Estos Merengues Extra Firmes no se bajan; permanecen igual durante varios días. No cambia su textura una vez decorada la tarta o el postre.
    Estos exquisitos complementos para rellenar y decorar pasteles son la clave para elevar tus creaciones a nuevas alturas de sofisticación y sabor.
    #merengues #merenguesuizo #merengueitaliano

    Ingredientes Merengue suizo:
    500 gramos azúcar
    250 gramos clara de huevo ( clara de 7 huevos )
    opcional 1 cucharadita esencia de vainilla o otro tipo de saborizante
    Ingredientes Merengue italiano:
    300g azúcar
    125ml agua
    150g clara de huevo ( claras de 4 huevos )
    2 sobres de azúcar de vainilla ( se puede sustituir con 1 cucharadita de azúcar común )
    1 cucharadita de sal de frutas con sabor a limón ( Si no tienes sal de frutas o no te gusta,
    lo puedes sustituir por una cucharadita de jugo de limón o vinagre )
    Temperatura del Almíbar a 118 grados

    0:00 – Introducción Merengue Suizo
    0:54 – Añade azúcar y clara
    01:30 – Temperatura merengue
    02:28 – Batir merengue
    04:23 – Ventajas Merengue Suizo
    04:50 – 5 Trucos Merengue Suizo
    05:57 – Tipo boquillas
    06:49 – Tips rosas merengue
    8:37 – Introducción Merengue Italiano
    9:28 – Receta paso a paso
    10:35 – Almíbar
    12:10 – Truco EXTRA FIRME
    13:25 – Truco para hacer Rosas
    14:21 – Cómo formar Rosas

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    Are you one of those who can’t make a meringue correctly? If so, stay with me because this tutorial is especially for you, since I tell you all the tricks to get an extra firm and shiny Swiss meringue. The meringue is made up of egg whites and sugar and

    Is a light foamy or crunchy preparation, depending on the final use and the type of cooking we give it. Meringue is an ideal preparation to take advantage of the egg whites left over from other pastry preparations, both for filling and decorating cakes and pastries, and baked in the form of Small Bites,

    It constitutes a delicious sweet that is also tolerated by celiacs. To prepare a perfect Swiss meringue you only need to follow a few simple steps that, although we must follow them, especially everything related to temperatures, are easy to follow.

    Add 500 g of sugar and 250 g of egg white, which would be the whites of seven eggs. We will begin by preparing a casserole with a little water that we will put on the fire to boil

    On top. We will place a bowl that fits the contour of the casserole with the whites And the sugar we stir with a spatula or rod and heat in a water bath, controlling the temperature with a kitchen thermometer until we see that the sugar dissolves, stirring without stopping and without exceeding 60-65 centigrade,

    Since higher temperatures They would make the egg whites coagulate. Mix for 4 or 5 minutes if you make more than seven egg whites. Remember that the time will increase. If you don’t have a thermometer, now we do the finger test.

    It consists of taking a sample of egg white and sugar with your fingers and rubbing them in order to feel if there are lumps of sugar in the preparation. The mixture should feel very hot, almost burning, and without a grain of sugar.

    Once the sugar has dissolved in the egg whites, we would transfer the preparation to the mixer bowl with beaters . It could also be made with a manual mixer. Although the preparation time would be longer, we begin to beat at medium-high or high speed until the egg whites begin to

    Rise or until the meringue cools completely and is firm and shiny as you can see I set a timer and this way I show you how many minutes you need to beat until you get this extra firm Swiss meringue texture

    Here I stop the mixer After 10 minutes of beating and I’ll tell you that just like this, this Swiss meringue is used to make sighs or pablova. One proof that the meringue is completely beaten is that it forms a peak. So we also call the parrot’s peak

    To get an extra firm texture. I’m going to beat the meringue for 5 more minutes. and I add a teaspoon of vanilla essence Now yes, I have achieved the texture and firmness that I was looking for with this extra firm meringue. You can fill cakes, griddle cakes, multi-layer cakes

    , you can line the cakes and decorate this meringue with pastry bags. Extra firm Swiss is marked very well with the pastry bag, it holds up the decoration very well for several days, it is used to decorate cupcakes and all types of individual cupcakes.

    This meringue can be dyed with gel coloring or powder coloring. Add butter to this meringue. without salt to the point of pomade And if you continue beating for a few more minutes you will get the Swiss butter meringue or the Swiss buttercream -What advantages does Swiss meringue have?

    It is more stable than the French meringue and easier to make than the Italian meringue, as the sugar dissolves in the egg whites with heat, granulated sugar works perfectly for us, we do not need icing sugar, you will never notice the sugar grains in your mouth.

    Now I will give you some tricks to get this extra firm Swiss meringue – trick number one!! The eggs should always be at room temperature since this way they retain air much better and we will get them to mount better. -trick number two

    Always use fresh egg whites, by this I mean that you do not buy pasteurized egg whites that come ready to use, with these whites our meringue will not have as much body. Although it will whip up, it will not have all the volume we want. -Trick number three

    : use a metal or glass bowl, this may seem silly but it will undoubtedly make a difference. Metal and glass are smooth materials without grooves, so once clean they are perfect. -trick number four to separate the whites from the yolks, I recommend that you do it in a separate bowl

    And one at a time, so that you understand it better I break the egg in a glass and put the yolk in a glass and in the other the Clara and from there I transfer the egg white to the bowl where I am going to assemble them.

