Escape To The Country Season 18 Episode 6: Devon

    Escape to the Country is a British daytime television property-buying/real estate programme, first airing in 2002 revolving around potential home buyers searching for their dream homes in rural parts of the UK.

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    1. It is always a pleasure to watch escape to the country for I don t know English country at all…All the districts are gorgeous and make me dream, as the beautiful cottages with their cosy atmosphere…Hello from Paris, France ❤

    2. Well, I'm disappointed with this episode. The buyer had a $300,000 budget. The first two house were listed higher. The buyer want a garden and view. The second house had neither. Total failure.

    3. I'm pleased that she got the house she wanted, but I do wonder if she's still living there. Unless she's partly working from home an hour's commute to the station each way five days a week would soon become tiresome. On top of that, there's no proper garden for the cats, just a shared courtyard (unless there's countryside very close by which we didn't see). She obviously fell in love with the property though, so I hope it worked out. Thanks for the upload!

    4. Always Njoy Margherit she has a warm and kind personality.
      Love this episode the best in a long while.
      Dont really like the fact that she doesn't have a garden.
      The communal garden is so small.

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