It’s just me driving in and around London mainly in the Surrey areas seeing stupid drivers everywhere I go.
    If you have any clips that you would like to put on the channel please e-mail them to me at

    All the music on this channel is from YouTube Music
    Credits go to.
    Silver Waves – TrackTribe
    Electro Cabello – Kevin MacLeod
    Fractal of Light – Chris Haugen
    After School Jamboree – The Green Orbs
    Bunny Hop – Quincas Moreira
    Feelin Good – Kevin MacLeod
    Happy Mistake – RKVC
    Little Later Than He Expected To – Chris Zabriskie
    and the intro and outro video is from
    Credit go to.
    Mike B
    Roberto Nickson
    Roshan Kamath
    Video by Bhargava Marripati:
    Video by Mike Bird:

    Foreign Hello everybody welcome to another video we start this one off with a guessing game what do you think is going to appear in that Gap there any ideas you haven’t got long to sort it out and if you are playing this game with someone it might be an idea to pause it

    If you’re at home you’re the top one whoa whoa let’s try for the red light as well as I’ve said many times before driving is all about habits or bad habits if you’re a bad driver look at this guy in front of me he changes Lanes coming up

    To roundabout it changes Lanes again going around the roundabout and then back again one day someone’s gonna be next to him when he does that because he’s got that bad habit of changing lanes unnecessarily and without indication watch them so in this clip we’re looking

    At this car here it wants to turn left just leaving it a little bit late to get into the left lane it needs to be in the lane that I’m in I’m turning left as well but it’s distracted obviously for a reason that you will see in a minute

    But if someone else has got to make allowances for him defensive driving again the van has to slow down behind him the car behind me has to slow down to let him in to have decent breaking distance as well and you’ll see in a second why he’s distracted if it is a he

    I’m not actually 100 sure it’s a he we’ll have a little close up in a minute if you can’t see it wasn’t then I came back a couple of times but yes the good old mobile phone strikes again when we see them it’s funny when you’re

    An American you you have this view of what Wembley is and it’s like one of the greatest facilities yeah couldn’t wait to get there now in this clip we’re coming up to some parked cars parked on the right hand side so I have priority through the Gap

    Not yet I don’t these guys are there first after this little car here I have priority oh numpty numpty numpty numpty another big numpty now up there in front there is a bend that goes to the right so if you’re coming from the right you have to

    Literally turn right into that road that the arrow is pointing to you see this car you think he could have stopped if I was closer and we do still drive on the left now just say I was up near that tree when he come down that road there do you

    Think he could have stopped no chance absolutely no chance now this clip is all for you people that go through red lights you can see both sides of the lights there you watch how quickly goes from Red on that side to Green on my side there’s no delay red red red

    Shows you how dangerous it is to go through a red light it’s time for an Audi clip always an Audi doesn’t do a lot wrong really and in hindsight I don’t think he was flashing me we’re looking at the van to our left and now you come into wall dust I’ve got

    Plenty of time to get through that gap before he gets there and if we watch it from behind there was still plenty of room for him to get through the Gap anyway but then if you can’t drive flash people it’s the good old manners thing again the British are famous for their good

    Manners aren’t they you’re welcome mate not acknowledge you like that so I’m going to play this back a little bit further than what I should do really just to get give you some idea of what the roads are like here they’re a bit tight to say the least I can see down there

    That as a car but I don’t know it’s about to park until I see it’s about to park then I can go and hopefully nothing’s coming the other way which is not until I get to the bend where this idiot is already starting to turn into a blind bend that you can’t

    See around that van it’s starting to turn already why why do these people do that and if we watch it from behind you’ll see the view he had when he started to turn look at the mess that he’s made trying to get around there and that’s the view he had when

    He’s about to turn there he can’t see nothing what a pratt now I’m gonna do the same on this road coming up just to show you how tight the road is and how bad some people some people just don’t know how to do gaps they drive too fast into them and

    Their cars too big for them so we’re turning left into this road and as you can see it’s again quite a tight Road parking on both sides but with some gaps so I’m waiting at this first gap for everyone to get through so now it’s my turn