    And why do I do that?? very easy because this way if an egg yolk breaks I won’t spoil the rest of the egg whites. The nozzles that I use to make this decoration are the Large Nozzle number 353, the nozzle number 1E, the 1M from Wilton and to form

    Beautiful and different roses I will show you my trick and the easy way to achieve it : paint the pastry bag on the inside by tracing a Line with gel coloring using a long skewer and fill the pastry bag with extra firm meringue once you have inserted the rose nozzle. This

    Way you will get very pretty roses without using a lot of coloring. Now I will give you the last trick and advice – trick number five – the amount of sugar must be twice the weight of the egg whites, therefore it is much better

    To weigh the egg whites to ensure that we are adding the exact amount of sugar, which is why This is the reason that in some meringue recipes we will find the quantities in Grams, that is, 100 g of egg white, which would be approximately four eggs per 200 G of sugar

    , and that is where my five tricks for a hard and shiny meringue end. Remember that depending on The meringue you want to get, and for what you need, will be prepared in one way or another, but these five tricks are generalized, so I

    Recommend that you always keep them in mind when preparing any type of meringue. I hope this tutorial will help you and that you can make a perfect shiny hard meringue and of course extra firm with today’s tutorial I want to encourage you to make this cream,

    So that you can see that it is really easy to make I will give you tips and tricks to get an extra firm meringue, which It does not go down, it remains hard for many days, it is used to form roses and any decoration with nozzles

    Is used to fill and cover cakes, to decorate cupcakes and many more desserts . This is an economical, delicious, extra firm and perfect meringue, easy to make. prepare for many And the truth is difficult for many more, I have made more than three videos on my two channels teaching it how to prepare

    And although many people have managed to hit the Good point of merengue with my videos, I continue working so that more and more people who You can enjoy preparing it with confidence and savor the taste of this delicious cream.

    First step, you add 300 grams of sugar in a saucepan and 125 ML of water separately. In a separate bowl, you add 150 g of egg white, which would be the whites of four eggs and you also add two envelopes of vanilla sugar, each envelope contains 8

    G. Which can be replaced by a teaspoon of common sugar. I set the timer as in almost all my tutorials and in this way I help you know the time you need for each Italian meringue phase is like this, in the saucepan you have to boil the

    Syrup over medium-low heat and separately in a bowl you beat the egg whites. If you have a thermometer, the ideal temperature of the syrup is 118 degrees without a thermometer, the way to know The point of the syrup is to control the time. It will be around 7 minutes for this amount.

    Another important tip would be when the syrup starts to bubble, it will be at its ideal point. Turn off the heat and add a teaspoon of lemon-flavored fruit salt. If not, If you have fruit salt or you don’t like it, you can replace it with a teaspoon

    Of lemon juice or vinegar, which you add to the egg whites that are being whipped. Mix the lemon-flavored fruit salt well with the hot syrup and start adding it little by little. little by little to the whipped egg whites without stopping beating.

    If you use a professional mixer it will be much easier for you. This step I like to teach and make it this way because I’m sure that all of you are going to make it because you see that using an inexpensive common hand mixer I get a bright and delicious extra firm meringue.

    Here I want to show you another trick with 13 minutes in total now. We would have enough, A meringue at its firm and shiny point, but I am going to beat for 2 more minutes and I will get an extra firm meringue.

    Look how it rises to the blades of the mixer because of how firm and hard It is, it is not completely cold, it is warm This meringue is perfect as you can line your cakes and you can decorate any type of decoration with nozzles. In total, it took 15 minutes for this quantity.

    This meringue holds up very well at room temperature in any climate . It is the most economical cream, the best known and The most used in baking in the world, this cream lasts very well in the refrigerator for 4 days, the decoration

    Of the cake will remain the same, it does not go down, it does not melt and it does not change to preserve the leftover meringue, the best way is in an airtight tupperware It can even be frozen and it lasts very well for a month

    Here I want to show you a trick to get some impressive, different and perfect roses I use the nozzle for petals number 125, you can use a larger or smaller similar type nozzle to make petals When you have the nozzle in the pastry bag, draw a line right where

    The thin part of the nozzle with the help of a skewer painted with red wine or red wine gel coloring or the color that you like the most. Fill the pastry bag. with meringue and this way you can also see

    That its texture did not change at all and it remains the same, perfect and extra firm. Now I will show you my way of forming the roses. A very easy way to do this you need a nail. It is a very accessible and important tool.

    We found it. In the baking store where you buy the nozzles, you put a little Italian meringue on it, as if to form the center of the rose and now you pass it over it like a ribbon to cover it two or three times

    , then you form the petals, the nozzle always at the same time. Thick part downwards . This way you get white roses with a red tip. They look very pretty and different. With this amount of Italian meringue, you can line a cake 15 or 18 cm

    In diameter by 10 cm high and it will give you something to decorate with roses. three or five roses plus some fine decoration If you are looking for decoration with Russian nozzles here I leave you a link with a step by step tutorial

    Here I leave you a tutorial with tall and Perfecto cake here a list of creams and here a list of Disney princess cakes Thank you very much for your support and see you soon!!


    1. Ingredientes Merengue suizo:

      500 gramos azúcar

      250 gramos clara de huevo ( clara de 7 huevos )

      opcional 1 cucharadita esencia de vainilla o otro tipo de saborizante


      Ingredientes Merengue italiano:

      300g azúcar

      125ml agua

      150g clara de huevo ( claras de 4 huevos )

      2 sobres de azúcar de vainilla ( se puede sustituir con 1 cucharadita de azúcar común )

      1 cucharadita de sal de frutas con sabor a limón ( Si no tienes sal de frutas o no te gusta,

      lo puedes sustituir por una cucharadita de jugo de limón o vinagre )

      Temperatura del Almíbar a 118 grados

    2. بسیار عالی ، ممنون بابت آموزش عالیتون ❤ آیا مرنگ سویسی بدون کره سفت و خوب مانده است ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

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