Top 10 Unsettling Photos With Disturbing Backstories
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    📸 Dive into the chilling world of mystery with our latest video, Top 10 Unsettling Photos With Disturbing Backstories! 🕵️‍♂️ Prepare to be captivated as we unravel the eerie tales behind some of the most haunting images ever captured. From unsolved mysteries to spine-tingling historical events, each photo tells a story that’s bound to keep you on the edge of your seat. 🌟 Join us on a journey through time and discover the dark secrets these images conceal. 🤫 Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more thrilling content! 🔔

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    Kicking off the list at number 10 William Thomas dead born in 1849 William Thomas dead was the son of congregationalist Minister and at the age of 22 he was appointed as editor of the northern Echo original newspaper in Darlington this British medium Richard borol featured a photo of WT stead and a

    Spirit or a demon one of the two both pretty terrifying while William was investigating a spiritual case he took this photo with what’s supposed to be the spirit of Pete boa now the reason many believe that maybe the spirit is evil that stead later on died in the

    Titanic he boarded the ship to take part in a peace Congress at Carnegie Hall and survivors mentioned William Thomas stead a few times apparently at dinner he was chatting his way throughout the entire 11 course meal recounting exciting spooky times in his life even mentioning a cursed mummy that he encountered at

    The British museum once that’s a little odd for table talk he even gave his life jacket to another passenger that night too St would often claimed that he would one day pass due to Hanging or to drowning and right before he was to be awarded Ed with the Nobel Peace Prize he

    Passed away due to the ladder was he cursed I believe so to be honest with you what do you guys think number nine the Demonic boy photograph it doesn’t matter where or when but odds are you’ve probably seen this photo at some point all those late nights when you’re

    Scrolling through Reddit you’ve probably seen this at some point I know I have and every time I see it I’m kind of like it looks pretty real that’s pretty haunting you know when you see a photo sometimes you get bad vibes like it registers in your brain as something

    Scary and real like you want to find something that looks fake about the photo but it’s tough this photo was taken inside the Amityville house in 1976 it appears to be a young boy or Ghost spirit demon whatever with glowing white eyes it was taken with automatic cameras equipped with infrared and it

    Makes it even creepier that the boy looks like he’s peeking around the corner like he knew something was coming almost he didn’t want to get caught that’s the creepiest part here a photographer named Jee Campbell took it and Jee was working with paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren at

    The time yeah the famous Duo now rocking the big screen Conjuring Universe this was a real thing they were on this case in real life this photo was revealed 3 years after it was taken and it was revealed on the Merv Griffin Show imagine seeing this on a show like Jimmy

    Kimmel whips this out it’s like hey we’re going to play Plinko check out this demon many believe this is the ghost of John defo one of the boys who lived there prior during the 1974 event now we’re still trying to cover this one but what do you guys think is this an

    Elaborate hoax is this a young boy or is this one of the many demons that was said to haunt the house sound off down below number eight the SS water toown this picture here perhaps is one of the creepiest on this list I’m not sure what

    To think of this one it comes from 1924 and it shows what appears to be two older men or two older figures almost I don’t know it’s water it’s hard to tell some believe it’s James Courtney and Michael Mian in the water now the two had previously died and were buried at

    Sea hence that’s why their first thought was them as to who it was other crew members saw these strange faces in the water as well so when they turned back to get another look five out of the six photos showed nothing this was the only photo that showed what they saw are

    These the two lost crewmen or is the vessel haunted by Sinister forces number seven backseat driver this photo is from 1959 okay it was taken by a lady named Maybel chinery and the photo at first glance is just a Classic 60s shot of a man in a car that man was Mabel’s

    Husband now the man in the back seat however that back left seat we have no idea who that was her husband apparently was the only guy in the car at the time and also that’s a pretty tough angle if you wanted to recreate this photo with your friends after work like try this

    This is a really hard shot even with phones now it would be hard back in the day it’s like he’s appearing to us through the seat almost with that angle so either this is a lie which happens often people can lie and a man was sitting in the back left seat or like

    Mabel thinks maybe this is her dead mother-in-law now if she had said father-in-law I think maybe it was his Spirit but this for sure looks like an older gentleman with a collar or something kind of looks like uh dare I say it the devil I don’t know I read a

    Lot of comic books number six Coventry Society demon you may be thinking some of these may not be demon tail or maybe they’re just nice spirits who stuck around after they passed yeah while it’s nice to believe that photos like this convince me otherwise this is from the

    Coventry Freeman society and it shows everybody at this event dressed to the nines but when you look at the top left corner over here you see a hooded figure somebody that clearly doesn’t belong with the vibe in this room at this event nobody else was seen also at any point

    At that night wearing a hood like this so of course many believe it was a dark part of the afterlife photob bombing this event honestly I totally believe that this is a weird one the hood it’s maybe I’ve watching Harry Potter lately I don’t know maybe it’s a dementor we

    Actually don’t know number five a bunny’s tale back in 1963 the Playboy Club in New York was one of Hugh Hefner’s greatest accomplishments at the time the club was of course the Talk of the Town until Gloria steum came in Gloria was a feminist writer she created

    Miss magazine back in 1972 she’s a very big lady I know I was about to say she’s a big deal but her career began much earlier around the ‘ 60s see she got a job as one of these Playboy but bunnies and worked at the club under cover how

    Badass is that she was secretly taking note of how this keyh holders only establishment was operating and it was pretty sketchy I mean use your imagination it was horrible towards women they’re wearing high heels while running drinks the staff were these young young women the bunnies had to

    Wear these black bodysuits the puffy white tails the whole getup and at age 28 Gloria worked undercover there for 3 weeks the piece she released after appropriately titled a bunny’s tale got so much attention that it kickstarted her freelance career and made her a feminist icon this photo of Gia

    Undercover shows you the comfortable workout fits she had to wear I sure hope she had her non slips on it’s really dark establishment too say Corner a lot and a collection of her writings Gloria reflects on the undercover piece saying my expose of working in a Playboy club

    Has outlived all the Playboy clubs both here and abroad that was before Hefner passed away in 2017 she didn’t mean to you know take a jab at him but she also did outlive Hugh Hefner I’ll say it she doesn’t have to take the smoke on this

    Style I connected the dots for you in our number four spot today we have share share is often referred to as the goddess of Po pop and for good reason she’s an absolute Legend and an icon she’s never been afraid to push the limits or go outside of the box so when

    We came across this photo we were both surprised and not so surprised at the same time this little photo comes to us from 1959 when Sher was just 13 years old as it turns out Sher was driving when she wasn’t supposed to in a 2013 appearance on The Tonight Show she

    Explained that a friend of hers had asked her to watch his car while he ran inside to do something Sher moved the car a couple of times to get out of the way of other people but then decided that he was simply just taking too long

    And decided to drive herself over to the drive-in theater luckily everyone was okay and once the police brought her to the station they simply just called her mom to come and pick her up apparently she didn’t even know she was being arrested at the time which I totally

    Think you can tell by her expression in the mug shot number three Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky of course we all remember this one at one point we heard about it be it on Lime wire in the middle of your song this would randomly Play Bill Clinton talking about not

    Having sexual relationship with that woman back when we had to download music that was a classic so loud so out of nowhere and so loud but this was a huge presidential Scandal you know back when they weren’t every other week it was 1998 Clinton White House intern Monica

    Lewinsky was 22 years old and they had a sexual relationship from 1995 to 1997 he definitely did Linsky said she hooked up with Bill nine different times at the White House apparently according to your schedule Hillary Clinton was at the white house for at least seven of those

    Visits whenever I see this photo I wish I was alive to see this unfold in real time I mean I was alive but I was three you know what I mean I wasn’t like damn that’s crazy in our number two spot today we have an a12 spy plane this

    Photo is one that shows the remnants of a crashed a12 spy plane from 1963 as well as the subsequent cleanup and rescue mission this crash happened during a test flight when pilot Ken Collins was testing the plan’s subsonic engines at a low altitude Ken was then

    Flying under his Area 51 code name which was Ken colar which is just the coolest thing I really want a secret agent code name anyway at 25,000 ft the plane basically inverted and somehow landed itself upside down so now Ken is flying upside down and he knew he wasn’t going

    To be able to recover so he ejected himself in the end Ken was okay but the same obviously couldn’t be said for the plane to make this cool story even cooler apparently us officials later made Ken undergo hypnosis and treatments of sodium pentool which is thought to be

    Like a truth serum in order to be sure he relayed the details of the incident as fully and as truthfully as possible that’s serious business usually I just ask someone to couple times and then go with whatever they tell me and finally number one Charlie Chaplain and Co I’m

    Wearing a hat now and a sweater I’ll never tell you why when we think of chaplain we often think of the mustache the physical comedy the Hat the fact that he lost a Charlie Chaplain lookalike contest yada y y we know the rest we remember the performances that

    He would give us for the most part that’s how you want to be remembered as an artist ideally now when it comes to chaplain though those old timey photos of the comedic genius also include his number of different wives a lot of them being much much younger the first two

