🎙 Episode #139 Timestamps:

    00:00:00 – Intro
    00:01:15 – Breton’s Predictions for 2024
    00:14:50 – Premier League Spotlight: “KDB is The Best Premier League Midfielder Ever.”
    00:34:30 – Transfers Time:
    00:52:23 – Most In-Form Teams To Watch Right Now! Bayer Leverkusen, PSV…
    01:08:20 – Wonderkids & Outro


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    Kevin De bruyne is the best Premier League midfielder ever in the history of the Prem he’s got five Premier League titles he’s got one champions league and de bruyne is the only player that was before Guardiola arrived he marked the Guardiola era he’s the best player in

    The Guardiola era Kevin De bruyne and I think this Guardiola man city is one of the best teams I’ve ever seen and definitely top two in ever in the premier league history what’s up guys here with you FC Wonder kit episode 139 here with my guy bradson

    How are you I’m doing great I I’m still processing the fact that we’re in 2024 but um it is Happy Kevin De brua is back week and happy Arsenal Liverpool Manchester whoever United whatever shaking in their boots week is back uh because Kevin De bruyne is back uh and

    That is huge for all of us frankly um and I think Belgium just became a favorite for the Euros I don’t know but I’m just kidding that was tongue and cheek uh but Alex I got to ask how are you doing uh in January 2024 have you

    Processed the fact that we’re we’re here we’re in a new year yet we’re we’re in a you New Year fantastic it’s so true and the expectations are the EUR are coming cup America’s coming the Champions League the last time we going to see the Champions League like this it’s coming

    And the final in London so I am really excited but Bretton I remember there was a promise in the last podcast for you to give your predictions for 2024 so people put down below too what are your predictions in the comment section and anything you want to see in future

    Podcasts us to discuss but Breton let us know what are your predictions well well you know I don’t want to take up way way too much time on this but I think I might start argument arguments here and I think there might be some uh some some love

    Uh quote unquote love in the comments section after this but let’s start with one that we talked about last week um I still and want to reiterate and you were in agreement with me that uh unless there are kind of coming of Ages right in terms of uh let’s see VOR rook in

    Terms of endri at Real Madrid uh Brazil prediction for 2024 Brazil will continue to struggle in 2024 uh they will not win Copa America they will qualify for 2026 even though that won’t happen in 2024 um but until they get their personnel right until they uh get the proper coach in and

    Yes I I don’t necessarily believe that he’s the long-term answer if you look at doral’s history he has not been at any club any club for longer than three years I understand this is a nation so maybe this is hopefully for him the the end of all managerial spots right where

    He decides to put his anchor down and and hang on because he becomes a legendary fixture in uh Brazilian football but right now right now Dory Vall uh to me somebody that doesn’t know the Brazilian Federation too much which is going to set me up for a little bit

    Of pain the only thing I remember about Doral is the fact that in 2010 he lost his job because he stood up to Neymar if I remember correctly right he benched Neymar I guess for us professional attitude or whatever he thought he was benching him for and he paid with his

    Job now since then I think he has managed every Club in the brazili ra almost every Club in the brazili ra most recently he was at Sal Pao most recently he won a cup and I know he has the respect but I also don’t necessarily

    Think he is the guy that is going to lead a Brazilian team to a Copa America win in the states uh and beyond that um they’re going to have to figure it out by 2026 which is the next time I see Brazil having a real real real chance to

    Be on top of the world okay so Brazil HRI continue VOR ven J hrig all much better players all much better players but going with what you said on Dorval dor Val Jr is by no means close to the level of angelotti Mr Carlo angelotti that all Brazilian fans were hoping

    We’re praying we’re doing anything in their hopes to get him as the manager carelot would have been the best possible manager for the Brazil National Team Doral is not close and I would have picked Morin ahead of daral and GA that is doing a phenomenal job at Gru look

    How look how happy Luis sharez was at Gru with Doral Jr it’s so like he was a charismatic fell that everybody knows GA loves to go to the beach in R de Jano kabana he’s known to be a charismatic coach that would be better than Doral Jr to coach this Brazilian national team

    And to do have this young core with him okay that needs to do very good in cop America so with Dory V I mean with Dory V do you think that Neymar um oh yeah he selected they I mean it’s 133 years Neymar is selected always with with even with

    He would he would have need to have some talks with Jin that would want to understand why is in Neymar the best Neymar at the Brazil National Team somewhere where he can be loved so somewhere where he can show his best football but it doesn’t seem to be the

    Case but what are your other prediction spron you know I started with a layup here uh now I’m going to um hit you pretty hard uh I feel that in 2024 we will see shavei sacked as Barcelona coach oh I I there’s frustration that seems to be brewing in it’s not well yes

    That he’s he’s definitely there you’ve got if you’re going internally you’ve got Rafa Marquez um it’s who knows I mean maybe even uh the Valencia coach who’s who’s making a little bit of waves these days doing something with very little um but it’s not something I want

    To see and let me reiterate I I actually believe shavei longterm longterm um has what it takes to thread the needle that is a insanely legendary status and legendary history of Barcelona with a internal clock right when internal run running of the ship that is just still being worked out

    Right and being able to thread that needle um to to perform on the field but at the same time uh be able to play Kate all the all the masses right I think can only be done with maybe a guy like shavei longterm the issue is is I do

    Believe that some people from a tactical uh standpoint from Personnel standpoint they don’t believe shabi is the guy long term feel like shabi might be might be well yeah levendowski I mean you’re you’re talking about quite a few within there that they’ve got to get rid of I

    Mean ruffi we’ve been talking about new think they need to get rid of for the last year I don’t want to want to but but not get rid of I mean phase out phase out over time um but if it’s for playing style if it’s for the inability

    To get the most out of his players I can understand a sacking what I don’t necessarily is uh understand and I don’t think they’re going to sack him necessarily for this would be if he doesn’t go out and win the Champions League or he doesn’t go out and get at

    Least quarterfinal semis but I have a feeling that that’s exactly what’s going to do him in they lose to Napoli shab’s gone I think if they don’t get top three in in La Liga I think Chavi could be gone but I do see that La pora believes

    In Chavi for two years I think it will show a lot of commitment to Chavi if he keeps him in the summer with bad results this season because another season of levandowski now he’s got VOR roet the second half of the Season L molder he like there’s a lot of

    Variables but going with what you said about Chavi Barcelona with leandos leandos at Barcelona has 70 Gam 44 goals 12 assists this confirms that La Liga is much harder than the bundes Liga and two that Barn Munich has a much better team than Barcelona right now and in the last

    Three years too it’s a fact he’s believing in the future of bar and who can blame him it’s a beautiful city it’s a good project that it show to be getting G hon there they St in there there’s still good players there so I don’t necessarily agree that shavei will

    Be sacked in 2024 but I do think there’s a high risk if they don’t get top three nor if and if they lose to Napoli too which I believe Barca will be beating Napoli I believe that will happen especially if oim leaves in January well

    Yes on oh yeah well you know if if he if he gets 120 140 million for him or plus um maybe Napoli can uh learn how to spend well but no I mean looking at the round of 16 opponents uh Barcelona is thanking their lucky star

