Today we will show you 100 children who possess qualities and talents so rare that they are considered once-in-a-thousand-years births. From exceptional prodigies to unique abilities, these extraordinary kids stand out in a world of billions

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    Welcome to The Feathered Friend, where the wonders of our earth are showcased in a thrilling and educational way! We invite you to become our friend and explore the unknown realms of human knowledge and dive into the heart of the world’s most baffling mysteries. Subscribe to our channel and we promise not just excitement but also an educational experience like no other.

    What makes you special?

    Hey welcome to a new video it’s amazing to think that amidst the world’s population which consists of billions of people some individuals stand out because of their unique qualities these extraordinary children each possess something exceptional that sets them apart from their peers are you new to this channel make sure to subscribe and

    Hit the notification Bell and before we start also like the video when you first see Ali husin Khan you might be thinking he’s over 80 years old but no Ali is only 14 years old he was born with a difficult condition called Progeria Pria is very rare and

    Causes rapid aging there’s only 80 people in the entire world who live with this condition Ali wasn’t the only one in his family with this condition his parents had five other children with the same condition do you remember the 2008 movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button the

    Film was about the main character Benjamin a boy who was born as an old man and grew younger as he aged this movie was based on a true story meet Yar alekov a boy who suffers from the rare genetic syndrome of ERS Danos Ellers danlos affects the connective tissues

    Causing loose and fragile joints and skin the condition has caused yard to have loose skin like an old man making him look much older than he actually is despite the challenge this presents he’s a happy and Active Child who loves playing with his friends Ellers danlo syndrome is relatively rare and occurs

    In about 1 in ,000 cases the condition can cause complications such as chronic pain joint dislocation and scoliosis however treatment options are available to manage symptoms improve mobility and prevent complications even surgery like the one you n under wind is not likely to improve the loose skin

    Much Nita warell was born without an immune system which meant her body couldn’t fight even the smallest infections this made her extremely susceptible to illnesses is and she had to spend her life in a completely sterile environment her condition is often referred to as bubble girl syndrome which refers to individuals who

    Have to live in a tightly controlled environment to protect them from infections Nina’s condition became apparent when she was just a few months old and started experiencing reoccurring ear infections around her sixth month she was diagnosed with severe combined imuno deficiency which prevented her body from producing essential immune

    Cells her room is equipped with special filters that remove bacteria or viruses from the air and her family has to wear special gowns and masks when entering her room she still has to take medication to manage her rare condition which occurs in one out of 300,000 people her parents were also told that

    She would need a bone marrow transplant to survive the Vietnamese boy with the Superman syndrome is 10-year-old nain hang now he has a rare genetic condition called myotonin related muscle hypertrophy this condition causes a reduce in body f fat and an increase in the size of skeletal muscle tissue

    Resulting in an extremely muscular body despite his impressive physique nin’s parents have stated he is perfectly healthy and has no medical issues he dreams of becoming a bodybuilder when he grows up and often watches videos of bodybuilders on YouTube myostatin related muscle hypertrophy is a rare genetic condition caused by a mutation

    In the mstng which instructs the body on how much myostatin to produced as a result people with this condition can have up to twice as much muscle mass as normal although this doesn’t always translate to an increase in strength the media in Vietnam has dubbed this condition the Superman syndrome and he

    Has gained International attention after photos and videos of them went viral David veter can be called a hero because thanks to him doctors have helped thousands of other children with extremely compromised immune systems David was nicknamed a bubble boy because at Birth his immune system was compromised and doctors immediately put

    Him in a bubble doctors confirmed that the boy had SD a severe combined immune disorder which meant that if his parents wanted David to live they had to accept the fact that he had to stay in a bubble forever it sounds incredible but the boy lived in a

    Bubble until he was 12 years old even though he had to stay in the bubble to stay alive his life was not completely isolated David’s mother explained that if you communicate with the boy you quickly forget about the bubble David’s case helped doctors from around the world World learned very important

    Information about his disease which has saved other lives Canady Jordan Bramley is a super little girl for a reason because at the age of 12 she was the weight of a 2-year-old child and is less than 3 fet or 1 Meer in length when she was born

    She was so small that nurses called her thumbalina according to doctors there was a slim chance she would survive and she probably had a brain injury but the girl made it through and was eventually diagnosed with primordial DOR fism of which only 100 people in the whole world Have limb differences are relatively rare and occurring about 1 in 1,000 bursts there are many different types of limb differences ranging from missing fingers or toes to the complete absence of limbs or fingers Sophie Green however is a girl born without arms and she uses her feet to do almost everything that

    Others can do with their hands her family is from Utah and is unlike other Ames Christian and Jeremy green have seven adopted children with special needs including Sophie they adopted Sophie from China when she was 2 years old while they were in the process of adopting her older sister Lexi who is

    Blind Sophie does pretty much everything that every other child her age can do but with her feet she writes her school assignments PES her nails and even feeds herself with her feet when they got her her first ice cream Sophie grabbed it with her foot and began eating it all by

    Herself Sophie’s learned to write draw and even play the piano with her feet isn’t that incredible everco is a young girl who became famous with her rare sleep condition which causes her to sleep only 90 minutes per night this condition is known as Angel men’s syndrome despite

    Her incredibly short sleep cycle ever is said to be happy healthy and full of energy her condition became apparent when she was just a few weeks old and her parents noticed that she seemed to be awake for long periods during the night as she grew older they realized that she

    Slept only about 90 minutes at a time after which she would wake up fully alert and energetic over time her parents learned to adapt to her unique sleep schedule and discovered that she could function on just a few hours of sleep per night while there’s limited research on short sleep duration is

    Believed that people with this condition can achieve higher Sleep Quality in a shorter amount of time this may be related to genetic mutations that affect the body’s internal clock or the time spent on certain sleep stages sari Rosita arianti is a woman from Indonesia who has a rare medical

    Condition that makes her look and behave like a toddler despite being 24 years old she’s only 2 10 in or 87 m in height and weighs approximately 44 lb or 20 kg sari cannot walk it needs to be pushed in a wheelchair she also struggles with verbal communication and uses baby talk

    To express herself her condition is extremely rare and there have only been a few similar cases reported worldwide according to reports sar’s mother only realized that her daughter had this condition when she was 2 years old due to the late diagnosis it’s become challenging to treat her doctors have

    Diagnosed her with a hormonal growth disorder and the most likely diagnosis is Turner syndrome which affects a person’s growth Turner syndrome only affects girls and occurs when one of the 2x chromosomes is missing or incomplete despite her childlike appearance sar’s body functions is like that of an

    Adult if it’s common for teenagers to want to look older than they really are for example they wear too much makeup or certain clothes to look more mature but this is not the case with Zara hartshorn as this girl had to undergo a face change to deal with Benjamin Button

    Syndrome Zara was an ordinary teenage girl but at 21 she looked like someone 60 years old the whole thing started when Zara was only 21 years old and already looked like someone 40 years old the girl inherited this rare genetic disease from her mother children at school always bullied Zara and it was

    Very difficult for her to make friends but after she had surgery bullying was no longer a problem for her a doctor named Robert ersek had even offered Zara a free face liift and nose correction and of course she agreed all girls would probably get jealous after seeing this boy’s

