have you with us here um as I understand I will be sharing your slides right let’s pray it works well yeah and I uh

    Understood that when I shared my slides before that it wasn’t uh it wasn’t uh you couldn’t see it in the presentation mode so please this time let me know if that’s the case yeah let me see here all right which one do you see we

    See both luia we see also the the notes page in the next slide all right so I need to switch there are no secrets there no secrets no but I mean the next one is already given so display settings up there you should be able to

    See the right one yes perfect all right good okay so please let me know and I’ll change the slide yeah yeah let’s move to the next one please yeah so this is indeed my my background I live on the island of AEL in the north of uh the Netherlands on top of

    Amsterdam and the during the last 10 years I’ve specialized myself in focusing on sustainable Innovation on and by Islands one of the interesting things of the sheep boot that you see here is that it has uh from its origin a doveet tail ventilation which on the one

    Hand keeps the air fresh on the other hand keeps heat and cold inside when desired so this is what I would call a spark Innovation because there are not that many sheep boot on taxo and only if you can export these things these special inventions and Innovations by people on

    Islands um are a success but not per se only on the island next one please and there are more of those Innovations and I would expect also from uh the people in the audience that are on Islands to see more and more of these spark Innovations uh we are isolated on our

    Islands that’s why we have already for a long time a do it-yourself attitude we have to improvise with local resources on on my island in the past that was wreckage Uh Wood and things like that to build houses from and we have on the islands a survival mentality and resilience and

    Particularly when I talk about the Caribbean Dutch Islands they have been surviving and are surviving all kind of uh well impacts that build the your resilience yes next one a few more of these uh Park Innovations around 2000 sorry one one back around 2000 on my Island one of my

    Students started as as the first island in Europe with sustainable public lighting well took some years but uh then the rest of the country took over now we call it dark skies but this was already uh 15 years ago next one talking about how to involve the

    Consumer here the population of taxo is busy with a sustainable energy game again that game was invented for the island it wasn’t very successful but it has been successful in other parts of the Netherlands to start building support from from uh the population next one well with sea level rising we get

    More and more Soul so why not uh build this type of innovation means saline agriculture of course that has an energy impact as well but just as another Showcase of spark Innovation that has been exported uh even to other countries yeah next one this one is also an interesting one

    A Pop Festival an island on its own in 2013 one of my students built the first 500 watt self-sufficient Solar Smart system uh a battery Podium yes next one if you look 10 years further now it’s it’s a big uh million business everywhere in the Netherlands um and former students have

    Set up all kind of new Ventures not only for events and for building and construction but also for Shore power again an example for an island this is interesting but you can export it to the mainland that’s the spark is on the island the success is when you can

    Export it to a larger market on the mainland next one the same for this uh device that we once tested on the Caribbean islands was not a success the idea was to only cool uh the bedroom and not the rest of the building well that worked out fine but people like to

    Be cool also outside their bed so this was a wrong device next one and then talking from my university in Denmark of Alor we were the ones that already in 1995 started to work with s Heron of the samai island which is a great example

    For all of us not so much per se for the technicalities but for the attitude if we say no we are very ambitious to have our Islands 100% based on Renewables and electrification they already achieved that but I must admit they have a line towards the mainland but they already

    Achieved that in 2008 and it shows that you also can export these spark innovation ations as approaches as stimulating examples and as Benchmark to learn from and of course that’s one of the things that we hope to achieve also in the go training program but also in

    See for EU islands that we can learn so much from each other already again I’ve learned a lot from uh Madera and the aorus and particularly from the Azor it always strikes me how they’ve been able to use geothermal with the help of uh the people from Iceland to learn from also

    For uh are Dutch and Dutch Caribbean islands now a few of my students have been to sasas and we have done some literature research and also for the SE for E Islands uh submission of proposals uh we have a an introduction overview of how the road map for boner

    Cachis and Saba developed itself yes they are called also the best Islands they are special public entities uh in the Netherlands they are wonderful destinations of course and that is for True for many of your Islands but these ones are really uh also very special with also a lot of marine biodiversity

