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    Hey what’s up guys MGH here welcome back to the bile lusen career mode it is time for the quarterfinals of the Europa League and this is a big one as you know we’ve been given a pretty nice draw the easiest team left we were gifted them but it could still go massively wrong

    You guys know that it’s possible we’re taking on slavia Prague hopefully okay Ajax go through Roma go through and Porto go through that’s what I would like then I’d like to take on Ajax maybe but the thing is I’m not in control of that I just need to focus on my own game

    And I should be winning this one also in this episode we’ve got Dortmund coming up I don’t know if we’ll play stutgart they’re another team that are doing really well at the moment and then of course going into the final month we do have AR Leipzig in the final of the

    German Cup O and I don’t know where we’re going to be when it comes to playing alburg on the last day of the season in the league I honestly couldn’t tell you where we’re going to be so into the game against slavia Prague we should be favorites even with a rotated

    Team but I’m going to go strong here adley up top Adam on the right T on the left that’s what I’m going to go with for today and I think I’ll bring on Gul in the second half just remember guys genuinely if I get knocked out by slavia

    Prague and this is a quarterfinal by the way I’d probably face the sack I think it it could definitely really hurt us they want me to win this competition so that was a cool pass I’ve got to get through this I think a semi-final here third or more in the Bundesliga and a

    Cup win against Arby Leipzig isn’t an easy task then I should be okay and that is an incredible tackle well done H capier he got it right nice verts has space I’m just going to go solo here finish it one N Easy all the space and time in the world

    The Defenders followed my other attackers and let vers do whatever he wants to do and there we are 1 n oh my God Inc capier he makes an incredible tackle and then I do that well it’s definitely a penalty I’ve taken him out the ball was

    Gone not good bottom left oh he’s gone to the right you know I was just thinking we could beat them heavily today like a a 3-0 something like that and then the second leg would be all but done and now it’s one all what is that you are joking me right

    Who was that was that D he’s holding his hand up I think he might have missed his man and we’re behind what happened here then no it’s tap sober tap sober just completely ran the opposite way it seems okay well the trend from the last few episodes continues conceding a lot of

    Goals scoring a lot of goals but yeah I would like to stop conceding so many if possible here goes teller inside to adley hit it oh of course that gets blocked oh adami okay not a bad attempt at all Corner coming in Adam’s there again and it’s saved

    Again what more does he have to do to score let’s get this one in high and further back oh beautiful Taps over’s that no that’s right adley’s here why would you hit that with your right tell her come off it how many blocks and catches and saves are they going to make

    God oh no no no three I’ve conceded three at home to slavia Prague what is going on okay I think I need to make some changes because this is embarrassing how’s he gone through frong so easily there where is tap sober where is H capier they’re not anywhere where

    You’d expect them to be I’m putting Adam on the left adley on the right bonface is coming on actually gou yeah I’m going to put Gul on on the right adley can come off and instead of granite Jaa who’s just come back from injury to be fair I’m going to bring in

    Plassio I want a bit more Pace in Midfield I can’t defend four 4-1 I can’t stop them how many players have I got forward oh my God okay we’ve got one back don’t care don’t don’t celebrate no no get get up get the ball if anything let’s go

    We’ve got some more goals to score here I’ve Got 5 minutes loads of space here though over to G finish it oh go away mandus whoever you are saving everything another Corner comes in Taps over is there oh tell me that wasn’t a own goal oh my God that is hilarious I have

    Just been gifted an own goal thank you EA Gods you’ve destroyed me in this game but you’ve just given me a Lifeline I think 43 is okay oh no no no no no no no no okay all right this one’s over guys um 53 we’ve got Verda brayman up next

    And I’m going to go ahead and simulate this one with a couple of rotations and hopefully we’ve got enough to win this 4-1 much better hang on bonface has two goals there did he get a hattick no he missed he missed a penalty I’m presuming that is but Hoffman got a

    Double bonface got a dou but we conceded very late on so no clean sheet but now the focus goes back on slavia Prague it is time for the second leg we’re going away from home and I need to somehow score three goals without conceding any it’s going to be a

    Tough one isn’t it I’m actually going three at the back for this one H capier tap sober kenu as the back three fron grimal of course D Jaa verts left wing adley up front adami on the right and let’s make sure I’ve got some good options on the bench as well let’s have

    Jonathan tar in for Gula who’s looking a little bit leggy I haven’t used andri much lately have I I just haven’t really needed him he’s got zero sharpness oops Honestly though this is kind of risky three at the back I find it personally harder to defend but the way I see it

    Right now is I’m already conceding a lot of goals I’m going to try it go back to three at the back it’s been a couple of games at least maybe five six games since I last played three at at the back and this way I’ve got some different

    Options going forward and what a start this could be oh my god oh oh 3 minutes in the keeper absolutely flapped at that one and it’s a one- nil lead we’ve already done a third of the job I see you Adam ad Amy

