In a week of the European Championships, Cyclocross National championships and the Santos Tour Down Under began with the criterium and the women’s race. Mathieu van der Poel is rumoured to be skipping the Tour de France and the schedule of Roglic, Evenepoel, Pogacar and Vingegaard have been announced.

    Collaboration between @thecyclingdane and @OwDoCycling

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    00:00 Intro
    01:05 Tour Down Under 2024
    04:44 Cyclocross National Champs 2024
    07:03 Mathieu van der Poel skipping the Tour de France 2024
    16:58 Wout van Aert friends with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak?
    26:19 Vingegaard and Pogacars Race Schedules Revealed
    36:34 Rider of the Week

    Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of the eal cycling podcast where three cycling nerds discuss what’s been happening in the week and a week of cycling and we look ahead to future events of course as well as always I’m joined by Mr critical himself Yan Wilson

    And also the man who spent his week in Scotland skiing for some reason Patrick Blake about recycling regret every decision I made this week now you good how is in Scotland not FR not Andor not not no no because I wish I’m trying to come up with some random I’m stalling for an

    Excuse but I just tell Al I just I really don’t yeah I should have been with Scott I should have been interview with Marx po but here we are bad decisions were made I did an interview with Fabio yakobson as well that’s available over on the second day and

    Extra on the podcast and exclusive here on this recycling podcast not on on here on YouTube but on the podcast itself we actually have a rentable Point interview about the 2024 season available now so check that out if you haven’t already but T Down Under we might as well start

    There uh it started already we’ve had the criteria we had the women’s race has finished as well and yeah what have you thought of this so far it’s relieving actually to get finally sort of make it I think V told Andre the start of the season I don’t care what other people

    Think I think it is the women’s race kind of kicking it off I think it’s good kind of gives it its TI in the Sun I remember men’s race gets its car separate time you have a crit everyone nicely reading into a a on hour crit

    Result as to how how things are going to play out but it it was an interesting crit Del Toro finishing third was arguably one of the people care more about deloro finishing third than nar’s winning it’s kind of eclipsed everything else what else happening that Luke pla

    Didn’t finish it CB buan didn’t start it which is also question I I have no idea why people say that plot’s fine I don’t know why Caleb buan didn’t do it probably because it’s a crit and he didn’t want a crash ahead of the to down

    Under where he probably expect him to go quite well yeah the W RAC was actually quite good so I’ve got some pretty high expectations for the men’s yeah the women’s race was was good a couple of like cool winners as well we got out of

    That race it was a good week for the AG Insurance team they got two wins out of it from the New Zealand champion wallon and then from I always struggle on how to pronounce giganti Gant gante name she’s Australian so yes selfishly frustrated that she won today so she has

    To be brought up but she won the overall and what I think is quite laughable at the fact that there’s only three stages for the womens’s given that they give it whole like sort of period to itself and there’s only three stages the men’s race is short on it like anyway but the

    Women’s race is like inexplicably short and it all comes down to that final stage where like we could have another couple days even like a like like Criterium style race as well uh for the women to to bring all together even like a time trial women don’t really have

    Time trials in their calendar if we if we could throw that one in just to spice it up a little bit that would be uh that would be really cool but in the men’s side yeah that Criterion was was really interesting NIS I think is actually a criminally underrated writer that’s one

    Of my it’s my first hot take of the week I think he’s um he’s super versatile very underestimated can be right up there in the classics um he’s actually a pretty good Sprinter as well could be top 20 on like a sort of jro Sprint stage and he can climb pretty well he’s

    Been a validant teammate for other Riders so it was good to see him get his uh time in The Sun Also a great result for Le Tre to come in second place there but I mean isad delor finishing third is the big headline Grabber here uh in his

    First race and he was so happy for of in the end if if you watch the the the footage he’s sort of celebrating instantly after line with no Rus I don’t know if these two knew each other beforehand they they both speak Spanish they were probably talking the breakway

