Roblox OBBY Gives FREE Robux
    Sunny and Melon test if this obby is ACTUALLY giving out free robux or is it a SCAM! What do YOU think?

    Sunny and Melon play… THE SURVEY.
    👕 MERCH –

    Ghost Hunting is SCARY in Roblox

    Roblox BUT The MIRROR is SCARY

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    #Roblox #robloxmemes #freerobux

    Ever wanted to get free Roo so do I so sunny and I played an Obby and according to the game title win Obby and get roo we’ll get robo every time we defeat it and we’ll finally find out if it’s a scam or if it’s legit stick around to

    Find out Sunny have you ever wanted to get free roblo in Roblox but of course bro wait a second if I just do this for 29 more minutes I’m going to get free roblo uh I I don’t think that’s how it works sunny but according to the game if

    We beat the Obby we get free Roo is it true bro or is this a troll uh of course it’s true sunny when has a game creator ever lied yeah probably never anyways simple task just escape this maze get free Robux let’s go get me free Robo I

    Don’t know what you just said sunny but yes I need my Robux too and first things first we got to get out of this maze yeah I’m pretty much right behind you where’d you go uh I’m right around the corner uh Sunny which path do we take

    Okay we’re going to go this way I hope you’re going the right way bro I hope so too look it’s Roblox Billy there’s a giant FL flower pot here how come you didn’t grab this how am I supposed to grab it sunny I found an arrow I’m going

    The right way BR slow down I want to escape and get paid ah Billy where are you Sunny I’m right here yeah I’m not getting lost in the Maze not yet yes we did it now we’re entering stage two this city wait melon come back here if we can

    Escape are we going to get 136,50 120 robu oh I think so that’s going to be so awesome you need to find the exit there are hints hidden piece by piece add them to find the exit Okay melon I just gave it five Robux now we

    Get paid five more uh son you’re such an idiot sometimes now what are we doing again I zoned out completely I was just thinking about the robo we need to find pieces for something I found an exit I’m in stage three yeah that was easy I thought we were supposed to get pieces

    All right never mind stage three Parkour in the Park oh this is light work bro wait these look like kill bricks n n you got to jump on them sunny I guess they were just red I didn’t mean to be a hater like that maybe you look like a

    Kill brick bro I am not a kill brick Sunny I’m just a watermelon true true true my bad my bad you’re just a juicy watermelon designed for smoothies is this stage four yo we made it to stage four sunny and now we’ve got a parkour all the way up this treehouse and then

    Get across the level come on yes I’m going to be there in a second just slow down a little bit I can’t slow down oh wait now we’re in stage four Sunny the endless Road hey there I will be walking this road with you so test your dedication the

    Road is long some say endless but I can give you a hint there are surprises along the way there there’s been no surprises melon this has been easy yeah is this the whole Road like I’m pretty sure I see the end of the road right

    There me too it says leave a like for more roblo oh wait I think I see a subscribe button you’re kidding yeah it’s right there zoom in enhance yeah that’s a subscribe button yep for sure what does this say Sunny I’m still here don’t worry how are you holding up good

    Bro how long is this road going to take Sunny yeah melon I thought we were at the end of the road but then it turned and the road kept going and I have a feeling it’s going to keep doing laps and it’s going to be the never- ending

    Road that never ends that’s okay sometimes you got to do what you got to do wait hold on I got to check back here anything I don’t think so I have an idea I will ask you riddles to help you on your journey I’m tall when I’m young and

    I’m short when I’m old what am I tall when I’m young and when I’m old a pencil hey that’s actually really smart is that what it is you think maybe sounds about right cuz you sharpen it as it gets older and it gets smaller a candle oh

    Come on I I I pretty much had it yeah candle and pencil is the same principle except one melts and the other you shred exactly Sunny this road is taking forever we’re almost there bro just trust the process toilet break if you need it oh yeah Sun I really got to go

    Take a massive Deuce bro you love toilets why are you so obsessed with them melon and I’m good Sunny that was disgusting get me away from these bathrooms yuck what month of the year has 28 days all of them all of them no it’s just February no no 12 of them dude

    12 months have 28 days are you dumb no febru has 28 days everything else has 30 or 31 yeah but they all still have 28 days you get it or are you that dumb no if only listened to my true intellectual genius next one what gets

    Wet while drying a toll what did you say a toll bro you’re trolling what are you saying a toll a toll what a towel oh my goodness thank you for speaking English a towel yeah well done last one I have lakes with no water mountains with no

    Stone in cities with no buildings what am I a watermelon yeah I I don’t know that one actually I’m lost a map dude we’re idiots dang it listen friend I have to leave for some time good luck and don’t give up are you kidding me we’re just going to keep running this

    Road forever maybe at the end sunny it’s the victory you better have these free roo you promised it says it in the game it says win Obby and get free Robo please I need this in my life bro I’m buying increased movement speed this was too slow yeah and it’s plus it’s an

    Investment because once we defeat this Obby we’ll get more Roo you’re right bro this is entrepreneurial ship we’re so smart we’re business people just got to make it to the end of this here Road turn the corner for the 20th time and run some more Road even the game creator

    Got bored of writing riddles oh my goodness they’re back I’m back smiley face wait what if this person’s just Billy very few have made it here nice work okay what’s going to be around the corner is it perhaps our Robux that you promised yeah some Robux would be very

    Nice sir hey melon unlucky it’s more road but I think that’s the end sunny I think it’s actually the end we’re so close what does the sign say is it this secret pass word to unlocking all the robo I have a feeling this is the end I

    Will always remember you it was nice traveling with you ah we made it stage five skipping Stones okay each step has a false block which you will drop down dude you just did it on your first try I got most of them that was crazy let me

    Do the last one nailed it bada bing bada boom bada boom bada boom bada boom bada boom bada boom and then it’s here oh sunny I know this pattern I know this pattern it’s so obvious here no dang it here here here this guy oh he nailed it now where’s it going I’m

    Waiting for this guy to go a I was so close and sunny so close to Stage six we’re doing it bro shortcut so you went all here all here all here and I’m through oh there’s still more dude this doesn’t end one two uh-huh uh dude am I silly or something

    Well yeah obviously okay melon it starts here and here and then it goes here and now why why would you jump there you can see I’m on this I think it just oh it’s not just back and forth I thought for sure it was just back and forth bro

    We’re so close though sunny I can taste it oh why do I keep jumping on that one cuz you’re a big Noob back and forth and oh wait I could just skip I could just skip the last one wait what you can Skip One this whole time Sunny yes I’m

    Through stage six Mel this is it we’re almost there the free roblux are on the horizon so here here left oh it’s three in a row why did I do that I knew which one it was four in a row nope big jump okay I got no information oh nailed it

    And oh I know where it is I I forget the pattern one two 3 4 switch arusi switch arusi switch arusi hey why don’t you just jump over the last one I got the checkpoint don’t talk to me this block shows a rare place that very few players have found this block

    Will help you find the exit it’s like a checkpoint for your brain shny how are we going to figure this out this block will help you find an exit it’s a checkpoint for your brain this block shows a rare place that only few players have found I got this I need brain

    Checkpoints oh never mind I hit a dead end oh it’s like an invisible maze why did you bring us here for the free Robux Sunny anything for the free Rob Rob if there’s no free Roo when I finish this game I am going to unplug your computer

    And throw it in the pool you’re actually making progress bro let’s go checkpoint baby are the red ones checkpoints I can’t remember the red ones were checkpoints for your brain it said oh so they’re not actually a checkpoint yeah hey I got another brain nope I did not

    Get another brain checkpoint I got a real no I didn’t get a real checkpoint either bro this is pain Sunny how do we get to that block over there we got to go here here here have no fear I’m ah dead end we’re close sunny I know we’re close

    Yeah bro it actually worked are you kidding and then this yellow one come on it’s right there I can taste it yes I got it I actually got it you reached a rare block that only few have ever made it to apparently is what it says it’s so

    Rare and delicious and beautiful because it’s yellow and yellow is the best color oh yes but of course Sher finally you admitted it uh yeah sure buddy I’ll let you believe whatever you want to believe and I’m almost at the next rare delectable legendary Yellow Block dude

    This is so toxic man it’s actually easy though I’m literally just going back and forwards there’s nothing about this that’s a challenge I make it I did it sun I did it first okay next level stage seven parkour for gamers if you fail you have to start from the beginning dang it

    Bro it’s like a tower of heck I am the Tower of heck let’s do it can’t stop me you can’t stop the Beast Sunny skip yo let’s go on the money Sunny don’t die bro do not fall it would suck why are you going so fast bro that’s dangerous

    Cuz speed is the key to succeed oh that was way too close yeah I I took a few risks that I probably shouldn’t have to be honest oh God boy sunny I already made it to the checkpoint I’m at the treadmill yes checkpoint stage eight simple task get

    To the next stage and do exercise while doing it really is this just like the longest road hey how are you it’s me from stage four good job making it this far I will try the best to help you with this stage too just remember don’t give

    Up sunny I might give up here I’m going to be honest no I’m not giving up until I get my free Roo Sunny bro this is going to take forever bro this is on you you said come play this game we’re going to get some roox it’s going to be

    Awesome and I said sure it’s free robloxx how could I ever say no bro and then if I make a couple more jumps I’m going to get absolutely goated get free roblo rub it in your face cuz you’ll have given up and quit too early whatever Sunny we’re doing some riddles

    Which is at least kind of fun I just hope they’re good riddles not like that one about the map that we couldn’t figure out I will figure out every riddle from here on out what is yours but mostly used by others what is mine but mostly used by others toilet paper

    What wait wait sunny sunny we got to think about it for a second um used by others but it’s all on um my presents your name we’re idiots dang it we’re so stupid bro dude that was your fault my time is running out friend does that mean we’re getting roblo finally please

    Dude that would be so nice I have to leave you for now we will meet at the end just remember don’t give up wait Mel what were those last two words I think you said give up are you going to quit are you going to give up I’m not a

    Quitter Sunny me neither I’m getting these Roo and if they’re not there I’m stealing your Roo wait I don’t I no no no no no no no we did not agree to that well it’s not a wager it’s not like you bet the Roo against me I’m just going to

    Go on your computer and steal them sunny I disagree you can’t steal them because I said I don’t want you to well then uh you better sleep with one melon open because I’m going to go on that computer tonight and take all of your Wu dude it’s not cool to steal When someone

    Tells you not to steal from them anyways melon we escaped the treadmills we did it good job Stage Nine the mall is this finally the last level I don’t know but we need to find hints to escape Sunny okay this says birdie Bank maybe I can go through the Vault Robux there’s got

    To be Robo in not in here dang it it’s got to be around here somewhere though where is this exit bra BR dude I don’t know I found the i i arcade I found the way out let’s go no way where’d you go not telling you no way this is so dumb

    We’ve already played this level what happened sunny it’s a glass bridge but we’ve already beaten a glass Bridge why would we play two of them the exit has a connection with video games the a a arcade hey hey yeah I did it wow you’re a genius oh we really have to do this