    Oh no way oh my God can you imagine if I score a second one just a few minutes later it’s not even that crazy I’ve been scoring a lot of goals tap sober oh my 2- n five all 10 goals 10 goals in 100 minutes of football that’s crazy absolutely crazy a

    Goal every 10 minutes on average okay well 66% of the job done that’s not a foul ref thank you mate I’m going to kill them let’s go let’s go again look at this this formation is actually insane sometimes ver over to D surely not it was too good to be true thing is

    I know they’re going to score they will score at some point maybe now no not now get forward I want this third goal right now adley over the top maybe I’m going to need to win the header okay that’ll do Adam gets fouled but we’ll play on oh

    Look at this frong going through the middle what is that Defender doing oh there’s no way what was he doing is he there Captain as well he is their Captain went the complete wrong direction and it is now 65 this is the most ridiculous tie for a quarterfinal this

    Isn’t right look what is he doing bro my God you need to find a new sport thanks guys thanks for coming uh I hope you’ve enjoyed the episode I I don’t know what made me shoot I genuinely don’t know what made me shoot that is absolutely wild I wasn’t expecting it that’s for

    Sure look at the space they don’t want to defend and it is literally into the bottom corner I I don’t think anyone saves that Grimaldo can have my children as far as I’m concerned absolutely incredible 40 after 32 minutes this is almost as good as the Newcastle against Tottenham

    Last year do you remember when they were 5 nil up after what 30 minutes or something we could actually match it adley Jaa oh it almost was five don’t ruin it now no no not like that yes D Legend the clean sheet is intact and now we’re getting forward with ad Amy

    Over on this right side to frong surely not into adley back to frong no adami oh wow good save good reactions from The Keeper tap sober this is for you mate oh yes oh yes oh it’s another great reaction from what was his name mandus or something another

    Delivery coming in tap sober again comes out to adley oh excuse me oh oh my cunu what the hell this has been the most insane first half I think I’ve had what is going on here in slavia Prague oh that’s going to be a penalty yeah the customy tap sober penalty it’s

    A yellow card that’s poor for me just thought I’d get there in time kind of did but yeah it wasn’t good he’s going down the middle no oh the clean sheet oh well whatever anyway well that works a could have been 5-1 there another Corner coming in you

    Know who I’m aiming for Taps over oh adley come on oh that’s a free kick surely ref he’s taking him out I want I want a chance with galdo again oh no way these guys don’t know how to defend 86 I can’t say anything I can’t defend

    But verts has just scored the best goal of the game maybe no grimaldos was way more satisfying I’ve got to say even though this was acrobatic a bit special you’ve just got a question the marking look at this he literally just walks into the box okay um

    Guys I think we’ve made it through I’m going to go ahead make some some changes and we’re going to get into the next game all right let’s go ahead Sim to the end 51 20 shots oh my God and to think Liverpool a couple of weeks ago when they played

    Newcastle they had over 30 shots didn’t they and you think that was bad 20 nothing so now we’re taking on Dortmund who have had a very strange season at one point they were kind of mid-table just below mid-table they flew up the table and now they’ve gone back down to

    Sixth they do have a game to play but they won’t be able to close the gap on stutgart they’re four points behind this is a really big game actually if I win this it does help us out massively create a little bit of a gap between us

    And stutgart I think effectively a win here should push us into being favorites to finish in that top four along with Frankfurt Bayern and Leipzig who I think are going to win the league but I tell you what Bayern Munich are right there and look who it is

    Hosek first time coming up against him since he moved for 40 million in January is he going to have a good game against us I hope not I don’t want to regret selling him and I don’t think I will because I got 40 million for him when

    I’ve got bonface and when I had shik although if I had known that shik was going to go for that incredible amount of money and obviously because he wanted to leave then I probably would have kept loek because I’m definitely missing a striker oh okay not a good start I’ve

    Been passing it around but poorly this is bad this is really bad Royce is going to score this please dummy it he goes for it oh what a save I thought for a second he would run over that and let em Chan kind of take it short effectively oh no oh that could

    Have gone anywhere here is G starting on the right today oh look him go rapid can I have some support though look at how many yellow shirts are coming back and I’ve got nothing here we go yes D oh that would have been beautiful mustn’t forget though we were talking

    About hosek a lot we’ve also got a player playing against his old team and that is Adi and part of the hosek money although most of it from the shik sale went into add Ami we actually made a massive profit it’s crazy really but here he is he’s got a point to prove

    How he wasn’t starting for them I still don’t know vers over the top for bonf now over the top again gou is he in behind I don’t think he’s going to get there win the header nice oh and it’s gone I cannot believe I’m about to say

    This but we are half an hour into this game and there hasn’t been a goal it just was a mismatch wasn’t it against slavia although at times they were really good against me here we go frong get the ball in for bonface go on go on

