Sunderland welcome Hull City to the stadium of light on Friday night ..and we have to make our stadium into a fortress again! New Players in soon would you take Macaulay Langstaff & of course ANAD #safc #championship #amaddiallo #hullfc #northeast #football #efl

    Here we go back again with another video and we out from me run walk nice bit of exercise like usual we got some information to do with possibly some incoming hello you all right little bit of incoming touchwood the sauce is being on you see got a lot of rumors in the

    Offices and also previewed to the whole game as you can see the pond is absolutely Frozen 0 degrees possibly minus one here going to try and take in three or four mile around this wonderful Park we’ll take you on the journey and we’ll talk all things Sunland the boss has had his

    Interview today of course Mr Beal talking about the players that could be available for the weekend about how rian’s in form then he should have played them better play them this we again Mr Bale we’ll talk a few other things to do with Sunland right let’s get on with this run there we

    Go little bit of water in the middle for the the swans and the Ducks but the rest is frozen what are gorgeous beautiful dear absolutely Frozen that is let’s have a [Applause] look yeah that is frozen frozen solid we don’t want to be a grff or crumble there we go it’s the

    Grff and the mouse right let’s get back to running hands are freezing oh Jesus the see the ice on here actually the best thing to do when it’s icy is to get on the mud stay off the road on the mood not slippy at all much better under foot conditions happy

    Days so sun and do welcome whole city up to the stadium of light on Friday night for this 7:45 kickoff for the purpose of the Sky Sports and Hull Sunland both are in indifferent form we’ve only played them just recently we beat them down there at the mkm stadium 1 and nil with

    A jack Clark L late winner a jack Clark late winner Michael Bale was that Michael Bale’s Michael Bale’s first win a sundland head coach going on down here but Hull last six games only getting six points and Sunland only one point better seven points in six games to they’re both down the

    Table in the you know the recent form form [Applause] League look at this Liam R is the whole head coach as we know and there are a couple of places below Sunland but only one point behind sundland so all to play for and we’re both just behind cry in six Place cry

    Second in the form table one four drawn two lost none and they take on Sheffield wedding’s day so we really can’t afford to slip up any more points we do need to get back to winning WS especially at home two home games coming up surpris that’s all frozen over seeing

    This oh hands are numb as you can see there’s a water with here and then it goes into here and then it freezes over it’s frozen over certain places but it’s all coming down this path what’s up here a big lake makes tons of sense have it big

    Lake so yeah Hull have recently lost the nage when they do have a lot of percentage as well they do have a lot of possession Hull but they lost the Norge and they did lose to Sheffield wedding day and just last night they lost to Tony mb’s Birmingham in the last minute

    I think it was in the FA Cup so the out of the FA Cup so well done Tony morry beating Hull can Michael Bale do what Tony’s just done it’s a strange angeled Merry Go Round isn’t it this Football League Football manager Merry Go Round Tony Tony M’s buzzing with last night’s 21

    Victory against Hull can sun and do the same at home that’s set for 2-1 now I tell you what I’m pleased there’s no wind cuz I’d be absolutely freezing Cherry 2 Hats and CH 2 courts back again let’s go and climb this mountain well little bit of a hill but like I said

    H you know still they’re in a good run of form throughout the whole of the season to be where they are they’re done really well so it won’t be an easy game we can’t take it lightly but we’ve got to start a striker must start a

    Striker ran has to come back into the fold he really does this is a grand old building I want to say a big thank you to everybody who supported the channel over the years and we got another 20 odd subscribers yesterday we’re so close to 18,000 subscribers another nine more

    Subscribers and I’ve reached 18,000 so want to say a big thank you to everybody out there who subscribed to the channel if you are new to the Channel please pleas join them with them and subscribe it’s free to do so and give us a thumbs up if you enjoying the content on the

    Channel I try and bring you as much content as much news as possible just so pleased to watch them to come along this journey with us and hopefully we’ll take three points on Friday night against whole city unfortunately I’m absolutely good that I won’t be able to do a match day Vlog on

    Friday night I’ve be missing wy’s Bar and Grill absolutely gooded family circumstances I’ve got to be somewhere and do something but I will do me best to get you a live stream 10 minutes 10 minutes before the game starts I’ll find somewhere to do a live stream and yeah

