Former MP Nick de Bois cuts through the jargon and asks the big question on everyone’s minds. Punchy monologues, lively debates and plenty of time for your calls.

    Father of Ja Marlo who was um murdered by Hamas terrorist apologies for getting his name wrong there um thank you for tuning in today I hope you tuned in yesterday as well I’ll be back next weekend on Saturday and Sunday between 10:00 and 1:00 and I’ll be back during

    The week as well because it is a big political week the Rwanda votes are happening on Tuesday and Wednesday lots to talk about that I’m sure we will be talking about that on talk TV I’ll be back I’m off tomorrow actually but I’m back on talk today with Jeremy and Rosie

    New D during the week as well lots to talk about political so I’ll be popping up at various times and I’ll see you next weekend as well ni to next stay tuned for him thanks for Watching this is talk TV one to get to grips with the stories that really matter to cut through the spin in the BS want unvc and fiery debate then join us for cross talk 1:00 every weekday we’re here thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online run

    Your smart speaker as well criminals to using XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn do you know what I love about talk today we do it all sunak sella scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t

    Sort of bear him any ill will because he delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the is love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading up one side and richy soon at the other the police are pro Palestine that is

    Just not right you swear an off in the police to act without fear or favor the co inquir seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know whether it’s a fce or a tragedy the amount of time it’s taken

    The number of illegal migrants currently sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million £140 million so far so £140 million so far result nil absolutely nil are we only going to be trusting sources

    Like meta and Google where is our unbiased news going to come from Kell in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass talking liit if you walking towards me

    And you’re a vegan she have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out vegan’s about the weirdest plank that we’ve had in three years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC mous man MC Mouse

    Man MC M man he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz film sunak and the current conservative government are not conservative why

    Don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on behalf reform UK party hi kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem s this is really

    Unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do you’re going to Res yes course I cannot continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine

    It’s actually not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call her a terror group is it possible to have a rational I’ve asked you two questions should a mass stay in power and are they a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk

    TV is the only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love poetry we can agree on that [Applause] And huge thanks to Peter Cardwell for the last three hours quite clearly one of the most authorative voices on radio always a great listen it’s a pleasure to be with you now between 1 and 4: I’m looking forward to it as indeed a big week in politics not just here in the UK

    Actually in America where finally the Republican primaries get off that means will Donald Trump be crowned fundamentally as the Republican candidate uh for the US presidential election and if he is surely he will beat Joe Biden if he survives long enough in the minds of Democrats to

    Allow him to stand as uh president uh the presidential candidate at the end of the year I’m not so convinced Greg Swanson chair of Republicans abroad will be in to join me and of course will the planes remain grounded that are going to R Rwanda whatever you think of the

    Policy whether you think it’s a good idea or bad idea it’s center stage of the government’s immigration policies this week it kind of comes into the commons for what is the final vout of votes where amendments are pulling rushi sunak to the left and pulling him to the

    Right what will the outcome be here’s my here’s my spoiler alert I think there going to be a lot of noise and actually it’ll get through the House of Commons without any significant changes it’ll then be up to the House of Lords and then in its current form up to the

    Lawyers if the planes remain grounded or get taken off what do you think do you think this is the last last chance for rishy sunak to prove that he’s serious about tackling immigration 03444 91,000 um whilst we’re on the subject of the government the main question I’m

    Asking you today though however is with obviously a lot of attention going out uh on International Affairs and in today’s world you you get very much a sense of what is in the news becomes the priority I’m asking you uh if you step back for a moment has the government forgotten what matters

    To you uh when was the last time we talked about something that we all care about our health when has that been a major issue I mean labor flirt with it talking about brushing their teeth but the reality is what is it that matters to you most and has the government

    Forgotten what matters to you most 03444 n1000 you can tweet me at Mick deire or at talktv in addition if of course the Tories do not actually come up with a comprehensive immigration plan there is a man waiting to step into their shoes to do the job

    And yes I’m not talking Richard Ty leader of Reform I’m talking about speculation this weekend that Nigel farage could win the clacton seat a seat once held by ukip MP Douglas Carwell of course who defected from the conservatives to ukip at that time uh now back in uh the hands of

    Conservatives a poll commissioned by Aaron Banks good buddy of Nigel farage says he can win what does that mean to you is farage set for a comeback and what does it mean for Richard TI the current leader of Reform you can let me know your views on 03444 91000 my next

    Guest Henry Bolton former leader of yuk I’m sure he’ll have his views on that as well plus crime uh speaking of priorities that I’m asking you about has the government forgotten what matters to you I’m going to say this and and I’m not one to generalize at all crime is

    Horribly out of control in this country I actually say that with a heavy heart uh and the reason is I don’t think a day goes by when you either don’t see something or know someone who has been involved and I’ll be sharing you with a recent story of some people I know uh

    Who got involved in a crime instant that probably won’t even get reported frightening nevertheless that it happens and on the background on the news in London anyway where the tube is of course that crime has doubled uh has gone up by 75% over the last two years

    Under the watch of guess who sadique Khan who by the way I invited to join us yet again on this show but for some reason he’s not too Keen to come on air sadik I extend the invitation to you I know you listen avidly to the show of

    Course you do um that and more coming up throughout the show including are the under 35s lazy and don’t really want to work well I did a quick poll of the team here who most of them are indeed under 35 in fact I think it goes up to 40

    Apparently according to surveys not only do they want to be paid more wait for it for going back to to the office remember those contracts you signed before covid that said you do 5 days a week in the office uh for this amount of money well apparently they want more money now to

    Go back to the office well that’s interesting um and guess what uh apparently they like to choose when they’ll work and when they won’t work oh well we’ll be discussing that with an expert from the creative Industries later who’s probably got mixed views on the subject I would say I’m looking

    Forward to exploring to that now I’m asking you is this the grumpy generation speaking cuz let’s be honest every generation my father was one of them would say young people today they’ve got no idea or is there something seriously wrong in our country are we addressing the issues of productivity by saying yes

    I’ll pay you more to actually come into the office and do your job which probably we know how to do it better than you who’s probably not had that long working life experience is it is it on the other hand unreasonable for someone to say oh you want me back in

    The office now after 3 years uh you’re going to have to pay me more 03444 91000 or tweet me Nick deoir or talk B that and loads more coming up but my first guest Henry Bolton welcome former leader of ukip often on this program thank you good F to this program thank

    You I just want to ask you this general question that I’m asking a lot of people um do you think the government have forgotten what matters to you to to to our citizens it kind of feels we’re in an age when you know whatever’s in the news drives policy uh now that’s not

    Necessarily always a bad thing but actually I’ve just wondering if fundamentally the government is out of touch or not I think there’s a disconnection Nick yes um I I’ve noticed in my short life of 60 years that and what I can recall of the politics that’s been going on probably

    Wasn’t interested much before the year age of about 10 or 11 but um I’ve I’ve noticed that me members of parliament are not as important as they were to their local communities um they seem not to be out and about as much as they used

    To be at Fates and and what have you um I think they’re increasingly out of touch I think the government doesn’t even listen to their members of parliament unless they want to vote um so or unless it’s the the front page of the news and is dominating indeed and I

    So no I think the answer is is simply no no um our democratic system is I think fundamentally damaged I won’t say broken it can be repaired um but I do think that the government is so busy chasing the media cycle which which in a way has

    Has we’re guilty of that as media aren’t we well I think largely and there are a couple of channels Nick that I don’t think are but the the um increasingly over the last 20 years 30 years maybe um there has been this practice of wanting to score points against politicians

    Rather than trying to get honest opinion and ideas and information from them and some interviewers and and uh presenters have been increasingly aggressive with wanting to sort of create news if you like but don’t you think that means we end up with them not concentrating on long-term issues correct that’s

    Absolutely my point so the politicians are spending time being briefed by their media people by their spads and so on on you know how to respond to interviews where you’re going on the interview you know doing the interviews today and so they spend hours going through all of

    That um and their focus is in not making a mistake rather than making a difference and I think you know so there’s a whole range of issues plus I think the quality of our our members of parliament has gone downhill significantly I think we have been in

    The uh We’ve we’ve brought in a a practice of of ticking demogra graphic boxes to a large extent I think politics is less appealing to people who are really competent and capable there are of course exceptions but I I think there’s a whole range of things but to

    Answer your question I think yes government and politicians generally there are exceptions are out of touch are not listening it’s it’s it’s an interesting charge and it’s an easy charge to make so we’ll put it to the test but let’s hear from let’s hear from uh Heather first in Gan Heather hello

    Thank you for calling hello Heather thank you for calling yes well Heather’s definitely called whether the right buttons been pressed to get her through cuz I can see her waiting hello Heather thank you hello Henry and unic yes thank you who both labor and conservatives this is

    Over 40 years of neglect of both parties con consecutive in one in one F weep the depletion of housing stock in Council properties have been decimated the condition of housing is absolutely disgusting the Aging schools are crumbling like cell and when you talk about these cutbacks through AER with

    And the deflation of hea Heather listen your line Heather he I promise you it’s not a Heather hold on I don’t think you can hear me cuz your Line’s breaking up a little bit there so uh if you just hold on for a minute I’m going to and if

    You can hear us I’m going to take your point and I’ll just ask Henry to come back on it Heather is basically saying I don’t know whether it’s through personal experience or just what she observes the infrastructure is crumbling in a nutshell now is that the inevitable consequence of governments only thinking

    From one election to another and maybe they just don’t think there’s enough votes in it because it’s not in the news again Nick um you know sadly there it’s a complicated problem and and complicated um the if we think uh back to the last Labor government we’re going

    Back 14 years or so aren’t we um who you know there was no money um those some people recall there was no money so the conservative party came in George Osborne um as as Chancellor was was trying to uh spend as little as possible

    So cut back cut back cut back we cut saw cuts in the policing we was the alternative should they have borrowed more should there have been austerity well I think that maybe we went a bit too far because we’ve actually had to to to to to row back on some of those

    Things for example policing um cut 21,000 police officers 600 police stations Regional police training colleges which to be fair their closure started under Tony Blair um but the conservatives then at that point continued and I understand why but but it was shortsighted we talked about that just now I I believe because policing

    We’ve had to now go back and recruit another 20,000 but we’ve got the problems now that those there aren’t the police stations but can we have any optimism that anyone’s going to change so before let me because we got Heather back on the line now Henry so so sorry

    To because you set out an analysis of the problem I don’t know if you heard that Heather but essentially um the the point Henry’s making is that uh since 2010 there was the austerity measures there was no money we were left with the huge debt but let’s agree we can analyze

    The problem as you’ve done where does your hope lie of this problem is when you sell these sell our country out to the world like China with our companies how does that affect the infrastructure you’re talking about I’m talking about the infrastructure all IND the strect we used to be a booming

    Industry country right so you’re talking about the fact that we don’t do as much manufacturing and making of things as we used to yes we need more infrastructure and cre new businesses we need businesses coming into our country because we have sold ourself pretty damn

    Short over the last 40 years or more it is a decaying fact of this K we okay Heather I’m sorry I’m going to have to wind the call up um and it’s not your fault but it is breaking up and it makes very difficult listening for other

    People keep your calls coming I take them as you know 03444 91000 the next call in um I promise you I’ll put you on as quickly as possible uh or you can tweet me at talktv and at Nick du I’ve got Henry Bolton here with me former leader of

    Ukip what I was asking Heather there Henry is why should any voter have any belief that any political party is going to change the approach to if you like reinvesting in our infrastructure well Nick I mean there is no reason um there are a lot of promises from all political

    Parties and they all say on the other hand when the money allows it when the money allows it the but there is no plan and I’ve been saying this for for weeks if not months now on social media I don’t see particularly because on immigration and borders for example

    There is no plan there is we’ll do this this this and this there’s a fivepoint plan there’s a Sixpoint plan there are nine promises whatever but there is no there’s no data no Detail no planning behind that um how are you going to do

    It when are you going to do it with what are you going to do it what are the implications of doing it how are you going to ensure that what you do is actually properly comprehensive and integrated um so whether it’s you you mentioned Healthcare earlier on um

    Whether it’s Healthcare one of the problems with Healthcare is that it is become so big so complex um that we’ve we’ve added bits on we’ve taken bits off we’ve tried to to we’ve created Foundation trusts and so on but we’ve it’s now become a sort of rather it’s a

    Very complicated machine it needs simplifying streamlining but where is the plan uh same with borders the same with policing we are not dealing with any of these problems in a strategic sense and when I speak to politicians very senior politicians now um they say well you know we’ll do the down the road

    Will that nobody’s interested in the in the in the detail well sorry but it’s the detail doesn’t that include the public though I mean not being hard but not many even read a Manifesto let alone looking at the detail let me hold that thought with you because um I do want to

    Take as many calls as I can just before I take a call just to say Nick as an ex politician you have a lot to answer for says Vic who’s now sent that message five times so Vic you don’t have to send it anymore I promise you um you also

    Politicians are out of touch okay they just want want to play Party politics at Westminster perfectly legitimate view uh Jackie says Nick they don’t represent the people anymore and have broken the social contract with the people politics affects everything in our lives but our president political system and the

    Machine of government are not fit for purpose anymore we need radical change well Jackie do call and let me know what that radical change is is it just a change of party or is it a change of system and if so what should it look

    Like let’s go uh let’s go to Pete in Swansea hello Pete hello uh hello good afternoon I’d just like to First can you hear me yes good afternoon Pete far away good afternoon um yes i’ first of all would like to mention Nigel farad yes and recommend him as the new mayor of

    London he’d lose in London I can tell you now he’d get hammered and and I don’t say that out of disrespect Pete he’s much wiser to look at somewhere like clacton where it’s suggested he might win and become an MP I agree with I agree with Nick um I think it’s very

    Unlikely that would would win in in London I mean he’ he’d get a very passionate group of group supporting him but it wouldn’t be enough there’d be a much larger group that would be very much opposed to him Pete carry on alch it’s your call I mean I think I think

    That Nigel farage is London and Nigel farage is Great Britain and he will clear the poison out of City Hall and he will give the uh mot a road do you think he could be better as an MP Pete do more as an MP yes but I don’t think that’s going to

    Happen well there’s a poll out today that uh is been pushed by his colleague Aaron banks that suggest he could win clacton on SE and become an MP well I just hope he somewhere where he could influence I’ll tell you what Pete you could move to clacton so you

    Can vote for him how about that listen Pete for time reasons only I know you had another point but forgive me I get governed by the clock here I’ll um uh if if you want we’ll come back to you for your second point but thank thanks for

    Calling say that um those people uh oh we shouldn’t have done that to him that was a bit mean but Pete can come back Pete can come back to us um uh and we’ll finish his second point I’m only doing that for time reasons and I promise I as

    You know I take as many calls as I can uh join the conversation here with Henry Bolton uh former leader of ukip we’re going to be talking about a lot more including we’re going to be taking a quick look at what the foreign secretary had to say about Yemen earlier this

    Morning uh and and of course we’ll talk about the things that matter to you and you can do that by influencing Us by calling on 03444 91000 or tweet me at Nick du or Talktv we’re here thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online we’re on your smart speaker as well criminals to using XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how well well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn you know what I

