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    Jack and Chris return for the latest TNC Podcast to discuss Norwich City’s win away from home against Hull City. The Canaries find themselves just two points off of the play-offs but there’s still so much work to be done. Can David Wagner survive another week in charge of the club?
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    Well who on Earth said the wheels are falling off the Wagner wagon we certainly didn’t he came from Cony he’s running down the wing he’ll run at you and you can’t do anything he’s [ __ ] magic and don’t you [ __ ] know his name is Johnny Johnny Johnny Ro

    Chris you you slagged off this former city of culture but what a fantastic friday night we had there well it’s the type of place that you go for result isn’t it Jack it really really is no on a serious note um totally totally shocked um was very very

    Surprised and and I honestly think it was because it we we turned into Norwich gritty we were just so dirty we just ground it out it was ugly as hell but as I said the on the last podcast Jack who the hell cares begas can’t be chooses in the current

    State we’re in you take a win like that away from home all day long it’s funny isn’t it perception and how different fans view different clubs and I was watching the the highlights um I think it was on the official efl page and there were so many whole fans underneath

    Going I wish we were nasty like nor City and it’s funny because how often this season like we’re to nice blah blah and I think that probably comes from a couple of decisions that maybe went our way um but you know we were we were aggressive and we were in their faces

    And and as you say that’s probably what got us a result in the end it was and and that’s well aside from from a couple of moments of quality as well Jack but that’s that’s what this team should be about that’s why we signed all of these experienced players to get results like

    We did away at Hull on Friday night right so I’m really really happy with the boys and I want to be really really clear Jack like I really just want to enjoy the win you know and and I saw a couple of things on on social media

    After the game and by the way this isn’t it’s not where I can’t think like this but I don’t blame fans for having this opinion it was well that means Wagner’s in a job for another six months Revo and I’m like just enjoy the win like come on

    It’s don’t get me wrong it’s turgid it’s crap to watch it’s study as hell but when you’ve been how we’ve been to go away and get a result like that you know don’t don’t you you can’t really complain can you J well one would hope it’s not sustainable I get that but who

    Cares one would hope that you know we’re all nuanced enough to go yes you know we need change but in an isolated period we can really enjoy that win I I had great fun watching that on on Friday night I I said to you off there that you I was was

    Just laughing just because I got to a point where I knew that Hull weren’t going to score I know they they did in the end but it didn’t you know amount to anything but you know gun was on fire we had Duffy throwing himself at things let’s go from the start because I

    Thought do it even pre-match was interesting actually for the first time in a very long while I think we saw positive reaction to the team and I think you know I agree with the with the majority here that probably is on paper are our strongest team you’ve got

    Sergeant back in the mix you had science um in the mix he wasn’t engine was wasn’t suspended you had that Midfield Duo Kenny is now seen as a center back you know he’s not seen as like a fit kind of a makeshift he people deem him

    To be a center back now how that’s happened I’m not quite sure um you got youus there and Stacy I think after the summer transfer window Barnes of course in there as well you know the the players we brought in and the players we already had I’d say Varner saw that 11

    As his 11 and for whatever reason you know injuries and suspensions and form he hasn’t been able to field that too often this this campaign so that was pleasing um I do agree with you and and and you know there is a there is a Tex

    Of fans that that will say oh why do you constantly give David Vagner criticism boys you know you know be positive so let me make this clear David Vagner deserves credit for that lineup against Hull don’t get me wrong the the the tactics maybe uh that were implemented

    Throughout the game weren’t great to watch but the lineup was a strong one and actually I thought his substitutes were perfectly timed as well something else have criticized David Vagner for this season was some extremely questionable ingame um management and substitutions I thought that he got his

    Subs right um against Hull and they made an impact as we know so um yeah I think that that’s one of those ones where um we we can praise it yeah absolutely I mean sound like a genius to kind of field you’re start you’re strongest 11

    But now I get the point let let’s jump straight into the man that that everyone is talking about not only nor City fans Hull fans included and you know a lot of neutrals as well because obviously this one was televised I think most people were picking H against Norwich over

    Luton against Burnley in the Premier League Johnny row he is and actually I think this performance just epitomized Johnny roow perfectly because for the first half an hour we were talking on WhatsApp we should have been doing a watch long but Chris was too Moody to do one you know we were

    Going typical by the way I know we were going Rose a bit quiet you know not quite in the game and on that you know plowed field of a football pitch that H call home um up Pops row dribbles past a couple of players and I think everyone

    Is talking about the beating of players and the run it’s the finish for me that is the best bit outside of the boot off balance players the beat goalkeeper well positioned finds away and I would probably say there’s five or six players in the entire division that has the