    But the van ain’t gonna wait for me so I have to slow up a little bit so we can get into that Gap where the Crabb is yeah but you never thought you’d hear me say that but the car I’ve got the real problem is

    Is the one behind the van he can’t drive a big car because he’s forced his way through there instead of waiting and letting me get into that Gap he’s just carried on going straight fast as well that Gap there where the pumpkin is is

    Not big enough for me to get into we are coming up to Halloween so that’s why the pumpkins in there I don’t know about the crab but we are really close to actually hitting mirrors here for no reason other than the fact that he can’t drive a big

    Car and you gotta you gotta you must have seen it he had personalized number plates on a fold on a basic fold oh my God what is wrong with people so as we’ve come to the rear camera now you’ll see the cars go past and then you’ll see the Gap that this idiot

    Leaves me in a minute as I’m leaving gaps for these people to get through and then I have to do the same for the van then you see this idiot as you can see that Gap here it just ain’t very big at all and it doesn’t

    Need to be that small if the Geezer with personalized number plates could drive you know what I say if you can’t drive a big car don’t [ __ ] buy one we all know exactly where you’re going didn’t we we just guess shall we so we’re on the good old M25 just about

    To come up to the M23 turn off now it’s been on the channel loads of times people are brain dead when it comes to this Junction for some reason there’s a slip Road I’m on the slip road now my slip Road can take me to Croydon

    Area or Central London way and it can also go down towards Brighton now as you can see from the rear camera we’ve got an Undertaker the lorries out there because it doesn’t want to go on the M23 but it still gets an Undertaker someone undertakes on the slip Road well done

    But we’re looking at the car now that’s just pulling into Lane one because he also is a bit of an idiot because he is heading in the direction of Brighton which means he can stay in that lane that he’s in because there is another slip road

    Coming off of the lane that he’s in that goes towards the Brighton so being a thick idiot he has to rely on someone else to help him out as well I.E me doing defensive driving because he pulls into my braking distance here hits the brakes so I have to hit my brakes to

    Let him in now the thick idiot is behind the van that he didn’t have to be behind because if you look over to the right hand side you’ll see another slip Road starting so he could have been overtaking that van so it pays to actually read the road

    Signs concentrate and stop being a thick idiot I’m just going to run this on a little bit just to show you the lanes up here how he would have been in a better position had he been concentrating and stop being a thick idiot the van’s gone off to the left obviously

    And both lanes go off to Brighton or in the direction of Brighton I should say and as soon as the solid white line stop he changes lanes and off he goes and he would have been a lot further down the road without getting in my way making me

    Break getting stuck behind the van if he’d concentrate and read the road signs dams are dedicated to supporting right in this clip I’m just going to show you way back from the incident how tight the road is and you cannot have space on your left hand side as much as what you

    Would do on a normal road the road just simply isn’t big enough you’ve got to be tight in unlike him he’s got all that room there and he’s over the line you can’t do that on these roads you’ve got to be closer and he wasn’t even over by the time I got there

    Well that’s it for today guys thanks for watching I’ll catch you on the next one bye for now foreign


    1. I swamear at leat a quarter of people don’t have a license or dont have insurance so you’ll probably notice these cants when your driving. So BEST get a couple of cheap dash cams❤ worth it❤ good luck out there ❤

    2. You say there's no delay between going red on one side to green on the other but there is in fact a delay – a full two seconds which is the minimum in the Traffic Signs Manual. The time from green one way to green the other (the intergreen time as the manual puts it) is 5 seconds, again it's at the very minimum allowed.

      This ladies and gentlemen is why we stop on amber, and don't start moving until we actually see green. Five full seconds is an age, two seconds (red on one -> green on the other) is cutting it fine.

    3. At 04:48 you said "The British are famous for their good manners". When I first moved to England I was pleasantly surprised at the "After you, sir" and "No, after you please". It's changed a lot!

    4. 2:29 it's possible the Fiat had blocked the view of your car from the distance the cyclists were behind. They then technically made it to passing the parked cars before you did, so had priority and therefore you shouldn't have gone. 