    Eyelashes Molen botov is only 11 years old and his eyelashes are 2 in or 5 cm long when the boy was asked if the length of his eyelashes makes him uncomfortable he said no he added that they make him feel special and that he actually likes having them when his

    Father was a child he also had long eyelashes abush is a six-year-old boy who lived in the city of Jena in southern Ethiopia his parents siblings and everyone in his family have dark skin and eyes and they don’t know how abush got his blue eyes his piercing

    Blue eyes are a rare combination for people of African descent Abo’s unique appearance has garnered media attention in Ethiopia and Beyond and he has even been featured in news articles and advertisements it’s unknown How likely it is for African people to have bright blue eyes as it’s truly very rare blue

    Eyes are more commonly found in people of European descent and it is often believed that the origin of blue eyes began in Europe however genetic variations can occur in individuals of any ethnic background it seems that AB has drawn a unique card from the genetic lottery in 1984 bride eyes last Drew so

    Much attention when journalist Steve MCU took a picture of the Striking green eyes of Afghan girl Shabbat Gula when you first see this newborn baby you might think she’s wearing a wig but no Japanese baby chonko became an internet sensation when photos of her full head of hair went viral on social

    Media tko’s incredible man was the result of a relatively rare condition known as hyptosis which causes excessive hair growth in certain parts of the body in chano’s case this condition manifested as a full head of thick dark hair that captur the attention of people around the world while hyper chosis is

    Not necessarily common it’s also not necessarily rare with various forms that can present at birth or develop later in life some forms of the rare condition can be inherited in families While others appear to be related to hormonal imbalances in chano’s case it’s unclear whether her hyper chosis is the result

    Of a genetic mutation or another cause her hair became so popular that she even landed an advertising deal with her hair company Pantene Abdul Rashid and shaab Ahmed are two brothers from Pakistan known as the solar kids due to their mysterious condition where they become paralyzed every night after the sun sets their

    Case baffled Pakistani doctors for a long time with no clear explanation for their condition doctors initially couldn’t diagnose them but eventually discovered that the brothers were suffering from a rare genetic disorder called congenital misic syndrome this rare genetic disorder affects neuromuscular Junction the point where nerves and muscles come together in

    People with this condition the signals controlling muscle movements are disrupted leading to muscle weakness and fatigue symptoms can vary greatly from person to person but typically begin at a young age they may have difficulty swallowing breathing or speaking and they also have dropping eyelets and muscle weakness that worsens with

    Exertion the doctors treating the brothers believe that their bodies consume a a lot of energy during the day leading to paralysis at night we’ve all heard of people suffering from giantism but this 8-year-old boy from India has one particular body part that is gigantic in fact he’s known as the boy with the

    Biggest hands in the world at one point his hands started growing bigger and bigger and he even had to undergo surgery the poor boy was even called a devil child by the superstitious Neighbors from his village because they believed the boy was cursed because of his large hands but that was not the

    Only problem Muhammad could not attend school because teachers said his hands would scare off other children after the boy made headlines a surgeon offered his help and Muhammad underwent a series of complex surgeries on his hands this made his parents super optimistic about his future let’s hope he does

    Well sometimes sneezing is a much needed relief but not for klin Thornley because this girl sneezes thousands of of times a day she does so at least twice a minute and sometimes she sneezes as many as 20 times a minute for 15 minutes straight but it wasn’t always like this

    It started when she turned 12 years old and doctors explain that she had a rare condition called tick Kon hongyong gained national attention in China after photos of her playing basketball on her hands only when viral she lost both of her legs in a traffic accident at a young age she

    Grew up in rural L young County in the southwestern province of yunan in China kon’s family had to adopt her needs in innovative ways in 2005 after the Chinese press Drew attention to her situation she was able to travel to Beijing to receive free artificial limbs from the China Rehabilitation Research

    Center 2 years later she joined a local swimming club when she first got into the water she initially struggled and felt like she was drowning with the dedication that even adults don’t always have she persisted in in her training and spent 4 hours a day on the sport but

    As you probably guessed from the viral photos swimming is not her favorite sport basketball is in addition to basketball Kean has participated in diving competitions often using your specially designed Prosthetics her determination and resilience have earned her multiple Awards and recognition including the courage award at the lauras World Sports Awards in

    2012 shilow Pepin was born with a rare condition called sirenomelia also known as mermaid syndrome which affects only one in 100,000 liveborn babies this condition is characterized by the fusion of the legs making them appear as a single LM sirenomelia is a complex condition that is not fully understood

    Most babies born with this condition have abnormalities in their gastrointestinal or reproductive systems as was the case with Shiloh in Shiloh’s case the fusion extended throughout her entire lower body including her bladder uterus and intestinal channels making her condition even more challenging unfortunately this condition is almost always fatal the girl underwent

    Treatment for 8 years and underwent more than 150 surgeries in her life doctors told her to spend as much time at home as possible and try to live for as long as possible unfortunately in 2009 it was the last year for Shiloh she was only 10 years old and passed away due to

    Complications from pneumonia if you ever got tired of your eye color imagine how having silver eyes do you think it’s a blessing or a curse this little girl can answer that question Prime Rose Austin was born with a rare eye condition that left her in terrible pain her eyes were silver which

    Caught the attention of her adoptive parents when they saw a photo of her on Facebook the girl had been neglected in an orphanage in China and never learned basic skills like holding her head up or drinking from a bottle when she woke up in crisis 8 months ago 11 Specialists

    Were consulted to figure out what was causing her misery an MRI scan revealed that she had a rare 6 p25 syndrome responsible for various eye complications and her eyes had to be removed her adopted parents believe it was the right decision and that it relieved the source of her pain the girl

    Is now adapting to life without sight and learning a touch-based form of sign language to communicate her condition has improved dramatically since undergoing laser treatment to reduce the pressure behind her eyes do you believe werewolves exist no well maybe after seeing a boy named Lite padar you will because this Indian boy

    Is called a werewolf for having hair all over his body even doctors were surprised when they saw that his face arms and other parts of his body are covered with a rather thick amount of hair that’s 5 cenm long in addition the hair would continue to grow non-stop

    Surprisingly the children at school do not really dare to mock the boy in fact he’s a very popular boy who wants to become a police officer one day however his uniqueness does cause him to have problems with his health sometimes as the hair is way too long and causes

    Difficulties with his breathing and vision needless to say lit’s parents have been trying to find a cure for their son but for now all doctors say there’s no cure for his condition Luciana Wan is a girl with a rare condition that only 800 people in the entire world suffer from you may not

    Believe it but she’s literally becoming a statue this is because her muscles tendons and ligaments are becoming as hard as bones and unfortunately there’s no cure that can help her there’s a high risk that she’ll become immobile but doctors are still hoping it won’t come to

    That you would think that you need your brain for all sorts of tasks like making decisions solving problems and storing memories but the following story will surprise you in the past scientific research suggested that both sides of the brain must be intact to lead a normal life but a rare condition called

    Rasin and cytis has changed this belief jod Miller is someone who was diagnosed with this condition she often suffered from severe seizures on the right side of her brain along with the severe Paralysis on the left side of her body despite doctor’s attempts to cure jod nothing worked making hemispherectomy