    Ability to just change a game and he’s one of them um and he is very much one of them and he’s and he’s doing it consistently and I think you know when he came into the side and he scored against hole on opening day and I think

    There was a moment there where he went oh okay like there’s something about this kid but how often has that happened not just at nor but over the years at other clubs where you have a youngster couple of games Flash never see them again rowers scored 12 goals this season

    In different types of games different types of goals big occasions lesser games he the real deal well that that that goal Jack alone you know is probably chucked another five million quid on his on his price tag you know the ability to be I think it was three

    Players wasn’t it before he took before he took it with the outside of his of his right foot it’s an absolutely ridic ridiculous finish from row an absolutely gorgeous goal and every time we talk about Johnny rojack I just smile yeah yeah I just smiling like football is for for

    Me football is about players like Johnny row moments players that can that can turn a game players that get you up off your seat and actually I just love the fact that he’s Johnny row he is himself he’s not a boring run-of-the-mill media trained robot he is just Johnny row and

    You know there’s this whole thing of oh you know keep Johnny row on the keep Johnny row you know on the floor and you know be careful a little bit and don’t overhype him we’re in we are in the territory of enjoy him whilst we’ve got

    Him now this is in Emmy buend Deere territory for me in terms of enjoying whilst you’ve got him because he is a ridiculous player and and I’ll I’ll say something he’s the best Academy product I’ve ever seen in my lifetime he’s the best ever Academy product wow and I I’ll

    Put this out there as a as a question um for for those you know watching this now let me know yours in your lifetime because there’s been some did you bam I didn’t see Bellamy no I’m not that old you cheeky sod um I guess you I did

    Watch Robert Green but for me like he’s of course he’s a GK right Johnny is is a Winger and can make things happen um such a good bloke off the pitch as well and a lot of you that that follow talk nor City will will have seen um there’s

    An absolutely brilliant um channel uh called hboy it’s called the whole booy yeah love it straight to the point yeah exactly doesn’t mess around he’s a boy and he’s from H absolutely and um sadly his his father has has dementia at the moment so obviously as you could imagine

    A really challenging time for him and there’s a lovely video of him after the game Johnny row going over to to to the whole Boy the whole fan and giving him his shirt and not just giving it you know actually you know wishing wishing his dad well and you know telling him to

    Keep positive things like that and and by the way he’s done it with us with with something that we we’re going to announce he he’s done it so many times he always has the time for the fans Jack um I absolutely love Johnny roow the man

    Can walk on water he can he give him the give him the keys to the city honestly I I [ __ ] love him and I’m not afraid to say it and I’m not and I’m not going to do this oh don’t hype him up team match Chris no sod that really enjoy him I

    Agree and and and you know what the the kind of the I’d maybe twist this a little bit now by saying I’m I’m almost a little bit frustrated with how good Johnny Rose been this season because imagine how good he could have been if we had actually played our best teams

    Our strongest lineups played the football that we should have been playing from the off and I I just think to myself bloody hell could you have imagined how many goals Johnny roow would have grabbed the season if we hadn’t been playing such negative crap football I think I think it’s a great

    Point and and it almost you know backs up that point that he has the ability to find quality in games where he’s quiet because you know against Southampton I know he didn’t score in that game but came up with the assist against Hull with with with sat deep it’s very much

    Try and find something on the on the counter attack we did for the second goal but for him to still come up with the goods you spot on imagine him in this free flowing style where he’s getting four five chances a game instead of one and I and and it’s a massive

    Compliment to Johnny and a lot of people gave him criticism weirdly for scoring two goals in the East England Derby they actually said that that it was one of Johnny Rose’s worst games a sign of an exceptionally talented player is when they’re not in the game and they still

    Come up with the goods and at the end of the day if he keeps doing what he’s doing you’re gon to be a grand down and by the way you’re in big trouble again young man you were looking good when you know there there was a little injury

    Niggle to to to Johnny um David Vagner weirdly kept him out the team for for one or two games as well um you’re in big trouble man you keep you keep making out this is a bad thing I want to give the grand away one it means Rose had a

    Great season two it means a great charity picks up the cash I I think I quickly back to hboy love hboy it it sums up Johnny row that we’ve got a whole city fan who is finding more joy from Johnny row than he is Calio that

    They’ve just signed and and that sums it up because sometimes an opposition player will come to carod and and they and they tear you apart but you almost go you know what I enjoyed the the the the Artistry of that by the way watch the whole boy’s Channel he does and and

    He’s a massive he really really likes Norwich and he he says a lot of lovely things about Norwich so big up to the whole boy um just on on Johnny row as well and and people remember from watching or listening to the podcast last last week we were we we raised the

