
    One of the most famous islands in Thailand. It attracts those who love Asia, as well as beach holidays. But few people know that the nature on it was destroyed by man. Phuket is an example of restoration of its former nature, not its preservation. This is the first major project to prove that humans can correct their mistakes in relation to the environment. What is in Phuket is the result of the colossal work of local residents. And in this film we will see that they do not stop there. And all together they continue to turn their island into a small paradise. Jungle and mangrove forests are the basis of life in the tropical belt of the earth. And now they are on the island. The fauna returned, elephants and monkeys appeared. But how to entertain the many tourists and restore nature at the same time? You will see these secrets of Phuket against the backdrop of stunning beauty of nature.

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    Oh Our planet Earth still has quite a number of pristine Corners though there are fewer and fewer of them as human activity takes its toll on the terrain flora and fauna however humankind is making great efforts to preserve separate virgin spots by creating nature reserves and national parks welcoming to unwind and

    Rebuild the lost connection with the natural habitat there are much fewer cases of success successful environmental remediation and the return of natural beauty to places affected by human Activity an island in the Indian Ocean is a showpiece here this paradise on Earth was first lost through the human fault and then restored thanks to human Endeavors the history of this island proves that Wildlife Conservation also Embraces successful restoration of the once Disturbed ecob balance we just need

    To take steps towards a new sustainable Approach To Nature around southeast Asia the continent packed with count luring pristine nature lovers one is the kingdom of Thailand puket is the largest island in the region it lies to the west of the Malay Peninsula the island was once part of

    The Mainland but separated after the tectonic shift a province of Thailand puket includes the same name Island and 39 other islets around round puket is the most famous island resort in Thailand flocks of tourists from all over the world visit this amazing Paradise all year round puket is

    An escape with no place for worries hassle or distress the superb infrastructure and over-the-top service blended with the generosity of tropical nature Allure tourists the island is dubbed as the pearl of the Andaman sea it basks in the Azure Waters leisurely surviving years and decades and offering more Comfort season after

    Season the urban areas of puket are quite vibrant but there are secluded Nooks where time froze in the tranquility and tenderness of the the tropics the central part of the island 70% is mountains fishing villages and marinas just like Mangrove Woods Prevail along the eastern coast they are critical for

    The environment of the island mangroves are excellent natural filters that trap water impurities The Ground Zero of the resort is on the western coast with its infinite Snow White beaches of enchanting Beauty puket has no clear distinction between winter and summer there is a rainy season and a sunny period here

    With the climate impacted by monsoons in the summer season they blow from the sea towards the land and vice versa in Winter therefore during winter months from November to April dry air blows to bouet it is warm and almost calm in April through May it can be

    Quite sultry this is a hot season in puket since miday tropical Cyclones with heavy downpours and strong gusts of wind are frequent however do not take the term rainy season in a strict sense puket is Sunkissed even during this period f of chillier climates visit Thailand precisely during the wet season

    After a short rain the scorching heat disappears for some time so you can enjoy the cool and refreshing sea Pet’s nature is all about mountains and Hills lust tropical vegetation abundance of bright butterflies birds and brisk lizards more than 10 types of palm trees mangr and magnificent flowers of all

    Shades and shapes heaps of fruits and vegetables grown on the island which after all are consumed not only by ties but also by numerous guests of the resort 900 species of birds tapers bats limur monkeys inhabiting the jungles you can come across Turtles and geckos on the coast elephants live in nurseries here

    Brought from the northern provinces they are now carefully monitored by special staff puket is not lengthy but everyone has enough space in this paradise the Cozy Bays of the island with charming Snow White beaches caressed By the strikingly Light Blue Waters of the Andaman sea high mountains and emerald leaves of tropical growes

    Create create a completely idyllic scenery that puket is a place of living working and unwinding is obvious if we look at the well-groomed rice fields man-made cou and coconut plantations and modern Resorts scattered along its entire Coast this is what the island looks like now however not so

    Long ago no tourist would come here in search for relaxation Tranquility in the contemplation of nature what was happening in this place could be called an environmental disaster what happened to this tropical island in the midst of the warm Andaman sea puket has been inhabited since ancient times because the island is