    The only choice hemispherectomy is a surgical procedure in which half of the brain is removed this type of treatment is something you would only expect to see in the television series like Gray’s Anatomy but this was real surgeons removed the right side of Jody’s brain the procedure was successful and with

    The help of physical therapy she recovered well Jody’s left brain hemisphere was able to take over the role of her missing right hemisphere this ability is called neuroplasticity a phenomenon in which the brain rewires and modifies its connections to restore lost functions nowadays jod has overcome all sorts of setbacks and challenges she

    Graduated from college won multiple scholarships and awards and now leads a healthy life all with just half of her brain Neeve and Nelly work conjoin twins who were joined at the head they were born on August 27th 1999 which means they are now 22 years old although doctors initially gave them a minimal

    Chance of survival they have defied these predictions and managed to face the difficult challenges they were confronted with an interesting aspect of their condition is that they share a portion of their brain which has led people to speculate that they can read each other’s thoughts while this is

    Likely not the case they both share a vein that prevents them from undergoing surgery to separate them they’ve also shared that one of the challenges they face as conjoin twins is that they can’t directly look at each other and instead have to use mirrors to see each other’s

    Faces despite this they have developed strong communication and worked together to navigate daily life NE and Nelly have become popular on social media and have used their platform to raise awareness about their condition they also started their own YouTube channel where they share more about their life and experiences as conjoined

    Twins verdant josi is a boy from garat in Western India who was born with a right foot that now weighs 12 lb or 5.4 kg despite his condition he can walk and run normally but he’s been bullied by other children all his life and cannot

    Go to school his father has taken him to over a 100 doctors in India and abroad but no one’s ever been able to diagnose his condition verdin’s condition has baffled hundreds of doctors from India and abroad and they’ve suggested that he could suffer from conditions ranging from water retention to a hormonal

    Imbalance but no one’s been able to recommend a treatment his father’s tried all branches of medical Sciences from Homeopathy to Orthopedic Specialists but without success despite his condition the boy can walk and run normally and he feels no pain in his leg or foot he can even sit on a bicycle without any

    Support however his foot continues to grow with age and length and it’s likely that his foot will continue to grow to incredible proportions many doctors have suggested am paining his leg but his father wants to avoid this as it would permanently disable his son and make him forever dependent on others let’s hope

    The boy is doing well now youve probably seen people with different colored eyes where one is blue and the other is brown but have you ever seen two brothers who have exactly the same color eyes meet mimt and carum two brothers who were born with the condition known as complete heterocromia

    Meaning their eyes have two different colors Eli Thompson is not someone born once in a thousand years he’s one in 197 million Eli was born without a nose due to a rare facial abnormality called Aria although the condition is extremely rare Eli’s spirit and resilience inspire

    People all over the world even with his unique facial structure Eli is always smiling and talking to everyone he meets even as a baby he learned to communicate using baby sign language asking for his favorite treat cookies his love for dessert reached reached a point where he received the cookie award from his

    Daycare but let’s dive a little deeper into Eli’s condition when Eli was 5 years old he underw a tracheotomy this procedure created an opening in the windpipe and a tube was inserted to help him breathe when he was 7 months old Eli met another child Tessa Evans from

    Ireland who also had arenia but was a little older than Eli their meeting was a touching moment Connie Lloyd was born with the red birthmark that covered her nose earning her the nickname clown nose the birth mark also known as a vascular malformation is caused by the overgrowth

    Of blood vessels in the affected area according to reports doctors first discovered the birth mark when Connie’s mother was 34 weeks pregnant during a routine ultrasound however they could not determine the severity of the condition until Connie was born the birth mark began growing when Connie was

    Just one day old and continued to develop becoming more prominent as she Grew Older at the age of three Connie underwent a 3-hour surgery to remove the birth mark her mother’s openly spoken about the decision to undergo the procedure saying it was a difficult decision to make the reason she made

    This decision was to protect Connie from any potential bullying or harassment in the future today she’s 8 years old and it’s said that Connie leads a happy and healthy life now only a small spot on her nose remains as a reminder of the past meet the real life Pinocchio Oli

    Treiz is a boy from mang Wales who was born with a rare condition called in sephos Celli this means that his brain grew through a hole in his skull and into his nose making him resemble the Disney character Pinocchio his mother first discovered something that was different about olly at her 20we

    Ultrasound scan olly underwent several painful surgeries to enable him to breathe including a successful 2-hour operation at Birmingham Children’s Hospital this took place in November of 2014 and it removed much of the brain fluid to reconstruct his nose due to the Rarity of the condition treatment is only available in Birmingham and three

    Other specialized centers in the UK oli’s mother has spoken about the hurtful comments her son has received from strangers saying he’s ugly and should have never been born Olie is now fully recovered and described by his mother as a lively little boy who loves splashing in his paddling pool and

    Playing with his sister in addition to the surgeries to enable Oli to breathe he will need more surgeries in the future but doctors are waiting to see how a skull develops before performing more invasive procedures now Iana is a 8-year-old girl called the Siberian Snow White the girl

    Is an albino and she is surprised many modeling agencies with her unique appearance as you can see she has beautiful pale white hair with a light complexion interestingly there’s no other albinos in her family and in fact she was the only one with white hair many advertising agencies and companies

    Invite her to model for them but Nana’s mother thinks she’s still too young for that Annabelle White House is a 12-year-old girl from the United Kingdom who who has a rare skin condition called below sosis this causes her to lose skin up to 14 times a day this painful

    Condition has made it difficult for her to carry out daily activities Annabelle’s skin changes were noticed by her parents when she was only 6 years old despite seeking medical help her skin worsened over the years for example she has to spend hours in a bath every day to soften her skin her condition

    Affects only a small number of people worldwide and there is currently no cure treatment options for Annabelle include moisturizers ointments and antibiotics to prevent infections however more research is needed to better understand the condition develop effective treatments and possibly find a cure Luis Manuel Gonzalez is a boy from

    Mexico who gained Global attention in 2017 because he weighed as much as a 10-year-old child when he was just a few months old at Birth Louis weighed a healthy 7.7 lb or 3.5 kg but his weight started rapidly increasing and by the time he was a few months old he weighed

    Over 28 LBS or 13 kg due to his unusual condition Luis was referred to different hospitals and specialists in Mexico but doctors couldn’t determine the cause of his rapid weight gain although some sources have reported that Louis has been diagnosed with Prada willly syndrome this has not been confirmed by

    Medical professionals in fact doctors have been unable to identify specific diagnoses or underlying causes for Louis’s condition making his case is highly unique his mother Isabelle has been open about her struggle to care for Louise and the impact his condition has had on their family Gabby schol is a young ballerina

    From Missouri who at the age of nine lost part of her leg to osteosarcoma a type of bone cancer that affected her knee despite this Gabby didn’t let it stop her from pursuing her passion for dancing thanks to a revolutionary form of surgery called rotation plasty doctors reattached her foot to the rest

    Of her leg at a 180° angle allowing her to fit into a prosthetic and continue dancing a year after her surgery she took her first successful step and returned to the dance studio Gabby’s story garnered a lot of attention on social media in a news broadcasts she even appeared on national television

    Shows like Ellen degenerous and Good Morning America in addition to her dance career Gabby is also a national spokesperson for an awareness organization about her condition called the truth 365 where she advocates for more funding and research to combat the disease Tres Johnson is more than just an