    Love about sport today we do it all sunak sella scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any ill will because he delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the tor’s love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading

    Up one side and richy soon at the other the police are pro Palestine that is just not right you swearing off in the police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know

    Whether it’s a fce or a tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million 140 million so far so40 million so far

    Results nil absolutely nil are we only going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news is going to come from Kell in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass

    Talking for a livit if you’re walking towards me and you’re a vegan she have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out vegan’s about the weirdest plank that we’ve had in three years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a

    Branch of McDonald MC Mouse man mous man M he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz film sunac and the current conservative government are not conservative why

    Don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on behalf of the reform UK party hi kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solve this is

    Really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do you’re going to Res yes cuz I cannot continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine it’s actually

    Not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call h a terror group is it possible to have a rational I’ve asked you two questions should a mass stay in power and are they a terror group your refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk TV is the

    Only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love poetry we can agree on That welcome back um thank you so much for your calls and your contribution uh they really do make this show I’ve been asking has the government forgotten what matters to you and interesting Nicholas says to me your question is wrong has the government know what matters but given the population numbers do they

    Really care not quite sure I’m with you on your thinking there Nicholas when I say with you I understand it so do let me know what you think Henry look Nigel farage this poll’s come out by Aaron Banks basically says you can win clacton I don’t know what jles Watling the

    Conserv FP thinks of that we’re actually trying to get in touch with him and see if we can get him on on on the show um but but but but actually he hasn’t had a successful track record Nigel farage of winning seats and I know how hard it is

    Believe me I’ve lost more than I’ve won uh but this time he must be tempted will will will he run as an MP do you think I I I’m sure there’s Temptation there however I mean Nigel’s got to weigh up a lot of things and I I don’t know uh this

    But I’m I’m speculating because I’ve seen a lot of people saying well Nigel should get back into it he must you know why isn’t he what you know what about what’s his involvement with reform why wasn’t he at the reform launch and so and I I’m just purely speculating um

    That uh he’s also looking at what’s going to happen in the United States we’ve got the presidential election that’s happening in November um Nigel is close to Donald Trump um and I think that his preference for you know he’s tired of British politics some Global International well Global International role he would

    Like I think to go out there and on stomp with Donald Trump um sort of do doing some sort of warm-up speeches and the man who delivered brexit all that stff all of that Mr brexit which he’s still be known for and Donald will sort

    Of still push that so I think he would enjoy that I think then if if if Trump became president then there would be probably further work for it for Nigel uh I think he enjoys the United States he enjoys the glamour of it he enjoys the sort of political uh life there and

    I think that’s what he would prefer to do but of course if he if if that’s what he wants to do then he won’t stand for Parliament particular if there’s an early because he he if if he’s a member of parliament then he it’ll queer his

    Pitch in terms of being able to go out there and do that um and the same with his involvement with the reform if it’s if it’s a late election then how can he be front and center of reforms campaign if he’s over in the St and who’s leader

    Of Reform Nigel farage or Richard Ty now I ask Richard Ty this in a separate interview that goes out on uh on Monday evening and he was he was very he he would not come off the fence it was oh let’s wait and see what he does you’re

    Obsessed asking about who’s going to lead reform and I don’t think it’s unreasonable if you have got a political party that you know who the leader is last time last time it was tried to have joint leaders it was the sdp I think and that didn’t end well did it so I didn’t

    Get I didn’t get the oh we love Nigel and we’d have him back as leader and and obviously Richard’s getting into to his stride and the run up to an election well I I know both men and and I get on with both of them um quite well some

    Differences on politics but um but I think first of all it’s difficult for Richard if if I’m right about Nigel sort of still weighing because the prevarication of Nigel makes it difficult for Richard it actually does um and how do you you know with you you’ve got a character like Nigel who’s

    Not made up his mind yet and your leader of a party who’s being asked well what’s happening with Nigel and you don’t know and a difficult we are working as Dan points out to me from Kent on the Assumption he would stand as a reform candidate but the article kind of

    Implied that and he is is he honorary president or something of he is so it be unusual if he didn’t it would be but but he will be weighing up his odds and I think the other thing to say and I don’t mean this unkindly to to Richard or

    Anybody but but Nigeria is a larger than life character yeah and all other things being equal amongst political parties um and politicians if if they were recognition matters then then character personality Charisma um actually does matter one of the first rules of leadership is you’ve got to have which

    Explains why I only got one term maybe right listen bear with us we’re going to take a couple of calls because I keep promising people calls are the priority so let’s prove that let’s first go to marann in Kent then we’ll go to Janice in Essex hello Marian yes hello good afternoon good

    Afternoon thank you for calling what can we uh what can we do for you um I was just about to say I know there’s uh what’s happening around the world it’s and all the fighting that’s taking place it’s really really bad but I just feel with our politicians and when we

    Actually make a vote and of course conservatives are in still at the moment I just feel that with all the other parties all these years are like wasted space it’s like they’re always arguing amongst themselves and nothing ever gets sorted so I sometimes feel wouldn’t it

    Be better if the British people vote for a party then let that party look after the country and sort out the problems in the country and they await their turn until they’re elected you see that would mean effectively if I understand you no opposition um you’re kind of saying

    Elect you you crack on deliver agenda and then everyone comes back in 5 years constructive opposition can be a good thing I think Maran and and I understand your frustra time I just feel that they’re going round and around in circles and I think the public are paying for all these other parties

    Are not actually elected well they they’re not elected into office but each person is elected to uh represent their constituency well let me put a different point to I’ll give you a very brief example West streeting who actually says he’s the labor spokes on health he says some fairly sensible things in my

    Opinion I sent him a tweet and basically said W do you know what there’s more you agree on with the conservatives than you disagree on that was the gist of it don’t you think it’s time that you actually if you get into office you reach agreement with your opposition

    Parties on a 20-year plan for the NHS and in a way you can have the leadership you’re taking the politics out and he came back and said in a general tweet he didn’t want to respond to me or have the courtesy to respond to me directly he basically said I think it’s deeply

    Ironic Tories are now calling for working together on the NHS well actually Tories have been saying we have more in common with Labor uh than we are stand against them and yet that was rejected because Party politics comes first you can’t get them to agree yes

    But I can understand that but I think the situation we’re in now you know when I was like growing up and uh my mom had like U my mom was um from Ireland Dublin my dad was from uh laor Pakistan and they worked so hard my dad on the

    Railway seven days a week my mom had three jobs to give my family a good education I just feel you know if there was more giving in the world and less taking the world would be a better place Marian you make a lot of sense um and by

    The way do tune in when I’m keep keep keep keep watching or listening when I talk crime because I think some of those Basics have been forgotten which is leading to a much more toxic much more toxic environment for one another and um I know there’s different um whether my

    Mom used to say to me growing up always have respect in life exactly respect other people’s opinions even if you dis doesn’t matter whether whether you’re high up in a bank or you’re out there clean in bins and sweeping the roads you wouldn’t get to that office in up in

    London if I wasn’t there sweeping the roads exactly exactly I might tell you a story about a sweeper one day um if I remember to do that but Marian thank you very much for that very brief comment from you on what Mariann said I think we

    Have to have an opposition don’t we and then I’ll go to J I think we do I think that Marian identifies a problem but perhaps it’s the wrong solution um what we actually I think need to get back into life is the ethos of service

    Service um that needs to be clear to the to the public that politicians are the are there because they want to do good um and I think we also need to have competent politicians who are able to put a plan together one of the reasons that I mean if if we followed mariann’s

    Approach I don’t think we would get any further because I think there is a there is a problem in terms of some of the capability and capacity the knowledge the experience of some of politicians and the Civil Service the C civil service is not what it was was even two

    Three decades ago um so I think there’s a whole lot of things that we need to change I think at the end of the day it’s all about having competency and and the right ethos now how we get to that is a discussion we should have I’ve got a lot of ideas but

    I think you know we probably can’t do those now but but this is a very deep conversation Maran Marian’s key point there was about service actually to your country and respect respect for other people’s positions and point of just very briefly on that of course one of

    The things that we’re doing is we are and and this isn’t a criticism of other cultures but we are bringing in hundreds of thousands of people from other cultures who of course they’re other cultures they have different social values different social behaviors different social priorities and we are

    Importing that and therefore we are unavoidably um diluting our own in a sense with that mix that’s not necessarily to judge you know what happens in other countries integration values and Ethos are are are different uh right rightly or wrongly they are different and when that happens

    We go through change which is making a great many people in this country quite uncomfortable uh it’s the speed of change and the out and the outcome of change let’s not be frightened of saying that as well right I’m going I promised I’d go to Janice in Essex then we’re

    Going to talk David Cameron in a minute Janice hello hi Nick hello welcome back what can I do for you oh yeah uh this is getting a bit of a habit isn’t it so I don’t mind meeting you but there’s a different man here as well this time his

    Name is Henry B former ukip leader hry hi lovely to hear you man of Common Sense thank you now you want to talk about farage yes I do I live in Clapton on SE and we have a uh man here yeah Charles WN he’s not very good now we had

    Douglas Carswell yes you did he was brilliant brilliant he was your ukip MP after originally being conservative conservative yeah he was brilliant but unfortunately he’s gone to America um I would love Nigel down here but I do think Nigel needs to get some people around him to calm him

    Down a bit all right so now why is that because Nigel is just a force he’s a t of force on his own and and do do you think he’s manageable I personally don’t he’s changed British politics whether you like it or not he he’s how

    Do you control someone like that but is it such a bad thing because I think we’re really going to be in big trouble as starm gets in big trouble that that’s Henry I think I think he is a force Nigel is absolutely a force and can you

    Can control him or manage him the answer is no um I would not necessarily want to be the leader of any political party and in fact I was the leader of ukit whilst Nigel was still a member of UK that was that fun was it and there were the

    Occasions when Nigel forgot who who the leader was bless him um but I but you’re quite right I think if Nigel does go back into politics um then he in a leading role not just as a member of parliament but in a leading role then he

    Has to learn Nigel are you listening you have to learn to put some expertise around you and allow them enough rain to be able to exercise that expertise to support you in that role um you can be the front man of it but you do need to

    Have the detail behind it and and that expert Johnson lacked by the way Janice he he he was all front and no detail behind him he for a while he had good people around him and then he didn’t and the consequences were all too evident Janice I hate to cut this conversation

    Off but I have to because of time reasons only so Janice thanks lovely to hear from you uh your calls are flooding in I promise to get through them all 03444 n1000 I haven’t even touched on Henry about Rwanda we’re going to do that in a second quick word on our

    Foreign secretary Lord Cameron of wherever it is chipping Norton or or whatever entirely appropriate this morning he’s saying it was right to go and take action against the hoties in Yemen because they consistently but doing nothing as he said had not stopped the attacks he thinks he’s stopped

    Further attacks but he’s prepared to do more broadly speaking do you think the government have got this right uh I don’t think they had much Choice the international shipping lanes had been disrupted by hooti attacks um the hooes now let’s just remind ourselves very briefly the hooes haven’t just suddenly

    Appeared on the scene abut the hoties launched a civil war against the yemeni government in 2014 everybody will be aware uh of the incredible suffering that the yemeni people the Muslim population of Yemen has gone through over the last what nearly 10 years um uh because of that

    Civil War there has been famine there has been outbreaks of disease there have been horrendous numbers of deaths um and the the reason for that is because the hooes launched a civil war so they’ve been around for a while and they’ve been a problem for the whole of the Middle

    East their Iranian sponsored that adds to the problem because Iran has the agenda of trying to destabilize the West as much it can particularly the Western presence in the in in in the Middle East but part of that presence is the international transport Network the shipping lanes if you like through the

    Red Sea and the assaults the attack on civilian I emphasize civilian shipping and whatever people say the vast majority of those attacked ships have not been going to Israel have nothing to do with the Middle East they’re transiting through um Can We Stand By and allow that to happen people the peop

    Who see to it seems quite a few people on the Streets of London yes they thought we should indeed but they’re the very same people who will complain if the prices of those goods that are carried on those ships go up in the supermarkets or that they’re no longer

    Available actually I think some of the people on that march yesterday as long as it’s anti- Britain they’re quite happy to support it I think that’s that’s the thing I I’ve have long said Nick that um and I I’m sorry but I I go back to the immigration thing if you

    Blindly say immigration is a good thing and you you bring people in regardless of their qualifications and so on um uh but you bring them in from parts of the world that are suffering conflict and you bring them in from both sides of that conflict you are inevitably going

    To import elements of that conflict into onto your own streets and I think a lot of that’s what we’re seeing and we’re seeing that aggravated a lot of these marches that we’re seeing are actually aggravated by the fact that they’re funded and partly funded partly organized by the Socialist Party well

    Hold that well disruptors as well hold hold that thought because we are going to go up to a break we are going to talk Rwanda afterwards because will the planes get off the ground um does it matter what happens this week in Parliament and how much Faith do you

    Have that this is the solution that will prove the conservatives really do want to get a grip on immigration 03444 91000 tweet me at Nick du or at Talktv we’re here thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online we on your smart speaker as well criminals to useing XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn do you know what I love

    About talk today we do it all sunak sella scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any ill will because he delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the tor’s love scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading

    Up one side and richy soon at the other the police are pro Palestine that is just not right you swear an Al in the police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know

    Whether it’s a fce or a tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million £140 million so far so £40 million so far

    Result nil absolutely nil are we only going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news going to come from Kell in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass

    Talking for AIT if you’re walking towards me and you’re a vegan she have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out vegan’s about the weirdest plank that we’ve had in about three years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks

    Into a branch of McDonald MC mous man MC mous man MC man he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got a house full of mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruise fil sunac and the current conservative

    Government are not conservative why don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on behalf of the reform UK party hi kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solve this is

    Really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do I’m you’re going to Res yes course I cannot continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your

    Question you answer mine it’s actually not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call h a terror group is it possible of a rational can I’ve asked you two questions should a mass stay in power and are they a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that

    Is very telling talk TV is the only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love poetry we can agree on that And welcome back I’m here with Henry Bolton is one of the liveliest First hours I’ve had for a long time your calls are making it such so thank you very much as ever thoughtful um and very clear positions 03444 91000 Henry of course former leader of ukip my next

    Topic is going to embrace he’s going to embrace this subject so rishy sunak has before him in Parliament this coming week a number of amendments here from the left wing of the conservative party and from the five families I’ve never heard such more total I’m going to have

    To use the dump button in a minute to stop me saying the word five families of the conservative party on the right I mean God it’s just illogical and uh he’s getting amendments from them he’s been pulled both ways my personal view is hardly anything’s going to change this

    Bill is going to go through where do you stand on Rwanda and the plan well I I’m not sure that the Bill’s going to go through which will have interesting implications if it doesn’t um on Rwanda I think unless we are going to send literally tens of thousands of people to

    Randa each year uh I don’t think it will will constitute any form of deterrent um and there are many reasons I think that but I I’ve worked on the front line in in in trying to disrupt transnational organized crime particularly people smuggling and human trafficking up through the Bal which this bill doesn’t

    Really deal with is all about trying to get the planes up it doesn’t but it also forgets the fact that those those crime groups are Past Masters at the marketing of what they do and they will draw people into their networks um and those people will find themselves on the North

