In this Rubble and Crew compilation for kids, Rubble and his family deliver dinosaur bones to the museum. But the museum isn’t tall enough. There must be a construction solution.

    Join Rubble and his construction pup family in this spin-off series. Rubble & Crew will work together to repair and build whatever the town of Builder Cove needs in high stakes adventures featuring awesome construction vehicles.

    #RubbleAndCrew #RubbleAndFriends #CartoonsForKids

    [Applause] careful lower it slowly perfect let’s cover them up to protect them and get these dinosaur bones to the museum I can’t wait to see rubble’s face when he sees the Tyrannosaurus Rex din din din don’t worry the dinos are on the way right now dino delivery uhoh we have a problem our

    Museum is wide enough but it’s not tall enough don’t worry there’s always a construction solution wouldn’t it be fun if the museum didn’t have a roof huh we take the roof off so the dinosaur head can poke at the top then put a glass stum on top pantastic idea mix let’s bow

    Outow Dino build Run Okay charger you can take off the tarp Rubble we found your favorite dinosaur a tyrannosaurus rat Mr T-Rex you’re one of my favorite dinosaurs wa awesome dinos coming [Applause] in I hereby declare the dinosaur museum is [Applause] open Mr Ducky do I’m sorry we can’t go for a

    Walk yet Omar is late with the mail oh I really hope Omar’s okay by you bet I am puppy Pals Omar Omar what happened to your leg I hurt my leg playing basketball so I’m using this wheelchair while I get better we were worried about you thanks but I’m

    Fine now if you excuse me I’ve got important mail to deliver to the mayor at City Hall how am I going to get my wheelchair up all these steps there’s always a construction solution how can we roll a wheelchair upsteps I could probably get my wheelchair up something like that

    Something smooth with no steps Omar that’s it something smooth with no steps we’ll build a ramp we first we got to get rid of these steps motor go Boom Hammer almost done with the wood frame for the ramp and that means we’re ready for ready aim FL drying Concrete time to mooth for easy rolling smooth hand brows for safety done okay Omar go for it I love this ramp almost there yeah the ramp worked hey pups I’m on a [Applause] roll hi pups Miss ducky Doo and I are ready to supervise the splash park sorry

    Mayor the splash park isn’t ready yet yeah our sea monster is stuck way out there oh my I promised everyone they’d be able to cool off by the end of the day there’s got to be a way to bring that sea monster back here to cool off all these people maybe the construction

    Solution is to bring the people to the sea monster huh wouldn’t it be fun if everyone could go over the water to reach the sea monster on a long wooden walkway Oh you mean we build a pier to the sea monster fastic idea mix come on let’s bow out Build holes going in and the motor go pound p p p Wood planks coming in wood planks hammering him got to attach these brackets to the PO well To woohoo love the colors so swirly wow uh-oh everyone waiting is really hot pH nothing a sea monster Splash partk can’t fix Let’s test it out is so fun Co everybody come Splash on [Applause] in rubble and crew oh hi Omar hello pups I’m whispering because I don’t want

    Lucas and Lily to hear Juniper and I want to surprise the kids with a new playroom we’re sort of running out of space here hey yeah we’d love to build a surprise playroom all right we’ll take the kids to the beach so you can get to work while we’re gone good plan Omar

    Thanks a bunch pups time to make a playroom Foundation ready and Concrete grab it lift it move all for wood frames into place almost home and I hope the pups are done ready aim Pain Family coming family coming everybody hide surprise we had rubble and crew build you a new playroom wao a new playroom thank you Mom and Dad and thank you pups woohoo this swing is so much fun this is amazing thanks so much pups we’re happy to [Applause]

    Help all right crew let’s bow out build a school first my favorite part Digging uh-oh we must have hidden underground stream mayor greatway said to build a school not a pool we got to pump it out and fill the hole so we can get back to building ducky a H those little ducks really like their new home there’s got to be a construction solution wouldn’t

    It be fun if we built the school around the duck pond so the ducks can stay and the kids can have their school I knew there was a construction solution mix you are one smart pup let’s bow out Bild [Applause] Almost done making our school around our little duck pool now it’s time for a school mix Makeover wo it’s beautiful a new school thank you pups I’ll go get the kids Bye great I love do and I love our new school thank you [Applause] pups hi Auntie crane hi pups hi farmer Zoe W those crops do look pretty thirsty we’re going to need to get that that water to him look at he split so what do