    Point about how bad the Bristol FA Cup game was Rover sorry what did I say Bristol sorry Bristol Rover game Bristol uh boring um the Bristol Rover game was in terms of bleeding in younger supporters yes and how that could turn people off yeah Johnny is the type of

    Player where you could imagine kids all over nor with Johnny roow posters on their bedroom wall and like I’m just well I have I’ve got a mural on my bedroom I’m just I’m just so proud that that Johnny’s a yellow and like and and for avoidance of any doubt I can assure

    Everyone watching this he is the nicest the nicest in fact do you know what I’m going to give him a new the the new title I’ve always said that the nicest norch player I’ve ever met and I only chat to him was Jamal Lewis right it’s

    Johnny Ro he’s even nicer he is just the nicest blo ever so Johnny keep it up me I I I can’t get Johnny R off my mind at the moment I was sat there Sunday evening there’s not I don’t think there’s too many better things to be

    Doing on a Sunday evening I had a cup of tea in hand and I was watching the snooker yeah I watching the master snooker and Rono Sullivan won now we all know the the joy of Rono Sullivan and you know the mry that he’s found over

    The years and I thought R row is the footballing equivalent of Ronnie O Sullivan because Ronnie came out after that and he said you know he he won the Masters I think that’s his 23rd triple crown title and he said I found a way to

    Win even when I’m not my best and I’m just looking at row I’m going you know you’re creating memories you’re becoming a superstar and I don’t think he’s even in third gear yet I think I think he’s still cruising in you know very much in Cru you know what i’ I’d probably say

    That as well I’ll Chuck another statement out there and by the way this isn’t that much of a big statement in my opinion that kid is going to play for the England first team and not just one day sooner than you can think I said it about Madison when he

    Was at Norwich that he’ll play for England I’m saying it again with Johnny Rose also said it about Ryan Bennett no I didn’t no I did yeah you did I don’t get Co and Rob Butler did well look anyway Johnny row he’s going to be in the England first team

    Soon cuz he’s an exceptional player we love him to bits we love Johnny Ro um let’s talk about the defense Because by the way isn’t it just funny we I reckon honestly we could just Rebrand TNC to just I don’t know talk Johnny row well

    Why don’t we go down the whole tjr the roow boy the RO boys the RO boys quite like got to that okay anyway let’s move it on from Johnny Ro pops up with a with a bit of quality like we know he does the majority of that game was Hall city

    With the ball and our defense throwing in last G challenges yes um we’ve mentioned him a lot this season and and I think he deserves to get another mention and that’s Angus gun who look I think you often the the the the best goalkeepers are the ones you almost

    Don’t really notice um and I think we really noticed the quality of gun when gun wasn’t playing yes and George long came in and I I still don’t really know the stock of George long but what I do know is he’s he’s so far off Angus gun

    And and that’s not even necessarily A criticism of long it’s it’s a it’s credit to Angus gun he’s a premier league goalkeeper mate I think he is yeah and M I was just and I don’t I honestly don’t think I’m overhyping it I think that was one

    Of the best and I know that we conceded which sounds really weird for me to say this it was one of the best n city goalkeeping performances for for two three seasons honestly like and he he is frustrated that he didn’t keep a clean sheet by the way [ __ ] hell the saves

    He was honestly he he turned into Buffon it was it was absolutely ridiculous the two diving saves were like absolute fingertips it was just exceptional Angus exceptional and and I think if you’re a hall City player you know after the 17th shot seemingly has just been saved by

    Gun you just hold your hands up don’t you go you know what it’s not our day yeah you hold your hands up don’t you and and I saw a few kind of H fans that I follow tweeting like you know on another day we score five and and yeah

    They do and and you know what I’m so pleased that that Angus got got a moment with the Norwich fans at the end don’t forget he is a Norwich fan as well Angus is so humble too humble I think sometimes and I I loved it I forgot who

    It was it might have even been narus maybe the the uh the coach kind of shoved Angus towards the Norwich fans to you know so the Norwich fans could just just serenate him with with his song It Rich deserved those diving saves unbelievable I think he made two sorry I

    Think he made three saves also from shots Inside the Box yeah um just a ridiculous goalkeeper performance thank as I’ve said so many times this season thank God for gun and and and one of the big moments of course in that first half was his collision with with Connelly

    Yeah it was a a horrible one but neither did wrong though no I was about to say that I don’t think well Conelly certainly wasn’t a fault the problem with that is is unless it’s a drop ball the free kicks got to go one way it shouldn’t have been it shouldn’t have