    Being 16 years old when they were married right right his first marriage was with Mildred Harris in 1918 he was 29 she was 15 odd that marriage only lasted 2 years and then he married Lita gray in 1924 she was also 16 odd again that marriage ended with a messy 50-page

    Divorce where it was revealed chaplain was pretty abusive in all his manners as a husband still the biggest film star regardless of how he treated co-stars and also Ex-Wives he went on to marry Paul at Goddard 9 years later who was 22 a bit better but here’s the crap part

    She said she was when they met so a year older than his Ex-Wives and he was still pursuing her after she said that so OD again he moved into her Manion shortly after they began talking 7 years later that relationship ended too and thus began his new relationship with unaa

    O’Neal chaplain in his 50s and una at age 18 he was the same age as her father makes the mustache a little less fun now doesn’t it they both remain together until chaplain’s passing in 1977 we’re talking about Pete Davidson when really we should be talking about Charlie

    Chaplan number five the ghost pilot oh this one gives me the creeps I’m hoping it’s just a friendly ghost I included it cuz it’s kind of nice but you never really know honestly this one I did some research it’s creepy any sort of spirit I don’t welcome yeah I don’t gamble on

    The afterlife I’m actually all set the ghost pilot is a photograph that shows a spirit from 1987 a woman named Mrs S was visiting an Airfield in England so of course she did the classic tourist thing and got a photo in the cockpit we all do

    It at some point but do you ever think of who may have died in that exact spot before after the age of 10 years old I was like you know what I understand ghosts I’m not going to sit in that tank I’m good thanks people swear the Titanic

    Was a cursed ship and that Spirits were responsible for the ship’s bad luck now next time you want to sit in the Pilot’s seat look around for Spirits cuz this image was developed and it appears that somebody or something was in the helicopter with M the whole time number

    Four the Paris demon originally the tunnels under Paris were built for stone mines but near the end of the 18th century it turned into something haunting cemeteries were starting to fill up and I mean that in a literal sense and humans didn’t figure out how to be clean so bodies would just be

    Laying on the sides of the roads they started to pile up over time so the solution was to use these catacombs they were no longer needed for those mines anymore so might as well use them as a mass graveyard and now we have the scariest basement in the world we have

    Walls of skulls that on one hand it’s cool as hell it’s natural history it’s Gothic yet beautiful but when Google Maps tried to give a user an up close look it seemed to have caught a shadowy demon figure with more than 6 million Souls laying down there doesn’t shock me

    To hear about something like this all there’s a video of the street view and in it you can see this figure check it out yourself number three demons are us for this next one we’ll be going down the Lego aisle yeah how fun haunted Toys

    R R Us can you imagine all those toys starting up at Night by themselves Bay areas haunted Toys R Us is no longer a thing thankfully as of 2018 that location closed down but it’s Tales they live on forever the sunny Bale Toys R R Us demonic presence appeared in the

    Background of this photo but of course like others on this list the people present at the time of the photo swear that nobody else was there it’s like everyone has bad memory or everyone has good memory I can’t really tell right now it’s like could this be a spirit or

    A demon caught on tape that just happens to be at a Toys R Us I vote Yes employees talked about creepy things happening there at night all the time and the sunny Bell store is indeed haunted by more than one ghost that’s what people say the store stood where

    The Murphy Farm once stood so many think the spirit is the ghost of Johnny Johnson I don’t know the fact that Ouija boards are a toy a toy that is commonly used to I don’t know communicate with Spirits maybe closing these doors was the best call I don’t think we welcomed

    In any good spirits I don’t think any Spirits are clocking in for work you know what I mean now it’s closed so I’m like it didn’t work whatever we tried didn’t work number two ghost Boots These Boots Are Made for haunting and that’s just what they’ll do yeah I put a pair

    Of boots on this list that’s where we’re at now this photo of a young girl may look like a classic family trip but upon closer inspection it seems like somebody or something is standing behind her now of course her father said that nobody was behind at the time that it was taken

    And I agree that and like honestly and I believe him honestly that would be pretty weird if he was like Hey can you stand right here yeah are you behind my daughter don’t move but you stand right here in this open field thanks K I don’t

    Believe it I don’t buy it it’s weird this shot was taken at Zushi zagawa Japan and you could see boots and what looks like clothing sticking out from behind the child’s elbow the kid’s father said I took a few photos and when I was looking through them at night I

    Noticed the boots behind her I took several photos in the same spot but only one of them had boots you see that in movies right at night they’re going through and they see like it’s 2: a.m. it’s never out of Walmart while it’s being developed they don’t find these

    Photos in a bright busy area it’s always in like dark kitchen it’s creepy so he freaked out and then put it on Reddit and then now we’re here full circle and finally coming in at number one cave drawings I know these aren’t photos but come on there’s nothing more eerie than

    Humanity’s origin right let’s do it let’s go back let’s turn the clocks back and for archaeologists from around the world this cave system in France doubles as the world’s oldest Art Gallery these Paleolithic paintings are haunting to look at they were created from humans about 20,000 years ago and it’s now

    Considered a heritage site there’s many of these caves around the world so if you’re thinking about sneaking down there in the last C caves and taking a look yourself well you better think again the cave was opened originally in 1948 but due to carbon dioxide levels from visitors it was closed in 1963

    Learning about her history is challenging when it’s slowly fading away that surely doesn’t help it’s got to hold your breath while you read this is crazy I’m currently reading a book called Supernatural by Graham Hancock and in it he tries to dig through history to find the or of spirituality

    And markings in caves like these ones from ages ago definitely help they resemble these demon looking creatures almost and this is long before religion these drawings were supposedly from hallucinations but many believe it’s one of the first accounts of a demon interacting with a human it’s just drawn

    On Cave wall peek murl is a cave in France that also has these strange drawings and some say they resemble aliens others of course voting demons what do you guys think this is from 25,000 years ago write all your thoughts and concerns down in the comments below

    Starting up this list in our number 10 spot today we have the Roth’s child surrealist ball the Roth’s child family is one of the wealthiest and most powerful families there has ever been and you know with money comes power and because of that there have for many years been rumors swirling about just

    How powerful and influential they really are that is why in 1972 when they threw what was called a surrealist ball people began to speculate what kind of things may have taken place at this elaborate Suare these photos could potentially be very Innocent but there’s just something about these elaborate masks coupled with

    The theories about what this family is really up to that just makes it feel very eerie this party is one of the most legendary there has ever been and whether or not they really are involved in Shady dealings that is still impressive it’s like the Project X of

    The Rich and fancy I’ll take pools and kegs of beer over this weird mask party any day number nine when Nota Rider back in December 2001 when Nota ryer was doing a little Christmas shopping at a Beverly Hills saaks 5th Avenue only she wasn’t using her Beetle Juice paycheck

    At the counter instead she stole thousands of dollars worth of goods she had accessories a handbag clothes her arms were literally full of good stuff she was then sent to The Slammer for a whole you know 4 hours then of course she was released on a $20,000 bail she

    Was charged with felony Grand Theft but she was also charged with possession of pharmaceutical drugs without a prescription that is a no no in Beetle juu land sh had anti-depressants on her while she was being arrested she wasn’t intoxicated or anything she was actually well-mannered even Lieutenant Gary

    Gilman of the Beverly Hills Police Department said she was a and I quote true lady that’s how you that’s a true lady that’s what you got to do just steal a bunch of [ __ ] and be in Beetlejuice security footage showed the actress cutting tags off in the store

    And when she left she was immediately detained it’s widely known at this point that Winona isn’t a horrible person by any means she was going through stuff at the time but this photo no matter the context it just looks bad honestly I think it’s the floppy hat she just looks

    Like she’s doing a diamond Heist I don’t know and on number eight spot today we have John F Kennedy John F Kennedy is known for a multitude of r reasons but discussions about his health often don’t take place this photo shows just an inch of the struggle Kennedy went through

    Every day as it is said he suffered from some sort of painful intestinal problems apparently things were so bad that for a while it was thought his illness might have been terminal aside from the intestinal issues he also suffered from extreme back pain that stemmed from spinal problems he had as a child

    Apparently these back problems were so bad that they almost kept him from service in World War II after his election although the world saw him as a young handsome president he really was struggling with his health behind the scenes and it can definitely be seen in this photo however it is said that

    Whenever anyone asked him how he was feeling his only response was that he was in quote excellent shape number seven Stalin Photoshop deep figs are getting out of control modern technology is really making it hard to tell what’s real and what’s not I thought I knew

    What was up apparently my eyes fool me more often than not Photoshop is also an essential now for pretty much any project including your selfie you got to touch it up a little bit get rid of those blemishes well back in 193 9 a photo of Stalin was published and he

    Looks great some would say too good well he retouched a 1924 photo and then used that as his headshot when he became a leader later on even if you get a photo with Stalin you might not be there in the future yeah there’s a chance you would be digitally removed even back in

    The day like Nikolai Yeta for example the leader of the nkvd was in a photo with Stalin he was but around 1937 Nikolai was responsible for orders that had over 1 million people arrested and to make matters worse half of them were executed for crimes against the state so

    Was n ideal to be in a photo with Nikolai he was denounced imprisoned and he died later on in 1940 so Stalin had him erased and replaced digitally look at that if you look close you can actually see lizard getting punched by an invisible Spider-Man in the

