Isaac del Toro, 20-year-old Mexican, launches blistering attacks in final kilometer to win the 2024 Tour Down Under stage 2. #TDU More race info here:

    Get there and now here’s a move here now by the champion of Australia this is really going to hurt him PL goes well we said when he gets excited he cannot be held back so pla has gone Al Philip in his wheel then it’s Jonathan NZ in thir

    PL up and now over the top of the climb so Luke pla he’s done the damage that he said he would we saw Caleb Y at the back of the peleton saying I won’t take part in today’s finish a bit too hard for me plappy it’s over to you because that

    Pelon at the moment is huge gaps back there right now seems like a little bit of disagreement here at the front now PL not as willing to work with Jonathan na seen a few shakes of the head now na is staying the around flick of the elbow

    And PL now goes through so he’s been told don’t go with him try not to work with him try and get rid of him so an acceleration over the top a couple of lengths but Naz he’s got that explosive power to close back onto the wheel of PL

    Now what is PL going to say now so pl’s been pointing to his earpiece saying I’m being told I can’t work with you that on the right of picture and Quinn Simmons as well the American champion Stars and Stripes coming up and over the top of that on

    This R so Simmons now string he’s done this before last year in South America he took off within the last 3 km and he held off the sprinting peleton behind him so this is the perfect type of er effort for the American champion is with one of the Riders from Deaton eg2 from

    Israel Premier Tech Kazakhstan Counterattack Now by isak deloro number seven been active all day and now he goes across up and over the top and that’s deloro who’s now reaching out for he was riding at the back not long ago that was actually Nick Schulz there who

    Was trying to close it down but this is a great attack one will call this a cheeky move desperate one because as a man who can Sprint he’s a rider you say a great future Robbie and this could be a move well this could be the winning

    Move he’s coming up to the final left hand and behind so Delo he’ll be loving this late he’s not even on the hook riding on the handle balls on the top Caleb Yun is in amongst there as well but is it too little too late

    Inside the final 100 m well as they come now they build up the Sprint behind the Caleb is not in on this one as it is Israel oh he’s done it right on the line can you believe an opportunist win like that from the chase and it was enough

    Corbin strong LED them home in the Sprint but Del Toro he’s been active all day remember him pushing Caleb in that Sprint in the intermediate Sprint early on today well he saved his best till last and he’s a stage winner let’s hear from him 20 years of age

    Isach congratulations a lot of emotions down the Finish Line congratulations fantastic race what of those I need to do to say still trying to get your breath very emotional no this is crazy no no I don’t know no it’s so emotional you know ah the

    Last year was crazy but this one maybe I start really good I don’t know I don’t know what I want to say it’s so it’s so much and um he’s come out now this is his first world tour season and he’s won a World Tour race that’s his

    First pro win first pro win the first Mexican ever to win a stage here and the first real opportunity yesterday being a bunch Sprint but doing that what he did today holding off the likes of Corbin strong Steve William B G Caleb Yan in there for fifth but the way he went and

    Got that Gap and coming into this race I’ve had a few people tell me that watching Del Toro ride is reminiscent of watching T pogacha and he has done something today pogacha esque a real surprise packet like just going from the front and being so daring so strong and

    What I really like too is someone that says I’m lost for words and they’re actually lost for words it was also lost for breath that’s understandable just like pull Williams in for second yeah but as he as he was going up towards the line he was riding like that on the tops

    Of the handlebars getting down arrow as possible so keeping that frontal surface area as narrow as he possibly could but look behind at this point and he knew he’d already done enough he’s getting the victory salute ready takes another look around and says remember this n fellas Del Toro Numero

    Uno that was a great win for him the youngsters I think we said before the race started yesterday we were going to be in for surprises this week had a lot of first time top professional to the Future riding this race 74 of the Riders never been here before Contin


    1. Colombia pais precursor , Ecuador siguió y ahora Mexico ! A ver si el ciclismo latinoamericano otra vez en las portadas mundiales de los GT. Desde que Colombia cojea y el unico otro corredor capaz de sacar la cara por los latinos desapareció, nada de nada. Habra que esperar un par de años a ver si este mexicano tiene madera para ser un grande o se queda en promesa. De todas formas, empezar ganando en su primera participación en el WT crea mucha alegría y expectiva.

    2. What a fantastic attack and holding it till the end. He is not a mark rider yet and it is why he was able to pull it off.
      In the future he will be marked and won't be able to pull it off as much.
      Congratulations to the young Mexican Rider

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