Mountain bike rental via Algarve Bike Holidays with guided tour!
    The sponsors arranged an afternoon of mountain biking through the pictueresque landscapes of Albufeira Portugal. Well more the rural areas away from the Atlantic coastline direction Vale de Santa Maria and further towards Ferreiras and out to the open pit mines of Tecnovia. Some great biking out there on the excellent mountain bikes provided by the rental company. We also got two guides, which was well worth it!

    “Looking for a more challenging off road experience? There is an endless network of dirt tracks that stretch the length of the Algarve. Plus, we have some of the finest single tracks right on our doorstep and excellent technical tracks for the most serious die-hard mountain bikers.” See:

    Mountain Bike Tours

    #biking #cycling #Albufeira

    I’m more an e-bike type of guy, but have to admit, these mountain bikes were a lot of fun. They were well tuned and could get up the hills, well, with a little bit of hard-work and pedalling at times! It was a lot of fun and our group of cyclists ranged from experienced to intermediate with all physical conditions levels and we had a fantastic trip. Marc and Jose were fantastic guides and we all had a lot of fun. Great weather as well!

    Mountain bike rentals in Albufeira (south Portugal) with Algarve Bike Holidays, a 5 out of 5 star rating from us!

    Algarve Bike Holidays – Mountain Biking with Oliveo sponsors and friends.

    Hey Slimmer Roman Danny okay and Fred Minute please one minute guys obviously some of you are obviously probably good cyclist some of you not so good there’s going to be a mixture okay we’re going to go out into the countryside when we get onto the into the countryside where no cars or no traffic you come to Hills the stronger

    People can go up the hills faster and wait at the top and the people that don’t want to push hard and take it easy and we’ll get there when we get there okay is that where you get the beer as well we’ll stop we’ll stop Halfway

    Around only halfway so we’re going to do around about 35 40 km okay most most important is safety okay so look out for each other cuz I can’t see you all so make sure you you have your friends are close and if somebody’s getting left behind shout

    Mark stop and we wait for them okay it’s not a race okay and I’m not going to you thank God that’s it please pay attention pass hand signals back so the traffic knows what we’re doing okay now angles yeah hello CH sh Show so more tunnels double check Che yeah don’t can tell

    Yet we feet hello So youselves on the Oct I support you have your brother on your ass pay attention up oh yeah uplet stop up okay shoot xov that off the D if Trail yeah it Mo uh in the slipstream come thanks sh woo man name is D what your case was I wrong F bear SE drink FR yeah yeah it looked yeah for me too it looked easy but then all of a sudden it got hard you know it’s like life here for the dog oh dogs really oh the little guy bu di also good Y how do you say bu di in

    Portuguese b b b and uh when is noes Bigos so he he speak Spanish poito GI but how is Spain is very close H yeah on the my so many people speak Spanish I think at least a little bit yeah yeah you understand at any event yeah

    Yeah it’s like German and Dutch you know it’s kind of different but similar yeah have to get used to the bike you know but it’s good bike very good bike yeah C okay yeah I don’t do much uh in Netherlands I electri just uh uhoh oh yeah so we have

    Lucky today is beautiful everywhere I see your these Wells you know it’s a special way uh water water long time ago the people yeah so they come to the well yeah need yeah get it out but every well has a nice uh setup you know there’s many places with this yeah

    Yeah people come don’t need to just take it no problem so how do you say dog cone cone oh carne cone where what Mama Mia train with yeah moment BL water bu good long yeah see so this that’s an old Arch Roman just a normal but old a small house before

    Okay is it normally in the winter this sort of weather or a little bit colder sometimes you never know yeah no no so no too much no no no every once in a while Sun fantastic so they have a lot of dogs around yeah protection h yeah uh yeah thank

    You they look so friendly but uh I don’t want to go in there yeah yeah he wants to he wants to chase no is the noise is yeah yeah makes yeah that’s yeah that’s spinning 17° 17° 17 oh yeah I thought so very nice and in the in the Sun out of the

    Wind it’s like 20 something yeah perfect quickly yeah yeah then we get beer some drinks for for yeah yeah yeah hot chocolate Irish whiskey Irish coffee Irish coffee how long you do this Jose yeah nice job competition here okay not now not now but come yeah P the ass

    Yeah more for fun than uh yeah wow this one gravel yeah yeah and did you travel International when you when you raced before yeah wow comp to Road road bike yeah yeah start M bike good bike you like it yeah and this nice way to stay what type of tree is this one

    Uh oh fig tree for go go go go go forsa all on this one here yeah Al Tree I see it yeah okay outo car stay right X Boy I’m glad this thing has good brakes holy moly think be so lyns hold oh that was a steep in Decline good thing these brakes work biking yeah yeah that is yeah I the great fizza in Europe is yeah like is an outsanding no yeah can split oh it’s a lot okay

    Yeah Tui belly straight over when it’s safe straight ahead when it’s safe wait is it safe safe now is a safe The heck stops try to upbe e St hey slimmer Our proo I don’t speak I don’t speak much Portuguese but uh no nobla yeah eyes force in I go ah yeah so see next w and Fred Oh Park yeah yeah this next n that was theix yeah spee Foreign where are you from Mark England or no no from here broken England oh from yeah okay I went to school in England and I grew up yeah you sound English from the age of from the age of three until 25 I lived in yeah so effectively I grew up in

    You’re English you’re English Portuguese or Portuguese English what I’m born Portuguese and you live English and you live here for the last 10 25 years now in the hold J 26 all right in the back yep good job let’s go oh boy like right away another

    Hill no I’m going to try to get some s yeah I knew it well there’s a big mine keep going here AAS and Manas oh that’s real durin uh yeah sck it out whoa big truck a he not Oh Swim springly oh don’t worry it’ll be Slow at least for me what are they mining here Mark grael oh yeah St and gravel yeah also needed yeah you see it there be honest this is the first time I’ve actually seen any trucks going in and out so they’re actually working yeah I’ve seen the Quarry

    Work might be there using this entrance instead of another one yeah left okay find the truck on the left guys which way we going straight here yeah stra to the right okay it’s like cement trucks must be building something yeah see this is a cyle oh okay actually

    A cyle so yeah they’re using it specialis they’re yeah I think we saw these from the airplane or big huge big ditch you big mins well they are this is this is one of the biggest in our G oh wow kind see yeah so that’s a yeah local uh excuse me

    Yul that’s probably what they’re cutting right here to the left yeah St Alo oh yeah look at that man yeah they’s cutting pure pure Granite out of there yeah I think it’s Granite yeah looks like Granite but who knows Hard Rock anyway now good idea Paul we earn our beer

    Tonight water water yeah yeah your idea was yeah we watch the kids uh sweating on the training pitch so we yeah you’re a good feeter easy thanks so solar panel uh Farm very big we’re going up the hill 6 by 120 Straight Ahead yeah Straight Ahead yeah I wouldn’t dare do a picture now why not off my bike yeah see see we’re good where’s Fred okay and Paco hey yeah cardio yeah Ising do need upake FR super L yeah right right stop next 50% yeah wait at the top V up the B VOR B Okay of so think the castle is 8 80 okay around 300 ad something yeah yeah wow beautiful but uh it’s not so good you no fall ruin ruin Ru yeah we have another town I got beautiful castle beautiful castles Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil very beautiful yeah I like old

    Wow thought train for the can I [Applause] herebody what’s his name uh name is Guy go away go away go away who said [Applause] it sometimes you can think ah Is when it gets wet you see the mud only one or two one or two days So Paco hey so boot camp is did was

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