    A he did well to win the header against suula I think that is who is obviously a big Defender that’s going to be an interesting matchup for this game oh my god oh incredible dribbling I don’t even know who it is janville I think it was

    It might be him wow yeah it is he just dribbled through me and I couldn’t I couldn’t stop him I didn’t want to give away a penalty but i’ I’d rather give away a penalty and you know have a chance to save it instead of just giving up a goal like

    That okay well oh no no not not another chance for him to run at me oh my God he’s so good frong you’re kidding me right whoa and it’s another player against his old team Brandt um well I mean it’s my bad H capier for some reason didn’t put much power behind

    The pass and it’s gone straight to janville and now it’s ended with brand with a side bicycle kick whatever you want to call that and it’s 2-n I’m just going to go straight at them here keep going vers no that’s a foul oh my God okay I’m trying not to get frustrated

    Here that’s nice from guler into bonface yes vers is in surely now we get the other the goal we need yep there we go 2-1 finally we’ve put one in we’ve got time see look much better from vers oh okay now he celebrates he was just like

    Waving his teammates come on let’s go and then he starts to knee slide okay 2-1 this is this is workable surely from this far out Roy isn’t going to shoot this time they’re going to go short no way yep saw that coming okay this is an opportunity to make a couple of changes

    Bonface again just slowing me down a little bit I’m going to put t on the left and have Adam up front and I’m also going to bring in palasio for Jaca again just the same reason feeling like Jaca is slowing me down a bit and palasio

    With training now has 71 Pace that’s not bad D with 81 and of course verts has 81 as well do I put adly on yeah g is going to come off okay so it’s a little bit of a refresh up front and I need to find two goals in half an

    Hour look at the yellow shirts again come on pick out a pass oh teller oh it’s straight down the Keeper’s throat if that’s a better strike into the bottom corner or something that’s a goal let’s go again oh lucky deflection should have that nice into D nice I have

    To shoot yes come on two all a travella a rare travella I know I’ve really toned it down to all we don’t need to make any subs we don’t need to watch the replay we just go again if somehow I can get the ball from this and get forward okay

    Yeah here we go tell’s got an opportunity here oh my God please imagine oh yes go ad Amy oh against his old team a chance to win it please oh my God it had to be ad am it had to be against his old team and that is how you

    Win at the signal aduna Park and that is how you secure hopefully a top four finish in the Bundesliga even our captain in goal is running around celebrating like he’s Aaron ramsdale brilliant moment this might be one of the best moments of the career mode so far this has been a really tough

    Game but I deserve it I’ve deserved it for the last 20 minutes or so as I’ve been putting pressure on them the referee should blow his whistle any moment now there it is huge monumental all three points come on then talk to me ask me something about how amazing we’ve

    Been your boys left it late wow okay they keep going to the last minute we need a bit of Team morale going into the final part of the Season here we knew we’d come under pressure defended well and you won but Dortmund made it tough we never let up there you go the

    Team rale is happy and that is a good way to end this episode so with that win we stay fourth of course with three points behind Bayern but most importantly Four Points above stutgart and even more points above Dortmund so we’re looking good we are looking

    Good in the next episode we’ll find out who we’ve got in the semi-finals of the Europa League and to be fair we’ll probably almost be done with the season I think there’s probably only two episodes left so hopefully we can finish on a hide this season and make sure we

    Keep our job going into season two


    1. I Signed Aleksander Isak for my Tottenham series, and I love using him. I play on ultimate with sliders and he makes it effortless at times.

    2. I’m sorry but the gameplay in the Slavia match was absolutely atrocious. It’s not Matts fault. But look at where their midfielders are every time Matt attacks! They just stand in midfield and Matt has basically a 6v4 in every attack

    3. Hey Matt if you Are looking to sign a CB next Season who is a beast for three at the Back or 4 at the back i would like you to Consider two las palmas Players from La Liga . Obviously i don‘t know if they still play there . But Saul Coco he from Equatorialguinea from africa . I‘m pretty sure you Never used a Player from that Country . As he is african he would fit pretty nicely with Koussouno and tapsoba . And the other would be Mika Marmol also from las palmas he is Spanish he is very Good and fit Kind of spanish Players because of xabi Alonso . They would be really Good CB options for Rotation and Players you don’t Use often . Another guy i would like you to Look at is Alberto moleiro from las Palmas he is very good a Bit like Wirtz can Play Cam Lm RM so Good Cover to have and very good technically . Maybe las palmas Even got relegated so would make sense if they Go somewhere Else . Thanks and Enjoy Mate .

    4. Ok I've paused as slavia have just gone 4-1 up. I know for a fact that Mgh will then this around somehow and probably go on to win the cup. This for me is the main issue with these career modes. I'm sure the great majority would prefer more drama more intrigue than what is being served up. Look how successful Mark goldbridge is with his which is cos it is so unpredictable. I feel that whenever mgh is struggling something happens and he starts smashing it.

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