Morning guys just got worken up by funder it was raining but it’s easing off now it’s 8:00 have slept 52 miles today the RS right I’m going to get up have a shower and shave I catch in a bit wow we packs up ready to go 52 mil today let’s get going

    It’s 9:00 a.m. now didn’t start that late really it’s going to be a long day to be it’s going to rain well it’s predicted to rain till like 12 then it’s uh higher 27 in Rens so I’ll be able to get everything dry again for for a a oh I love ccle PS

    We’re on this section for S kilometers out yeah just want to B just come off the canal now to uh 708 oh couldn’t find anything just restaurants I don’t really want to pay that kind of money for food so back onto the canal well I believe this canal takes me

    All the way to Rens which is 52 km remaining the sun point I’m off to come off find someone to eat w around sure right well I guess I’m not going this way cheers k hopefully this detour takes you to a shop Starling now back on to the

    Canal still no food or drink well I’ve got water but I really planted a Pepsi Max I think we have a shop please be open please be open oh you bastard proba going to consult Google Max I’m so happy two cakes and a stick of French bread that French stick was the best

    French stick I’ve ever eaten it never tasted so good right 24 km to go what you yeah a coming into the outskirts of Rens now 7.5 km away from the campsite see a lot of those bugs about I think they called car go Bo sh you it stinks along the canal down

    Here EG make you smile we’re right in the heart Rens now I want to go to campsite and explore the city The Old City think the best area to go to well that was a long day finally here quite an expensive uh campsite this one20 but there’s on Google Maps there’s like

    Only two campsites marked in Ren so I chose this one anyway I’m going to get set up I’ll catch you in a bit right heading into the sea now 20 pass 4 oh yeah I can’t believe it’s the last day tomorrow I’ve booked my uh return Ferry uh for Monday it’s currently

    Saturday um yeah so tomorrow going to head to Sano 50 51 miles and then get ready to catch the furry the next day Monday it’s gone so quick that’s nearly 900 miles I’ve C so far it’s crazy how quick it’s gone but yeah I’ll catch you in the morning yeah yeah a yeah


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