    Located at the intersection of the busy sea Lanes Merchant ships from Persia Sri Lanka Arabia India Burma China and sayam anchored here which could not but affect the life of the island Mala Indians Siamese brought their culture religion and traditions in the 16th century tin was discovered in puket attracting flocks of

    Europeans here Portuguese French English and Danes the tin boom occurred in the 19th century with thousands of upand coming Chinese workers rushed to the island as miners or servants to European owners the Chinese brought their authentic culture religion and Gastronomy open pit tin mining was the

    Core source of income on the island for a long time but this took its toll on the landscape caused Coastal cavities and deforestation in the 20th century tin mines were depleted and the global tin prices nose dived meanwhile hiia rubber tree plantations appeared on the island

    Becoming a new source of income for the economy and benefiting the environment however deforestation persisted the second most important source of Revenue was the emerging tourism industry lush tropical vegetation warm sea and world famous beaches quickly allured vacationers but the environment of the island was almost destroyed by this time

    The local authorities quickly evaluated the environmental damage caused by tin mining and processing in the course of land reclamation quaries were turned into picturesque lakes and dumps into Emerald Hills there appeared the first golf courses on the Hills therefore the ugly landscape once disfigured the part of the island for

    Centuries has turned into its signature organically blending with the lush tropical scenery in recent years puket has continued its tourism momentum with brand new hotels malls and tourist landmarks yet all this is happening now in line with the developed green laws and programs puket is changing for the

    Better none of the famous resort destinations can boast such an amazing but also sad experience like this tropical island first puket witnessed the death of its nature but now people are trying to restore what was lost and this program is underway until today all we see now is the result of

    The Colossal efforts of the local population ties managed to turn the island of tin miners into one of the most attractive destinations on the planet moreover they are succeeding in the environmental remediation the province is a very Vivid example that rebirth is possible although everyone recognizes how tough this recovery

    Is destruction is much faster and Easier since the very beginning hoteliers have strongly committed to the green initiative puket has a law that restricts the height of buildings under construction to 80 M hoteliers have respected such restrictions hotels built in a modern style aim at fitting in with the the scenery around and succeed in being in

    Sync with the woodlands hotels lurk between parks golf courses ponds and pools with all of them framed by the Lush Tropics another type of hotels are ethnic styled these are one-story Bungalows scattered right in the lush tropical vegetation tourists here are not permitted to walk on the ground

    Ground grass flowers so as not to harm the environment instead they use wooden Pathways connecting the buildings pools places for recreation reaching the coastline is also Possible only by using these paths during the tourist season people admire the surrounding natural Splendor without causing any damage to the fragile Tropical World because the

    Fertile tropical soil layer is very thin it is easily trampled while recovery takes much time everyone in puket is committed to the green initiative the puket hotels Association has come up with a number of Endeavors focusing on the less use of Plastics in everyday life it resulted in a program aimed at

    The complete ban on plastic bottles and straws by 2019 today hotels have completely switched to reusable glass the main wealth of the hotels is the coastal strip hoteliers maintain and restore the natural Beach cleanliness monitor swimmers safety track the changing Coastal currents the measures include regular plastic garbage collection ashore

    Raising awareness among locals and hotel staff in terms of telling guests how to handle such garbage properly from the first meeting Hotel staff tries to strike a cord among tourists with the fascinating world of the tropics they welcome tourists with bouquet of tropical flowers fresh tropical juices and this is not only a

    Tradition of respect for guests flowers are a gift of nature for travelers with the hope of future Respect by the latter Hotel breakfasts may be arranged in the company of luxurious peacocks who like pigeons stroll between tables in search of yummy bits such Ms are surely uplifting for

    Anyone the hills and mountains in puket are covered with the green rainforest carpet rainforests are true stunners of our planet they produce a huge amount of oxygen and the diversity of Flora and Fauna is so great that sometimes you are not sure what kind of view is in

    Front the jungle is a closely woven 3D World created by the Lush Tropics here 90% of animals spend their whole lives perched on the trees each of them has its own way of moving through the rainforest everyone will surely gasp at the vague dusk that rains between the giant