    Been our free kick I agree with that g the only thing with gunny but you know he lifted his knee to jump that’s the way you jump that’s just natural it doesn’t help that connley is you know five fo without it’s an oldfashioned football challenge Jack and and if the game

    Doesn’t have them the game’s gone but what I’m saying is let’s have some some sympathy for if that’s the other way around and our star strike has just been injured you would be annoyed of course 100% definitely mate so I think that I think look guns certainly shouldn’t have

    Been sent off I I get the frustration from a heart 10 minutes into a game you’ve already got injuries to a couple of attacking players then connley goes off the one where I think we did get lucky was the elbow from yanis where my my yellow and green glasses

    Wrong with this a little bit Jack I think he I think if that’s the other way around I’m assuming he’s not gone it look it it absolutely could have been given it could have been given I would I would though also again maybe take the side of maybe an

    Oldfashioned football fan here and say where you could El we will come on we come on because if you watch it back he actually brushes over the top of his hair he does he does you watch it back you watch it back he brushes over the

    Top of his hair he doesn’t Square in he doesn’t he doesn’t he doesn’t grit his teeth and go like that and square him in the forehead again natural jumping natural movement and he’s trying to he’s trying to get round him look I look I look I love the Emperor of

    Norford don’t get me wrong I’m not saying saying um I’m very very look we’ve got away with one there I agree I I just think there is also an element of well come on he’s not squared him in the forehead so so actually yeah it could have been given but don’t forget we

    Watch football okay we we we live we’re now in this plastic v soulless world of like if I flick the hair on your arm you’re going oh and you’re rolling around 55 times look dem’s Demi is fortunate but I I I I I think I’m okay with getting away with

    That the brilliant thing about I mean you’ve just acted like sort of an old episode of the bill where someone’s trying to stand up in court and get away with with a crime the the amazing thing here and the hypocrisy is that I just know that if we were in the Barkley

    Together and that’s the other way around this guy’s calling referee over 100 that’s the joy of football anyway it stays on the pitch it’s 1 n it’s getting to towards the end of the game and you’re just going please hold out please hold out the whole attack after attack

    After attack herandez had come on 5 minutes I think we had I think we had four bookings at that point I I put a cheeky bet on Norwich to get a red card because I was like this this is just it’s going to happen yeah it didn’t it

    Didn’t Arnell comes on yes comes up with a delicious cross unbelievable and up comes the man that just you know just quietly has been going about business but secretly scoring a couple of goals the fascinator yeah the big F yeah the sea F the SE

    F Well he did jump like the SE bass didn’t he sorry c f did C Bass Jump I quite like seast I love SE the SE it sounds like cax yeah it’s a play on both teletext and the the the lovely meaty white fish and by the way right and

    Here’s something well we’ll do it actually we’ll do it at the end of the show we we we really enjoyed in the last episode so many of you um got on board with hash wagon driver um oh sorry I’ll just say it now if you’ve watched to

    This point you need to post on social so Instagram Twitter obviously X whatever you want to call it now um hashtag seeast okay so C and then f a SS C fast it was really funny last week actually so the podcast went out about 6 7:00 no

    It’s was earlier than that yeah and uh I play I’ve started playing Five aside again on a Monday and there’s a couple of lovely TNC viewers there and I rocked up and they said Jack have you arrived in the wagon and I’m going I’m going I don’t know what’s like what it’s like

    The wagon driver it went mental it just shows the power of the of the TNC subscribers anyway wagi Christian fast kned the SE F I’m loving the look of of of FY I really really am yeah just yeah just give it to fary and see what happens and do you know what what

    Christian far kind of reminds me of maybe a bit of a marrow ranic esque type in terms of first season takes a bit of time to warm warm up yeah but when he’s warmed up he’s looking naughty right and Christian fastned and and by the way the

    Goal and we will go on to to praise anel as you’d imagine of course we’re going to do that it’s it’s a gorgeous cross but the the the touch from Christian farn it’s one of the ones where if if Messi or Ronaldo does that is getting replayed Time After Time After Time he’s

    Actually he’s with the top of his leg the absolute deafest of touches and the way he puts it in the smer afterwards straight over to anel he knows how good that ball was for anell Hernandez I’m buzzing for for for Christian fast kned he is in my opinion an underrated nor

    City player you’ve just made that sound like sort of a Balon door not a Balon door what’s the puscas award type girl what’s actually happened is it’s had a deflected cross and it’s bundled in off his off his mid riff it reminded me slightly of the goal can remember when

    Pooky scored away at QPR with his with his heart with his heart as Michael Bailey shared the other day um it reminded me of that anell Hernandez I’ll let you lead came on um was it fault for the SE for for the for the goal well I’ve watched this back okay and don’t

