Season finale. We go to the National CX Champs hosted by Greenmount CA.

    Day 1 report and results here

    Day 2 report and results here

    Great racing at Day 2 of the National Cyclo-cross Championships

    Feel it come around with the Rhythm is a sound everybody get down when we give it to you hello everyone and welcome to the our second show with bird sport my name is John Dempsey and my name is Keith C and it was national championships it was

    The biggest weekend of the Year biggest weekend of the year and I think you got more Milestone than anyone and you wen’t even everywhere I looked in the background keep going down the camera on the bik and one writer was saying I can’t wait the crashes

    Off it is going to happen and it is going to happen at some stage I’m going to land on beot but it’s not good we welcomed all the great all the big riters all the big names all the big big big names and um really the biggest name of there that

    Was there all weekend get that one out of course is Toby Watson good on Toby want to mention Toby we have neglected Toby all season uh Toby is Nationwide he’s foreign he’s everywhere uh getting on the podium was on the podium as well getting other people to put up a VC

    Glendel flag which he happens to do so Toby thank you for all the work and same to Sean R John Hammer Michael Bley uh Dam um everybody all the photographers video people for season great work we we really appreciated Robin your work anding the yeah checks in the post yeah

    Zero checks the PO you may get a pen if that’s nice yes even though Grand boy just still waiting for his um on to Saturday yeah so Saturday we had the kitties started off with the so-called fun races they looked like the most serious races of the weekend to me

    Anyhow uh they did they were absolutely amazing um it was Carnage Corner wasn’t it is basically what it’s called can we see no I I know lots of kids watch the show can I say something if you’re laughing someone else you have to go around them don’t go through them you

    Literally cannot ride through Riders like I’m going to say please go true because the footage and the videos are absolutely quality every all the kids are okay yeah you have to called breaks your handlebars Lads use them and go around the right they were Milling into each other it was brilliant under eight

    Yes Bobby Campbell from arwell kicked off a very good weekend for arwell he won the Under race ahead of James Cav from Lakeland wheelers and Dy Hughes from Square Wheels yeah under eight uh Reena Campbell from Square Wheels uh Marian mulani from lucra and Emily om

    Mani from lucra as well in the under eight girls yeah another two of the 842 lcer rers are here weekend and oh nearly by the Orwell Riders Benjamin Cunningham was the first in under 10s he was quality yeah he really was uh from leis Bell and Jackson Jennings another Orwell

    Riders um we had more lucra uh people flying around and trying not to fall over uh no that’s not a nice thing to say um they we’re all flying around trying F over under 10 girls uh Caroline Collins meve lucra Molly Turner must be the younger sister of the other Turner from

    RL wheelers and the M’s get in there with Kira M from Square Wheels huge Square wheels and or rep which which was absolutely fantastic fair play and 12 boys uh very impressive winner we’re compliment com commenting on this at the time DK Wigley from file for Savage r h

    B Fabian Dar from con good to see Con coming in there this lad is a real fighter writer and Jack McAn was inred in 12 boys D all year he’s been absolutely fantastic but I think Fabi and his f is appearing in some of the

    Races over in con as well um yeah it was good racing and um then we moved on can I just say can I stop before we one into my mind one thing I watch under at weekend a lot normally kind of glass over it can I say to parents check your

    Kids lots of them have grown in the last four or five months cuz I’ve noticed lots of low Sates oh yeah you know they’ll get bigger in clothes but check the satellite as well I saw a few riders that were sitting low they’ve OB got a

    Gr SP and we all do she wouldn’t check their satellite so check their satellite top tip top tip that’s as good as it gets l anyhow on 14 Bo W the races we had build this race of the weekend uh race the season uh didn’t disappoint no didn’t

    They literally did not disappoint we had um the big four I suppose call so just a flashback lots of people mentioned our predictions at the weekend so I had predicted uh Josh mle and you were gone for on Davies and the winner was uh neither of them yes as we passed Martin

    Grimly and he just put his hands out and went James coningham why didn’t you pick him so for play to James he rode a really well good race the L Tre boys were very close together and James they were like like a train the whole way around yeah

    Got a gap on off camera went first he bet Josh mle and Owen Davis so well done to you three boys great season absolutely top top notch we we can’t thank him enough because it was just great great great ni um onto the under 14 girls where we had casy Turner um I

    Think she finished did she finished fourth overall in in in that mix with the under 16 she did very very well so KY Turner took it uh took it well over EA Craig from VC Glendale and Nisha burn Nisha burn and who had predicted her oh

    Yeah that was me okay one to John one to John excellent I was hoping John forget about this has a paper with written down I’m going to forget this h under 16 boys hang on now I predicted you and you had predicted James armr was it yeah and who

    Won the the clear favorite maybe was Curtis mck oh Curtis um no yeah no Curtis W great race himself kale mccre was second James Aron was third Ryan Dy who was fourth were very close for the first couple of laps and C kindy Gap and kind of was the

