BREAKING NEWS: Subscribing, liking, and clicking the “Super Thanks” button below will ensure that you never miss a video from our team, including special reports, the latest developments, and exclusive content about the war in Ukraine. The battlefield in Eastern Europe has been a theater of all-out combat for quite some time. The capacity of the Ukrainian government, civilian logistics networks, and volunteer partisan resistance fighters to withstand Russian attack in the long run depends on a number of factors, not the least of which is the material assistance of Western countries. Is organizing against the Russian invasion…

    #Russia #Ukraine #Donbas #ukrainewar #war #putin #Bakhmut #Luhansk #Crimea

    Subscribing liking and clicking the super thanks button below will ensure that you never miss a video from our team including special reports the latest developments and exclusive content about the war in Ukraine the battlefield in Eastern Europe has been a theater of allout combat for quite some time the capacity of the Ukrainian

    Government civilian Logistics networks and volunteer partisan resistance fighters to withstand Russian attack in the long run depends on a number of factors not the least of which is the material assistance of Western countries is organizing against the Russian invasion the detection of no major weaknesses in this integrated system indicates its

    Robustness the West’s military and financial backing of the Ukrainian resistance against Russia’s full-scale Invasion has appropriately taken up a lot of space in the present news and intelligence cycle the geopolitical ramifications of Western weapons supplies the newest game evolving technology and other Aid packages occupy the minds of analysts commentators and

    Journalists these are obviously very important matters War however influences a great variety of national Affairs variables forces and conditions the ideal illustration of this is the will to resist on a national level civilian backing military morale and operational prowess all contribute to this Spirit even in Ukraine it is thriving the Ukrainian resistance

    Particularly in Crimea and along the southern front lines was a significant Force multiplier in the early early stages of the conflict on the night of the New Year this Force multiplier dealt a devastating blow to the occupying Russian forces the marupa resistance ambushed the Russian occupiers who had

    Congregated in large numbers on New Year’s Eve to celebrate and drink and slaughtered them senior officers and a group of Russians were the targets of the partisans partisans from marupa broke into the Russian headquarters where they altered the drinks of Russians on staff poisoned and killed were 17 Russian

    Invaders two of whom were officers 24 Russian occupiers were killed in a single night without firing a shot throwing Russian propagandists into disarray one Russian propagandist claimed that unknown asant spiked the troops drink with a potent sleeping medication causing them to be slain as they dozed off unknown Vigilantes

    Tranquilized and murdered their fellow troops after gaining their trust according to an additional source after announcing the liquidation of many occupiers in marupa Russian Federation propagandists may play a part in denif the sabots compared to the voiced version the reality was considerably more ordinary no one strangled or killed the

    Occupiers while sleepwalking despite Contracting the plague that Afflicted the marup paaul resistance activists on their telegram channels resistance Fighters proudly denied the accusations made by Russian propaganda claiming victory over the Invaders according to the activists their arrangement with the Russians was successful and last week they sent a

    Shipment of highquality booze to their buddy dealers put another way the Russian new year was a veritable rainbow of color due to the poison Spirits in October a huge epidemic hit the Russian Invaders in marupa as you may know 15 more occupiers were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit due to poisoning the

    Following week and 26 six more suddenly passed away Russian propagandists also claimed sabotage in several instances and accused Ukrainian resistance activists the Russian army is losing more than just Ukrainian activists and warriors Ukrainian forces are now holding the Invaders In the abiva direction after successfully repelling 14 attacks from Russia in the maranka

    Area the Ukrainian Armed Forces targeted 12 locations frequented by Russian Invaders with aerial attacks the Ukrainian armed forces are expanding the bridge head in the kersen region due to intense Combat on the front lines on the last day 780 Russian Invaders were eliminated and a total of 32 Vehicles 12

    Tanks and 28 artillery systems were destroyed since the War Began the Russian army has lost more than 361,000 soldiers however how is the Kremlin attempting to make up for the losses sustained by its military the young men’s mobilization is the most noticeable aspect to make up for military casualties mercenaries and