    Get me wrong I IES were you wearing for the don’t get me wrong don’t get me wrong he could have pressed he could have pressed right should could have sorry he should have pressed and now you should have pressed more mate but also the next man along was Gabby Sarah watch

    It back and he doesn’t close the man either and actually legs and he was the one that was in front of the shot okay look I’m I’m of course I’m going to decide with with an L look ANL should I wouldn’t say that an L was at fault for it though I

    Think I think that’s incredibly it’s a great um look two assists in two games now for El Hernandez should be more no knows that knows that his numbers aren’t where they need to be um rest assured he is fighting working more than he ever has at North City to to to put this

    Right um you know genuinely bleeds yellow and green like some of the conversations I’ve had with him in in recent weeks I can’t even put the phone down he’s just he’s just so passionate about he’s so passionate about putting it right um but no look I think I think

    It is now appropriate to to say look two assists in two games you know this is a real platform for an L now to to to build on his numbers and build on his form and actually it should have been probably four assists in two games um couple of again brilliant crosses

    Cutbacks uh for the Bristol Rovers Cup game as well uh which should have been finished and they weren’t unfortunately um so yeah I think anel deserves praise and I think that what what a great I know that anel wants to start right but

    The I I look at him as a some I think what a powerful you know the last thing you want I think as a tired player is an El Hernandez running at you I think he is one of those players if you know you’re a hole fan you see him coming on

    You are scared of him I thought the the nice thing for onell was so often hell’s classic cross is when he he’s a classic Wing he hits the he hits the by line and he tries to cut it on his left foot and and that’s not been effective for the

    Last couple of Seasons but this one was different he’s hit the by line he’s cut in on his right and whipped an in swinger yes and it was a delicious cross I know it’s taken a slight deflection but it it puts defend it makes Defenders make a decision and that’s what you want

    To do the other crosses is simple you just you just C it away the other thing the other thing that I would say about it which is which is minor and I don’t think it matters that much but the other thing I’d say about it is um I think it

    Was Ashley Barnes was saying to Sam mallum go back Sam go back Sam ignored him and he he dinked that ball back to to an El Hernandez before he then whipped that that Sumptuous Crossing so I also think there’s an element of well actually if you play the ball in front

    Of an L if you play positive football and he gets more opportunities to to get crosses into the box of course it’s more likely that he’s going to be effective so long may this this form continue um long may it continue now well Chris the the amazing thing with this and of

    Course other results occurring over the weekend n city now two points off of the playoffs and and it’s you know for those that don’t watch nor City and the friends of mine that you know either watch this stuff or see our our tweets and they go what are you moaning about

    You are two points off the playoffs and my reaction is Imagine where we could be with a competent manager imagine where we could be playing this free flowing football today we have reeled off Angus gun um Johnny row Johnny row Gabby Sarah you could probably throw I know Sergeant was rela

    Sergeant you have a a core of a team here oozing Championship class that should be at the top end of the playoffs should absolutely be competing for those top two okay I don’t think I don’t think this season but definitely should be higher up than and and and that’s my

    Frustration if you put this frustration aside yes the the positive here is that we are still within touching distance and by the way again and we’ve said this probably at least five times this season Jack this is another great opportunity you know to to to make that change to to

    Bring in a um a head coach uh that wants to play a positive style of football um that you know wants to utilize the the tools that he’s got do you know the thing I keep think I’ve been I’ve been thinking about this over the weekend

    Jack and obviously linked to to deia of course being a chef I was thinking you know I was think of this sort of analogy around around cooking and and what David gous cookie at the moment and for me what we’ve signed is a classic chili conani okay yeah you know that those

    Players on paper should work in the championship you serve a chili conani you know it’s going to go down well with most people yeah a nice solid chili okay yeah perfect great flavors bit of red wine maybe lovely lovely and at the moment I just feel like David’s halfway

    Through cooking his chili and he’s chucking in [ __ ] parsnip yeah he’s throwing in like I don’t know a massive like wedge of broccoli or something he’s like David what are you doing mate like just a just cook the chili con Cary man yeah and I just feel like we have got

    You’ve said it already we’ve got the ingredients the kidney beans there of a perfect playoff dish yeah and it just seems like we’re trying to do random stuff with this that just shouldn’t be done yeah just put the kidney beans in yeah don’t don’t use vegan mints yeah just

    Just use proper mints yeah just use the proper ingredients and for God’s sake if you’ve got chili if you’ve got that that that Bor signs that that that chili powder put the [ __ ] in you can’t have a chili without chili and I just think so many times