    Background yeah we caught it the man was ahead of his time even today we’re replacing actors in movies with different actors and you wouldn’t even know in our number six spot today we have the secret Pacific Ocean Air Base also known as the Johnson at to this

    Secret Air Base is located right smack dab in the center of the Pacific Ocean said to be the location of numerous nuclear tests the United States government was sure to release little to no details surrounding this location or what exactly goes on there how comforting something about nuclear and

    Secret seems ominous aside from being a little secret base this place is also the home to a thriving community of nesting seabirds and since it’s literally in the middle of the ocean the marine life surrounding it is significantly diverse this has all led to there being teams that do environmental monitoring and maintenance

    To protect the wildlife like how weird is is it that this is the place they use to store and dispose of Agent Orange but they’re also like we got to protect the birds I mean I’m glad they’re protecting the birds I just think it’s ironic to

    Get into this place you either need to be a part of the United States Air Force or have a special use permit from the US fish and wildlife service so Random at number 10 we have Lookout below the kid in this next photo is about to get a

    Shower he never asked for if there’s anything that this picture has taught me is that I am right in my quest to never have have kids look at how gross this is oh it looks thick too like the stream of puke flowing out of that kid’s mouth is

    A fresh brew of whatever he ate for breakfast and all the midnight snacks he had that kid is getting puke all over his head and he’s going to be picking chunks out of his hair but this is why kids going to be so gross for the most

    Part they’re pretty fun to hang around they have so much energy and they keep you updated about what’s going on in fortnite and all those other things but every now and again you will get one that will puke on your head without remorse if you feel like you’re going to

    Puke you should prom leave and go to the bathroom this picture can wait but at the same time I am so grateful that this kid has such poor puking etiquette because now we have this amazing photo on this list I just feel bad for that

    Kid who had to get puked on this looks like this picture was taken at the start of the season and his jersey is already ruined at number nine we have be aware of your surroundings if there’s anything that football has taught me is that you always need to have your head on a

    Swivel if you let your guard down for even a moment you might have the world come crashing down on top of you or you might end up doing an unexpected backsplash oh Lord she coming this picture is so perfect Let’s ignore the dude’s tan nipples for a moment and look

    At that lady who’s about to ruin her phone and everything on her person if you look closely you can see these small ripples that are coming off of her feet cuz they’re just touching the water that’s how you know she has reached the point of no return or who knows maybe

    This lady is the re aration of Jesus Christ and she’s about to walk on water and everything will be fine probably not though I love how this is the exact moment before anyone has noticed and she is too far gone for anyone to save her the only thing that would make this

    Picture better was if it was a video I need to know how this plays out and number eight we have wear a helmet we all want to look cool there’s something deep in our souls that make us urge for human approval and that sometimes will cause us to make decisions that are

    Perhaps fashion forward but put your body at risk like what’s going on in this picture right here this guy is about to meet a world of hurt that he never knew was possible and to be fair it’s not really his fault I can’t knock him for his ability to ride the bike it

    Looks more like it was shoddy craftsmanship rather them poor driving skills that led to This Disaster but this dude is about to get some road rash on his face and maybe lose a few of his teeth the crazy thing is that all the dudes in the background have helmets on

    Why didn’t you join them in their Quest for cranial safety and number seven we have you’re not licensed usually if you do a photo shoot on a heavy piece of Machinery you make sure that said piece of Machinery is turned off but I guess this time they didn’t really care and

    They underestimated the power of an ATV I love how every face in this picture has a different expression of Terror first you have the grandma who has her maternal Instinct kick in and feels the call to save that young boy then you have the kid falling uncontrolled fear a

    Quick realization that he has no control over the situ situation and his fate is no longer decided by himself then you have the kid driving his brain is trying to understand the power that he now possessed and his heart knows that he will never tame it also driving kid’s

    Face is so red it looks like it’s going to pop like a cherry tomato at number six we have hot rain what does someone have to do to try and get a little Sun without being disturbed if you live in the Northern parts of North America then

    Sunshine only comes around a few months a year so you want to try enjoy every last second that you can get of and then something like this happens o that girl is in for a rude awakening the worst part is is she doesn’t see it coming at

    All she’s going to have hot dog pea showered on her like she’s in a Super Soaker fight even worse than that it looks like she’s sunbathing in a park if she was on a beach and this happened at least she could get up run into the

    Water Rinse herself off and all the pee would be gone and she would only be left with the emotional scarring that comes with the social embarrassment that will never leave her but she doesn’t even have a towel there she’s going to have to get dressed walk home in the Sun and

    Have a bunch of people give her weird looks because she smells very strange at number five we have batter up I’ve never been doing MLB game but I thought they had Nets to prevent this kind of thing from happening but I guess not and these ladies should not have been sitting in

    These seats because none of them are ready for what is about to happen if you’re going to sit in the hot seat then you better be ready to catch those Rogue balls because shutting your eyes is not going to help the situation all four of them have their eyes closed they’re like

    Ah no please don’t kill us it’s going to kill you it doesn’t care it’s a ball mind you I have to say if I was in that position I would be doing the exact same thing I’m not a ninja i’ be sitting there with a black eye and a cold beer

    Pressed against my eye socket and number four we have you didn’t even make it to the wedding you hope your wedding dress is going to look great on the day of your wedding but then this happens and you better hope that it is machine washable oh no that is not going to go

    Away anytime soon it’s done it’s the biggest day of her life and it’s over just like that might as well tell everyone that the wedding is canceled I bet the cameraman got fired after that why didn’t he warn them about the impending doom the real disaster is

    Going to be the bride who has the Unstoppable rage coursing through her veins at number three we have well that’s all this picture says just well I’ve never seen someone accept their fate better than this lady maybe the picture is photoshopped and that’s why she seems so accepting of the situation

    Maybe this is a camera trick to make the waves seem way closer than they actually are but I like to believe that this is actually a massive wave about to crash down on this lady I don’t want her to get hurt but I want her to lose her hat

    And her flipflops and have a family member bring up the story about how Sher got tossed in the wave in the Bahamas at every family get together maybe just a little water up the nose too and number two we have bad friends this is what happens when you hang out with bad

    People they will do stuff like this at any chance they get and I have to say I am one of these bad people I would have totally done the same thing in this situation this poor guy’s little Johnson is about to meet its end in the worst

    Way possible and he doesn’t even see it coming at all worst of all the dog doesn’t know that he’s doing anything wrong he’s just trying to solve the mystery of the Red Dot and for our number one spot we have it sucks to be a duck as humans we have a pretty sweet

    Spot on the food chain we don’t have to worry about creatures jumping out and trying to eat us at any moment we’ve managed to cage ourselves in some pretty nice cities that protect us from all the horrors of the world and I can’t cannot say the same for this duck holy moly

    This guy is about to get chomped on by 300 teeth that is the last thing this feathered friend is ever going to see a cage of Dentistry tearing him apart at least it will be a quick death that bird is going to be ripped in half before

    He’s able to process what is happening not the preferred way to die but at least a decent one I think that’s A Warrior’s death or something it’s at least a bird’s death kicking off the list at number 10 Victorian memorials I’m a sucker for dark history and when

    It comes to the Victorian era there is nothing more Grim honestly deadly dresses the great stink rats everywhere it’s a dangerous time the life expectancy was of course a lot shorter than it is today so you really had to hold on to those you loved right but

    This is a time where we don’t have iPhones we don’t have Facebook just randomly showing you memories remember this like no stop so how do you remember a loved one after they’ve passed away well Victorian morning jewelry that’s how in the 1750s it would be normal to

    Carry with you a gold locket with hair from your past lover it’s yeah a little locket of hair how cool is that creepy a little bit creepy it was often braided or neatly folded it wasn’t just a ball of hair stuffed in a locket although it wasn’t not that either right it was

    Pretty gross during Queen Victoria’s range she would often wear morning jewelry she made the locket of hair cool dare I say she made it popular after the death of Albert she went into a horrible depression she wore morning clothes for decades and decades afterwards that’s why you see the Victorian era and

    Everyone’s wearing black everyone looks all Grim it’s cuz they just followed suit they just wore what the queen was wearing bracelets necklaces Rings the enamel of the Rings also depends on the type of death that came prior or the type of mourning that you’re doing white enamel represented death of an unmarried

    Woman pearls represented tears turquoise meant that you were thinking of them on that day and eventually penants with hair became a Next Step I’m a fan of morning jewelry I like that idea I wish I knew this sooner I wish I knew this 10 years ago I’d be like oh my eyebrow

    Piercing yeah it’s toor my mother that’s why I got it sad and rad there you go number nine Detroit ice Fountain located on Washington Boulevard the Detroit ice Fountain was quite the hazard a spectacle but a hazard nonetheless back in the early 1900s a fountain was the to

    Of the town during colder months believe it or not it’s how bored people were I guess the water jets would run all year long so in turn this Fountain would freeze and pile up and then freeze and pile up again and again eventually this thing reached up to 60 ft tall made of