    I’ve got Sky ghost that should be easy to do and I’ll bring you a live stream I’m not missing the match even though I’m missing the match back to normal next Saturday again Stoke this really is a good place to come for a visit and a walk and to walk

    You dog loads of dog walkers around here and what’s this here never seen this bit before I didn’t defying Birds oh well bird feeders very [Applause] quiet there’s a robin great viewing absolutely great viewing as you can see we’re at Hardwick Park of course you’ve guess where we are

    Hardwick Park what a lovely place to come and visit already got do is PE for the car park and that’s it £250 for all for 2 hours massive grounds loads of places to go for walks and runs and exercise I’ve been here many a time it’s a superb

    Place oh hope you’re enjoying the walk saw one of the roomors coming out of my sauce which was 9 days ago I did put it at the end of the video was that the scouts two or three Scouts have been watching mcy not M kulan mcy langstaff yes McAuley langstaff and

    Now it’s appeared over the last couple of De suned are really interested in this 1.5 million striker 1.5 million that’s a bargain when you think about 800,000 to cost for him yeah 1.5 I know is coming from non League he was born in Stockton I take could be middle very

    Fine doesn’t mean much born in Stockton he started his career at Stockton at the age of 18 then eventually moved through about the age of 22 York where I think he played 50 odd games and scored 11 goals then the gears head at 23 where he’s played 50 odd games and

    Scored 31 goals is it not quite sure but then his big move to knots County 70 plus games 60 plus goals something like 76 games 64 goals in 76 Gam games unbelievable strike rate we’ll show a couple of goals now mcy Lang staff there’s lots of we

    Saw SE there’s lots of talk going on about him at the club so that could be promising if we want to get somebody on the chief like we’re trying to do but as a proven goal scorer he could be the man to come in play alongside

    Rouan he looks decent like I said before it’s he was playing the gate at about 23 now he’s 26 years of age and he scored 20 goals this season already for Nots County with five assists so this guy knows where the back of the net is so

    What’s your thoughts on mcau I want to say mcau kulen stop saying that M Calli L Stu Frozen that frozen solid then on this side whole place is frozen even got some swans down here taking a chill I mean I may have gotten some of these figures slightly wrong

    But he is a go prolific goal scorer a prolific goal scorer keep an eye on those two keep an eye on those two birds yes he’s a prolific goal scor so yeah 1.5 million what you thought on McCoy is that a snip should be go for McCoy

    Because there’s also rumors are mad will not go anywhere else but sun and in the championship that would be fantastic those two together mcoy and Ahmad both come in this window imagine that Canada geese the Canada [Applause] geese yeah that’s a g there isn’t it feed the birds score predictions for the whole

    Game well oh what’s this after the defeat against Z switch I’m going to do a reverse I’m going to go 2-1 to sundland 21 to sundland Ring to get another goal it be brought I think he’ll be brought back in I’m I’m pretty sure he’s going to have to start ring Michael Bale

    He’s going to have to do something because there’s not many people like him and you think wait it’s not really Michael’s fault the club’s taking the M by bring a m be in what’s behind here oh I think this is where the quad biking is up there somewhere is quad biking and

    You got Hardrick Hall itself there as you can see in the distance but yeah I’m going to go for 21 so if you got the greater Sports Noggin if you want a chance to win one of them England shirts one of the two England shirts so far

    There’s about two or three people in the Hat two people in the Hat so far and that was ran Brown he got the correct score so well done we Brown so he goes into the Hat I missed him off I do apologize he picked Chap and 2 one di switch so well

    Done we Brown so there’s two people in the Hat so far and one has got the Michael got the correct score as well is it Michael ainson he got the correct score as well but not the correct goal scor so two people in the Hat so leave you score predictions down below with

    One goal scorer for a chance to win an England shirt yeah leave your score prediction Down Below in the comment section much appreciate it but I’m mad I think everybody will be mad not to want a mad back at the stadium of light I think everybody wants a mad back at the

    Stadium of light and he put on social media yesterday he’s not going anywhere in the championship apart from sundland yeah just watching some of U Michael Bale’s press conference Nick barns asked him about incomings and outgo is like nothing nothing a miserable G it justum Michael Bailey and I just we want them