    Beforehand it was definitely nice to see them amped up four should be a pretty good opening week to the men’s World Tour although I mean time zones always make it difficult and uh the new broadcasting uh situation in the cycling World also makes it a little bit more

    Frustrating I’m holding out for this a weird hope that GCM plus will just miraculously return I don’t think it will no I don’t won’t it’s just let me manifest let me let me Manifest this um there be light a Black Candle p p gcn return that’s so good it’s like you

    You don’t know what you got until it’s gone yeah it was actually quite what rated for the price it was the discovery overlords didn’t want it to down under we talked about it last week and we’ll talk about it next week of course as well in terms of cych cross obviously

    We’ve had it’s still cych cross uh youan you can you can take a nap yeah we had the national championships but none of the big dogs really in action in terms of the big three uh you had Eli is winning the the mens in terms of the

    Belgian you had Jordi new house actually becoming Dutch Champion as well beating Pim ronard and last Vanda oh yeah camay did you win both the under 23 and the men’s then yeah I mean we we got to keep it we got to keep mentioning his name is

    What keeps you going through cycle cross is the mentioning I also want to point out Sant Kant in Belgium uh won the Women’s National Championship with a broken nose has she won it like a lot uh this is like her 15th one in world yeah exactly she’s like insane I don’t think

    I’ve lived in a world but s has not been at the top of the women’s game in cyc Cross so that’s a bit of a Changing of the Guard there uh in terms of sort of that big name leaving uh I can’t even think of a word The Forum whatever the

    Coliseum of women cycl when you think about women’s cyclocross a lot of Dutch names bring to mind and you think Belgian Belgian and it’s kind of like you have to kind of scroll down a little bit find the belgians the women’s cyer C seemen from a Dutch perspective is so dominant

    But yeah sometimes the Belgian actually goes a little bit under the radar so it’s good to see that son got the result I’ll be interested to see who kind of takes up that mantle as like the queen of Psych cross in kind of the women’s side in Belgium after she’s gone I don’t

    Know who it’ll be can’t the name’s not spring to mind but it’ be good to see who kind of who takes up that mantle in the Danish championships it was Daniel Nelson who won 18 years old winning the senior and then Albert Phillipson taking the junior title but yeah wasn’t in the

    Seniors so oh it’s w w I mean Danish Cy Cross isn’t exactly something that lights Cy cross on fire but they did most toall championships yeah yeah which much a wonderful one which one doesn’t he wi but I mean anything else to add on the national championships CL on Vini comes and does

    His like to five cycle cross races a year in claims to French national championship yeah well anyways um matchpool we might as well segue onto that and you and what’s the story with M Wonder this week um he’s winning in cyc Cross well technically no no he he’s not

    Oh okay this story yes um that’s the story he didn’t win a pych cross race just got back from a 34-hour journey just about 10 minutes before this podcast I have not reset my brain met is has announced that he will not be going to the TR of France next year this

    Follows a similar announcement that we got from Wild vard a couple months back where they’re skipping the TR France in order to T get the Olympic Games and other goals in the summer similarly as well as jip has also revealed that he will probably be skipping the Toof

    France next year as well so quite a few sort of regular sort of shins for the Toof France will be missing out in W julan mat mat vable hasn’t actually won a stage since 2021 in the tour France and yeah you can throw all the A on but

    I mean the person who’s going to hate this is yasper philipson he’s going to not have his best lead out man who was absolutely destroying all the other teams that is true that is very very true and um he will be the person who’s missing out but I think Philip on his

    Own like we saw that he is probably the best printer and although that final stage when you the most one it was a little bit different but um I think Philips couldn’t work with a fle we saw that in 20 um 22 with his two- stage

    Wins in the second half of that race my prediction of Kristoff leaport winning Green is looking better and better by the day see people called me crazy and I think it’s going to work out just fine and also as there’s no like vul missing tdf for the Olympics do you rate that or