    Again Sunny this level is like a glass Bridge we already did it that’s what I just said did you ignore me yeah okay who’s doing the next one someone’s got to do it oh faked out oh faked out you know fine I’ll do it these Scoundrels these absolute cowards uh Sunny do you

    Know how to do this one yeah it’s like this and this and this and this oh nice one um it’s got to be this one now yes and jump I did it okay so this one 2 3 4 five 6 7 boom shakalaka like these guys are such cowards they

    Don’t do the jumps I’m doing the last one yes yes I can’t remember the patterns I’m just shut my brain off when I do it that is unhealthy bro I’m watching you back there this is just sad it’s like this like this like this like

    This like this and then I don’t know the last two no just keep going straight and now cross over you’re so annoying it’s somehow my fault that you’re dumb wait it was literally all four to the right oh you’re right that was awesome and easy they Robux the’re

    Robo they’re right there are they really you can see them I think so sunny I think so no way you’re right there’s a green glowing portal Robux come on come on don’t be a coward oh shortcut let’s go we didn’t even give her the hint Snoop Doggy Dog you can’t even get

    Across this glass Bridge yeah you absolute buffoon melon the robo the roox they’re right there I can taste them I can taste them too sunny two of these in a row oh yeah wait Mel you think I could just make the jump oh yeah it’s easy jump no

    I did it are you kidding me sunny there’s so much more then what happened I didn’t hear you just screamed sun I don’t think I want to do it what do what what are you f i don’t think the Robux are worth it sunny I don’t know what you’re looking at cuz

    I’m failing to do these jumps really badly come on one of you jump I’m not doing it this time that’s it I’m buying this I’m investing Roo to make more Roo watch this increase my jump height and leave them behind see you nerds oh no melon what is this yeah honey are you

    Sure the robloxx are worth it bro there’s like a 100 more levels in this Obby no way guys comment down below if you want us to go to the end of this Obby to really see if we do get Roblox melon I’m pretty sure this is all a

    Trick no you don’t know that but what’s not a trick is heading to Sunny and to check out our new exclusive merch drops for Halloween we got epic stickers we got cool t-shirts so go to our shop now and we won’t need free roblo today sunny and I play the most

    Satisfying game it’s called Crut Crusher simulator in this game you crush items for money and what can you do with this money you might ask well you can get bigger items to crush and more powerful Crushers we start with this normal hydraulic press but then we upgrade to a

    Buzz saw and even this giant hammer and much much more stick around to see every Crusher in this game because yeah sunny and I unlocked them all yo melon can you do me a big favor yeah what do you want me to do Sunny so I want you to just go

    Over to this red X and stand here it’s really dangerous pushing this button so I’ll take the dangerous Tas I might turn into this skeleton oh yeah yeah yeah son you’re so brave yo guys that’s a hydraulic press and that’s melon and now that’s pancake melon what is wrong with you I’ll kill

    You whye bro you just made me laugh half to death get under the hydraulic press Sunny get under there I’m going to kill you and Crush you wa chill fine I’m on the X no what are you doing stop stop it don’t you dare you can’t save them all I

    Just did no why can you pick them up stop these are my wers and I’ll Crush every last one of them for the money no you won’t Sunny you’ll do nothing no no look at him I Swit him and then I pick this one up drop it there pick this

    One up I’m going to be rich in no time guys kick it off kick it off melon you don’t understand it’s the only way to progress look at the items no Sunny there’s something called paying to win I’ll spend 90 Roo to get 50,000 cash yeah that way you don’t have to smash

    Watermel like me and then I’ll get what do I want to crush ooh you know what could be fun to crush a skibby toilet no way they actually got skibbies oh wait you’re the Skiby toilet what the heck just happened I’m in the void what did

    You do bro did you take an atomic poo you sat on that toilet and went flying I don’t know where I went Sunny I’m dead now well that’s uh unfortunate anyways melon the point of this game is to crush objects using these giant hydraulic press machines and then we can unlock

    Bigger and bigger crushing me mechanisms like the wall Crusher I see that makes a lot of sense sunny I think I figured out how I did it if you pick up the toilet while sitting in it oh no melon don’t pick this up no no I got to be the one

    Who sit in it yeah just give me a second melon oh my stomach hurts what are you doing what are you doing Sunny oh oh that’s disgusting yeah there you go you can have the toilet back oh I don’t really want it anymore I’m going to go

    Crush this thing real quick yeah you better you’ll probably get paid extra for my big poop gross bro that is gross did you just steal my money I hope so give me give me give me give me give me a I didn’t get paid yo what get

    Flattened like a pancake you scum that’s it I see you and the only answer to this is to spawn more wanders no don’t do it sunny stop it stop it if you want to save them you’ll die I survived Sunny this melon didn’t no all right fine I’ll

    Despawn these objects wait melon I actually have to crush them I have no choice sorry dude sorry bro I can’t let you do that melon stop stop you’re being annoying I need to spawn in crates you need to spawn in crates why don’t you just spawn in a whole pool dude I don’t

    Have that kind of money you’re such a cheeser look at this sunny I got a whole pool for us oh no it’s doing the thing melon get out of the pool and crush it wait wait wait I got to put some crates down all right now crush it Crush yo

    That was so satisfying yeah you flattened me but I don’t mind I’m going to get paid oh I just got paid bucker rusi got paid 2K for that nice bro the crates give me 120 each I can buy a noob yo check it out I’m spawning some noobs

    What if I spawn in some gas yo it’s going to explode I think you just killed my noobs hey money 170 what if I just spawn in a bunch of swimming pools hold on I’ll crush them ow how’ you do melon how’d you do uh let’s see how much money did I

    Acquire oh I got four stacks of cash oh so much money son you got like 10K for that bro you’re making so much Bank all right I’m going to go over here to this bigger crushing pad and I’m going to spawn in I guess some more Noobs

    Actually toilets are going to pay me more there we go three toilets bro we need to get the 25 items crushed to unlock the wall spawn some toilets yep spawning melon do you know what you just did no what why would you do such a thing you crushed a watermelon I hope

    You’re proud of yourself IID did you made me do that Sunny bro stop squashing me fine I’ll use this one you use that one everybody will be happy soon I’ll get the next Crusher Sunny yeah what’s that the wall Crusher I think so how much does it cost to add one item yo

    Dude dude this is huge okay okay okay so I need to go here to passes where’d you get that money I go to money oh my goodness gracious me melon I’m going to buy 750,000 cuz I’ve got the Robux bro you’re cring no I’m not cringe check

    This out and then I’m going to use my giant brain and increase my item limit to six now look at how many toilets I can spawn wait you can do that yep and now I should have crushed 25 items no way I need to do that let me pick up my

    Gas canister yeah you have fun with that I have unlocked the wall Crusher let’s see how this one works I think I’ll test it out on some flat screen TVs yes hey melon you want to check this out no hey melon you want to get crushed by a wall

    Bro I just want to pick up my gas canister please hey melon do you want to save this poor innocent wer give me a second Sunny I’m trying to pick this thing up dude just press e on it it won’t let me then just shove it onto the

    X and crush it I’m trying try harder try harder look I kicked it there for you is that close enough hey there we go well done oh no I’m on fire Sunny I’m running super fast yo chill save the watermelon save the world no I can’t get in there

    Then witness it witness its death no let me see this yo it got electrocuted and flattened what is wrong with you sunny I know I’m actually the goat for that no you’re evil you’re pure evile melon if I was pure evil I would mess you up and

    Then Crush you no it’s okay I got my money bro I flipped you over to that pool before crushing it hey melon I got to see this I’m buying a propane tank let’s see if this explodes oh yes it does let’s go okay finally I have enough

    To go to the next Crusher for 4,449 Robux I can increase the maximum items spawned at once to infinite that’s a lot of Robux though melon activate the crusher hey you thought you got me didn’t you dang it sunny you got away this time guys it’s time for me to

    Unlock VIP and now I will have a brand new Crusher how does this even work yo I could roll a bowling ball that’s awesome how did you even get in there dude uh look at how I get in there Sunny you can probably piece it together VIP bowling

    Buy VIP crusher game pass bro you just flattened me let’s go not cool you bought VIP so that you could get a bowling ball maybe and now I’m going to crush all of Roblox with it hey wait wait melan I want to test the theory don’t activate it hold on let me stand

    Right here no no no no no no no no no no no no no bro yeah why do you have to be like that I want to try and cheese the game I’m going to spawn an object out here and I want to see if your ball will crush it for me

    Why would I want to crush it for you because you’re a good friend but I’m not a good friend well that’s my job your job is to be a good bro that exploded everywhere yo melon check this out I’m about to turn Super Saiyan when I Crush

    These smash it and then I stand in the Flames Super Saiyan that actually looks awesome guys for the small place of 450 Roo I could just unlock every single Crusher that sounds like a deal and let’s go check out this next Crusher hey Sunny bro I’m going to just go over here and use this double Crusher what how do you have this

    Many Crushers already you’ve done 100 items yeah bro I’m crazy that was pretty cool let’s check out the blender right over here there’s no way you have that many you’re cheesing the game no I’m not Sunny check it out I’m about to drop some items in this blender hold on let

    Me drop some too dang it it was shielded how do I get out of here though no I’m stuck I’m stuck melon I can help you get out how are you going to help me get out Sunny please explain oh yo I’m doing it I’m getting out no no no no melon I’ll

    Get you out die oh that was embarrassing nice sunny did you just shoot yourself no I would never do something so stupid yeah what are you doing trying to get myself out with it are you out of there yet or you’re still trapped hey I made

    It out now how do I get rid of my items bro how did you make it out that’s insane because I am the G sunny and now time to blend up come on drop in normally bro you are trash at that guys I’m waiting for him to jump in the

    Blender and then I’m going to blend him into little tiny melon bits dude I think I have to go into the blender it’s so annoying dude it’s so much easier to summon objects if you’re just standing where you want them okay go in here and drop yep go right there

    No yes you fell for it I unlocked everything why how did he know well it was just Robo it literally put it in my face and said spend Robo so I bought it hold on a second I could fling myself what sunny I need you to come over here

    And I need you to send me flying okay where you at bro I’m at the beginning just die all right I’m back hold on where you at like right here sunny I actually don’t see oh there you are I’m blind bro this thing looks insane VIP Crushers acquired now Sunny send me

    Flying if you insist my good melon have a great flight ah why y I actually went flying you’re welcome Sunny is there any other Crushers we haven’t tried yet bro there’s tons what do you mean I’m pretty sure there’s not as many as you think what it’s the same thing on the other

    Side you’re right I think it’s just the drill and maybe that crane back there bro we’ve got to test those out I’m going to choose an item of extreme value a mini fridge full of energy drinks and goodies and let’s see what the drill has to say summon yes drill up my bloxy

    Colas oh it’s going slow and really weird but the drill is actually poooo what is that dude it doesn’t work it’s broken you got to be kidding me I got to destroy my own items now bro there’s this Shredder over here this looks pretty cool I won’t lie when you break

    The mini fridge it is so satisfying where did you go anyways melon went all the way to the end I’m trying out this Shredder oh you’re over there the little Shredder there’s a big shredder too I’m going to drop in I guess this table and Shred time Sunny you’re ruining it if I