    You say rebel I say let’s bowwow build a Waterway for Farmer Zoe’s [Applause] vegetables this new rear will make the Waterway nice and Strong wo look at you Pops go construction Pros wo oh we’re not done got to cover this in quick drying concrete be right Back Ready Aim [Applause] Conrete robling crew proudly presents farmer Zoe all new Waterway and not a moment too soon my lettuce is looking even worse why don’t you do the honors fer Zoe 1 2 three water would you look at that water water everywhere and my veggies are looking better already you pups saved my [Applause] Farm huh why did we stop we were almost W how are we going to get to build our Cove mayor greatway no over here woo now that was an entrance y thank you pups for coming so fast all those families you passed are moving to their new homes in Builder

    Cove if they can get to them we need a bridge my family can definitely build a bridge yes can fantastic you’ll be the heroes of building Cove all right family let’s construct the bridge fast but safe let’s bow out build all [Applause] right wo look how big this GI I still Fous monor go Lo time to paint the bridge ready a Paint Bravo now that’s a bridge I hereby declare you the construction Heroes of Builder C Rubble hello hi it’s speed Meister the hero of Builder Co I wanted to let you know that I finished building the big bike shop ta you’re welcome wait what how’ you build so fast I I know

    Everything oh yes and there’s just one more thing save me help don’t worry we’re on the way hang on tight Mr Speed Meister how is he going to get down there’s always a construction solution we’ll build him a slide let’s bow out Build Charger lift the slide and I’ll support it with my bulldozer r on the double time for teamwork charger okay speed Meister slide down here I go a how exciting to see my bike shop about to fall down oh my come on family let’s make this bik Shop Safe keep coming back looking

    Good another tool done this shop is officially safe safe and ready for bikes did anyone order a truck filled with big kid bikes yay motor maybe you’ll like bath time if we build you a super tub what’s a super tub just the most fun tub ever we’ll

    Make a bone shaped tub with a slide in the best part a bubble Fountain I bet you take a bath in a super tub right motor super super tub ooh an crane wants everyone clean for the photo so we better make this super tub extra Super huh ducky okay while the bubbles are mixing let’s fill up the tub with water ready testing the water in three 2 1 go Rubble Rubble can find ducky aw did you lose your rubber ducky wait I know where your ducky is it’s stuck in this pipe right here uh-oh French

    Good wao uh-oh this can’t be good we got to get that rubber ducky out of there but how I know how to get the ducky out of there I’ve got this cutter tool fantastic job mix Ducky W so fun motor bad time is about to get even better wo oh motor Lov bubbles yes motor loves bath time thank you CA Coral everything okay not exactly there’s only one me but lots of people to serve I’m so glad they showed up but I feel terrible they have to wait

    So long hey cousins you thinking what I’m thinking we build Cafe Carl a really big ice cream shop my own shop now that’s a five star idea steady charger the wind is picking up water tool one giant cone secured ice cream scoop coming in oh no oh no stop that ice SK SC I have an idea I’ll use my bulldozzer to make the giant ice cream scoop fly in the air again good idea and I’ll catch you with my dump truck giant scoop of ice cream I’m ready for you flying ice cream I am in Position you did it now we can put the giant scoop of ice cream back where it belongs wow there it is with that giant scoop on top I could see it all the way from the Park hey Cafe Carl what do you think you popups are the best thank you come on everybody Cafe Carl’s Ice dream Shop is open for [Applause] business thanks for coming pups I was just practicing my speech I’m announcing a big surprise oo what is it o you’ll

    Find out when I finish my speech the problem is every time I try to practice I hear that don’t worry Mar greatway charger and I will fix that oh oh it’s coming from the hallway come On I heard it me too but it’s not coming from the walls it’s coming from the floor Let’s help him get out Ro Hammer h on my helmet little mouse I’ll get you out of there come back little mouse we’ll help you get in help Hammer we got to help the mouse get out so we stop squeaking huh is he talking to us he’s not talking to us look I think they’re friends Aha a they’re Mouse Buddies hey mice we built something for you a mini City Hall squeaky Hall you’re new home a now that is cute what a great idea thank you pups for saving the day I practiced my speech and now I can give it squeak free and you’ll finally hear the big

    Surprise woohoo w

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