    Unusual boy because he literally has two faces he was born with a rare condition called crano facial duplication doctors were extremely pessimistic when the boy was born and explained to the parents that their son would probably not survive however Tres didn’t give up and in 2017 he celebrated his 13th birthday

    What a miracle huh Landon Johnson was a 7-year-old boy from lincolon North Carolina who had a rare form of dwar orphism called mvid this condition affects the digestive system and can make it difficult for individuals to absorb nutrients it’s a rare genetic disorder that affects the

    Lining of the intestine this can lead to severe malnutrition and other complications it’s usually diagnosed in children and can be life-threatening despite this Landon was known for his radiant smile and infectious personality according to the family he had a great impact on their lives and their community in their Village Landon’s

    Family eventually created a Facebook page to share his journey and raise awareness about his condition another well-known case of mvid is that of Jacob Jazelle who was diagnosed at Birth and featured in a documentary called gut reaction this documentary describes Jacob’s struggle and impact mvid had on

    His life and that of the people around him Katie Renfro is a young girl from Texas who courageously battles a mysterious and unarmed medical condition that has never been seen before Katie’s parents have tirelessly advocated for her care and treatment they traveled to the Mayo Clinic one of the top hospitals

    In America for genetic research but the results were inconclusive doctors have worked with Katie’s family to manage her symptoms which currently include developmental delays epileptic seizures feeding tubes for nutrition and respiratory support although Katie’s condition remains unnamed her family has shared her story in hopes of raising awareness and connecting with other

    Families who may have a similar experience Katie’s condition is required her to undergo numerous surgeries to help with her reflux she’s also had other surgeries to address her feeding and digestive issues her parents shared in an interview that the girl has had more surgeries than the average

    Adult oric is a boy from Madagascar who was born with severely bent legs due to a medical condition called arthro gripos this caused his muscles to not develop at the same rate as his bones leading to his legs bending backward through a fundraising effort he underwent surgery

    To correct his leg legs in 2019 the organization Mercy Ships arrived in Madagascar and oric was selected to undergo surgery to straighten his legs he underwent a series of operations on board the ship gradually straightening his bones the before and after photos of imposed surgery are remarkable the

    Surgery was performed on board the mercy ship a floating hospital that provides Medical Care to underserved communities in developing countries they shared ori’s story on their website detailing his journey from being unable to walk to proudly standing upright after successful operation meet Zack Brown a boy nicknamed Jaws because he has shark

    Teeth this 8-year-old boy noticed one day that he had extra teeth in fact the new and adult teeth behind his baby teeth were growing without pushing them out other than that Zach is a normal boy but the extra row of teeth is very unique according to Zach himself an

    Extra row of teeth doesn’t hurt nor does he have any problems eating even though Zach is proclaimed his jaws and the boy with the shark teeth his teeth are not as sharp as a sharks the only thing he doesn’t like about his uniqueness is that he has to brush his teeth longer than

    Usual meet Yar yolana a 5-year-old girl from Nigeria who holds the title of most beautiful girl in the world her curly hair and big eyes can charm anyone so no wonder she had this title there’s no denying that she has extraordinary looks and thanks to this she has had many

    Offers from modeling agencies around in the world a little girl who receives compliments every day for her fairy tale Beauty big eyes is one of the most unique children in the world but her life is not as picturesque as some people might think Milani Dickerson was born with axenfeld riger syndrome a rare

    Genetic disorder that can affect eye development her striking appearance with unusually large eyes has gained attention on social media although her eyes can cause health problems including glaucoma Milani’s family is committed to providing her with the care and support she needs axin field ryer syndrome also

    Known as AR ARS is a complex and rare genetic disorder that can be difficult to diagnose and treat it’s caused by abnormalities in certain genes that play a role in the formation of the eyes and phase during embryonic development AR ARS is characterized by Mal formation of

    The iris cornea and lens people with ARs may also suffer from Dental abnormalities and heart defects in Indonesia a baby was born with a rare and complex medical condition where his conjoined twin did not fully develop in the womb as a result they had two faces

    And two brains with only one head the baby named jilong Anda is technically classified as a conjoin twin but has only one body with two arms and two legs making this extremely rare due to this condition gon cannot breastfeed and has to receive milk through a tube doctors

    In his area have told his parents that they’re unable to operate as this condition is so rare that they’re unsure if he’ll be able to survive long term hydris caused by an accumulation of fluid in the brain is also a complication Jong has to deal with the medical condition can cause learning

    Disabilities speech Vision or memory problems or epilepsy in many newborn babies Lucy Pierce is a teenager from Sheffield South Yorkshire who has a rare skin condition called dermatographia this condition causes an allergic reaction where cells beneath the skin surface release histamine upon the slightest pressure resulting in an itchy

    Rash however Lucy uses her condition to her Advantage by using her arm as a notepad to study for exams she writes study material on her skin and finds that she remembers the info much more easily that way the notes however disappear after 30 minutes allowing her to test her memory and efficiently

    Review Lucy was diagnosed with dermatographia 3 years ago and was initially concerned about what was happening to her body but she’s grown to love her condition and finds it helpful for learning important info she can draw and write with her fingers leaving a lasting imprint Lucy helps to go to

    University to study dentistry and continues to use her skin as a study tool the following story about a 13-year-old girl from India named twink is pretty incredible and is still a big mystery when the girl is sad she doesn’t cry fluids but blood according to several articles she’s been living like

    This for 2 years and the blood would sometimes even start running from her eyes for no reason the doctors don’t know what to do and they’re sure there’s no cure for this condition a well-known doctor from Dallas named George Buchanan said that he never heard of anyone

    Bleeding from the eyes so even today this incredible mystery remains unsolved how do you think this is possible or could the story not really be true let us know your opinion in the comments probably not but faroo James an 8-year-old boy from the United Kingdom has these problems every day because of

    His natural long hair according to several articles his hair is said to have been the reason he was denied admission to several schools the boy mother tells that to this day she still hasn’t found a school for him pretty bizarre huh Jackson bule was a 5-year-old boy

    Who unfortunately led a very short life he was born with micro hydron Andy a rare congenital defect that caused him to be missing 80% of his brain and only part of his skull remained Jack Jackson’s prognosis was Grim although he only lived for 5 years he was known as

    The Miracle boy because of his remarkable strength and intellectual abilities although we can not walk or talk Jackson’s parents shared as many Milestones through their Facebook page through photos and videos followers saw Jackson communicating with sounds and eye contact smiling and bringing joy to those around him the boy story raised

    Awareness for those who also had this rare condition and emphasized the unique needs that were required ired people born with microh hydron ay typically have abnormally small skulls and in severe cases only a small part of the skull or brain tissue is missing as was the case with Jackson the condition has

    Affected only a few hundred people worldwide making it exceptionally rare to have even before he was born Evan Fasano’s parents knew his life would be difficult he would have a skin condition so rare and challenging that it would not only affect his quality of life but also the length of his life Harlequin

    Atosis as it’s called is a rare genetic skin disorder that affects approximately one in 1 million births worldwide let that number sink in this condition is caused by a genetic mutation that affects the normal development of the skin resulting in cracked and thickened skin babies born with hinic ethis

