This video explores the intense challenges faced by candidates attempting to earn a spot in the British Special Forces. We’ll uncover the secrets of these elite units and what makes their training so notoriously tough.
    We’ll gain a newfound appreciation for the men and women who endure their demanding training programs.
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    #SpecialForcesTraining #MilitaryReactions #EliteForcesChallenge

    Hey y’all welcome to the channel today we’re checking out why you won’t survive British Special Forces training I mean I could tell you a lot of reasons why but let’s see what they say the Special Air Service Britain’s original Special Forces and the granddaddy of all modern Special Forces

    The SAS is The Benchmark by which every other Special Forces Unit is measured and their tactics and training methods have been replicated all over the world many apply each year to join this legendary service and many fail and are washed out of training what about you

    Though think you’ve got what it takes to join the elite SAS SAS selection takes place across several phases of selection with selection phase one known as endurance taking place over three grueling weeks for phase one you’ll head out to the countryside in South Wales but don’t expect a picnic because you’ll

    Immediately be put to marching across varying routes initially you’ll carry a pack loaded up with the essential gear such as a rain poncho sleeping bag first aid kit and and distress flares okay I can walk how much weight are we talking though you can expect that as the

    Distance you’re Force to March increases so does the weight you’ll carry your food with you too which consists of some bread rolls a few Mars candy bars and potato chips along with a 24-hour ration pack that can only be opened in an emergency two Mars Bars potato chips

    Bread rolls and a ration pack there’s a lot of air in a bread roll so it doesn’t seem like the best choice chips are totally unhealthy that must just be for calories maybe that’s why the Mars Bars too it’s it’s still a weird combination like why those things why not a turkey

    Sandwich or for ration packs there must be some sort of mental test there’s probably some strategy mixed in with what foods you eat first and when you eat them maybe forced to March endlessly low on food and sleep this phase isn’t just testing your physical fitness but

    Your mental Fitness as well unlike in most other special forces candidate programs here you won’t have to deal with instructors screaming at you and breathing down your neck instead SAS instructors purposefully leave you completely to your own devices offering no encouragement but no chastisement either you will pass or fail completely

    Of your own Val that’s kind of Zin isn’t it we’re going to put out in the woods with these few things good luck or not even good luck they won’t even say good luck and you better be good at disciplining Temptation too because while you may be starving opening up

    That 24-hour emergency ration pack without permission is grounds for rejection attention to detail is critical for an sas Soldier so as long as you’re trying to drag yourself through another dayong march on your blistered feet you should expect instructors to occasionally quiz you about landmarks you may have just passed

    The purpose is to test to your alertness and see how well you can pay attention while physically miserable one candidate said he was asked how how many supports were on a bridge he had just crossed over during his March eventually you’ll face the final test a grueling 40m March

    Up and down Hills carrying 55 lbs of gear and an assault rifle to boost not only will 40 mil 40 miles in 22 hours okay no torture torture torture not only are you walking 40 Mi you’re carrying 55 lbs of gear and a rifle I don’t know if

    I’ve ever held an assault rifle but they look heavy that seems impossible I would not survive not to mention staying awake for 22 hours not only will you have to accurately navigate your own course but you’ll only have 22 hours to complete the course failure means your application process is over and you’ll

    Return to your home unit just because you passed though don’t expect that you’re on to the next official phase because instructors will have been carefully evaluating you the entire time if they suspect you aren’t the right stuff it won’t matter how fast you completed your course course or how much

    Weight you can carry you’ll be rejected and sent back to your home unit out of 200 candidates only around 30 to 40 will make it past this phase and move on to the next phase jungle training like most of sas’s training the exact details of what goes on in the jungle phase are

    Classified what is known though is that trainees will learn jungle survival skills as well as how to conduct patrols deep Behind Enemy Lines and live off the land for weeks at a time oh you know they’re wrestling alligators in the jungle if you go in the jungle you’re