    Were to ruin it I would do this just stop all right I’m going to the big Crusher relax watch this this is how a real goat crushes spawn spawn spawn spawn spawn spawn do it melon yo yo yo yo yo look at all the colas down there

    That’s pretty cool sunny but not as cool as whatever this is spawn swimming pool uh that some gasoline I I ran out and Crush yo it’s a buzz saw that was actually so lame yo no it’s happening sunny it’s happening melon I’ll save you stay still stay still thank you Sunny

    Now it’s happening me I got launched into the void that was is weird Sunny we have two Crushers left one is this Hammer let’s see what it does to a toilet okay it sent it flying and then Sunny finally we have the crane the last Crusher oh I was trying to fling myself

    At it it kind of failed wait Sunny this isn’t even a Crusher it’s just saying what should we add next bro that’s it I wanted to use another Crusher well Sunny we’ve used every single Crusher in Crusher simulator yes but melon there’s still one last thing I need to test out

    Please stand on this x I don’t want to fine I’ll do it to myself I was too slow you better hurry otherwise it’ll be too late for these wers no Sunny don’t you dare don’t you dare you survived and the Watermelons got flung all the way out there dang it

    Bro well guys make sure you like And subscribe before this Hammer hits me it doesn’t even hit you bro you’re fine you sure about that let me check yo what it pancake me today sunny and I got fat we started with this double chin and this giant dad

    Body but soon we became bigger than a skyscraper just how fat will we become shy I’m not going to lie we’ve got a little bit of chub on us already yeah bro our neck has necks on its neck and we look pregnant it’s kind of beautiful

    When you think about it sunny it’s time to get even fatter even bigger even more muscles that aren’t muscles but are actually just gelatinous fat yo I think I look good bro this is the ultimate food baby I’m going to grow him to be big strong and handsome he’ll also be

    The most intelligent food baby you’ve ever seen yeah you do that Sunny I’m going to sell my fats for profit yes yes profet and now what do I do uh where do I oh buy some stuff I ever think it’s kind of weird how you can just get thick

    And then sell your thickness it’s a little bit weird I won’t lie if I just eat a little bit more food I can skip the apple pie hold on oh plus 75 coins I don’t need an apple pie I’ll skip straight to blueberry pie beautiful yo

    This pie is huge yo chill out melon that’s crazy bro dude I’m getting huge now I’m a big boy he’s a big thick wer don’t worry I’ll get bigger and juicier than you in no time cuz I’ll be buying that steak that nice fet Min all right

    I’ll just skip whatever the flame on is and get the uh the green grapes because obviously that has way more calories bro that’s cringe you can’t just skip like that I got the steak and I’m ready bro look at this yo that a big steak on you

    Sunny thank you bro I never make Stakes all I do is become the greatest in the game the goat that’s me were you trying to make a steak pun there no no it was just rhyming bro I was like a rapper like Freestyle out here like yo check

    Out my Stakes I’m not your mate but I don’t make mistakes I only eat them medium well or blue like your pie Sunny stop looking at my pie it’s going to make you cry when I buy these green grapes food you think that’s going to

    Make me be rude you just acting a fool I’m going to look you in the eye while I slap that pie but I don’t have a pie I’m eating green grapes whatever we’re done I’m not rhyming anymore you’re right Sunny because I’m upgrading my DNA yes to Yellow regular DNA yo goats check

    This out melon thinks he’s so cool cuz he’s upgrading stuff what he doesn’t know is there’s these secret codes right here and I’m going to use these to access in-game rewards and destroy him and I didn’t even have to pay to win this time and then I go here enter code

    Redeem 56,000 food hey melon look how big I am bro um Sunny can you explain to me how you have 56,000 food and 57,000 coins the game creator really appreciated my freestyle rhyming so he said yo Sunny you the greatest I’m going to make you the thickest that’s not

    Poetry but you know it to be true when I sell it and get the fat stacks what the heck did you do all I got is racks on racks bro there’s no way there’s no way what kind of pay to win did you use none

    And I’m going to do it again check this out it’s not pay to win it’s secret oh that’s embarrassing that one didn’t work well whatever one of them worked it’s it’s just using codes bro tell me the codes right now is it fat no it it was

    Burger 700k but that one doesn’t work and then gingerbread 675k gingerbread 675k dang it nothing works wait that dude that one should definitely work gingerbread I sent it on Discord and now I will acquire a much more delicious meal bro these things are expensive never mind popsicles are through the

    Roof in price I’ll get a bacon strip though o melon are you okay mhm mhm mhm I’m okay I’m buying rainbow DNA that is perfect and now I’ll eat bacon strips guys really does that I’m going to head into the where’s the shop you know what

    I’m just going to buy a pet cuz I don’t know where the shop is do I want the basic egg the Supreme egg for 79 Robux sh don’t tell Sunny I’m buying this and what am I going to get what am I going to get yo I got a Godly green Dominus

    Let’s see let’s go to pets equip that boy yo times 250 yo I make so much I just got 180,000 what the heck I’m making so much money melon how come we don’t have a YouTuber egg I don’t know Sunny we should be on here we’re actually going

    The ghost that’s so true Sunny what kind of DNA do you have rain DNA and I’m buying my first pet egg let’s go bunny rabbit really bro I have yellow cat DNA and then I’m also going to buy the sandwich I think is yellow cat DNA good

    M I don’t know check the DNA store hold up I’m eating bacon right now let’s see yellow cat bro that’s the last DNA Sunny I’m far more powerful than you could ever imagine yo bro go to page five it gets crazy dude wait there’s pages in this yep oh wao I did not

    Realize that Sunny yeah there’s a lot a lot a lot right here wao you could buy these rankup things that give you crazy multipliers I’m going to buy this cake food and I am pretty rich let’s just uh yes honey I’m $2 billion Rich what how

    Do you have 2 billion 3.4 billion I need to upgrade my DNA I’m too weak right now bro bro br br bro where is your pets show me your pets where’s this option where is your option for pets come on he’s doing something cringe I already

    You know bro you can’t see my pet Forest Dominus Godly tier you’re cringe bro that’s it you’re making me do this I’m so rich 100 billion I’m richer than anyone I hope you’re proud of yourself I’m buying a squid no you don’t have to buy a squid how much does that

    One cost I don’t know but I’m buying it 500 Robuck that’s probably better than my pet yes and now I equip this does times 2.8 th000 uh what does mine do pets 2. 8,000 what the heck that’s way stronger than mine yes you’re just a little tiny peon now every bacon I eat

    Gives me 1 billion uh hold on a second guys I’ve got to find a powerful World guys I’ve entered Egypt what are the eggs like here yo it also looks like there’s hidden treasure wao let’s just go small real quick cuz I feel like I’m faster

    When I’m small what is this egg 20 million coins come on give me something good I got an Egypt coyote what is that multiplier 25 X that’s trash melon while you’ve been exploring Egypt I’ve been purchasing new DNA fire cat and some new food I’m probably due for a little

    Upgrade here tomato a $16 Million tomato bro how about a 1 billion cake let’s go oh what the heck I also have a cake bro it gave me $2 trillion bro that cake was broken guys look at this look at this look at this I didn’t even realized but

    There’s ranks in this I need to eat and get those ranks that’s my solution to getting bigger than sunny right now hey melon do me a favor and look at my hand uh Sunny don’t you dare do it wait it tossed me into the void that’s what you

    Get karma what the heck I’m pretty sure it made me so huge that it flipped me into the void that’s it melon I need to get even bigger hold that thought DNA let’s see $5 trillion I’m going to buy the sun DNA melon watch this you want to

    See what a big melon looks like it’s this no Sunny stop eating me I have no choice and then fight me you coward oh I’ll fight you don’t you worry I just got to get big first guys uh let’s check out the DNA cuz I lost everything I’m a

    Broky now we’re going to go here buy that sell that Munch Munch sell buy the yellow cat DNA Munch Munch sell buy a better food let’s purchase melon get out of here bro you’re not impressing anyone fight me I can’t fight you you’re going to wreck me right now what are you

    Afraid of 46 billion strength yes I I have no strength right now I’m weak and you really think eating that slice of cake is going to help oh it will Sunny it will oh wait that’s a sandwich bro you’re eating a sandwich still y chill Sunny relax yeah this is just hopeless

    For you I’m moving on you clearly can’t fight me all in due time my friend all in due time guys I have 5.9 trillion coins now guys look at these Island they Dro some insane multipliers the spooky Halloween Island let’s go Sunny how much money do you

    Have uh 140 trillion what the okay guys I need to get stronger melon I’m going to be honest with you just buy the upgraded pet that I have I will in a second Sunny just wait and if you don’t bro I’m going to give you these french

    Fries these french fries just wait JY you’ll see my true power shortly well I’m going to an island that gives me crazy multipliers on everything I do I’m almost there now oh no I went big and died guys I went into the void I’m so jacked now it’s unbelievable all right

    Sunny I’m ready to fight you no I lost interest in that to be honest with you no no I’m ready to fight you Sunny challenge me challenge me sunny all right give me a second guys melon wants to fight me so what I’m going to do is

    Increase my size here a little bit let’s see uh we’ll go with this one the blue horse DNA and we’ll upgrade our food slightly as well cheeseburger oh no we could do better than cheeseburger chocolate donuts but they’re worth so much we’ll go with mustard hot dog yeah

    Mustard hot dog all right melon let’s fight all right sunny it’s time for me to take you down get big let’s battle die you killed me in one hit I’ve been preparing I am much more powerful than you can imagine Sunny you think that’s hilarious do you I know that’s hilarious

    Okay give me a second let me take care of this guys I need the chocolate donut melon melon come fight me uh hold on let me uh purchase something really quick no no come fight me okay just give me a second bro I got to eat what are you

    Eating nothing is that a jelly donut no die bro how are you one shotting me oh I’ve been preparing the fat Sunny little did you know I hit a mighty shmey rebirth that you don’t even know about and now my multi is much crazier than yours dude dude dude this is broken you

    Were eating a blueberry donut this is broken that’s it I’m going for the rank UPS you did this no I didn’t I didn’t do such a thing you caused this I need to save up for this guys wait no I can buy that what am I oh yeah I’m going to buy

    This bro 230x multi oh this is going to be hilarious guys to get these rank UPS oh wo bro the french fries give me billions it’s the lowest tier food guys I’m going to save up for this insane no I’m out of the map no well I’m buying

    Leaf cat DNA guys and a new food item I’m sure that’s enough I’m a trillionaire already oh melon this is going to be embarrassing for you I just want you to know that yeah whatever you say buddy what are the multis here bro I’ll buy that

    And I’ll buy hey melon I’m dead this is all that’s paying me I’m kind of confused and sunny let me just buy one of these squid eggs cuz you said I should buy one 500 Robux give me one of them more give me one of them strong ones let’s go

    Okay that’s more like it now hey melon you want to battle me yeah I’m going to destroy you yeah yeah pretty pretty confident pretty pretty confident yeah that sounds like overconfident to me how much does this stuff cost golden grapes it’s so beautiful oh my goodness guys oh my goodness I