    Not the world champion as well when the last time we had a world champion missed the race oh J pH yeah even oh yeah true yeah yeah yeah about the whole of like je oh true yeah that was thing we were yeah oops we haven’t had a world champion out the

    Twitter France since 2021 yeah true yeah but vult is rum to be going to the bua that would be cool to see him try to go for a stage with that I just don’t care about the doesn’t feel very vanderpol as well but I mean those like steep

    Finishes could really suit him I just don’t I just can’t imagine him like like riding the Walter it just doesn’t like fit in my head I don’t know why it doesn’t work vandol going to the Walter just doesn’t work for some reason I don’t know why although to be fair if he

    Goes there and wins a stage and then doesn’t he he finishes his Trifecta doesn’t he yeah so that is the sole reason that makes it bearable are you not surprised that he’s not even doing like the first week of the tour and then just dropping out yeah well have a

    Little bit but then he did that in 2021 for the Olympics that year yeah and remember all the like sort of sticky got there like why were they racing one week I think it it probably would be cool if he did the first week he has a good

    Chance of like being right up there in the mix in the first couple stages but um yeah I mean it is disappointing both Alber and theik as well would you rather have Vander Paul be there for seven days or would you rather have Al Le man who’s

    Going to be dedicated there for the three weeks for philipson I mean think of the just the publicity in the first week to be the world champion mat I mean he would also be kind of killer on some of the first stages well n he’s

    Not making about s Luka climb is he he ain’t doing n probably not nobly not M will be so hilarious once more if he just Som If He Flops the Olympics because that would be two Olympic Cycles in a row that there’s been like you prepped for it and it’s just not worked

    We’ve made a video about V theol going to the Olympics he is you know for all T purposes the favorites let’s say you know we are like literally is seven months out but provisionally he is sort of a favorite because of you know how good he is at executing on the big stage

    Him and vanart missing out Al I mean Al F missing out is kind of losing against grandiosa year on year van and Vanderpool both missing from a tour they certainly detracted from it a little bit the year where I’m going to the tourish year and this is the year they both

    Choose not to go I am insulted but in the GC field we are eating we are getting rockage we are getting anol we’re getting Pacha we’re get we’re getting off supporting Ro Notting Brooks where is AR Brooks ad Brooks is going to the G yeah exactly

    He’s not going to the toour No No Yeah I did see earlier this week that um on mat Jorgenson’s Instagram that I Brooks had dropped y swinger guard which technically means that I Brooks is now going to be to the France Champion Undisputed um because he managed to drop

    Y fer guard in January the most important of months to be in form as a road Rider we’re sticking on the M of Wonder Point here missing out much of wonder what not at the Tor prance the biggest rivalry in in the sport you have

    To say I know Tad bin yis sping go but I think that’s the biggest one you have to say uh considering the longevity that those two have had and the number of disciplines as well but marketing wise as well this is terrible for the tour yeah but also we haven’t really seen

    Them dual at the TT France we’ve we’ve only seen it once in 2021 that was it well you kind of you kind of saw it this last year as well with like the lead out when he kind of like just sabotaged the what weard spread a little bit but then

    Like I feel like 2022 we definitely didn’t get it and then in 2021 we got in that first week that was really excellent to have it then but we haven’t really seen it in The Grand Tour setting you know it would be cool if Vander Paul

    Goes to the grro and we see it there that would be excellent but we don’t believe that happen it’s going to the Welter all places unbelievable W might be going to the wter so maybe we see that clash of the b sper instead they desperately need that marketing going

    Into that race well jokes aside I am happier that we’re going to see in theory a kind of fully prepared Vander Paul versus badart at the Olympics than a fully prepared vanart and Vander Paul head-to-head of some null stage gravel in state seven or whatever the heck it

    Is when nothing is going to happen and people are like hyping up their ability because the cross Riders like they’re battling at all would probably not is not going to be or doesn’t have a potential to be anywhere near as legendary as this Olympic battle so I

    Would rather it be this way around completely agree but I just think it’s weird that they’re not just do not well because he’s doing the jro but he’s not just not doing the first week like you and said like similar to 2021 maybe he’s thinking oh I did that but back then and