    French Coast with nowhere to go apart from across the channel um they won’t be fully aware of what legislation is going through Parliament and what isn’t um and so your argument is it won’t work as a deter I mean it’s also legitimate isn’t it to say Henry that five people died

    Today tragically in the channel again if that’s not a deterrent then what is yeah well this then then then your Rwanda plan’s not going to not yours but the the Rwanda bill is going to not going to be a deterent I think there are ways to

    Solve this don’t get me wrong and I am very very keen that the government does this right but it’s not doing it right at the moment but put that aside is the Rwanda bill I mean it it is it is simply not changing anything really substantially legally it still allows

    For the uh for for appeals individual appe that you can CL the courts up that’s the the government say their advice is that won’t happen so all right I just put it out there indeed that’s what they say but I I you know I’ve met many immigration lawyers who who don’t

    Agree um who who fight on you put 10 lawers in a room well well that’s true but they all but there but it’s also a business for them and they will continue to try and challenge these things so um will it actually happen I I actually

    Don’t believe that it will um we will even if it passes we will see any substantial well they’re not going to move on the European courts of Human Rights I do not see the government changing that they are sticking with the European I don’t envy Rishi Sak’s

    Position he I think he’s rather built it himself um but I don’t envy that position because I don’t see how he can reconcile those two wings of the party the five families on the one side as you say and the other’s like the one nation caucus who I think are very badly named

    That’s a rather misleading when goes back to but that’s another thing but um but so you’ve got the left and the right of the conservative party and I don’t see the two coming together on this even if it goes through but labor won’t side with they might side with one nation but

    They’re not going to side with the the the five families are they well there are a lot of people on the on the left in in Parliament who don’t want it to go through they’re fundamentally opposed they could be in the same lobby as Mark Fran and people like that they I think

    It would be very interesting if that’s the case but some of them are indeed saying that they are going to vote against well the best thing for Rishi he can point to labor and say you think it’s bad with us look at them they won’t even give Rwanda a chance indeed but

    When you go back to what we’ve been saying earlier in the program uh what the public make of all of this it’s it’s a mess well let’s find out what some of the public say um in fact I have no idea what Terry wants to talk about but I’ve

    Got a feeling it’s legal migrants Terry and stevenage hello Terry hello there what would you like to talk about well I do want to talk about legal immigration mainly but the Randa um thing to me is although it’s a very serious situation that immigrants coming over and for and

    Illegal ones comeing over the channel and of course five died tragically but that PS into significance the figure of 30,000 now the government promised us that immigration Mr bis promised us would do down to tens of thousands now the government has just recently uh new measures Bing automatic entry for stud’s

    Relatives and up in the minimum wage for overseas applicants for jobs in here yeah but that cuts it down by 300,000 yeah well we had 740,000 IM legal immigrants came into the country in one year that leaves 400,000 when you repeat that figure now I live in Steven

    12 and three times that town where are you going to find housing okay Etc doctors Etc Terry let me ask you a question I don’t don’t don’t jump down my throat but it’s my job to ask these questions so if we can’t get people to work in our supermarkets in our coffee

    Shops and goodness knows Drive our lorries or whatever where else do we get them well I’ll tell you this quite simple we have two and a half million people out of work here MH we need to do the training call people in and like we used to do in the past if you

    Out didn’t if you applied for jobs and refused your third job exactly start slamming the benefits um because if you can work and you turn it down too often then you’re part of the problem do your benefits that’s that well this is it Terry would have voted for me and

    Stephen AG I reckon Terry thank you for your call I much appreciate your contribution a quick response to that and we’ll take another call yeah I I I think that’s correct um uh but we’ve also got to remember that although it’s been altered slightly now um up until

    Very recently there was a program whereby you would you could be paid 80% of what a Brit would you’d have to pay a Brit unbelievable unbelievable so you are you’re you’re pricing British workers out of the market why would you employ a British worker when you can

    Employ a foreign worker 20% cheaper 20% cheaper why would you do that and so we’ve been pricing the British workforce out of work um that’s one problem the other thing is that often we’re competing British workers are competing with people who’ve qualified overseas for example I don’t know medical staff

    From the Philippines for example where whose governments pay for their education or for their re-education um and then they are qualified they can come come over here so for example in nursing you have a situation where you can um you you you’ve got a choice as a nurse a British

    Nurse or you want to become a nurse you you do your training you go to university whatever you you you might get a Grant and so on but you are um you may have may well have to take out a student loan you’ve got Financial issues that the

    Foreign nurse doesn’t have to look I take your word for it on that but it is exactly the sort of bureaucratic and complex thing that could be solved absolutely okay we’re going to take another call I just got a message here from as a Liverpool supporter I have to

    Read it out Dan from Kent got to leave you now Nick Everton supporter 2:00 kickoff well I hope it goes as well for you as you can imagine I want it to go uh Dan um great show you take lots of calls and listen loads thank you I always appreciate the positive messages

    As well but let’s whil we still I’ve still got Henry Bolton here from former ukip leader uh Grant in Dorset Grant what would you like to talk about good afternoon Nick afternoon Henry hi um I would like to talk about the illegal immigration system I’ve I’ve stolen Henry’s idea a little bit

    And do you for copyright yes mate um I think we need a massive Reception Center in DOA secure as soon as they come onto the coast throw them in the Reception Center and process them properly so we know just stop there Grant because I want to ask Henry this

    Why don’t we do that or have we tried and failed uh we haven’t tried to do it okay um and just very briefly on that um anybody who’s landed come up from abroad landed in the UK from holiday or whatever you land at Gatwick Airport looten wherever you you Land Air side of

    Immigration controls don’t you and you are not deemed in terms of jurisdiction in Britain so you’re in the you’re in the land mass of Great Britain you’re in the middle of the islands um and you you you’re not deemed to have entered the country unless you’ve transited immigration controls we don’t have that

    Facility on our Maritime borders legally or physically interesting okay let’s bring Grant bra on to that Grant sorry I was trying to get some clarity there from someone um uh who might know more about this than me carry on oh definitely um if we had a massive Reception Center

    And over and all the legal illegal whatever you wish to call them uh boat crossers go into there get transition to wherever they need to go and then we have other reception centers throughout the country and then if they’ve got family in the country the family can come and get them take responsibility

    For them and then we know where they are anybody who fails they stay in the system get taken to an airport and then they get the choice of where they go okay logic yes uh there is logic uh the implication there though uh of course I I I largely agree with this um

    And I think you know we we should do what the United Nations um Refugee convention allows us to do where people have entered illegally even if it’s to claim Asylum because that’s a defense to entering illegally um we are we’re allowed under the refugee convention to

    Detain them in a secure facility we have no such facility that’s Point number one whether we have one whether we have numerous um and where we put them so just to correct you there of course it’s now you’re not allowed to apply for Asylum if you come into the country

    Illegally are you as a result of the bill in July that went through Parliament well you are allowed to claim for Asylum but you’re going to get kicked back uh unless you’ve got a child unless you’re this and unless you’re there are lots of caveats to it um but

    In the meantime what do you do with these people where do you where do you hold them where do you accommodate them and we’ve got to get away from the hotels um the uh the the problem though is that you’ve got to Resource all of this and along with cutting police back

    In 14 15 whatever years ago we also cut the Asylum system and to be fair there wasn’t any pressure on it then so it was a a legitimate area to C cut but we’ve not built it up again yet to do all of this takes money takes organization and

    I say organization not just in planning but in structures none of our structures in the home office are fit for this so it requires a whole lot of work it can easily be done but it requires the knowledge and the experience to do it and it most of all it requires the

    Political will to engage on it and the money to Resource it Grant are you are you comforted by anything you’ve heard I mean Henry’s not in power some may say that’s a great relief but um I think it’s a great shame well let well I’m

    Sure he’ll be FL grant let me ask you this um the main question I’m asking people today is well is has the government forgotten what matters to you do you think I I have I no idea what your most important issue is or or what is do you feel this Government after how

    Many Powers it’s been how many years they’ve been in power 10 2010 14 I think 14 years do you feel generally that they know what your priorities are and that the government are dealing with them I don’t really think so because I think they’re looking at this wrong because we’ve had what aund

    80,000 illegal inverted Commerce immigrants come to this country that’s put pressure everywhere and it’s been spread across the country so every little Town’s got a little bit of it and where if we had secure sites and we can get um those bedrooms from Qatar you know all them container bedrooms that

    They had drag a load of them in build these reception centers see the one thing I think we should also do yeah um is put find out how much it costs to do um a appeal against the claim the lawyers put in all the claims in one hit

    And then they get paid but they can’t do multiple multiple because all they seem to do is soon as one fails they then put another uh question against that person and then another and another and these appeals are going on for donkey years listen you’re absolutely right about the

    Length of the appeals it’s part of the problem Grant I’m going to going to finish this call for no other reasons then we are coming up to the top of the hour and it gives me time uh to say thank you very much to you Henry Bol for

    Joining in I mean I don’t think we covered any of the subjects we said we were going to cover but I love this idea of people being able to talk to my guests as well and get their feedback so I really do appreciate you being a good

    Sport keep your calls coming because I’m not only asking you has the government forgotten what matters to you and uh I’d like to hear from you what you think should uh what they should be paying attention to 03444 91000 but also coming up at the top of

    The hour um whilst I still want to hear from you on these other subjects crime I I’m not one for generalizing but I now feel that crime is completely out of control in this country I’ll give you an example of the sort of crime when when

    We talk at the top of the hour uh that took place on a train coming out of Stratford and and how that probably isn’t even reported or calculated and yet it is an extremely stressful and worrying sit situation but on the London Underground and I know we are not a

    London Centric station by any means but it typifies what’s happening over two years crime has increased by 75% we have a mayor of London who has direct responsibility and is an abject failure on crime and I remember all the promises he made so to discuss that I’ll be

    Effectively giving a free hit to Howard Cox uh the reform C Party candidate for mayor of London but I’ll be asking him some tough questions as well but I want to hear from from you where you live has crime got out of control tell me about your experiences of crime let’s make

    People listen 0 34449 1000 this is talk TV for the news that matters for the opinions that matter for the stories that matter find me Vanessa Felts every weekday at 400 p.m. only on tour on TV on radio online and on your smart speaker we’re here thanks for joining us

    You’re with talk TV on TV on radio online onun your smart speaker as well criminals using XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn do you know what I love about talk today we do it all sunak sella

    Scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any your will because he delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the tor’s love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading up one side and richy soon at

    The other the police are pro Palestine that is just not right you swear an off in the police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it’s hard to know whether it’s a f or a

    Tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million 140 million so far so40 million so far result nil absolutely nil are we only

    Going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news going to come from Kell in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass talking if you’re walking towards me and

    You’re a vegan you have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out vegans about the weirdest plank that we’ve had in three years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC mous man MC Mouse

    Man MC he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz F sunak and the current conservative government are not conservative why

    Don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on behalf of the reform UK party kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solve this is

    Really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do you’re going to resol yes CU I cannot continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine it’s actually

    Not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call a terror group is it possible to have a rational I’ve asked you two questions should a mass stay in power and are they a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk TV is

    The only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love poetry we can agree on that [Applause] I’m exhausted from the first hour thank you for making us work so hard to take your calls listen to you chat work up I shouldn’t be paid for this it’s so so much fun and thank you I keep saying this every MP should do this once in a

    While then they will really be in touch that’s why I’m asking you have the government forgotten what matters to you it does seem like it doesn’t it we almost react to what’s in the news rather than have a view on what your priorities are and you need to do to to

    To I suppose just reflect yes when a crisis comes up something’s dealt with but deep down is this government uh uh if you like has it forgotten what matters to you 03444 91000 you know me I love to take calls I’ll fit them in as

    Much as I can here’s a few messages uh Nick yes let Nigel stand in Clapton imagine what Parliament would be like with Nigel holding the government of whatever color to account come on N come on Nigel you can do it says Chris uh good afternoon Nick this is from penny

    In Essex everyone we speak to went out our friends our neighbors all want the migrant issue sorted the government are actively encouraging economic migrants to take over our country I’m not sure that’s true now I think they’re as politically terrified of the situation as you can be um but certainly it has

    Been true many are criminals who uh we have enough of our own I think many is a bit of a leap but definitely some and there’s a lot we don’t know about Penny we don’t look after our own who paid their taxes and who have some of them

    Fought for our country many migrants are young and fit of fighting age it’s strange how everyone not in government knows how to sort this problem out it’s a disgrace or Penny I suppose the only thing I would say in reaction to that is um and I’m guilty of this myself is it’s

    Easy to criticize from behind a microphone um actually getting decisions and taking decisions is probably a bit harder but yeah I think if you true to your principles and a Min Minister you would be able to push through some of the changes that we often hear talked about

    Here on this station finally if Trump wins in America Nigel far farage would be a great asset for Britain but Britain comes first for Nigel and if he thinks he can best serve Britain by standing for reform then he will stand says John in Sutton keep those messages coming at

    Nick de or at talktv now I said I wanted to talk about crime and there’s a very good reason uh I wanted to talk about crime is because I think you know as I say I keep saying this I’m not one for generalization I think it is shockingly

    Out of control in this country we we know all too well about the huge rise in shoplifting at one point advice was going out don’t even bother reporting it we now have the awful situation where store owners are being told if they’re part of the chain don’t bother stopping

    People because of the risk you run violence is the answer to everything for many of these brutish thugs that carry out these crimes uh crime is not just about shoplifting it’s happening on our trains um very briefly uh some uh close close friends of my wife three young

    Lads on a train from Stratford uh it hadn’t even left Stratford station it was during the day three Big Fellas not much older than them got onto the train uh and these guys were in an empty Carriage at the time punched one of them in the face and then took their phones

    Demanded they opened their phones took whatever cash they had and frankly a terrifying experience right you might not think so but actually if that happened to you it’s pretty terrifying experience these people walked off they were wearing distinctive clothing they could have been identified nothing happened this is on a train in daylight

    Where is the political will to understand that we should not be in a society where we sit on a train in broad daylight having to fear that people who come into that Carriage might possibly be the sort of thugs dangerous thugs that we have just seen and be attacked be robbed and nothing

    Happens no accountability now you will have other experiences not necessarily personally but of other people if that is not crime out of control what I’ve just described what is and that’s before we talk about violent crime before we talk assaults rap rapes murder knife crime that’s happening every day and

    More often than not um you will know someone who has been a victim tell me your story tell me what you know and tell me what it’s like where you live we’re not a London Centric program here but I will be talking to my next guest

    Howard Cox about this but we want to hear from you 03444 n1000 or tweet me at niob or at talktv I did try and get the mayor of London to come on but one once again he’s refused to do it it is cowardly actually not to come on and

    Talk about such an issue crime particularly when you are in charge of policing in this city you you set the strategy and and frankly I’m disappointed I don’t like using language like that but sadik Khan is not showing the sort of leadership by refusing to

    Come on and talk to people on this show and forget I’m a Tor or was a Tory MP and he’s labor I would have anyone held to account for doing this if Andy stre had this same problem and it was flagged up to me he’s a conservative mayor of uh