    Pure ice right on Washington Boulevard this was so dangerous yeah shifting ice dangling 60 ft above your head on the way to work literally tons of ice cracking above your head the tradition has now moved to Bell Island thankfully so now you can safely observe said ice

    Trees just you know maybe not in the middle of the street anymore number eight adhesive bras back in 1949 Life Magazine released an article that caught everybody’s attention obviously May 16th 1948 the article read for 5,000 years close have been draped tied buttoned pinned and buckled on the human form

    This year for the first time in history they will be glued on bam how how did they do it they changed the game could this be we’re gluing on shoes and pants now let’s do it inventor Charles L Langs changed the game or so we thought in 1949 he made

    Bra cups that would stick onto you with adhesive just a old ring of just a ring of glue there you go this special glue this adhesive was promised to leave behind no residue and it was also supposed to be painless yet at the same time it was supposed to stay glued on

    Even if you were to jump into a pool from 10 ft High how what’s that’s that was the sell no way well Langs ended up selling the company to Textron because it didn’t work the product ultimately failed because the adhesive needed to be applied every single time you wore said

    Cups nobody wants to do that we’re not putting on toothpaste on our bras every morning and sticking them on and again they barely even work so yeah none of these thank you I’m good glue on pants that would be sick till then we’re not trying that number seven German mascots

    German history is of course dark so dark that YouTube won’t even allow us to say certain words about certain people from that time but we do our best we like to rhyme that’s how we trick them for today’s list I thought we’d take a look at Germany’s fad of taking photos with

    Polar bear mascots yeah apparently that was a thing here in Toronto we like to pose up next to the Raptor or J the Blue Jay it’s always fun D them up it’s always a good time these photos are part of the teddy bar collection they spanned

    From the first world war to the early’ 7s the German bear mascot remained throughout history but the company surrounding the polar bear mascot of course changed drastically throughout the years and it’s really Grim to look at you see photos of a smiling mascot next to yatsi soldiers and then the next

    Page you see the same German mascot but 40 years ago you know what I mean it’s odd you’re like it’s like seeing the blue jay guy back in the 1800s you’re like what were you doing many believe this craze began after two polar bears arrived at the Berlin Zoo back in the

    1920s that’s where it all kicked off because of course it was a major tourist attraction but these suits we can’t forget were first worn of course by natives for ritual practices specifically the native people of Pacific Northwest Romania as well dancers would wear real bare skins as

    Part of a pre-christian tradition it was meant to drive away the forces of evil or just pose up next to yatsi soldiers that’s where we’re at recently number six reindeer games June 1941 the Germans were attacking the Soviet Union and it was one of the biggest attacks of course

    In history Britain and us had to send weapons supplies anything really just to keep them afloat just to keep them in the fight now they sent these supplies through the Arctic Circle that was the only route but of course it was littered with uots thankfully the British HMS

    Trident was there to watch the waters and in turn the Soviets were able to fight on so as a gift as a thank you the Soviets sent the C of the Trident the World War II submarine a live reindeer yep for the submarine you know just a

    Reindeer for the sub doesn’t make any sense right I agree the British had to accept because it was ill-mannered if they didn’t so they had to keep a 6ft tall real life reindeer on a sub her name was paulana they brought her on board through a torpedo tube imagine

    Being in battle and then having to deal with this after you’re like guy we don’t need this right now please she was a crew member for 6 weeks 6 weeks imagine the smell and she slept better than most she shared a room in the Captain’s Quarters horrible finally the tried and

    Return home to Britain and our leading lady was donated immediately to the Regent Park Zoo yeah they didn’t keep her on the sub weird right number five Alfred Hitchcock and the MGM lion we’re on part three now so things are going to get a little more bizarre I’ll Veer more

    Into the weird gladly like this photo for example from 1958 taken by Clarence Sinclair bull the photo appears to be well it doesn’t appear to be it’s Alfred Hitchcock serving tea to Leo the Lion the famous MGM lion that’s him that’s the guy I want an autograph right now he

    Loves suspense and tea who would have thought North by Northwest was the only film Hitchcock did with MGM and there’s actually a rumor that he directed The Lion’s Roar for the MGM intro but that of course is nonsense because you can’t direct a lion yeah just a little more

    Lion like awesome thanks Leo let’s take lunch we’re killing it no way this that didn’t happen there have been seven MGM lions in total but Leo was known to be the most friendly he’s still on the logo today he’s an OG he’s made it but again

    Back in the 1950s it’s hard to say what it really was like on set you know like it’s still a lion and it’s the 50s I don’t think we have a lot of laws and stuff it was probably a really rough time for Leo number four the hobble

    Skirt just from this 1910 headline alone I’m glad we don’t have hobble skirts anymore although maybe they might they might make a comeback we’ll see the headline reads the hobble skirt is the latest freak in women’s Fashions skirts that are so tight around the ankle that Locomotion is seriously impeded and

    Speed is impossible what a pitch doesn’t that sound like a bad time already sounds like you’re going to be late for everything honestly French designer Paul porier made these to free the bust whilst also shackling the legs to keep it a little you know keep it classy you

    Know what’s what’s more classy than shuffling around all day long and being late nothing love the practicality on this one thanks Paul so despite how ridiculous and unsafe the hobble skirt looks and acts only the wealthy could afford such a thing damn it we’re missing out we’ll get up next time guess

    I’ll just stick with my jeans like a fool middle and lower class women wore skirts with slits or buttons they could actually walk around imagine that eh what a weird what a weird concept hobble skirts luckily didn’t last but every now and then I sense a comeback you know but

    The Kardashians I’m like H that’s close that’s close to a hobble skirt Locomotion is seriously impeded what a sell number three glorious Dynam back in 1963 the Playboy Club in New York City was one of Hugh heer’s greatest accomplishments at the time of course the club was the Talk of the Town until

    Gloria steum came along see Gloria was a feminist writer she created Miss magazine back in 1972 but her career began much earlier around the 60s see she got a job as one of these Playboy bunnies and worked at the club undercover secretly taking notes on how this keyholders only establishment was

    Actually operating you know behind the pages the staff were these young women the the bunnies of course they had to wear black bodysuits the puffy white tails the whole getup and at age 28 Gloria worked undercover for 3 weeks the piece she released after appropriately titled a bunny’s tale got so much

    Attention that it kickstarted her freelance career it made her a feminist icon to this day this photo of Gloria undercover shows you the comfortable workout fits that she had to endure that’s horrible it’s all dark too you can’t even see what’s going on people are smoking inside it’s like peaky

    Blinders it’s horrible I don’t think she had nons slips on you know what I mean in a collection of her writings Gloria reflects on the undercover piece saying how it is now outlived all the Playboy clubs both here and abroad that was before Hefner passed away in 2017 I’m

    Sure she didn’t mean outlive literally by this statement but she also did you know number two Stalin Photoshop deep fakes are getting out of control it’s insane modern technology is really making it hard to tell what’s real and what’s not I’m falling for a lot of things online lately starting to feel

    Like an old man I’m not going to lie Photoshop is also an essential now for any project it’s probably why you clicked this video you saw the thumb and you’re like what’s this Photoshop back in 1939 a photo of Stalin was published and he looks great guy looks amazing

    Some would say too good he was touching up photos as far back as 1939 to make himself look more powerful more healthy but even if you got a photo with him there’s a chance you would be digitally removed later on like Nikolai yof yeah

    The leader of the nkvd he was in a photo with Stalin but around 1937 Nikolai was responsible for orders that had over 1 million people arrested and to make matters worse half of them were executed for crimes against the state so it wasn’t ideal of course to be in a photo

    With Nikolai he was denounced imprisoned and died in 1940 so Stalin had him erased and replaced digitally in that photo this man was ahead of his time even today we’re replacing actors in movies with different actors and you wouldn’t even know it and finally number one Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky ah

    Yes we all remember hearing about this at one point even if you wanted to or not Bill Clinton been talking about not having relations with that woman yeah back when we had to download music on Lime wire this would just pop up out of nowhere and blow your eardrums out this

    Was a huge Scandal this was that Scandal it was 1998 Clinton White House intern Monica Lewinsky was 22 years old and they had a coration from 1995 to 1997 Lewinsky said she hooked up with Bill nine different times at the White House of course you have to count you’re at

    The White House obviously you’re keeping note and apparently according to her schedule Hillary Clinton was also at the white house for at least seven of those days hey big yikes whenever I see this photo I wish I was alive to see this unfold in real time I mean I was alive

    But I was you know number 10 go pills introducing go pills the pill that keeps you up for 40 hours straight what could possibly go wrong when the Government tried creating these new pills the right idea was in mind or so we think overnight workers military maybe you

    Need to cram 3 days of studying in in one night you name it the US defense Advanced research projects agency or DARPA was supposed to have your back what happened the Air Force has around 100 fatal crashes on record because of fatigued Pilots so US military was

    Actively trying to create a solution for these physically demanding jobs the closest that we have now to these go pills are something called mopol which is a narcotic approved by the Air Force to combat said fatigue but it’s not public yet of course obviously do you think these government go pills will