    Some of them uh and and Courtney you should let me know when it happens but uh Courtney Hassel who is in the audience but you live on a volcano you have quite interesting tourism but you’re highly dependent on it which we could feel during Corona and there are

    Social economic challenges in the sense of inovation Science in the sense of that on B there uh 40% of the people are below the social Min minimum so that gives challenges also for the afford affordability of the new systems and you all have they all have Standalone Energy Systems next one

    Please now even more than U the azurus and madira the islands have the ambition to become 100% self-sufficient with Renewables let’s say as close to 2030 and and further we can discuss if this is realistic if you ask C hman of some so he will say yes and of course the

    Islands are smaller than than Madera and the aorus but it would be interesting for a discussion um it’s it’s uh at least very good that they have this ambition they have based this on on a number of studies from different backgrounds and scenarios but also based on what they

    Have already realized though on the islands the electrical companies and the governments have a very good uh realistic and Common Sense approach for the implementation of their plan so they know what they’re talking about and what we also should realize is that they have an outstanding relationship with both

    The Dutch government and the EU they’re considered to be very special and they’re very fruitful cooperations Ono next one oh sorry one back sorry Lu is just to show you that um these islands are not close to each other so in between boner and sabba there’s 800 kilometers

    Saba in St oasas they are very close sorry yeah next one um the the Strategic plans of the islands are largely based on a very uh a very thorough tno study that you can download if you want next one and more or less they give this picture is that

    Um already today boner sasi and sabba have 30 to 40% uh energy renewable energy self-sufficiency will go in a first phase to 70 80% and then try to realize the very difficult gap between 70 80% and 100% now if I compare that to the island

    Where I am it’s 4% on taxo so they’ve already done an amazing job and of course they don’t have uh the need need for a lot of thermal heat or they don’t have a lot of uh tourist traffic as we have but still it’s amazing it’s it’s

    Better than our best practice here so the best Islands the the Dutch Caribbean islands are for us the best practices in uh in our Rion and it’s it’s really something to learn from so that’s also the reason that I’m highly interested to see how they will further develop

    They will do it more or less in the same way these first steps as Madera and the aorus so with with solar PV wind The Battery Systems uh the smart electricity demand efficiency reduction and until 80% also with diesel backup yes um and they’re quite optimistic and

    Courtney again you must improve me if it’s not true but uh Courtney has help but I know you are also particularly uh optimistic that you will realize this uh 80% uh not too far from now of course there are the challenges that also Professor Lopes has just shown with all

    The things with reliability and the grid stability and and the power factor particularly also here the affordability then we have an issue and I’m happy that there are people from the nature parks also Among Us the how to position the the wind turbines uh if possible in these nature protected n Natural

    Parks the this the acquisition of the wind turbines and solar installations we need hurricane proof ones uh and earthquake proof and then uh well smart grid development is part of it but it can be simple smart grid and it can be like we just heard a

    A bilateral one where you also as a consumer Can U buy or sell at the moment you would like to do that um it requires land acquisition and negotiation sometimes it’s hard on these three Island to find a road that leads to the place where you want to install your

    Equipment also the harbors and there is lack of specific technical expertise of course companies and Consultants will bring that in but after they’ve gone how can you do your service and things like that but uh we have the strong impression that this step one can be

    Taken uh uh with with a good chance on on good results next one and you can do that with with regular steps like uh from this report on the island of uh Saba I think it was where which is available and where you can uh well learn a lot from if you’re

    In the same position as the best Islands next one now step two is a more complex and more wicked uh Wicked uh challenge uh where to go from if diesel is not there for backup biodiesel where from uh electrical Road Transport anyway that’s a social economic issue but it

    Will increase in in the estimations that we have seen 5 to 10% the energy the electricity increase by the way that will grow anyway because we have an influx of particularly on banire from uh people that come from other countries so the population is growing sometimes very fast the

    Otch perhaps for these small Islands investment is too high and too insecure but that could be something to discuss also with with u with uh Madera and the diur hydrogen uh is a little bit far away and the it’s it’s feasible it’s all feasible but the cost are high and and the

