leaving for rome in the morning, does anyone have any recommendations?

    thank you so much for watching!!!
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    Okay good morning Amsterdam I have literally woken up to it hail storming Okay now what’s crazy about that is whenever I arrived in Amsterdam my Uber driver told me that he was like by the end of your trip it’ll be snowing and I guess he’s halfway there good

    Morning everyone we are going to Berlin today I woke up very late this outfit looks hideous but it’s just an undershirt it’s the proportions are not working in my favor right now but ignore it anyways I was anticipating on waking up two years ago and I did but I turned

    My phone off because I didn’t want to wake up normally I would just turn my alarm off but for some reason today I turned my phone off so we needed to have left for the airport probably 30 minutes ago but I wasn’t leaving without a sh I

    Would have rather missed my flight than not shed because I wanted to shower and fully do my hair routine on the last day of this trip cuz I do my hair routine basically every 2 to 3 days and I was in Amsterdam for 3 days two nights okay

    Quick little rondine I spoke German in sko so I’m trying to remember what I know I know hello Vates means something I don’t know what it means but it means something Dana means thank you Isa bear ish bear ish bear Isa bear um I had to sing that in class

    Um so I know that Isa Adam uh means like my name is Adam I think what else did I know [ __ ] I did so cofi C ver wow I’m [ __ ] I studied German for 3 years and I cannot speak any of it FCA my German teacher would be very

    Disappointed in me frca don’t worry I love you baby I’ll try I learn some more okay I’m running exceptionally late so I’m just going to run to the airport and I will see you in Berlin it’s so funny because as this trip goes on it’s getting easier and easier to pack the

    Only luggage that I brought which is this small bag I feel like each City that I go to I’m buying more stuff but I’m figuring out a better way to store it all so let me tell you something I used to watch those videos and be like

    How the [ __ ] can people travel for a long period of time with such a small suitcase let me tell you something I’ve learned how to do it you can buy like a new sweater if you desire from each place to kind of keep your outfits you

    Know fun uh but you really can just wear the same [ __ ] over and over again and wash it or have more of the things I don’t know I [ __ ] like it and I just love being able to like for example I’m going to be rocking up to the airport

    Like 20 minutes before my flight boards which if I had a case I would be [ __ ] but I don’t have a case so I can just go through security so let’s hope the lines of security are not that bad but but yeah I’m very excited I hope the weather

    In Berlin is a little bit better than what it is in Amsterdam right now let me actually look that up I need to go Adam stop delaying yourself well if I leave right now what time would I get there at 11:30 okay that is literally pushing it

    Weather in Berlin also my hotel checkout was like 5 minutes ago okay it’s not raining it’s just like windy and cold okay I’ll take it okay little bit of drama I’m currently sitting in my Uber someone just crashed into the back of the so now he’s out getting the phone number

    And stuff so that she can pay for it um the problem with this is um he’s just having a full on conversation with her and um I’m late for the airport so um I’m in a position where I don’t want to cancel the Uber because it’s not his

    Fault the car got crashed into but I’m going to be late for my flight so um okay okay I have landed in Berlin and the last time I was here was with my brother so I remember standing here with my brother so lots of memories from 2

    Years ago the flight was supposed to take off at 12:00 it didn’t end up taking off until 3:00 so I’m currently here at 4:00 which means I’m going to get to my hotel at 5:00 which means that my 2 Days in each City plan has kind of

    Been ruined a little bit because I’ve lost an entire day but we’re going to see how much we can do in the time that we’re here um I’m very excited to be back in Berlin um I just got a lot of cash out of the ATM maybe I shouldn’t

    Say that LLY I’m going to get just jumped um I got a lot of cash out because last time I was here I remember there were so many things I couldn’t do because they were very like cash only I remember I left my brother stranded in a

    Cafe once because it was cash only and I had to go to an ATM and I was gone for like an a anyway getting my erber to my hotel nice I’ll update you then oh my sweet muckers that was a long travel day oh the lighting is horrifying look at my

    Hair my bleached hair looks like it’s about to go on fire anyway I have just came into the hotel so so let me give you a little T um I’m staying in kind of like the city center which is amazing all right okay so you come in right here and you

    Have this which this is again they did this in Paris why does the [ __ ] need to be in a different room than the bathroom so anyway we have a [ __ ] room hi do you love my trackit I’ve asked you that every time I’ve done a hotel tour because we’re weighing the

    Same thing this entire trip so you come in here then this is the bathroom for some reason the [ __ ] is not in here oh my God there’s a seat I’ve never been in a shower that has a seat before what that is crazy hey everyone should I