    They brought Napoli in I mean the only one better I guess would have been Copenhagen at this in 2030 will be 23 that is absolutely mad and I I see people say oh common player in the comment section you’re right a 16-year-old playing in La Liga playing in the Champions League

    Playing for the Spanish national team common player he can be at the same level right now but he’s 16 so it’s the level and the potential the potential people is unreal so that’s why B plays and he’s got a lot of not even well yeah I mean the quality at 16 years old

    Speaks for itself he’s the youngest goal scorer in the history of the Spanish super cup he’s the youngest goal scorer in the history of La Liga he’s the youngest goal scorer in the history of European or Euro qualifying and I believe he’s the youngest goal scorer in

    The history of the Spanish national team so Lin Mall um obviously has done a lot has packed in a lot at 16 but you’re right I mean it it you have to develop other tools beyond that uh as we move further along and sometimes people move sideways um I’m not equating laminal to

    Boan kirkish but that is a cautionary tale of getting way too excited about somebody way too quickly now l linia m I think is already done much more than boan kirkish did to assume his holy crap this is the future of Barcelona um status so we’ll we’ll see but I’m I’m

    With you I want to reiterate I don’t want to see shavei Zack I still think even even if they bow out of comp you know competitions earlier than they’d like to even if he loses to Napoli even if he if he falls out of top three I

    Really would like to see them stick with him because frankly it’s the internal stuff that needs to be dealt with and I can’t see anybody right now uh more equipped uh to handle it even if they suffer on the field the issue is is you have that that facade you have that

    Front that Legend status of Barcelona has to be Uber competitive at all times and it just doesn’t jive well with the the internal of right now right the internal of right now so we’ll we’ll see um but that is that is one I know that I had a feeling

    You were going to have some issues with that but you also see the the possibilities right okay so your predictions is that Brazil will not perform is that chvi will be sucked and what’s the third Breton the third one is unfortunately I’m going all negative here

    Um if the US national team I got to go with a little bit of a homerism here uh if the US national team is successful in 2024 at Copa America and I’m going to reiterate I think their cap is potentially third place at Copa America a Copa America that Brazil will not win

    Um I believe it’s in spite of Greg burh halter and it’s not because of Greg berhalter unless burh halter shifts changes um you know starts to mold his team around his actual player Personnel instead of trying to throw them into a tactical setup that is boring as all get

    Out to watch 99% of the time um I really think that Greg berhalter should be gone um if they don’t get on the podium or in the semifinals of the cop of America that should be the minimum and he should be gone because you’ll have two years to

    Get it right we are in the middle of or the beginning stages of a super cycle of competitions worldclass competitions coming to our Shores coming to the United States of America coming to our continent and that in and of itself is not being met right in parallel with the

    Ambition of our Federation in signing Greg berhalter a second time to run for a second cycle now I don’t want to see him fail want to him change but I really yeah well I don’t even know if he’s necessarily who I would bring in anymore and let’s let’s save that for another

    Day but when it comes down to it if he missteps and he doesn’t get in the semi-finals of Copa America and and the US does not get there he needs to be gone okay and I actually do think that that’s going to happen I think we’re going to underperform at Copa America

    And if we don’t it’s because Christian pulic uh juventus’s new Andrea Piro just kidding he’s not Andrea Pio but Juventus is won mckenny who’s having a great great run of form to start 2024 uh and and several several others Unis Musa others it will be in spite of

    Greg berhalter and not because uh and I just hate saying this but he’s not the man he’s not the man for me and I really should have I don’t know spoken out before 2024 uh I’m sorry before 2022 the World Cup um but when it comes down to

    It uh he’s the guy that they up picking and to pick them a second time after underperforming the way that they have the only skin they’ve got right now is mexicos and at some point that might change too if you see the further development of Santiago Jimenez right

    Fidel umbre others so yeah I don’t like saying it but I need to see change I need to see change completely understandable Bron because your expectations being the host to of cup America being the host of the next World Cup us men national team’s expectations

    Are to go through in any of those group stages any of those group stages you’re going to have full stadiums all supporting the US Men’s National Team so no pressure but let us know down below do you agree with br’s predictions let us know what are you thinking in the

    YouTube comment section but yes the Premier League did not disappoint man city did not disappoint and I’m going to start by saying I’m going to go very bold states that Kevin De bruyne is the best Premier League midfielder ever in the history of the Prem he’s got five

    Premier League titles he’s got one champions league and de bruyne is the only player that was before Guardiola arrived he marked the Guardiola era he’s the best player in the Guardiola era Kevin De bruyne and I think this Guardiola man city is one of the best teams I’ve ever seen and definitely top

    Two in ever in the premier league history maybe the Mourinho team maybe the J Mourinho team could beat one-on-one face to face but this man City team is absolutely special and de bruyne came on five minutes a goal then you have a couple of minutes after the game winning assist to Oscar Bob

    Trusting the youth the hunger is there Guardiola just knows who to pick and how to play the best style of football Man City are going to win the Premier League by April or May only Liverpool can stop them only Liverpool can stop yeah I mean we’ve SE we’ve seen this

    Script before right come on um there’s no way there’s no way it’s going to happen this this again right it can’t happen this way but yes um for anyone that thought Kevin De bryo would lose a step I mean even he uh even he was very very uh serious with himself afterwards

    He goes I know I can make an an impact right now with my lungs for 15 to 25 minutes if that were 80 minutes no that would not be the same Kevin De bruyne right now he’s he’s got still a lot of work ahead of him but yeah a goal and an

    Assist I’m going to throw a tiny little asterisk on it just in the sense of Newcastle is beaten ragged right now in terms of injuries in terms of Eddie how right now not uh rushing like big an did to go out and get reinforcements of any capacity

    Just yet he’s riding the same horses to death at the moment um and and it’s happening all over again and frankly Manchester City probably should have won that game 52 because if it weren’t for Martin Deka uh Deka had a few saves now none of that

    Takes away from the fact that de bruyne came in and within five minutes like you said he scores his first goal since the Champions League semi final um and if he only plays 15 important games 20 important games uh from here on out every year for Pep guardiola’s

    Manchester City um yeah he still is absolutely massive I just don’t know if I can get over the hump Alex get to call the best midfielder ever best ever in the Premier League if Kevin De bruo was at Liverpool right now in with uran cul with VG van djk with Allison with this

    Unreal team they would have won three Champions League maybe until now they’ve won one and I’m saying that de bruyne would have made the difference to have two more two more de bruyne is that guy he is that guy I think it’s the bruyne the more time passes the more people say

    I was too easy man City’s a top team no the bruyne helped Man City become a top team a team with now with football Heritage winning a champions league for the the same time it’s greatness on the pitch it’s Charisma on the pitch it’s a genius on the pitch the bruyne is the

    Player that makes the difference and even in the Euros let’s see if he goes to the Euros too de bruyne in the last 10 years in terms of midfielders the only midfielder I’d say he’s on the same level as de bruyne is luuka Modric Luca Modric is the only player I’d say mesil