    To win we want us to win we want them to do well but at this moment in time the fans just need something from these owners from the highi cuz it’s it’s getting toxic isn’t it it’s it’s starting to get a bit like negative and everyone’s a bit down we

    Need something to happen we really want need something to happen just like a couple of good signings or just a a decent Win It just I don’t know there’s just there’s nothing changed that’s the thing nothing at all has changed from Tony morb to Michael bale as in for me

    It’s getting worse the players don’t look very happy coming on the pitch the players somebody was saying that and I watched the back in the you’re right there you’re right the the body language is all seems off to me and this it seems to be just a lot

    Slower the play I I don’t know I don’t know what it is we we’ lost that flare that attack and flare but that will happen losing you know good players like a mad so hopefully we do get them back but some like some I mean if we just get

    Like you know like a good striker in and a mad or a Russian just firing all cylinders and I don’t want to lose Pritchard this window and there’s something between Pritchard and Bale doesn’t seem right either the language between the two the same I noticed the game against Preston was it

    Preston or was it Newcastle Newcastle he came over to the bench and Bale was seeing something to him and I saw something in in Pritchard that he just didn’t like I didn’t agree with and I saw a little something between two of them then again when he was taken off

    The other day there was something said again so there’s something just not there for me between those two and I’ve Got a Feeling Prett to be shipped out and I’ll be absolutely devastated and I tell you what be pissed off if he goes mind it makes us laugh cuz he’s

    Trying to take credit he says Ran’s had more minutes since he’s coming than before obviously Tony morb but rian’s taking a while to get up to this speed asn’t it so progression is going to happen with these kids eventually they should hit the floor run and eventually

    They should better mea scored two goals under 23s pmell got some game time so his injury he’s coming out of his injury and and ran that’s what I mean he’s building up rouan he’s got to start on Sat on Friday got to start on Friday and

    I really hope he scores so yeah Michael Bale says everybody needs to get together pull together fans the team the players the the coaches everyone pulling from the this singing from the same H sheet and we can make hopefully make the stadium like a fortress it’s been a while since we’

    Been able to say that there weren’t these exact words but that’s what he wants he wants everyone together over the next 19 19 games and let’s really push for the playoffs thought it was a room it’s not a room it’s just and ruins I am really worried about Pritchard though that whole contract

    Talk situation it pushed it the side basically saying it’s down to the yers which it is I suppose he’s just here the coach the players he Sayes he sees the players coming on really well as a group and that you know this should come together at some point and we’ll see some better

    Performances so we got to we got to believe in what he says you know end of the day a lot of people think he talks but I want him to succeed I really want him to succeed what do this one here please don’t sit a clim on the

    Dragon while she’s guarding the tower there’s a tower there Towers there and the dragon is guarden the tower Hopey do not far from SED field Hardrick Park there’s Hardrick Hall and here down at Hardrick hall there’s a festival on 16th 17th 18th of August 2020 4 and look who’s performing snor Patrol

    Charlington Heaven 17 we’ve got Becky Hill salt to Soul Richard ascroft Lightning Seeds Fleetwood back my Fleetwood ma Fleetwood back all sorts going on here all sorts going on it’s hardw call hardw park Wonder use it toilet in there St here Grand nice isn’t it there’s the butler there’s the

    Butler there we go toilet’s used I love a revolving door very nice hotel that very nice hotel there you go pop along to the hard Hall hotel and what some bands playing in August got tremendous grounds to boot I needed that pit stop so there we go hope you’ve enjoyed the video tonight

    Like I said before thanks for subscribing if I’ve reached 18,000 subscribers a big thank you to everybody out there who subscribed throughout the years absolutely awesome Sunland against H we’ve got to make this Stadium light back into a fortress it was always a hard place to come back on the

    Day seems like a long time AG go that now this season has been better at home mind better than last season we’re being po away from home Michael Bill Michael Bill Michael Bill end of the day as much as if we don’t like them or

    We do like them we’ve got to get behind the lads on Friday night I’m sure where everybody will be take care God bless me God go with you let me know your thoughts down below and yesterday’s video some absolutely fantastic comments especially to do with asking k l tomorrow night the big