    Uh sunny I may have discovered something pretty op yeah what’s that I don’t want to tell you I don’t want to tell you I feel bad you’re on one of these islands but which one can’t say sunny I cannot say can’t access sugar rush dude it’s so

    Annoying the volcano I can actually go here are you sure you can oh I’m in there now where do I sell my stuff BR what do I do here hey Sunny this is my island is it though no way how much how strong are you stay out of my house this

    Is my land that’s it guys that’s it that’s it sell this and it’s time I need to go into my ranks I need to start from scratch in order to become all powerful guys melon thinks he’s the real volcano Mountain Man not even close I gain qds

    Off of Just Pizza and soon I will slap him with QD these nuts I just got to jump back to spawn and cell cuz apparently there’s no cell portal on these islands yes here we go eating getting bigger BR please let me become bigger I just want to become bigger I’m

    Sure you do melon the only way to get big is to eat big that’s why I eat golden steaks yeah how do you teleport in this game there’s got to be a way to get to these islands more easily bro I keep trying to buy the wrong items okay

    I’m now a trillionaire okay I need some better DNA bro I need to stop eating by accident melon I know what you did but my question is what ran anank did you buy I don’t half other than Yow rank Sunny well it’s just a simple question

    What did you buy uh the red one red Legend I think so I don’t know no there’s no way bro there’s like a billion letters there you probably got the red starter let’s see ranks oh yeah I did get the red starter yeah I’m really impressive stuff what did you do

    Sunny nothing but I could pass you right now if I want oh my God stop eating stop bro you need to chill I just want to access the final foods that would be cool what is it sour rainbow swear to goodness my guy eats again I am going to

    Lose it wait a second guys why don’t I just do this and this times 50 food times five coins and then I’m going to go absolutely insane oh mode stop eating all right let’s buy the grapes and let’s go to another Island let’s get some big

    Moola I have a feeling the only Island I can go to is Desert or the lava guys I’m just going to get infinite food that’s what I need I need infinite food and that’s what that’s how I’ll destroy Sunny yes I don’t have to waste my time

    On those stupid upgrades anymore yes 62 SX already not bad let’s get a golden pancake and this will be how melon gets flattened bro I need to increase my DNA this is getting crazy yes guys I will become stronger than Sunny I’ll do it for all the people and let’s sell got

    Some qn golden grapes and let’s run back over there hey melon I am gaining 21 qn per eat 21 qns per eats yep and I’m not even on an island that gives bonuses I’m just chilling at spawn bro there’s no way there’s absolutely no way and then I’m going to purchase myself something

    Quite delicious actually a golden pear no no no no this is not good this is not good and which portal is the best desert maybe 3.9 SX from the desert guys let’s see how much we get from the rainforest wa I can’t even go in there oh now I can

    Oh that’s how it works I’m an idiot oh some of these islands are going to have crazy multipliers I’m going to the desert I can tell I can tell this is going to be crazy wait it’s actually trash dang it bro how did you get so strong I’m just calculated with my moves

    Let’s see how much Bikini Bottom pays oh that’s pretty good that’s pretty nice hey melon I’m gaining 60 sxs every time way bro there’s just no way I just sold my food for 17 O’s as in oh yeah I’m going to destroy you dang it bro what

    Happened have you done I have purchased retro Moon DNA my alter Alias and then I’m going to heaven oh no I can’t oh I can go in heaven that’s light work bro bro bro bro bro bro can I go in Winter yet yo I can go in Winter yes yes I’m

    Finally gaining some kind of money yeah I have uh seven SPS each time I eat bro are you kidding me septian melon we’re talking septian what did you do what did you do sunny I don’t understand how you did it I have a common bunny rabbit that’s how common bunny rabbit rabbit

    What does that mean that’s my pet it’s really good okay what’s the multiplier on your pet it is two okay okay that’s cat bro you’re doing something no bro I’m just better than you at the video game when you admit that you’ve lost and that I’m the goat I’ll tell you the

    Secrets oh wait there’s a shot button Ultra pets I’m just going through the whole alphabet right now bro I’m off of O’s I’m on n’s now I need to get this rank up somehow okay I just need to go to one of these islands and just Farm

    Some food so let’s just pick one can I go to Blossom no I need a 100 ends dang it I could probably Farm up some ends soon okay this is this is too much money I need to teleport somewhere this is just crazy melon going to Heaven Again

    Heaven seemed like a nice place to be Oho heaven was actually broken for you all right I need to sell this and this should be enough for my next Food yep golden cookie Candy Land was way better are you kidding me I just can’t figure out what order these paths go for the

    Portals okay guys I’m going to do this 2.4k blue starter and now I just have to purchase really good food hey food sunny in 1 minute I’m going to fight you and I’ll defeat you yeah yeah yeah I could give you one whole year to train you’ll

    Never be as big as me I’m so big I left the World Behind bro you will see my power soon enough melon look at the center do you see me soon enough Sunny you’ll see where are you bro I can see the whole world and I don’t see you

    You’re so puny bro chill melon guys I just need to I just need to go to like winter or something oh no oh no Sunny how much time do I have left 10 seconds oh this this is not good guys this this is not good guys I’m disabling

    My pets so that melon can see the entire size of my belly oh no I’m far too weak to take him on you’re going to lose to A man carrying a golden cookie bro you have zero food what are you doing bro I’m just I’m just trying to eat I’m

    Trying to eat to get big bro give me a second give me a second I’ll be right back oh this is embarrassing you have 5 seconds left that’s it okay okay give me a second and I am so dead I am so dead guys what letter are you on um only my

    Mon qns oh you’re fine bro don’t worry yeah you’re done for sunny I’m coming to destroy you go big and I’m dead are you are you kidding me bro don’t sell your food when you respawn be careful where are you Sunny oh no he’s going to beat

    Me up guys comment down yeah I won no no no no no that doesn’t make sense I was about to say comment down below who you think will win how did you one hit me I’ve got 13 O’s worth of food it doesn’t matter oh yeah that’s right get slapped

    Up that’s what you deserve get slapped I still won the important fight Sunny so I win the game let’s go yeah yeah yeah oh no no no um I was going to say best of three but let’s say best of five yeah best of five yeah best of five you’re

    Dead Sunny you’re dead yeah I’ll win dang it goats just press the like And subscribe button to support me today sunny and I have to survive Five Nights at Freddy’s if you don’t know about this game yet well you must be living under a rock but for those who don’t know we’re

    Stuck in Freddy fazber’s Pizzeria and every single night one of these animatronics wakes up and let me tell you they are not friendly in fact they’re trying to kill us will we survive all five nights stick around to find out melon we got hired as security

    Guard to work the night shift here in Freddy f as Bear’s Diner Sunny I’m a little bit spooked I heard these animatronics are a little bit humanik humanik shm and like bro I don’t care this place oh I wanted to go play video games I guess it’s showtime though

    Yo those guys look awesome dude they don’t look awesome you don’t recognize these people yeah bro that’s foxy and Bonnie and Bry and Chica bro I really don’t like this man I’m pretty sure we’re in five nights after Freddy’s yeah what’s the big deal bro these guys are

    Friendly chica even has a cupcake all right Sunny whatever you say hey the policewoman’s warning us though apparently these guys get a little crazy at night time yeah cuz we’re in Five Nights at Freddy’s Suns these guys are animatronics and they’re going to try and kill us no no no they’re all pretty

    Friendly except for foxy he’s kind of evil oh no let’s see we’ve been introduced to our job here at the night shift and the security guard policewoman has left us here all alone what could possibly go wrong melon uh a lot of things could go wrong Sunny we need to

    Watch the cameras and make sure these animatronics don’t move all right let’s see camera 2B no one’s moving they’re just chilling out wait I just heard a noise though sounded like a car door uh we should probably check it out Sunny yeah that’s a pretty good idea yo what

    Are these guys doing they’re breaking in yeah why here of all places what are you doing take them out Sunny they’re trying to steal the arcade machines don’t let them I took down my burger I took down my burger too really right after the policewoman left that’s when the

    Break-in occurs whatever we took care of business melon dude so weird that they would try and raid like a Five Nights at Freddy’s we just sell pizza and play Arcade games you’re right bro what is wrong with these people they were probably trying to get some free

    Pepperoni and play video games all night without paying for it those monsters it’s good thing we were here to kill them exact yes exactly with a baseball bat anyways melon we need to search for wooden planks we need to get six of these let’s see planks oh got one Sunny uh

    Weren’t there four animatronics up here uh where’ foxy go oh no oh no sunny I don’t like this we better plank up immediately yeah but the problem is we’re going to plank up sunny sunny what’s wrong what’s wrong yo there’s foxy SM with a baseball bat I got your

    Back bro Sunny get in get in no oh no they’re after me now you got to get in and lock down Mel I don’t like this very much I’m going to the bathroom I’m going to take a big poop I revived myself I don’t like this idea though

    We’re going to repair this door and cover it up with planks but then Foxy’s going to be locked in with us she’s mad at me again Sunny lock down please please I used another plank at the front door sunny I don’t know how to get this

    Person off of me where do I go where do I go in the bathroom bro okay she teleported away I don’t really understand how that works just don’t let them catch you and you’ll be fine well Sunny Foxy’s just chilling in the front entrance good uh well actually

    That’s not good we got to put planks out there um what do we do I got this don’t worry don’t worry I’ll handle it and pl dodged bro I’m so goated with this houseu you can’t get me bro Sunny keep running keep running I’m going to plank up planket blanket blanket I’m

    Distracting them Yo I found another planket it’s back here in the costume room I got caught oh no melon we can only revive one once are you serious yeah dude this is not good I don’t know if we’re going to be able to beat this

    Game Sunny that’s so tough and I have a feeling that Foxy’s guarding this plank that we need oh wait they’re not in here we’re good how many more planks do we need I have one and do you have one no I I had one back here but oh no found it

    We’re good uh melon this room looks extremely extremely cursed there’s like medieval cages and a chair with straps I don’t like this and a chainsaw why is there a chainsaw I don’t know sunny but I’m going to type on this computer uh cam one C to C uh wao Sunny I’m looking

    At the entire place right now foxy is wait where even is that right now it looks like she’s in a storage room they’re just chilling in the storage room exactly and I got that last plank wait melon where are you bro you’re supposed to plank this door up sunny I

    Get it I get it now we have to use the cams to see which room she is so we can avoid her right now she’s behind the stage so that means we’re free to place our wood down yeah I I I know I just placed it and cabers very good we have

    Secured the Dina okay but Sunny from now on we got to start using the cameras more you’re right you’re right where are they well we survived night one at least they’re right here Sunny just press this keyboard uh oh no what is Bonnie doing looks like she’s disabled to power are

    You kidding me okay melon I have a bad feeling about this can I check the cameras yo I could still check the cams but I can’t really see very well be very careful wait Foxy’s back on stage it’s only Bonnie to worry about okay I’ve

    Just got to get to the power bro I’ve got whatever this thing is looks like some kind of repair tool yes I’m with you brother uh but I I need to know where they are sunny or else I’ll get Eden they’re in here clearly Boss music