    Suddenly there was a ramp and I crashed it’s the Olympic Games it’s the biggest sporting event in the world that transcends all sort of boundaries but like all these guys putting so much emphasis on the Olympic Games and sort of cutting out these other things in the

    Season it it is a bit underwhelming for us do they really care about it that yeah I mean winning an Olympic gold is bigger than winning a TOA France stage like being Olympic champion is almost as good as being total France Champion is do you think so yeah yeah yeah because

    The Olympic Games transcends to of France I think so everything 2008 Samuel Sanchez won the Olympics nobody really knows who he is anymore who won the tot of France in 2008 uh sastra car sastra that took you too long took too long there’s a lot of Olympic events or

    Olympic sports that shouldn’t have it football tennis cycling I think track cycling yes but yeah and it just feels a bit weird I think there should be a crit Olympic event I think that would be much better have a crit a road race and the team time drop Hill and a hill

    Climb three Road cycling events and I think that would absolutely slap do think there is also like I mean I said this on the podcast a couple months back but an Olympic stage race where you have like yes all stages B like the Aller International we have like one Mountain

    Stage One FL stage one hilly stage one time trial boom you find out who the best Stage racer is but you’re right because they have all like the deap head and all those kind of things so why not hello Thomas bar head of the international Olympic Committee hello

    David on the other phone not everybody can win Olympic gold it’s going to be kristofh laort or someone else it’s going to be someone Rogue that we’re not even thinking about peon I mean people we considering peon like it won’t be it won’t be so it won’t be these guys who

    Are purely targeting it surely can we see on that post Grand Tour form even look at the 2021 standings all three guys were on who were on the podium W Pacha katath all Rod the tour to France all were very involved in that tour to France katath pach in the final Podium W

    Won two sages in the final week of racing and they lined up up up the podium and the guys who missed it to sort of Target it even like looking at the time TR pipano who missed out there to purely Target Olympic Games didn’t go to the tot France they didn’t meet the

    Mark it was the guys who did the totor France had that form who went into it who performed really well even looking at the world championships in 2023 in Glasgow the Riders who were right up there in the mix all were were pretty influential in the Twitter France like you’re saying Kristoff laort

    Exactly somebody else is going to be winning Neil neon powless Neilson powerless no I think y makes a good point as well with that but yeah know what we’re not much one for on the podium that’s the story anyways we might as well come with a quite weird story

    That you and set me and Patrick also discovered wild Bernard and the prime minister of the UK have a mutual friend you what is this you say mutual friend they have an unlikely connection the financial times yes the financial times um published an article about um Isaac

    Leido who is going to be the camp aign manager for richy sun the conservative prime minister currently in the United Kingdom who is looking to contend an election within the next 12 months we don’t know when anywhere between May and October could be later than that um but

    U the campaign manager is obsessed with W vanard the the article describes him labeled as a beast quote vanard is a race winner in his own right but in the tour France he act as a domestic Delux half killing himself to protect his leaders and drag the team through the

    Mountains the Australian political strategists expect simil discipline and gra he tries to get sunak over the line yes the financial times has likened uh Rishi sunak caign manager as um as wart and Rishi sunak in this case would be yonas vle a very interesting comparison I did

    Not expect to be uh seeing my academic background in political science having a a link to uh a link to cycling today but yeah also just ft Financial ties are very very respected like highbrow broad sheet publishing in article describing about as a beast is also just like

    Memeable in its own right how did this come up how did um like go of like all the like things and tidbits they could have got from this campaign manager they were like oh yes the fact he’s into W vard that’s that’s really important because we’re going to make him out to

    Be this big doque but it’s going to be an uph pull struggle uh R is not pulling very well the conservative party are in a pretty bad position right now the labor party the the leftwing opposition in the United Kingdom currently look to be on track to win an election which may