    Unreal at Arsenal but nothing close to this I love Brun f for Portugal but for Man United he’s not de brua what is for Man City Man City he’s clinical and even odar too that we I love at Arsenal not even close to what we see with de bruyne

    He’s the difference and no earling Hollands and I wanted to State this too brettson be Guardiola said that his team is hungry to win a premier league title why are they hungry they will win the first premier league title four in a row no man city if they win the Prem this

    Year they will be the first time a Premier League team wins four Premier League titles in the row that’s why they’re hungry and if you see the Man City squad what they’re right now and what they were with when pipe Guardiola started very different players you got

    Dku in his first season you got gardol in his first season you got erling holl in second you got Phil foden Rico Lewis you got hungry players that want to make the difference and let’s let’s don’t forget Julian Alvarez that wins any trophy that he plays in or at least we

    Get that feeling so is the man Ciera once again with the youth going Bol it is and that’s kind of why I feel like there’s an asterisk thrown on it because it does feel like a new era um if we go back and we look at 20 30 years ago um

    At the beginning stages of the money from elsewhere boom uh let’s just say that when Abramovic bought Chelsea and started buying chevchenko started I mean you name it right that was the first real shopping spree it’s it’s not really asterisk I guess it’s kind of phases um but in

    Terms of De bruyne’s effect uh in terms of the continuity in terms of the Synergy that he has uh and the understanding he has with an elite coach and one of the best coaches of all time and Pep Guardiola um I’m going to have I’m going to have

    To agree with you he’s obviously the best of the last 20 years and and I think so oh that he’s the best ever in the Premier League brettson he’s better than you’re the thing here is Lampard I think he’s the best offensive midfielder in his era but de brua what he’s

    Continuously doing and Man City too this needs to be stated thank God Walker No Man City needs to be stated that Walker made a good decision staying butan Silva did a good decision staying they got KU as your world class Center back they got Kadri that is unbeaten for Man City in

    His last 50 games 39 wins 11 drw R is the best CDM in the world that happens because de bruyne is there motivating training on a weekly basis with him and Guardiola is there the master the genius and one of the best managers managers if not the best manager ever in premier

    League history to Alex Ferguson these are the names that Guardiola is starting to be compared and that’s why he arrived to the Premier League with this project of man city that even now he gets rewarded with his brother being the chairman of jiron which makes total sense because City Group owns 48% of

    Jiron so I I think he’s loving life and who wouldn’t love life if you’re with Man City I gotta say it so one of my so one of my uh secondary predictions for 2024 would should not be that Pep Guardiola is going to announce his desire to move on for Manchester City by

    The end of the year I think he stays as long as Holland is there too do you think Holland leaves Man City this summer um if not then Guardiola doesn’t need to Breton because Holland is the main variable with the bruyne to win a Champions League yeah but it depends on

    Where mbappe goes and and yeah it just right now all I know is that all I know is that earling earling Holland we knew that that stress reaction before anyone said it we knew that that was going to wind up being a whole lot worse than an actual stress fracture right they have

    To be as tender as possible with him so I I know he’s kind of coming back and and on the men’s still um but I if they can if they can squeeze another month or two out of him in terms of uh less needed from him um I know that’s that’s

    Never good for earling Holland in terms of in his mind taking a shot of milk after the game um but when it I you just need to see him uh fully fully fully recovered but yeah no I’m I’m with you in all this talk I just best ever best

    Ever my brain is broken just thinking about it especially especially when he’s especially when the last goal he scored because of how much he’s been injured as of late uh the the last goal he scored was in the semifinal in April I think it

    Was or was it may um and yeah so six plus months of waiting or nine plus months of waiting uh for him to actually score a goal but yeah there was no doubt that uh he was going to have an impact when he came in um I just feel bad I

    Feel bad for Newcastle but at some point you got to start asking questions of Eddie how because six losses in your last seven Premier League games is not acceptable for a team that has bigger Ambitions with high expectations totally right brettson a team that when Newcastle signs a player they usually

    Sign rights they got unfortunate with donali but Sven botton Brun Mar Alexander isak Anthony Gordon there are more rights than wrongs right here and I think they’ll be hitting the markets once again in January and in the summer too because yes this team is fighting to go top four consistently one day that’s

    What Newcastle is investing towards and if anyhow leaves Newcastle there’s managers that can be appointed that are bold picks like farioli of n like h of sporting like if they convince s slots with the money well to them didn’t convince butu worked out but there’s young managers that can make a

    Difference and that are available in the market a lot of people hinted on Michelle too of jiron so that that would be a big difference and a project manager project manager too but you said Man City last thing I wanted to mention too is Oscar Bob Oscar Bob having this

    Shine is totally deserved he’s one of the best talents coming out of the Man City Academy and the Man City AC the Man City Academy deserves recognition Phil foden Jaden Sancho Frank pong has left Man City nobody everybody tends to forget about Fring punong Cole Palmer

    James Trafford now you see Oscar Bob 2 Boo jittin that is with Jayden sanua Dortmund so many Alex Garcia at Herona was there right at one point he’s now in the Spanish national team setup it’s it’s absolutely ridiculous bogens I think you just said assisted Jaden Sancho or Jaden Sancho assisted I’m

    Sorry uh Jamie boo gettens um or no he assisted Marco Roy but anyway boo gens is from there but Oscar Bob listen to do that that that is that’s innate that’s like you you grow up with the ball at your feet type of stuff um because while

    We all think we can do that in the moment uh taking a lofted ball down as well as he did uh and then rounding the goalkeeper who has had who had a ridiculous game up until that point um Oscar Bob just showed such tight control and such kind of innovation I guess you

    Will and I know it’s weird to say that when he’s just shifting the ball from his left to his right in a really quick fashion and pushing it right by him after that but my gosh one it looked beautiful so buttery I was watching it with people that don’t normally watch

    Football and they were like they even they were like you know and you might have just had a fan created right then and there and unfortunately it’s a Manchester City fan moving forward because they don’t need more of those but when it comes down to it Oscar Bob

    What a great great First Premier League goal to score at 20 years old Oscar Bob is part of one of these things on paper when you list all the talents that Norway has right right start at the top by erling Hollands you could even say Frederick Ares you can say Obviously

    Martin odard and then on the flanks you’ve got guys like Oscar Bob and on the other side Antonio no at Club brouge you’ve got even young ones like S Neon um at Rosen Rosenberg in the elite Syrian I I just it makes it makes my uh it makes my bones hurt thinking about

    Not being able to see any of these guys at the Euros um and probably not seeing them we’ll see I mean it’s an expanded World Cup hopefully seeing them at World Cup 2026 in the States hopefully hopefully hurling Holland needs to make that happen and you listed phenomenal

    Names that will be helping him in that Journey the Norwegian future is real completely and mentioning yes another big game that happened it was not just Man City Newcastle there was a man United Tottenham and man united I see good signs not all the signs about man united are good right now Leandro

    Martinez is back Kazmir is going to be back but rashford scored his first goal at o Trafford in seven months he hadn’t scored since May in old traford and it confirms that the 304 is a man united must be rashford hland and Alejandro gacho too that gacho is always such he’s got such