    Run how fast is Bonnie bro they sound really fast Sunny we got to lock down we we can’t even lock down keep running holy smokes they sound so fast okay all the other animatronics are sleeping get behind stage and oh wait I have the missing L yep we’re good nicely done the

    Power is back but Bonnie is still missing wait we beat Knight two already that was perfect low low battery how are we supposed to keep eyes on them now Sunny let me go check the stage how many are missing wait they’re all there we’re safe oh melon chica just vanished okay I

    Grabbed one battery sunny and I found chica’s face oh I found chica I found chica she’s be like kind of in in the behind stage room but not exactly hey well then I’m going to check the bathroom yeah big battery in here let’s go we just need one more battery Sunny

    Check the drawers check everything bro I’m checking the front area battery yo it’s out here in the front area Mel come to the front door uh you can grab it bro no I I have a battery in my hand can I grab two oh no I can’t grab two okay I’m

    Coming I’m coming I’ll go grab it right now I’m just looting up some apples there’s apples on this game Apple battery inserted let me loot some apples so where is this PL oh here it is that wasn’t actually too bad chica was pretty easy yeah let me go wake her up chica aw

    It’s too late sunny I don’t play around at Five Nights at Freddy’s whatever we did some good work but now we need to keep a close watch on these animatronics otherwise Freddy’s going to sneak up on us yeah Sunny shut the door trying I’m trying I can’t move it’s okay we shut it

    We’re good we’re good barely survived but now we’re locked down in the security room what are we supposed to do oh no the policewoman oh no oh no we need to warn her oh no can we save her save her open the door open the door we

    Have to Sunny nobody’s Left Behind get in get in we actually saved her no way you’re welcome policewoman oh no why did I have to say that oh why did I have to say that because she’s friendly she’s not going to hurt us yeah what should we

    Do now I think we should throw a party get some pizza play some arcade games we need to burn this place down all right we could do that too let’s find some kerosene and matches and we’ll burn it to the ground oh no melon we need to

    Find the gas canisters but it’s no longer on lockdown and Freddy’s on the loop okay sunny I’m checking the cams um he’s in the front he’s in the front dude I’ll tell you where he’s at I’ll tell you where he’s at I just saw him he’s at the

    Front and I can also give you call outs some where the gas canisters are I got one of those boys o you just picked them all up nice I got two of them all right give me a call out where’s the third gas can go and look in the dungeon bro where

    You are now in the corner in the corner yo next to the chainsaw wait a second why don’t I just pick up the chainsaw he melon another gas can that’s four just two more to go okay okay why do I get the feeling there’s one in the front

    Entrance that’s where he is right now but he might leave let’s save that one for last okay there’s one in the party room oh you’re right the private party I got it that’s five out of six wait the heck I only got five of them what how

    Did it end um we don’t question it sunny and the last gas can was in the front door next to Freddy I saw it oh no what’s happening why is it all shutting down and why are all four of them active sunny I don’t like this are we supposed

    To to fight we got to smack him Sunny’s chasing me so you can smack him in the bouti I’m trying it’s not easy to hit foxy they’re quick with it oh what is that oh that’s his attack bro this is easy just Whack Him ow they have so much

    Health melon ow I got sliced by their hook dude how am I supposed to react to that oh oh oh get shanked oh okay I got this honey I got this she’s so close to death hey Foxy’s down we koed out of the world bro yo now

    We got to take out Freddy himself wait we can’t even do damage he’s got no health bar ow yeah just wait just wait just wait he’s going to get himself confused ow Dodge and weave melon Dodge and weave yo this music is epic this is insane dude we’re actually going to take

    Out Five Nights at Freddy’s let’s go I want to eat chica’s cupcake so badly hand it over here hand it over oh sorry my bad bro I was trying to eat a cupcake ow D this guy has 700 Health how are we supposed to take him out it’s going to

    Take a while but we can do it I believe I believe wait what what if I buy something on the shop Ultimate Sword we need it get it quick Sunny I’ve acquired it it shall be mine it shall be mine die Freddy yo you do 30 damage Sunny yeah

    But Freddy still has 700 Health bro he’s huge he’s taking a breather someone else is coming up he just Soul swapped with Bonnie that is crazy oh yeah Bonnie you’re going down Bonnie’s pathetic though we can take her out no problem yo they’re teing on us they were te- posing

    And now they’re dead to pose to the afterlife melon help I’m stuck it’s okay she’s dead she’s dead Bonnie’s down well played Freddy’s coming back for round two and this time we’re going to finish it bro this is too epic dude this is like Pirates of the Caribbean music I

    Know but in Freddy’s Diner it makes perfect sense take him out Sunny slap him bring Freddy down oh he’s going to swap with chica isn’t he it’s okay chica’s is heck a weak we can take her out like nothing yeah but I’m not worried about chica I’m

    Worried about her cupcake bro look at that thing yeah it does look deliciousness they’re doing this stuff slap slap slap these people are the easiest to take out they weren’t trained for combat like we were but they were trained to distract us I really want to eat that cupcake you don’t understand

    Melon it’s calling for me calling ow yo you just got the boot Sunny I’m standing on their head now Boot me now Boot me now and she’s done ow you got SLA bro why can’t I hit her there we go she could down and out this all comes down

    To this sunny it’s time to take out Freddy and we will unlock the hero’s ending because we saved the police officer unless the police officer betrays us yeah what if they’re actually evil and they eat us in their golden Freddy I would not be happy not be happy

    At all golden why golden Freddy though that’s a secret Freddy animatronic unlock oh no I’m almost out of energy melon you better be careful Sunny this is our chance we can take him out here take him out slap and I’m paying to win just in case plus 50 we did it we

    Actually did it bro we’re goated comment down below if we are the goat cuz you guys are goated too and now it’s time to get out of here Sunny did we do it did we burn down the FNAF Diner Freddy’s Fazbear’s Pizza gone destroyed let’s go

    We got the good ending Sunny we saved the world and you guys should totally save our Channel by pressing that like button and making sure you’re subscribed today we drive tons of different Vehicles into the biggest hole in Roblox from this tiny little cart to a yacht

    And even a tank will we make it to the bottom and claim the Ultimate Prize stick around to find out Sunny we’re in these tiny little carts there’s no way we can make it down the hole yeah watch me go light work baby off the rooftop

    Into the trees ow I’m dead so son you made it to the trees I’m going to make it further let’s go to the cows oh no I’m at 13 health and I’m exploded melon get back up here check it out I’m going Barefoot you’re going to die yep I got

    Splatted hold on wait maybe I have more control like this maybe I could just dodge everything yo no way I’m doing it I’m oh no hey melon I got a popup that says would you like to fall further by skipping to the golf cart um I would

    Like that sun where’s this popup only 35 Robux Don’t Mind If I Do happy to support a developer dang it sunny you scumbag how do I even get the golf cart I think you just walk over here and pay for it but if you save up your coins I

    Think you could buy stuff legitimately let’s see here bro I could literally buy the golf cart right now what I just yeed a cart in there and yes I would like to acquire the golf cart cuz Sunny we’re going to unlock every single vehicle in

    This game yes we are and we’re going to get to the very bottom of the hole it’s time let’s go golf cart style how far can I make make it yo yo I made it farther I’m in the sweets I’m in the sunflowers the mushrooms oh no what is

    Going on what is going on I’m dead bro you must have made it pretty far cuz I got stuck on the cows soon I’ll be able to for a small car yeah same oh candy bars sunflowers and very dead bro how much does a small car cost let’s see ooh

    I could buy that dang it bro that’s it I need to purchase triple profits to become very very rich melon do you want to get in my passenger seat wait can I actually um how do I get in there Sunny psych as if I drive you down here let’s

    Go you scumbag Sunny soon I’ll be rich and I’ll remember what you’ve done waa watch out for the need some milk people bro there was noobs giraffes alligators Donuts I’m happy to die here just kill me just let me have the donuts bro it’s beautiful it was so pretty down there

    Yeah well now I also have a small car sunny and I’m about to to make heck a profit let’s go uh I’m making it pretty far sunflowers giraffes skip the giraffes skip the alligators and I’m dead bro how did you explode so quick I got really far down into the desserts

    Bro how’ you get that far down that’s fine though Sunny because I’m about to purchase a sedan how can you afford it bro it’s 25,000 and then the next car is 45 and then little police car is 100k Sunny because I can look how fast this

    Thing is it’s awesome bro ramp it ramp it all right it’s time let’s do this yo uh I don’t even think I’m going to make it that far this is a terrible drop make it past the noobs oh no I don’t even think I’m going to make it past the

    Alligators bro bro I’m in the desserts I did it I did it yes deep in the desserts let’s go oh the mint ice cream took me out bro you got to like 5,000 blocks look at the people getting the treasure chest at at the bottom bro that’s insane

    What kind of vehicular do they possess I don’t know but what I do know is I’m buying triple profits for 200 Robuck oh yeah i’ I’ve been having that Sunny what you absolute cheese Lord I got to get paid I got to get paid same here brother

    I’m going deep wait if I press the Yeet button what happens y oh you can bounce yourself Yo it just moves you randomly it’s actually good you can dodge stuff with that you’re right but um you can’t really control the direction of it you’re right you’re right and I’m

    Splattered but I got made a lot of money sedan no thanks I’m going straight to the Jeep oh dude I might skip the desserts here I’m going so deep so deep oh no I’m in the rainbow section no way I’ve never been this far almost said

    Okay I’m dead bro I’m bouncing around on the sunflowers and mushrooms Dodge the giraffes ow sunny I could skip the Jeep and go straight for the police car if I wanted to would you really do that though no I can’t I’ve got to go in

    Order I’ve got the the Jeep yeah I’m in the Jeep right now bro I’m trying to get past the desserts I’m dropping beyond the cookies past the ice cream uh-oh bouncy balls Rainbow Land come on get to 10,000 yes I’m actually crushing no way you’re at 10,000 already oh no I’m

    Getting stuck on stuff I’m dead dude it it plays the most random sounds when you bump into stuff it’s like yeah it’s so crazy not as crazy as this guys I’m getting a police car well I’m going Hy I’m at a rainbow staircase right now yeah I’ll surpass that don’t

    Worry just got to dodge a lot of stuff oh that was clean oh my goodness sunny I just made so much money ow I’m getting beat up by giraffes Sunny you may have a police car but I’ve got an armored police car wait did you skip over one I

    May have I’ll come and get it later don’t you worry but for now I’m going deep yeah I’m in Rainbow Land and I’m flying past the crystals let’s go bro what’s going to be the next dimension mention ow I don’t know sunny but you won’t find out because you don’t

    Have an armored police car dude I got melted by the rainbow staircase really I’ve already made it past there in the Jeep whatever bro I’ll take this police car for another ride come on make it past the desserts this is a very very slow drop I’ve been in here for a while

    Okay though oh no I’m getting dude that just melted me the rainbow staircase are you kid wow that destroyed me I told you the staircase is crazy bro it can grind you to dust it literally did Sunny well hopefully it can’t grind this sports car

    To dust no way that’s what I wanted to do I just got deleted up by a donut let’s see how fast this puppy is too yo it actually whips and jumping he needs some milk keep your milk I don’t need any milk what I need