    See a vlog like this hi everyone just Shing Oh I thought I got locked in here [ __ ] me I’m so tired all right so this is the rest of the bathroom it is so [ __ ] gorgeous holy [ __ ] this also the biggest M I’ve ever seen in my entire

    Life okay and then we have have this beautiful bath I don’t even take baths but I want to I’m going to uh we have our storage in here this is also just large and then we come here we have the beds beautiful we have a little seating area we have a little work

    Area and then we have I love the mini fridge in this place is literally just wine um I will not be touching that actually I say that in every Hotel I go into and then I wake up from a nap and I’m like okay I need to put my phone on to

    Charge and then I’m going to catch up with you uh I’ve basically lost a day in Berlin which is annoying from travel delays but we’ll talk about it let me let me charge my phone okay so it is time to finally change out of this now I am thinking Berlin people dress Co

    Berlin people Berlin I don’t know what else to people from Berlin dress really [ __ ] cool but like not cool as in like they dress up like they’re cool as in they’re like you know what I mean like they just like they like rock out of bed they like

    Throw on like a black tea and they go like you know what I mean they’re like they’re a different kind of coill so what I’m thinking is who’s calling me it’s my nana I love my nana I’ll text her in a second I’m keeping her updated

    As we go on I’m thinking of wearing this black top that no longer fits me by the way I’m wearing these black jeans because it’s you know like it’s like the vibe is oh you know I didn’t dress up [ __ ] you I’m so [ __ ] cool I’m in

    Berlin right isn’t this so just like Berlin yeah it is come on come on it is so I’m thinking of wearing this and like a scarf and like my jacket that is so [ __ ] Berlin don’t you even tell me it’s not okay so I don’t know what to

    Let me put pyer on it’s been a while since typ of PO on so I’m probably oily and deodorant oh my God I don’t have deodorant I had to get rid of it at the airport oh okay we’re going to have to improvise for a little bit by onic take your super

    Sonic God I can’t stop listening to Christina agilera because we don’t have any deodorant we’re going to get some don’t worry we’re going to have to spray our underarms with a lot of aftershave let’s let that alcohol culate that smell no what’s good is I put a lot on before

    I left and I put some on at the airport before I had to give up my deodorant why am I struggling with words right now oh that myr is close up as [ __ ] oh I don’t want to see my face in that much detail babe um yeah I’m I’m I’m good not seeing

    That honestly we need mys that are further away less than close yeah I do feel like this is kind of like the laidback like Vibe of what people wear I like I said I’ve been here once before and okay I have a problem Oh wait first of

    All let me tell you the dilemma I’m getting here so I show up to the airport late by the way so if my original flight time had have been a thing I would have missed it so for better for worse it was delayed for better I was going to miss

    It either way for worse I’ve missed an entire day in Berlin cuz it’s not like 6 or 7 p.m. and places are starting to close and the only places that are going to be open are like the [ __ ] bars and clubs and I really wanted to like sightsee so

    My flight was going to get me in at like I don’t know like 11: or 12 and I would have had the entire day n i don’t so I feel like I need to feel what the vibe is tonight and decide whether or not we need to like add on another day to

    Berlin because it’s not fair to not give it a fair chance because if you’re aware like I said I’ve been here once before with my brother and I was so sick on the trip struggling with words just bear with me they have a Red Bull here my mom

    Told me not to drink it cuz it’s probably going to be extortionately priced so let’s figure out if it’s like a price that we would get in like a shop do they even have a menu okay mini fridge o they don’t have a priceless oh wait maybe they do no they don’t

    Hello room service and mini bar how much is this Red Bull no I paid for a Red Bull in pyus from a shop that was €7 so I’m willing to go up to 7 if it’s more than €7 we’re just going to drink water mini bar prices okay Red Bull damn it’s

    Eight but I really want it I really want it I I really want it I haven’t had any coffee or anything today and I’ve been up for a while I want it I said seven oh my God we’re going to drink it whatever so anyway last time I was in Berlin like I

    Said I was very sick and I really didn’t enjoy the trip I was here with my brother and he he you know wanted to do a lot of things and I didn’t want to do a lot of things because I had just gotten Co like back to back like I

    Literally had Co like twice within the span of like a couple [ __ ] weeks I don’t know how that was possible but my body was very fragile and I just was so weak and the trip was already PR pre hello pre-planned so there was nothing we could do about

    It and I didn’t want to disappoint my brother because it was his birthday gift that I got us this trip cuz he always wanted to go to Berlin which is ironic cuz he said he always wanted to live in Berlin but now apparently he’s always wanted to live in Amsterdam okay