    Birmingham I would be insisting he came down here and spoke to us and if he didn’t I would call him out as well but one person who I haven’t had to call out is Howard Cox leader of Reform he is a candidate he wants to be the mayor of

    London good for him for coming on by the way just to show you how fair I’m being I also ask Susan Hall the Conservative candidate to come on she’s too busy campaigning if you can’t take 10 minutes out from knocking on doors to come and

    Talk about an issue like this then uh I think your press team are giving you bad advice how Cox welcome hello Nick I mean what what an introduction you’ve given about crime and how it’s affected your family I I feel for you and you know and not being reported and not being

    Followed up I think is absolutely heinous it’s absolutely terrible you’re not getting and it’s everyday crime isn’t it I mean I had some Thug um threaten me with a uh uh threatened to stab me on a train about two years ago when I was coming to talk TV and the

    Point is is I know violent crimes more shocking ha but this is going on all the time and look at these tube figures what’s your reaction to the tube figure showing a 75% increase in crime in two years well I feel very sick about it and one reason everyone knows uh that I’m

    Standing because I’m a a motoring campaigner I’m standing about the UL situation and the traffic and all the thing issues but the biggest thing for me is crime that that’s why I’m saying I’ve got a daughter of 31 who refuses now to go walk around London and she

    Lives in alington but she goes and sees her friends in central London on the train on tubes acrosses London and she will not come back now uh after 8 or nine o’clock she used to go stay out till one o’clock in the morning now she

    Will not do that and you made your point but I’ve had a personal situation only last week I was actually coming from another uh Channel media I was walking back how D yes yes sorry about that and I was coming up in the in the Charing Cross underground station and just

    Coming up onto the platform of the over ground and the person came towards me I was carrying my laptop which is was actually around my neck and around my body and they tried to rip it off of it it pushed me over um and another guy

    Tried to pull as well and I managed to get up and push away and they ran away because I was helped by a young lad who actually yeah I did I well I I’ve got his number I said Thank you and I I spoke to one of the uh uh chck collector

    Says where’s the nearest transport policeman is he around he said oh we haven’t seen one of those for a week now it’s interesting because uh after my uh little summation there Steve from Stoke has decided to make a a a a party political point he said yes violence is

    Increasing in society massively and the scum have realized trains are a good place to commit crime yet your party IE conservative party wants to get rid of guards on trains I’m a driver and guess what when I’m doing over 100 miles an hour I can’t be looking at what’s

    Happening on the train well my point there is no one is asking Steve to do it but actually I don’t don’t think a a guard is it should necessarily have to take his life In His Hands we should have transport police and a high presence of Transport police surely

    Absolutely right and one of the things on my policies at Stan is London marry London and I know this is a national TV station but I think this should roll out across the country is is we’ve got to get the police actually dealing with crime rather than sitting behind the

    Desk uh pushing paper and pressing buttons and placing people on Twitter we’ve got to get them actually going back to actually doing what it should be doing which is policing and one of the things I want to do is introduce things called police access points what is that

    Well fundamentally in all 24 Outlets it could be supermarkets it could be McDonald’s it could be all sorts of places but to all 24 Outlets they would have a manned police station a a police booth area with all the facilities all computer access and you could go into

    There and Report something or you can go in there and take get Solace the important thing here is I they’re going to say how are you going to pay for that well I think those businesses will pay for it because they want to stop shoplifting and violence in their own

    Premises and it’ll be a good you know oh I feel safe coming here because there’s a policeman in here and that’s the sort of thing I want to do I want to Triple the number of Bobbies on the beat and I’m going to look at transport police

    I’ve already put in a freedom of information request and I must congratulate the uh lib Dem for this so who actually put a freedom information to get this information about 75% increase they’re not getting good press at the moment the lip DS as we know but fund fundamentally they put the foi

    Quest in Nick and they got this information out and they beat me just slightly to it I’ve got some other questions I’ve asked well that that’s good but and and you know good for them for getting the figures but if I’m brutally honest around the world crime

    Is spiraling there’s no question of that I can’t think of any countries you may where it’s been tackled successfully on going down I I mean I was pickpocketed in Rome I caught the little Thug as it happens which was a great pleasure to me

    As I slung him off the train um you know but this is Rome Barcelona has pickpocket problems Galore as well as Street crime Street robbery um you know I could go on but so yes policing our way out of the problem I guess that’s a challenge Howard and we it’s it’s a

    Right response to have but you know what else should we be trying to tackle to kind of get it in people’s heads that this is not an acceptable Way Forward well I think our society you you’ve rightfully highlighted that I think we’ we’ve got to get the politicians

    Actually talking less confront it’s got to be there’s too much division we’ve seen it in the case of the London mayor which is he he’s not fit for purpose and the one reason why I’m standing I you know it took me three months to say yes

    To Richard TI I’m going to stay in this London May um and one of the reasons was on the crime thing but it’s time we’ve got to stop this division we got this whole thing with the Palestinians and the Jews in London you saw what’s happening I’ve heard you talking about

    It with Henry Bolton and that’s sort of thing the the problem we’ve got is we’ve got too much Division and it’s being accelerated by politicians we got to start talking to people listening to people and working with people so when I look I’m I’m probably going down a road

    That I really shouldn’t because I I don’t know how many people will be interested in this aspect but the fact for me is there is a huge loss of just some basics in people a lack of respect for property a lack of courtesy H you know these things it all starts from a

    Sense of entitlement I’m I’m an 18yearold I deserve to have that phone that person’s got over there rather than think how can I save up what can I do to get one I’ll go Nick it I mean this this worries me Nick then we’re going to go

    Back to the state of education what are they learning at schools in terms of respect when I grew up I’m you know I’m in my 70th year but we actually roleplay things like you know going to a shop and buying saying thank you please sir opening the doors for people helping

    People I I also did things like going help old age penist I am one now going across the road that sort of thing that we don’t see that at the moment I don’t see people getting up in trains for people no now that’s true I do actually

    Um uh still do that uh and uh and it’s always appreciated generally funny enough look uh this is real old man talk so uh uh uh this this is this is a quite quite amusing in some senses because uh I I ask people when you’re out on a

    Pavement just count how many times someone will move to get out of your way as opposed to you moving to get out of everyone else’s way this is a real thing I can’t believe how you’re saying this I’m often walking down the road up coming towards me there’s three people

    Young all on their younger than you let’s keep at that yes yeah it doesn’t matter that sort of and I I deliberately stay my position now so they walk and they go look at me oh they’re completely oblivious they don’t have empathy with their surroundings yeah and that’s the

    Problem but but it’s also just about courtesy now look we’re not going to solve crime by educating people but I do passionately believe we have stopped teaching and and and Advising people on personal responsibility and civic responsibility everyone is about it’s my right to walk on this pavement and if

    You don’t get out of my way I’m going to barge you with my elbow that’s the pratish sort of behavior I come across but we’re getting there also in other things I’m going back to the Vision thing little things like cyclists and motorists this is being exacerbated by

    Sik Khan I you get off the train cross I walk down you know the work down to White Hall down to Westminster I must count what 50 cyclist Cycles on the pavement yeah those sorts of things and these are young people mainly young fit people and they were going in between

    People and you could see and I caught one guy once I managed to stop it he was about to rip a handbag off a a woman’s shoulder I managed to get just before he did it but that’s the sort to thing and I do believe there is a political uh

    Requirement now for all politicians to start talking much more in terms of actually respect they don’t I mean the attacks on personal attacks I mean you’ve been in Parliament you know that you I don’t remember once you attacking anyone personally and I exact I watch I watch your career it’s all about respect

    Okay listen Howard we could talk for hours on this the fact of the matter is under mayor Khan crime has escalated Howard good luck uh I will be invited your candidates back your opponents to come on the show but so far you pretty much dominate the Airways here because

    They haven’t been coming on that was Howard Cox Reform Party candidate talking about crime and we did move into some social issues that I think lead to criminal Behavior okay just time to take some calls before the break let’s go to uh Martin in Cambridge hello Martin hello Nate yeah interesting with what

    You said with Howard this there’s just been a complete lack of mold standards now in society I think it’s been it’s been undermined by by social media and the internet uh I know I’m not a religious person um but I think at least the church gave some kind of back you

    Know sort of basis to society we’ve lost that and now it’s just everybody it’s just a free fall everybody can do what they want um I think that the the police are next to useless they not doing anything because they they feel that they can’t do and I’ve come up with an

    Idea that helps two people of society is why not bring back national service for young just for young criminals so one strike you do some uh shoplifting or drugs or whatever you go you do a forign national service where you do drug drug rehabilitation uh education you do you

    Help out in society so a kind of civil a civil national service you don’t mean military no that’s right but you did you know Nick that 50% and I know this from a charity workout I support in in my town who X military 50% of people living

    On the streets are ex-servicemen yeah I know it’s I’m going to cover it soon it’s still been with it was an issue when I was in Parliament and still still it it carries on so you could use these people and give them a new form of life

    Because they could run these these these these bases or camps or whatever you want to call it you get young people in there and you put some moles back into them you turn them around and we we’ve got a shortage of people who want to go

    In the Army and the Navy and the Air Force well you never know some of these people might find you know what I can really like quite like this exactly I might go in the military and a sense of purpose and and responsibility it cost us £45,000 a year to send a young

    Criminal to prison more than it’s ridiculous it is it’s a brilliant it’s a brilliant quote Martin and you are absolutely right for time reasons only Martin I’m going to come and fit in one more call because I know we’re going on to another guest afterwards and Terry’s been waiting very patiently in

    Northampton thank you Martin hello Terry hello mate what I’d like to say I’d like to carry your said this then is basic anybody anyone no matter what age you are if you got caught with a knife in your pocket you instantly do 5 years serving in the minut if you’re man

    Enough to carry a knife you should be man enough to jump in a chench and fight a Russian or do you know the only downside of that Terry is the Army and the Air Force don’t want them that you know why none of them are wearing

    Dresses and bras if they all put them in dresses and bras i’ instantly I don’t think that’s quite a good analysis as your first problem there Terry two things I’d like to say basically the first one is last weekend my mom had the crime uh the Ford team ring her up right

    And they spent they spent 20 minutes on the phone convincing my mom they was a for team so my mom got into him started speaking to him the next day they rang her up they got speaking to her again the same person they ented my mom’s bank

    Account oh Jesus I sick of these creeps they just gone they rang up again my mom I convinced my mom to go to the bank talk to him and lucky enough to bank done their bit this weekend this Saturday they they rang up and tried exactly the same again the government

    Really need do they are the scum of the earth these people I I I’m we don’t hear enough about this sadly uh and thank you for drawing it to our attention if anyone else has been victimized like Terry’s outlined his mom was there please do let me know because I I I’m I

    W’t tired of flagging this um that’s another you said something else you wanted to raise Terry as well I’ve gotta go to James whale about the the migrant boats that are coming over yes why don’t the government take two of these P faery Boats off the government off off the PNA

    People Park one in France one in one in DOA when they we load up all the all the migrants on the feries on right they get all their paperwork ready they can get on the ferry for nothing they can keep their money they pay the migrant work

    Migrants get on the boats keep the money they they they come to England if the paperwork isn’t in place we just turn around we send them back you can get back on the boat tomorrow but get your paid working Place talk TV always coming up with ideas do you agree with Terry

    Thank you very much Terry for time reasons only I’m sorry old chat I had to bring down the microphone there because I’ll get in trouble with the producers uh do you agree with Terry I do say You’re always coming up with ideas on this show um I think I hear more ideas

    In an hour here than I ever heard in Parliament 03444 91000 has the government forgotten what matters to you we’re here thanks for joining us you with talk TV on TV on radio online run your smart speaker as well criminals to using XL Bully dogs as weapons to

    Threaten others no matter how well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn do you know what I love about talk today we do it all sunak sella scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any ill will because he

    Delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the tor’s love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading up one side and richy soon at the other the police have Pro Palestine that is just not right you swearing off in the

    Police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know whether it’s a fce or a tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently

    Sent by us toana under zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million £40 million so far so £140 million so far result nil absolutely nil are we only going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news

    Going to come for Kell in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass if you’re walking towards me and you’re a vegan she have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out vegan’s

    About the weirdest plank that we’ve had in three years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC Mouse man MC mous manc he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of

    Mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz film sunac and the current conservative government are not conservative why don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on behal the reform UK

    Party kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solved this is really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do you’re going to resolve yes cuz I cannot

    Continue my work when I say I am God I’m I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine it’s actually not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call h a terror group is it possible to have a rational I’ve

    Asked you two questions should Hass stay in power and are they a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk TV is the only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love poetry we can agree

    On that I was just flicking through my own uh personal Twitter feed at Nick Duo here because many of you also respond to that and I appreciate that and it’s funny we were having a conversation about basic courtesies respect and all of that and how ultimately that that’s gone and it’s

    Part of this journey that ultimately leads to the sort of crime and behavior that we’re talking about and earlier today I put out a tweet about sadic Khan courteous but blunt tweet about sadic KH not wanted to come and talk crime on this show and it’s fascinating the response you know they’re hugely

    Offensive um which fine you you you want to offend me good luck I’m I’m not actually paying that much attention to the offensive bit what I’m curious about is that first of all they’re all very cowardly as well because they’re just basically people who won’t put their

    Name to Twitter and and like to Chuck abuse but the most important point I’m talking about is that is the response the default response today is abuse offense and pretty foul abuse as well and and they’re they’re just proving my point that essentially you’re pretty low life if you can’t actually string an

    Argument together when your first line is abuse and what do I mean by low life no I’m not going to use words like scum and all of that not not on this case I’ll do that for for the thieves and the the what I’m talking about is and Margaret Thatcher said it is

    Actually if you resort to personal abuse you’ve lost the argument and if that’s the best you can come up with come on don’t waste your time uh if you really oppose or object to something I talk about you have a free hearing here you know I’m not going to shout or scream at

    You or use the abuse you would have used at me but actually I’ll have that debate with you and maybe just maybe you might learn the value of essentially trying to respect someone’s view even if you don’t agree with it who knows it’s unlikely I know but hey keep on tweeting from your

    Armchair hey right now let’s change subject for a bit um Jen Z in the workplace U well I don’t think it’s just gen Z that’s a zed by the way just explains how confusing it all is um you could if you were reading lots of surveys that have come out conclude that

    They don’t like coming into the office uh they like to choose their hours when they work rather than kind of uh accept what the employer is saying and above all there’s a report out today saying that over half of the I think it’s the under 40s it might be the under 35s

    Think that they should be paid more for going into the office which kind of if you go back to covid probably most of these people would have signed a contract on the basis that they would go into the office but now they want more money to go in

    The office I’m not going to get personal and talk about people I know here who hold this view but it kind of troubles me and I’m in two respects am I just a grumpy old man now who thinks all the previous generations right are just

    Wrong and they need to get a spine and it wasn’t like that in our day or has the workplace changed so much now that the best way of getting productivity up in this country is to embrace these new techniques that seem to involve them getting paid more and

    Doing less who knows but to help guide me be through this Cheryl Kingston TV producer founder of recruitment media mircat a recruitment company for the creative Industries which funny enough I know quite a bit about Cheryl welcome thank you hi Nick hello am I just a