    Islands are too isolated geothermal likewise but perhaps there are things to learn from other islands and then there are the challenges of the cruise ships and the Furry boats could they also uh contribute and vice versa to the island when there’s power needed in the other way around and electrical

    Flying uh the best islands and particularly boner but also the others they are special pilot project within the Netherlands to test and to have pilot projects on electrical flying so this is not a dream this is really realistic next one well I’m almost uh there Lucia so don’t worry

    Uh what what we see a strength of Bonas in Saba is the excellent cooperation that the municipalities and their energy companies have it’s it’s absolutely uh a strength and they’re also partly co-owned by the municipality so they have um the they can maneuver in

    In in a smooth way uh there is a very good cooperation between the islands also for instance within the C4 eui 30 islands of which they are part um Saba in particular has also cooperation with one of the best uh energy transition institutes in the world I would say the

    Rocky Mountain Institute uh of Dr Amy lvin I had the pleasure to work with him in the 70s uh but I won’t discuss that now and uh of course the relationship with the Netherlands is is a and the EU is a very good one and I hope that uh

    Like in previous cases also the developments on on boner estas and Saba will also show own adaptations and this attitude of creating do it yourself Solutions what we call spark Innovation what we see as Potential Threat is that uh tomorrow we have election here and it’s not sure that uh any green policy

    Will be pursued here in the Netherlands um the impact of things on nature of course is a very sensitive thing next one uh and particularly for boner there is a recent report from our former one of our best Ministers of environment at Naples who says uh we have to strengthen

    The relationship between the three islands and the Netherlands to also enroll new governance models including um a more facilitating and leading role of the civil servants on the island and that’s quite interesting because uh we are developing in Europe now a number of projects also on on

    France Islands and and and in in Scandinavia where the role uh of civil servants in taking the lead in energy transition projects and facilitating and U being entrepreneurial is put high on the agenda in line with the the green deal that has been more or less created by

    Mara matsuko so there are new role models uh and in in along that line at Naples proposes that we uh send a number of uh civil servants that have experience with energy transition to support the ongoing developments there on the island now this is more or less the

    Picture the last one please uh that I wanted to sketch so it’s a little bit complimentary to what Professor Lopez has presented but it’s more from the people that have to innovate from the islands themselves to execute these projects and we look forward uh maybe also further on in the course to

    Cooperate with you but now I think it’s time for discussion and questions if any Lucia thank you Han uh thank you for your very interesting presentation and uh sort of mentioning two key points uh aside from of course uptake of Renewables on one side um the inclusion

    Of the local people um and on the other side also environmental aspects uh and aligning with uh those environmental constraints I want to open uh the floor for any questions from the participants please feel free to ask questions if you have if they’re none um then um I want

    To make a few links between the two presentations what I see in both cases um because H you talk about tno I assume tno is not an a name that everyone knows but it’s a technical Research Center in the Netherlands um you see the same with

    What uh um ja presented that that close relation with the knowledge Institute uh um johannas you mentioned that as well um I think that’s that’s definitely something that we see in most of the islands making progress um that that connection to a research institute is definitely an added value and that is a

    Challenge I think especially for the smaller Islands so I think that’s that’s something we should Pi pick up in in this discussion also about how you can Ure share the learnings from uh from these islands that have that collaboration uh knowing that um in Europe most um most research institutes

    Are often looking for pilots and demonstrations on Islands anywhere in the world so um I think we should definitely open that opportunity as well um but that’s something I see already um in in both cases and then the other thing that is um both in the Netherlands

    And in in uh uh in Portugal is you’re connected to the mainland so you’re part of not only the Netherlands and the Portuguese legislation and regulation but also of the European legislation and regulation which is already a bit odd for for boner but you’re still having

    That impact of um so I think that’s something that we also have to understand that especially for the smaller Islands this leading role is less obvious um so in that sense I would invite all the islands we we do understand that that is that is different um but definitely take the

    Questions that you want to ask because these are in that sense a bit atypical qu atypical cases however we’re going to come back throughout the course on um aspects such as the question that was sent was asked earlier about that stakeholder engagement um because there are various way what what Han mentioned