    Whatever you say Sir this I finished so Berlin shut up you know it is so on that trip the events that we did do around Berlin I was basically very sick in the process of them you know I did go out to bars with my brother I did go out to

    Cafes with my brother I did go out to parks with my brother but I would come home and throw up or I would you know come home and sleep the rest of the day and stuff so I don’t have good memories attached to Berlin and I want to change

    That and so the fact that I’ve lost a day I’m like I want to give this city a fair chance because everyone I know that’s been to Berlin [ __ ] loves it they say it’s incredible they say that it’s one of the best cities and I would

    Love to experience it I would love to I would love to dive into the culture a little bit um there is a farmers protest going on right now where they’re like the farmers are driving through the cities and like dropping like [ __ ] on the grind I think I’ve seen it on Google

    And they told me that it’s happening in time today so can’t wait to smell or see that but yeah I do want to give it a fair chance um I think our best case scenario is to let our phones charge let ourselves you know take a little moment

    Then we may as well just because we’re in the city center we may as well just like walk see what’s going on get the vibe and go from there I saw someone on radit today posted and they were like they’re in can I take a sip why am I just holding it

    M God European Red Bulls so good are there sugar Lots different out here cuz this [ __ ] is good so anyway what was that talking about what was I talking about going around Berlin giving it a fair chance see going out and seeing things Hm well I don’t know what I was talking about oh was I talking about like charging ourselves up why did I phrase it like that I I’m clearly needing a Red Bull so we’re going to we’re going to take a moment and they oh redit redit someone on redit

    Posted and they said that they really enjoy the travel Vlogs because there’s like no like effort put into the basically like we’re not planning things I’m not a travel influencer like you know at 9:00 a.m. we’re doing this and then at 9:15 we’re doing this and then

    At 9 like I I don’t do that on trips and I’m not going to fake it for the videos I’m filming in these places I’m literally in all of these places alone as sad as it signs this is you know this is my social interaction for

    The most part and it’s an amazing way to document it but I’m not going to like like fake how I go around trips just because I’m filming it and people may not like the style in which I do trips but I walk around see if I find things

    If I do I do and if I don’t I don’t like I don’t be like you know this then this then this then this then this then this and this maybe I need to go to a club tonight [ __ ] me I’m feeling incredibly delusional tonight all right I’m going

    To sit down and have a moment and then we’re going to head out okay you cannot say that I am not so Berlin right now I threw on my little black scarf come on come on okay I’m going to put my coat on we are going to walk we are going to

    See what we find let’s go okay the area of the hotel is super great because it’s right there this building and then we have this right here which I forget the name of so forgive me but it is right here ah the Brandenburg gate yes I do remember

    The name of it it is right here and it is such an insane building so yeah brandenberg gate I remember the name of it it is also huge last time I was here with my brother we came to this um but again that entire trip was I don’t

    Remember much of it I remember weird parts of it but I remember coming here for sure one of the reasons the flight got delayed was because over Europe right now there’s a lot of no and let me tell you something this grind is slippy as [ __ ] these streets are so big they

    Are so big and again it’s it’s quiet here again I don’t want to say that it’s just quiet across Europe because someone comment to on my video and they’re like Adam it’s important to note that it’s like the coldest time to go to Europe and even the locals are like hiding away

    Which is a very valid point while my body May no longer be in Amsterdam my mind certainly is because everywhere I go I’m super scared that like here a bike is going to come and [ __ ] knock me dying because in Amsterdam you could look to your left and right 100 times

    And there could still be a bike that comes and [ __ ] knocks you D um so yeah I was like walking here and there was a couple little PES I had to walk under and I kept like looking for a bike yeah I’m no longer in Amsterdam I’m so

    Obsessed with the interaction I just had so I was buying my iHeart Berlin shirt obviously and fridge magnets for my parents and I asked the worker for directions to a shop I want to go to and he looks up and goes uh don’t come if you don’t know or something and I was

    Like what the [ __ ] okay never mind then friendly little man okay so I had a lovely meal I think it was called like the grand something I don’t know I saw it on Tik Tok which apparently is where I’m getting all of my recommendations for um I don’t know

    What this is in front of me but I’m walking towards it again I don’t know what it is but I’m investigating um a nice little Park um so yeah it was lovely um I got a cocktail I got my pasta oh my God if anything I’m eating

    So well on this trip and I’m eating so much pasta um is that eating well or is that just eating pasta um anyway I got a cocktail but I have a little bit of a headache coming on so um I didn’t want to get another one so I’m just kind of