    Grumpy old outof touch man um who uh is saying the generation before me B need to Buck their ideas up or is there something to this I don’t think you’re a grumpy old man if you are I’m a grumpy old woman because I definitely find myself preaching uh to the younger

    Generation about work ethic now if I’m honest I don’t actually think it’s a gen Z issue I think it’s a post pandemic issue and I’m not even sure I can say it’s an issue the world has changed the workforce has changed the very first question I get asked now when I

    Interview candidates which obviously is my primary job now is is their flexibility to work from home people don’t want to be in the office every day anymore now in a way I I can manage that Pro progress what goes with it I find quite intriguing to the point that they actually resent going

    Into the office even if it’s one or two days a week Slaughter and may I’m sure you read about it one of the top legal firms I’m assured of considering publishing the names I you naming and shaming the persistent members of Staff who don’t fulfill their obligation to go

    In I think it’s two or three days a week and I’m I know you will disagree with this but this is the grumpy I’m cheering because I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say guys like we’ve agreed you’re coming in two or three days a week and

    You can have two at home it’ll probably be Monday to Friday but if you don’t honor that obligation let’s name and shame them yeah I’m not sure I agree with name and shame I didn’t think you would I didn’t think you would I don’t agree with that but I do think that there

    Needs to be an education now and and I I almost feel like it needs to be come companywide or even Countrywide where this is the standard because the problem is you’re up against companies who will let you do whatever you know work from home half day Fridays do do whatever you

    Like and then you’ve got companies that want you to be in every day now those companies are struggling to retain great talent because you can go down the road potentially get a little bit more salary and you get to have some flexibility the problem is and I think again I don’t

    Know if I should use the word problem but the the Gen Z generation to which I’m not sadly part of um they want more out of their life and that’s the difference you know I think it’s a work life balance now for many people isn’t it almost for all people but you

    Wouldn’t believe how many people that are 40 to 60 that I speak to where working from home is even more important to them because they have children they want to do the school run they want to be able to take their you know I literally had part of a contract drawn

    Up for a candid because he wanted to take his child swimming at 6 p.m. on a Tuesday which which is um you see where I’ve seen it abused is that uh you can actually have people when when a companies were moving from postco where everyone was at home and first of all

    Try to encourage and motivate and then eventually like most companies they said two days a week three days a week you’ve got people saying well this doesn’t suit me I’ve got the dog at home and I I need to take it out for a walk twice a day I

    Mean some there has been a switch that’s been flicked yes that that that says this is the most important thing to me do they need to remember where their income comes from and that actually uh uh there has to be a more consiliary approach yes I would 100% agree with you

    So I’ve I’ve literally had candidates take turn down a job because they’ve just bought a dog now I find it really hard to get my head around that I have a four-year-old and I still have to work because if I don’t work I don’t pay my

    Bills I don’t get a I don’t have a house so to me you having a dog is just not a good enough your choice in the office it’s your choice exactly and what do you say now sorry chery but what do you say now also to the employee that might walk

    Into your office and say uh we just moved two hours away and uh from having lived 20 minutes close to the office uh I want you to consider five days a week working from home from me now I mean and if you say no you’re the problem not

    Them now see I struggle with that Nick because I don’t live in London so I live near Petersfield way down on the south and I used to live in Portsmouth so it used to take me two and a half hours to get to London daughter door and two and

    A half hours back and I did it for seven years too because if you’re in the media and TV world you need to be a bum on a seat that’s how it was back in my day true so I really struggle with this perception of of you have to be at home

    Every day because I’m like well how are you going to get the progression that you need the creativity that you need the team that you need that is going to build you and help you grow working in your pajamas at home do I think it’s important that there’s flexibility yes

    But you have to your business is placing people you’re in recruitment you’ve obviously got to go with the trends but um in the creative sector particularly which is my background I was in the creative sector for 5 30 years um I could not have run that company and been

    Relatively successful I had my failings I had my successes um had I had a virtual office effectively you thrive in that sector of buzzing off ideas careers were Advanced by the informal learning that they got being in a workplace when I have that conversation with people now

    Of all ages they’re kind of saying well it shouldn’t be like like that you should just be promoted on merits you shouldn’t have to spend time having a cup of coffee talking to someone or hearing what’s going on in the office uh it’s sterile it’s clinical and it’s not

    Conducive I think to personal advancement or a creative environment agree agree and disagree yes what you disagree on well there’s so many research and studies that have come out post covid that says people will thrive in a creative environment if they feel like they have a twice so if you don’t

    Feel confined and did I resent being up and down in London every single day five you know five hours of traveling yes it took its toll after seven years I’d had enough I didn’t want to do it anymore had I been given a little bit more

    Freedom and I mean a little bit I’m not talking about being at home every single day would I have potentially worked harder done a little probably so I think that there needs to be a I think there needs to be a balance to be honest I

    Don’t think you’re ever going to get oh well this is this is the question has it changed forever yes so that’s it we’re now do you think it will be hybrid do you think the offices will win that are saying you’ve got to come in two or three days

    A week do you think that that that is where we’re going to end up they will win they will win yeah and to be fair we’re not getting people asked to be at home every day like we used to go back even a year ago I was like you know

    People were I want to work from home every day now they they know they have to be in the office sometimes those companies that demand you to be in five days a week they will lose in the long ter but if the labor market tightens and we’re seeing some evidence of that I’m

    Not convinced but you’re seeing some evidence that the employer will have the upper hand again you don’t think they’ll be tempted for those jobs that are flexible because not all jobs are flexible um you don’t think they’ll be tempted to go back to five days a

    Week I don’t think they’ll be able to that’s just my there you go the grumpy old man is going to have to move on and modernize thank you so much indeed for joining me Cheryl Kingston from media mircat her recruitment Agency for creatives go and get a job with Cheryl

    If you can she’ll get placed she’ll place you because Cheryl kind of has got a grip on the real world um let’s let’s go to Scott in Glasgow hello Scott hello how you doing I’m very glad you’re working today because you’re calling me you are you are you phoning from home or

    The office I’m having fun here okay home I’m not working today okay P pfh we’ll call that what can I do for you Scott you about does the government really care what the population want yeah has it forgotten what matters I would say that it’s actually politicians because the

    Parties select who we can elect now you can say we can stand as a as an individual uh independent MP but they have no power and very little chance of getting elected so what I would actually do would be to change the system so that you we get direct Prime ministerial

    Elections in separate constituencies elections I would scrap the House of Lords and put make that an elected upper chamber so a little bit like America where you elect the chief executive and then you have a legislator that’s separate from the the Prime Minister would then uh pick his cabinet from the 650 elected

    MPS oh that’s where I disagree with you actually should I tell you why why well if even under our current system the prime minister doesn’t um he has to choose from his own party basically he doesn’t have to but he he he he would’t get any legislation through otherwise he

    Has to choose his cabinet from about 350 MPS generally and about one-third of them are utterly unfit and unqualified generally to take High office more than that sorry I’d say more than that well quite possibly but you know there’s always chance of development some of them are there because they’ve been

    Loyal which is not necessarily the best uh qualification to actually have someone in one of the top jobs and his options run out what I like about the American system is that you choose the chief executive the the the the big boss if you like separately and then you have

    A legislator Congress uh and and the Senate who are able to challenge and hold them to account and and not actually um from and you don’t choose the cabinet from them he can go anywhere he can go accountable to their electorates um not to the Prime Minister

    These people are elected in now if we get completely rid of the party H system we would put all MPS on a on an even footing and if we put in a functioning and effective bill of recall that would then bring them H um accountable to the constituents again but what about

    Getting votes through decisions as to what the people want and not what the party wants well yes but that’s the problem isn’t it because could you ever get enough agreement the reason we have whips is because when we elect a government we say Implement that Manifesto and now okay they don’t but

    They should yeah don’t a Manifesto and then they they completely trash it and do what they want well I think you’ve opened up a really interesting Not Elected well he he’s elected as an MP he’s elected as an MP and truth elect Cameron isn’t elected as an MP Sun act a

    First prime minister has been been selected by a parliamentary party um I well I I mean that’s that’s not true that’s not true um Theresa May she was she was selected and became prime minister after David Cameron without an election she then went on to have an election Boris Johnson was first

    Selected by the MPS he then had an election a year later so that I actually do you know what you’ve done a great favor actually um Scott because I think I’m going to do this as a as as as a topic is what is the best system we could change to

    Assuming you you don’t like our current system me should be able to work this out but the system is broken absolutely broken I think it’s not necessarily broken our politicians are beginning to rule rather than govern that’s interesting phrase don’t want Scott I’m going to invite you back on to talk when

    We have this subject because I think you’ve got a lot to offer I’m coming up to the break now so I’ve got to move on thank you Scot uh I’m going to do that what is the best system is it do you change the system by how we vote or do

    You actually change the nature of our government the legislature and the executive we’ll save that for another day coming up afterwards uh I’m going to be talking about the UK election and AI uh and of course I still want to hear from you and I’ll continue to take your

    Calls on has the government forgot what matters to you Scott basically thought they had what do you think 0344 49 1000 we’re here thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online on your smart speaker as well criminals to using XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn you know what I love

    About to today we do it all sunak sella scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any ill will because he delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the tor’s love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading

    Up one side and richy soon at the other the police are pro Palestine that is just not right you swear an o in the police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know

    Whether it’s a fce or a tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million £40 million so far so40 million so far

    Result nil absolutely nil are we only going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news going to come from Kell in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass

    Talking if you’re walking towards me and you’re a vegan you have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out vegans about the weirdest plank that we’ve had in three years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC mous man MC mous

    Man MC M man he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after what watching a Tom Cruz film sunac and the current conservative government are not conservative why

    Don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on behalf of the reform UK party kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solved this is

    Really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to you’re going to yes CU I cannot continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine

    It’s actually not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call h a terror group is it possible to have a rational I’ve asked you two questions should a mass stay in power and are they a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk

    TV it’s the only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love poetry we can agree on that Many messages coming in uh starma is selling himself as Blair politics to get elected which is fine but Blair was Dory in Disguise anyway starma isn’t but the Tories need time in opposition to learn conservatism against Nick that’s a legitimate view that when I say legitimate I mean it’s a quite a common

    View that’s the word I was looking for violence is increasing in society massively and um people have and the scum the criminals I will use that word for them have realized trains are good places to commit crime yes that’s similar to what Steve said uh before

    They keep coming in U Steve’s um Steve who mentioned it to me before train driver he also added a message saying I was a Tory once as well fair enough it’s all right I wasn’t having to go at you Steve honestly so joining me now Andrew

    Eborn it says here I’m to describe you as a futurist I I mean you’re a lawyer you’re all sorts of things aren’t you all sorts of things the Swiss army knife of broadcasting bar broadcaster and futurist I love I love the idea of futurist I once invited a futurist to a

    Meeting and I’ll never do that again because it scared the scared the what’s the word but Jesus that’s the word I’m looking for without the dump button but look what I what I what wanted to explore with you here and and I’d love to hear from you if you’ve got a

    Specific view on this it’s about the general fear that artificial intelligence AI is going to play a major role in elections and particularly the UK election so I’m asking people have you been suckered in have you seen something on Twitter and think that is outrageous uh should never happen and

    Then realize it’s a fake or maybe not realized it and do you think it will influence voters Andrew um I mean let’s get your take on that first well I tell you what AI is our greatest human achievement but also potentially the biggest existential threat and depends

    On what happens there have been seismic changes in terms of medical discoveries in terms of what’s happened creatively um we had at the beginning of last year in March last year remember the pope and a puffer and that sort of fooled the world in a sort of amusing way didn’t

    Fool me well there you go so I I think they’re awful things anyway puffer jackets oh you don’t you don’t like well I couldn’t see a man of t we as proud of Po prefers puffers I worked on that sort of basis but they also then started had

    These audio recordings coming out you might remember the break and weekend in April and that for Dra and the weekend the weekend wonderful rappers you know about ra no idea what you’re talking about a lot of millions of people did though so what they thought is hang about these two have collaborated for

    The first time and it fooled the industry and it got millions and millions and millions the weekend and Drake could two wonderful artist I I’ll play some stuff obviously I don’t have a clue what he’s talking about here but Millions will yes well they will and so

    What I also showed though is that how that’s working not just on a visual side but the audio side you’re now getting the combination of that where you’re getting these fake videos coming out and what’s happening they are indistinguishable from the real thing and we’ve got lots and lots of examples

    Of those I think we have we’re going to put some up on screen I was told um uh there’s going to be one of of something um yeah Richie sunak he was pulling pumps yes he pul he went to a beer f in August last he’s a non Drinker he’s a

    N drinker so he’s tea total so that’s the first bit of fake news but the other thing it was we probably got the image it was an aing pint is what it was because it had an enormous head oh so it was a bad and it looked like a bad pint

    There we go we’ve got the image there we’ve got both images so the one the one on the right hand side uh shows the very bad pint the one you got the person looking a scun thinking what on Earth are you doing what what the most inappropri and the real one shows him

    Pulling a perfectly fine pint the person looking directly ahead what that did and it was shared by a labor MP to say you can’t pull pipes they wouldn’t have a how can run the country how could he run the country and that was the whole idea

    So it’s an example of fake news and the need to absolutely question everything I I I I I’m going to put this out there because um we we’ve had lots of calls on lots of subjects today uh but this one I would love to know if there’s anyone out

    There and you can be anonymous if you were suckered and thought it was in cuz we’re all taken in I wasn’t taken in by the puffer jacket but you know or more importantly how do you think we should think now when you see something controversial that that’s the question

    Is it should we doubt everything oh absolutely and I I advocate around the world you must question everything we’re living in a very diseased Information Age where we’re polluted with all sorts of misinformation and disinformation and working on that sort of basis and the US very cynical well but you have to be

    Cynical because the national cyber security Center they warned that this is the first time we’ve got what 40 elections in 40 plus countries around the world about 40% of the whole population go it’s it’s two Bill 2 billion people abely huge I think it’s 60 elections amazing and Slovakia is a

    Good example so last year so what happened there uh the parties were neck and neck and a pro Kremlin party in the end won because 48 hours before the polls closed a recording suddenly emerged sounds familiar a recording emerged of this particular politician basically saying how they were going to

    Rig the election how they’re going to buy votes and so on and so forth and it sounded like and it sounded totally like them it’s going back to my point about the weekend your favorite band and and and and Drake a band oh well well not really but the two of them together

    Could be sorry I distracted you stick to the point stick to the point but the the whole sort of point was exactly that it sounded like them and audio recordings are exactly that so you might remember last year as well we had the education secretary effing and blinding and so on

    And so forth and that turned out to be real yes and within a matter of weeks afterwards we had uh a recording apparently of K D telling someone off telling someone off eing and blinding in a way that might would make the education secretary blush so before you

    Hit the retweet button yes you basically got to think because actually these things can get out and in no time at all and that one did I think yeah oh they did they always say that a lie travels halfway around the world before the

    Truth has got its boots on and you B to believe it people who they’re delicious though absolutely and what you’re doing at at the moment I say we’re drowning in a sea of information most of which is false what you’re doing is you’re looking for stories that support your