    To do is jump ow I hate when you get stuck on an object and it deletes your health yeah dude it’s actually the worst that’s what the Yeet button’s for okay this is a good drop this is a good solid run yes make it past the ice cream enter

    The rainbow yes yes this is the angle we want yes yes come on make it past the rainbow there’s no way bro what’s the next area I’m so close I’m so close bro um what is dude this thing is huge yo I made it past it’s saying do not enter

    Danger what is this their skulls bro it looks like a Halloween decoration in this Dimension bro no way bro bro this is so scary this is so scary there’s like Grim Reaper bats oh no oh no but I might make it to the next area 61 Health

    Come on come on how are you alive and I’m dead hey melon check me out bro bro how do you have an airplane already you don’t dang it dude I have 600k I could what the yacht is 1.5 million see you melon I’m flying down can you control it because it’s an

    Airplane not really but it was a really good launch I’m not going to lie come on keep going keep going pass the noobs oh it has so much health bro you start at 2500 Health dude I need that yacht that yacht is insane but the plane’s bigger

    So you’re getting stuck on more stuff oh wait that’s a good tumble that was a great little tumble bro I still have 2K Health wait Sunny how did I pass you I went in the hole after you bro I’m getting caught on everything I have still have over 2,000 health and I’m

    Down no this the staircase just melted me it took 1,000 Health away what hit you the staircase bro that was redonk did I got to dodge it yo perfect Jukes oh get off the sunflower happy face ow you get stuck on an object you get melted no the staircase the staircase

    Just killed me bro you’re right Halloween land danger don’t enter going in and I’m taking it in from the top baby I might actually make it through Halloween land that was crazy no way ow Grim Reaper no way I’m getting to the next section bro hold the doors it’s

    Treasure Land oh it’s beautiful it’s so beautiful I’m going to be Rich melon I’m going to be rich how beautiful is it sunny it’s diamonds and emeralds and cash and Robux and just a big Rich dude and rubies and more Robo that does sound pretty beautiful wa what is down here

    It’s a dropper oh I’m dead now for sure oh ye please stop getting me stuck and that just did two thou that killed me I had over 2,000 health and I died instantly that’s actually insane I just got a new record 30,000 studs it paid Me

    2 million forget the yacht oh I can’t buy the tank I’m too broke well I’m buying a yacht soon I’ll be there son I’ve just got to save up enough Moola bro the yacht is like a dart so what did 2,000 damage Sho instantly bro it’s the Rainbow Land that thing can absolutely

    Destroy you you’re right it’s nuts oh that’s a good tumble this looks clean just got to get through Rainbow Land that’s the tough part that’s the tough part you just can’t get stuck on things I just got stuck on an ice cream and lost 1,000 Health oh no ye oh no Rainbow

    Land This is a good run it’s a good run I’m not getting stuck on anything Dodge the stairs ow I got stuck on a bouncy ball good run this is what I like to see as long as you don’t get stuck oh no y yes Halloween land I’m darting in melon

    I might catch you I might actually catch you I see you in the plane see an nerd wait I didn’t even see you where did you go no I’m still above you oh yeah you thought bro you thought no no I will do it get me off dude I don’t want to get

    Stuck on anything I just passed you no impossible the Grim Reaper almost killed me though it’s okay I made it to moneyland Sunny and I got a good drop holy guacamole I got a good drop in money land yeah isn’t it beautiful down here dude this is an insane run this is

    Crazy keep her going keep her going and I’m dead bro what was your record again 30,000 studs okay I think I might be able to beat that uh I don’t know it’s going to be pretty darn close I want to see what’s at the bottom of this pit bro

    You’re at 25,000 just a little further and you’ll get to the treasure chest but I got stuck in the laser beams I told you the dropper section’s bad okay these are good drops just avoid the donuts how much is this tank 3 million don’t mind if I do bro how much did you

    Make more than enough wait I bought the tank but I still have 4 million did it just glitch how all right I’ll buy the yach as well you’re kidding a it’s just glitch it’s just a visual glitch dang it bro I actually wanted you to be super

    Rich for a second well sunny it’s time to drop in with 8,000 Health that’s fine I’m dropping in with 3,000 left and I’m getting stuck are you kidding me yeah the thing about the tank is it’s so compact it won’t even get stuck on anything plus it’s so tanky bro a spider

    Just did 2,000 damage to me okay I’m almost past Halloween land get to the money get to the money come on well that was good that was clean bro let me tell you this do be clean this this is the best drop I’ve ever had oh yes yes I

    Haven’t even lost 1,000 health and I’m almost past Rainbow Land no way whoever gets to the very bottom first wins a billion Robux bro I might make it to the very bottom this is insane yeah that’s why I was trolling a billion nobody has a billion Robo uh there’s definitely

    Some people with a billion Roo honey and I got splatter at 29,000 studs tank for 3 mil or toilet for 8 million oh Sunny I’m in money land now with 6,700 health yeah I got out of my tank by accident I’m dead you are a fool this tank is op

    It’s actually busted how busted oh big drop big drop without touching a single object again another big drop now we’re entering laser territory can I defeat it come on oh no this is where big damage happens yo this is crazy bro I’m getting stuck you’re almost at 30k I’m getting

    Stuck in the lasers you got this melon I’m in this knife territory bro there’s so many little Pokey spikes and then what is this lava Rings what am I looking at don’t die melon you’re so close oh my goodness Buzz saws Buzz saws Sunny have you been here before nope

    Hammers oh no there’s hammers bro and there’s hydraulic presses you are at all new depths brother you’re on your own from here bro there’s laser beams another laser Palace oh it’s doing damage I need to eat myself on these bro you’re so close to the bottom I still

    Have 6,500 Health maybe I can get there too I’m in the Super Fun Zone No Way ow sunny I might make it to the bottom press space bar for a boost the Super Fun Zone press space bar for a boost n you’re cappen you’re going to make me

    Jump out of my vehicle no I would never do that to you bro that’s cringe I almost fell for it too but it’s okay I’m actually going to make it to the bottom please please yes I’m doing it sunny I’m doing it 2,000 Health left it’s getting

    Close you’re actually going to get to the treasure chest come on come on I’m so close are you kidding me I just ye it into almost killing myself that was so much damage I’m so close honey I’m so close yes I’m going to do it I made it

    To the treasure chest no way big win $100 million are you kidding me that’s it I’m at the laser beams maybe I could do this too dude I could acquire almost anything ow ow the lasers are melting me how are you supposed to get past this spikes

    Knives and spikes and fire Rings oh wao what the heck how much money are these this is a billion coins for the banana oh no I’m getting hammered I’m getting hammered into Oblivion are you kidding but sunny I can afford this school bus melon I was at 30,000 and got melted

    Well Sonny the last vehicle is a banana and it cost 1 billion coins what that’s is insane how am I ever going to afford that let me see this oh you’re right oh melon let me tell you how you can unlock the banana you have to press this button

    And you have to press this button there you go what did you do one banana coming right up no guys quickly like And subscribe before the nuke drops yo it’s too late it’s huge it’s going to detonate the entire hole oh no do it now and click the next video

    Screen who is the f fastest swimmer Michael Phelps a salmon a dolphin even no all those answers are wrong because it’s me a watermelon and today I’m going to prove that in swimming simulator in this simulator we have to face off against the fastest swimmers in the

    World the only way to defeat them is by training hard upgrading goggles and having the most beautiful butterfly stroke in existence and let me tell you I have that it’s time for swim race simulator I got goggles on my glasses bro I look cool bro you look Sil as heck

    Honey but that’s fine because you might be silly but we’re going to obliterate these boys yep beginner swimming student teachers assistant all the way to the senior coach let’s go come on I got to get faster than them I’ve left them in the dust first place baby yep now it’s

    My turn to crush them let’s do this oh I’m so much faster so much quicker so much stronger did you win of course I won dude I got first place baby nice ly done bro we’re so athletic and talented now melon we’ve got to prove our

    Strength in the next World follow me oh wait I need a lot more wins wait you don’t have enough wins yet bro broi I’m heading to the island bro whatever then I’m heading to the Pay to Win shop I’ve got to acquire this bundle deal well you

    Do that Sunny I’m going to train up a storm in here give me all the I’m so weak bro I’m getting VIP effective immediately I’m also going to use my double win potion and my double training potion and my super luck potion and now I’m feeling good bro is there no VIP I

    Don’t know do I look like the VIP oh wait yes I do I am very important of course bro I can’t find a v oh here it is there we go and 280 Robux that’s definitely worth it it should grant me access to this training pool what the

    Heck it doesn’t I still have to pay 200 Robux for this thing yeah it’s really annoying there’s multiple VIP thingies well I guess I’ll pay 200 Robux for this cuz it looks so awesome bro I’m going to train so fast but before I do that let’s

    See how I stack up against the rubber duck wave Tamer Aqua Warrior Speedy dolphin and the swim Queen and let’s see this time to R okay guys I’m so slow but I might be able to beat the duck come on no the duck is gaining on me well melon I finally gained enough wins I’m heading to that island and I’m going to lose are you kidding me I’m actually going to lose

    Yes only the most powerful genius is qualified to come to this island and now we must defeat the swimming Queen bro we need to become prodigies and I place last dang it that is just sad bro you couldn’t even beat a rubber duck bro you RAC that rubber duck that rubber duck is

    An elite swimmer okay watch I’ll beat him right now first try with the power of my auto clicker guys anything’s possible so melon you want me to beat this rubber duck yeah good luck doing it buddy I don’t need luck bro all I got to

    Do is Click I’m leaving that duck in the dust actually it’s very close bro this is neck and neck please eat my bubbles please eat my bubbles melon I don’t know if I’m going to beat the duck it’s very close I wish you luck Sunny against the

    Duck I’m almost there I think I’m in the lead now I’m pulling ahead slightly I’m about 2 in ahead come on come on let’s freaking go I beat the duck good job Sunny I’m proud of you thanks I’m proud too I gained over 100,000 wins for that

    That was awesome now let me just start training here and gain Tons of Speed I gain 380,000 per stroke not bad I’m going to see if this egg is any better than my pay to win pets uh 21x and let’s see my pets nope not even close that is

    Trash bro I’m actually so powerful it’s kind of hard being this great of a swimmer you know guys I can’t believe melon’s talking smack like that it’s time for me to acquire Mega luck oh wait I already have that running it’s just time for me to buy a special egg please

    Please give me the 1 ,500 X come on come on a I’ve already got this guy well Sunny good for you bro good for you I’m just going to unlock this egg wo wo give me one of these please give me the 1500 X for only 200 Robux I could acquired

    Such a powerful pet give it to me oh dang it I got the worst pet the Mythic adx yeah I got that as well and I crafted it into a 12x feels bad but for now melon I’m going to hit some rebirth so that I get extra speedy

    Rebirth oh it took all my winds away I don’t really think it does much Sunny to help you train I’m going to be honest dude it makes me feel better about myself it’s okay sunny I’m gaining an Immaculate amount of speed oh what are this dailies oh what can I claim I don’t