    Walking around a little bit this is definitely the coldest place that I’ve been to on this entire trip like I mean it is bitter cold there’s also something really interesting done in one of those streets there was like a bar/ restaurant um and then which was like fully

    Windowed you can see in and then above it there was like work offices and it was really interesting like on the lower floor you could see all these people dancing and drinking and then on the floor above you could just see like stressed office workers it was like a

    Really interesting J to pose also you know these scooters that I keep talking about that are banned in Paris they’re not B here except the roads are so slippery that I feel like I may die okay I’ve been walking for like 45 minutes where is everyone it’s like really

    Quiet I’ve went into like a couple bars there was nothing really going on um did I miss the memo is everyone out of office today hello everyone welcome back I am wearing my ihart Berlin t-shirt even though if I’m going to be completely honest with you after tonight

    I don’t know if I mean it when I wear this shirt that I heart Berlin because it was kind of an underwhelming day okay I know I have this mental block with Berlin that I’m trying to get pasted but I honestly feel like I made my best

    Effort tonight I went walking I went to a couple bars and they were completely dead which In fairness it’s a Monday night however I feel like other places I’ve been even Manchester would still be busy on a Monday so then I thought I was like okay maybe I’m just in the wrong

    Area so I come back to my hotel and I ask for a recommendation this is actually not the recommendations for the bars they gave me Curry verse recommendations that I’m for sure going to try it tomorrow um I don’t know where I put the ones they gave me it’s

    Somewhere here hold on I don’t know where I put it but basically they gave me the amazing woman at reception gave me a list of areas that might have fun bars and I went to them I was rejected entry into one of the bars which I hear

    Happens with clubs and I didn’t know why it happened with a bar and then I find out that they were only letting people that spoke German into the bar or something like that and they like didn’t allely tourist in which I was like okay that’s fine so I walked down the street

    A little bit and I went into another one and it was the exact same thing where they didn’t let me in because I didn’t speak German and I was like okay like you know I respect it I I understand it um but like I was like flat out told

    Like no cuz I didn’t speak German which was interesting um but anyway so I I tried and then I came back to the hotel and I was like hey those areas you know weren’t great and they were like you know what maybe it’s just an off night

    Maybe you know it’s a Monday night blah blah blah blah and I was like maybe um but like oh my God like I’m I’m I’m devoting two days to each by the way I’ve ordered water um I called room service and I was like Hey and they were

    Like um what order do you have at midnight um super sweet and I was like can I just get water um so that’s my fun little midnight order uh but anyway cuz there’s no water I need water and I don’t want to go to shop but anyway yeah it was a

    Really interesting night and I said it to the hotel staff and they were like yeah maybe it’s like an off night or whatever but what I was saying was circling back was I’ve devoted like two days three nights to each City and in an entire day of Berlin night kind of was

    You know just nothing really worked out um so tomorrow is going to be a fresh new start we’re we’re going to give it our all um I was supposed to let the hotel know today whether or not I was extending the room uh but I don’t know

    Whether or not to tell them yes or no because I don’t know how I feel about Berlin right now um so I guess tomorrow night I’ll let them know or like tomorrow so if we have a great day tomorrow then I will you know stay in

    Berlin an extra day to make up for the Lost day but if you know it’s very similar to what it was today then I don’t know I mean during the daytime it’s going to be a completely different vibe and here’s the thing it’s very beautiful here and I’m very excited to

    Be here um but yeah it was a a pretty interesting start I mean the restaurant was lovely the food was amazing I defired that [ __ ] um one thing I noticed is I did my food order and he brought the food item was like by the way this

    Is cash only and I was like don’t worry I know because when I came to Berlin on one of my last trips I didn’t bring cash with me and I got refused entry at a lot of places because they only took cash so this time I’ve learned my lesson so that

    Was fine it was a lovely restaurant it was a lovely little ambient Vibe until this table opposite me come in and it’s like an older couple and they just stared at me the entire time and I was like and then a new person came in and

    They sat on their own as well and then they stared at them the entire time and didn’t stare at me and I was like oh they’re just like staring profusely at like the newcomers at the restaurant or whatever right and whenever I was walking the streets as well like it was

    Really interesting like people had a tendency to stare which I like was like okay you know it it kind of makes you feel a little bit like what’s going on and I came back to the hotel bar and the hotel bar was the exact same where there

    Was like a table over there and like they’d be talking to their friend but they were staring at you the entire time and I was like what so I mentioned it to my brother who comes out here often and he was like oh yeah like when I’m in