    Ever make it to the public I mean I think coffee makes people crazy enough in the mornings I’m all set personally I’m on like coffee number four I’m jazzed up right now number nine the heart attack gun sounds like a pretty calm weapon right there the CIA had this

    Weapon and it was more of a dart gun than anything but you know heart attack gun sounds pretty on the nose for this list it shot a frozen Dart filled with a specific toxin that you guessed it gave you a heart attack pretty James Bond right it was frozen so that the dart

    Would ideally melt away after it’s done its damage you know D destroying all the evidence right it’s like some icicle killer stuff right there that’s some that’s some Next Level there we go took me 17 seconds to remember what an icicle was called I was like what are those

    Long drippy Frozen things the icicles the CIA was really into poisons during the Cold War and apparently darts match made in heaven the public caught wind of all this thanks to senator Frank church and when Congress decided to look into where these tax dollars were going they

    Found a plethora of illegal methods used by not only the CIA but also the NSA and the FBI and the IRS lot of letters coming in lot of lot of sketchy letters Frozen darts that’s insane that’s a confusing way to go out you’d have no idea what happened you’d be

    Like Ow like it’ be that fast that’s crazy number eight project ice worm ooh speaking of cold here we go back in the 1960s under the Greenland ice sheet the US Army started to build a mobile nuclear missile launch site okay it was code named project iceworm it’s a pretty

    Fun name cuz it’s cold and underground we get it right nice the idea was that they would build a station close enough so that they could hit targets within the Soviet Union all secretly right that was the whole idea this project was called project ice Worm but there was

    Another project called Camp Century that had to be done first this is the top secret sketchy stuff can’t just hit the road with a few shovels you got to make sure it’s liveable first Camp Sentry was a network of underground tunnels and places for workers to hang out like a

    Kitchen a hall Supply rooms Communication Center all stuff like that it was a supply Camp you know whatever you imagine it was that there was also a nuclear power plant that’s the most important part to keep everything active right this was kept from the Danish government for 7 years a secret nuclear

    Power plant for 7 years yeah we don’t like those but in 1966 the project was canceled because of Shifting ice or at least that’s what they say no it’s definitely shifting ice the whole place is melted by now number seven leaked voters back in December 2015 personal information from 191 million voters was

    Leaked to the public online it happened very fast this feels like yesterday I remember this happening online I was actually quite worried about it researcher Chris vicory found this data while conducting a security investigation see Forbes had described vicory as what dare I say a good hacker

    For lack of a better word they’re called white hat hackers they find weak spots in security without sabotaging or exploiting them you know they’re not villains they’re just like oh check this file gotcha they’re nice that’s key we need that that’s the difference 79% of those eligible to vote were the victims

    In this leak all their names addresses birth date phone numbers emails even photos you name it things you don’t want people knowing let alone third parties online it’s now out there we’re still unsure who is behind this entire leak so that’s comforting to go to sleep too knowing CSO online and datab breaches

    Donnet suggests that the information more than likely came from a software provider called Nation Builder but CEO Jim Gilliam announced that that was not the case and they did not create the database he said nope false although he conceded that it is still possible that some of the information that it contains

    May have come from data that they make available for free to campaigns so a third party took what they could and really ran with it it wasn’t them it was just their weak security nice we love that just my photo just in someone’s Google doc like awesome I don’t want

    Anything out there I don’t want my Google search history out there that sounds suspicious number six the space cube in honor of Jordan peele’s a new space movie coming out called nope we have to include some alien coverups in this government list not too long ago this spinning Cube looking drone

    Hopefully drone was spotted over Missouri and then only a couple hours later it was seen again 700 M away that’s a pretty far distance that’s a fast travel time what’s your secret 44-year-old Matthew Janda was minding his own business hanging out on the porch when this caught his attention it

    Was a sunny day so the light reflected off the cube and it caught his eye but then a day later another guy 30-year-old Justin Johnson he saw the same exact thing in the sky he saw it while he was driving home the light in the reflection

    Same thing caught his eye at first I thought thought maybe it was a balloon but the movements were odd he said well it sounds like whatever this thing is military aircraft drone whatever the case it’s pretty fast maybe they’re filming Top Gun 3 who knows no spoilers

    Number five CER Sea Island some islands are forbidden like herd Island they’re home to animals and Wildlife that the government refuses to let humans be part of which is sketchy in its own way a lot of Jurassic Park Vibes over there but when it comes to cery Island near

    Iceland again always Iceland hiding secret government projects well Cy island is a brand new Island we love it literally this island formed from a volcanic eruption back in 1963 so scientists are using this fresh face of Earth to study what it looks like to not have humans and the picture for a change

    Yeah we have seed vaults a Forbidden Island these projects make people uneasy hence why the government tries to keep them lowkey that is until I come out and then loudly announce it and then tell you to hit that like button awesome number four Wikileaks warlog companies have to live somewhere right we’re a

    Film studio in Toronto we’re a place we’re not just a bunker right we’re like an establishment there’s windows we have a fridge lots of coffee we’re okay but where do places like Wikileaks work it’s probably a sketchy establishment it’s probably nothing like Google you know

    What I’m saying not a lot of bean bag chairs going on at Wikileaks probably just one chair that everyone shares just one guy it’s literally just one guy today it’s a facility owned by Swedish internet provider bhof this is where they keep servers for Wikileaks Julian Assange was the front runner for this

    Whole operation so literally like I said it was one guy his hard drive is stored in this bunker behind a two foot steel door accompanied by numerous backup generators so you’re not getting in pal in October 2010 Wikileaks actually published army field reports from 2004

    It’s now one of the biggest leaks in US history this report confirmed that there were over 66,000 civilian deaths in the Iraqi warlocks out of the 109,000 in total this league also suggested that some American troops were classifying civilians as enemies in their statistics yeah which is not great that’s that’s a

    Borderline that’s a big leak these numbers were were’re from 2004 to 2009 alone it’s hard stuff number three military weapons getting into the alien stuff here we go psycho electronic weapons yeah apparently we’re in a DC Comic now we have ice darts ice Rays what’s going on here the first time

    Curtis Waltman heard of these military psycho electronic weapons was when he received documents via Yahoo of all the places to get documents you’re like oh this is 10 years old originally he had filed the Freedom of Information Act request to Washington State Fusion Center he was trying to find out more on

    The clashes between atifa and the far right but instead you got a response and it was all about experimental weapons he’s like this is not what I asked for what is this open the guy gets a zip file back in return and it’s called em effects on human

    Body how do you not open that right and that’s exactly what he did he opened this file because of course and in it he saw diagrams on these weapons and the effects that they have on people muscle quaking body pain just shivering just your body shuts down it’s horrible one

    Of the effects allowed users to control their dreams so it’s not all bad it’s just kind of not right unethical this was clearly set by mistake nobody should ever know about any of these weapons these super dream weapons I don’t even know what’s going on there the only

    Emails I get are from student loans those ones are not a mistake those ones I I will keep deleting number two inner armor not to be confused with your inner ninja it’s also pretty Mighty we’ve all wanted to be a super herero at some point okay I’m always late I would love

    Super speed any day that’d be great well DARPA inner armor project almost made a dream come true it was the pentagon’s way of creating super soldiers yeah like Iron Man they were literally working on this scientists use animals as a reference for these new abilities literally like from a marble movie

    They’re studying the DNA of the Stellar sea lion because it can reduce blood flow away from organs if need be in order to reduce oxygen demand so now we’re studying that to try and make I don’t know people like atlanteans where are we going here that would be sweet

    Just Aquaman with a tactical vest and a spear okay that’s sure Dr Michael Callahan who is in charge of running the operation he says the goal was to make soldiers kill prooof against disease chemical weapons radioactive weapons harsh weather conditions you name it all that good stuff pretty much Invincible

    Now this was back in 2007 and of course in 2014 Barack Obama announced that the United States was still building Iron Man so maybe they’re close maybe they haven’t done it yet who knows honestly I’m seeing videos every day of like these guys on hoverboards whipping down

    New York we’re so close to the Green Goblin in real life we’re or like the water peer guy he like uses the water to float that’s like two villains it’s two villains right there in real life and finally Number One MK Ultra we have to finish with a mind control project it’s

    The only way of course MK Ultra was a secret CIA project that lasted from 1953 to 1973 it’s a long time they ran hundreds of experiments to US citizens they gave them illicit substances and other narcotics just horrible stuff all in attempts to crack mind control or as

    They call it information gathering my mind control it’s definitely mind control in the 50s and 60s around the Cold War the United States believed that the Soviets Chinese and or North Korean agents were all using mind control in the war I mean how else could you explain brainwashed prisoners of war in

    Korea right nothing to do with what they’re doing to them sure the program had subjects take LSD hallucinogens paralytics electric shock therapy horrible stuff just being put through the absolute worst all in places like universities or hospitals or even prisons right you have no idea the stuff’s happening the happenings of

    These projects weren’t fully known to the public until years after it ended but the agency destroyed most MK documents back in 1973 when the whistle was blown so we think we know but reality we only know little to what happened during MK Ultra starting off this countdown we had the helicopter