    Prejudices but what can we do about this there’s a number well there is there’s a number of things actually because you can do certain things to work out of a video or or an image is fake that there’s a number of tools already available so we fact check everything

    There a number of sites I do a a regular series called Andrew eborn fake or fact where we look at particular stories but there are also certain tools for example on Google you now have an image search a reverse image search and what that will

    Do you click on the image you drag it uh and try it this afternoon drag it to uh the Google search button and it will then show you where the image first appeared so you’ll get a dates you’ll get the context you can then work out is

    It actually fake so all of those sort of tools the trouble is I I’ve just talking about some of the abuse I’ve been receiving on my personal Twitter from idiots that are generally hidden by anity yes an anity that’s the word um and and probably lazy yes right so they

    Don’t care then not going to check the information well they should do because actually what you want to do is make informed decisions and the more do they they just want to add to abuse more that we can the more that we can call it out which is why what’s happening the and

    The pressure being put on social media uh companies now is to say look take down some of these fake videos there were lots of paid adverts for example richy sunak promoting a a dodgy scheme from Elon Musk it was the scheme wasn’t true Richie didn’t do it and they bored

    Money money expert um uh Mar Martin Le he he had to put warnings out his name was being used and you have a number of people that you have fake dental plans being done lots of people being used in the public eye so it’s not just the pope

    And the puffer but lots of celebrities having their endorsement on that sort of AB Tom Hanks for example was used there was a deep fake video of him doing a dental plan but interestingly to you can work on the licensing AI was right and Center front and center of the Hollywood

    Strike both from The Writer’s point of view and also the actors because you can do one day’s filming and you’ve got them for the rest of your life and you can put them in movies and that will be the future of entertainment what they were

    Saying is that we need to have a proper recompense for that so the poster boy for this is Bruce Willis who sadly has a phasia so he couldn’t act anymore what he did was license his name and image to a Russian Telecom company for a particular campaign for millions and

    They managed to do an AI version of Bruce Willis and as a result he earned money even though he could no longer be yeah embrace it understand the technology and embrace it I’m running to be prime minister okay and my my campaign is going brilliantly well and

    Then an image goes out on uh social media they’re going to have kittens here and it’s of me um with a woman who’s 30 years younger than me yes imp doing all sorts of things I shouldn’t have done absolutely unbelievable uh and uh it’s

    All true but I deny it I say this was fake news I mean I would I get away with it well and there are ways of searching as I say so you can do reverse searches you can put it in context the reason you can tell about the fake audio is you

    Listen for extraneous noise and so on and so forth the K dama one for example there was nothing there there was no two sides to the conversation there weren’t people who would verify that there was at a particular event and so on and so forth and you have a number of those

    There was another one with sadik Khan you might remember the thing about Remembrance Day and the marches and there was a fake recording that came out apparently with sadik saying well let’s postpone Remembrance Day and all of a sudden of course that was going to get and everybody their blood vessels

    Bursting uh and what happened is what that was again fake but you could tell that because there was no context there was no people to support in that sort of way so what I would always urge people to do is go and try and find verified sources if a particular story sounds too

    Good to be true it probably is I I suppose that’s a very good guideline because AI has its positives and I just tell you this this is really interesting um I people think this is a cheap plug but it is relevant trust me I wrote my first novel that came out about two

    Years ago called fatal ambition and I’ve been n very kind of you to say so and I was been nagged am I going to do a followup it’s right for a followup do you know what I haven’t got around to it and then I thought I’m going to see what

    AI can do and it’s fascinating because I my simple mind was I thought oh do a PDF upload it and it rewrite the whole novel well it won’t do that as it happens the AI I I did I I basically cheated it into writing a few chapters and it was

    Extraordinary absolutely and and I and then when it I put in a few facts and it came up with this this chapter I’m I thought that’s not bad then I get the choice of saying write it in the style of Jeffrey answer or whoever you want I

    Could not believe how powerful this was and it’s getting better and better I know I think I’ll just wait I know but but do that and that’s what’s going to happen producing a first draft on working that s of basis and you really powerful I know I’ve done 10,000 words

    Is that incredible this is it is now I I I I deliberately fessing up here because I haven’t actually made up my mind I might actually use this and as you say use it as a draft use it as a Cod pilot is the best way it’s a phenomenal tool

    As a co-pilot when you’re staring at a blank page and you’ve got your copy deadline it will give you your first draft and you play with it and it’s not just writing it’s coming up with music and artists are now embra well I’m wondering of of saying make a screen

    Play yeah they’ll do it see what I know it’s extraordinary it is quite EXT one of the big issues though Nick is obviously it’s got to get its information from somewhere and it goes around the web doesn’t it scrapes and so I’m an intellectual property lawyer so

    We look at that side what we need is a fair Rec compense and there are a number of cases taking place around the world at the moment with these AI companies being sued people like the New York Times is suing and so on and so forth and and big authors are suing because

    They’re using the information well they are but what’s really interesting is after about five or six chapters it started to steal stuff from my first novel which of course is on the web and I thought how interesting it brains worked out that there’s these characters

    All there so so so yeah I do I do find it quite fascinating is coming up ab and it’s learning all the time Nick and that’s the idea it’s going to get better and better and it may it may help us listen Andrew eborn thank you futurist litigation no what are you intellectual

    Property lawyer I’ll make people expert is going to comment on my novel there you go love it you can thank you very much for joining us now um thank you again uh for for for your contribution so far but we have an hour to go of some pretty interesting stuff because Nigel

    Farage is he going to stand in clacton and what does this mean for Richard TI as the leader of Reform Party is there room for two people at the top of that party more on that coming up as well don’t forget in America it finally kicks off the longest election campaign in

    History we’ve got the Republican primaries coming up and that will be Iowa we don’t expect too many surprises there but a week later in New Hampshire will Micki Haley make a dent in what seems the Unstoppable Donald Trump are you looking forward to a Donald Trump presidency should he win in November

    Which by the way just to make life interesting it’s about the same time that we will have the UK election 03444 91000 or tweet me at Nick DUIs this is talk TV 3 2 1 one and go this my friends’s talk today with me Jeremy Kyle and me the we’re here thanks for joining us your with talk TV on TV on radio online run your smart speaker as well criminals to using XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how well

    Trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn you know what I love about talk today we do it all soon Act sella scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any your will because he delivered the referendum that he said

    He would deliver the tor’s love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading up one side and richy soon at the other the police are pro Palestine that is just not right you swearing off in the police to act without fear or

    Favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard no weather it’s a FSE or a tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of

    Money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million 140 million so far so40 million so far result nil absolutely nil are we only going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news going to come from Kell in winter is

    Cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin B Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass talking if you’re walking towards me and you’re a vegan should have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out vegan’s about the weirdest plank that we’ve had

    In three years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC Mouse man MC mous man he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of mice this is a major Summit President

    Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz film sunak and the current conservative government are not conservative why don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on behal the reform UK

    Party kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solved this is really unfair what’s what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do you’re going to Res yes cuz I cannot continue

    My work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine it’s actually not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call h a terror group is it possible to have a rational I’ve

    Asked you two questions should Hass stay in power and are they a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk TV is the only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love poetry we can agree

    On [Applause] That So welcome back to the last hour of the program coming up at 4:00 of course it’s Trisha Godard but before that we have plenty to keep us going and I am asking you and you are answering in your droves has the government forgotten what matters what your priorities are 03

    4449 1000 almost inevitable in many ways after 14 years in power but it does does seem we respond to what’s in the news in some cases utterly understandable but are the priorities the country that you think the country needs really being dealt with 03444 91000 or tweet me at nickar or

    Talktv now someone who does talk about his priorities for the country and is at the moment doing a bit of a dance uh that is Nigel farage he’s been dancing with the Tories at their conference and he’s dining with reform leing everyone hanging on and wondering what will the

    Man do interesting uh story uh that was covered in today’s Sunday Express was of course that uh there is a poll out by Nigel farage’s friend and partner Aaron Banks uh that says if Nigel farage stood in clacton formerly the ukip seat when it was uh under the defection of Douglas

    Carwell from the conservatives to ukip he would win would you welcome Nigel farage back in Parliament and what does it mean for him as leader or not of Reform 03444 91000 David Maddox political editor at the Daily Express who very close I would say to what goes

    On in the minds of Nigel farz and other political leaders welcome hi Nick how are you I’m very well I I couldn’t believe the timing of this uh because um I I there’s an interview that will be going out tomorrow of me with Richard Tyson I pressed him on the question of

    Leadership should Nigel refer Nigel come back uh and uh should he be leader of Reform to which there came no answer at all from Richard TY but what do you think this means and has this changed Nigel farage’s mind because he’s not been very lucky when it comes to becoming an

    MP no the the interesting thing is that had he stood in clacton before then he may well have won that seat I mean of course he didn’t because Douglas Coswell had switched to ukip from theories and won it again for yuk it was their only election Victory uh in a general

    Election they won two byelections of course uh but I mean by by amazing coincidence you talk about timing I was actually in Clapton yesterday visiting my sister who lives out there and um I I I took real opportunity to ask a couple of people what they thought about it all

    I I I also have a very good friend um who used to be the ukip candidate in dagnam who lives out there as well and I could I could tell you from a very rough straw poll the idea of Nigel uh standing there was a very popular one so what is

    It about Clon that that makes it such a hot bed of uh well reform now not ukip yeah essentially it is a proper brexit seat if if I could put it that way it’s uh you know there’s a lot of uh workingclass people there uh there’s a

    Lot of kind of P you know a lot of patriotism when when you drive through the streets you see a lot of Union Jacks and things flying you know which is kind of indicative of uh of a kind of sentiment there and um yeah it’s a Seaside town which is of

    Course classic in terms of the kind of communities which have largely been abandoned by The Establishment they do often with high unemployment seasonal employment I mean great attractors for the tourism trade but as you say they they they do often come with quite a lot of challenges in Social and economic

    Challenges yeah absolutely and uh you know a lot of bed and breakfast owners out there and it’s uh I I mean I I think it’s absolutely right for the taking the the local conservative um candidate Charles Watling nice chat that he is I know him a little bit uh you know’s he’s

    A remainder he’s still Pro EU he’s uh not particularly popular with his local part I was going to say he had some difficulties didn’t he with the conservative Association not so long ago I’m not sure how that is now well he’s uh cchq stitched it up for him

    Essentially and uh and a good number of local members left as a result uh and he’s he’s still the candidate but you know he’s a perfect sort of candidate for Nigel to take on or or any kind of um leading reform so tell me what do you

    Think there what do you think this means um we had uh Henry Bolton on talking earlier about a number of things including this and he and and he didn’t claim to have knowledge of this but his his hypothesis was actually if the election is in May which I don’t think

    Many of us think it will be but if it’s in May Nigel will be sorely tempted to run but if it’s in November he might might want to throw his lot in with Donald Trump’s campaign if he’s successful as the candidate for the Republicans because uh that’s perhaps

    Where he has uh more interest at the moment to be on an international stage than necessarily local do do do you make any any agreement with that at all I I I can see I can see uh that argument actually because I I think there’s no

    Doubt that he’ll want to take part in the Donald Trump presidential camp campaign and I suspect Trump will want him around as well I’m not entirely sure that he would have to split the two um personally I think the likelihood is if it is an Autumn election it’ll be

    October not November here so that might allow him to do both I mean it’ll be interested to see what happens with the leadership of Reform whether just standing as a candidate rather than being the leader and letting Richard get on with the leadership but how practical is that organizational I

    Mean Nigel farage doesn’t really answer to anyone does he no I mean the the trouble is that it would be Richard doing the kind of donkey work and uh in in reality everybody treating Nigel as the leader and uh which would be a little bit unfair I guess on Richard

    Who’s actually done a pretty good job I think uh there’s a reason we’re at 10% even without Nigel there so you know it’s but but yes I mean if Nigel’s involed Nigel’s a leader whether it’s official or not that’s of fact uh do you sense that there is any tension there because

    Richard Ty is very clear he keeps saying we’d welcome Nigel back we think he’s got a massive role to play but in this interview with me he was very much about actually you the media are obsessed about who leads the party we just think the job’s so big there’s room for us

    Well my argument is you can’t have a political party without a clear leader last time we tried that that was the DP and it didn’t work out well for them no it was a total disaster actually that was my kind of Awakening in politics when I was when I was young very cruel

    For you very cruel oh my goodness me it was great on spitting image though I have to say but it was uh you know I I I think uh I mean to be fair I mean Richard May complain about it publicly to you and say we’re obsessed but the

    Number of texts and briefings I’ve had from him about Nigel and the possibility of a back you know is extraordinary he’s always pushing the idea so you know I I think there’s a you know I think Richard may be trying to have it both ways I mean he he knows that there’s nobody

    Else in British politics like Nigel farage you know since uh Tony Blair stopped being prime minister Nigel farage is a preeminent political figure of of uh this country well he’s changed foreign policy he he’s changed this country it’s huge I always thought he should be the House of Lords because he

    Has something to say whether whether people like it or not it is IR irrelevant but and on that point um this dancing with the conservatives that that he seems less Keen to dance with them now there is this Theory going round however he wants to sit tight and watch

    The conservatives implode with the help of Reform and then come back as their savior uh I mean is that credible or is that should that be reserved for my next novel I I think you make a great novel by the way I think I think you should

    Definitely write that one U and I’d be only too happy to help to say but uh I actually think there is something to it um if the conservative party collapses and the right of the party takes over somebody like sella braan or perhaps pretty Patel who was the one literally

    Dancing with Nigel then you know the first thing one of those two should do is make an offer to Nigel and Richard and reform and say come come and join the conservative fold but can they really do that now Nigel has made it his mission to as he said destroy the

    Conservatives even by the way when you line that up with his statements today and to me in this interview that he said we’re a long-term project and it’s all about the next general election Beyond this one he’s essentially saying destroy the conservatives let’s starma ruin the

    Country for 5 years and then come back and we’ll save the country I mean that’s a big askk of the electorate isn’t it well he’s saying destroy conservatives but is he saying destroy the conservatives in their current form and that’s what I think he’s talking about I don’t think that a conservative party

    That he sees as properly conservative low tax patriotic uh not uh wedded to be into internationalist globalist sort of agenda If he if he thought there was a chance of a conservative party like that then I think he would be interested in getting closely involved in it and

    Certainly as I say if it was led by somebody like sella or pretty then there’s a decent chance of it and it would be a kind of realignment of a conservative party you’d see a lot of it would it would be harsher than that wouldn’t it David it would be a split in

    The conservative party oh yes absolutely but but we can’t rule that out that’s that that is possibly coming down the line where I I agree no I I think your analysis is spot on yeah we’re going to see it play out with a Rwanda Bill next week and it is internationalist view of

    Conservatism versus the kind of domestic patriotic view of conservatism but in the end is going to be the fish of it splits them on Rwanda I’ve been putting forward slightly risky prediction as we all know it’s a stupid thing to do these days but I still persist I’ve got a

    Feeling this bill is going to go through unamended and undefeated what’s your sense I think uh that there is a kind of 6040 chance if you like of that happening I do think there’s a significant chance of a defeat on the third reading which is the final stage