    Berlin like there’s a tendency where you’ll find that like people stare so then I Googled and was like why do people in Berlin stare at you and the number one thing says why do German people stare at you a lot and it goes 10 things only people who’ve lived in Germany understand

    People will stare at you a lot let’s face it us Germans love having a staring problem what the [ __ ] the German star Dy what are you looking at staring at everyone and everything is a part of life in Germany there’s literally a YouTube video titled why Germans are

    Staring at you so I was like oh my God I’m not being delal so anyway yeah it was an interesting start to Berlin I’ll be honest um but I’m willing to wake up tomorrow and have a fresh perspective perspective and try an entire day here

    And try my best to fully submerge in as much as possible let me see what the weather’s like tomorrow it’s colder here than anywhere I’ve ever been Tuesday okay it’s just going to be cold but that’s fine we can we can do that we can do that ice warning okay sorry is

    This not the best delivery of water you’ve ever seen with [ __ ] lemons and an ice bucket don’t mind if I do can you drink the water right here like the ice I need this so bad I haven’t drank any water today oh this is a good amount

    Of ice oh now I can’t fit my lemon in two lemons in there fancy ass bottle of water I said to her I was like oh my God I’m so sorry that I like ordered this at midnight and she was like I’m here all night and I was like don’t tell me that

    I’ll be calling you in 20 minutes again and she was like no D because we have a late night menu that’s like all the curry verse and stuff and I was like I’ve already at but I’ll be calling you in 20 minutes oh this water looks so refreshing that was a spiritual

    Experience okay so it’s currently 20 midnight I should go to bed cuz I’ve been up for way too long but I am before I go to bed I’m actually going to film a couple videos for my channel because I think if I upload another Vlog consecutively I think my audience will

    Kill me so I will be back after I film those videos or I’ll just see you in the morning I don’t know good T Good Morgan Good Morgan is what I should say except it’s 12:00 p.m. hello everyone welcome back to Berlin I think today is going to

    Be a great day and it is because I am seeing snow for the first time in so [ __ ] long long now I am aware that snow is quite Bleak when you’re actually I in it and it’s very cold and I’m aware of all that however I have not seen snow

    I don’t think in many many many years uh so I’m very excited to see it I probably within 20 minutes will not want to see it again uh but anyway I am going to walk to I think it’s like East Side gallery or something it’s done by the

    River it’s where all like the graffiti and stuff is and if we find a food place on the way we’ll go there um but that’s kind of my aim is to go that direction today and then we’re literally just going to take it with the flow I had a

    Lovely sleep I am ready to go I’m ready to go Berlin let’s [ __ ] do this let’s fall in love with you today okay this is the view of walking out of the hotel today and it is snowing right now look at this I haven’t seen snow in the longest

    Time okay I’ve came down to the east side gallery or East Street Gallery I remember coming here with my brother last time and it was so Sunny if I can remember correctly look at the little dog look at the little dog running is that a Frenchie maybe I miss my girls so much

    Anyway look how beautiful this is it’s all so quiet I know a lot of people were saying oh like this isn’t the time to be traveling Europe and stuff and let me tell you something it is freezing cold everywhere I go and Berlin has been the

    Coldest I do think that that is a Frenchie let me tell you something there is something so beautiful about it being so quiet and come on I’m from Ireland I can accept a little bit of cold I live in Manchester which is arguably colder than Ireland I can deal with it I can

    Deal with it this is so beautiful I want to create a snowball so bad I haven’t done this in years oh the snow is so firm my dog Dolly would absolutely love this because they’re like little tennis balls she would love this I remember whenever I was younger and it

    Used to snow it always used to happen really late at night and I would always have to wake up for skill in the morning and so I was never allowed to go out and play with it but I remember one day um I could hear all my neighbors out playing

    And I think it was it felt like probably 2:00 a.m. but it was probably like 10:00 p.m. and that was like bedtime for me and I remember my mom and dad came up to my room and they knocked and they were like you can go outside we don’t think

    You’re going to be going to school tomorrow and I went outside and I like played in the neighborhood with everyone in the snow and it’s one of those like formative memories from my childhood that I always think about because it was such an exciting moment this is so much snow it’s like

    Good quality snow as well like can you hear this can you hear that crunch that is good quality snow oh my God this is so beautiful I always loved this part whenever I came with my brother but seeing it in the snow so beautiful like look at this water as well with the

    Snow is so beautiful so basically this is the wall with all of the paintings and graffiti and all the artist work oh my God the snow is getting heavier and heavier I can’t even look up anymore I don’t even know if you can tell how heavy the snow is but it’s getting heavy