    This season we’ve we’ve tried to cook something that we can’t cook with these players play strengths yeah and that isn’t by the way parking I know that we’ve stopped conceding as many goals that’s not parking the bus with this team imagine what this I also the other

    One for me speaking of cooking a dish Gabby Sarah playing in that holding role for me just puzzles me and saddens me that honestly of course one day he’s going to leave the club and and and I look at it and I think we’re going to

    Really regret not playing him in a in a in a forward role well the reason we’re doing it is because we don’t have someone that can sit deep and we do we do Kenny he’s having to play at bloody Center back although he’s doing a great

    Job by the way look I just think sometimes we’re cooking the wrong dish I I I would almost argue that look partly it’s sp there partly that that comes back to the to the man that was here before in in St Weber recruitment the fact that we Okay so we’ve signed the

    Center backs but they’re deemed not good enough and we don’t have a holding midfielder I don’t think Liam Gibbs is the the man yob senson has been injured I don’t think he’s the man when he’s fit so you know a gabby SAR out of position is better than a than a defensive

    Fielder that’s not I don’t know look let us know know your thoughts I I think if you can’t say these playoffs these players are you know top end playoffs and then you’re saying oh it’s not David Varner’s fault like the tactics and and lineups have been so weird and wacky

    They that they have you know halted um this team Progressive what what would say so last couple of let’s put the the cup game aside last couple of League results Southampton 1-1 win away at hole in isolation you take it all day you go that’s that’s a really good period what

    I would say the performances we’ve seen in both of those just not sustainable of and and I’m really concerned like mentally this is a this is a really dangerous place to be in because they’re luring you in they’re teasing you you know they’re getting they’ve done it so

    Many times they get you where they want you and then you face I don’t know bloody you know well look well look the next two well look the next two games you know you’ve got an absolute classic FA Cup banana skin in front of you in Bristol Rovers away from home they will

    Be well up for it by the way well up for it and God knows what team we’re going to play for that one and then you’ve got West Brom at home they’ve already beaten us once pretty comfortably this season I know that it was only one nil but they

    They dominated really and then leads away so it feels to me Jack like one of these situations where we’ve started to pick up a bit of form we’ve done this before this season and then we fall off a cliff again pin me up in the dressing

    Room boys prove me wrong I hope that you proved me wrong um I I would love it absolutely love it if if imagine if we beat brah and we beat I’m doing that thing again aren’t I jack doing it but imagine if we won the next two that’s a

    That’s a that’s big I had a I had a message from from someone the other day who is clearly a a fan of David V I appreciate that like from a from someone that met and sat down with Vagner for for an extended period of time like we

    Did he’s a really lovely CH I’m of I’m a fan of him as a great company but he said Jack just give it a rest and can you film a podcast without spending an hour talking about David Vagner I don’t think it’s possible because this is the person that’s you know everything is

    Revolving around his style and the the the team he picks and it you have to talk about him at the moment yeah but but Jack what is important and we again just for balance here it’s not just we’ve said this so many times by the way

    I’m sorry if sound like a broken record it’s not just a silver bullet solution you know you can’t just sack Dave and expect it all to change because as you’ve said Stuart web’s bought in this set of players they’re going to take some time to adapt to a new style um

    You’ve you’ve got a a split detached slightly apathetic always on the edge of anger nor City fan base at the moment that probably never felt so distant from the football club that they love and support um youve got people threatening to not renew their season tickets if

    David Vagner is still in charge um and of course above that Jack and something I do want to talk about is that is is the board you’ve got dealer and Michael at the top as well so you know this isn’t just on this to be abundantly

    Clear we want to be positive um but this isn’t all on David Vagner of course well look if we’re talking about the board there was a banner unveiled at the whole game yes um which R deia it’s time to go up the 20% uh I think that’s what it

    Said I’m pretty sure you sort of cut off the bottom right um and and I think we it’s also important for context here to add that those that um that organized the banner and held it up are very much their home and away so yeah yeah you know totally entitled to their opinion

    Entit and I do get where that sentiment is coming from um the I think on the on the flip side like we are in the process of deia literally going at the moment you know that process is in with the atos the atos are here to you know one day take

    You know complete ownership and like that is their plan so so those wheels are slowly in motion I think I think the frustration comes from from kind of deia’s comments and of course of course do you think that Banner do you think that Banner is getting shown if we’d had a new head

    Coach that was done pre Christmas when it should have been done I don’t I don’t think so cuz I think we be in a totally better different position and then I think fans would look at it with perhaps slightly more understanding and empathy and they’d think well actually yeah

    You’re right jack to to bring that up well hang on a minute de and Michael Jones are they are going they are going in in in 2026 that’s not quick enough for some supporters and I understand exactly understand the frustrations why I post on my socials when I saw that

