We bring you all the cyclocross race news and results. From McCrystals Rd 5 of the National League. We travel to Belgium to see how the Irish riders fared. Finally we go to Team Worc for the 6th Rd of the National league.

    Barry Rogers Gofund me : https://gofund.me/3a22860e

    Sliabh Luachra raffle for a Bianchi bike : https://www.idonate.ie/raffle/SliabhLuachraBikeRaffle

    Thank you to Sean Rowe, Toby Watson and The Belgian Project for media


    Feel it come around with the Rhythm is a sound everybody get down when we give it to you here you go ke sorry sorry SP time yeah sorry I hope it’s warming up for oh we’re live oh hello everyone welcome to another show first sport my

    Name is John Dy and my name is uh now officially a winner Keith C okay and as you all may have guess our big news was intermar sh oh wait sorry it’s Keith winning this portrait and my crystals over the Christmas to say this it hasn’t gone to

    His head I’ve had to clean his bike every day since iy with this but I can’t handle this at all so let’s get back to the better news oh yeah of the real news the real news we’re hinting at this before Christmas and I’m sure you’ve seen it since

    Christmas or before inter Mar now in the world tour and we’re SP for next three years so John’s going to the tour and the Jero I proba go to Ru and Flanders as well yeah things so like perks so it’s wonderful news that’s a gorgeous

    Jersey and um yeah we were like I think everybody is kind of fans of them beforehand especially uh with some of the riders coming from the parts of the world that they do but um yeah fantastic yeah and many many thanks to all our customers out there everyone has helped

    A little bit in this over the years we finally got there hopefully we won’t go bankrupt now over next months but it’s true yeah you buy jerseys and um John’s able to gra away the money right back to our real news so this is our first show in a while our

    Previous one was before Christmas it was and over the Christmas period we had the forementioned round five of the national series in MCR most important race that was ever held ever absolutely like you know in the Under 12 girls if a Campbell from Square Wheels H got the win ahead

    Of Lily mcder and Lea cran from imbc yeah the crystals was it was Bleak and driving up there it was horrendous sorry I forgot about the like it was really really really bad and I think the under eights and 10 and tws got absolutely dous away they were with the poor poor

    People it was loving to get back up to my cryst track though as well after last year’s National but on the Under 12 boys DK Quigley from foil CC took it again jack McAn was up there yet again for square wheels and um William Hanson Ora

    New name I think is it yeah I think it is oh maybe once we’ve seen him before man will h e Craig not a new name got to win 14 girls from Katy Turner and Eva Baker Eva Baker We got a race it’s taking us two seasons we got a slap R to

    Get about hello Mommy Baker um under 16 girls was uh yeah great race again uh um wish you nearly committed the ultimate full oh ulate for p he never skipped the best race SE sorry second best race of the weekend I am so nervous about getting onto the support race

    That I actually forgot about the best race in the world on 14 boys yeah the highlight of the season the high and actually a few people have said it not just us it is an absolute cracker this time James took it James conningham from orell BET his AR Nemesis ow Davies and a

    Newcomer Josh mclone from Team Madigan into third there is a cat amongst the pigeons and um we will talk further about half is red and half is red and he’s big so Josh MCL took a f fantastic uh third place coming back from injury so yeah good to see more competition is

    Is absolutely great uh 116 girls uh we had Emer herent got the win ahead of miai and carot sing from sale yeah uh the horsepower went up I always say it and um I I I kept like New Jersey new teams it’s very very confusing to an old man

    Like me and I I kept calling Curtis the wrong name the whole way around but um Curtis M took it for Spellman Dublin Port his new team uh he took a well head of James Armstrong and Caleb McGreevy from VC yeah and in the sport race here

    There’s only one name mentioned it’s in B capitals ke Cal from P Carri wheeler but got win who’ you beat again who’s in second place well funnny enough there was it was the largest field uh that ever was interesting wow wow wow and the wrer in second he a real cut Edge modern

    1982 um Canever is it Canever and his back breaks went as well yeah he didn’t have breaks in the first place that’s only keep you know uh but one of the funniest things was Martin uh face every time I I went over the line because he was just kind of going what