    Going to encounter an alligator hell if you go onto a golf course in South Florida you’re going to you’re going to encounter an alligator and live off the land for weeks at a time weeks at a time in The Jungle by yourself without any food just eating whatever you find in

    The jungle I I would not survive I would not survive I wouldn’t make it past phase one how to conduct patrols deep Behind Enemy Lines and live off the land for weeks at a time trainees will learn how to operate as a four-man unit and live on rations remaining undetected as

    They carry out their mission a strong emphasis on physical fitness will also see trainees hit the gym every day and after the gym there will be a great deal of time spent out on the Range there you’ll learn how to operate standard bits of SAS gear to INE battle rifles

    Recoiless rifles grenade launchers and light machine guns Tres will also learn how to operate many other weapons in use across the world an sas Soldier must know how to pick up a weapon in a foreign Battlefield and use it effectively if he needs to I never would

    Have thought of that so not only do they have to learn how to use all the SAS weapons and gear they have to learn how to use the weapons and gear of you’ll also undergo training on setting up ambushes as well as responding to enemy ambushes you’ll be trained in advanced

    Scouting techniques and how to observe your environment for subtle changes that could signal a hidden enemy Patrol or a sniper perched in Waiting detecting changes in color Shadows or even small movements how do they know when there’s a sniper somewhere I wonder what the technique is as with many other special

    Force training programs you’ll also learn Advanced Defensive Driving techniques enabling a quick getaway in any hostile situation these are many of the same techniques that Police use for stopping speeding drivers but you’ll learn how to avoid those same techniques and not be stopped yourself that would

    Be so fun learning learning how to evade the cops we hope you like blowing things up because you’ll also be learning how to handle a variety of explosives and because explosions typically mean wounded you’ll receive extensive medical training that can be quickly deployed out in the field one of the most

    Important jobs that special forces operators do in war is reconnaissance and so you’ll learn how to establish listening posts and observation posts and covertly observe an enemy to Aid you in your mission you’ll learn how to use a variety of secure Communications gear such as satellite radios and how to

    Avoid getting pinned down by the enemy due to your electronic emissions lastly you’ll undergo extensive hand-to-hand and Close Quarters combat techniques and become an expert in breaching and assaulting enemies structures to make it to the end of this phase you’ll be amongst the 15 to 20 who didn’t get sick

    From the jungle environment and drop out or weren’t washed out by instructors don’t start congratulating yourself yet though because the ultimate test is coming up next part one of your final test is a 3-day escape and evasion course you’ll be given a ratty old coat boots that may be held together with

    Only strings and no food or water you’ll have a short Head Start and must evade capture for 3 Days by a hunter Force equipped with dogs and modern equipment oh my God they hunt you down like an animal that’s kind of brilliant though a lot of these things that they’re calling

    Training seems to actually be more like a test to see what you can do automatically naturally I think the training on the like the weapons and the driving would be really fun and interesting but these physical tests would be absolute torture and this this last one being hunted down even if you

    Know that it’s part of the training I think it would still mess with your head it would be terrifying to know that there are dogs coming after you for these three days you must live off the land while abing your pursuers and though officially you’re barred from entering any structures some crafty

    Trainees may sneak their way into a civilian property and maybe even have a local take them in as with most special forces tests cheating is simply another creative way of accomplishing the required objective as long as you aren’t caught that is the second part of your final test will take place when you’re

    Captured or at the end of the 3 days if you managed to avoid capture then you’ll be expected to return to a designated location at the end of the third day once there you’ll be handcuffed have a bag thrown over your head and be taken to a remote location instructors will

    Then attempt to break you down mentally you’ll be placed in stress positions and forced to hold them for hours at a time you may be locked in a cage the size of a dog kennel while instructors bash the roof of it with chains instructors will strip you nude in front of female

    Instructors who will mock the size of your manhood it’s all a mental game meant to soften you up for the ending interrogation session that is messed up so even if you make it past those three days of not being captured by the dogs they’re going to put a bag of your head

    Put you in a cage make you naked and have women make fun of your penis this is really they’re they’re taking it to another level with the penis mocking no matter how well endowed you are it could get to your head it’s all a mental game