    A flare on him a consistent threats to the goal he really is andm vand has had his first game in which he had a go goal and an assist and in 2024 we’ve seen two goals I fully expect a new Rasmus V hland at man united because he’s

    Starting to get that Vibe and he’s got the support on him and edic tenh needs to bet on him every single minute he can because he’s the top goal scorer at man united in that team in all competitions and he’s 20 come on don’t don’t kill a

    20y old he started you hit you hit the nail on the head though that that was one of the first games I’ve watched of Rasmus Vinter Holland at Manchester United since he’s arrived where he just had that Vibe he had that Vibe and and I don’t think you can pick a better play

    Um than when he had Mickey vanen trying to post him up and he did that little heel kick by him and then beat him beat Mickey vanan by Pace now he had a couple steps right he had a couple steps in front of him uh but he beat him for Pace

    To run down I don’t know if it it didn’t wind up amounting to anything but that little thing little thing in and of itself reminded me of him at his best for Atalanta and that is what you want to see so Rasmus Vinter holand a lot of

    People forget kid’s still 20 years old just 20 years old so he’s going to continue to grow into it it was nice to see rashford with a little chip on his shoulder again like you said um do you think V hland has a higher potential than that we Nunes I think that vland

    Definitely has more potential than any other Premier League uh striker in London right now better than than any at Arsenal better than any at Chelsea I would put all my money in vand ahead of those London team Strikers yeah because he already he already has an eight finishing um already has the finishing

    Down stri a lot a lot of the other Strikers in London don’t necessarily have that at the moment although although his counterpart in this game now has six goals in six games who am I talking about re Charleson so you got to give give a little love for the much aligned

    R raris at this moment uh because big an uh he’s the man with the plan and he’s getting the most he’s getting the most out of Rison and I you know not to shift things really quickly but big an actually has a plan from the transfer front he’s got Daniel levie working

    Overtime because that’s how ingrain Daniel Levy feels the big an uh field to Spurs yes and parate but apparently they were up until 3:00 a.m. trying to get this uh Radu dragin uh deal over the line because Bayern came in Bayern came in the one you know the team that is

    Still in the Champions League Byron the team that hasn’t lost the Champions League group stage game in like forever comes in for Radu derson and you gotta credit partii you got to credit Daniel Levy and you got to credit big anch for the vision to get it over the line now

    Whether or not he winds up being an amazing uh addition uh that remains to be seen But at 21 uh Romanian Center back that obviously has worked his way through Syria and built a very very good profile for himself uh picked Spurs and the project over Bayern Munich so um

    Forc Eric Dyer out in the process it facilitated Bayern Munich towards who they were going to sign for Eric thyer I think it’s a it’s an interesting move too but mentioning first on to to theend I’ll go on di I’ll talk about D because I think Kane even

    Tampered a bit well on there I think it’s a it’s a good move but U but on to Anu Daniel they totally deserve the credit for what’s happening every to every player that comes to toson him in these transfer Windows withj P golu you feel an incent towards getting them and even

    The players that remain at the club you see po much better you see UD DOI much better you see bentur that for me is an underrated CDM for me Rodrigo bakur is one of the best defensive mids in the Premier League it needs to be stated more and vital for Tottenham when po

    Starts playing we all know what’s coming I like hyberg but papar special talent and what he does for them is special but pedu has seven assists right now in the Premier League he’s the top assister in defenders in the Premier League a development like that can happen with a

    Conte and it’s what anj po Goku that is doing a phenomenal job and the transfers of vikar Micky vanen James Madison you seeu dragusin now Tim you get a sense that all these players fit Thea go mold they fit his high intensity High pressing style of play and I got to

    Respect totson him for what they’re doing with that it’s unreal and a little and a little throw out to FC shout out to FC wonderkid in that the average age of his signings is uh a shade under 23 at this moment him what yeah you got a that’s

    Even with the that’s even with the uh Teemo verer uh 27y old signing I mean come on no but I I like that for depth I like that for more options no obligation to buyon good I know but but big an I I just got a quick little side quick quick

    Little tangential story for you here uh we know the afcons going on right now the Asian cup is going on right now and that’s why son did not play at Old Trafford in this uh game versus Manchester United probably would have had a different outcome if he was there but

    The last time I did not know this but South Korea has not won the Asian Cup in 60 plus years 60 plus years the last time they were in the finals okay this is fun this is really fun the last time they were in the finals they played uh

    Australia the sakuro who were coached by who big an Posta gako and guess who beat them oh the sakaro won in that one um and I I think that was a decade plus ago um but it it is just really interesting to see how things kind of come full

    Circle except I think big an might be rooting uh for son this time to finally end that drought in the Asian cup for South Korea uh because they’ve got a little bit of a golden generation anyway I just wanted to that out there I think he’s though but South Korea it’s huming

    Son and it’s m Kim too they got one of the best center backs in the world too so the Asian cup deserves more recognition and I I think we’ll have time to be talking just of a team in the Asian cup that is performing really well but yes we mentioned khus transfers time

    Here with FC Wonder kid and a bold move was edic th going to Bayern Munich for 3.5 million a deal that confirmed Kad dragus going to toted him but edic D I like the deal he’s the fourth Center back of a team like Bayern Munich a team

    That is legendary and I for sure know that edic th will not be the player that will do horrific games he will know the respect and now maybe we’ll see Prime medic diet at Bayern Munich but I think he realizes his position in the squad

    That he’s behind M Kimu and de he knows he won’t be starting ahead of them if there’s no injuries at least right now so if this serves as Inspiration Go bold at e Thad and I love this move for a player that can play center at CDM too

    At given moments he is versatile I think it’s a good move and and for a player that I feel like he’s been around forever and he’s still I don’t even think he’s cracked 30 I watched his debut at sporting when I back in the day

    He was he played at right back back in the day even though it he left spy for 5 million to Tottenham and he stayed there for an eternity as it seemed but yes now going to how I got to ask cuz I forget how did he wind up at sporting in the

    First place as an English Academy product he he studied in the school that uh I can talk more about that in the future maybe but yes this this ties between me and edic th doesn’t even know so but yes edic D was he grew up here in Portugal and he was a Sporting

    Academy product with all fairness if you see edic D speaking to Mourinho no doubt like edic d has a perfect 100% perfect accent of Portugese I was shocked when I was watching that documentary of Amazon Prime confirming just that but I like move to Munich and I think one day he’ll

    Go to sporting he could deny it I don’t know but I like what’s happening with him anday Munich too have Harry Kane that is the best striker in the world erling Holland helps me because he’s not hasn’t been in the best form this season we saw erling Holland going very bold

    Last season but Harry Kane hasn’t stopped at Bayern Munich he’s got 23 games 26 goals and eight assists Jude Bellingham Harry Kane England once again I’ll stated they’re favorites for the Euros with these guys pulling out like this but we’ll beat them what up go yeah yeah I don’t know I don’t know

    If either of you guys will be winning that Euro that euro is going to be wide open I’m just calling it I’m going to call it now another 2024 prediction one of the favorites will not win Euro 2024 oh so you’re saying France England or Portugal they won’t win it I think