    Are you doing up here you shouldn’t be up here but um yes race win and that’s it I’m retiring hasn’t got all like you know Aliah rafy wasn’t news for her she got to win in the women’s race had a gret Lawless and Duren Ken yeah she was

    She was flying low in FA that was a great win again and the Masters Jean Wilson was um literally just a constant the whole R of the Season yeah um and somebody who really was flying low at that time as well was Kevin mccambridge yeah Kevin R out his time with Trac

    Treny racing and the win Elite men from TY keen and Sean o from luk yeah I think Ty went deep the first two laps and what happens when you go deep the first two laps look for your race your race is probably two laps

    Long and I think T had a little bit of an explosion but that’s all good that’s there’s nothing wrong with that uh Jun man Joseph Mullen from zappi got the win ahead of David gath me and Michael Collins yeah Ron mlyn did what Ronan Flynn does that sounds completely

    Wrong no it wasn’t so Ron went on won the m40s uh no surprise from inspired Jason Henry took the m50s and guess who Johnny mcabe world champion uh took the took the I’m laughing because now Paul Bell has a perfect excuse cuz he can always say he’s bet by a world champion

    No we’re not having that first loser yeah uh one thing we want to compliment is Barry Rogers of the big bubble hat crew he set up a good uh go fundme page there over Christmas to help support the B as was for racing next season for cyc

    Cross so give it a link you probably seen it already give it a few quid more importantly yeah I’m going to have the link in comments um it’s really straightforward there’s no hidden agenda this is just somebody trying to do good for CX he’s at every race he’s great crack

    Um and it’ll be wonderful to try and get some money uh because yeah it’ll go to the Riders and it’ll help him yeah absolutely or El go to massive stock of bigb of course you would the biggest bubbly hat in the world in the world

    Yeah well on very fair play yeah um over the Christmas period as well some of the cying Ulster crew uh scarped over the water yeah and speaking of people helping out cycling oer off-road stepped up and um they got a good good crew together to go over to Belgium and um

    John’s probably going to help me a little little bit better with some of the names but um on what the names are races ah right they went over and pissed themselves against the best in the world and against themselves and they actually did very well a learning experience yeah

    Great far is they wrote a number of race there on Christmas period just the only way to get better is one right those uh they wrote an ANP or the solid rides from the three of them and gar as well which was the Lee World Cup Dean broke

    His chain at start not a great with start race like you know but he finished 50 seconds like 0 rers or something like that like you know it’s insane 90 riders in start race zaler as well Zer of course I would love to ride looks incredible manic start at so many riders

    Racing at Christmas time um Conor Murphy and Cameron Henry were over there as well both them did well crashes finished well down but Savage experience on M Maria even Maria ro ro as well like you know so qu see Champions Jersey in there I just think it’s wonderful to sit down

    And kind of go well there’s that Jersey well there’s Darnell the thing that course that the full report back from the people there is just how tremendously difficult that course is TV does it no justice from steep climbs to tricky Des sense it’s all just brutal

    And they also WR de de in the night race which looks like an absolutely cracking drinking session because uh yeah it’s it’s ch racing effectively and it just looks horrible I spent most of my time looking at the crowd to see was there any rounds breaking actually yeah no no no another

    Stage these belies like the beers but uh it was an Absolut incredible Affair uh I think lots of bottoms got kicked but this is what this is all about there’s great uh footage on the UCI of Simon there’s an onboard Cam and his gas you can just see him going by Darnell you

    Kind go oh there’s Darnell which is again I just get a kick out of this I think it’s fantastic you’re a race winner now as well was like k out these things like you know uh so Conor was 25th there Cameron was just not far

    Behind him and in the elite wom we had Anya and rosi L as well did good rides and Darnell and Travis uh in the leag yeah exactly and speed speed speed that’s the the the feedback we got back on it meant to be absolutely incredible beer beer beerer and beer beer beer what

    Was meant to be mud mud mud was the next one in l h where Conor wode an exceptional race finished seventh seventh I mean like just all the horses and all the power going down and we have to score Sho just absolutely incredible Cameron did very very I don’t think he