    Very so I walked to a market that I read online and that was the one that I briefly showed a clip of I thought it was an outdoor Market that I had been to before um but it was not it was a food market and it was like like groceries or

    Fruit and vegetables or like blocks of cheese or something and that is not what I thought it was the last time I was here I came with my brother to an outdoor Market I thought it was that but it is not that um so I was only in there

    For a bit because it’s kind of for the locals um or if you just want to buy a big block of cheese so now I’m just walking right in the neighborhood and it’s very very very beautiful look at all these buildings beautiful colors beautifully build look how beautiful these two streets

    Are look at this okay my day today is so much different than yesterday obviously I have the full day but I’m going to more like local places like I’m walking around the places with like where the like local market were and stuff and it’s like a completely different

    Experience I think I’m more so of a daytime person when it comes to Berlin rather than a nighttime person um I didn’t really think about the fact much that I don’t really go to Raves or clubs or anything that much I’m like a a bar person now but during the daytime

    It’s like a completely different feel and like a completely different demographic and it’s really nice and the weather is actually really beautiful it’s actually not as cold as what it was yesterday um but yeah it’s really beautiful it is I love it one thing I’ve noticed even in Berlin it just seems

    Like in all of these European cities that there are so many just like families driving around in bikes or just doing activities together and I feel like it’s super rare that you see especially living in the UK I mean in Ireland maybe whenever I was younger

    You would see it like when the kids were really young but like not that much I mean there’s just such an effort here put into like families doing things together and driving around on their little bikes together and sorry I can’t get over this snow it is so beautiful

    But yeah it’s really nice to see but it it makes me sad that it’s not really that much of a thing specifically in the UK I mean you wouldn’t see this in like [ __ ] London or Manchester maybe in Brighton a little bit but like it’s nice to see families doing so many

    Things like how pretty are these streets the snow’s also making it 10 times more beautiful look at this it’s so pretty I also have no idea where I’m walking to I’m just walking in a straight line cuz it looks beautiful look at this it’s almost completely frozen over because it is that

    Cold that so cool yeah it is really beautiful when you start completely walking away from I assume this is walking away from like the city center because there’s more Open Spaces more Parks oh my God look at this right in front of me as I say that

    And also you know that it is people or places people aren’t really going cuz the snow hasn’t been touched that much God I love that sign look at this just as I said there’s a [ __ ] Park I don’t know what this park is called but oh my God it is so

    Picturesque holy [ __ ] this is [ __ ] beautiful oh my God in the snow hasn’t been walked on that much because it’s making that crunch I don’t know if you can hear that it’s one of my favorite signs look at this oh my God and it’s huge as

    Well I’m sure this will be lovely in summer too but it’s gorgeous right [Applause] now damn does this not just make you want to crank out the Mariah Carey CDs and start singing All I Want for Christmas Is year this is the kind of weather I would have loved during

    December time and I would be lying to you if I said I haven’t already listened to a couple Christmas songs um it’s just cuz it’s cold it’s that Vibe all I need now is like a hot chocolate or something I was going to say mold wine but I

    Literally do not [ __ ] with mold wine I think it is so nasty I can’t get over how beautiful this is are you kidding me another story that I remember is to do with snow is there was one Christmas in Dairy I think it was 2010 I think you could

    Probably even Google it and it would show up I think it was 2010 where all of dairy like iced over during Christmas time and it was snowing it was icy and it was the first real experience where I was like oh my God this is like Christmas Christmas obviously it was

    Such an inconvenience to like the adults in the situation but like as a child you don’t think about like the negatives of snow and it was something so Blissful I remember me and all my family all the younger ones were like this is like a movie like this looks like the Christmas

    Movies because our version of like Christmas weather would be you know either rainy or just really really really cold so we would get like the really cold and really rainy parts of winter but we would never get the pros of snow and I always remember just seeing like look at this [ __ ] tree

    And there’s little dogs over here running and stuff look so cute but anyway I remember that Christmas always stands like my memory because I remember being at my nana’s house and my nana had made me a hot chocolate and I remember I got it I sat at the window and I just didn’t

    Speak to any of the extended family or my family that was there for like 30 minutes because I had my hot chocolate and I was looking out the window and it was snowing and I remember thinking Santa Claus came this year doesn’t sign correct to say that I was like Santa Claus is

    BR I was like the magic of Father Christmas has given us some snow I just didn’t know how to word that correctly so yeah I’ve been walking around this park for a while I’m literally walking in circles just taking it all in God it’s so magical it’s so

    Beautiful and again this is something that I really wouldn’t have find if I didn’t like Venture off the map of where I was like going like I tried that market it was very local you know Centric which is great fine um but there was nothing really for me to like but oh