    Come in the next year so um maybe this is all a metaphor for no don’t say no yonas is say he’s not like richy wait wait wait is is yonus yes Patrick this article does allude to a tie between Yono and RIS M far really are they the same height how tall

    Is V I think vingo is taller than riak and he definitely can pedal harder than rishy does that make you Emer labor labor party so K tle gget yeah I got a second can you imagine doing a video about trying to draw political like like the likes I just

    Think this is so I have switch to threat this of course you do of course you do in in the comment section down below I um I think I describ K stor as G hindley I think what so Y is derailing this I said I said rocklit was Kiss St um they both

    Love the color red people are always rooting for them even if the odds are stacked against him and they both had a successful life before alters and cycl it’s right it’s right there Barack Obama was R even in this thread as well hard throw status Scott please

    Please save save where we are this podcast yeah certainly yeah I apologies to all our views and listeners Yan is totally I think he’s dehydrated after that three-hour ride or drive not ride the only thing I like about this is that we we’ve had a rishy sunag and what not

    Mentioning in the same yeah like even said by the financial times it’s so weird like what is happening right now I just like I would just imagine like a Sunday ride with wart and Richie yeah I don’t think that’s happening or Richie turning up to a sa cross race well you

    Say that richy sunak is a big fan of his Pelon machine of course he is not a real bike it’s not it’s not a real bike he should go outside uh but for security reasons that’s probably quite difficult I mean you and we into a pelaton shop to

    See it and how expensive they actually are they’re more expensive than a real bike well Richie sunak is married to one of the richest people in India he’s married into the infoscience dynasty rich suik like is incredibly R so this all makes sense but he is a big

    Fan of his paleton and eating Greek yogurt so I could expect to see him on a little ride I can see rich like head to toe and Lyra riding with the VIS bike boys so we going to see like an Indian back Pro cycling team oh D desperate he

    Need that like India China what are you doing in cycling okay we’ve got the China Glory team but we haven’t got an Indian team there’s actually a rider from India called David Beckham sign him up track Rider I think he is looky though for for like the meteor attention

    You would get from having an Indian riter a and having a man like a writer called David Beckham on your team yeah that’s enough for a team like AR samuk or maybe like the best tea twit tea team sign up Indian David Beckham and make it

    Into a meme that could go viral on Twitter it could transcend the cycling borders much like the Olympic Games does and you could have articles R in in like the sun in the Washington Post TMC all about Indian David bam can you imagine would an Indian proy right World t team

    Would it be a bit like uee where they have one Rider from their home nationality and they just like still claim it but they have a national champ was fine I mean Israel is the same Israel is the same they have like two three Riders and then they never really

    Line them up for any of the grand Tours really arra as well and we hav an team in the women’s Pelt on speaking of which it was egar Bell’s 27th birthday this week what believe that man’s 27th no isn’t he just perpetually 23 yes 27 this

    They crazy on time F what what has happened I just keep on thinking about he’s 23 and like or or where he started like just dropping off just doesn’t exist and he’s just like we’re Frozen in time and I’m waiting for Burnal to make his comeback from 2019 tall and like

    Just continue it you went from 23 to 27 you know legit rich people can get Frozen like this happens to Mr Burns in The Simpsons like you can get like frozen put in like one of those things and you get like defrosted so that you

    Never die did had solo do that I think I don’t know this is the weirdest podcast we’ve ever done if a beral was P fzo he was he was frozen in 2020 on the G col and actually he was defrosted for a little bit they let him out to like they

    Like defrosted him they thought they were going to eat for dinner that night at the G 2021 and they put him back in the freezer and didn’t touch him for a couple years and he’s still 24 I mean how do you actually think agon ber if he

    Didn’t have that crash in Colombia in 20 22 how do you think he would actually have fed against JIS Bing or or where would he be in the hierarchy would he be top five Podium I don’t know I think he would be the loser yeah but where would

    He be top five is he better than would he be better than Remco rogl I think he would be on a similar level to Remco but he just doesn’t have a TT ability facts I don’t know he can’t against T and Yodas in the TT he just