    Meant to soften you up for the pending interrogation session after enough humiliation and mental torture you’ll be thrown into a room with an interrogator and your job will be to only reveal the big four to him or her your name rank serial number and date of birth giving the interrogator any information other

    Than that will lead to your immediate expulsion from SAS training but if you know that going in surely the interrogators use tactics like say the training’s over you made it congratulations now tell us something other than those four things that’s it the end of the line for you if you make

    It through this Final Phase then you can feel proud of accomplishing what very few people have ever done you’ll receive the beige Beret with the winged dagger Insignia and officially become a member of the British Special service however maybe celebrate modestly because you’ll be on probation until you finish your

    Continuation training and sadly many soldiers are returned to their home unit during this phase if that happens to you you’ll at least have worn the Beret for a short time and that’s an accomplishment in and of itself you sadly celebrate modestly because you’ll be on probation until you finish your

    Continuation training and sadly many soldiers are returned to their home unit during this phase if that happens to you you’ll at least have worn the Beret for a short time and that’s an accomplishment in and of itself if you make it through training though you’ll join the 22nd Special Air Service

    Regiment which consists of four active squadrons a b d and g each Squadron is made up of around 60 men AB b d and g is this just another tactic to mess with your head meaning there’s roughly 240 active duty SAS soldiers at a time I I

    Didn’t realize how Elite it was but that’s only 240 I mean you could probably do a lot of damage with 240 SAS members for sure but with two Reserve regimens the 21st and 23rd SAS this is in sharp contrast to the approximately 2,000 Navy Seals the US military has but

    That’s due to the smaller size of the British military amongst each SAS Squadron are four troops and each troop specializes in a different area of expertise the air troop is specialized in Parachute insertions including static line insertions and Halo jumps deep Behind Enemy Lines the boat troop is specialized in amphibious operations

    Such as inserting into hostile beaches via submarines a favorite tactic of us seals interestingly SAS and American seals work so closely together that often SAS soldiers will deploy from an American submarine specially outfitted to deliver Special Forces under the cover of the Waves Mobility we got your back SAS Mobility troop soldiers specialize

    In handling any number of vehicles you can think of them as the getaway drivers of the SAS Mountain troops are trained in Arctic Warfare and navigating and surviving in dangerous mountainous terrain SAS Mountain troops were close mostly with American and French special forces in the mountain regions of

    Afghanistan hunting down Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters in Deep Mountain complexes the close-knit relationship between SAS and American Special Forces means that both Nations share many of the same tactics and training techniques and in SAS Soldier is always welcome aboard any American aircraft or boat if

    You joined the SAS in the early 2000s you may have been a part of the legendary task force 88 easily the deadliest fighting force ever assembled on planet Earth immediately after San Hussein’s government was ousted from Power task force 88 was formed to hunt down the former dictator and his

    Supporters and over the years their job evolved to becoming the premier Hunter killers of NATO’s war against terrorist leaders in Iraq and Afghanistan most of their deeds are shrouded in extreme secrecy though it’s known that tf8 was responsible for killing one of the key members of the Insurgency alzarka at its

    Heights task force 88 was made up of Task Force black an sces saber Squadron supported by specialist Boat Service operators task force blue was made up of the legendary SEAL Team Six task force green was made up of operatives from America’s Delta Force and task force

    Orange was made up of the single most secretive Special Forces operators in the world America’s intelligence support activity a Special Forces Unit whose job is to find actionable intelligence for other special forces units and which the Pentagon denies any official knowledge of yeah I’ve never heard of that I

    Didn’t know we had that I guess that’s a good thing they want to stay secret right I shouldn’t know about it and now whoever made this video is probably dead task force 88 was an example of the closeit relationship between the Special Air Service and its American counterparts and that

    Relationship continues to this day in unacknowledged conflicts all around the world if you think you’ve got what it takes to make it through SAS selection after watching our video maybe you too will be working side by side with the world’s best hunting down bad guys in jungles deserts and mountains all over

