In this video, we are providing you with a listening practice test in order to help you prepare for the IELTS Listening Test 2023. This practice test has the same structure as the actual test, so if you are able to pass it, you are well on your way to a successful score.

    If you are interested in taking the IELTS Listening Test, then be sure to check out this video. We will provide you with a listening practice test so that you can prepare for the test and achieve a high score. Thanks for watching!
    1 Matthew
    2 4126
    3 Creative Writing
    4 family friends
    5 peer tutor
    6 tennis coach
    7 C
    8 B
    9 B
    10 A
    11 goals
    12 (personalized) report
    13 stress management
    14 calculators
    15 skill level
    16 Stop Smoking
    17 Back Care
    18 changes
    19 serious
    20 plan
    21 C
    22 В
    23 A
    24 A
    25 C
    26 the public
    27 [Engineering (Department)] graduates/ graduates of Engineering
    28 photo booth
    29 details
    30 10(th) (of) August/August 10(th)/August tenth/10-08
    31 food
    32 fishing
    33 forestry
    34 (the) destruction
    35 genetic material
    36 climate change/global warming
    37 policy development/environmental policies 38 global network
    39 cost-effective
    40 (online) infrastructure
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    ielts 2023 listening test
    ielts listening 2023 practice
    ielts listening practice test 2023 with answers | 02.04.2023

    #ieltslistening #ielts2023 #ieltsexam #ieltslisteningpracticetest2023 #ielts @IeltsPracticeTestResources ​

    [Laughter] You will hear a number of different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear there will be time for you to read the instructions and questions and you will have a chance to check your work all the recordings will be played once only the test is in

    Four sections at the end of the test you will be given 10 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet now turn to section one section one you will hear a conversation between the head librarian and a student who wants to do voluntary work in the children’s section of the

    Library first you have some time to look at questions 1 to six you will see that there is an example that has been done for you on this occasion only the conversation relating to this will be played first good morning you’d like to volunteer for the children’s section is that right yes

    I spoke to you on the phone yesterday that’s right Tessa isn’t it yes Tessa Bridges the applicant’s name is Tessa Bridges so Bridges has been written in the space now we shall begin you should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording recording a second time listen carefully

    And answer questions 1 to six good morning you’d like to volunteer for the children’s section is that right yes I spoke to you on the phone yesterday that’s right Tessa isn’t it yes Tessa Bridges thank you for coming in today Tessa before we discuss what a volunteer

    Does in the library I’ll need to get some details from you no problem what would you like to know where do you live Tessa I still live with my family in Northwood 51 Matthew Drive m a t h e w Matthew Drive actually there are two T’s

    M a t h e w oh thank you and the postcode for Northwood is oh I’m still confused about that it used to be 2614 which of course I still remember but the post office has recently changed it to 4126 so 4126 now you’re a university student

    Aren’t you not exactly I go to Northwood poly Technic I’m in my final year in your final year so what are you studying I mean your main subject oh I’m majoring in creative writing and are you enjoying that very much so I love it when I graduate I want to write children’s

    Books that’s great now I can see why you’re Keen to volunteer at the library we’re always grateful for the extra help but I still have to ask you some more questions about your pre previous experience that’s fine but I haven’t had a full-time paid job yet not to worry

    Part-time work or voluntary work gives you the experience most employers are looking for well to start with when I was 16 I had a babysitting job and who did you work for oh just family friends how long did you babysit for family friends oh about two years on and off

    After those two years were up what did you do then well I was still working as a babysitter on the occasional evening and weekend when I became a peer tutor at school I did that for one year my last year at senior high and what does

    Being a peer to involve mostly it means staying behind after school one or two after afternoons a week to help fellow students in the subject that they’re having difficulty with and what subject did you tutor in English actually I see do you have any other experience I

    Worked at the a sports academy as a tennis coach but that was only for about 12 weeks over the summer before I enrolled at the poly Technic so you’re good at sports not everything just tennis and are you currently working yes well unpaid work that is I’m a volunteer

    At the local hospital where I visit sick children who would otherwise not have any visitors well it certainly seems as if you like children yes I do before you hear the rest of the conversation you have some time to look at questions 7 to to 10 now listen and answer questions 7 to

    10 well Tessa what I need to know now is what your schedule is like so that we can fit you into the roster here can I assume that you’re not able to work Monday to Friday during office hours right I’m very busy with lectures workshops and assignments during the

    Week how about week nights say 5 to 7: in the evening that’s a very busy time in the children’s section well I couldn’t commit to more than three evenings a week and even then it would depend on my schedule yes I understand if possible we could make arrangements a week in advance would