    Really want any of these if I’m being honest yeah I just claimed them all they’re not that great can I even afford the rebirth nope still can’t sad very sad um the events the event eggs aren’t that great plus 438 I got to buy this that’s absolutely broken melon that is absolutely

    Broken what do you mean sunny I only have 24 million swimming power let’s get some winds shall we wait I can claim a pet for free times 120x the Cyber cat that’s awesome equip the best wait I will take that too what the heck that’s

    One of my best pets now thank you Sunny yes same you’re welcome I got you bro that’s what I do and now it’s time to take on these five let’s go oh come on oh come on I’m actually very fast can I oh dang it bro I’m going to place in

    Fourth this swimming chat is too powerful uh come on please yeah he beat me whatever fourth isn’t bad 168,000 wins I’ll take it well melon come back here to the training grounds how much do you gain per stroke I’m getting 580,000 per swim what you’re getting 580,000 I’m

    Only getting 418,000 probably cuz of my rebirths how much rebirths do you have I’m a beginner level8 I don’t know what that how much your what’s your percentage it’s uh 1,500 yeah I have this same amount sunny I don’t understand no you’re a liar you’re beginner level seven I have an extra eye

    I don’t care dude how many pets do you have what are your pets they’re all 120s heck I have a 250 and 120 and an 80 I’m just better than you wait I forgot to equip my powerful goggles yo I’m doing this crazy swim I’m beating two of them

    The rubber duck and one of these noobs let’s go fourth place son I don’t understand what did you do uh let me check maybe it’s because I have a potion that you have popped I don’t have pop yeah I have double something training pop oh yeah that’s why I need that

    Double training where is it there we go yes I have enough rebirths I can gain the pace trail that does plus 10% wait why can’t I I don’t I have 11 rebirths am I crazy oh I only have eight oh oh Sunny I’m getting so powerful now yeah

    Yeah yeah well I’m going to do a bunch of races so I can keep rebirthing oh Sunny now I gained 782,000 per swim very impressive melon I gained 340,000 wins per swim how do you like that H that’s not even that much bro that ain’t even that much whatever I just rebirthed

    Again let’s race and rebirth guys I’ve got to get an OP pet somewhere let’s look at these pets okay head to the shop is there anything good ooh yo I could get this oh but it’s only 100x yo these pets are expensive rebirth melon my rebirths are starting to go crazy dude

    Chill out brother I can’t chill when I’m leaving you in my bubble hey guys I’m going to purchase eight event eggs for 700 Robux I better get the 1,500 x egg give me something good dang it bro I didn’t get it but I did get this 250X yes 11 rebirths activating my Pace

    Plus 10% Trail yeah that’s that’s not that good guys maybe I just do some pay to win is there a pay to win one wait what there’s no pay to win one where’s the Roo there’s usually one that you could just R Robo for oh no come on come

    On Robo Robo Robux Robux Robo passes oh no there’s no Robux stuff I wanted to pay my way to Victory but I’m going to have to grind okay guys I’m feeling lucky eight more eggs please please give me the 2,500 x I beg let’s open and give

    It to me that is the worst uh opening I’ve ever had wow okay okay but now in six eggs I’m guaranteed either this one or this one so this is in my favor should spend another 700 Robux for sure please please this time for sure this

    Time for sure dang it I didn’t get it are you kidding me I give up I give up I’ll equip my best got three 250X pets you know what it’s not too shabby melon what are you doing this whole time I’ve been grinding races and getting rebirths

    Yeah well I’ve been not doing pay to win for sure wait how many pets have you purchased don’t worry about it guys I’m going to also get plus uh PL to petpt oh yes give this to me I have spent a lot of Roblox guys so please make sure you

    Like And subscribe melon I need nine more rebirths and then I get another Trail bro that’s a lot of rebirths I know I’m going for it though I’m Going the Distance I’m going to get 21 rebirths I hope I just want to beat this world and

    Advance to the next one oh never mind I’m not going to get to 21 rebirths it’s getting so expensive now what the heck Sunny how much are you gaining per stroke let me go see it’s probably not that impressive one sec jumping in the VIP pool I’m gaining 600,000 dude that’s

    Pretty good I only gain 1.6 million 1.6 Mill how melon yes yes soon I will be able to take down everybody you’re cringe dude what are your pets how do you have so many that’s it there’s something in the shop I can use where is it where is it

    Where’s is it where’s it where’s it where’s it where’s I need this I need this I need plus two pet equips for 1,000 Robux dude you’re cringe you might think you can beat me with all that pay to win but not if I persevere and get the best swimming gear

    In the game yeah hold on wait that’s a good idea why don’t I grab that too no Melon No paying to win dude you have to only use the ones you can actually Act access not bro I’m not paying to win good good I’m not paying to win either

    Now I gain 2 million let’s go nice bro wait you gained 2 million yeah buddy get out of the pool get out of the pool right now bro what is your problem let me see your goggles let me see them I’m look look look at my goggles bro you didn’t actually pay to

    Win yeah wait you paid to win there’s a Pay to Win set of goggles you can get bro are you serious I’m gaining 1.2 million now all right wait let me get these only two Robux that’s nothing super Gear 2 sorry sunny I need all the advantages I can

    Get so I can defeat this freaking dolphin yeah of course of course you have to cheese it I know I know that’s how you’d play I know now when I swim in this pool how much multipliers yo I get 3 million now let’s go guys melon is

    Such a cheeser but what he doesn’t know is there’s these equipment pieces that you can forge up but the question is how am I going to get these bro I need so many winds I need rocks I need sand I need tablecloths what are these gold machine times 100%

    Y let’s go failed okay that was just sad why can’t I make my other ones gold my big boys you making your boys gold and sunny I’m I I was going to try but it won’t let me do my big ones oh bro that is trash I need 60x for that yikes yo

    15% chance to double their power hey I’ve got oh it’s still not really that good but it does 160x I guess yeah it’s really dangerous I don’t want to risk it I’m going to go back to swimming yeah it’s time for me to take down this stupid dolphin let’s go you’re going

    Down buddy let’s do this yes I’m beating the dolphin but I’m still not faster than the swim Queen I’ll take 2 million wins now what kind of eggs oh what these these guys are trash bro not even worth opening these eggs yeah I’m trying to see how I can get more of those

    Materials for crafting wait there’s materials for crafting yep I didn’t even know that was a thing son yeah I’m not surprised I’m not surprised or I just hit another rebirth let’s go I’m just going to skch strong enough to defeat the swim Queen in advance to the next

    Land yeah that’s what I’m working on as well here but it’s not easy dude I don’t know how you’re so much stronger than me oh I bought a bunch of event eggs sunny I’m not even going to cap wait there’s event eggs hold on where is this bro

    What okay I’m going to do this and check it out I’m going to get the rare one percenter yeah good luck buddy I opened about 40 eggs and I didn’t get it but you’re not me bro you ain’t lucky like this all right dude whatever you say

    Wait those were trash why did I only get ghosts nah nah nah give me this 5center we’re not playing no games and what the heck I’m not even getting a 5% pet you are trash my no no no no we’re not playing like that we’re not playing like

    That melon let me get I’m going back to the event eggsit I’m getting eight more wait that gives me a guaranteed 250 or 2500 xet let’s go watch and learn melon you’re not getting the 2500 I just did no you didn’t Sunny quit the cap quit the cap I

    May not have gotten that but look at my pets now melon I have some of the most Fantastical pets you’ve ever seen two of these marshmallow boys you got two of them yep sure did dang it bro it took me a lot to get three anyway sunny I have

    612 million swimming power it’s time to take down this Smee swim Queen let’s do this thing it’s time to wrecker let’s go I’m way faster than every everybody the wer melon prevails bro pay to win prevailed you actually cheesed this again uh I would argue I didn’t cheese

    It I would argue that I’m the goat yeah you would argue that you would argue that and now let me see can I pop a wind boost potion double win yeah why am I not using that I need that in my life double wins baby I only have like eight

    Potions activated and let’s Farm baby and auto race now that I have the 2x potion I gain 8 million wins bro 8 m million that’s it it’s time for me to do something drastic we have to unequip this equip the Cybercat as a backup plan and then go to the golden machine please

    Get lucky 30% it worked now I have another 240x dude what the heck your pets are actually pretty strong it’s actually because I’m a goat bro now it’s back to training I gain 2.35 million per swim wait hold on a second I’m getting items now maybe I can

    Start crafting something yeah dude I’m getting tons of runes and stuff I need to exit this yeah you need to go do some research at the equipment Forge let’s check this out okay where is this Forge right over here and okay so I can craft

    A swimsuit well that is a lot a lot of materials yeah you got to get a lot of stuff you’re going to do that and bro it only increases dude this is so trash only gives me like a 10% or a 5% that’s it I’m just going to save up enough wins

    And head to the new world how many wins you have 53 million and it only requires 45 million I’ll see you in the Enchanted Forest how it’s not fair bro I can’t believe you pulled ahead of me like this whatever it’s time for me to start zooming bro the next place requires 33

    Billion wins this roster is insane fluorescent mushroom Moonlight jellyfish venturous Kitty glowing fairy and a brave crocodile that’s it I’m auto racing time for me to get to 50 Mill ion wins how powerful is this egg oh dude this isn’t even that good bro I don’t I

    Don’t know if there’s going to be enough bro I have been crushing the competition this dolphin no chance the swim Queen more like the swim baby let’s go look at her crying I stomped the competition and got 9 million wins for that after this race Mellon I’ll be joining you in the

    Third world oh righty Sunny I’ll be waiting yeah you better be yes so many wins so much loot no I don’t want to auto race anymore how do I turn it off turn that off exit and now melon as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted the Enchanted Forest let’s

    Go hey Sunny you made it I sure did and this place is insane the crocodile boss bro that guy’s crazy 200 billion dude he’s so powerful guys comment down below if you want to see us beat this world including the Bri Brave crocodile also press the thumbs up button to support

    Our Channel And subscribe to get coded so you know the new viral show that everybody’s talking about yeah that’s it the amazing digital circus it looks so awesome and today we found a roleplay game of it in Roblox so we decided to try playing hide and seek who’s your

    Favorite character from the digital circus mine is pomy comment yours now let’s go yeah yes here we are melon in The Amazing digital circus in Roblox dude that show was so awesome I really hope they released the second episode soon I know and if you goats want to see

    Us make a reaction video to the pilot of the amazing digital circus then smash a like right now if we hit 5,000 likes on this video we’ll get the reaction uploaded as soon as possible but now oh no Smurf cat’s here melon what is this place face uh Sunny

    This is cars I’m getting out of here yeah you are cuz you’re going to go and hide bro it’s time for hide and go seek inside of the amazing digital circus you have teleport options and you have tons of morphs you can pick from I think PNE

    Is personally the best character but you could choose whatever you want sounds like a plan Sunny I’m out of here guys I’m going to head to the digital circus let’s go whoa this place is insane guys check it out there’s all these different morphs I can become oh wait are these

    Players oh I think they’re players bro but check this out check this out the last thing Sunny would ever expect me to be is myself so as long as I go and hide as a watermelon he won’t be keeping an eye out for me therefore ensuring my victory