    Migrants play a significant role as well even more so for these nefarious Russian plans on New Year’s Eve fonka and bamaga two Russian news agencies said that on New Year’s Eve Russian police raided crowds gathered outside Metro stations key squares and other popular celebration venues across the country detaining thousands of

    Migrants Moscow St Petersburg chabin and other cities with large migrant labor populations also have reports of such searches a man from Tajikistan disguised as Santa Claus was among the migrants apprehended in Moscow according to Russia’s online news agency soda which reported on its telegram channel the authorities Justified these massive

    Police Operations by saying they were essential in the search for criminals and illegal immigrants those who had not yet enlisted for mandatory military duty and had just become Russian citizens were the targets of the roundups the military whisked some away to military registration offices in a Flash While others were handed

    Summonses it is uncertain whether individuals held in the last 24 hours have been served military summonses but it is widely believed that they have more than a hundred of those detained according to Ry are facing imminent deportation earlier this year this was utilized as a pretext to persuade

    Convicted criminals to enlist in the Russian military enabling them and their families to remain in the country during a press conference in December Russian President Vladimir Putin acknowledged the country’s large migrant Workforce saying that more than 10 million people call Russia home he suggested encouraging these people to participate

    In the so-called special military operation ke announced the largest prisoner swap since the start of a large scale combat over 2 years ago Russia claimed to have received 248 service members and civilians from Ukraine in exchange for the 230 that it released in the swap 133 regular army soldiers 55

    National Guard troops 38 members of the state Border guard service One National Police Officer six civilians and one National citizen were among the 230 individuals liberated from Russian captivity the asz ofall steel mill and marup Paul the southern Port City under moscow’s catastrophic assault in May 2022 were the last strongholds of Kev

    Forces and zalinsky pointed out that some of the liberated ukrainians were defending these locations the Russians held the soldiers captive for a minimum of 20 months before their exchange this week the National Guards men held captive while protecting the Chernobyl nuclear power station may have been imprisoned for

    Almost 2 years Kev said that they had released them it is unknown what kind of torture the recently released ukrainians endured in Russian jails but one soldier testified to seeing terrible psychological and bodily assault informal networks greatly Aid military operations and morale in war a strong commitment to Independence

    Over the long term and good morale permeate all social sectors the Russian army is crumbling under the Relentless Ukrainian resistance which has persisted through all the tragic events And subscribe to our Channel like our videos and click the super thanks button below to make sure you don’t miss

    Any of the latest videos that our team prepares with the latest news from the front lines and unique updates on the war in Ukraine the Ukrainian Army pushed the Russian military out of Ukrainian territory through their unwarranted occupation the Ukrainian Army increased its Onslaught as the New Year began the

    Russian Invaders lost many ammo stockpiles Ukrainian soldiers conducting a solid reconnaissance operation attacked another Russian weapons store yesterday the ukrainians took a lot of weapons from this store which was crucial for the Russians and set fire to all that remained in the end Ukraine dealt a devastating blow to Russia this

    Afternoon let’s see what transpired at about 151 earlier today the Ukrainian Armed Forces reportedly attacked the command post of the Russian occupation troops just outside of Sebastapol the Russian tele Channel reported that explosions were heard in Sebastapol which is temporarily seized by Crimea earlier in the day the city had received

    An air raid alarm what follows is a telegram recollection from Air Force Commander mola UK the bunker housing the deputy commander-in-chief and nine other generals was allegedly hit by Russian forces the day before yesterday a warm greeting from mjuk was extended to the Crimean occupants whom he warned would

    Likely deliver the same epic account as Sebastapol and yet ptor following the mission’s success Ukrainian Air Force Commander Maka UK sent a message on telegram to Express gratitude to the pilots and operation planners for their outstanding combat work it infuriated the Russians the Russian army conducted a violent attack on a diva in

    Reprisal a number of innocent individuals tragically perished in Ukraine these acts have caused harm to many innocent people the Ukrainian military has also dealt a heavy blow to its adversaries since the conflict began following these most recent defeats the Ukrainian Air Force has defeated 12 enemy troop units in the past 24 hours