    Of the uh of the commons uh simply because there’s 50 now signed up 50 Tor MPS now signed up to the Robert genrich amendment to uh really toughen it up from the right of a party now if that doesn’t go through and they all decide

    To join labor and the lims and the SMP to vote against it then it will be defeated you see my my only question sorry the C the question mark is will they hold their nerve a and in all the debates I’ve ever seen and I remember

    Sitting next to an MP who was resolutely going to vote against a motion and uh got a text from the Whip and the next thing I saw were they were in the eye Lobby it it’s extraordinary how people taper off at the end so you’re quite right you’re probably summing it up

    Better than I have done um so we will see David we’ll have you back to discuss that if you’re available David be a pleasure David madx political editor of the Daily Express thank you very much for joining us um message from uh Dan don’t knock ice ice TI he used to have

    This Sunday slot Nick remember yeah I don’t think I was knocking him I think I was Raising legitimate questions there but thank you for the snap on the wrists um and I totally get that Nick regarding work from home how do these people learn on the job the answer is they don’t okay

    Uh if you aren’t in the office you’re not able to connect with your peers nope employees share their knowledge and expertise just through daily contact yep you may learn something important just by chance remark over a chat at lunch this is worrying for the future you must

    Be grumpy and old like me because you didn’t leave a name but um I agree with every word word of that speaking um of uh no no I’m going to stop that introduction I’m just going to say Michelle endorse it I was about to make a terrible link there Michelle um but

    You are very welcome and I am old and grumpy it you knew what I was about to say so what can I do for you um yeah I was very interested in you and Howard Cox having your conversation about manners and and educating people um you know to be considerate and um our

    Daughter-in-law is Japanese and she’s just on after about six years she’s just on her final hurdle to get her right to remain and um oh so she’s got this test but she’s got to learn about Shakespeare she’s got to learn about the monarchy she’s even said to me the other day I’ve

    Been revising Dolly the sheep Dolly hang on oh hang on Dolly the sheep hang on Dolly clone yes that was a clone wasn’t it yeah this is this is to get her citizenship yes well not citizenship because she wants to stay Japanese but her right to remain her right to remain

    Because every two and a half or so years they have to pay another 3,000,000,000 to the NHS which people a lot of people didn’t know about we were shocked when we heard about that it’s costing probably about 10,000 already so once she’s got this they can relax no

    More test but um and so we were talking about it in the family we ago and I was saying shouldn’t they be learning things like how we drive how we considerate let people out how we open doors say good morning when we pass British Customs British Behavior British values that

    Makes much more sense and I saw a lady once spitting in the street and I nearly went up to her and said we don’t do that in this country but if they’re not told they don’t know do well also yeah I remember in London I remember it being

    An issue over TB um there was a high prevalence of TB in some parts of London and actually there was a local campaign to discourage literally spitting on the streets which you know I I can’t say this nicely um I’m sure there are uh classic British people who’ve lived here

    All their lives Etc who do it but this was a particular um uncontested uh practice of uh people came from a certain region I can’t remember where it was but but the point was uh they did run a local education campaign about it and it did improve

    Things I rest my case that should be what the citizenship is about how we live our lives but what about the rest of us because the the fact of the matter is the the sort of young criminals and that the majority of these are young that I’ve been talking about that some

    Of those um manners and those behaviors that often lead you onto a road of selfishness and entitlement that can lead to Crime oh yeah you know they they’re they they they haven’t um immigrated to this country they they they’ve been here their families been here for decades and so Generations

    Starts in the schools doesn’t it Nick lack of discipline once they put that cane away and I mean we had we had canes at oh you are a grumpy oh you are grumpy yeah I was caned yeah no I was never caned I was it was there of

    Slipper it was a slipper in our school but it was also respect just pure respect respect that brings respect because you know the teachers in charge standing up when they came into the class oh yeah it look it sounds probably really crude to youngsters these days

    And I’ve just been vilified by my own production team I can see them all sneering at me but the bottom line was you learned certain principles you said your daughter I think was daughter-in-law daughter-in-law was from Japan yes I mean there there’s an inbuilt respect respect for older people

    Particularly have you ever been there I have it’s fabulous isn’t it we loved it we we only went over because our son was living there see met how he met his wife he worked there for four years so we went to visit and we didn’t want to go

    We came away Blown Away we loved it especially when he said to me Mom you’re on the wrong side of the pavement that’s what you mean he said you walk I can’t remember it’s the left or the right but everybody walks so you don’t bump into

    Do you know where we get that right Michelle on the tube dare anyone to stand on the wrong side of the escalators on the tube I know I I know you’re Endor it but my God that is the most unri thing you can do listen lovely

    Talking to you Michelle we have to go um thank you very much you can join the conversation 0344 for9 1000 tell me um have the government forgotten what matters to you and your Crime Story I I mean lots of you I know feel strongly about this and and whilst I’m talking

    About what happened in London on the TU what is it like where you are what are you seeing do you see the shoplifting do you do do you sense also this huge lack of respect and huge sense of entitlement from young people who think it is actually

    Okay to mug you on a train and also in the full knowledge there’s no accountability 03444 n1000 or tweet me at Nick de or talktv coming up we’re going to go to Iowa and talk about the American primaries coming up this Monday we’re here thanks for joining us you with talk TV on TV on radio online onun your smart speaker as well criminals to using XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn you know what I love

    About to today we do it all sunak sella scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any ill will because he delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the tor’s love a scrap you can almost see this coming round the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading

    Up one side and richy soon at the other the police are pro Palestine that is just not right you swearing Al in the police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know

    Whether it’s a fce or a tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million £40 million so far so40 million so far

    Result nil absolutely nil are we only going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news going to come for Kell in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass talking

    Forit if you’re walking towards me and you’re a vegan she have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out vegan’s about the weirdest plank that we’ve had in three years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC Mouse

    Man MC mous manc he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz film sunak and the current conservative government are not conservative why

    Don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast UK party kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solve this is really unfair what what what’s unfair if

    It’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do you’re going to Res yes cuz I cannot continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine it’s actually

    Not my job to answer your questions are you you prepar to call h a terror group is it possible to have a Ral I’ve asked you two questions should aass stay in power and are there a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk TV it’s the

    Only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love poetry we can agree on that Says to me maybe we need to bring back youth clubs but with army vets training the young respect uh for themselves and towards others uh training the young show respect for themselves and others as in catering Corby Lads are feral in gang soon they will kill someone this is

    Picking up on our crime risk conversation and how lack of respect La lack of those basic courtesies dignities respect often lead people in the wrong direction politicians should not rule they should govern do as the people say as the people are the power our votes put bums on green benches not ruin the

    People Parliament is breeding power profiting corrupt monsters I won’t read the whole thing out it’s very very long tan we get your drift Dan from Kent is still winging about Everton well that’s your F fault for your loyalty and you think AI is going to solve your problems

    At Everton I don’t think so but that’s a little bit of a private conversation with me and Dan in I this Monday finally people are going to get cast votes of A Sort as the Republican primary contest kick off and I say finally because it just feels like this has been going on

    For far too long to select the next president of the United States uh the Democrats look set to have Joe Biden well good luck to them with that one but Donald Trump seems a bit of a shoe in we have a number of primaries kicking off

    The first one is Iowa the second one which I think will be uh more tempting is New Hampshire and we’ll see how that’s going to pan out but we have an expert to join us and I’m really delighted Greg Swenson chair of Republicans overseas you’re here to tell

    Us briefly explain the chaos of I say the chaos I don’t mean the chaos I mean this election has just been going on so long but finally someone’s going to cast the vote that’s right and and it could be it could bring some real Clarity to the situation because typically there’s

    There are many more candidates that this time but the the field has been narrowed down really to three and so normally you’d you’d look at Iowa as the the three people to emerge from it or it’s it’s a caucus it’s a lot like primary the only difference really is a

    Caucus you have to vote in person and it’s done in an hour to three hours depending on how big the venue is so it it there’s no maale in voting it’s much more old-fashioned and it and they also allow some campaign people or surrogates to make the case for the for the

    Candidates before people vote stand there okay whereas at a at a primary it’s done it’s run like a typical election where there’s no election Heering allowed there’s no campaign St Okay so we’ve got the Iowa caucus farming communities very rural it’s it’s rural it’s uh it’s typically heavy with

    Evangelical Christians it also is is it’s restricted to only Republican voters so there’s not that many first of all not been Independents in Iowa only 20% independent whereas New Hampshire is 50% inde you mean you register as a Democrat will register as that’s right and then you vote in that primary

    Whereas in New Hampshire you can cross over Democrats can votee in the primary it just different states have different spunkers really because you get tactical voting don’t you you do you you’ll see Democrats come over and vote for Nikki because Nikki Haley is has an appeal to Democrats to moderates to sort

    Of he she gets the never Trump Vote or the anti-trump votes so you’ll see a lot of Independence voting for Nikki Haley she she does well with that metric but in Iowa it’s a little more traditional so Dan Santa had a great appeal to the evangelicals he’s got the endorsement

    From from Key this guy um Vander bot vender something sorry and that’s important in Iowa and he’s also got the endorsement of the governor but he’s done everything right he’s got these key endorsements he’s had he has a great ground game there but you just can’t beat the Trump personality

    Cult and and that’s been driven we’re expecting Trump to storm he’s the the De Moine register poll that came out two days ago it’s the highest rating a candidate has ever gotten in Iowa it’s more than George W Bush in 2000 he’s polling at 50 so does it really matter

    What happens there now to to santis or to to Nikki Haley yes it it it does because if Nikki Haley comes in second and surprises then I think that the santis will I don’t see a path to the and I’m supporting him I like Ron a lot

    I don’t see a path to the nomination at all if he comes in third come second in Iowa she possibly could at least the polls suggest that she could I don’t think she will because I think they’re underestimating again the ground game and these endorsements Iowa was a

    Different place it’s also going going to be minus 25 Celsius on Monday night so that might cut back on on attendance and don’t think I’d be to exactly you have to be a True Believer Trump has a lot of enthusiasm Trump voters are 88% enthusiastic DeSantis is right behind

    Him in the 70s whereas Nikki Hal’s supporters they’re more like never trumpers they don’t really like her and her unfavorables are pretty high are they shy voters in a way they wouldn’t necessarily say they’re voting for her that’s what that’s what the the santis campaign is hoping and and the Haley

    Campaign but it look it’s if this was five or 10 points I’d say anything that can happen but if you know a 30-point lead that’s also the the record for the for the the spread between the lead leader in number two is 30 points that’s

    A record and then Trump at 50 is a record I look you you could see some surprises and what the the other candidates will hope for is momentum even if they don’t win if they come in a close SEC one of them comes in a close second if if Haley really underperforms

    Or even disantis that’ll that’ll give the number two some momentum going into New Hampshire Nikki Haley will do very well in New Hampshire explain why is that because it’s anyone can vote and um if you like it’s sort of more liberal Eastern and and they don’t like Trump

    It’s it’s Northeast Republicans yes so they’re they’re tend to be more moderate they tend to be more liberal you you as I said you’ll have Democrats and independents voting in the Republican primary she’s also spent a lot of time there and really focused on New Hampshire because it suits her well

    Whereas DeSantis has basically put everything into Iowa and that’s why he has to perform in Iowa and if he doesn’t I I just don’t see a path but you know Haley now if Trump crushed is it on Monday that could affect both Haley and Dan santis in New Hampshire but you know

    Nikki’s pretty well positioned in New Hampshire but even if she does well there it doesn’t matter because Trump will crush her in her home state of South Carolina does well look like in New Hampshire for Nikki Haley got to come second obviously I think winning I

    Think she has to surprise win and it’s not outrageous because the last polls had you know Trump at 38 Nikki at in the low 20s but then Chris dropped out he was polling at 12 and he was kind of very antitrump very anti-trump so most

    Of his support will go to Haley not to Trump so or or even to although didn’t he sort of say off camera if you like she’s not very good ORS to that she’s going to get smoked yeah and I think you know he has a point it’s a it’s a really

    Tough call but Trump the personality the the you know the cult of personality is really working for Trump right now the indictments were really helpful for him in March of last year Trump and DeSantis were basically in a dead heat and once Alvin Bragg filed the indictment in New

    York and as followed by the subsequent three indictments Trump’s numbers went straight up he went from 45 to 60 overnight because of the indictments that’s 15 points of resentment from the voters because they’re seeing Trump’s enemies use UND undemocratic methods to beat Trump and that’s really helped him

    In primaries so what is driving rep Republicans at the moment in if you like as as as reasons to vote because let me just put this to you I’m getting fed up hearing over here how well the American economy is doing compared to over here they uh tackled inflation early the FED

    Came in early they say and they’ve come out of it with it lower inflation that they’ll tell you the everyone over here all our useless economists are saying America’s doing really well we’re not they’re not okay that’s not true yeah but and I agree I agree that the media

    Plays it that way the voters are totally worried about the economy because their their wages real wages are down two and a half percent from from when Biden took office so that’s going to be a referendum on Biden’s Administration so even though inflation has improved first

    Of all it’s kicked up in the last two or three months the number came out Friday at three and a half so it’s not over yet and there’s usually a second wave of inflation secondly the the way real wages are still down and if you look at the difference okay so inflation’s only

    At 3 and a half% only the fed target is 2% but people don’t feel that people feel the difference between three years ago feeling good gasoline prices are up 26% food prices are up 20% and overall prices are up 16 and a half percent since Biden took office so this Biden

    Inflation might be the end of it you know it might make it impossible for him to win so that’s what voters are looking at they’re looking at the border for sure and they’re and and then in the primary process not the general election but in the primary they’re looking at

    These indictments and the weaponization of the justice system that’s why Trump is doing so well he was like I said he was it was a dead Heat last March April as soon as the indictment started coming in the mug shot and and Nick even if you

    Look back to the summer of 22 this is before Ronda santis had that crushing reelection victory in November in the midterms 20 points in Florida which was a swing state a few years earlier Biden won it I mean Trump won it by three and a half points so he wins by 20 points

    And but this is before that in August of 22 Trump was up nine over DeSantis in the polling then they raided maralago and the next week Trump was up 39 30 point swing and so that’s what’s really driving the primary voters the Republican primary voters who view this

    I I thinkon would have loved to have had that reaction when the police were investigating him over here bizarre isn’t it we are where we are on that but let me ask you about this aspect of it sure I consider myself still quite rational and sane many people watching and listening might not

    Think so how how reasonable is it to assume that Joe Biden will be the candidate because I can’t believe Democrats are going to let him run again yeah it’s a a great question look it it’s the power of incumbency that’s what they see they know he’s he’s a failure

    They know he’s a really poor candidate I think if they were smart they would have put someone else in there but historically when when that happens first of all there’s no mechanism to do it if he wants to run he’s going to run and and the power of incumbency is

    Important so I think what the Inner Circle has decided is that even though he’s a flawed candidate even though he’s been a failure as a president the fact that he’s the current president is pretty powerful it’s that’s worth and yet a lot of I I hate doing this because

    I’m not an aist but his mental capacity it’s forget about his age it’s his cognitive decline that is completely obvious and I don’t even like to dwell on that too much because I look at 8 million illegal immigrants that he’s led into the country on purpose I look at