    Can’t he’d be losing two minutes that is true that is true I don’t know I was so ha on by now back in 20 like 2020 2019 but he was thato he was against demoo yeah he’s not well he’s actually in his physical peak when is 27 he should

    Really be reaching his physical peak but I think we’ve seen the best of Egen Bernell and in approximately five years time the cycling Dane will release a video of WTF happened to Egen Bernell there’s one already before he was even 27 that man you’ve already put him in the gr like

    Exist anymore like what what the f has happened to back about how stupid of a designed helmet cast side to release to cover the ear tips of riters who the hell the side real also he’s got scoliosis I don’t think he’s coming back how going to be a

    Professional rer like at the top level with scoliosis there an arrow does Bend you into an arrow position anyway is he like a hunchback of n down when did he start getting it did he have it he found out he had it after the tur of France in

    2020 but he still won the G yeah so that’s pretty impressive but then but then he got hit by a truck no bus bus and I think he rode he rode into the bus and uh after having been to Colombia that it was a bus is quite weird considering how many motorbikes

    That just don’t obey the laws there I’m surprised there wasn’t a motorbike don’t Gaslight him don’t gas EG all time anyways this has been it’s like the first 50 or normal the first 50 episodes are very normal now it’s the second 50 of the 100 Target and now we’re just

    Going off hinge but anyway right of the week all right let’s let’s try again oh no no no no no no no oh is there something else the big four have announced their schedules for the year so the big four are re even you go t Pacha and Primo sh glitch they’ve all

    Announced officially this week although we knew before they’ve all announced officially that they are going to the tour to France and we have uh the first glimp is of their schedule so first up T Pacha he will be going to Str up yank Milan Sano the VA Catalia it’s a new one

    Unlocked Le Bast Le and the J before going to the Tour of France yunus Vio will be starting the year off at the Grand Cino Round of Applause and then totico the best country the in the June time before going to the twi France Rim AO has a busy busy schedule

    He’s going to this new Portuguese classic which many riders seem to be going to on February 10th and then he’s going to the tour of alav Harin bass country am gold fleshood Le B and the crer very very busy schedule he is the busiest of all of these guys coming into

    The tour to France pretty much Ro glit has a pretty bare schedule right now it’s not confirmed whether he’ll go to Pines or too it will be one of them there’s also a probable inclusion of the ulia Bas country before going to the criter D in the June time there we go so

    I’m quite disappointed about RL because he said he was at one point he was going to go to the toris swis because he wanted to complete the one week stage races but well you can’t win the toor Swiss if you’re in Criterium to n facts

    Also I think T of Swiss doesn’t have a great conversion rate with the T of France wait are you saying twist winners don’t win the Tour say that to Bal 2019 oh that was that’s a good finish my point SC um it SS like like the is more of us

    I would say more like to France ready competition and we’ve seen over the past couple years that even the past 10 years that do has been quite a good sort of precursor to the tot of France and also given that it’s going to have AOL and V

    Go this year you would say it’s probably more would be there than um BR wor I’m trying to think about whose schedule I kind of like best or obviously yonas cuz he’s toinho that was clearly clearly the best preparation of all quite a lot of country yonas and Rit are going there

    Was a before going there Bas there seems to be like a couple of a few there’s going to be a couple of races where you’re going to see like two or three of these guys go head-to-head before for race which is going to be great for us

    No one day races for being Go I mean re doing the triple like I’m still go slone and there first there well REM and pogy not doing oh pogy is pogy pogy pogy pogy pogy POG is not doing flesh that might change he did one it last year but doing

    One day races is actually like I would say a really ineffective way of tuning up I know it’s great for us but you you’re trying to go for a for for a stage race that you have multiple days of racing and you travel to the race you

    Get five days constant racing 6 days seven days whatever for a one day race you go you do that one race and that’s it and it’s also more highrisk scenario as well probably because it’s like a higher pace and stuff we see often the class the classics their big crashes