    Typically have thick diamond shaped plates of skin exposing the underlying tissues of the body the condition affects many parts of the body including the face arms legs and torso and can lead to difficulty breathing and problems with regulating body temperature Evan receives at least two baths a day to remove the excess skin

    That grows daily fortunately as he got older his parents were able to get him a wheelchair to help him with Mobility this is one of those cases worthy of an entire episode of Grey’s Anatomy Jessica Brett a 9-year-old girl from Lincoln United Kingdom underw a groundbreaking balloon operation to

    Remove a large birth mark on her scalp doctors were concerned that the birth birth mark could become cancerous and traditional treatments like skin grass were not feasible due to the large skin surface that needed to be covered instead Specialists used a groundbreaking technique to insert four balloons under Jessica’s scalp to

    Stretch the skin after 6 months the excessive skin tissue created by the balloons was used to replace the birth mark the procedure was a first in the UK and had only been attempted once before in the United States Jessica’s mother Becky spoke about her daughter’s courage during the lengthy process and how she

    Powered through it Jessica has since cut her hair in the style of her favorite pop star Jesse J and while she has scars they are rapidly fading the balloon procedure had been deemed a success and many offer hope for others with similar conditions there are a whole bunch of

    Fictional characters we know from movies and cartoons but it’s almost impossible to imagine that such people exist in real life right meet me on who is called the fish boy he is from hoochi mean City in Vietnam and has a rare Gene IC skin disorder that makes his skin flaky and

    Dry the boy lives in a hospital unit because he needs to be cared for by doctors 24/7 according to several articles his skin is believed to be affected by dioxin a toxic substance used during the war in Vietnam it’s well known that the effect of dioxin can last

    For up to five generations and cause different mental Andor physical abnormalities the heart is one of the most important organs we have and can you imagine how dangerous it would be if we were born with our hearts on the outside this is exactly what happened to

    Versia as we can see her heart is on the outside of her chest she was born this way so her heart is not protected by a rib cage and abdominal muscles as we can see her heart is on the outside of her chest she was born this way so her heart

    Is not protected by a rib cage and abdominal muscles in fact this case is so unique that it only occurs in one in a million births imagine the worst next pain you’ve ever experienced it’s probably nothing compared to what mahenra arir went through this unusual condition

    Known as cvj made it impossible for him to hold his head up straight to hold his head up he relied on a metal frame specially designed for him despite being born into poverty mahendra’s story captured the hearts of many around the world a crowdfunding campaign was launched to finance his medical

    Treatment celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey helped raise awareness and contributed to the cause unfortunately it was not enough as Mahendra passed away at just 8 months old the damage to mahendra’s spinal cord was too severe the abnormalities can be fatal and can even present themselves in later stages

    Of life we also don’t know the possible causes of his neck growing this way although some studies suggest genetics may play a role in its development Zoe Lush is also known as the girl made of glass you won’t wish this condition on anyone not even your worst enemy

    Zoe is a young girl bornn with a rare genetic disorder called osteogenesis in perfecta also known as brittle bone disease this condition makes her bones extremely fragile causing them to break with slight impact or pressure Zoe has experienced hundreds of fractures in her short life and has undergone numerous

    Surgeries to repair broken bones and alleviate her pain this rare genetic disorder affects approximately 1 in 20,000 people worldwide it’s caused by mutations in the genes that affect the production of type 1 collagen A protein that provides structure and strength to Bone tissue there’s different forms of osteogenesis and perfecta with varying

    Degrees of severity some individuals may only experience a few fractures in their lifetime While others like Zoe may have hundreds of fractures that significantly impact their quality of life this is the smallest baby ever born and she almost looks unreal qu yuan is a baby who was born prematurely in June

    2020 weighing only 212 G she was born for months premature via emergency cesarian section after her mother was diagnosed with preeclampsia a condition that caused dangerously high blood pressure and could be fatal qu spent 13 months at the National University Hospital in Singapore where she underwent extensive treatment and relied

    On various machines to survive during her Hospital stay she received various types of treatments and her health and development progressed well under these conditions despite the odds she survived and discharged from the hospital in July 2021 weighing almost 14 PB lb or 6.3 kg since then she’s grown into a healthy

    And happy 2-year-old girl now weighing the typical weight for children her age however she still has chronic lung disease and requires a nasal feeding tube for milk her parents who are permanent residents of Singapore were able to afford her extended Hospital stay through a crowdfunding campaign that raised

    $270,000 have you ever heard of a tribe somewhere in Africa who wear rings around their necks to make them longer this following story however is not about the tribe but about a Chinese boy named Fu wangu who has an extremely long neck he was born this way and in

    Addition he suffers from some other disorders instead of having only seven vertebrae in the neck which we all have Foo has 10 this makes it difficult for the boy to walk his father finally decided it was better for the boy to undergo surgery that will make his life

    Easier Runa beum the Indian baby born with hydris Drew Global attention when photos of her her head went viral people rallied for her and the Indian government paid for her medical treatment at the prestigious Hospital in Delhi the condition was caused by an accumulation of fluid in Run’s brain and

    It left her unable to move or communicate it can occur at any age and according to search results hydrophilus occurs in two out of every 1,000 births in the United States although the diagnosis and treatment of hydrophilus are more common Bruno’s case was exceptional while the surgery and

    Treatment initially LED her to a reduction in the size of her head bruna’s health remained fragile unfortunately the girl passed away at the age of five and 2017 remember that movie with Brad Pit where he seemingly aged in Reverse it’s a real condition the body of a 4-year-old looks like that of an

    80-year-old but the mind is that of a child Basit Hussein was born with this rare condition called Pria children with pryia age rapidly and often have a distinctive appearance including baldness wrinkled skin and a small stature the condition usually leads to health problems such as heart disease

    And strokes Basit appearance made him a target of bullying but the boy remained strong and managed to get through that period however it’s prevented him from attending school and has isolated him from the outside world Heria only affects about 1 in four million people worldwide it’s caused by a mutation in a

    Single Gene that leads to production of an abnormal protein that accumulates in cells and disrupts normal function this condition is typically diagnosed in early childhood and unfortunately has no Cure Charlotte garide is known as the world’s smallest girl born in the United Kingdom with a rare form of primordial

    Dwarfism she was born in 2007 weighing less than 2 lbs or 1 kg and measuring less than 10 in or 25 cm despite initial Expectations by medical staff that she would not survive longer than a year she fought through her illness and celebrated her 15th birthday in 2022 Charlotte’s parents have devoted their

    Lives to caring for her including her daily needs education and medical bills and expenses primordial dorf ism is a rare genetic condition that causes severe growth restrictions making individuals significantly smaller than their peers Charlotte’s condition means she has a weakened immune system and cysts on her liver her condition is so

    Rare that doctors have not yet given it a name globally there are only 200 known individuals with this condition despite her small stature Charlotte has a big personality and is said to love music and dancing Mia Flo is a 5-year-old girl from Tel Aviv in Israel who became known for

    Beautiful thick hair she became an Instagram sensation and pictures of her went viral all over the Internet however there were people who were skeptical and said that her hair was fake but that’s probably just jealousy because many girls dream of having that kind of hair these days Mia is a model she has

    Several stylists and she really enjoys doing photo shoots April star is a 10-year-old model from Baltimore Maryland who was diagnosed with a ILO at the age of six Vitiligo is a skin condition that causes loss of skin pigment resulting in white spots or patches on the skin it affects