    According to the Ukrainian Armed Forces general staff at the same time missile units from Ukraine struck a cluster of Russian people three artillery systems one electronic warfare system two command posts and three air defense systems over the past 24 hours the front lines witnessed 58 engagements on Ukrainian positions and

    Settlements Russian troops launched 58 air attacks seven missile strikes and 57 rounds of fire using multiple launch rocket systems following the terrorist strikes in Russia reports indicated damage to residential structures and other civilian and Industrial infrastructure as well as casualties among civilians Russian Artillery fire hit around 110 communities in the churny

    Heave sui kie luhansk detet zapia kerson and Michael EA regions both the volen and poisha directions operational situations stayed mostly the same the Border territories in the slabber shansky and silver sky directions are occupied by Russian forces meanwhile Russia is desperately trying to stop Ukrainian forces from moving in other directions by sabotaging

    Their own operations the Ukrainian military successfully warded off three separate assaults by the enemy in the Lyman and cians directions as well as near svka in the kar region the invading Russians refrained from using aggressive measures the reason behind this is the outstanding performance of the Ukrainian fighters who successfully cornered the

    Enemy in the direction of the buck moot in the denet region Ukrainian soldiers successfully warded off four hostile strikes close to bodva and andrika along the whole front line Ukrainian forces are wearing down the Russian Invaders both in terms of personnel and Equipment during this time Ukrainian Fighters attacked the shagel Airfield

    Near chabin and destroyed a Russian s34 fighter bomber the Ukrainian Ministry of defense’s main intelligence directorate made the announcement via its telegram channel the planes are from the Russian Aerospace forces Aviation regiment which is part of the 21st mixed Aviation division the spy agency said A week ago

    Ukrainian forces on the front line in the South shot down three Russians to 34 bombers the invading Russians have become exhausted after enduring heavy defeats Russian Invaders in the tavria region boosted their sniper Force the day before yesterday prompting the Russian army to take fresh defensive measures in the midst of a Countrywide

    Charity Drive Alexander stun a representative of the Tavi based joint press center of the Defense Forces made the announcement this is what stun said the enemy has sent more sniper teams to the front lines so our men need to be extra cautious Russian forces have also escalated the frequency of attacks in

    That region according to Stu the attackers are continuously reorganizing their forces or deploying reinforcements due to the heavy casualties among the soldiers over the past 24 hours Russia has suffered casualties of 423 personnel and 72 pieces of military hardware in this sector an important political event occurred concurrently with all of this

    Rams and kadirov has renewed his call for the US to remove restrictions imposed on him his family and his horses this time karov countered with the offer of Ukrainian PS The Proposal was conveyed by Scott Ritter a former American intelligence officer who paid a visit to Gra

    The capital of CIA on behalf of the Cen leader and Ardent supporter of Russian President Vladimir Putin Rams and karov after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine the United States and its Western allies placed sanctions on kadirov and his relatives as well as dozens of prominent Russian officials and Putin’s friends kadirov had

    Previously railed against these penalties Ritter is a former US official and the latest media darling in Russia karov made the following comment to her the chin Commander went on to say that they had captured detainees in the lugansk and DK regions Our Guest will be receiving the list of prisoners of War

    Shortly if the penalties are lifted from my mother myself my daughter’s innocent people and horses we will relinquish these individuals according to the state media Outlet Tas R received the list along with video footage of detained ukrainians allegedly katro proposed releasing 20 Ukrainian inmates in return for the easing of restrictions on his

    Family aircraft and even his beloved horses Ritter is a convicted felon and a disgraced former un weapons inspector and Marine Corps analyst katara’s decision to contact us officials via him is unclear in 2011 Ritter was found guilty and subsequently spent nearly 2 years in an Australian Prison from 2012 to

    2014 the US state department sanctioned immani kadova Katy’s mother in August 2023 as part of a larger attempt to hold individuals and groups accountable for the forc transfer and deportation of Ukrainian children the state department also sanctions his mother who serves as the head of the aket Koda Foundation the kotov family allegedly