    Pacha last year Le just a perfect example um so it is a more ineffective way of tuning up although it is like way more exciting for us to see them Clash there um if these guys want with the friends I understand completely why V is not doing any one day races he doesn’t

    Need to a and Pacho is slightly different you know but rocket not doing that is a little bit upsetting because I think he’s quite interesting in one day races but he’s like been he shoved those aside over the past like two years yeah just have what’s happened to him what

    Have we done to him at the time we’ve ruined him we were hoping for the r glit Pacha and remu battle at Le Edge but I mean Pacha remu is still pretty good if we actually get it this year not for Poole dog by Patrick as you said exactly

    I still St by by conspiracy theory that patela favorite d m pothole for Pacha to crash into I guarantee it happened I don’t think it’s beyond the fav’s abilities to do something sketchy like that I mean I guess Ro just going with the approach of kind of what Yus has

    Done in Years Gone by which is that like almost less is better just kind of keep yourself shrouded away so nobody really know how are you doing and then just going to leave until the last minute which is okay the what he didn’t leave he won he was

    Up there ire knes first D to finish on the podium then he won the Tour of BS country and then he won the criter opener he wasn’t hiding anywhere and he won the grand communo so he wasn’t hiding no no that’s there’s reason for

    All of this he he was he was bluffing at Pines because he actually came third so everybody was like he’s watched has no way he’s winning at all every we were all saying that our remance David G was going to finish on the podium Yeah country there was there was none over of

    A Gala go down so it was a walk over anyway he was up against serger like come on like if that that was a walk over and then was the one after that do who who was at the do last year Adam y exactly so the

    Competition on the podium at the Tour of France exactly but how many minutes down Scott a lot basically the my point is roit hopefully won’t crash and he’ll go to the store and it’ll be fun head off then Ro schedule is like probably the most boring but um and the

    Most excited for because I think bore actually will be a really good team this year the to of friend Squad that they’ve like kind of pin to that it includes ji hinley Sasha vlasov Danny Martinez uh Sombrero kemna niiko den and Danny van poppo that’s like a disgustingly good team and it’s very

    Allround and like a lot of like the interviews and the Press sort of stuff that they’ve been giving out this week they’re so focused on this goal like they’ve been saying that we’ve been waiting for a legitimate chance to win the Tour of France for years now we

    Finally have it and we we’re going to do everything we can to win we need to disrupt yumbo we need to be chaotic um that’s the way yo will be distracted yo don’t exist anymore sorry bisma bisma leads the bike stupid name um but I think I think it’s gonna be really

    Interesting to see how Rog goes and the doofan will be a good chance to see that although I reckon my see at least the bik just be sort of like copy paste and Destroy every stage race of Veo enters before the to of France where Bora will

    Release their tunnel of chaos as they called it during the week that’s quite interesting J hindley going to the tour cuz we were discussing maybe that he was going to go to the jir so blazo do you tell your Champion 2024 oh wait second place finisher to

    Tet no vaso’s going to the Twitter FRS okay it’s hinley vazov and Martinez oh shoot I didn’t that’s like their three big guys Bookman not going is kind of interesting Bookman is rumored to the J yeah okay that’s a very good team then it’s a really really good team also mat

    Super excited to see what he’s going to bring he could be a really really interesting writer this year hem we know from the go a couple years back was really really really strong there and then you’ve got niik dens as well as like good sort of all round engine we

    Saw how he sort of came of age um in 2023 so this J of France team for me is looking super exciting and for rocket to experiment with them during this during the season will be super interesting for instance roich and vlasov will collaborate at Paran to begin with I

    Would honestly say that this Bor team is stronger than this ofik team agreed if think about it if you put hypothetically just imagine all those bore jerseys are instead just like the visma Lisa bike Team all of a sudden it’s the best team in the world but for some reason it’s

    Bora who are a little bit kind of haven’t been the biggest players in GC but they’re kind of coming in as Underdog but this is an absolute killer te and I personally think if they alongside the chaos of UAE te Emirates gang up on bismal and bike we are going