    The globe now that you watch this adrenaline packed video maybe it’s time to chill out wow I didn’t know so just to recap I think I could survive being stripped naked and women making fun of my penis and I think I could survive the weapons and driving

    Training but any of the endurance stuff hell no not only would I be kicked out of the SAS I I would probably die when I was growing up I lived across the street from this guy who was a Navy SEAL and he said that in training they taught

    Him how to hide behind something as small as a vase like about like a Basketball by using the shadows and however else like positioning his body in a certain way he could hide behind that thing wow I have a lot more respect for the SAS now that I’ve seen this I

    Didn’t really even know what it was before I didn’t even know what SAS stood for but now when I see somebody wearing that Beret props to you person High opening video thank you all for recommending thank you all for watching and I’ll see you next time later


    1. JJ you might find this interesting, again my brothers and his training, This is true, this is to with the questions asked aroun 3.00m we live in the north east england, we had a guy go off the rails, ralph moet (spell check) he went on bit of rampage with shot gun best i remember it, he was out in the middle of knowhere, forest and all that, hard to fund and track down, he was caught in the end but turned the gun on himself,
      My brother after leaving the forces, after 22 years in the para's was working for the police as civilian, as you know, our police dont use weapons often, but this was a different thing, bi like rambo lets say, after it all went down, my brother was asked to train the police, in communications, fire arms and search and detect for the police,
      for example, he is on the right next to the tree,….what tree there are hundreds, is it evergreen, does it have leaves on, describe the tree, he even taught them while in groups, how you should stand together waiting for orders, but cover every corner, you get my drift, this is the training, why they being asked

    2. To explain the chips/crisps; if you sweat a lot, you sweat out the salt in your body too. You need some kind of salty snack to replenish that, alongside some quick sugars (the Mars bars), and some carbs.
      As a quick testament to how much the SAS go through; ex-SAS members are often scouted to train the American Navy Seals.

    3. When my dad was in the Army as a royal engineer he told me they were rationed out of date mars bars that weren atleast 5 years old and the chocolate had turned white. I remember him saying some of the bars were dated to the 70's and he was just an engineer could only imagine what the soldiers and SAS endured to make them survive withouth the comforts of life as we know it.

    4. I've watched many of your reactions, you definitely are my favourite, with regards to the variety of content, how you stop check and research anything you don't understand, as well as not dragging out your interruptions, just to hear your own voice.

      I must apologise however, as I only realised, I had not subbed until now!!!

      My bad and rectified!

      You a good egg! 👍

    5. Having many years ago actually done enemy/jailer for the escape and evasion [it's fixed so no one evades] and interrogation phases for 21 SAS, shall I just say I don't remember the todger mocking bit – though they do mess with their heads.
      You can take the accuracy of the rest from that.

    6. My grandfather and father were both in the army during WW2. They were real men. You, on the other hand, look like you couldn't last a day. Where are the real men? You look like a feeble little girl who would scream if they saw a mouse. No wonder women push men around. Your body and mind are able to do so much. Prove you are a man.

    7. The best SAS "Escape form the Brecon Beacons" (Wales) has got to be Sir Ranulf Fiennes finding a phone box and calling a taxi. They're supposed to use their brains and be adaptable.

    8. if you read the book on the life of paddy mayne sas and sterling for one it's a very good book 2 takes you how and why paddy mayne and sterling started the sas brilliant book great on info and really really funny you'll see why.

    9. There was an Australian TV series called Bush Tucker Man. He was a former SAS trooper who served in Vietnam. He was given the task of speaking to the indigenous people and learn all the bush food and medicine. He brought back samples to be tested for nutritional value.

    10. I remember in the Air Training Corp cadets we did an evade and escape exercise near RAF Wittering. We were only about 13-18 year olds and we didn't find out until that night, that it was the SAS who were hunting us. They were merciless, caught us all in less than 40 minutes.