    Crash in 2019 32-year-old Beno Anthony Penna and his wife Megan Michelle Hawk Penna went out for a helicopter ride in Utah their plan was to fly to South Valley region airport in West Jordan their ETA was 2:00 p.m. when the the pair failed to arrive helicopters were

    Sent out looking for them shortly before 6:30 p.m. that day their helicopter was found sadly they had crashed this photo was posted just a few minutes before the deadly crash look how happy the pair look little did they know what was soon to happen now authorities don’t know for

    Sure what happened but it was reported that there was some heavy weather in the area that day so maybe that’s what played a role in the crash it’s a very tragic story in our ninth spot we have the drowning on November 11th 2017 fans of the Filipino TV star and Dancer

    Franco Hernandez were heartbroken when they heard the news of his passing on that day he was out with his girlfriend and some friends on a small boat this photo was taken that day just before a wave hit their boat knocking everyone overboard into the water sadly Franco drowned the people operating the boat

    Did manage to pull him and his girlfriend back onto the boat but by that time he was already unconscious he was immediately brought to a clinic but was declared Dead on Arrival this is so sad because everyone was out enjoying their day having fun little did they

    Know what was going to happen moving on at number eight we have the day the music died February 3rd 1959 is also referred to as the day the music died because on that day Buddy Holly Richie veilance and JP Richardson died in a plane crash the three had been on tour

    Together that day they boarded the plane and were headed out to the next stop on their tour but the three men and their pilot never made it now the thing is the trio had been taking a tour bus for the first half of the tour but they said it

    Was unreliable and freezing cold so being fed up they decided to take a charter plane had they continued on with the tour bus they would have made it their alive this photo was taken of the three artists right before they hopped on the plane it’s the last photo of them

    Apparently the pilot was unaware of a weather advisory that had been issued before takeoff a short while after liftoff the plane ran into troubles and crashed apparently the scene of the crash was very gruesome the three artists had been thrown from the plane in the crash the pilot was trapped

    Inside of the cockpit coming in at number seven we have the cliff jumping several years ago Naval Air crewman Shannon Nunes decided to take a celebratory jump at a popular cliff jumping spot in Hawaii she was celebrating her recent qualifications as a naval air crewman jumping off this

    Cliff was quite common in the area but it’s also very dangerous the cliff is roughly 80 ft High she took this photo before her jump little did she know what was going to happen when she jumped she ended up Landing sideways she then started to panic and drowned her two

    Friends that were with her tried to save her but it was far too late she was so excited for this jump she was so proud of herself and her accomplishments It’s just sad that it had to end this way for her coming in at number six we have the

    Falling Rock this photo features a group of individuals who went out hiking little did they know what was going to happen a few moments later later literally minutes after this photo was taken a rock above fell and hit the man on the far right in the red shirt it

    Crushed him completely he was dead upon impact all his friends witnessed this happened to him and that must have been traumatizing like it was such a freak accident we are now at our fifth and halfway mark with the Burning Man festival The Burning Man Arts and Music Festival is an annual Festival that

    Takes place in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada tens of thousands of people gather from all over the world for it its main attraction is this big Effigy that is then lit on fire well during the festival in 2017 a man named Aaron Joel Mitchel ran right into the burning

    Structure he was burnt alive to this day his family does not know why he did this he was not depressed nor was he having thoughts of taking his own life on top of that a toxicology report showed that he did not have any alcohol or drugs in

    His system but Aaron decided to dodge security and then run straight into the Flames firefighters Tred to stop him but they were unsuccessful when they did retrieve his body it was far too late this is the last photo ever taken of him it’s the moment he took his own life by

    Running straight into the flames in our fourth spot today we have the birthday murder on December 17th 2017 21-year-old Ismail Gutierrez and his friends went out for dinner to celebrate his 21st birthday this photo was taken at his birthday celebration Gutierrez is the young man holding the bottle later that

    Night at around 3:00 a.m. he had been shot along with a random female the group had been at the wrong place at the wrong time Gutierrez and the woman were both taken to the hospital but sadly he did not make it and the fact that this happened on his birthday when he just

    Wanted to have a good time makes it 10 times sadder in our third spot we have the cabin fire a couple of years ago Bethany and her friends decided to go to a cottage they spent the day out on the lake and then had a nice barbecue dinner

    This photo was taken of Bethany out enjoying her time at the cabin sadly 6 hours after this photo was taken Bethany lost her life an ember from the grill sparked a fire on the cabin deck soon the whole cabin went up in Flames all the friends were able to escape except

    For Bethany and a dog this is why you hug your friends and family extra tight it’s sad but you never know when their last day will be in our second spot we have Cameron Boyce on July 6 2019 Disney fans were shocked when they heard that The Talented child actor Cameron Boyce

    Had passed away in his sleep he was taken from us way too soon he was only 20 when he passed and he had a bright future ahead of him now Cameron passed away in his sleep due to a seizure which was brought on from an ongoing medical

    Condition for which he was being treated for still no one saw this coming this photo was one of the last photos ever taken of Cameron a beautiful photo of a beautiful soul and in our number one spot today we have the armed robbery on September 21st 2009 Angela Escobar and

    Alex Santio were sleeping peacefully when an armed robber entered their home and shot them both dead the robber proceeded to grab some personal belongings before fleeing the scene of the crime this is the last photo of Angelina what a beautiful and innocent Soul taken far too soon eventually

    Though the killer was caught his name is Christopher ding he was caught after taking a phone call in jail on the recorded call he admitted to shooting both Angelina and Alex and then said and I quote I have no syy at all I can do that again that don’t bother me that

    Just makes me sick to my stomach rest in peace Angelita and Alex kicking off her list at number 10 late night dip all right wouldn’t be a Taylor mcu’s list if we didn’t mention aliens more than once this video was leaked last year in May the footage is actually from 2019 it was

    Recorded in San Diego the Pentagon has since confirmed its authenticity the UAP the unidentified aerial phenomenon here we don’t say UFOs anymore that’s so old school the UAP is sphar shaped and it’s flying at extremely high speeds no exhaust no propulsion system just a metal ball whipping by San Diego the

    Sphere then vanished into the water afterwards so in case you’re wondering no it didn’t land no aliens got out they’re like hey fast was I go in no none of that we have no answers no answers yet number nine toos basically I’m here to announce that we’re building Iron

    Man tactical assault light operator suit AKA tallos it was once a project announced back in 2014 and like the former president said this was supposed to be a modern-day Iron Man suit of armor didn’t end up being like that at all it was supposed to change Warfare

    Entirely but 5 years later the project was scrapped or was it it probably wasn’t of course not we’re still working on Apple watches you’re telling me they’re going to scrap this good joke on one hand obviously it’s hard to do we could barely launch Google Maps in one

    Go let alone a suit of armor I imagine it’s complicated sure but with recent leaks we can now take a peek at what could have been see ideally the suit would have given the user Advanced tactical awareness alongside Advanced military grade armor which has an exoskeleton underneath that’s wired to

    The helmet and the rest of the suit you’re you’re pretty much Iron Man they figured out a few things while creating the suit but overall this Iron Man armor wasn’t close to being like what we’re seeing on the big screen we’re we’re getting pretty close we’re getting alarmingly close I’d say number eight

    The cola well if you dug a hole through the center of the earth and jumped in would you come out the other side of course not this isn’t a cartoon but the Arctic Circle back in the ’70s sure did look like a cartoon the deepest hole on the planet yeah let’s gather resources

    And focus on this for a bit sure during the Cold War we love it scientists began working on the project in 1970 for many years Russian scientists and winter coats were drilling a hole just down as deep as they could get what a great job that would be eh they got one3 through

    The Baltic continental crust and they found rocks older than 2 billion years it was quite the project it was exciting but eventually they hit this muddy lava and then in 19 1992 they stopped drilling a huge concern here was that demons demons would be released from the

    Earth that’s fair that’s more than fair that’s a that’s an okay concern we don’t want those around I get it the previous title for the deepest hole belonged to the United States birth of Rogers hole which reached 31,000 ft the bore hole Still Remains the deepest artificial

    Point on Earth now it was odd for the United States to focus on beating the Russians to the deepest point on Earth we talk about the Space Race often but we forget about this one the Deep whole race Stanley yell ads would be so disappointed in us we got to talk about

    This more number seven radar footage now normally when we see leaked footage be it of uaps or leak documents it’s always the worst quality right it’s always taken with like a Blackberry Curve it’s hard to believe when military footage is horrible quality like we’re trying help

    Help us help us help you like how can we see photos of black holes and not have a photo of a UAP yet right or do we well Jeremy Corbell is here to help he took the Twitter in May 2021 one sharing footage of US Navy ships being swarmed

    By uaps this time we have radar footage from inside the ship it came from the combat information center in the USS Omaha it’s 46c clip was originally recorded on July 15th 2019 and you could even hear a dude in the background yell about how fast the objects in the radar

    Are moving that’s how you know it’s authentic it’s a guy like whoa It’s like that’s crazy on that ship too imagine what he’s seen and he’s surprised I’m shook number six the Amityville photo yeah a little ghost stuff for us why not this photo was taken inside the