    Trees yet this Tropical World is very fragile it can be broken easily and takes enormous effort to rebuild the pristine rainforests are now preserved in national parks and reserves how to better move through the rainforest without harming it without cutting through the paths and trampling the thin fertile so soil how about

    Following the example of monkeys pave the way up in the crowns of the trees nowadays Lanas are no longer used for travel from tree to tree Tarzan’s time has gone today there is modern reliable and safe climbing equipment in addition experienced instructors will assist you every step this is a breathtaking experience

    And most importantly there is a chance to see the jungle from a different angle from above just like most tropical inhabitants do there is a brand new feeling that you are also part of this vast green world even for a short while on a limited Forest section when you

    Glide between the Green trunks move from tree to tree overcome your fears and enjoy a new look look at the world around this way our movements do not destroy the jungle but merge with them it is perceived differently at the height of the crowns of the trees unlike views from below from the

    Ground this is both a challenge for one’s strength Fitness and new discoveries in the world of the Jungle and its creatures another natural way of moving in The Woodlands is on the backs of elephants Majestic animals used by people for heavy work since ancient times elephants are not just large

    Animals in Thailand they are considered sacred for the whole nation an elephant is a symbol of prosperity Bloom and power puket was not their natural home animals were brought to the island from the shiler northern part of the country one of the rules restricts the number of elephants on the island there

    Is a complete ban on the stay of elephants in the province unless it is guaranteed that they are well cared and have enough space and food all but two of 176 elephants in puket are females unlike males they lack periods of aggression that make male elephants dangerous and unpredictable the Buddhist population is

    Very serious about elephants established in puket in 2016 the elephant rehab center serves as a home for Elephants who do to age or injuries become burdensome for Safari centers where they worked before here in the rehab they do not ride elephants and do not bathe with them instead they are

    Are treated and cared for visitors enjoy a walk around and feeding the elephants which live in unspoiled nature walk through the jungle and bathe in warm Rivers while being observed in their natural habitat female elephants kept in the center are charming and very playful sometimes prankish they can tear a tree branch or

    Throw up a lump of dirt it is nice to serve them so carefree and enjoying life the Highlight to the tour is the swimming of female elephants in the Cent’s Lagoon professional vets and volunteers look after them due to the spacious territory animals feel free and return

    To Natural Life very quickly they regain appetite calm down and take an interest in games tired and sick Giants transform they enjoy swimming in the river goofing around with each other or with volunteers a true elephant’s Paradise the elephant rehab centers are well becoming mainstream when elephants cease to feel danger and relax

    Communicating with them is a completely different Experience for many Travelers Pet’s luxurious beaches are a true magnet fine white sand 28° and above water temperature almost throughout the year Chic waves for Surfers in the wet season and the Serene sea smoothness in Winter are Pet’s landmarks each Beach is one of a kind there are many escapes with no hustle

    And bustle where you can enjoy peace luxury of Nature and Tranquility the surrounding Hills create a special microclimate protect the beaches from winds and waves gently sloping beaches are safe and convenient for children and beginners the almost wild northern part of the island is a perfect Escape all Island beaches breathe alluring purity

    Silence and comfort the coastal Waters of puket are adorned with bizarre coral thickets and inhabited by amazing Marine creatures sunbathing can be mixed with diving or snorkeling the coastal Underwater World of the island is Sumptuous with exuberant tropical fish not at all afraid of divers creatures of rainbow colors and diverse

    Shapes fish freely and solemnly swim along posing in front of underwater cameras the bottom swarms with a variety of starfish and Jellyfish leisurely passing in the water Blues a diverse and vibrant Underwater World pure water fine beach sand Tranquility safe swimming puket beaches seem to tick all the

    Boxes unwind on the shore quench your thirst with tropical fresh juice or coconut milk just do not leave the straws and glasses behind the coast offers stunning view of the Andaman sea imbued with Scattered Green Islands luring with their Beauty Pet’s population is 700,000 people excluding tourists the multinational and multi-confessional Society it manages to make almost all religions coexist peacefully in this amazing place the Islanders are very religious and the vast majority profess Buddhism Pet’s temples are part of the Island’s architecture Buddhist and taist temples have mushroomed here visiting all holy