    There was um um exchanging civil servants and that’s definitely something that that is going to work um Chia mentioned that there was already that that yeah understanding which I think comes also already from the many projects that in Tech has done on aoras um but we will see throughout the course

    Of of this uh this week also other ways of engaging these local participants and making sure that they can benefit from it um in all the potential ways as well so that will come um as well so thanks yeah thank you for that indeed making the parallel between two presentations

    Um anybody else from participants wants to ask something specific to Han could I just add I have a question for you but I’m trying to to leave space for people yes go ahead go ahead oh I’m sorry no just building on what Lane is saying is that

    Uh of course if you look at Madera and aorus they have universities also of their own so there are knowledge centers on the islands because they are such big archipell or Madera case that one big island but if you look at smaller islands like we have in in

    The Dutch Wen Islands or that we have is Saba in caas then the model of s to create your own energy transition Academy is a very smart one because you only need two three people you call it an energy transition Academy or Center and then you can choose between different

    Universities you can ask aort but you can also ask IST or whoever you would and U it’s it’s sometimes the first thing that I would advise uh have you been considering to make your own uh energy transition Academy on the island even if it’s very small also to to bring

    Guests in and it gives you a very good mediation agency I would say yeah we have the Samu case presented in a couple of days as well that’s a very good and uh I wanted to um maybe mention there Han as you showed berer really in let’s say in Focus we’ve been

    Discussing through U island with Boner with B boner and as far as I understand that they are currently already at times at the almost 70% uh Renewables in electricity and they’re expecting with the next two years to be uh reaching 100% at specific times not all the time

    Of course uh but I think one of the key things that I mentioned for um people acceptance which was mentioned earlier is also making sure that in this transition to Renewables that it also follows job creation because because with people that are already working at the at the energy plants that are there

    On the islands uh you have to make sure that they have a job once you switch those those plants and go to Renewables so that was really a point that they stressed um in B all right well if there is there any questions there isn’t any other

    Questions of course you have also H contact but you also have our contact please feel free to ask any questions if they come up later on or think of it uh let’s say during these weeks but also later um and want to hear more more information um of course for example the

    The energy game looks very interesting it’s something that our team is also looking into such things where it creates involvment of different generations and different profiles and uh it’s nice for starting the discussion we have a presentation from Len uh Len we a bit of your time uh but I hope

    That’s okay okay yeah um I just I can’t um I can’t open it um so you will have to share it which is a bit annoying but I seem not to be able to open it so what I’m going to do is I’m going to take you to some more I would say

    Theoretical approach but it’s not really a theory it’s an approach to um design policy with a broad number of stakeholders uh includ it and such that um you do it in steps starting from a challenge or a problem and then moving really to um this uh wait I hear myself in Echo um

    Soia I’m going to follow you yeah that’s there we go so um it’s an approach that has been developed really to make sure that um you develop a policy that fits the core problem and I’m going to take you to an example that is related to

    Rivers uh which is a bit UT River pollution but it’s an easy example to take and if you then need additional information then we will refer you to a document that explains really the whole concept in detail but normally with this you should already be able to get going

    Lucia can I have the next slide please so we have uh four topics that we’re going to dive into um the stakeholders which are really important um as was already mentioned then problems and problem threes and then we move from problem and problem threes to objective

    And then we move to a planning stage which I also mention as the kind of the recommendation Matrix Lucia can I have the next slide yeah thank you um so um the first thing is that um when you are addressing a challenge or a problem let’s say it’s

    Related to more absence of people um and kids in schools that can’t go because they’re ill these kind of things and the first question is who do you need to engage and you need to to engage those people that are going to either affect the uptake of your solution because they

    Have a lot of lobbying power and coming back to boner I’ve been there a couple of years ago when the first electric vehicle was on the island by the way uh but the the the oil sector at that moment in boner had a large power so if

    You want to do something on reducing the amount of oil you will have to take these people along Luc already said they making sure that the people who work there now have a new job in a new uh transitioned economy is super important but you also need to think about