    More than 1% of the population worldwide what April has is called an autoimmune disease which means the immune system attacks and destroys the cells that produce pigment in the skin despite being bullied by peers April has embraced her unique beauty and become an online sensation by sharing inspiring

    Selfies her story has been highlighted in various media outlets and she is INSP insired many people around the world to embrace their differences in 2018 April was named a Vitiligo Ambassador for the American Vitiligo Research Foundation and she uses her platform to raise awareness about the condition and

    Promote self-confidence one of the key messages she shares with others is to set confidence goals instead of fear goals and she encourages people to embrace self-love and positivity April is often compared to Winnie harlo both having unique features and inspiring figures but they have their own individual Styles and pass in the Fashion

    World Victoria kamada is a young girl from New Jersey who was born with a rare condition called tibial himalia which left her with a leg that was essentially Twisted backward this condition affects one in a million babies and can require complex surgeries to correct despite many obstacles ahead Victoria’s parents

    Were determined to give their daughter a normal life and after a series of challenging surgeries she was finally able to take her first steps at the age of three the surgeries Victoria underwent aimed to correct the position of her foot and ankle the first surgery took place when Victoria was just 9

    Months old followed by six more surgeries over the course of several years the final surgery involved a bone transplant from her hip to construct a shin bone which was then positioned correctly the kamata family received assistance from Dr dor paly a world-renowned surgeon specializing in limb lengthening

    Procedures some people are born with an extra finger or toe and spend the rest of their lives hiding it or accepting it however this young boy chose not to hide his extra fingers akshat Sakina is an Indian boy born with extra fingers specifically 34 fingers and toes due to

    A genetic condition called polya this condition causes people to have extra fingers or toes and in ashcot case he had seven fingers on each hand and 10 toes on each foot his condition garnered International attention and when he broke the Guinness world record for the most fingers and toes on a living person

    He underwent several surgeries to remove the extra fingers and reconstruct his thumbs polya can be hereditary and can occur in various forms such as having extra fingers or toes on only one hand or foot or having extra fingers and toes on both hands and feet treatment for polya typically involves surgeries to

    Remove the extra fingers and reconstruct the affected Area we already talked about the longest hair or the longest eyelashes but Isaac Johnson is a guy known for his big mouth yeah we’re not kidding because Isaac has the biggest mouth in the world and has been on the list of the Guinness Book of World Records the teen broke the

    Official record with his mouth opening which now measures 4 in or 10.2 CM from his upper teeth to his lower teeth Angus Pals a boy from Manchester is the only known person in England who stopped growing at the age of three and is about the size of a toddler he has a

    Rare genetic condition that affects his growth and development called mopd type one less than 1,000 people in the United States have this and can occur in newborns people with mopd type 1 experience a range of symptoms including micral which means small head size developmental delays and digestive

    Complications Angus is now 13 years old and despite his challenges he remains a cheerful child he’s also an inspiring person to many people around him because he shows a lot of courage and always has a positive attitude Angus has only a handful of teeth and must be fed through

    A tube but he enjoys playing video games watching TV and talking to his friends currently there’s no effective treatment for mopd type one and treatment typically involves social and medical support individuals are helped in this way to live their lives as fully and comfortably as possible Didier montavo from Colombia

    Also known as turtle boy was born with a rare condition called cmn kinal melanotic neas didier’s condition is incredibly rare affecting only one in 500,000 new newborns this condition causes large pigmented birth marks to develop on the skin often in irregular shapes and sizes in didier’s case the

    Birth mark covered most of his back and resembled a turtle shell at the age of six he underwent a groundbreaking surgery in London to remove the large birth mark on his back at that time the total like birth mark accounted for 20% of his body’s weight even his doctors

    Said that Didier must have felt like he was carrying a sack of potatoes on his back the surgery was performed by a surgeon who flew to Columbia to examine Didier before taking him to London for the procedure after the surgery didier’s back was left with large scars but he

    Could finally live a normal life freed from the burden of his once Turtle back can you imagine the relief of having that weight lifted off you ram Haruna also known as the girl who lived in a plastic Bowl was a Nigerian teenager born without limbs she

    Could not walk eat or care for herself and she spent her entire life being carried in a plastic bowl by her family members her gained International attention after a photo of her being carried by her brother went viral on social media Rama was born in Kano a

    City in Northern Nigeria in 1995 her parents quickly realized that she was not like other babies because she had no visible limbs despite numerous medical tests and consultations doctors could not diagnose her condition Rama’s head continued to grow normally but the rest of her body remained underdeveloped her

    Mother cared for her and carried her everywhere until Rama was old enough for her siblings to take over her brother was often seen car carrying her in a plastic Bowl which he balanced on his head the girl reportedly experienced constant pain due to her condition and she could not go to school or

    Participate in activities like other children her age despite her limitations Rama had dreams of becoming a successful businesswoman she hoped to open a grocery store and support her family unfortunately she passed away December 25th 2016 at the age of 19 Lola and CLA Harley were born with a rare condition called microsil which

    Means you’re born with an extremely small head and brain Claire was the older sister and suffered from dwarfism and other rare conditions Lola was younger and had microsopy and dwarfism when the sisters were born doctors said they had no chance of living more than one year however they showed the whole

    World that they’re real Fighters as CLA lived to be 13 and Lola lived to be 17 AA and Leah are American models actresses and influencers who gained Fame at the age of seven when they were recognized as the most most beautiful twins in the world the sisters were born

    In Orange County California as Daughters of Jackie and Kevin Clemens they also have an older brother Chase Clemens who is also a model it seems that good CH run in the family in just four years Ava and Leah have built a huge following on social media with millions of followers

    On Instagram they have been featured in various prestigious Publications such as Harper’s bizarre Brazil and Vanity Fair Italy if you’re wondering how it’s possible that TN sisters look so identical here’s a fun fact identical twins almost look exactly alike because they develop from a fertilized egg that splits into two identical embryos

    According to some estimates about 30% of all twins are identical every now and then a photo of an unusual baby goes viral sometimes it’s a hoax but the following photo is so incredible that it actually made people doubt whether the baby was real or not but in the looks of it this could

    Possibly be a baby born with the darkest skin color ever recorded in history allegedly this baby was born in South Africa the photo of this baby is so astonishing that there was rumors of it earning a spot in the Guinness Book of World Record as the darkest baby ever

    However we can dispute this fact as Guinness World Record doesn’t register skin tones like these nevertheless the question remains whether this baby is real or not it could be possible but what do you think let me know in the comments sonar enan is a baby boy from

    Turkey who was born with a heart-shaped birth mark on his forehead the birth mark has captured the attention of people worldwide and has been nicknamed the love baby due to his unique and adorable appearance his father was the first to notice the birthmark when a nurse wiped blood off his newborn son’s

    Head he was surprised and overwhelmed when he saw the heart-shaped mark on his baby’s forehead sonar’s father described seeing the birth mark as a gift from God and emphasized that no one in the family had any negative feelings towards the birthmark sonar story and his heart-shaped birthmark have appeared in

    Various news articles and have gone viral on social media people from around the world have fallen in love with this cute baby and many have expressed their admiration for the unique and beautiful birth mark on his forehead if you’re looking at Alexandra young her age is hard to estimate you