    Was too far behind him but um that was horrible yes and on Ro also finished in the last on the last lap lead lap which is a great thing to do uh Dean had a few issues in the pits with his bikes but he finished uh 41st which is not too bad

    Yeah little note which is come back to us so a little important thing about practice laps and there’s a very much A Love Affair between Dean Harvey and V for because anytime he seems go out for a practice lap Dean was directly behind but it’s cute because you get to watch

    Him you get to see the lines you get to see everything else so I tried the same thing I tried to follow Dean as well you’re right away from him problem Fair he dropped me coming out the car park is not and you were driving which is the

    Killer like you know it’s wonderful isn’t it it’s it’s good so fair play for going over there it’s the thing to do Christmas who needs Christmas at home when you can go to Belgium and points uh one other team we want to draw our attention to is our great friends

    Seve Lucas I Club are holding a raffle for a bian bicycle two bian B oh class um and it’s incredible um and they are and I think it’s 10 as a ticket uh the raff I’m not going to give the days we’ll have all the details in the

    Comments but it’s well worth it because like so many other clubs they give a huge amount and um yeah and our good friends Pi Cycles are helping with the bikes as well like so fair play to Paul and kich supp uh we’ll give you some credit I’m sure it’s coming out of your

    Pocket so yeah get Bo take a great great great great clo what they do for the Youth is incredible uh so get in there and support it if you can draw is happening on the 19th of January as far as I know good man that’s the detail I couldn’t think of and I

    Didn’t want to say okay uh this weekend we had round six of the national series and again it was Frosty it was cold sto lead Lads it was fog and it was brutal poor Mar L couldn’t get out of May with the whole place was shut up but it was

    Great R yeah yeah fantastic venue our friends in war hosted it uh which felt really bizarre going into a f essentially just beside du I can’t get my head around that you’re literally in the city and then all of a sudden you’re in the field yeah F it’s just incredible

    Yeah yeah H Lily mcder from TC racing was the first winner from the Under 12 girls she bet Lisa kinan and Amilia finigan from Square Wheels which is very very good Jack Gan good man Jack from Square Wheels took it from fabrian dwl all the way over from con and Max mcra

    Uh from fermoy to third Max KY Turner H got the win in today and also one national series uh she bet Kira Conor from D wheelers and Kira Flavin from D Garin yeah fair play k um In fairness she’s absolutely Top Notch um now we spoke about this earlier the cat amongst

    The big catch amongst the pigeons uh came and laid it down for the under 14s boys race yes Josh M from migan got the win he bet James Cunningham and on Davies so big surprise there it is big surprise absolutely the best race of the year is just getting better it’s just

    Got better and just in time for the Nationals um and what’s absolutely fantastic as well as Kieran mulani yeah um so we before mentioned seve Luca took the actual League win as well but um and he was there with own for a good bit as well so a four battle maybe for the

    Nationals and when we were leaving to come home Kier malani was still right around his kid so he six hours of training I don’t do that in a month respect yeah good man uh in under 16 girls another Kraken race which I think for the Nationals now would be fantastic

    Em Herman got the win H for kenning CLE she got the win on the day and the league uh EO who’s massively press this year from D Garin was second miai from was third we we said it last year as well the these under 14s under 16s will

    Give some of the best race and I think it’s going to happen again um the under 16 boys and um we had a new name well it’s not a new name anyway not a new name but I was surprised to be honest Ryan Daly pulled it out of the bag

    Savage right um B James Armstrong kale mcre VC Glend Duo uh what r r absolutely Kracken ride AB I tried to go alongside James Armstrong one side on my mountain bike with the camera and I lasted about two me dropped me slow down J W well H

    James Aron got the win in the league he took it away from Caleb mcy I think and Hugh o MN was in third yeah solid from James All Season and so we did sport race so did you win again ke no and I I

    Have I I would like to say I’m a all fan of corruption U but once I’m involved you’re the inside looking out yes exactly because we we had um a supporter winner who looked very fit yeah un yeah unlike me uh Jean Sergio cusi from team work happened to be team

    Work as well he stole it he was flown in for the weekend he was flown in from the weekend and I was robbed robbed robbed so you finished second then did you no I finished fourth oh okay so you robbed three times strange strange okay I rode