    Exactly I think I think it’s going to I probably I probably am wrong but I think it’s going to be a coming of the age story and it’s going to be some someone more like I mean I’m looking at Spain I’m looking at the Netherlands uh well with noi yeah well

    Pedre’s back we’ll see we see what happens imagine if in the Euros we see a Wonder kid manager winning the Euros for his Nation Dominique Tedesco with Belgium or Julian Ogman with Germany if if Germany win the EUR people will be like it’s Jamal musella it’s floran VZ

    And it’s Julian Mark uh Julian uhlman’s era mark it’s the start now that would be a bang wow yeah well nman better be uh better be careful because if he underperforms when Germany is the host nation we know Thomas Tule will then wind up taking his job I think I no joke

    I think that could happen and then chabby alono to Bayern Munich because that’s one of my predictions we’ll be talking more about Bay lusen more ahead but stting on transfers and a big transfer it is and it’s always a big transfer to talk about this player it’s

    Gillan mbapp we’re talking Euros to it’s the summer in this this summer we’re going to see kinap the captain of France with kilin has 46 goals and 30 assists for France he’s the captain of France I think he’s going to be the most talked player this summer because yes he’ll be

    Moving to Real Madrid his dream Club because Real Madrid right now they’ve got the upper hand with kiling mbapp killan mbappe if he wants to win a balandor he has to go has to go to Real Madrid to guarantee the most success in probabilities 25 years old French

    Captain now you got to show to the world you’re the you’re the best player in the world Holland cannot win the Champions League it must be real Madrid with a killing mbapp and enel staying I think enel staying even gives more power to madri because ven J hrio Jude Bellingham

    Henrik I think they’re all happy all happy about anela’s thing and I think mbappe should be too because he would learn a lot with with angelotti but a bit of these things zidan with MPP one day at madri but that’s a whole different conversation I just hope he

    Goes to madri and he’s coached by one of the best managers in the ever in the history of the game with Don gardlo andelot Alex we’re gonna we’re gonna fast forward 10 years and we’re still going to be talking about Zinedine zidon taking over some vacant managerial post

    Um I think he just loves loves these types of uh prognostications I mean when is zon going to actually come back that’s what we need to know maybe when maybe when de shamp loses his job exactly when de shamp loses his job this summer or again or Madrid again I even

    Saw some marel if marel gets takeover but I think that’s very far-fetched I think PSG have a chance but I think that would maybe put a bit in Jeopardy his legacy with Max but we’ve seen a lot we’ve seen it all in football we’ve seen figu playing foral for Bara we’ve seen

    So many of these stories deis for Man United for man C he like not like it’s impossible for him to go to PSU one day if Real Madrid wins La Liga if Real Madrid wins the champions league as is a a very realistic possibility they’re Obviously good enough to do so um with

    Their current personnel and that’s without a kind of bonafide potent number nine um does that does a kilan mbapp bringing him in does that ruin the chemistry does that mix up chemistry way too much I’m sure it still happens from a uh from a marketability standpoint from obviously a playability standpoint and a

    Durability of a new Dynasty uh but my goodness I mean where else do you go from there you got to win now three in a row or four in a row you got no excuse because if you can win it without him then you have to win it with him and

    It’s and the greatness of Real Madrid is that Real Madrid with Florentino Perez the greatness is is that obvious for everyone in the world that kilan mbapp has to go to gadri if gadri were in a bad financial state if they were like Barcelona right now people would say ah

    It would be a huge commitment for mbapp but right now the best player in the world is Jude Bellingham one of the best coaches in the world is Carlo andelot you got valo kaminga Rodrigo Chu manyi you got a young core even braim Das Off the Bench vital very good player not

    Vital but very good player so calafat Florentino Perez thank you for making it obvious that kid mbapp must go to Madrid in order to win it’s Champions League the only way Liverpool can get kid in mbapp everybody knows is if mosalah is sold so there needs a step for that to

    Happen and if there’s a step for something to happen it takes longer for it to happen and K mbapp is already talking with G madri because the position will be vacant and it’s all going to be smooth sale a smooth sale but let us know do you agree disagree

    With what I’m saying about killing mbappe because yeah it’s it’s it’s an opinion right now it’s not a fact it is it is and and he’s he’s been very uh question Marky about it he doesn’t want to upset anything going on so it doesn’t sound like we’re going to find out until

    Early summer at at the earliest probably um but hey any any uh quick responses to I just saw mosala and Egypt lost their first afcon fixture to mosambi I love to see that I like Salah I think Egypt are I said a dark horse I

    Don’t expect them to be a better I don’t don’t see them as a better team than argelia Morocco Sagal Nigeria I think all these teams are better than Egypt right now as we speak but seeing mus m m wait wait wait wait I love to see it

    Yeah that they didn’t get the three points because guess what the script was written 97th minute penalty kick for mosala he converts it they draw 22 just like Nigeria draw one Drew 1-1 with Equatorial Guinea man afcon is crazy the afcon is absolutely crazy first off mosan Beque shouldn’t even did that to

    Meon that was crazy man you did that to me mate you did that to me I apologize I apologize it was it was two to one in the 97th minute I didn’t expect to see a penalty thrown out there I don’t know it’s the fix is in what do you think

    Alex fix is in against Moz Beek Oh my days i’ still think Egypt are not doing their that oh my days but yes mus good job getting a draw with Egypt that’s phenomenal in my view still big oh my days is there any other transfers that

    You want to State here Bron because I think there’s a counter effect happening I see Kim B is not happy at Al I’m very sad about that because we see Christian Ronaldo dominating in the Saudi pro league and he needs competition it can’t be justra alar that they are unbeaten

    They cannot they just don’t lose those guys but Bena wants to leave aliad a lot of reports are stating and now we see Angel Korea maybe he’s going to alad and I’m gonna ask you I see a lot of reports stating that th alada will be going to

    Atletico de Madrid is he an Atletico de Madrid player brettson uh he is he is my biggest um I mean Simeone will Simeone be a good manager for that’s the big question he will be argentinan he will be I’m I’m convinced that he will be my issue is I I deal I

    Think of Thiago alada as early days in MLS Thiago alada I think he has changed I think he has matured I think he will mature even faster uh under the tutelage of a Simeone I think he’s matured because he even got a sniff of the field

    In the world cup and won a World Cup trophy so he expects those standards for himself I think Thiago alada at Atletico Madrid would be a humongous humongous um signing for the future I wouldn’t expect fireworks right away uh but I know Atlanta’s Holding Out for at least 30

    Million 30 million they would pay it they would pay it if they they want at least an MLs alltime transfer fee so it’s it’s going to take it’s going to take quite a bit but I know alada is pushing big and um I could see a more logical step to

    Atletico Madrid uh like a Herona of some sort um and know it’s weird saying that because Herona obviously is only what two points behind Real Madrid at the top or for 7 million to 30 right there yeah yeah but they’re not going to they’re not going to Herona is not going to

    Spend 30 million when their alltime transfer fee is eight no matter how backed they are financially by City football groups so um I I really do think atleti would be a a pretty a great next step for alada but I also know that it’s a very divisive line uh amidst most