    The inflation that he caused with the Reckless spending I look at the wrecking of the military and you know that with the Dei Obsession in the military the V man his finest Hour which he called a great success but you know 8,400 servicemen have left the military because they were they because

    Of the vaccine mandate and now we can’t recruit so look there are bigger issues but the the most obvious that people see is the cognitive decline and that’s sad to see but it’s it’s meaningful and so the idea two-thirds of Democrats don’t want them to run well exactly and and

    It’s hard to believe you know his wife who will be the most loyal supporter of him yeah would want to put him through this I can’t help thinking of 67 when was it Johnson pulled out ill health when it became obvious Humphrey was going to stand against it wasn’t it

    And and it’s true I mean he he didn’t win in New Hampshire as overwhelmingly as he would have liked but the story is that he he had decided a year earlier that he wasn’t going to go through it yeah and primaries weren’t a big as big

    A deal back then no they wer so it it’s and Dr Jill should be ashamed of herself for for being dishonest to the Americans in 2020 when he had these issues and stayed in the basement because they had CO as an excuse and now she’s doing it

    Again this is what people are are perhaps forgetting he didn’t really have to campaign in 2020 it was perfectly set up for it was absolutely set up with now here’s here’s a a view Chris uh from Newbury he says to me Nick the polls for Nikki Haley are rigged to make her look

    Like a number two behind Trump the media I’m not sure about rigging poles but the the media and I see I could see this are pushing her as the anti-trump savior because she is literally a democrat in Republican clothing is she a democrat in Republican clothing I mean Chris it’s a

    Great comment I I I don’t know that I’d go that far but he’s got a really good point and you saw it yesterday or maybe it was Saturday um you know the the uh the the great libertarian Senator ran Paul in the US put out a a Twitter

    Announcement called Never Nikki and so she’s going to do well with the New England Republicans in New Hampshire but she’s not going to do well if if it’s Trump and Nikki he’ll Trump will do the the Loyalty test just like George H George W bush did to John McCain in 2000

    When McCain won in New Hampshire with the moderate crowd because McCain was considered a moderate and so what what Bush did and what Trump will do is say look at the support for Nikki it’s the Koch brothers it’s the corporates it’s the rinos it’s the moderates it’s the

    Democrats and there’s goes down to places like South Carolina you’re right that’s it so just briefly last question we have New Hampshire I think it’s the Tuesday Monday Iowa and a week later eight days later issh and it kind of gathers momentum then does it there’ll be a lot of momentum regardless of

    Whether it’s you know the santis Haley Trump what happens after that do we then there’s a bit of a break there’s the in two weeks later there’s the Nevada caucus but it’s it’s quiet it’s not that meaningful it’s being really it’s it’s not very organized but but then two

    Weeks after that is super Tuesday is sorry South Carolina so there’s a there’s a month believe it or not there’s a month between New Hampshire and South will we see dropouts immediately after new I think at least one there’s no way that they can beat Trump if there’s two candidates it’s got

    To be Consolidated to one I hope it’s Ronda santis I said last last question but I’m lying um my privilege um you’ve got a very independent wealthy candidate vivec is it yes what what’s he doing he’s hanging in there but you know he’s really not he wasn’t on the debate stage

    He’s he’s a distant a very distant forth you know he’s positioning himself himself either for vice president or for 2028 as a bit too arrogant he he he you know what people agree with his views he had a lot of traction in the summer especially with real conservatives like

    Myself and the libertarian set um and and yet when he started talking too much when he was on the debate stage I think he made kind of made himself look imature because I kind of I’m a bit of a reverse a lot of trump policies I could

    Support very happily but I actually as an individual and I find it very hard to forgive what happened back it was disgraceful yeah absolutely disgraceful and and he’s in in many ways disantis and VC for that matter are much more conservative than Trump they’re the VC and Ronda sandis are the conservative

    Conservatives now that Mike Pence is out they’re the real conservatives in the in the cycle yeah because in many ways Trump’s rowing back on what are things like abortion he was kind of softening his views he’s never been a philosophical conservative he had good advice in his first Administration

    Starting with Pence but he’s trying to do a deal with the American people I’ll do this if you vote for me listen Greg lovely to have you GRE swon Republicans overseas you’re going to be busy this year with us so that’s fantastic coming up afterwards lots more calls for me to

    Get through that’s what we’re going to devote time till until 4 o’clock when of course Trish Godard joins uh takes over for her show 0344 49 1000 we’re here thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online run your smart speaker as well criminals to

    Using XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how well Tred most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn you know what I love about talk today we do it all sunak sella scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any ill will because he

    Delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the story is love a scrap you can almost see this coming round the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading up one side and richy soon at the other the police are pro Palestine that is just not right you swear an Al in the

    Police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know whether it’s a fce or a tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently

    Sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million £140 million so far so40 million so far result nil absolutely nil are we only going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news

    Going to come from Kell in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass talking for the liit if you you’re walking towards me and you’re a vegan you have a great big orange sticker over

    Here saying watch out vegan’s about the weirdest plank that we’ve had in three years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walked into a branch of McDonald MC mous man MC mous man MC man he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s

    Got house full of mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz film sunak and the current conservative government are not concerned why don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political

    Broadcast on behalf of Reform UK party hi kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem s this is really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do I’m going you’re going

    To result yes CU I cannot continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine it’s actually not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call H terror group is it possible to a

    Rational I’ve asked you two questions should a mast in power and are they a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk TV it’s the only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love

    Poetry we can agree on that Thank you for all your messages um I’m going to read as many more as I can uh although I I’m not going to get them all in let’s be honest but let’s start with some calls which as you know I’m always grateful for and I always uh try and get

    As many in as I can let’s go to Morris in Staffordshire hello Morris hello Nick how are you doing I’m doing very well I’m in great form and that’s basically because you’re all such a brilliant audience well I’ve enjoyed listening to your show today may I say

    It’s one of the first times I’ve listened to it but uh make a little bit of sense well thank you a little bit is a great compliment so well how would you like to add to the conversation how would you like to add to the conversation Morris well I just

    Wanted to say um I mean I’m 65 now y so it was a different time when I was growing up y um I took my apprenticeship as a watch maker so what I would do is I’d be at work at 5:00 in the morning as

    A cleaner in a pub or an office or wherever give me to work I’d go and do my apprenticeship then I’d go out in the evening and work as either a Barman or a DJ and there was no question of me fling it in no question of you

    Phoning my working I had to be there physically yeah of course and I I look at people now who moan it they have to travel into the office maybe once or twice a week and I think and they can play what is your problem do you know

    Listening to what you said AR about your work day and and apprenticeships I imagine you weren’t very very very little at all so you were doing two or three jobs and having fun sounds of things as well in the evenings well I had a family so I had no uh I had family

    Very young I had no choice but to go out and work so the do you think in a way that that was a good thing or did you you know did it ever cross your mind that oh this is a bit tough maybe the government should be subsidizing my

    Wages a bit because that’s what we do now we subsidize people’s wages no there was never a question of my wages being subsidized no you you wouldn’t have even thought of it feter era yeah I know I know but now we have working tax credits

    Which is a way of basically we have a system where you’re encouraged to work less than I think it’s 19 hours a week because uh uh that way you lose your benefits I mean it’s Bonkers really well not I’ve seen this before and I’ve spoken to people and I said oh

    I can’t work more than 19 20 hours cuz I lose my benefit and I think yeah yeah well work more than 19 20 hours earn the wages where you don’t need the benefit gen z um which is apparent I don’t even know what gen Z is it’s probably a

    Certain age group but basically Millennials on please sorry English no it’s I know but I’m sorry I’m just when I say that people look at me as if I’m mad and I say no no no it’s gen Zed no it’s gen Z do not no it’s gen Zed it’s

    Gen I’m sorry you and I Morris are going to startop I will never say gen Z again all right yeah I know you’re right I shouldn’t give in to the corruption of the English alphabet um but gen Zed right and frankly Millennials and whatever else they are H maybe maybe we

    Should stop and pause as two grumpy old chaps um uh well I certainly speak for myself and sayy well maybe they’ve got it right maybe the work life balance they’ve got they’ve got it right maybe we’re wrong no disagree why would you disagree because there’s a lack of discipline to start

    With um I don’t know how to explain it but you have to go into the office every day or not every day but the responsibility yeah you have to see where you’re working you have to physically be part of it I mean I couldn’t I’m a that’s a benefit maker

    Yeah come on and I can’t find my work in I can’t sort of say there you go I have to be there physically I’ve gone in to work at 9:00 in the morning and if we got a busy night I’m still sitting there at 10:00 11:00 at night because that’s

    What it takes to keep the company afloat well I think you speak for many people Morris I’d love to hear from uh Jen Z or Jen Ed Jen Ed sorry Morris you said it again I did I apologize that’s I’m going to put some money in the tin

    There you go ding right uh I’d love to hear from them I get their view I’ve only got the very biased view of my own production team who obviously think we’re just grumpy old fellas but you have argued brilliantly thank you Morris for doing that uh much appreciate that

    Let’s go to Paul in Rams skate hello Paul hello Paul I’ve been on the phone waiting and I’ve listened to that last guy and I just found out another grumpy old Geer well well done welcome to the club yeah I tried to get Naj FR elected

    In thanet I was one of his team until the London boys turned up the government’s failing us because we couldn’t even get n far elected because some comedians sto getting a vote oh they did yes you’re right you know once the London boys came down and took over the new office and

    The our original office which is still there I painted it twice where was this in th in Ram Street in Ram try to get elected for his last time before become a media celebrity do you think he’s going to do it go for it this time do you think

    He’ll actually go for it want to go for it or perhaps be more interest’s going T is the girl that’s back in her he’s he’s the one she’s the one who got him into the jungle all right so he’s got people there that are getting him into the

    Media because he’s not a very good media he told me I Knew Too Much PA you know too much and I’m like thank you I’ll have that on my grow soone Nigel that’s brilliant you know you’ll be yeah yeah y you’ll be only person in the graveyard Who Knew Too

    Much I wish but but listen it’s interesting because one Theory being put forward is that he is in many ways perhaps more interested in a trump presidency and actually he might be held back by being an MP what you think he might be the VP if he was American

    Wouldn’t he well I suspect he would yeah you see what I’m saying he’s got spads that have looked after Nigel for years and years and years when he turned up in fanet to get elected again I thought oh I’m I’m a bit politically minded I’ll go

    And have a chat with him okay tell me why now but sorry I’m all to say that well if you are I’m sure they would have dumped the the word but there you go okay cheers mate yeah no just with he was very good and uh the party had

    Been corrupted in thanet uh there was a lot of people in broadstairs that weren’t they were flying a different flag let’s just say that that’s just a little town about 3 miles the I know where it is yeah yeah yeah I was talking to your man about the migrant situation

    In thanet we’ve just got a um Migrant Center put from DOA a do over spill if you like and basically that’s taken over half of the uh RF base at manston right and has that actually happened yeah I think it has they put they put security

    Around it let’s say that so if they haven’t done it I know there was a lot of talk about it but um but listen you can’t just move them along the coast they come in at do moveing the RS gate m g CLS and up north you know what I mean

    It’s just like anybody not in a med I don’t care well the truth is whichever angle you look at this whether you look at it from the migrants point of view or from uh uh if you like uh people like you and the many people who’ve been

    Calling in this show the bottom line is the system is in chaos that’s the brutal reality of it and and I think that is why we’re living with the consequences of of a failed system uh and I I don’t see any solution it may happen this week

    I’m very skeptical about what’s going to happen in Parliament but we’ll wait and see listen thank you for your call uh very much appreciated that was Paul in ramk I’ve got time just to take one more call that’s John in Newcastle before we have a little chat to with Trisha Godard

    As she will be leading the show from four o’clock so John in Newcastle over to you hello Nick uh two points NHS yes after many decades I’m now begin to realize more than ever we must privatize it it it is beyond belief we must have the one of the worst figures in Europe

    In relation to healthcare for outcomes absolutely and the and the fact is that if you look at it uh area managers £300,000 a year middle management 3,000 of them on a 100,000 a year and that’s just for starters it’s not on this it’s and when you’ve got to Union which is

    That pathetic it waits for a long time and then it tells the people that the that the government that want 35% rise the B and so it says really in a sad situation I never thought I would get to the stage of thinking privatization of it and yet on the other

    Hand if we look at real ways now there’s another thing around the other way I would want to see it nationalized it’s funny a lot of people in the country do if you ask them regard and you don’t put politics into it yeah and and say would

    You would you like to see the railways nationalized they’re actually quite attracted to the idea I’m old enough to remember what they were like when they were nationalized so I’m not as easily persuaded very much so if you look at the national if if how can you have on a

    Small island 14 or 15 Railway companies with directors getting C off the top and look at France just as an example because I’m not French but look at the the sncf the State national raway France one company overall all and they got trains that run 200 mph they have I mean

    France has massive advantages over us including a lot more space but the the problem is we don’t have true privatization here you can’t we got that much space we are allowing people to come into this community I think we’re still I I still I still in terms of building infrastructure look how much

    Difficulty there is getting another train line up to birmingam let alone actually getting say the one down to DOA John you’ve started a conversation that I can’t finish for no other reason than I need to go and um have some friendly words with Trisha Godard who’s leading

    The show from 4:00 um John thank you so much there are two issues we are going to cover again but Trisha’s coming up at 4 hello Trisha hello how are you Nick you you sounds like you’ve had a great great show well I just love as many callers as

    Possible it’s been fantastic Trisha they wonderful um and despite me talking about the younger Generations not wanting to come in the office or do any work and I’ve still managed to retain all the staff out wouldn’t they um I’m G to be looking at lots of different things like

    Can you die of a broken heart we’re going to be talking to a leading surgeon says yeah you yeah you’re right you absolutely can uh we have our faith panel uh as usual today two subjects is being rich bad for your soul it’s really interesting one the number billionaires and Millionaires and

    A survey looking into how philanthropic they really are do we just hear about the good examples um and the seven-year-old pageant beauty pageant Queen can you have too much too young I mean how would we’re going to ask our faith panel how they would counsel someone in their congregation who made

    Up their daughter have you seen these am Mar no but I actually I can’t think of anything more horrific in this day and age uh than a seven-year-old Beauty p iment I’m afraid and I won’t go into the reasons now because I I think you and I

    Would be here for hours no we wouldn’t we’d be here for about 10 seconds I think’ agree one of the few things we’d actually agree on um on a on a heavier Note 100 days of the Israel Hamas war going to be talking to a doctor who’s a

    British Doctor Who just got back from uh Gaza about what it’s like to operate using the light of a an iPhone um and all sorts horrific things that he saw so we’ll be talking about that mind matters as usual our usual Sunday magazine type show with some hard stories and some uh

    Really interesting ones which will engage people’s hearts the reason I was agreeing about um nodding my head when you talk about dying with a broken heart I was amazed and fascinated and found myself agreeing of course with the the the idea that was put forward this week

    That it’s a a condition that’s untreated effectively and being not been thought about so I hopefully I’ll be back in my car in time and I will be listening to Trisha Godard at the top of the hour always a good listen and always I find

    Challenges me a little bit on some of my care

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