    Minority groups um if we think about people in poverty which is a challenge on most of the islands you want to take them or you want to make sure that their voice is some kind of some way hurt making that stakeholder overview doesn’t mean you have to engage all of them in

    The discussions but it does imply that you are aware of of their position maybe also their potential resistance to your towards your solution and also link to that their potential to take along a big group on the island to adopt your uh solution so think about whose problems

    Or opportunities are we analyzing and who might benefit or lose out with a certain solution that you’re going to bring forward Lucia can I have the next one please and so um I did put some animation on it so you will have to to use a couple of times to go

    Forward um so yes the type already that’s fine um so the main steps that you do is first of all what are the problems you going to solve and that’s a really important one because it needs to be fenced H We Said Today already um uh energy transition but of course this is

    Linked to climate transition as well and a I think briefly mentioned that that there are multiple aspects in in these courses uh this one with the Consortium we are in is focusing on energy but there’s also one on climate and one on financing so you need to kind of

    Understand to fence your problem so that you’re able to tackle it um luia yeah and then the stakeholders so who’s interested in a problem who might be affected and you really have to think about you know if I do this then what’s going to be the impact let’s say if I

    Tomorrow um introduce a tee where um people can participate in an payment of an PV system on the municipality’s roof and they get a benefit from it then you could say okay the ones that are impacted or for sure the ones that put a roof on the building um of um kand as

    The capital of of boner but the ones that can’t participate might be affected as well because they might be paying your your benefit and hence they might lose money as a consequence so there you really have to take this very broad uh the next one lsia um so for each CH the

    Stakeholders you try to understand their position like what is their role what could be their role if this happens if we’re going to solve a certain problem the river pollution what could be their role uh linked to that um their different interests maybe now they’re dumping their waste in the river they

    Don’t care and tomorrow you’re not going to allow that anymore then they need an alternative to get rid of their waste which is going to cost them more so you need to take them along you need to understand what that context is um and then um whether if you bring together

    People uh to discuss the problem and the potential Solutions whether they might have a willingness to cooperate or whether there might be a conflict whether it’s existing or whether you’re going to introduce it with your Solution One benefiting the other losing out so you will really have to use your

    Negotiation skills uh to bring them together to be able to jointly address the challenge so I’m going to take youe to uh the the river pollution example so who are for example one of the stakeholders um and their characteristics well fishing families uh fishing families are often people in

    Poverty um that you know going to these islands they might be super effective it if the water is polluted because then there’s less uh fish uh less volume of fish to catch and because they probably eat it as well um their health might be suffering particularly children and

    Mothers as a consequence these children don’t go to school they will be less educated and it will be more challenging to get out of poverty you see the whole link uh link to that so making this exercise with first the stick holders then how they’re going to be affected by

    The problem and then their capacity motivation to bring to bring change um it is not because they they have an issue with the pollution that it implies that they’re not contributing to the pollution however they might also be interested in better pollution measures so that you know they are restricted but

    Everyone else is restricted as well um and they probably don’t have a lot of political influence they’re probably not well organized not very well educated not very well connected it so as policy makers it’s a group that you’re you’re aware of but they’re a bit farther away from what you’re typically engag with

    When people come to lobby and so the way you could address that is linking what Luci already said earlier if you take them away from One Source let’s say oil uh then and you move to Renewables you have to provide them alternative income so if you can’t address the pollution

    You might want to think of that um and then the other thing you want to have is that their voice is raised in the dialogues so it’s fine Luci you can go to the next slide um what is super important uh to bring along is those that will otherwise

    Resist and that is necessary to create ownership um if they are part of the solution if if they have co- developed it they’re more likely to be the ones that will promote it outside as well if you do not take them along even if the solution is not so much against what

    They might be accepting just because they weren’t part of it they will resist the next um who is also supposed to be that those who are strongly affected so if you’re going to implement a measure and all of a sudden something is prohibited as a consequence of that the people who

    Who will feel that will will be subject to that that limitation you will need to take them along so that that at least they understand it and that you can help them finding an alternative for uh their practice before then um the ones that can mobilize many others um you know unions