    People that follow major league soccer or even Newcastle Bigg follow Al me I just can’t I can’t see him playing in the I can’t see him playing in the north of uh in the north of England but you never know yeah you never know Tali

    I still we still haven’t seen a lot but uh it could it I wasn’t expecting that one too over the line when it did well one uh one thing I saw that went under the radar for me what do you think about uve bringing in Thiago xalo from Leo for

    Just three and a half million bargain bargain deal ju knows my thought exactly they got 6 million for the Ragu dragonson deal that they sold Rago Dragon for 5 million last season and then they get 20% of the 30 million from toed and then with half of that money

    They get Yak jalo I think ju are doing great deals they got T jalo they got miti they got Kenan yis I think the future of Juve is starting to look a lot more brighter little by little vlahovich kesa is one of the best best Duos in CIA

    2 right now playing I just don’t believe in allegy even though ju is second and the the team that’s most competitive against Inter Milan right now but Jack jalo what a deal absolutely but Weston mckenny man West mckenny for them I think he’s not a he’s not a new signing but him going

    Away to leads coming back and have having to rewin the trust of everybody at uve everybody true right that has been that that’s almost as if it’s a new signing in and of itself and I know they like to joke around because you know he’s a little bit jokey about about the

    Italian culture um you know he likes to put like ketchup on his pizza or something weird like that come on he’s a troll he loves this they call him Big Mac McKenna from time to time but you can’t I mean those two Copa Italia assists that he had the other day uh one

    Of which to uh to Ken I mean that was just a thing of beauty not just not just the delivery but the Finish from y these and it’s just who knows I I just I love I’m kind of becoming a juuve fan and I I

    Really didn’t set out to I did not set out to uh but it is it is great to see but yes when I saw Thiago xala jalo going to UV for three and a half million I know that there’s been a one toway status on his name at Le for some time

    Now uh I didn’t know it was as bad that they would accept just three and a half million for him because I think he hasn’t even scraped the surface of how good he could be and I think juuve and alri are going to get it out of him and I think Leno facilitates

    S I think if there was no Leno maybe T Jal wouldn’t have left for three and a half million I think it was a big facilitator and I wanted to mention this on my end on transfers my last thing would be jayen Sancho jayen Sancho of has for barusa Dortmund 139 no Jayden

    Sancho for Dortmund 138 games 50 goals 58 assists and you get the feeling Jayden sanro is going to prove every hater wrong in my books he’s going to the he’s going on the plane to the Euros the Germany he may not start I don’t believe he’ll be starting but I believe

    He’s going to be a value added player in that team and in much better form at barusa dorton he had an assist the Maru it didn’t took much he did and and it’s going to take a little time for him to get uh up to Snuff there but you can

    Already see he’s got a smile he’s got a he wants to prove um himself under Aiden teric who I still think is not the guy to continue to manage Dortmund um but santro swaps out he made an $85 million deal United um hasn’t played in a golly

    I don’t even know how long seven months eight months something like that and he comes back into a side that right now for all intents and purposes when I look at Dortmund I think of them as a mess on the field I don’t think of them as a

    Great side and yet Alex and yet they are the ones in the Champions League knockout round and not Manchester United and they were in the group he walks and they were in the group of death and he walks he walks into a side Jaden Sancho

    Walks into a side where um he has the possibility to sign for them again he’s got a um an insane atmosphere of 70,000 Plus at every game that um knows him for his best knows him for his greatest uh and he now gets to take them through a Champions League knockout stage um

    Campaign if you will that starts relatively soon so it it just it I know Manchester United I know D uh bo rushia Dortmund are two different animals I’m not out here to say that he fails in the Premier League and only succeed seeds in the Bundesliga uh because it’s a farmers

    League otherwise you’d see more man You’ see more Manchester United I I I think you’re right I think you’re right but what I am happy to see is him and his element and if it takes him being in his element and him happy and him playing his best football that’s

    What we want for Jaden Sancho I agree and for Manchester United fans I’m happy that they get their closure and they get to move on from what has been one of many very bad transfer uh chapters in a long Glazier transfer mismanagement Insanity it’s true a movie

    In and of itself and it’s a new era now with sir Jim rockcliffe As It Seems too he has no comments if there’s J going to be January transfers but FC warid has comments there must be January transfer January transfers happening center backs right back maybe but they will not need

    They can act desperate though and I even see a lot Dron a lot of talk to go even to man united but let us know what are the transfers that you want us to mention in the next podcast Lucas Bal meu there’s a lot of players that we got

    To be talking that are showing a lot of promise and top teams are all signing these players sooner rather than later not more than ever let us know Down Below in the comment section and don’t forget to like this video we wanted to end the podcast mentioning top teams

    Playing right now and even wonder kids too I wanted I got to talk about Bayer lusin by lusin right now doesn’t have bunny face doesn’t have konu doesn’t have tap SOA but they have chabby Alon so the best manager in the Bundesliga and maybe I’ll say the best young

    Manager right now up for grabs for next season to okay it’s or chabby Alonso I stated in previous podcast chabby Alonso is the best manager in the Bundesliga right now ahead of thomaso and right now Bayer lusin is the only team it’s to four leagues unbeaten until now it’s 26

    Games 23 wins zero losses with 82 goals scored let’s not forget that Florian vs in 2023 had 20 20 assists he was the top assister behind the bruyne how’s that possible that’s unreal so let’s bet on that and let’s bet on bar lusin that even though without those players last

    Minute winner last minute winner with basio Ezekiel palasio uh what a what a story because Byer lusin could have cut bait on him a long time ago because ever since he was sign by them he had injury issues ever since he was signed and you could say the same about Patrick schik

    Um and both of them both of them have rewarded the Loyalty uh that lusin has had for them uh already this season because I think while they’re going to miss the kind of the dynamism that uh bony face provides Patrick schik should be able to um score enough goals until

    April uh that lusin should not lose too much in the standings and and vice versa um when it comes down to Palos you got I mean granny chaka to Byer lusen we knew that was going to be a slam dunk but I I guess I’m surprised about how slam dunky

    It was I mean it’s been phenomenal and eel palas one of the best Duos in the Midfield in the world right now playing in a double pivot easily in the Bundesliga and yeah definitely in the world definitely in the top five leagues and beyond that I I

    Palasio I’d like to see him in Copa America I’d like to see him I don’t know where you where you fit all these guys in the Midfield um for Argentina in starts I think pal will get a lot more recogn the moment he leaves lusen to a

    Top team because like I say about rodri I see zekel palas having that same body faints and style of play that suits a Guardiola I think a palasio at a Brighton a palasio at a Newcastle would be a Monumental signing in my view and will make him a national team player

    Consistently for Argentina he’s still young he’s still young I remember watching him at and saying why didn’t the Portuguese team get Ezekiel palish and now it took so long for it to be proven with chabi Alonso chabi alono that has a revolutionary style of play a

    Unique style of play and it took one summer One Summer to sell mus yabu that didn’t fit his style of play gets a bunny face gets a Hoffman gets players that make a difference and Jeremy and get galdo that that move itself under the best left backs in the world I want it

