
    History UPSC Prelims Questions

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    Watch Part 3, Salient Features of the constitution

    Watch Part 4, Preamble Of The Constitution

    Watch Part 5,Union and Territtories Of the Constitution

    Watch Part 6, Citizenship

    Watch Part 7,Fundamental Rights In Indian Constitution

    Watch Part 8,Fundamental Rights In Indian Constitution

    Watch Part 9,Fundamental Rights In Indian Constitution

    Watch Part 10, Fundamental Rights In Indian Constitution

    Watch Part 11,Directive Principles Of State Policy

    Watch Part 12, Directive Principles Of State Policy

    Watch Part 13, Directive Principles Of State Policy

    To Know About Kesavananda Bharthi Case, https://youtu.be/Z8wNO9HDfv8
    To Know About Minerva Mills Case, https://youtu.be/WLwbDWxw-OM
    To Know About Berubari Union Case, https://youtu.be/hdvRTug_R-g

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    Hello everyone welcome to LBS Academy today we are going to discuss history mcqs based on previous year upsc questions so let’s start our session our first question is which of the following were common to both Buddhism and gism avoidance of extremities of pance and enjoyment indifference to the authority

    Of the vas denil of efficacy of rituals non injury to animal life which of the above is or are are correct here answer to this question is option b 2 3 and 4 both Buddhism and jism denied the authority of Vedas and the necessity of Performing sacrifices and rituals both

    Of them were opposed to animal sacrifices which one of the following is not a part of early giantes literature options are terada akara Sutra Sutra Kanga and brh kalpa Sutra here answer to this question is is option A thead thead is not a part of early giant literature

    The terada is Buddhist scripture a collection of short poems supposedly recited by early members of the Buddhist SAA in India around 600 BC the river most mentioned in early Vic literature is options are synu sui sarasti and ganga here answer to this question is option A cindu the most

    Prominent River of Rua is cindu next to indas sapta synu play prominent part in the H of Riga and consequently in early Vic religion sarasi is considered to be the most important and sacred ganga is also mentioned in Ric text but just once according to ancient Indian cosmogonic ideas the sequential order of

    The cycle of four aons or ugas is option A dapar K tra and Kali option b k D and Kali option C K D and Kali option D D Kali and K here answer to this question is option C K tra dapar and Kali a complete Yuga starts with the Satya Yuga

    Where tra Yuga and D Yuga into kuga in medeval India Manar system was introduced for option A making recruitment to the Army option b facilitating Revenue collection option C ensuring religious Harmony option D effective clean Administration here answer to this question is option D effective clean Administration Manar

    System was introduced in 1595 it was a combined status showing a noble civil and Military capacity the Manar system was introduced by mugal Emperor Abba as a new administrative machinery and revenue system this grading system was used by the mul rulers to fix the rank and salary of a manab they were Nobles

    Who occupied various positions in the administration of the mugul Empire they were appointed and dismissed by the mugul emperor mul painting reached zeni under options are hun Akbar jahangir and Shah Jahan he answer to this question is option C jangar the mul paintings treed Z during the reign of Emperor jahangir

    Who himself was a great painter Jang was the mul Emperor from 1605 to 1627 mul painting is a particular style of South painting confront of Miniatures either as book illustrations or as single Works to be kept in albums it emerged from Persian miniature painting and developed

    Largely in the court of mugul Empire of 16 to 18 centuries the Sufi Saint who maintained that devotional music was one way of coming close to God was mudin chisti he also known as qua mudin chisty came from Central Asia he distributed his inheritance among the poor and adopted a

    Simp life he and his disciples settled in ajar chy held that if music played and sng beautifully then it B men close to God nalic was option A a Persian script used in medieval India option b a Raga composed by Tansen option C A C leved by

    Mugul rulers option D a manual of code of conduct for theas here answer to this question is option A a Persian script used in medeval India noic is one of the main telegraphic hands used to write the Persian script it’s been extensively practiced in Iran India and Afghanistan which one of the following

    First mooded the idea of constituent assembly to frame a constitution for India option a saraj party in 1934 option b congress party in 1936 option C Muslim League in 1942 option D all parties conference in 1946 here answer to this question is option a saraj party

    In 1934 the sarage party was formed by sadas saraj party was established as the congress kfat sarage party it was a political party formed in India in January 1923 after the GAA annual conference in December 1922 of the National Congress that sld greater self-government and political freedom for the Indian people from British

    Raj the zarandi campaign of 1922 was led by option A bhagat Singh option b chitaranjan Das option C Raj Guru option D wabh Patel here answer to this question is option D wabh Patel the zarandi campaign of 1922 was led by Sardar Wai Patel in this campaign the

    Persons decided not to pay the taxes Sardar valabhi Patel was an Indian lawyer political activist the first Deputy Prime Minister of India and a leader of Indian National Congress which one of the following payers is not correctly matched option A Jalal B saty Asam at that is correct

    Option b dhai naoi Bombay Association that is also correct option C laa lepat national school at Lor that is also correct so here answer to this question is option D because satas Sak samage was founded by Joda in 1873 it exposed a mission of education and increased social rights and political assess for

    Unprivileged groups focused especially on Wom sudras and dalits in Maharashtra what is the correct sequence of the following events the lnop pack the introduction of diarchy the r attack the partition of Bengal here answer to this question is option b 4132 that is partition of Bengal was in 1905 lnno Act

    Was in 1916 R Act was in 1919 and introduction of diarchy under M chood reforms was in 1990 so here best option is option b

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