      Now I know you have a slight hatred towards cyclists, and tbh a lot of that hatred can be somewhat justified to a point. However, I would suggest anyone who feels this way should try cycling on our roads for at least one day. Your attitude and perception will change and you wouldn't close pass cyclists in future.

    5. I think you make some great observations on your videos, but the one that really chimed with me on this one was the big car, can't drive a big car comments, I see it more and more, big cars with people who just don't know how to drive at the wheel, they buy them as a defensive thing so they feel safer, but try to drive in the middle of the road when it is tight and they almost weaponise the car as a defence mechanism by trying to force you to give way. It's just poor driving.

    6. I see some comments about straight lining r'abouts so here's my story…….
      The point LDC makes is that you'll straight line the r'about one day and there'll be a car to your right because this style of driving becomes a habit. I had this problem last year where I'm in lane 2 and the driver in lane 1 cuts right across my lane to straight line the r'about causing the rear of his car to hit the front of my car . Dash cam footage clearly showed him not staying in lane (no indication either) and his excuse was "I always do it" and "it wasn't me". People do say that you're not a good driver until you've been involved in an accident and the driver who hit me was prosecuted for careless driving, points, a fine and a driver awareness course all came about because of his "habit" of not staying in lane. (plus higher insurance premiums). Just stay in your lane, how hard can it be!!

    7. I really hope you're uploading the footage of those undertaking and using mobile devices to the police as you certainly do encounter a lot of them.

    8. I Enjoy watching tbe videos , talking of really bad driving i was almost taken by a dangerous speeding twat in Rotherham today ,came off the roundabout near the leasuire centre checked my mirror again before i moved ober to the correct lane , it was cleaar , then kust as i am about to mover i check the side of me out the corner of my eye the bmw 1 series which was behind me ( when i was on the roundabout ) , suddlenly boots it in right hand lane thrn steers right towards me at some speed , and comes in my lanes ,I had no time to think amd just slammed on the breaks , he missed me by a cm length . I am always obverevant and have gresy situtional awareness and good job because other wise I would be in the hospital today .I then saw him at the traffic lights a good bit further down the road , then i saw him tuen left into burger king at parkgate

      I am proud that managed to keep my cool not follow him in there and kicking off at him and punching him( I would of probably been the one getting arrested aswell .I am normally chill , pretty patient modtly quiet , but when some puts life at risk and not giving a crap your bound to get angry

      It gets even more entertaining a few hours later im coming round the roundabout in the right hand not far to come off and then suddlenly these csr stopped on roasd on the left start coming out as im about to comeoff , had to brake and stop for one thrn i started moving another did then 3 thrn finally 5 cars thought i had to stop for thrm ehrn im going round a roundabout , thats clesr , when it got the last two i was right on tbe horn and stuck my finger up and the last driver , im going roundabout you are supposed to wait till i have tuned off not as im coming round , the insanity of some people

    9. The people with personalised plates are ironically the same people who took the piss out of other kids at school when their Mums wrote their names in their stuff, my Mum had to do that because I was one of the few kids at my school who's parents worked so she did it to stop the pikies from nicking my stuff

    10. I had the Audi experience last week on a merge in turn road after a roundabout went to a single lane on the exit. Way behind me came Mr Audi 'coming through' get out of my way. He seemed to expect me to pull left to allow him to pass on an already single lane! After tooting me of his displeasure I made sure that I practised my 20mph right foot for some time in a 40mph zone! He appeared to have received the message as he backed off quite nicely! 😉

    11. @7:10 basic Ford? those new Kugas cost well over 50K Tony they are hardly basic – maybe you haven't seen them up close, but they are fully loaded with every toy you can imagine. I take your point, but these new Fords are not basic sir, they even have auto parking and a device that allows you to thaw the car before you even get out of bed on a frosty morning…. you open the ford app and press a button that remotely links to your car to warm the car through, I'm just saying this as I have an ST Line model X version myself, cost me nearly 60k, although I take your point though as I have not put a private plate on mine, and mine is seemingly a better model than the one in the clip. great video as always mate, please keep up the good work that you do.

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