    It’s starting snowing again God I [ __ ] love the snow and like here’s the thing if I’m going to have to deal with the cold weather I would love a little bit of snow as well because it’s like it’s perfect I love it yeah I went

    To that market and it was kind of a flop for me but for everyone else it’s great who lives here um like what am I going to do buy a block of [ __ ] cheese and then have to leave it at the airport or something um but I’ve just been walking

    Around the area and the more I walk around the area the more I realize how far past the city center I’ve walked and it’s more just like Hees and shops I tier like I mean like convenience shops and big parks which is why you’re seeing people with like dogs and people you

    Know there’s actually people having picnics which is crazy I think there’s people over there that are actually having mold wine and they’re sitting in their FR grip which is why the mold wine came into my head um but yeah this is just and it’s oh my God it started snowing again oh my

    God [ __ ] this is really magical look at the like are you kidding me little sleigh rides oh my God this is so beautiful and this again is like this phenomenon I talk about whenever I travel I love kind of analyzing other people and I love people watching today for example I’ve

    Seen that FR grip that are having a little picnic with their mold wine I’m currently seeing Oh that’s two children on one sleigh ride okay and and someone is pulling them and they’re [ __ ] laughing and they’re loving it there’s people just on a a walk in the park

    Again there’s people like throwing the ball for their dog which it’s very cold but I wonder if the dogs are used to it I mean let me tell you something my two princesses whenever it gets too cold will refuse to go out but yeah it is just really nice

    To see other people see how other people are living their lives and it really does just give you a fresh perspective on everything you’re thinking or everything you’re going through and I don’t know today’s been a really really really positive day and I told people my friends that it was snowing and they

    Were like oh that’s sucks like I hope like you can still find something fun to do and at the start of the day I was a little bit concerned of it snowing and you know maybe that would be the plans you know R plans ruined um for the day

    But obviously there were certain things I wanted to do today and they’ve been closed like some of the markets that I wanted to go to have been closed because of the snow and I really wanted to go to a couple shops um that have all been closed like some of the workers have

    Just uh closed in for the day which which is you know absolutely fine um like actually one of the shops I wanted to go to the sign was something I translated it and it was like spending time with family like be back tomorrow and I just thought that that was so nice

    So obviously a lot of things in my plan oh my God it is snowing so heavily a lot of things in my plan didn’t work out today which has kind of led me to again go down this other little path like actually and physically and I just have enjoyed

    Walking around and I think in comparison to yesterday today so [ __ ] peaceful and oh my God it’s snowing so much much it just is so beautiful I like I’ve Loved today so much and it’s only like 3:00 or 400 p.m. or something but it’s just it’s such a different day than I

    Thought it was like it is snowing so much right now oh my God look at this I literally in heaven right now I am in heaven right now my friend Joy went skiing in Bulgaria uh I I think like 2 weeks ago and it was snowing very heavily

    Obviously for it to to be like a ski trip and I was so jealous because I haven’t experienced snow in many many many years and the fact I come to Berlin and they’ve treated me with a bunch of snow Berlin I’m so grateful thank you

    I’m just about to go back into my hotel but look at this someone’s made so cute how does this work how the [ __ ] did I do this last night hi I was wondering if it would be possible to order a Cy verst to my room um does it come with

    Fries um I will do that and then if I could also um if possible get um an ice bucket and lemons that’s perfect thank you so much I appreciate it thank you bye-bye so excited food’s here food’s here food’s here I’m very excited don’t mind me just pulling my little table

    Over okay okay the curry verse they said is in the like hot part of the table which apparently exists which is down here oh my God there’s gold in it of course there is why is there gold in it what is this it’s brown oh my God it’s bread okay this is the

    One thing that reception told me when I came here I was talking about Curry verse which is like their delicacy in Germany and she was like you need to order it from the hotel because we do a gold cray verse or something like it literally has gold on it look at this

    Brad by the way I’m not in Italy yet I don’t want to be doing this look at this oh my God and the fries as well oh this looks so good this looks so good but before I eat my phone eats oh my God oh

    My God this looks so exciting oh my God my stomach is grumbling at the sight of this okay let me put some salt on these chips first uh that is pepper oh my God okay look at these little pots of like mayonnaise and stuff look at that that’s so cute so I have

    Booked Italy for tomorrow we are leaving and going to Rome and I think we should do Rome Florence Milan okay let me try these fries oh my God my body has wanted food all day okay let’s try this Curry first my German teacher always taught me about this frca this is for you