    Meeting tomorrow night between kld and the fans group what will he be asked we’ve got to change the way we play football as well you know we just onedimensional at the moment Jack Clark Bar that’s it nothing else te have sused us out we’ve got a way bring we got to

    Find a way to bring a striker into the game you know Rian has the ability I believe he has the ability get him involved whether we got to change the formation will we see Michael B do something different against Hull touchwood we will touchwood three points right see you

    Later thanks for watching the video and we’ll see you back with Koo tomorrow night for mads out and about me other channel I’ve got another video I’ve got another Channel called mads out and about mads out and about normally do this kind of thing and that’s tomorrow

    Night back probably up on Friday morning so pop over the mads out and the about check out that channel if you enjoy subscribe right I’ve waffled on long enough now see you later thanks for watching just finishing off me run on this peaceful quiet night and one more thing I forgot to

    Say this key for M thing is not going away you know the rumors are lingering around still do we have the finances do we have some money left from the Ross Stewart situation from the lari situation to finalize a move for key for so imagine Kei from M Mulan m

    L get his name now well m i foret his name I tell you what memory is mental yeah but M as well it’s it’s frozen there but not frozen there look yeah MDI Lang langstaff mcau langstaff that’s his name mcau langstaff came fromwhere and I’m mad wouldn’t that be a

    Tremendous janary window we won’t get all three though I’d be surprised if one of those three come through the door so yeah out of one of those three of course aad is the one everyone will go mad about cuz he’s fantastic but out of you the two

    Who would you rather have at the club let’s do this this now M langstaff or Kea M or you could be greedy like me and take both as you can see the sun’s setting on this beautiful beautiful Winters night and I’m off home now going to go make

    Myself a nice chicken stir fry right I’ll see you later again I’m going I’m definitely going this time I promise you I’m going this time you’ve had enough of me by now right thanks for watching take care God bless me God go with you and thank you again for everybody who leaves

    A comment down below it is much appreciated cheers L just walked in the door as you can see it’s 5 5 and I’ve seen something on social media about Manchester United have said a mad is staying at Manchester United so Dio is staying at Manchester United am I gooded

    Of course I am there’s always an opportunity towards the end of the transfer window we still could get a laan we still could get a laan deal with aad he’s not going anywhere though he staying at Manchester United and you kind of still hope you can prize him

    Away with a la deal but if that’s the case let’s go for keep let’s go for Mr Mr mcy langstaff one of those two if not both and happy deers right I’m going this time I promise you my chicken’s just been no actually not we got some nice carrots some nice

    Broccoli and some nice chicken couldn’t find any stir friy sh there we go I’m going by


    1. Hello from Colorado USA. Became a Sunderland fan thanks to the Netflix show a few years ago and have followed from afar ever since. I worry Beale will be a disaster and not result in playoffs. Anyway I really enjoy your channel.

    2. No confident what so ever. I really don't mind us to get beat if the get beale out of our club, the fact is we won't get promote this season. I said again Will Still is our number 1 target but KLD couldn't afford it, if he has cash we won't go cheap not only players but head coach as well get KLD out of our club ASAP. If tomorrow we defeat I don't really care, tough week for me though my uncle just died.

    3. Hi Terry hardwick park looks lovely had to look on google earth to see where it is will definitely give it a visit 👍.Back to the footy I think any new blood in the team will be good at the moment especially a striker the hierarchy should be busting a gut to get amad back (3-1 Sunderland Clark to score HWTL)

    4. Sunderland-Hull 2-0. We probably must forget Amad since Utd plans to have him in their squad. Langstaff is 26 years old and have only played in the lower leagues and it's a big step to immediately deliver in the Championship. But if he comes cheap – maybe, maybe but that Kiefer Moore is at least proven on high levels and might be the better, and more expensive, option for now.

    5. I’ve been following the Heed on you tube and remember watching Langstaff a couple of years ago in their promotion season. Despite the difference in standard between League 1 where Sunderland were and National North I thought even then he was a shoe in for Sunderland at the time. Sad to see him gobbled up by Notts and feel that’s why the Heed struggled in their first season in the National League. He was a winger those days but very direct, fast and had an eye for goal. Don’t think the championship would be to difficult for him but we all know the gulf between Championship and PL.

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