    These kind of things um but the ones that are typically seen as okay we follow you and whatever you say we go with you so these are important to take along as well and of course you need experts on the table so that experts that can really explain matters um but

    That can also warn if a solution that is put on the table is going in the wrong direction and might have certain negative consequences that need to be explained to the other stakeholders as well so these are actually the four groups that really need to be there now

    A group typically is between 20 and 25 people so you have enough people on the table and it doesn’t seem like you were just a few of them of people in an office you know trying to find a solution for something so it is important that a group is large enough

    And that um you are explicit in who you took along in that uh development and who you didn’t take along in that development next slide please so then we’re going to make trees and we’re starting with a problem OA can I have the next slide please um and the

    Idea of a pro of starting with the negative is because it’s much easier for us as people it’s much easier to say what goes wrong then what it should be and what could POS possibly go right so that is where especially when we have to develop the relation and the Order of problems

    That is much easier to do it on a negative Point um so that’s why we actually start with that and we start with mapping anything so there the point is that the more stakeholders you have that’s why you shouldn’t do it with five with four uh but if you do it with 2025

    Then people will think broadly um and openly and they might bring you to uh certain aspects so the first thing you’re going to do is map the problems and that’s going wild Post-it notes are a perfect way to do that and then you select a starting problem that is a

    Problem for where you think okay you know this is the one that is not the consequence of another one you identify relations between the problems uh hierarchy like what was really the root cause uh what causes uh something else and you do that for all problems it is

    Not because you make an overall mapping that that does imply that there’s going to be one problem three you might end up with two or three problem threes because the all the challenges you put on the table might not be interrelated and then you for one

    Problem two where you say okay this is this is all interrelated you should be able to connect them with arrows it’s all sounds very theoretical we’re immediately going to go into an example and then you check its completeness so how to build a strong problem Tre Lua

    Can I have yeah um yeah so this is the first thing that is important like with any problem what you put in is what you get out so if you’re incomplete if it’s not well formulated if it is not considering certain stakeholders your problem your problem three won’t be

    Complete as a consequence your objective three won’t be complete and your recommendations won’t be complete so that’s the first thing not too many people and not tooo few so I set up between 15 and 25 2025 don’t do it with 50 it won’t work with 50 your group is

    Going to be either dominated by a few and a few are not going to be happy because they couldn’t raise their voice or it’s going to go too wild and you end up nowhere it is actually better to do it a couple of times with different

    Groups than to try to make a too big group out of it and everyone is equal that really means that if you moderate it well everyone has an equal talking time and you might stop people that would dominate uh the the the discussion uh but working with posted notes where they

    Can write on actually typically works because then it’s not so much the discussion that dominates everyone can just write five posted notes and put it on the wall your results should be simple as long as it doesn’t need explanation it works as soon as your Post-It note needs a book of explanation

    It’s the wrong po did not so there we go this is a number of typical problems that you might have if you’re working on the typical problems so the ecosystem is under serious threat and including we have uh declining fishing stocks that’s a very obvious one most household and

    Factories uh discharge waste water directly into the river someone can put that on it on the table you already see an interconnection it’s because they put the Wastewater that the water is that the ecosystem is under pressure but maybe the population is completely not aware of the danger of waste dumping and

    Polluters are not controlled there is no information no education programs so as a consequence people aren aware of it and there might be high levels of solid waste so these are all typical problems that might be related to the fact that you know there’s an issue with the river

    Pollution you see there various um and some are accurate like the one on the right hand bottom 40% of the households and 20% of the businesses are not connected to the Sewer Network so that’s typically one that comes from the experts in the room and that’s super important to afterwards Define the

    Targets of your policy next one luia and now you see what the results if of trying them to connect them so if we start on the bottom left then you say okay the Environmental Protection Agency is ineffective and closely aligns with industry interest so as a consequence they don’t control polluters and because

    They don’t control polluters you have a high level of solid waste dumped in the river now it’s not only the industry it’s also the general public because they have no idea because there’s no information they’re not aware of the consequences so because of that left part the river water is quality is bad