    To defeat yonas I’m sorry I’m saying this as if they need we need to defeat him but he will be toppled and he will not win for a third time in a row it will be like when it’ll be like when the army of the dead and the Riders of

    Um have the Riders of gun like they convene together in Lord the Rings and took on the Orcs the Orcs being Vis malite um and Gondor has called for Aid and they’ve all convened together and Lord of the Rings fans will get that this point Riders of Rohan that’s it Riders

    Of Rohan will be bor um UE is the army of the dead and the Orcs are are Vis Spike there you go guys why why are you making me the normal one this this episode thanks for that’re feeling we listen Scott we can’t hide our true colors for all this time

    People have got to know the air and the Lake District air is bad for both of you that’s what we found out it’s making us delusional we’re losing our lines the help is here in the for of Rider of the week fondor calls for Aid sorry I’ll stop being old Rings n um

    I W I will go first my rider of the week is nen vinka who finished second in the women’s tour down under somebody who I’d never even pled before but she finished fact she finished second ahead of light some H competition R for DSM femic post andl considering that I didn’t know her

    Before today and now she finished second I uh I think that was pretty impressive so I think that’s a pretty welld deserved under radar ride of a week yeah there’s a couple of like really impressive rides in top 10 at the tand I’m going to go for NE Bradbury who

    Finished in third place she is 21 years of age born in April 2002 uh and she finished in third place overall of that race it’s also a really good performance from Domin R from Poland with an incredibly difficult surname to pronounce with an awful lot of consonant um but two really really good

    Rides but Bradbury for me has to be the the right of the week and also that Canyon Str kit this year it’s good so yeah it is it’s really really nice that’s very true Scott who who do you want to pick I mean we didn’t actually talk about the European championships on

    The track which we we should have because I mean GB team actually won they beat the Danes unfortunately in the final and also friend of well not deson the cycling D Dan bigam became a European Champion both in the team Pursuit and the individual Pursuit defeating uh his teammate Charlie

    Tanfield in the final so he is by ride of the week because he’s a double European Champion but I could have picked Aaron gate as well who has also been on the track quite a lot but he won the New Zealand classic and for whatever reason he’s not on the world tour and

    Never has been he’s kind of been floating in the Pro Continental but Dan bam is my rer of the week also from the Europeans L keki won two titles in the space of one hour she’s a machine yeah which titles um you’re asking too many questions now well we’ll

    Just she won the scratch race what could you win in the space of an hour uh you could round off the omnium and then do another event so you could win the omnium and then do like an individual event cuz yeah yeah but then in the actual World Championship she won

    A track title and a road title within a space in 24 hours she’s ridiculous mad mad but she didn’t get right of the week from either of you two she’s not 21 not 21 she’s not some unknown DSM F posted app yeah she’s very known anyways that’s it to this very chaotic episode

    Of national andyc podcast as always make sure to get involved in the comments down below if you’re watching on YouTube check us out on Spotify as well and if you haven’t already make sure to follow everyone over on Twitter as well well all the Twitter accounts will be in the

    Description down below and that’s basically it for us so thank you very much for watching listening and we will see you in the next One


    1. Euan, Euan, Euan. You have once again failed to win my favour. You have completely failed to address the vile greedy, sinister, xenophobic, and incompetent party Rishi Sunak leads. They cheat and lie to the people of this country and it seems The Echelon Cycling Podcast is yet another media outlet failing to hold them to account.

      I get it, it's a cycling podcast, not a politics podcast, you want to keep everyone happy, but right now your sitting on the fence and the spikey wooden bit is jammed right up your ass while your listeners point and laugh.

      My only takeaway; Euan = Centrist Turd

    2. Thank you for this great echelon you do make me laugh I do luv the bantering and your humour. It can be too serious in the cycling world so I like you are trying to lighten it up! Looking forward to the next episode with the 3 of you!

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