    That help yes that might work are weekends okay well Sundays are out actually only every other Sunday because that’s when I’m usually needed at the hospital but I’m free on Saturday afternoons all right we could roster you for the odd weekend then what about school holidays definitely no problem whatsoever I don’t

    Have any other commitments during the holidays that’s good to hear we have droves of children here in the holidays as you can imagine thank you well Tessa we’ll send you a letter of appointment in the mail and we look forward to having you join us as a volunteer thanks

    Very much now as for your duties that is the end of Section 1 you now have half a minute to check your answers now turn to section two section two you will hear a radio advertisement for a health program first you have some time to look at questions 11 to 17

    Listen carefully and answer questions 11 to 17 prevention is better than cure you all know that don’t you have you been looking for some help and guidance for maintaining your health well today I want to tell you all about a new health program called be well be well online

    Actually this is an interactive website packed with resources es to assist you in achieving your health goals on this website you’ll find upto-date health information you can trust it has a register which includes a quick online check to assess your health and keep track of your progress what do you want

    To do lose weight give up smoking manage your blood glucose levels or just improve your overall Fitness use the simple online assessment tool and receive a personalized report on your current state of health this is what we call your Wellness register after you’ve completed this you’ll be ready to move

    On now the Active Health agenda is where our team of experts has created a series of interactive 8-week programs for some of the most common health goals these are aimed at differing ages and Lifestyles and include healthy eating and workout plans plans for losing weight Stress Management longevity or

    How to age gracefully by maintaining your health and express workouts for those of you who never have enough time if you join up to be well online you’ll not only be able to use a whole Suite of interactive tools and calculators but will also have unlimited access to an

    Extensive library of health articles delicious simple recipes and Illustrated exercise descriptions let’s look first at the Active sport component this gives you individual attention in fact it’s a virtual personal trainer Sports Science and fitness experts have developed programs that will enable you to take on a specific sporting challenge or Fitness

    Goal adapted to your particular ambition and skill level detailed daily warm-ups and workout plans and weekly training schedules will help you prepare for any upcoming event of your choice marathons triathlons Open Water swims cycling or fun runs are just some of the events you could enter with confidence when you’ve

    Completed an active sport program be well online also features an active Care Project this caters for individuals who want to address specific Health needs the four courses in most demand are stop smoking which will give you strategies email support and reliable tools and resources to help you quit smoking

    Forever then there is glucose management a self-care program designed for people with high blood sugar which will help you manage your condition and improve your overall health obviously heart health has a large following it’s basically all about lifestyle modification where you will take a course of action with the aim of

    Improving your cardiovascular health those of you who suffer from neck and or back pain will benefit from the back CARE program but we’re talking about Minor troubles here anything major should be attended to by a qualified physician in person so what are you waiting for register today at bewell

    Before you hear the rest of the talk you have some time to look at questions 18 to 20 now listen and answer questions 18 to 20 okay I can hear some of you saying that you don’t have enough willpower to go through with our online program well

    Just for people like you we offer be well coaching what is it it’s a telephone-based service that will give you the extra support motivation and techniques that will provide the impetus for you to bring about permanent changes who runs it the course is delivered by exper experienced health coaches as well

    As qualified exercise physiologists dietitians and nurses who can use it well this service is really for those of you who have serious health concerns like diabetes arthritis or high blood pressure I know there are many of you out there who could benefit from this how does it work your health coach will provide

    Assistance as you develop a plan and Main maintain regular contact over a period of 6 months to help you stay on track you’ll also get access to a phone in service for extra support if you need it and you’ll be provided with health information specifically targeted at your individual problem now what could

    Be better than that that is the end of section two you now have half a minute to check your answers now turn to section three section three you will hear a conversation between two senior students who have to organize a competition for the University open Day first you have

    Some time to look at questions 21- 27 listen carefully and answer questions 21227 hi Grant what sort of competition do you think we should organize well Claire the open Day committee was pretty clear on that it must be something with youth appeal that makes sense after all

    Most of the visitors will have just left High School yeah so I was thinking technology do you mean something which uses the latest technology like an iPod something like that but a bit more expensive maybe what about about the latest iPhone I’m saving up for one

    Right now let’s make it an iPad I wish I’d had a tablet computer when I started University yeah that’s a great idea that should get a lot of our younger visitors interested right let’s go with that then fine we could go into town now and buy

    It I saw great deals advertised at the Rick Smith store oh I don’t think we’ll have to worry about that a university purchase order will probably be arranged through the resources and supplies section well that’s settled then what about the competition is it going to be

    A game of skill or a guessing game or something else what do you think would work best good question I don’t think it should be anything too hard or anything that will make the visitors look silly silly some of them have such fragile egos true so something that anyone can