    Will be completely surprised when you find out that she’s only 14 years old Alexander was born in the Philippines and she’s just under 4′ 6 in or 140 cm while a child her age should normally be around 5’5 or 16 5 cm the girl has a rare condition that makes her body look

    More like that of an adult when Alexandra posted photos of herself on the internet she quickly became an internet sensation Samson Burns lived 10 times faster than other children but how you might ask well Sam lived with progeria a rare genetic disorder that caused him to age rapidly he shared his story through

    Public speeches and the documentary life according to Sam Sam was born in 19 1996 in Massachusetts and was diagnosed with progeria at the age of two Progeria is an extremely rare condition and occurs only once in 4 to 8 million births it causes children to age 8 to 10 times

    Faster than normal leading to Rapid decline in health including heart disease and other age related conditions but Sam never let this discourage him and he never gave up he excelled in school played various Sports and had great musical Talent he also became a tedx speaker and Shar his story with

    Millions of people around the world unfortunately Sam passed away in 2014 at the age of 17 but his legacy lives on Sam’s parents Leslie Gordon and Scott Burns continue to work towards finding a cure for pgia kahat Kumar is a young girl from Punjab India who was born with rare

    Condition that causes her to rapidly gain weight according to reports she had a normal weight at Birth but began to gain tremendous size at Just 4 months old her weight continued to increase and by by 2017 she weighed 38 lb equivalent to the weight of an average 4-year-old child the girl’s parents Express

    Concerns about her condition as she struggles to breathe and even has difficulty sleeping they eventually sought medical help for their daughter but doctors were reportedly puzzled about what was causing her constant craving for food her case has been described by doctors as a medical mystery she’s been examined by numerous

    Doctors and medical experts but they cannot pinpoint a specific cause for excessive weight gain some doctors have suggested that she might have a hormonal imbalance While others speculated that her condition could be related to a genetic disorder Arya Perman was named the heaviest child in the world because his

    Weight was an incredible 423 lb or 192 kg the 10-year-old boy from Indonesia had to overcome several plastic surgeries to lose weight so he could return to school normally but how did he get so fat in the first place well unhealthy food Arya normally ate at least five meals a day consisting of

    Noodles rice Meat and Fish but the big BG problem was that he consumed it in large quantities along with huge amounts of cola lymphadema is a condition in which excess fluid accumulates in tissues causing a swelling in different parts of the body Bella Roberts was diagnosed

    With this condition at the age of six and has been living with lymphodema since then this genetic disorder is presented at Birth or develops later in life due to an inherited abnormality in the lymphatic system Bella has become an advocate for people with lymphadema by raising awareness about the condition

    And encouraging others to share their experiences in addition to raising awareness Bella has shared her story through interviews and videos including a touching video documenting her journey however there are different types of lymphadema but the type that Bella has primary lymphadema affects only about one in 100,000 people Bella was the

    First baby in England to be diagnosed with it after being discovered by a modeling agency she started modeling at the age of 13 nowadays she studies Beauty and therapy when Isaiah bird started wrestling knowing he had a severe disadvantage due to missing his legs he never expected

    That one day he would shine in a Nike commercial Isaiah began wrestling at the age of six and within a year he was already very good his love for wrestling started after seeing his older brother compete and deciding he wanted to try it too initially he struggled to find a

    Team that would accept him due to his physical limitations but eventually he found a local Coach willing to work with him with the help of Prosthetics he joined the team and started competing using his Superior upper body strength to gain an edge despite facing many challenges Isaiah worked hard and

    Quickly found success on the wrestling mat in his first year competition he won several matches and became a valuable member of his team he continued to train even in the face of criticism and doubts from others who believed he couldn’t compete at a high level Isaiah’s story should Inspire everyone to pursue their

    Passions and dreams regardless of how they look when milliana worthy was born she already had a lot of hair but the most noticeable part was a white patch of hair on her forehead the same patch her mother has Milana was born in widin South Carolina and her white patch of

    Hair was caused by a skin and hair condition known as poliosis it’s a condition that results in the lack of pigment in the affected area and it’s not harmful and doesn’t require treatment however it can sometimes be associated with other health issues like autoimmune disease she inherited this

    Unique feature from her mother Briana who ALS also has a white streak in her hair as well as her grandmother and great-grandmother Milana is the fourth generation in her family to exhibit this rare trait despite facing teasing and negative comments from others bana plans to raise her daughter with confidence

    And self-love reminding her that she’s beautiful and special just as she is you’ve probably heard of albinism a condition that causes a lack of skin and hair pigment but this is extremely unique when it happens in twins meet Lara and and Mara who are probably the most popular albino sisters in the world

    And interestingly the girls have an older sister who doesn’t have albinism the fact that Lara and Mara have albinism isn’t even the most incredible part of their story either as the 11-year-old girls literally break all stereotypes in the beauty industry they love to pose and take pictures so no

    Wonder the fashion company teranova invited them for a photo shoot furthermore the girls tell us that they’re very proud of albinism and that they love their skin and hair very much this 11-year-old boy from the Philippines whose name is unknown was born with a rare condition that makes

    His legs look like a flamingo’s legs because of this occurrence his knees bent the wrong way and he had to undergo surgery to normalize his life now he’s learning to walk in a new way and we hope he makes it so he can go through life normally

    Again Bajan enza liberata is a woman from Wanda who gave birth to a child with the head of an alien because of the way her child looked her husband decided to abandon her and called the child a Devil’s Child bullies in her Village called the child an alien the birth came

    As a shock to the woman as she had previously given birth without any problems during her pregnancy there were no complications and she stayed home until she went to the hospital to give birth but like her husband doctors were surprised when they discovered the child’s head his mother fought for his

    Treatment and to get a good quality of life for her son although she has had to overcome many challenges the woman is not giving up hope she continues to care for her child and hopes that he can lead a full life fortunately she is not alone

    Thanks to the company of afax who shared the story with the world she received help donations began to come in enough to go to the city and eventually have an operation let’s hope that the alien boy is doing well nowadays Tessa this condition is so rare that it’s been reported in only 47

    Individuals since 1931 making it one of the rarest congenital abnormalities known to Medical Science as a result limited information is available regarding the long-term prognosis and treatment options for individuals with this condition Tessa Evans is one of those 47 people she was born with an exceptionally rare condition called CCA

    Which means she was born without a nose Tessa underwent a groundbreaking cosmetic nose implant becoming the first person in the world to undergo this procedure the process will involve multiple surgeries to replace the implant as Tessa grows older allowing the nose to change and grow with her face ultimately when she’s a teenager

    She will receive the final prosthesis that will be tattooed with light and dark Shades to make it appear like a real body part can you imagine having fish scales instead of skin it’s not a metaphor or way to say you’re a big Aquaman fan it’s a real skin condition and this little

    Boy has it panin Hong is an 8-year-old boy from wiling East China who suffers from a rare and hereditary skin condition called eiosis this disease causes dry thickened and scaly skin often described as Skin resembling that of a fish in Pan’s case the condition is affected his entire body including his

    Face and limbs making it difficult for him to move and sweat normally eiosis is extremely rare and is caused by a genetic mutation that is often inherited from both parents but in some rare cases the mutation can occur spontaneously without an inherited link the condition is usually diagnosed at Birth or in