    Just thought and Inter Milan we’re talking players teams Mega in form Inter Milan right now our favor to win the scudetto I will not put my bets on allegri with Juve even though they’re having a much better season than last season I think in are going so bold with

    Laro Martinez with 18 games 18 goals two assists right now Laro Martinez will be the top goal scorer of the CA and I want to see him doing better for Argentina but he will not start in my books Julian Alves jul Al definitely won but but you

    Uh you mentioned 18 goals in 18 games uh one penalty over that time so 17 non-penalty goals uh he’s leading Syria by far in total goal involvements his inter teammate Marcus turam probably the best free signing of this past summer def not probably definitely the best free signing of this past summer uh

    Second on that list of sirag goal involvements and in fourth you’ve got hawen kalinago so Inter Milan um they know what’s up uh and the references it’s it’s in Milan’s project right now it’s much more attractable than any other siia team why is that they have a

    Manager that’s been there for a couple of years now with inagi they got AER they got dearu barela Laro all players that want to stay there bastoni so it’s worthy to play for Inter Milan and and it’s a smart decision to join this team that’s why Marcus Stam goes there like

    It’s a smart deal and Laro Martinez extends with Inter Milan because he’s been treated right at Inter Milan they’ve given Zeo to him in the past they’ve given Lukaku to him in the pass and now they give him Marcus turm that makes it the best partnership offensively in saidia so laru EX stand

    And stay and make be a legend because since he left King he’s never left inter milanu well why why we stopping it’s no I know and it’s crazy because with Laro 18 goals in the 18 games and I don’t think there’s really been a peep about him

    That much right you don’t hear really anybody talking that much about Laro Martinez having this insane season where he’s eight eight goals ahead of everybody else and yet we’re talking about kilan mbappe scoring all the goals in league on and doing the exact same thing in league on and Syria we all know

    Is a better League top to bottom than league on um so Martinez I mean you know you got to give a little hat tip because he’s been insanely consistent the last few seasons for them I think we would all be talking about L Laro Martinez if

    It was him uh and not Julian Alvarez excelling ridiculously uh for Argentina but I do have to say uh while we’re stopping in Syria for one second it was it was a very historic week for Americans in Syria because Christian pich became the first American ever in the top five League

    Ever to become player of the month okay um I know most of you out there especially uh you in Portugal uh that’s like a normal thing for you guys to deal with but for us here um in the States this kid from Hershey Pennsylvania uh

    That moved out of his comfort zone as a 15-year-old 16-year-old moved over to Dortmund um with his dad worked his way up um was given nothing handed nothing and has weaved his way through some of the best teams in the top five leagues won himself a Champions League title uh

    Helped on the way to doing so and uh now he winds up being pretty high up there in Syria and enjoying the form of his life it’s nice to see it and I’m not even going to say like haha Todd Bly haha Chelsea couldn’t you use a guy like

    Him whatever that that water is under the bridge that ship is sailed whatever cliche you want to throw out there but that is history for Christian pich and you just got to say it um hopefully it’s the beginning of a consistent delivery from Christian pulic for AC Milan

    Because you just I just like to see it it’s great great great to see it’s mad that the vital players to win the Champions League in 2021 for Chelsea have all left teamer now at T Kai harv now at Arsenal Christian pic now at ASA Milan and Mason Mount now at United it’s

    Mad that we don’t see them staying at the club and what’s crazy’s crazy is that yeah what’s crazy is that every every player that that contributed to that for the most part has also been kind of maligned since then since they’ve left uh a lot of people paint a

    Lot of Chelsea fans paint Mason Mount as not a good player they paint Christian pich as not a good player they paint Teo verer who yeah he has his inconsistencies but as a not a great player Kai hovers not a great play I mean they are good you can talk about

    Pound-for-pound you can talk about value you can talk about all that um but I just I I hate to see that type of thing where once they’re gone once they’re out of a blue shirt you know let’s kill them let’s hit them mom would have been

    Special at Chelsea it it saddened me not to see him staying more longterm people say it’s because his dad is a man united fan but something happened there with the new Administration I wouldn’t have been happy if all these new players have come and enzoo Conor Gallagher all want

    To play minutes understandably but that’s a whole other conversation team that are in formed right now too I got to State PSV and doen 17 games in the in the league 17 wins brettson and they are one win away of beating their best ever start in N Visa history that it was them

    Doing a to PSV having 18 wins in a row zero losses and zero draws it’s unreal and PSV right now in the league has players like Luke deong with 15 goals seven assists Yan bakayoko with three goals and eight assists and a joey verman with three goals and nine assists

    These numbers are unreal and Peter bosb is real Noah Lang’s improving with it rard Pep’s improving with it we got M Le tman we got to pay attention and remember the name of taigo land remember the name he’s going to come real soon a bit like Frankie deong style of play but

    He’s a beautiful player that Peter Bosch I think will be betting on him 2024 oh and and Isaac Boby um but uh PSV einthoven um this is historic I mean it looks like they will be they have every possible um arrow pointing in the direction of them being a e deisy

    Invincible right uh and it’s just I mean they’re already 13 points ahead they’re averaging three and a half goals a game Alex um and they’re fun to watch and oh by the way they actually went against uh The Bookies and they actually qualified out of their group stage right they in The

    Knockout rounds of Champions League so um you you gota you they have what I think could be a sustainability issue um if they get rid of guys like Joey verman because it’s not exactly like lock step right away they get oh also ismel Siberia has had a great great um year

    For them so far but it’s just whether or not do you see this as a flasher flash in the pan or do you see this as maybe you know I don’t know a hog days I think fer it will be harder for fer to retain Santiago gimenes David

    Hanco then it’ll be for PSV to keep Luke deong and maybe Peter Bosch because AR this SLU I think we’ll be leaving fire Nord sooner than maybe Peter B at PSV I could be wrong Ed fans let us know if I’m wrong with this but get this feeling

    That this P PSV team has players that are going to stay there longterm Noah Lang I think’s happy there Luke deang I think happppy there why should Joey verman leave when he’s an absolute legend for PSV I think Yan bakayoko is impossible to retain him he’s too

    Talented and he’s going to shine in the Euros one of the top assists for Belgium dku Yan bakayoko and Lukaku ahead that Trio is going to have a lot of conversations saying where is bakayoko going after it so yeah I I I think they’re going to ran Bron the good form

    I think PSV will not have a Dropout like the the good form 17 wins I think next season they keep it I think they keep it not the 17 wins at 100% but they retain a lot of the players that make this happen in my view I mean six six goals

    Conceded too I think that needs to be thrown out there if it wasn’t already seven seven seven in 59 59 goals so but seven goals conceded not bad no and Luke Luke D it’s nice to see him turn back time again in the ear of his e he’s

    Going to be he’s going to wind up being in the top five top six probably alltime eisy goal scoring history but come on 15 goals seven assists already uh for a guy that most people would have said if they heard Luke D young he’s washed up he’s

    Washed up yeah you could say the year deisy uh but the goals that he took um that’s assist but who did well yeah exactly like what yeah but you mentioned Des Des performing yeah it’s good to see him there too it is it’s good to see him