    You see other reasons for that the consequence of the fact that the river water quality is bad is that the ecosystem is under serious threat and and as a consequence of that the income of the fishing families is in Decline so you see on the bottom of our root course

    Or the main thing that we want to address is all the potential reasons why the river water is bad as a quality um and on the top of that there’re the consequences for it um next slide please now we’ve done the negative part let’s be positive now okay luo

    So the point here is actually very simple any negative thing in the problem three you turn it into an objective three let next one so there are a few steps very simple you reformulate all negative situations into positive ones and then you just have to check whether

    The cause effect whether you know that’s means and ends but whether that’s still logical or whether you need to revise it and it’s actually very simple can you go to the next slide please um the role of the stakeholders in this negative to positive is considering priorities so they might say

    Okay this is the first one this is the second one yeah next one um the realism of what you propose here is also very important they might say that is just simply not possible and that might point you to something else you need to address um and they might

    Also say there are additional ways to get what we want to achieve so they’re super important in this step because they might really link you to solutions that would otherwise prevent an effective implementation next slide and then it’s really simple so instead of saying the ecosystem is under

    Serious threat and we have decline in fish stocks we simply say the threat to the ecosystem is reduced and the fish stocks are increased so it’s super simple Wastewater treated in Plants does not meet environmental standards well all of a sudden it does so it becomes green so it’s actually super simple to

    Do next slide and then your whole um Ray blue system from before now turns into something um more positive so we now have on the bottom left that the environmental Pro Protection Agency is effective and you already feel we need to take actions to make it from what it

    Is today to what it should be in order to be able to improve that water quality and uh improve the rest so you see it’s actually we turned it from what we observe the problems and the challenges into the actions or the indication of the actions we need to take so that’s

    Actually the step we just took it’s not so difficult but it helps you really to see on which tasks and on which activities you need to take action next slide please and then you start planning it so because we now know what we did we moved

    It from a problem to um as actually a list of actions in an organized way we now need to plan the actions next slide please the first things is do we have to address everything or is one to going to be the consequence of another um yeah

    Lucia um so what you typically see is that expected contributions to key policy objectives such as for example poverty reduction or economic integration or minority groups um the point here is that um that’s already actually first going to go back to the first one so the um are is everything

    Thing needed to be addressed so if for example that Environmental Policy a environmental agency is going to to um you know make a campaign um that warns the industrial polluters that there it’s no longer allowed because it’s bad for the environment as a consequence people might be conscious about their small

    Pollutions as well so maybe it is not really necessary anymore to to launch also a campaign towards household or maybe you could combine the campaign for Industrial Waste with something you do in the schools to make kids more aware of you know the impact of pollution and

    And waste in the water Lucia we’re now seeing I mean I’m seeing the first slides of the presentation not in a presentation mode sorry that should be fixed you should see yeah screen sharing is posed resume share sorry about that yeah no yeah there there no no no yes there yeah okay

    If you could share that one you should see the right screen right that’s fine that’s fine yeah so it’s really important to see what I’m going to focus on and what I’m not going to focus on linked to that is for example um if you already have certain policy objectives

    Uh such as for example uh poverty reduction or economic integration of minority groups you might want to link certain actions to that the other thing is you have to be realistic about the budget you need uh and the implications of your actions if for example you’re

    Going to say okay we’re going to set up a whole uh recycling plant but you don’t have budget for it and you don’t have budget to maintain it then that is not an option next one button yeah yeah um so you also have to be aware that um the different solutions

    And the different activities you’re going to propose will have a cost benefit so you will have to make that assessment when you make your final decision of the actions you’re going to take next one and there is the environmental impact which was already mentioned also by Han um it’s super important that you

    Are aware especially on the islands of the environmental impact of your actions so if we take in mind the green that we had before there’re immediately aspects that we can say okay not not wait if we continue the pollution it’s a bad thing for the environment so

    That is even not an option but if we just do a campaign it might be not too effective if we set certain targets for the riverwater clean uh quality then you know the targets have to be sufficient enough to really ensure there’s an impact a positive impact on the