    Places is free and open one must just adhere to certain conduct rules and wear discreet clothes the most popular attraction is the big Buddha temple perched on top of Mount nakid which is about 400 m High there is a legend about this beautiful place that budha came here to meditate

    And exuded mystical Radiance in the process of the Sacred ritual next to the temple there is a 45 M statue of the big Buddha the symbol of puket carved from Snow White marble and literally glowing in the sunrays the statue of Buddha sitting cross-legged the double Lotus position

    Is visible from different corners of the island the construction of the temple has been going on for quite some time since the works have been funded through donations on top of the mountain the observation deck opens a stunning round panorama of the island residents and tourists followers of different

    Religions visit Buddha in order to leave wish notes in front of the statue It is believed that they will come true religion and nationality do not matter here the most crucial thing is that your wishes are kind and sincere puket stands out not just due to its nature be beaches Islands Smiles but

    Also for massage with over a 2500-year tradition the art of Thai massage is a blend of spiritual practices Thai philosophy and Medicine traditional Tha massage is all about applying pressure to the energy lines send which permeate the human body there are 72,000 of them but the most important are 10 send

    Worked out during the sessions the key feature of time massage is that it is the Dual work of a massage therapist and patient the first guides the patient through the session and the latter fully trusts the master and informs about any changes in feelings they say that a Thai massage

    Session is equal to a full ledged gym workout and its effect is similar to a 3-day outdoor recreation this opinion is not without reason massage produces a two-level impact physical and mental it not only relieves pain improves blood circulation and Metabolism but also harmonizes the nervous system relieves stress and

    Anxiety besides timeus M with its Wellness Focus puket also offers quite popular relaxing body spa treatments with local fruit herbal sea scrubs as well as oil clay and Thai herbal wraps all of them focus on body and soul relaxing effects relieving tension and stress all treatments in puket use only

    Natural plant preparations made according to ancient recipes chemical substances are a complete no no therefore the effect of such treatments is completely different and unexpected nature and Beauty create a powerful Synergy the Thai Cuisine is famous worldwide it is not only one of the most exotic in the world but also delicious and healthy they take only fresh food to cook in meals in Thailand with no leftovers for tomorrow what is cooked today is eaten today ingredients are very diverse fruits vegetables diverse

    Meat and Seafood is there anything nicer than a romantic dinner close to the ocean and indulging in local Delicacies a leisurely talk and the Setting Sun in the see create poetic Vibes in a Flash helping to savor Exquisite meals Tai food is a fusion of sour sweet and spicy flavors a mixture of

    Completely different foods in one meal is common here for example the popular tomyum soup in includes vegetables mushrooms chicken seafood coconut milk herbs and spices absolutely awesome close to the equator the sun quickly sinks into the sea giving in to lit candles and next beautifully crafted dinners everything looks Exquisite and

    It is not yet immediately possible to decipher how this food was cooked the stap of Tai Cuisine is minimal heating almost all meals are stir fried on high heat for a few minutes but don’t be scared any meat is cut into very thin strips or pieces so the cooking time is significantly

    Reduced this cooking method helps to keep the maximum healthy properties of all ingredients the staple of Thai cooking is rice white brown black jazz red noodles are also very popular in Thailand rice egg wheat Bean you name it well and of course spices and seasonings are a distinctive feature of

    Tai Cuisine most often this is something too spicy indeed such food is important in a hot humid client as spices have an antibacterial and antimicrobial effects another distinction is adding sugar which according to the ties makes a spicy meal more peccant locally served meals are drop dead gorgeous and fragrant but often due

    To too much spices it is tough to feel this true taste boiled rice is always on the table and if you have mouth Burning Sensations eat a couple of spoons immediately as this is the best way to put out a fire in your mouth Thai Cuisine is light enough for

    Digestion such a dinner leaves only the sweetest memories a glass of wine and Gentle Wind rustle evoke a long forgotten feeling of complete Tranquility the Island Central Market offer offers a rich variety of fresh puket food located in the old town on rangang Street it lurks between the amazing architecture of Old puket Town the style of the local Mansions is commonly called Sino Portuguese the Central Market is not just a mere tourist attraction but a