    Jack I understand why that’s happened because because fans have reached breaking points bowling Point they’ve had enough you know and this isn’t just this one season in isolation how many disappointing you know opportunities how many opportunities has this club had to progress but we’ve continuously made such poor decisions on those platforms

    But I do find it sad and and people were frustrated at me for posting that that emotion but I do because deia and Michael and Jones have saved this club you know when it was absolutely on it ass and so I do find it frustrating that we’re now in this

    Position by the way I’m not siding with them here because I’m totally against the comments in the AG were absolutely Dreadful Dreadful so silly but I do just find it really sad that we’ve got to this place where they’re getting frog they’re going to be it it seems like

    They’re getting frog marched out by large sections of of the supporter base um when you know G given what they’ve done for the over this I think it’s I think it’s really sad I think the only reason things like this happen marches banners protests is when you have a

    Group of supporters that don’t feel listened to if if supporters felt like there were there was another option they would act on that option like the lads that have you know probably gone to Great expense to get this Banner made and and taken it to the ground and and

    Got it out like that that wouldn’t have been I don’t think a a particularly popular it’s quite a you know controversial thing to do I think in the moment of time a lot of people love deia but you only get to this point from a feeling that you’re it’s desperation

    It’s and and I still look back at that AGM which was just a complete car crash on every front and and the the language that was being used by Deus Smith and Michael and Jones it felt very like it felt very Stewart Weber is it felt quite

    Aggressive it felt quite us against them and I’ve never felt that from De and Michael before I’ve always felt like you know you know they are the people that are just um in in in control at the moment but like they supporters always above them almost and it and it felt

    Like a switch and that felt like the period of of Stuart Weber kind of language that had done that to them um this doesn’t happen I think if if they feel like change has been made and change hasn’t been made made right or wrong we we’ll wait to see and I don’t

    Think this happens if even if deer and Michael disagree with the comments from fans at least taken into consideration yes comments like um you know you don’t have a clue along those lines it’s going to happen and of course I think protests and Banners and stuff are important and and

    As long as they’re not offensive which that wasn’t offensive I think you know crack on if yeah and again to be to be clear I get why it’s happened I’m sad that happened um but when you are a city fan watching this stodgy style every week an absolute snor Fest on many

    Levels you’re not um you’re not communicated with because of the limbo situation we’re in with David vogner’s position it’s going to happen before we get on to Twitter questions before anx League game against West Brom you’ve alluded to it there’s a there’s a Cup replay against Bristol Rovers away from

    Home I mean I just look at this and I go oh that is literally the last thing you want you was anti- cup Jack well you’ve just come back from a a long trip to Hull you get back to Norfolk and then you’ve got to turn backround and go to

    Bristol um for this game look Bristol Rovers I think when they last played us we’re probably still hopeful of an outside chance of playoffs I think that’s probably gone now they they lost at the weekend I was reading under the the tweet that they I think they lost

    2-1 at the weekend it was like right everything all in on the cup now well and and they’ve got Liverpool waiting for them in the next round if they they beat us and so all the motivation will be there they’re at home the fans will

    Be so up for it um and this nor City team you know a super beatable do you think they go strong against again as as in do we go strong against them I ain’t got a clue mate I have no idea I have no idea no no I wouldn’t I wouldn’t I’d use

    The cup to to to give opportunities to players that haven’t had many minutes Pedro Lima yeah vente rea the leam alone is also so bizarre I’ve actually tried to get an answer from this from the club unfortunately they’ve not come back to me since uh sorry just

    While because we’re filming this in in the morning but yeah um yeah I’ve not had an answer on what the situation is with the Lee Malone but from what I understand initially um there was no sort of buy clause in there or anything so it’s just a bit of a wacky one but

    Yeah a great you a great finish um for the for the 21s would it brilliant Pedro Le is going to be one of those trivia questions in 10 years can you remember Pedro Lemar and we go who I’ll go do you mean the Aviva lemur should we get on

    Some questions do it so much to get through this week thanks as always for all of your questions let’s start with good old Aaron BR a friend of the channel um he says statement and the question a little bit greedy Aaron but we’ll let you have it statement just as

    I think I’m out of this team for this year results are this pull me right back in good but that’s what we needed but haven’t finished yet okay sorry maybe not a performance to especially remember but a welcome three points question along those lines where should I sit with this season disappointed or

    Optimistic oh I think you’ve well well I think at the moment I would say give yourself the chance to be optimistic but at the same time understand the fact that it has so far been disappointing you can’t not be disappointed with with how this season’s gone with the players that that we’ve