    Retaught Ukrainian youngsters in camps outside of grne chia using the organization the US imposed sanctions on korov in 2017 and 2020 and he is been vocal in his opposition to the limitations describing them as unfair illegitimate and unethical in a video uploaded in September 2023 the son of kadirov

    Uploaded a video demanding that the US lift the sanctions on his mother katov claimed in the video that his dear mother had been added to the list implying a calculated and dishonest disregard for all moral standards as I had already stopped being shocked by the irrational sanctions decisions made by

    The United States and the West everyone is aware that she is solely involved in charitable activity I will never forgive you for punishing my mother so please respond and immediately remove the sanctions my willingness to do anything is unwavering the leadership of chatcha has been under Katy’s watch since 2007 also International organizations

    Have accused him of directing human rights violations like torture extrajudicial killings repression and abduction stay up toate with our team’s prepared films including special reports and the newest events in the battle in Ukraine by subscribing to our Channel liking our videos and clicking the super thanks button below it was a draining and

    Intolerable Conflict for the Russian soldiers serving in Ukraine Russian forces have expended nearly half of their inventory and most of their weapons on Ukrainian territory since the war started consequently over 200,000 Russian servicemen lost loost their lives in the conflict in Ukraine however Moscow went even Beyond rallying more than 300,000 Russian

    Civilians to wage war against their own people and enlist in the Russian military according to the Russians this plan would be effective nevertheless everything turned around nonetheless Russian troops fighting in Ukraine’s front lines suffered a social and psychological collapse the daily feeding of Russian troops at the front became unaffordable even for their

    Commanders both professional and volunteer Russian forces faced a hostile environment on the front lines rebellions desertions and surrenders broke out in the Russian army because of this Additionally the commanders were blamed by many Russian troops who were forced to abandon the front lines for the brutality they endured when the

    Situation reached a Breaking Point Russian forces thinking they had discovered a way out started searching for the I want to live surrender line that the Ukrainian military had set up kib applies the rules of the Geneva Convention to surrendering Russians through I want to live with a 3% increase from the previous month

    174,00 Russian soldiers sought to surrender in April through the I Want To Live helpline in Ukraine there was an increase of more than 35% in May and more than 230,000 Russian troops arrived in Ukraine Vali mat vinko a representative of the group has stated that the coordination headquarters for

    The treatment of Pal’s Affiliated websites including Ukraine’s I want to live have experienced a significant increase in traffic since their introduction Matt Viano continued by stating that the program received numerous calls from concerned citizens worried about imminent conscription as well as questions from active duty military at this stage how many Russian

    Troops have expressed their desire to surrender a total of 24,41 2016 Russian so soldiers have called the Ukrainian Armed Forces surrender line I want to live expressing their intention to surrender the overall tally of Russians who handed themselves in rows to 16,800 in April Ukrainian authorities involved

    In the iant to live hotline scheme facilitated the surrender of approximately 3,200 Russian servicemen to Ukraine a total of 7,616 Russian soldiers applied to surrender in May marking a 138% rise from the previous month’s total the number of Russians surrendering to Ukraine reached a new record high in May consequently

    24,41 16 Russian soldiers surrendered to the Ukrainian Army so how does the procedure operate and how can Russian soldiers who wish to surrender prove that they are safe the Russian military also divulges private information through a chatbot on the encrypted messaging platform Telegram in order to determine who is

    Sincere about surrendering the Ukrainian authorities use this information organizers report that approximately 10,000 individuals have called the I want to live chatbots hotline the Ukrainian government has been tight lipped about the program’s surrender rate for security reasons hotline operators can reach Russians who are either about to be

    Mobilized are now deployed or are on the battlefield at all hours of the day and night when Russian soldiers call the I want to live hotline their tone can range from defense to apologetic a single chat can be cold-blooded commercial or overly emotional the psychological toll of the

    Conflict on Russian troops makes this very reasonable active duty servicemen with backgrounds in Psychology make up the 10-person hotline team whose job it is to provide callers with clear and succinct instructions while keeping an eye out for any indication that this communication could be a Russian intelligence