    Team the weekend tiny Gap just eak out over the course like yes and somebody else said this to me as well it was that type of course that if it was smooth constant riding the whole way but if you made a mistake yeah you were punished you really really were punished

    Unfortunately but fair play to to Curtis mck and Spellman 16 girls another Kracken race oh this actually no predictions are great yes what the predictions on this one I predicted M from from my who’ you predict I predicted EMR hman e okay so we’re one1 if count which

    I am very very very tight race again mistakes maybe and we have a video Mia Mia had a bob on the corner her chain came off and the Gap opened up that that’s literally it and and and it’s down to that but Cara suckling was

    There as well all year Cara suling is is Ping him P yeah Donovan was close enough as well she was a mil miles away but um she’s deserve a champion in and Mia I think was very disappointed afterwards she will be back no% will be

    Back she’s G places and then we moved on to the older bookal and M50 um we had our ex- world champion current European champ Robin Seymour no great surprise no I I have to say um last year we watched Alan Bingham literally snap at the heels

    Of Glen K all way he did it again he did yeah it was relatively close TimeWise it wasn’t massive like you know um we have to give an award for Colin McGarvey for going off like a bat out of hell yes fairness he went off like a steam train

    Um but um yeah Adam Bingham gave it everything gave it everything he said he just made one little slip and Robin got two bike LS and you can’t just do that that was it yeah Trevor woods from all human Rand podar Place and de T from emale rounded out top five didn’t

    Disappoint no cracker R cracker R huge field um so that’s not one to me there so joh okay so in the M60 race uh who is that you predicted Johnny mccab I I don’t know I’m I’m bit still bit uncomfortable with all this I predicted

    Paul burel yes and who won David L I swear we never went to a race in our lives I think everybody was looking around kind of going is everything right with the work yeah everything changed like yeah big shade well done to David class class right Johnny took the lead

    But David pegged him back and then pull away ah cuz I was wondering because I I I was yeah trying to see and I was unfortunately sorry David I was watching Johnny the whole time thinking that he was leading yeah and then when I got to the Finish land saw David oh

    Jesus but uh yeah you’re happy with that because you have another teamwork national champions Jersey so great stuff well done to you all Johnny had a fantastic season look you know unfor for second my biggest disappointment was Paul ber the one time you know Johnny MC F Paul

    B what a loser actually I need to slack Paul more about that actually absolutely like all day long like you know um Kracken race um conditions were dry everybody said the course we have to compliment um the course was brilliant best Nationals ever is the word I heard

    Around really for course wise yeah people were saying course wise it was the last two years were a bit sloppy wewi I suppose yeah we were very well no not last year but the two previous years were running races so this is a great riding race like it was very tight very

    Very tight racing and it was a great day the first day saw a lot of very very deserving Champions absolutely uh before we kick off our day two reporting we just want to draw attention to seve ler at a club that never sleeps a new grabing series going ahead at January

    They have um John was at this venue I think uh at the start for the CX it’s a cracken venue um hopefully they won’t get the same biblically conditions this time I don’t think they will they’re having a race that’s not a race yes technically you know it’s it’s a it’s a

    Mass start event that you can be competitive if you want which means everyone will be so mid Street County Park 28 of January they a 20K version and a 4K version so uh it is cracken Kraken venue and it will be really well suited the gravel

    Even more so than SI cross I like and another great thing about gravel is this because we actually have that was pretty smoothly if you want pockets we got pockets if you want Comfort we got that as well look at little things here and all these sorts of things we have a full

    Gra range available in custom colors um we have amazazing shorts as well which I love with two little pockets here as well um so multiple Pockets multiple comfort and it’s all good we have a little video coming here of John speaking about it yeah get out there and

    Buy him basically yes payday is coming soon h on Saturday then it don’t be clear nice morning you have you haven’t given a weather report yet what’s going wrong with word Johnny M gets beaten and you haven’t getting W reward it was C I think is the official

    Word for me you said to me the night before what have to race what it was perfect dring it was it was good conditions yeah it b fornight butra r how was the M40 R it was good it was a bit chaotic at the start but uh lots of

    Movement you know lot shoulder some thought junor beat her the match I thought um our our favorite who had predicted uh yeah I had gone for Glen kenning to win about two minutes l a bit of a failure he only W by 30 seconds but uh then kening prevailed he bet one of

    Flynn and Mark he was kept honest the whole way around he was the two buys the three top three buys now were miles ahead of everyone else but they had a great race they kept it close they were fantastic unfortunately Mark um uh made a little bit of an error where he landed

    On his backside or his hand I think towards the end giv Ron a chance but uh it wasn’t that big I don’t think it was that big a gap cracking race and other big take takeway I can take from that race is uh War off-road Club are having an emergency general meeting tomorrow

    Night because they lost the team PR uh so D Garin got team right fair play for D Garin actually Alan lines over the past few races uh we have to say absolutely he got a top 10 didn’t he he did yeah and did anybody else get a top 10

    John stupid is lines I am going to do something which I’ve never done before and that’s actually give John a compliment on the show uh because I saw him come around with one lap to go and I think it was 10th 11th and 12th proba