    Just got to find a good hiding spot maybe I could do some Parkour somewhere oh yes yes yes I can do Park on this map perfect perfect jump up here cross the tight RPP go whoa what the heck is this Dollar General bro this guy is

    Dead and wa this is definitely parkour I shouldn’t be able to do but I’m doing it because I’m the goat dang it bro dang it I need to find somewhere else to parkour there’s got to be something on this map wait a second if I jump over here and then jump on top

    Of this guy and then jump into his flower oh wait what what I’m actually holding on to his flower arms no way this is crazy melon you’re taking forever dude you get 10 more seconds I’m done and ready Sunny perfect cuz I’m about to sniff you out yeah yeah I got that

    From you you breathing in very heavily Sunny actually I was kind of snorting and I’m going to collect these gems at the same time bro there’s 588 around the entire world one day I’ll find all of them but for now I’m just going to find

    You and I bet you climbed up these dice I just know it I just know it actually now that I have a better view this world is humongous bro there’s no way I’m going to find you unless Sunny don’t ask any questions yeah I was about to say unless I ask

    Some questions so let’s see teleport Maps we have the amazing digital Circus the hallway the void the exit and the cave which one are you in spit it out already okay I’m in the circus bro I knew it but before I go to the amazing digital circus I’m going to play a little

    Tycoon oh wait this is going to take forever forget it wa the circus it’s beautiful there’s so many performers on stage from Freddy Fazbear to PNE to even Kane the host yeah this place is kind of going crazy let’s see if I was a wander melon

    What morph would I be probably glink hey melon did I find you is this you nope and now you only have one question left Sunny dang it dang it you know what I might as well just ask it then what morph did you pick none now you’re out

    Of questions bro you are so cringe we’re playing a morph hide and seek and you just stayed as melon yeah because I’m the ultimate morph bro you’re the ultimate Pig you’re not a goat I’m a goat this is probably you right here I’m going to carve you up into bacon bro

    Good luck ever finding me dog you cannot wao I just teleported what the okay let’s just go back to the circus I don’t know what that was melon I know you’re here somewhere the only problem is I don’t know where you went I got to look for your name tag

    Okay that’s just sad that’s just sad um what what’s going on melon oh I’m right under you you lost bro you lost no you didn’t I didn’t lose honey because you never actually touched me you have 1 minute left no bro it’s hide and seek it’s not tag sucks to suck Sunny okay

    Fine stay right there it’s hide-and-seek you’re not allowed to move yeah that’s fine I won’t move 1 minute wait why am I sitting down bro what is going on let me up okay melon I know how to get to you it’s just a matter of time

    Now parkour hey how much time do I have left 30 seconds that’s 30 seconds too many cuz I’m on you I just jumped straight through you bro dang it bro how you weren’t supposed to find me bro because look I’m hanging on a flower and I can’t actually move

    Yeah I don’t actually know how you did that but I jumped straight through your face dude I can’t I can’t even move I can’t I can’t move I’m stuck well that sounds like a personal problem I’m going to start hiding give me my 2 minutes what did I just discover guys guys what

    Have I discovered for next round I have the power of the flower okay Sony uh good luck hiding I don’t need luck guys I have hidden myself inside of the digital circus cave this place is crazy look at all the dice blocks and the cool

    Obies I can cross oo I can even give myself a name I’m going to say my name is now melon is poop and then I’m going to choose a nice morph and like I said pomy is the best so I’ll be pomy there we go the little Jester of the circus

    And where should I hide that’s a good question actually I don’t know if this cave has a really good hiding spot maybe these rubber ducks can keep me covered oh oh yo back here is awesome that’s a really good hiding spot I’ll use it as a

    Backup plan in case I can’t find a better one let’s see where else can I hide around here ooh up here isn’t too bad oh we got parkour hit the jumps cross the Obby okay there’s got to be something here yo be yourself why don’t you buzz off already

    Wait am I stuck no we’re good we’re good we good we good we good oh I slipped great yeah I’m not really seeing any other hiding spots in this cave so I think I’m going to go back where I was okay melon I’m ready sounds good sunny

    And let me tell you you aren’t going to win this round or the next round well you’re going to have to prove that cuz I feel pretty good about my hiding spot to be honest with you okay hold on let me just go back to the lobby and now Sunny

    Let me ask you a few questions first of which being of all the maps which one are you teleported in I am teleported in the cave system in the caves you say in the caves well let me head to the caves and let me check this place out wa

    There’s a lot of Glon and GLS and GLS and gluns and GLS this place is insane I know all the glowers are my friends and this cave system is vast bro there’s no way you’re going to find me guys look at him there he is he’s just jumping on the noise

    Sunny okay well I might as well ask this question what are you morphed as I am morphed as the greatest character it is PNE what is a pomy bro bro he’s one of the main characters from digital circus he’s the jester oh of course I knew that

    I knew that I was testing you to see if you knew that dude you’re embarrassing yourself pomy bomy where is bomy you’re never going to find him oh but I will Sunny oh but I will time’s ticking and you only have 3 minutes left to track me

    Down bro you probably just did this parkour and I just got to do this parkour and get to the end of it and then I’ll find you wait don’t tell me you’re parkouring across those discs I parkour whenever and wherever I want I’m parkouring across these dice oh that’s

    Fine I don’t care if you do that I don’t you care Sunny you should be be yourself eh I get it yeah I saw that earlier then I parked across these little discs that was a way better hiding spot oh yeah are you sure about that Sunny yes very very

    Sure bro these discs don’t even lead anywhere what is this well then you’re at the wrong spot guys I just muted up I’m trying to lead melon away from me right now and off my trail cuz where I’m at is not that hidden it’s the only

    Place he hasn’t checked yet but maybe if I keep talking about parkour I’ll mess him up melon did you complete all the parkours yet bro I did I’m so confused where where are you dude just jump across the discs there’s a secret hiding spot I feel like I’ve checked every

    Corner of this cave and I haven’t seen a single gesture maybe this guy wait he just I just saw this dude disappear did you just teleport away maybe son if you teleport it away you cheated maybe bro bro that’s it you want to cheat Sunny

    You want to cheat I get one cheat I didn’t cheat okay since you cheated I didn’t cheat I get to use one cheat okay sunny sure sure whatever you want to say cuz I didn’t even cheat you’re capping all right well I can cheat right guys

    Check this out no I never said yes it’s too late you said yes now guys check this out if I press teleport to player and I scroll down to Big Man sunny hey what’s up Sunny dude you literally just teleported to me I found you and I didn’t cheat you

    Jumped over my hiding spot like three times you’re so bad it’s too late dude you allowed me to cheat and then I found you and I won no I I at no Point did I say yes to that all I said was me me me

    And then you said I’m going to cheat and I said no melon don’t cheat well it’s too late sunny I ban that in the future no more teleporting to players and I win this round so it’s one to one it’s all tied up bro whatever just go hide this

    Round determines it’s all sunny and let me tell you I have the most OP hiding spot known to men okay then get out of here why am I looking at you still all right Sunny I’m dipping guys check this out flower power I don’t know how this

    Item works but it’s super glitchy and it’s letting me just fly everywhere I’m literally glitched out of the map right now what is this o I should try and get to this dice Cube melon tell me when you’re done hiding I’m just picking up gems um Sunny I’m honestly done you you

    Can try and find me now if you want wait what already how how did you hide that fast uh let me just tell you my hiding spot is goated with the sauce okay fine then which of the teleport locations did you go to um technically none what that

    Doesn’t make sense okay you went to the the lobby and then you walked around nope then what does none mean I’m giving you hint nope I didn’t do that I technically none what that doesn’t make any sense then you’re just next to me and you never left the cave maybe maybe

    That’s what it means bro that’s cringe that’s cringe then you’d be closest to the cave okay fine technically you want me to be honest the closest thing I am to is the circus again the circus again bro all right that’s it you’re probably hanging off that flower again aren’t you

    Uh one might say that I’m hanging off a flower yes wait you’re not dude I just checked you’re not hanging off of it you’re right I’m not what I’m so confused wait there’s a sussy character here from Among Us is this you no but Sunny I’m definitely hanging off of a

    Flower I’m not going to lie what bro all right well fine I’ll just check all the different characters here one of them probably has a flower like this guy what the heck why is this guy got a flower and he’s lying down so my power is

    Actually so insane I don’t even know how I figured out this glitch bro I’m so so confused I don’t understand you’re being sus about everything yeah don’t worry about it sunny don’t you worry about it whatever I’ll get the secret gems and then I’ll jump on top of this character

    So you’re talking about flowers as if you’re on them I’m on the oldest view in the game right now does that help what the heck I’m in their arm bro that would have been an amazing hiding spot just inside oh no I went on yeah look at this

    I’m perfectly hidden let’s see game passes they’re just morphs why would I no you you didn’t do pay to win that doesn’t make sense what do eyeballs do do I buy things with eyeballs no I’m now ratha though melon I have no clue where you hid I’m so confused do you want to

    Give up sunny I mean I don’t want to but I’m pretty sure I’m not going to find you all right sunny it’s okay you can forfeit the match right now you want to know why Sunny because my hiding spot is probably the most insane glitched hiding spot in this entire game guys I’m

    Purposely not replying to melon that way when he reveals himself I’ll say no and ever agreed to that and then I’ll find him and win let’s see how he likes playing dirty sunny I could tell you exactly where I am and I’m still super confident you won’t be able to find me

    Sunny fine I’ll tell you bro I’m actually flying above the circus right now kind of slightly off into the void and between the giant dice but you can’t see the giant dice because you have to fly above the giant circus in order to see the giant dice okay melon two things

    First of all I never agreed to quit and lose second of all you’re cheating bro how are you flying I found the ultimate glitch sunny when I grabbed that flower how did you grab a flower I jumped straight through it it didn’t give me anything try again Sunny the red flower

    Yes you sure yeah jump on them again bro okay and it gave you an item gave me a red flower which grants me overpowered abilities okay maybe I have to be a player though cuz right now I’m ratha oh wait I’m on the flower yo something’s happening something’s happening how do I

    Get off of this melon how did you get off of this uh you have to unequip the flower and then re-equip it sunny yeah but then it just teleports me into the flower doesn’t it teleport you above the flower I mean I mean you just keep spamming it is that

    What you did yeah I just spammed it sunny and I flew so far what is this bro this is cringe I did it sunny and let’s just be you’re going to run out of time in 10 seconds it’s impossible for you to find me no I’m outside of the world dude

    You glitched and sunny no no you glitched in five I see the giant dice four three two one I win no melon where are you I’m near the giant dice I don’t see you bro look way further up you can see me fall I can see you what hey buddy

    What I don’t see you don’t you see me it’s I’m kind of like look look to your left a bit are you down below me hey buddy do you see me falling that’s you over there that little yellow speck this thing right here oh no I I definitely

    Don’t see you anywhere bro I can see you you’re right outside the map I’m not towards the dice look more towards the gray thing over there I’m just going to fall down yeah anyways you’re never going to find me sunny I win whatever I hope you’re proud of yourself for

    Cheating I am proud of myself and you guys should be proud of yourselves when you press that like And subscribe button it helps support us so do it right now



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