    Amityville house back in 1976 you see it’s the the boy with the the eyes nice you got it nice good eye at first I thought this was from a horror movie it looks fake almost or set up until you start to read the details see this photo was taken with automatic cameras

    Equipped with infrared so this ghost here probably wasn’t expecting a selfie right photographer Jee Campbell took this photo in 1976 Jean was working with paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren on this case yeah this was long before the movies they were just really working on this case in real life this

    Is history this is so scary the photo was revealed 3 years after it was taken on the MV Griffin Show and many believe this is the ghost of John Deo one of the boys who lived there in 1974 now you can’t really do this anymore right you

    Can’t just whip out photos from an otherwise you know crime scene and be like okay gang is this a ghost let’s take a look no there was obvious backlash for obvious reasons it took 3 years for that photo to reach the public eye and now sudden everybody is talking

    About ghosts did this help probably not again this was long before The Conjuring was ever released in theaters or anything like that this would have been so Random to see on TV how frightening also who believes in ghosts here what’s the ratio comment down below I’m genuinely curious I’m like 550 in the

    Ghost game number five quantum computer this next one is pretty scary not a fan of this one computers are getting more and more advanced by the day Andrew Garfield told everybody that that Spider-Man leak was fake and we’re all like okay we’ll believe it yeah we believed it that’s how good technology

    Is it’s getting dangerous poor Andrew Garfield but also poor us we’re for sure doomed any day now but thanks to our man Snowden Edward Snowden it was reported in the Washington Post back in January 2nd 2014 that the NSA is secretly working hard at creating their own computer it’s called the quantum

    Computer and it cost around 80 million to build it’s a little more expensive than the new iPad just a touch this computer is safely stored in a massive room size metal box not intimidating at all and it’s part of a program called penetrating hard targets so it can break

    Encryptions for just about anyone anything Finance records medical records your old MSN hopefully not but maybe what a nightmare that would be the NSA is well on their way to Breaking every form of public encryption so we’re doomed this quantum computer can theoretically break through any RSA

    Encryption as well which for the average computer today that takes years the supercomputer can break through a lot faster so yeah you better clear that history now while you still can or else everyone’s going to see number four more government leaks even allies of the United States weren’t safe during

    Edward’s leak thanks to Snowden at the end of October 2013 it was leaked that the United States was spying on Germany France and Spain all at the same time horrible the NSA had tapped into 35 phones spying on 35 different world leaders one of which was German Chancellor Angela Merkel who called out

    The NSA publicly immediately after finding out and said this act of snooping was just unacceptable between friends that hits deep eh I thought we were friends we’re pulling that card Out ooh world leader and not nobody was safe during these phone calls it was also reported that the NSA was monitoring

    Calls in Spain for the average folk yeah they monitored around 60 million calls in 1 month imagine how boring that job would be just some dude listening like number three North Sentinel Island heading over to India this island is home of the Sentinel East tribe one of

    The most forbidden Islands on the planet we don’t talk about this island nearly enough it’s fascinating and it’s also equally terrifying it’s located in the Bay of Bengal North Sentinel Island is about 12200 km away from India and while most islands are shrinking or just disappearing this one actually grew back

    In 2004 we have the island lifted up a couple of meters during an earthquake so the west and south sides gained an extra kilometer yeah more room for more inhabitants let’s talk about them the inhabitants on this floating cursed Island are among the few uncontacted tribes left in the world they’ve

    Apparently been there for 50,000 years and there’s no signs of Agriculture or even fire yet somehow this tribe has thrived for this long and if we try and get close and you know talk to them or see what’s up they try and drive everybody away violently in fact back in

    2006 two fishermen lost their lives because they got too close to the island without knowing who was on it the Indian government also didn’t roll up to the beach after and start interrogating locals instead they made the island now officially forbidden to enter so stay

    Away number two the mouse with an ear on its back what a transition awesome we love Segway back in 1997 Stuart Little here became the test subject to determine if scientists could grow cartilage using condr sites AKA cells from a cow and it worked and now we’re still talking about it today obviously

    It all started when Joseph victi pediatric surgeon began designing human organs this was during a shortage he wasn’t just you know bored and started to make ears he was changing the medical game and little did he know he was actually about to change the science game as well he constructed an ear and

    Then told his brother Chuck and his partner Bob to not bring up the fact that he attached said ear to a live mouse he’s like please don’t mention the mouse please how can you not here check out this new ear I made hey one sec let me catch it what it’s disgusting what’s

    Going on here what’s this science lab you have so Chuck spilled the beans he didn’t keep set information to himself can you blame him no but good thing he leaked the information because now we know cow cartilage can create cells all because he spilled the beans nice thanks

    Joseph and also thanks to that mouse that totally didn’t volunteer for this life can I Q-tip his back I want to Q-tip his back let’s clean that little ear for you know I bet that would feel great it’s like a back scratch but a b an ear Q-tip at the same time imagine

    Those mixed steuart little he’s got it and finally number one motorized roller skates this last one they’ve been working on for quite a long time it’s one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen working on this channel so yeah I had to end off this list with this

    Motorized roller skates what a dream is it happening are we close I sure hope not this photo was taken at the sonico station in Hartford Connecticut contacts aside this is an odd one it’s a guy with a briefcase filling up at a gas station and he’s wearing roller skates is this

    2077 no it’s actually 1956 and that futuristic looking man right there that’s Mike Dressler he was working for a Detroit skate company and he was very dangerously close to gas powered roller skates sounds like something from a cartoon where he’s like oh I’ll get you and then he blasts off this would never

    Don’t try this this is a horrible idea they would have cost around $250 which today is around 2,400 and its Max Speed was 17 mph so you’d still be late and you’d still be buying gas it was a lose lose imagine this in the closing act of a mission impossible movie how boring

    Would that be now obviously the public wasn’t supposed to see this they feared that it would encourage folks to get creative on their own so yeah I’ll reinforce that don’t make rocket skates with gasoline thanks hit that thumbs up and don’t make rocket skates we love it

    Don’t eat Tide Pods or make your own jet boots starting off this countdown we have the wedding this story broke my heart so this is a photo taken of Heather Mosher on her wedding day she was battling a very deadly case of breast cancer sadly she passed away 18

    Hours after getting married so on December 23rd 2016 Heather was diagnosed with breast cancer that night her partner David proposed to her he said he wouldn’t let her go through this alone 5 days later they learned Her diagnosis was a triple negative in September of 2017 the cancer had spread so the two

    Quickly made wedding arrangements on December 22nd of 2017 the two were married and just look at how happy Heather is again 18 hours later she lost her battle with cancer moving on at number nine we have the Falls just recently a man named Roy George was out

    At Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe he was there with a friend he was at the top of the cliff posing for photos when he accidentally slipped and fell over the cliff and into the Falls this was the last photo taken of him moments before he fell apparently he was taking photos

    In the spot known as the danger zone he got too close to the edge and fell tourus heard his friends screams and rushed to the scene but by the time Park officials got there Roy was long gone in our it spot we have the brain aneurysm this photo was taken on a woman’s

    Wedding it shows all her friends heading to the venue this is the last photo taken of the man on the left the bride’s best friend sometime during their wedding reception the man had gotten into an Uber and gone home he didn’t say to anyone that he was feeling off or

    Anything but he suffered from a brain annerys and a couple hours later he was declared brain dead the poor Bride on one of her happiest days lost her best friend she found out after the reception was over she said that she spent her honeymoon mourning over his death like

    That is so scary and tragic moving on number seven we have the vacation this photo was taken by Dave hi it was of his wife and daughter aboard the plane headed off to their dream sadly they would never make it 3 hours after that photo was taken a missile

    Shot down the plane as it flew over eastern Ukraine there were no survivors this just breaks my heart like they woke up early all excited for their vacation little did they know the horrors that were going to unfold in our sixth spot we have the Rhode Island Station

    Nightclub fire on the evening of February 20th 2003 a fire broke out at a nightclub more than 100 people were engulfed in the Flames including one of the guitarists playing that night 230 people were injured this photo was taken before the fire broke out the fire was

    Caused by one of the pyot Technics and you can see it in the background of this photo along with some of the people that passed away that night now this fire spread very fast within seconds the room was filled with smoke and people were panicking trying to get out however this

    Resulted in a human pile up at the exit and that’s why so many people lost their lives that night such a tragic accident accident we’re now at our fifth and halfway mark with the Fatal photo on July 2nd 2013 combat photographer Hilda Clayton died while taking photos during

    A national Army fire training exercise unfortunately a mortar tube accidentally exploded killing Hilda and four National army soldiers Hilda managed to capture the blast that killed her this photo hits deep no one knew what was going to happen she literally captured the thing that killed her and the soldiers it’s so

    Scary moving on at number four we have the last dive this mother shared the last photo that she took of her son on Reddit he was swimming in their pool when she captured this photo of him 5 minutes after that photo was taken he died due to shallow water blackout now I

    Think this topic needs to be talked about more because I’m a strong swimmer and I’ve never heard of this until now basically shallow water blackout causes you to faint underwater it can happen if you hyperventilate before diving or swimming or if you hold your breath for