    Operation then how does the process of surrender normally unfold Russian surrenders should wave a white cloth take off their helmets and body armor aim their weapons at the ground and empty their magazines I would like to speak with Ukrainian military members and government leaders by addressing this matter we can guarantee that Russian

    Soldiers seeking a prisoner swap will have their papers reflect their capture rather than their voluntary surrender after communicating with their personal phones prospective Russians were advised to stay in t using a button burner phone that was not a smartphone a Ukrainian operator and in certain instances a drone guided Russian

    Soldiers wishing to surrender making them untraceable how does Life as a Russian soldier compare what ultimately LED them to their demise in the donach mud Love Money coercion or motherland nearly 60% of Russian servicemen surveyed in Ukrainian controlled prisons stated they felt forced to fight in the conflict for the

    Sake of their families econ Economic Security that is why the war in Ukraine was not due to Russian patriotism but to Faith in propaganda or even affection for Vladimir Putin according to Andre yusf a spokesman for Ukrainian Military Intelligence the Russian forces in Ukraine were forced to engage in a life

    Or death struggle a soldier named rlin who had previously served as a jail officer in one of Russia’s brutal penal camps actually provided the answers to these questions russland reported that 300,000 people were mobilized in September a Russian human rights lawyer Vladimir oetkin informed the soldier

    Held in Ukraine that he had two choices either go to jail or fight according to russling after helping Andre meddev a former Wagner mercenary escaped to Norway the Ukrainian scolded osin who is currently under the protection of the French police nevertheless it was during this period that Vladimir oetkin reached out

    To rlin exposing the Terri and shocking situation on Ukrainian soil oetkin said that the Wagner troops also coerced Russian soldiers into fighting which is why they are searching for the I want to live surrender line he used russland as an example russin was among these Warriors russling pondered the freedom

    That the surrender line afforded when faced with the potential of death on the front lines a drone from the Ukrainian Army took my life yet I still want to live for what reasons then are the ukrainians offering Russian troops a chance to surrender Ukraine showed extraordinary inventiveness and

    Originality in coming up with fresh methods to get Russian soldiers to surrender War correspondent Constantine melikov claims that the Ukrainian military develops its own distinctive advertising efforts given his regular presence on the front lines according to melikov the Ukrainian forces used a grad rocket launcher to shoot specially printed leaflets into the Russian

    Occupied area in addition to providing accurate data on Russian deaths as reported by the Ukrainian military staff the Russian leaflets also encouraged Russians to surrender willingly there is a $10,000 reward for Russian servicemen who bring tanks for Russian troops this is an enormous distinction in addition to the I Want To

    Live helpline another group provides assistance to Russian soldiers who choose to surrender Gregory spin a former activist from Petersburg established the nonprofit go by the forest to Aid Russian males who have voluntarily fled the nation in order to evade military service or live off the grid since September Gregor’s ferdinand’s group has celed

    Approximately 100,000 Russian men 10% of that number have deserted a network of volunteers and neighboring Nations called go by the forest helps deserters cross the bridge or go through the woods to avoid crossing the border thanks to this group a large number of Russians soldiers have given themselves up to the

    Ukrainians Anton gorbachov did more than just relay organization details he also sent crucial cues to Russian troops who were considering surrendering according to gorbachov the optimal moment to depart is when one sustains an injury while receiving treatment in a military Hospital doctors at the hospital coerced Russian soldiers into signing blank checkout forms

    Proving that gorbachov was right therefore the doctor can fill the remaining space with dates if the injured Russian soldiers who arrived at the hospital managed to flee the military unit let go of the doctors placing the blame on themselves instead that is to say the Russians will

    Be free and no longer subject to punishment since Ukraine follows the Geneva conventions pertaining to the rights of prisoners of War analysts believe that more Russians will surrender this is in contrast to Russia We Appreciate You monitoring our progress you can subscribe to our Channel like our videos and click on the

    Super thanks button below so that you do not miss the videos prepared by our team including the latest developments and special reports on the war in Ukraine you can subscribe to our Channel like our videos and click on the super thanks button below so that you do not miss the

    Videos prepared by our team including the latest developments and special reports on the war in Ukraine


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