    Whirl poool with rampant colors stunning Aromas and a roaring trade there is an impressive selection of seafood meat vegetables fruits spices and herbs brought by fishermen this is a Mecca of local and tourist shopping a night trip here is a mindblowing adventure and plunge into the Exotic Spirit of

    Asia this is a perfect spot to savor Seafood shrimps lobsters squids fish are a real must try here deep fried prawns with Chong herbs hit real big fish is often enveloped in banana leaves cast all doubts about street food the quality in a Simple Cafe

    Is very often on par with the chef meals in Posh restaurants and be sure to buy delicious exotic fresh fruits there is a wide variety of them here from commonly known pineapples to the most unusual and weird tasting durians many fruits are pre peeled and pre-sliced for you to enjoy their taste

    Right after purchase the Night Market has a feel of another reality with all the authentic charm of this place a stroll through the night city is also engaging life here is vibrant despite late hours many people like coming to the ocean at night and listening to the night

    Surf many say that the night sounds of the ocean are completely different mysterious and natural a car for Thai families is a big ticket item giving into a motorbike these vehicles designed for two people only are commonly used by parents and two or three children alike the Island’s

    Motorbike tours are also hot selling this vehicle helps to access places impossible to reach otherwise another and even more echo-friendly way of traveling around the island is cycling embark on a relaxing trip around the city or to the countryside along the hilly Terrain rain past stunning waterfalls and hot springs

    With a drop in the national Parks choosing a leisurely place you can explore the real Thai rural scenery indulge in the charm of this area and Village roads contemplate places inaccessible to other Travelers and Savor a once in a-lifetime Green Experience cycling in puket is becoming more mainstream year after year after all this is a great Fusion of physical workout and a chance to see nature reserves inaccessible by other types of Transport there appear new special bicycle routes to the most beautiful nature stunners so far there are not many of them but the growth of cycling tourism fits very well into the program of ecotourism the Island’s priority using a bicycle is the easier way to reach beaches located off the Beaten Track tempting privacy Seekers fans of outdoor activities enjoy plenty of options in Thailand Thailand and Thai boxing Muay Thai are two peas in a pod Some arrive to puket to enjoy the stunning nature and Lush white sand beaches others seek to gain and improve tie boxing skills or just view fights of real Pros myai Fosters strength agility and reaction speed therefore its techniques are effective against aggression and violence they nurture stamina so useful in Daily Life as a result of training the body transforms and acquires Beauty this is a good physical Activity mui is popular among girls not only because it is an effective way of self-defense but also because training is on a par with conventional fitness workouts and finally another benefit of TI boxing is its friendly atmosphere helping to feel pleasure not only from the outcome but also from the training process itself

    Which promotes extra motivation if martial arts do not strike any chord with you try croquet a calm game of English Aristocrats of the past well why not put on this role especially in such Scenery yoga in puket is a wonderful chance to pamper yourself that is improve your emotional state body and mind amidst the Lush Scenery there is a superb opportunity to work out Outdoors under the bright Sun in Thailand there is no need to confine oneself in concrete cubicles energy flows freely with multifold effects of exercising Outdoors the yoga system has been around here for 5,000 years stemmed from India it is spiritually linked to both Hinduism and Buddhism today however yoga is used more for exercise and meditation there are many variations of modern yoga all a bit different but each of them aims at boosting Health vitality and Relaxation yoga helps to step away from The Daily Grind gain a little peace and Solitude regular yoga practice is sworn to produce unwinding and rejuvenating effects it is not only beneficial for the body but also crucial for the mind if you have ever attended yoga classes you know how breathing is important for

    Mind and Body in fact the focus on breathing is the essence of most meditations here in puket with its secluded and tranquil nucks sandy beaches pristine nature pure air healthy food and Unforgettable experiences yoga simply helps to return to the Natural states of Harmony of mind and body yoga

    Encourages escape from the daily routine and plunge into a new completely fantastic and Magical World World it promotes a more open sincere kind mindset and a brighter more saturated fulfilling life puket is a well-placed starting point to learn both the doctrine and exercising it is hard to find a better