    Too long underwater and it can happen to anyone even Advanced swimmers sadly it happened to this poor kid moving on at number three we have the dangerous selfie too many people in this series have lost their lives by trying to take selfies including this next man so back

    In 2016 a businessman named G leun went to a Wildlife Park loan and he was super excited to be there but while taking photos with a walrus it ended up grabbing him and dragging him into the water as a result he drowned so apparently moments before before this

    Happened Gia sent a bunch of selfies that he took with the walrus to his friends then out of nowhere while he had his back to the animal it grabbed him and playfully dragged him into the water so it wasn’t like the walus meant to kill him zookeeper rushed in to save Gia

    But was sadly also grabbed and dragged underwater they both died in our second spot we have SeaWorld so the first time I heard about this case was through the Netflix documentary called Blackfish seriously a super good documentary I highly recommend but also pretty scarring so on February 24th 2010 an

    Organ named Tilly [ __ ] Tilly for short grabbed its SeaWorld trainer Don brancho by her ponytail and dragged her into the pool she tried to escape his grip but when she did Tilly slammed into her and then grabbed her and shook her violently underwater by her arm when Medics did

    Get to her part of her arm was already off and in Tilly’s mouth she sadly passed away now before this happened Dawn had a full show with Tilly after the show she fed him and poured some water on his face she then sat close to him talking to him and stroking him they

    Called this relationship session family videotaping managed to get Dawn’s last few moments on film and in our number one spot we have the volcano eruption on December 9th 2019 Stephanie browit and her sister Crystal and her dad Paul were on white Island when the volcano erupted this photo was taken 6 minutes before

    The eruption the three of them were on a tour and it wasn’t until they arrived on the island that they found out that the volcano alert level was at two which is the highest level it could be before an eruption but they were on tour with

    Their sea Crews so it wasn’t like they could have just left the island well as they were walking back to the boat they saw Ash coming out of the volcano that’s when their guide told them to run unfortunately Crystal and Paul and 21 others died as a result of the eruption

    Stephanie survived but about 70% of her body were covered with third degree burns she also lost parts of her fingers all right starting off this list in our number 10 spot we have the reflecting pool this is one of the creepiest or most chilling images ever taken it

    Depicts a young girl in a graveyard who is looking down at her reflection in a pond okay maybe a little eerie but not exactly chilling what really makes this photo what it is however that there are seemingly two different Reflections looking back up at the little girl no

    One knows who this girl is where she is or when this photo was taken but it is estimated to have come from somewhere around the early 1900s this photo was analyzed and it has been said that it is unaltered or edited who knows how this photo was possible maybe there was some

    Sort of invisible entity standing beside her that we could only see the reflection of like a reverse vampire or something in our number eight spot today we have Bikini Island bikini in the Marshall Islands was once inhabited by around 170 Islanders until 1945 rolled around the US president at the time

    Harry Truman ordered that the military continue to test nuclear weapons just in case they were needed in the future since this was just shortly after the end of World War II unfortunately bikini was the place that was chosen to be the testing site since all planes and ships

    Traveled on routes that weren’t close to the area the residents of the island were asked to vacate quote for the good of mankind and to end all world wars to which they of course oblige under the impression that they would one day be able to move back test weapons were

    Detonated on the reef itself on the sea in in the air and underwater and this photo shows what was happening during just one of those tests and it wasn’t even the largest one although the former residents of bikini were promised that they would one day be able to return

    Home the island Still Remains uninhabited because of the mass amounts of radiation that still exists there in our number eight spot today we have this huge grasshopper this photo is allegedly undoctored or at least that’s what people once believed but as it turns out this photo actually comes from a line of

    Joke postcards thank God apparently was a hilarious hit back in the day to create postcards depicting a super ungodly large kind of grasshopper like the kind that would make me line up first for a trip to Mars if I saw one hopping around here on Earth or should I

    Say leaping like for a second just imagine with how high regular tiny grasshoppers can jump this thing would be jumping into the clouds for sure also like what would it eat no thank you to large bugs especially ones that can jump I’m just so glad that this one turned

    Out to be fake even though it’s fake I wish that was still one that they withheld from the public and our number seven spot today we have these prohibition barrels the prohibition was the outlaw of the consumption of alcohol which was done with a ban being placed on the production importation

    Transportation and sale of alcohol by the US government from 1920 to 1933 this ban certainly did not stop people from producing or consuming alcohol it was just done in sneakier ways the black market for alcohol was booming as people began to drink redistilled industrial alcohol instead this photo shows how big

    The black market industry for alcohol was as it shows a massive stack of liquor barrels that were collected by the authorities in 1924 about to be set Ablaze the people look so tiny standing next to this insane amount of alcohol while the prohibition is generally regarded as a failure the biggest

    Failure it caused was the unintended organized crime it put into life in America in our number six spot today we have this neighborhood nuclear test this photo shows a mother and her young son looking out the window and witnessing a nuclear test test explosion from the

    Comfort of their own home in 1953 like what imagine seeing that from your window now in 2021 people would be going wild of course any kind of nuclear test should be done as far away from where people live as possible I know it’s not like the test was being done in their

    Front yard or anything but still I certainly wouldn’t be comfortable with them testing a nuclear bomb anywhere near the place I live this photo was of course taken before the effects of nuclear radiation from these kind of explosions were publicly understood actually people have suggested that the

    Public knowledge of these kinds of side effects were suppressed during this time in order to avoid controversy about them testing these kinds of weapons in your neighborhood while that would of course be something insane to witness firsthand thankfully the now widely known health risks associated with this sort of thing

    Has caused this to not be a common occurrence in our number five spot today we have the Boston Marathon this photo comes to us from 1967 and it depicts the struggles that Katherine Switzer went through in order to be the first female to finish the Boston Marathon this photo

    Shows race organizers as well as other participants trying to stop her from running the marathon that she trained for and was more than capable of completing she has written a book that explains in great detail all the things she went through that day and how the critiques and opinions about a woman

    Running the race started even before she had registered to run people in our history like Catherine are incredibly important as well as photos like these because they show when people were literally trying to drag her down she just kept on running in our number four spot today we have a traffic jam on

    Sunday September 3rd 1967 Sweden changed from driving on the leftand side of the road to driving on the right hand side of the road why well I’m not exactly sure considering people downvoted the idea before it was implemented and it cost a ton of money to make the switch

    Not to mention it’s also super confusing for basically everyone and when we’re talking about driving the simpler the better traffic lights had to be reversed road signs changed intersections redesigned lines on the roads repainted buses modified and bus stops moved what happened when the change was implemented

    Well that’s what this photo will show you absolute chaos however after the initial shock things did start to get better as because drivers were much more cautious in the time following the switch the number of traffic accidents actually dropped for a little while before inevitably Rising again was the

    Switch worth it well no one is sure about that but what are they going to do change it back in our number three spot today we have the three Jacksons on August 21st 1934 three Fearless acrobats known as the three Jacksons jarlie Smith juel wck and Jimmy carrian all performed

    A routine on the edge of the Empire State Building which is when this photo was captured it is said that these three toured as an acrobatic Trio and this stunt the photo captured was done at 1,245 FT according to officials from the Empire State Building it is said that

    This was the first time the stunt was attempted and to this day it has never been done again which makes a lot of sense while this photo was absolutely incredible is such a testament not only to the trust they shared but also their abilities as acrobats I don’t know who

    In their right mind would try to recreate this we already have one and I think we can just all be happy with that in our number two spot today we have the man who fell from space Vladimir komov was a cosmina Soviet test pilot and aerospace engineer he was one of the

    Most highly experienced and qualified people which is exactly why he was chosen for some of the very first space missions he became the first Soviet Cosmonaut to fly into space twice UNT fortunately however on one of these missions things went seriously arai a parachute failure caused his capsule to

    Crash into the ground after re-entry on the 24th of April in 1967 he literally fell from space and regardless of if you know anything about space and re-entry that would have been absolutely terrifying and awful he of course didn’t make it but the entire process left his remains almost unrecognizable this photo

    Shows his colleagues looking onto his remains before he was laid to rest the contributions of people like Vladimir have allowed us to go further into space and understand more than we ever could have imagined in our number one spot today we have the gadget this photo

    Shows the first ever atomic bomb and it comes to us from 1945 called the gadget this bomb was an implosion plutonium device that was detonated in the Trinity test in 1945 this photo shows someone sitting next to it so casually like it’s a PB&J sandwich and not this world

    Changing device the Trinity test was the very first time a nuclear weapon was detonated and the gadget was actually the same design as the bomb that was later detonated over Nagasaki Japan on August 9th 1945 there’s such an eerie nature about this photo and the seemingly casual behavior of the man

    Next to it did he know what this was about to unleash Perhaps Here


    1. Come on, driving in many places did not require an Operator's license, in the 50s. I was driving in 1970, before I was 14. My brother simply took me out in his brand new "Sprite" sports car. He told me to watch him, and thought I was a prodigy, when he pulled over, and traded seats with me. It was actually much easier to handle, than his Mustang, which I was learning on, while he was in Nam.

    2. The one of the "boy" in the Amityville house, the crew that took the photo (Ed and Lorraine's people) admitted it was actually one of them in the photo.

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