    Expressing himself uh he’s still got a lot of holes in his game but my goodness when he is on he is one of the more entertaining fullbacks to watch out there it’s not Harman I prefer Hartman of fire Nord though in in my books but I wanted to mention to we’re mentioning

    Teams that are very informed an international team deserves a lot of Praise too it’s not Uruguay that I would like to give a special shout out to with be Elsa Val the Darwin they’re going to be crazy in cup America but it’s the Asian cup favorites in my books Japan

    Japan currently are have 11 Japan have 11 wins in a row in all competitions right now including wins against Germany Peru Canada and turkey that we see this young turkey generation doing proper damage Japan can retain them and it’s where players like Japan has hindo Morita takusa kuu uh Eda uh minamino

    That was once at Liverpool this Japanese generation I get the feeling that they have a good Collective team and that’s why they beat in the World Cup Spain and they beat Germany once again so I think this is just going to keep going and Morita I don’t think Morita will be

    Staying another season at sporting because what he’s going to show in this Asian cup what he’s going to show the rest of the season at sparting great player sparting that are 100% Victorious at home in the league not PSV and sporting and lusin I think but I think I

    Don’t know if lusen are 100% wins though but uh in the league but sporting and psvr yeah I mean they got to be right no no they draw they could have draw they could have a draw that’s true that’s true they definitely did draw once that

    I know of at at the by Arena but uh yeah I mean Juno has been great for St stad rean lion uh kto Nakamura is coming up for them I think he had a goal in their comeback win over Vietnam which was weird to see uh but there there you’re

    Right I mean there’s they’re going to be one of the best in the AFC for a long time uh is what it feels like it’s just how how high is the precipice for Japan how high can they go and and and I think you’re seeing more of their players test

    Their uh medal uh outside of J league and uh succeed really well outside of Jay League um and I think that the longer that continues um you got to think J Japan is capable of being a whatever uh having a Morocco like run in a World Cup in the future it’s true so

    Yeah that could happen Project Blue look never know the the anime is inspired already and you got that kuu that is one of the best youngsters with a left foot on the wing in La Liga that must be said and mentioning Wonder kid I wanted to finish the podcast here in the outro

    With a bit of Wonder Kids knowledge we forgot to mention Cole Palmer we’re going to we not going to we’re not not going to go through this podcast without mentioning this Cole pmer has nine goals scored and four assists right now in terms of League under 21 players in the

    League only Jude Bellingham has more goal involvements than Cole Palmer this season that’s mad that is absolutely mad Jude Belling how many penalties five penalties five penalties I don’t I’m not pouring cold water on cold palmer but you know it takes a lot there there’s there is no doubt that he

    Is the uh my the favorite of this new Chelsea generation and watching play until going to Chelsea he played 19 games in the Premier League for Man City he didn’t start many of them but he had zero goals and now we see five goals and four assists for Chelsea unreal games

    Against Lut and Sheffield and now against Fulham I know teams he’s going to be improving and playing against better teams better but L but you got to respect what he’s doing in a short period of time Cole Palmer in my view my view but I wanted to mention at the end

    Of this podcast and 11 if you have friends that do not know Wonder Kids here is 11 to give them some ball knowledge for what’s to come in the next 5 years the best 11 of young players would Engle ubin left back udog Antonio Silva Len yoro and a right back with

    Fring pong then in front in Midfield AZ roza and Z em a player like gavi a player like Jude Bellingham that is the best player in the world you must have these players a player like Florian vus a player like musala many players can be mentioned and in front you must have

    Vush you must have Saka you must have a Rodrigo and in front in Striker you must have a Holland or a Santiago gimenes or Evan Ferguson or Bon please send this to friends that don’t not know about Wonder kids because yes this is the list you

    Mean the you mean the Venus junr who has a hattrick in the first half of the Spanish super Cup being held in Saudi Arabia what the H man I think you mean that one right unreal V this shows this is why car andot St 100% victorious in

    The Champions leag 2 all my days that’s happen and Mar Leonardo a goal in his first game for Benfica 2o so you’ve been warned the Brazil generation is coming through my days venu Jr with this do you believe venu Jr will win a b andur one day Bron oh

    H is that the best club golly he is at the best club for that uh yeah I mean it’s got to be with Real Madrid the issue is he’s he’s not going to if kilan mbappe moves to Real Madrid Carlo andelot disagrees with you brettson he

    Stated that ven J will win a balandor one day and who am I to go against carot I know I’m joking I’m joking if he goes to I agree with you though it it’s it’s pretty insane to think though that you’ve got Jude Bellingham who is the

    Odds on favorite to win so far so far if if things stopped today right uh in 2024 you’ve got venicius who Carlo ancelotti obviously is backing and then you’ve got kilan mbappe who thinks he might who’s still whose ambition is still to win a BAL onor even though he’s put up

    Ridiculous numbers uh year after year after year after year for the French national team one of the most successful national teams since the turn of the century or since a little before the turn of the Cent you reject for a reason cuad is greater and they have a good

    Organization the president of CBF of the Federation of Brazil it’s a mess right now it’s a mess he was literally um people were saying he did crimes right now this is the state of the CF G chelot did the right decision in staying Atri because he’s got trude Bellingham

    Rodrigo Vin Jr and Henry coming through it’s the right move and now a hattick for Fu Jr in the first half oh my I I world class bre I hate I hate to say it though but I have been a lot less enamored with the Ronaldo rjo Jules k um

    To be honest like the more the bigger standout in the defense for Barcelona in the last say two months which have not been great for Barcelona uh has been Andreas Christensen if anybody but they desperately need I I wanted to see anaki Pena uh be the guy for Barcelona but

    They desperately need tan back they need him back oh yeah yeah yeah but ASAP but bar talk they Le but Lucas berv I don’t think he’ll be the immediate solution and they need a new midfielder to two midfielders i’ get berv and Alex Garcia from Jona I don’t know how much it would

    Take but yes it doesn’t help Chavi like we mentioned at the mid of this podcast but Breton any half time no no I think I think you named it we could talk about Wonder kids all day I think that’s a whole another podcast in terms of how

    Deep you could go down there and afcon which Nigeria underperform but once it gets in into the swing of things we’ll we’ll be talking about it a whole lot now just so much football I mean hey let’s keep it rolling so 139 for to comment down below what have

    We missed what do you want to see in future podcasts please okay we want to know and feel free if you want to do cuts from the podcast we will not be censoring the people that do we’re stating that online so go bold and do just that thank you for the best

    Community to be listening another week and thank you for going bold with us another podcast take take care People


    1. Just like allegri mate, everyone remember the negative crticism even though with the points deduction that the italian had last year. And look at Juve now they are title competitors even with a young squad, and one transfer, if they had more depth in some positions they would be absolutely higher than inter right now. So the point is give Xavi time and he will turn it around.

    2. mourinho is a charlatan, he only knows how to defend, that's easy, tell all your players to defend !, and he is problematic, isn't that obvious ? he destroys teams, he gets fired every time !, he is one of the rare managers who did NOT win the champions league with Real !, he is bad with the players, the press, the referee's, the other coaches and the federations, he is totaly incapable of organising his teams offensively !, he would be good for Uruguay, NOT brazil !

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