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    Shi Heng Yi is the headmaster of the Shaolin Temple Europe 歐洲少林寺 located in Germany and belongs to the 35th Generation of Shaolin.

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    Director – Jordan Mulligan

    Filmed By- Luke Mulligan

    Filmed By- William Mulligan

    And Yusuf Raja

    Sound- Niamh Mulligan

    Interviewer – Jordan Mulligan

    Filmed and Produced By The Mulligan Brothers

    Mulliganbrothers –

    Breathing lifestyle and diet these are the three ways waking up preparing your body waking up eating the proper food waking up and already stay in the mindset taking into consideration that you know watching on the phone too much being distracted by sounds too much being distracted by what’s going on on the

    Outside too much this is not the way to go have you ever wondered what a shall in m Master’s daily routine is I spend the full day with Master shung Yi and we see his full daily routine including his very special morning routine today’s video was made possible at Mulligan where the end of year sale is now on buy one get one free across the whole website and that includes the momentum wor posters the life posters behind me the not a journal success journal and all the t-shirts on the website the link down in the description

    Use code 2024 at checkout but before before that let’s dive into this amazing video with master shangi I think we spoke to you about sort of your morning routine and what you do but is there something specific like steps that people can follow when they wake up that

    They could go through that would Prime them for the day and prepare them to be the best version of themselves okay let’s start just with a basic idea of the day is about to come I have maybe some goals I want to achieve so nothing can be created if you don’t have

    Energy so simple way how do we get energy what’s your diet what your lifestyle concerning I mean relating to how many hours do you sleep at what time are you going to bed how much time are you spending outside on the Sun second area and then also for example how are

    You how is your relation to your breath these are the three ways breathing lifestyle and diet so when I wake up in the morning first of all I think the majority of people that are out there they have a house where they sleep let’s say so the

    Whole night you were breathing in let’s say continuously air and oxygen which is all the time in your room so one simple way how do I energize myself for the day is if you have the possibility you go out fresh air of course put put something warm on you don’t get sick but

    Like breathing wise go out on the fresh air open the window window and then start for example your your clean air breeding preparation deep conscious starting to pump up start up fueling your system your breathing system different ways either really just slowly fill everything up nine times 10 times or are

    Exercises you breathe in through the left nose breathe out through the right so the first thing is clean up your breathing apparatus which means it is one of the three areas right now that I conscious choose to start the day breing bring in the energy okay so

    Number one other people go running one possibility number two have a proper breakfast yes and number three which relates now to the lifestyle is actually what I mentioned before already stop thinking too much about stop thinking too much the fact of you thinkinking too much is already getting you off the

    Road okay and so these things are what comes all together waking up preparing your body waking up eating eating the proper food waking up and already stay in the mindset taking into consideration that you know watching on the phone too much being distracted by sounds too much

    Being distracted by what’s going on on the outside too much this is not the way to go just stay in this observation mode always watch yourself stay in this observation mode and then slowly slowly you can start and you build up from the morning this energy level

    Then yes also I’m not sure if I mentioned it before but you just take the Four Seasons as an example okay the 24 hours divided into four seasons meaning there is a phase where Energy starts to rise which is like springtime there is the point when your energy

    Level reaches the highest peak it is the summertime afterwards comes the season of slowly calming down Letting Go Letting Go shutting down slowly your Energy System meaning don’t push yourself un necessarily until you entering back into winter time things are now getting quiet and you can rest

    Sleeping and then next morning the sun and the spring comes again so it’s a simple cycle and now exactly this type of cycle you relate to now to your 24-hour day how could that possibly look which means first of all observe yourself when at the moment at what point of the day are

    You having your highest peaks when you feel this when you know when you sense the the time where you are the most awake the time where you feel the most vital this is the time where you place all the heavy work in all the productive work in all the things that

    Take energy that is this time but to feel already oh no my my my body I’m slowly getting tired I’m slowly starting to shut down and then forcing yourself to do something this is called draining yourself your actions your behavior are in are in opposition to what your energy system is

    Doing yes so and on when you’re still young and you still adaptable all not an issue on the long term big issue if Energy System and the way of how you behave does not fit together then this is what we call you have a big internal conflict which is expressing in many different

    Ways this can be depression can be of really uh split personality whatever it is and why do you have this split personality because something about you is split there’s no Harmony there and these are like just things in general regardless of what what type of work you’re doing during the day um

    That I would like take uh that I would yeah think about and that is Master shahi’s daily routine if you want to see more videos like this please hit the Subscribe button and the notification Bell because we have another video where we do a full day with Master Shah hungi

    And he shows us through his work schedule and a lot lot more not just the routine side of things today’s video is made possible at Mulligan where we’re having an end ofe sale use code 2024 at checkout with the link in the description you and you can get buy

    One get one free across everything on the website including the momentto mor posters the posters that remind you you’re going to die that’s my life right there plotted out in squares and I fill a square in every week it’s a very humbling experience to fill one of these

    In and it would absolutely change your life and then the not a journal the success Journal that actually gets you to make stuff happen it’s a a a journal every single day where you reaffirm your weekly goal your monthly goal your day daily goal your life goals then you

    Break it down into a task list and it’s uh changing my life and I absolutely love it thank you for all the feedback on this and they are included in the B one get one free and so are the t-shirts and everything everything that is on the

    Website and all the sales and proceeds go back into getting our film crew out to places like the shaol and Temple to be able to make these documentaries it takes a lot and we appreciate your support to make this happen also if you want to find out more from Master Shahi

    Head over to shin. online where you can find more resources and courses from himself and his Instagram as well is a great place to start thank you so much for watching have a blessed and productive day and I’ll see you in the next one peace


    1. To find your peak time where you can put in the most work is the hardest part when you get older …there is always something what distracts me to do what I wanted to finish ….🤔🙈

    2. i have a borderline disorder which makes it even harder to follow a certain routine, not mentioning discipline……how he explains it helps, it is still very hard but it feels right what he sais…thank you

    3. The words of Shi Heng Yi were valuable but the obnoxious shilling of a planner at the end was just unnecessary. Taking advantage of the holiday season to squeeze money out of people poorer than you is not virtuous or noble.

    4. I got his book "Shaolin Spirit" for christmas and I am so in awe of this man! I'm doing the breathing exercises to battle against my social anxiety and constant high stress level I'm in and I am also doing a lot of research on meditation and qi gong, because I wanna do those as well. I'm so grateful that this man exists.

    5. Does anyone know if jordan does motivational speeking i watched a video with this amazing wich and during that interview jordan opened up. Dont hear his story he'd be brilliant if not im loving his journey 🎉

    6. We have to come together and unify as a people I’m getting to a place where love compassion and unity is all I want in my existence no more anger hate just be the bigger person and only love other souls in this world it’s not a matter of religion or anything it’s simple balance and peace we as humans want peace deep down just love no matter the hate the world we live in if we lived like the monks would be pure balance we are slaves to our flesh and mind but we have the freedom of exploring life through self before we had no conscious knowing of our own being so we have the blessing of living in this world with each other this life doesn’t has to be horrible we can make it beautiful we just have to unify and stop those in power who seek to control and destroy our lives we can rebuild this world we live in through love hate will try to consume love but we have to fight it warriors of the light we can defeat the evil that lurks in our brethren an create something new an peaceful for us to not be angry anymore we can change the way we think an just be nice

    7. Shi heng yi what do I do when my daughter comes in at 4am every morning with her stinking death breath and asks me if she can go for a poop/have breakfast/go outside and then prepare myself for a 12 hour shift on a building site

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