    Environment so these are important to Take Along next slide and then we’re going to go to an easy again if at a certain moment it is obvious that you’re going to take actions for example on wastewater treatment because you are actually you already plant a Wastewater uh plant and

    With minor adaptations the river water can go through it then your focus is going to be on that uh there might be reasons to say okay you know the Environmental Protection Agency isn’t going to control the Poors or there might be another thing where you say okay there’s going to be a separate

    Action within a year on that so we don’t take that into account so this is where you really say what is what is it that we’re going to focus on now and what is it that we’re not considering you do have to be aware that if you make the

    Wrong choice here and your left out is delayed that that might impact your what what you’re going to do and the effect of uh what you consider in now but you see it’s actually very simple to enable that focus and still keep um most of the actions and activities that you want to

    Focus on within uh the scope of your exercise so now we start thinking in actions and in Solutions next slide um so the main purpose is the one that we highlighted we wanted green yeah the river quality needs to be improved that is our main purpose and so what we’re

    Going to do is develop a set of activities with very specific results which we will use to achieve the aimed purpose so the improved River quality and the purpose will realize our objectives which is uh a better uh quality of life for the Fisher families because uh the fish uh is now flowing

    Again uh in massive amounts okay next one so the purpose as we said is the river quality needs to be improved next one the result what we had below is that the volume of the waste water that is now directly flushed into the river is reduced it doesn’t happen so much again

    And overall objective is that as a consequence there is an improved health for the Fisher families U the kids under five are now much healthier they can go to school so that’s our overall objective so how do we now do it the volume of the Wastewater that directly

    Is discharged in the river there are certain assumptions we mean mean take and this is where you need your experts so this is actually the typical activities that you’ll also be able to check you’re able to control them and you’re able to develop a policy that is clearly saying okay anything about this

    Is going to be penalized so these are your assumptions and the same you have for the river quality is improved well the river quality is improved so there needs to be a public awareness by the local government about see how you went just too fast about how that impacts the

    Health because it’s not because you are aware of you know improved fiver quality has a link to health and to absence in school and these kind of things that everyone in your stakeholder audience is aware of that so these on the rights are your actions that you need to take and

    They are as accurate as possible okay next one um so you define a number of activities and that jointly form your overall policy measures to address your objective okay um of course there are different activities um different activities you can Define um and you might want to

    Weigh them and put priorities there the cost benefit was already set um you get through this also a first view on the overall policy design like these are the measures we need to implement uh these are the ways we’re going to penalize that or we’re going to follow it up um

    And then what you have now is ready to start discussing with a broader audience and assess okay guys this is what we want to do are there any uh concerns and feedbacks on on this next slide does it give you next slide voila so this is actually how you move from a

    Challenge to an objective which brings you a solution that leads to a policy this is the first cycle of how we do policy design and we will come back to that tomorrow U it was a bit theoretical but we thought it was really important because it sets a bit the stage for what

    We will do in the next uh sessions as well and especially tomorrow in the policy cycle if there’s anyone who has a question please raise it yes please feel free to ask your questions now we still have a few minutes um if you have question to Len

    Or to any of the other presentations we have heard today or comments those are also welcome was it was it clear yeah Andrea I see your top up yeah all right the presentation yes that’s no problem um Steven and I can also send you the link to a more elaborate um uh

    Explanation of these uh problem uh problem threes with the same example that I used so you can dive into it actually a very easy way once you’ve done it once all right well um for uh sort of closing I would like to remind you that of course the recording will be sent to

    You the presentations will be sent to you there is the workshop tomorrow as Lance said on the policy Cycles uh cycle phases and uh for the closing I would like to ask you the ones that are here participants with us if you can please turn on your cameras because we

    Would like to take a group photo um for today that’s okay with you of course all right thank you thank you for that and I thank you for your participation today uh thank you for joining us and uh for actively participating asking questions um of course we’re looking forward to to

    Meeting with you again uh tomorrow and in the coming trainings and feel free to send us your feedback uh if there is certain topics that that come up to you and you think we should definitely address please let us know um otherwise we see you tomorrow thank you so much for your

    Time thank you thank you welcome byee thank you byebye

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