    11. I heard a story that the American military used the SAS to challenge their own elite forces. The SAS chaps had them all captured on the same day.
      They were seriously shocked. The British SAS are indeed the best.

    12. Reminds me, had an urgent call to open up my armoury once. Small unremarkable chap rocks up to drop in 2 handguns.
      Had to enter them on registry for checks.

      Cpl. Smith.
      What you got?
      Sig 226 & walther ppk (defo not regular issue and banned from private ownership)
      I looked at him and grinned..
      He grinned.
      Ok I said, see you tomorrow.

    13. I think more of you should follow this guy. He gets a shed load (slang) of likes and shocked he’s not got more followers.

      I know I sound like a fan boy and it’s very embarrassing. Yet I said it.

    14. Great reaction, really enjoyed your take on this from a very different angle 😀
      That said, the original is a bit off in places … a good example being when it compares the numbers of serving SAS to the US Navy Seals, who are more comparable to the Royal Marine Commandos. A better comparison would be to Delta force or certain other army related special forces units. The Navy Seals do have their own elite unit, DEVGRU (formerly known as Seal Team 6), but that is better compared to the British SBS (Special Boat Service), most of whom come via the Royal Marines.
      Regardless, they are all seriously determined, extremely capable and work side by side across all theatres so who really cares about bragging rights!

    15. This reminds me of that story of when the SAS were stationed with the Navy Seals and the seals had a sign outside their camp saying "Second to nobody" so the SAS put a sign outside their barracks saying "Nobody"

      It was something like that and it just encapsulated British wit perfectly. 😂

    16. The Squadrons are lettered strangely as A,B,D & G as a nod to the Rhodesian SAS who were C Squadron originally and G is for Guards squadron and was named because in the late 50s during ops in Oman and Malaya there was a need for urgent manpower increase and the guards parachute company got into the SAS without selection(Described by Lofty Wiseman in his book of his time in the SAS from mid 1950s-late 60s).

    17. dont think they would be using tactics like "you passed" .. and then claiming actually no they're still in the test. They arent trying to make them fail at all costs.. At the end of the day they have to trust the British army .. that would be super harsh 🙂

      But what amazes me is how they do the physical training without major injury. As a fitness person myself I know if you just do a bit more than you're used to you can develope an injury and then you absolutely HAVE to back off.. otherwise that injury becomes long term and very nasty ; if you're being forced to keep going that is inevitible… and there is no way to carry on once you have shinsplints.. stress fracture.. damaged ligaments.. etc.. etc.. game over.

    18. My wife must have been an SAS instructor as she was always making fun of my extension and lack of stamina I told her I was no good on rough ground.

    19. Anyone interested in the SAS selection should look up the Brecon Beacons in winter…. hell on earth!!! Like taking a ring to mount mordor.

    20. Bear in mind that SAS candiadates / applicants are commonly drawn from the Royal Marines (primarily Commandoes) or the Para's (Paratroopers) , both are well trained on stealth / guerilla / self sufficiency operations … they're not total "newbs" and notoriously hard as nails to begin with , regular troops may be eligible but would be exemplary in terms of fitness …. mentally, physically & technically

    21. I heard a story once when the lads were doing parachute training ,and i think it was 800 feet was maximum height to deploy your shute,after he opend his shute one of the old lads went sailing past him giving him the "wanker"sign with his 👌 hand, pisser!

    22. Wishy washy. They didn’t mention the gruelling rough terrain in Wales or the extreme weather conditions that you have to navigate through. The penis laughs thing is just a tiny example of what psychological games that could occur. It’s not so matter of fact as to why I think this video is dumb.

    23. with us brits the training is already there with all common folk, hundreds of years of hardship ,blood and war made a empire that my ancestors would be proud of,, why you wont survive our training ? many countries have survived it , many countries claim to have harsher ,better training in this modern world ,, but celtic briton dave made us and we made you western or eastern brothers in our image

    24. Back in the seventies I was part of an escape and evasion team hunting the troops we were dressed in Russian uniforms with AK 47s and trust me it got brutal

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