    Do nothing competitive no skill or intelligence involved that’s right but the main thing is that the contestants have a lot of fun how do we do that well I was thinking of a popular TV series science fiction or science fantasy I don’t actually know the difference go on

    It’s a series where in every episode the main characters step through a portal into another world or another era what’s a portal it’s like a Gateway or entrance to something okay I get it they’ll be stepping into the new world of tertiary learning so somehow we encourage people

    To step through this portal then what they get their photo taken is that all not exactly let me think I can’t see how that’s a competition unless we pick the best photograph but there’s not much excitement or involvement in that for the participants H wait we don’t decide on

    The winner I mean no one person does we get them the public to do it how put all the photos on Facebook and the one with the most votes wins I agree good idea but there’s just one more thing I’m not clear about how do we get hold of a

    Portal I was thinking graduates of the engineering department could construct it as part of their contribution to open day before you hear the rest of the conversation you have some time to look at questions 28 to 30 now listen and answer questions 28 to 30 how do visitors enter the competition

    On open day well firstly they have to make their way to the portal photo booth on campus okay A bit like a treasure hunt to start with yes and then they get their photo taken stepping through the portal and they’ll have to write down their details you know name phone number

    Email no hang on let’s keep it simple just name and email address should do then after say the 30th of July people can visit the university Facebook page and vote for their favorite favorite photo so the photo with the most votes wins yes I think that should generate

    Quite a bit of Interest what about a cutof date of course maybe um the most popular photo as of 5 p.m. on the 10th of August will collect the iPad and the winner will be notified by email and the winning photo will be enlarged and published in full color on the

    University Facebook page that is the end of section three you now have half a minute to check your answers now turn to section 4 section 4 you will hear a talk given by a lecturer in the Environmental Studies department on agriculture and environment first you have some time to

    Look at questions 31 to 40 listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40 welcome to this lecture on agriculture and the environment I hope it is enough to make some of you decide on a career in the field of Agricultural Science as you all know food is a basic

    Human need and producing enough of it is the single greatest challenge facing the modern world developing nations have rapidly expanding populations so agriculture should be Central to any development agenda for those countries what’s more 75% of people in the developing world are dependent directly or indirectly on agriculture for their

    Livelihood and for many lowincome countries it’s the most important sector of the economy accounting for 50% of GDP and sometimes it’s the primary if not only source of foreign currency now of course when I talk about agriculture I am using the term to Encompass more than just growing food

    Crops of course livestock farming fishing and Forestry are included in order to combat widescale food short es agricultural research programs are underway in many areas using science is one way to increase productivity but a word of warning agriculture must also be sustainable let’s look at approaches that are not sustainable firstly overg

    Grazing and intensive cropping are two ancient but destructive practices that lead to loss of soil fertility secondly the mod modern idea of liberal application of chemical pesticides and herbicides has had disastrous consequences for the health of the land ranging from the pollution of water sources to the destruction of wildlife

    These practices have ignored the mechanisms that sustain ecological communities ignorance has led to the destruction of the very biodiversity that is essential for sustainable food production however introducing new agricultural techniques especially things like genetic engineering can be difficult because many people remain suspicious of the fact that plants have

    Had their genetic material Modified by scientists biotechnology has also led to the dubious practice of bior prospecting or as some prefer to call it biopiracy foreign multinational companies have been accused of illegally obtaining samples of indigenous plants of other countries in order to get their hands on genetic material to improve the

    Quality or yield of their own crops we must put aside the controversy surrounding the field of agricultural biotechnology in order to concentrate on the biggest threat to food production on this planet which is yes climate change the effects of global warming so far have been to shrink the food supply

    Thereby pushing up prices and making even the most basic necessities unaffordable as I see it the International Community must address this and other challenges to agricultural production with urgency concrete scientific and technological achievements need to be presented for Farmers to evaluate and learn to use but apart from from that governments need to

    Address the complex issues of policy development if the world’s hungry are to be fed environmental policies need to be put in place to protect ecosystems and correct soil degradation where possible countries cannot continue to exploit natural resources whilst ignoring the consequences in fact I’d like to see teams of Agriculture and

    Environment experts making up a global Network which would monitor the world’s farming systems different farming systems should be studied not only with a view to analyzing the environmental effects but the social and economic effects as well the studies would be carried out with a view to stemming pollution and erosion and promoting safe

    Costeffective practices that will guarantee a secure food supply in the future monitoring sites would need to be set up all across the world and data collected in a systematic way of course building the online infrastructure for such a project would cost millions of dollars and there would be ongoing costs

    Involved with the monitoring system but the information gathered would go a long way towards solving the problem of feeding the masses and ensuring millions of people don’t face a R future that is the end of section four you now have half a minute to check your answers

    That is the end of the listening test you now have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the listening answer sheet


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