    And I could see he look at his face I said oh no the red Ms descended cracking right out of this boo um he did amazingly well to get 11 11th anyhow moving swiftly on uh the junior men were up next I think um I have a video of

    This they are going at 1 million miles an hour up along the start it’s frightening yeah um Conor Murphy and Joseph Mullen got a gap of fair few seconds by the time they hit this four corner alone two boys were different level uh w a great race and Joseph kept

    Connor honest all day long but Conor Murphy and and I think check notes Here Conor Murphy excellent yeah steaming ahead here what’s that now uh 41 fantastic right Michael Collins as well uh to get T and we must compliment you Junior Collins kind even think his

    For name in oh yes we we missed this if you want to see how to write true sand don’t go to mat V you go to vote vote van art we have a video which we now of him just near the S so impressive well done

    That’s our skill of the day of the weekend what you think uh next up then were the ladies RAC women’s races and in the Master’s race we had Michelle Gigan who uh checks notes I had predicted uh back Jan Wilson from Orwell who you predicted I predicted and a wonderful

    Result from Melissa Anderson um I I thought Jean would if honest with you well this Michelle G I suppose super super super tough again the gaps they were all around the same in nearly all the races bar Conor let’s say yeah they were all let’s say 15 to

    30 seconds kind of winners so yeah great course uh we had the elite women up there as well which included Juniors yeah uh predictions in this one who did you g for again oh I got this one yes yes go on the rties she she won as I’m not going to

    Say won as well but she did win as well in the end she did had a good battle for the first few laps fair play a great race I know she’s upset afterwards you know long way to go qu May is a cracken right but Aaliyah did it and I think a

    Probably going to kill me for saying this she probably deserved it oh she did whoever one deserve it yeah 100% And what I’m happiest about is there was two young kids first and second true regardless who won it it is fantastic that is it’s the way we want to see

    That’s the way things are going as great for the future like those guards are years ahead of them so it’s very exciting and another thing um I’m going to get up in my soap box now where where is it um a fantastic celebration so many times we see people coming over the line

    And just with their heads down pressing their watch or pressing their gar you’ve won a race you may never win a race again she well yeah she will no you don’t have to go to the extent of Richie Barry house but a kraken celebration is a great thing and she celebration speaking

    Of celebrations I only heard this this morning Dean Harvey W Senor men’s race you told me he trew a pair of into the crow there was a scattering of Kid I’m Looking In see I elbowed any on away for him like you know U yeah again another

    Man who knows how to celebrate and celebrate while which is fantastic um that was a great race we said it was going to be a great race um and I think yeah it’s good it’s good Kevin M Cambridge was second it kept Dean very honest it’s only 30 seconds yeah which

    Is not a lot it’s only a dab away it’s only mistake from it all gone wrong like you know I said to John earlier I said um well is Darnell more the official um national champion because like um the rest of them are all like um after

    Fulltime X1 so my national champion is he have a special Jersey like you know and Dean did what Dean did basically he was smooth he was quick he jumped the barriers um and another little thing I found out is this is just an how cute and clever genus there was a big dirty

    Cloud lurking about halfway around and he thought maybe downpour is going to come so rather than waiting he went into the pits got on Muk Towes and rode the second half with Muk Towes yeah and like that’s seon the old Noggin and again done cool and calm he’s the real deal

    He’s absolutely fantastic so great race and let me oh I’m checking my not here you had Dean as well yay okay quick calculation here 1 two three 1 2 3 4 5 53 went to me dang nice nice do we do we have we haven’t spoken with this do we

    Have a rider of the weekend oh yeah we kind of is maybe it’s a bit unfair um we have to say um that an absolute Frank mcdor yeah an M40 race yeah that was an incredible R um uh he I was talking to his daughter Lily and she

    Says he never seems to do any good but when it comes to a big race he seems to do good that’s a way to do it it’s a way to do it um yeah maybe uh Connor was fantastic In fairness aah was fantastic um can we give it to somebody up along

    Alan Bingham was amazing who do you think off the top of the head Rider of the weekend very unfair oh my God very unfair me like this g go all the way up Daryl F from or darl what’s his name from F Dar D Wigley he was very very

    Impressive he was very very impressive and um I think to try and make up um I’m going to give to James conningham okay very so that is it for another season of the earth cying show you won’t have to tune in and see us every Tuesday

    Or Wednesday no um we want to thank everybody the parents and the kids and the photographers and the events people for letting us do like we’re getting away with murder we’re basically rocking in a slap Char everybody it’s it’s great I think we’re all on the same Buzz for promoting

    Titing and um yeah it’s kind of sad yep it’s indeed but we will see you on the road summer the broad race summer or something like that I am off to the cape epic in March we’ll do some coverage from that as well just to justify it as

    A business expense for my accountant I’m not going to he’s should here so keep him busy order a bit of verge Kish keep keep the lights on please and thank you to one and to all and we will see you all soon see take care bye

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