    Place for starters with local yoga gurus at your fingertips No matter how beautiful puket is visiting its many islands around is a real must do here some are inhabited others are not and turned into National Parks these islands differ by geology in the west closer to the south of puket there are mainly Granite Islands these are low forested islands

    With beautiful beaches to the Northeast and further east and south there are islands of limestone they rise high and have the most bizarre shape the huge geological platform of limestone due to which these islands appeared stretches East off puket Unfortunately they will go underwater quite soon due to rock composition these archipelago Beauty

    Fades away every year these islands make the greatest impression with their sh shapes and stunning green scenery real Hallmarks of puket captured on any travel Booklet some 15 to 20 years ago all the islands near puket breathed authentic Vibes and had almost untouched nature today they welcome endless flocks of tourists from all over the world Hundreds of boats speedboats yachts and other little vessels Cruise in between but even now one can still find a quiet deserted island to be at one with nature and indulge in unparalleled Pleasure These islands lure with beauty magical beaches with white sand and turquoise sea as major stunners visitors gasp at the amazing Underwater World the coral reefs of the simlin islands and the pp a mecca for all scuba diving and snorkeling fans diving in the crystal clear water among the tropical creatures

    Of coral reefs is considered the best in Thailand here you can see not only tropical fish but also Turtles dolphins and even sharks they are mostly small but giant tiger sharks can be seen sometimes Many people prefer individual romantic trips to the islands hours spent on the shore the trip by the Sea and fresh juice in the shade of palm trees all this will stick in your memory for many years everything has an exotic feel here and thanks to the care of the Islanders

    Of their home environment you can feel it Too it is not necessary to travel between the islands by modern speedboats the residents of the inhabited Islands of Krabby pee PE and others earn a living through not only fishing but also taking tourists to picturesque escapes of the archipelagos they use tie longtail boats

    Made of Teakwood with a car engine and a screw a bright ribbon is tied on all booat boughs this is not for beauty according to the Thai Legend the patron Spirit of sailors lives in the the bow of the boat and ties worship it in this way such boats are very maneuverable and

    Able to sail even across the most impassible Mangr strict rules apply here it is absolutely forbidden to feed fish and other creatures of the reefs break off corals and catch crabs through the efforts of local authorities and residents this pristine Paradise on Earth is scrupulously preserved giving the opportunity to see the unspoiled nature and feel the difference between

    The Virgin and restored Nature Every island is quite able to astonish and please any traveler the inhabited Islands catch attention with pearl Farms or floating fishing villages Gypsy communities and Mangrove jungles with jumper fish hopping along the Trees some CST islands are carved Inside by hidden caves Grotto and lagoons welcoming swimmers to pass through the narrow ways between the rocks by Canoe Small Limestone islands of bizarre shapes perch over the ocean the high vertical Rock of limestone is the whole island there are no beaches but you can scuba dive near the island the places are stunning still be very careful the sea is stormy and some islands become inaccessible during the rainy Season the equatorial zone of the Earth is the most beautiful yet most vulnerable it is toughest of all to preserve the environment and nature in its pristine Condition there are still many problems to be tackled heaps of plastic produced by the Southeastern Nations have been accumulating for years without disposal not all tourists feel the urge to respect green initiatives for example in puket it is forbidden to feed wild animals but tourists traveling around

    The island happily stop to feed wild monkeys while the latter have plenty of wonderful natural food as a result in close contact with humans and eating Foods unusual for them animals can get sick poisoned they snatch sharp objects from bags and cars it is tough to preserve the Integrity of the

    Environment if people themselves fail to comply with these laws in pursuit of profit many businesses care little about the environment being obsessed with today’s income however many of us are making great efforts to preserve nature and its wealth this planet has been our home until today in order to live comfortably

    And have places to relax in the wild we need to pay close attention to this issue plus as it turned out we are able to restore the scenery seem to have been lost forever the case shown To Us by the residents and authorities of the island of puket in Thailand is a showpiece

    Humans manage to restore the environment previously destroyed by them and this program works nature is recovering steadily you just need to help it in the end we owe it a lot after centuries of Destruction starting low we can achieve great success after all the nature around is what brings us together

    Helping to live live fulfilling Lives

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