    [ __ ] that is so good I want to dip the chips into this this is so good this like sauce [ __ ] why is there gold on this mhm mhm sorry this is less of a mukbang and more of me just making noise mhm so my day today in Berlin has

    Been so lovely it’s been such a different vibe than yesterday I really love the daytime in Berlin nighttime I’m not so sure about it and here’s one of the things as well I’m really not in a Clubby mid I like a bar where I can sit

    With a glass of wine and people watch doesn’t really it’s not something I find tier that like is what they do and also I got turned away from a couple bars for not speaking German so I you know okay but also it’s really big out

    Here for people to like Q for like IRS for a club um like berine I think it’s called it’s very common to C for a club and try your best to get in like dress so that you think the security will let you in or try to act so cool that they

    Let you in and you can wait for like 5 to 10 IRS and then you don’t even get accepted into the clubs here’s the thing if they don’t want me in the clubs I’m not like I don’t I’m not fighting you so that I can get into a club or I’m not

    Trying to impress you so I can get into a club I’ve when I was here with my brother he wanted to do those kind of clubs as well and I was like I don’t care like no shade like I don’t want to wait like 5 to 10 IRS in a que for a

    Club to get reject like I don’t even want to wait that in a q for a club in general like even if I loved it like that’s waiting for a concert with the possibility of not seeing your favorite artist at the end I don’t like I would rather go somewhere where I feel

    Comfortable and I feel like I belong rather than like this elius thing I don’t it’s not my favorite I’m going to go eat this food though because I’m not allowing this to go cold without me enjoying it okay before I go to bed I have just

    Gotten Rim service I need to show you this so I got this veggie burger and I got these fries cuz they were so good again I got this potato sip I got this fruit platter which looks incredible I have my lemons of course for my drink

    And then I have my bread again again look at this o I’m going to this this feels formal okay I want to try this sip first and foremost cuz it looks super inviting oh my God there’s meat sausages in it they love their sausages right here don’t they

    M oh my God it tastes quite meaty wait what you know what it tastes like Christmas dinner the gravy if you just drank the gravy it’s really good yummy we already know these fries are good mhm you know what I’m not even going to take the Tomato off the burger

    I’m going to be a grownup about it this looks so good so a little veggie burger moment juicy as [ __ ] oh my God that is so much better than any Burger I’ve ever ever had there’s like a pepper sauce in it too okay I’m going to go Munch and come

    Back oh my God okay everyone Berlin has been so fun I am going to go to bedon night because I have to be up really early in the morning for my flight and also Berlin airport is very far away so I am going to do that I am going to head

    To bed this bed is actually really comfortable uh we are going to catch up tomorrow we are going to Italy very very very excited for that um also I have a quick question so I I’m thinking of doing Rome Florence and Milan however I kind of want to squeeze Venice in but

    I’m really nervous about Venice cuz I know that it’s very boat oriented how do you like get from like the train station to like the city center like do you have to book your own boat or do you like how does that work I do not know

    Also I hope that Rome has Uber because I get nervous trying to like hail on a [ __ ] taxi anyway I’m going to love and leave you that food was really good except the fruit was really bad it tasted like perfume um anyway I’ll talk to you later good night or if what NOP

    I’ll feed a SAE


    1. I love these blogs Adam, my dream is too solo travel. I love your videos already and I especially love your travel videos, watching you solo travel is very inspiring and gives me hop that I’ll be able to do it too♥️

    2. Thank you for showering before getting on a plane, I have traveled by plane a couple times in my life and when someone boards stinky, like it smells up the whole plane, icky..Other passengers are grateful too!

    3. German while a beautiful language is very confusing, like if you say "Wie Ghets?" its "What's up/How are you" But if you ask someone "Wie Ghets ES DIR" I was told by a German speaking person that its too formal, unless youre talking to your boss or in a professional setting with another person.

    4. President John Kennedy did a speech in Germany, he said "Ich bin ein Berliner" What he MEANT to say was "I am a German/ I am one of you" So he SHOULD have said "Ich bin ein Deutschlander" though unfortunately he declared himself as a Jelly Donut.

    5. After seeing gorgeous thumbnail number 2 I just have to ask can you please make a lookbook of your travel outfits I don't care if they're all white shirts

    6. Wow you speak german too. How many languages do u know!! Can you make a video telling us about all the languages you know or what you know how to say in different languages!

    7. I remember last time you played in the snow you threw a snowball at the camera and said catch and I felt like I was there with you.

    8. It is currently snowing where I live and I have refused to go outside but today I don't have a choice. Anyone who goes out in the snow is Brave in my eyes

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