    Early childhood and there is no cure the symptoms of eiosis can vary depending on the type and severity of the condition common symptoms include dry scaly skin rough or thickened patches on the skin and itching or Burning Sensations the next story is about a boy named Oliver row who is known as the

    Tallest teenager in the world it goes without saying that with such a height he also became a basketball star Oliver is considerably taller than any other teenager as he’s 2.26 M and he’s also the tallest boy in his school when Oliver was 11 he started growing very

    Quickly and since then the growth never stopped today Oliver is called the world’s tallest teenager by Guinness World Records before he started playing basketball he played at the Youth Soccer Club of Real Madrid so as you can tell the boy has many talents he finally decided to go for B basketball and it

    Was a good decision because he’s already managed to attract the attention of famous basketball players Steph Curry and Jo lmb and who knows we might see him playing in the NBA in the future Brock Brown is a giant boy who stands at an incredible 7′ 9 in or 236

    Cm tall at the time he was crowned the tallest teenager in the world and doctors thought he would not make it to adulthood in fact Brock was born with SoDo syndrome a genetic disorder known mainly as cerebral gigantism which means he just keeps growing fortunately today

    He’s found his dream job and now works in a sports center cie and Carter Torres are conjoined twins born in Idaho they were born in 2017 and have since overcome the odds together although they share a chest and liver cie and Carter have their own heart and stomach their mother

    Chelsea decided to not separate them and focus on their development and daily life despite the challenges that come with being connected the sisters lead a happy and healthy life twins who are connected are a rare phenomenon occurring only in 1 in 50,000 to 1 in2 200,000 birs whether someone will

    Survive is mainly dependent on their body structure and the degree of organ sharing the mother said she believes cie and Carter have a strong bond and that separation would be too risky for them she also wants them to live as normal life as possible and believes that separation would cause them physical and

    Emotional trauma according to the mother the twins don’t know any different and are very happy together patero byakanda is a boy who lives in a remote Village in Uganda unfortunately he was born with a rare genetic condition known as cruson syndrome this condition has pushed his skull into a cone shape making it

    Difficult for him to see eat and even breathe normally fortunately peto’s condition caught the attention of a world-renowned surgeon Dr Kenneth seler Dr seler leads a charitable organization called the world cranial facial Foundation which helps children around the world with severe skull deformities thanks to this incredible organization

    Bera was able to receive help however the surgery was not without risks as his brain had grown upwards instead of forwards and his eyes had bulged to the point where he was nearly losing his eyesight however with the help of Dr cier and his team Poo’s brain was

    Corrected and early signs indicate that he will make a full recovery Dr celier injected proteins into the affected areas which should help normalize the growth of peto’s head peto’s story has also been an inspiration to many and his journey was broadcasted on popular TLC and Discovery Channels in 2007 although

    Cruson syndrome may be a rare condition the world cranial facial Foundation continues to help over 75 children from around the world each year Halo ke was an English author and activist born on December 3rd 1997 and she passed away on April 2nd 2015 at the age of 17 she was diagnosed with piria

    At the age of 2 an extremely rare genetic disease that causes rapid Aging in children despite the average life expectancy for individuals with this condition being 13 years she participated in a drug trial that allowed her to surpass her doctor’s predictions for her lifespan Haley was known for raising awareness about

    Progeria and often traveled from her home in England to Boston in the United States to receive new treatments her Auto biography old before my time was published in 2012 Pria affects only about 1 in 20 million people and there are approximately 100 known cases worldwide the symptoms of Pria typically

    Become evident in the first few months of life and include growth failure loss of body fat and hair wrinkled skin stiff joints and cardiovascular problems children with Pria often have a distinctive appearance such as a small face narrow nose and prominent ears it’s quite common to have one or

    More birth marks but the following case of a boy named doni is quite unique in fact the boy was born with a unique birth mark on his face it immediately surprised the doctors and they noticed that the 8-year-old boy’s hair kept growing on one side of his face this is

    A very unusual and rare condition and at the time of birth doctors didn’t know how to cure the boy unfortunately an key was also regularly bullied at school and it was difficult for the boy to cope with the situation however ever some scientists and doctors who heard about

    The boy offered him the chance for free treatment at a hospital in Chang Chun China let’s hope he’s doing well today Olivia fransworth is a very unique girl as she can’t feel pain hunger or fatigue we could also call her a girl with superpowers even though doctors said she is bionic unfortunately this

    Super rare condition comes with some danger because since she can’t feel pain she could easily get hurt or since she doesn’t hunger she could forget about eating Xiao hu Kang is a boy from China who was born with a rare condition known as kreno facial duplication what happens

    Is that the embryo does not divide properly which can result in a fetus with two identical or fused faces Crono facial duplication is an incredible rare condition with very few cases reported worldwide it’s estimated to occur in less than one in 1 million live births in xiao’s case it resulted in him being

    Born with four eyes two noses and Two Lips which required multiple surgical procedures to correct his story gained International attention when images of him with a self-made mask went viral on social media the mask was designed to conceal the second face after multiple surgeries including adding a forehead

    Nose and teeth to his second face the boy can now smile and play like any other child he was abandoned by his parents at Birth and taken into an orphanage as at the age of two Shia was discovered by a photographer Wu Yong ning who took photos of the boy this

    Brought attention to the boy’s medical condition and led to a wave of support and donations to help with his medical treatment in early 2013 it was reported that Huang was doing well and attending school like other children Adalia Rose was an inspiring teenager from the United States who was diagnosed with Hutchinson Guilford

    Progeria also known as the Benjamin button disease this condition which affects only about 500 children worldwide results in growth problems and features that reflect early aging Hutchinson Guilford Pria affects an estimated one in six million people worldwide and only about 500 children have been diagnosed with this condition

    In the world additionally it leads to premature aging with an average life expectancy of only 13 years however Adalia managed to reach the age of 15 at Birth Adali appeared like any other baby but at the age of 3 months her parents noticed that she was different and

    Shortly after she received her official diagnosis her condition caused her to grow slowly in her first year of life and lose her hair with physical features worsening as she Grew Older the condition resulted in a small fragile body and her bones became brittle and thin making them prone to easy fractures

    While adalia’s condition may have been rare and challenging she turned it into a successful YouTube channel that has over 3 million subscribers at the time of her passing before he was simply dismissed as a spoiled disobedient toddler who was irritable all the time red Lamb’s parents took him to the doctor you’d

    Probably be irritable too if you could only sleep for an hour a day R was born in St Petersburg Florida in 2005 and from a young age he struggled with sleep and developmental delays eventually Rhett was diagnosed with Chiari a rare neurological disorder that affects the brain and spinal cord the condition

    Caused Rhett to be awake for nearly 24 hours leading to various behavioral problems despite multiple doctor visits the condition remained undiagnosed until he was about 3 years old he then underwent a risky surgery to remove bone around his brain stem and spinal cord creating more space and reducing

    Pressure the surgery was successful and Rhett was finally able to sleep through the night his behavior improved significantly and he began to interact with other children and Achieve developmental Milestones what makes you unique let me know in the comments if you like the video give it a thumbs up if you want to

    See more videos we’ve made click one on the screen or take a look at the channel thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time

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