    On the mountain bike and it was a good laugh uh I must admit but it was tough super super super tough one moment who didn’t find it to tough on her home ground literally uh gret L from team work well done she had a very convincing

    Win in the women’s R race she bet aiyah rafy and on Dy yeah I think aah made one little slip up um and and and Greta took advantage but the two of them absolutely fantastic Ona Dy did very very well as well um aah rafy uh from Can Am I going

    To get this wrong to 40 everyone is that the team she completely wrong I’d say but um she’s listen that’s a fantastic race and is going to be a fantastic race as well yeah qu was the first senior lady and she met D keen and dur took

    Away the league overall she did uh Masters winner on the day was Jee Wilson and she was the overall League winner as well in the Masters yeah which is class well done all uh Dean Harvey unsurprisingly got the win in senior men’s Race So shaping up nicely for his

    Defense of the national championships yeah Travis Harkness actually had a belter of R he did very very well and I still think the fact that Robin Seymour got turd and like he if he add up the ages and was driving Stakes before Stakes um but super impressed with

    Travis Harkins I thought that was a great R Dean does what Dean does so he he he was absolutely incredible thank you very much to to Dean for letting us put a camera on him and we’re going to have some Youtube footage and and little things like that it’s wonderful to see

    How it should be done yeah all and Well Done massive well done to Ty Keen from Kill Collin S Club he won the overall so for a young writer coming through and Series yeah uh in the Juniors then Conor Murphy uh did his usual uh debuted his new colors for C

    Cycles he got the win ahead of Michael Collins from Newcastle and David Gaffney yeah he motored didn’t he yeah he was he was flying h i a great CP of the start of the junior race and how Michael Collins not crash into last I was

    Already going this is the pile up I need for YouTube viral gold noer we have a lovely clip of Conor actually going by and he’s just kind of way he’s G you know uh David gy got the overall win there so well done to Davis M40 was a belter great race fantastic

    Race I had a good race I was very happy oh sorryish 18 top 20 for John John respectability uh a little ahead of him were uh two people Glenn and Mark they bet the hell of each other yeah it was a very very very good race came down to

    Probably the last lap last few Corners I would say even U where Glenn happened to pick Mark for the win but 40 is going to be a good category it’s going to be a hell of a good category yeah and Mark FL took the overall win there he did

    Consistency again was very very good onto the m50s and um Alan Bingham begins to strut his stuff yeah sounded like cracken race as well very much um Alan came from behind a bit and uh he was inspired to get the win he was inspired to get L

    There like again I we think that’s going to be an absolute cracker of a race U Ferg Regan uh took the overall win uh um but yeah there’s a gaggle of them there in the M50 and they’re going to be very very very close are yeah yeah One race

    That won’t be close no offense to anyone else is m6s for Johnny MBE our world champion got the win uh won the league he’s going to win the national championship next week as well you know they nearly post out the medal to him at this stage he left me again he you sh

    Would he is ripped he is so fish it’s ridic but Johnny did it which which is amazing and um yeah all the applauds for Johnny because he just deserves it so that wrapped up the national league I want to say Mass thanks to Martin Grimley without him this would actually

    Not happen he keeps everything going every race so well done Martin fair play we’ve lost a pitcher somewhere in our move but you know they in our house the unflappable um uh the boss he’s he’s very good and um yeah yeah good one for that so next week is nationals week yeah

    Next week is nationals week and we had 300 and something people entered after 6:00 on the last day great yeah poor Le poor we have the Nationals um the weather is going to be dry and cold yeah um and it’s just going to be a belt of course is fantastic of course it’s

    Cracking uh it’s great uh he old was down there test Stakes during the week he crashed into one and I was drove well into the ground cuz it didn’t move that’s why he said the track is sketchy you all crashed yeah so look we look forward to seeing you all down there

    Come say hello we’ll be back later on this week we’re going to do our annual I for second in a row itions uh thing where we’re going to predict who’s going to win and some else EV end up in the podium yeah I lost so many

    Friends yes but uh it’s it’s good we’ll get that done and O as well yeah we’ll see you all downer than much

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