    Got at our disposal and especially now that there’s there’s absolutely no excuses got fully fit Squad zero excuses we have to be playing better football okay so but but what I would say Jack and this goes back to the goo this goo back to the the carment I don’t know why

    I’m going off of there um that I was saying earlier after the game of oh well I just I oh I I wanted us to lose so David would I don’t think whether we lose or win affects J David’s job at the moment to be honest with you given the

    Club stance on on potentially how this season is um with the transition that they’ve gone through above them well what I would say and I think I think if you look at it as an overall picture it’s been incredibly disappointing but this has been the confusing thing about

    This campaign is there’s been moments of real Brilliance and excitement you know the Johnny roog goals just getting to watch Gabrielle Sarah um I’m just saying don’t shut the door Jack AB I’m just saying to fans that are frustrated I I know it’s know it’s [ __ ] trust me I

    Think it’s [ __ ] too just keep that door a jar don’t shut it all the way cuz every now and then you’ll you’ll open it and you’ll go oh bloody hell it’s a it’s a worldy from Johnny and that’s the really difficult thing because so much in football is black or white but

    There’s so much gray and and this season has been incredibly confusing we don’t know where we stand on any of it I think to just get through it sayane you have to you have to look at the moment you have to look at a big picture and you go

    Right I personally I want change from a head coach point of view I think we need overarching changes at board level that that that that that’s the big pitch of discussion that we can have when we’re board around the dinner table on these podcasts but for the things that you

    Chat about down the pub with with your mates it’s the breakout season of Johnny roow it’s Gabby Sarah it’s getting to watch you know Angus gun make brilliant Savers it’s seeing Josh Sergeant salute the Barkley that’s the stuff that that brings you back and and that’s the stuff

    That you’ll remember you won’t remember the you know the way we set up against mwall at home in five years it’s that kind of stuff that you’ll remembering and you talk about years to come George hail says that day in Hall was the most nervous but most enjoyable away day I’ve

    Been to for a while and I just want to say George I salute you but I salute the 1,300 nor City Nutters that went to Hull given what we have witnessed in the last few weeks 1,300 New York City Nutters went to Hull and I’m so happy that they

    Were all rewarded with a win 1300 fans traveled a long way up the country to watch nor City I couldn’t even get Chris ree to travel 20 minutes to a warm living room to do a watch along OE says statement I’ve said it before I’ll say

    It again jack ree get your wallet out you will be owing Big C 1,000 of course for the Johnny rette he’ll be the only the only reason I can think that he won’t we do we remind him what the bet is yeah got him Johnny row to make the

    Championship team of the season yes and that’s the bet and if it happens 1,000 great British Sterling to Big C and at the moment I think you’re quite fortunate that Jack Clark’s doing well that Somerville has the ability to but you know these players are there but perhaps but they could get Premier

    League moves absolutely and hopefully they do in January and then and then the Johnny row uh bet is is you may as well just just pay it well I’m resigned to giving over like I think if he continues on the trajectory he does barring injury or move which I don’t think happens I

    Think he gets in that I really want to talk about this one from the Veno bus driver Terry yes that’s right that’s his name on x o oi Sav up a noge b the bles statement Johnny Ro is at least a 50 million pound player go again Ben

    Nappa’s first major transfer hurdle must be making sure that we get every possible Penny from a summer sale if the price isn’t right he simply must stay here look um I agree with what you’re saying um Veno bus driver Terry we need to lock him in the colney cupboard we

    Need to lock Johnny roow in the col cupboard but for me I’m really interested to know Jack and also what the other Norwich fans think just just for conversation sake how much do you think Johnny row is worth at the moment should should we should we flip this to

    If the if a bid were to come in for x amount of money what we’d accept all right whatever you want then go on well I’m just say if if a bid comes in this January what’s the minimum knowledge te uh because let’s also remember that January fees are always inflated all

    Right well anything for me at the moment honestly in January given that he is pretty much the only joy of the Season I’d say if it if they accept anything below 25 God in January I’m outside the city stand knocking on the boardroom door I thought you were going to go a

    Lot higher than that okay what are you going for I well the fact that nor have said that they don’t necessarily need to sell I also think Johnny’s incredibly mature so I don’t think he’s going to be forcing any move 40 let us know what you think Johnny’s I

    Think we need to look so I how much was bendier 38 I think we sold him for can’t remember and I think we look back on that and go probably undersold him a little bit I don’t know I think it was probably I don’t know I think it was

    Probably Fair maybe I just think when we don’t need to sell Johnny I don’t think will be desperate to go but for any suit but for any suitors that are tuning into TNC thinking what are they saying about Johnny Row first of all awful player absolutely rubbish definitely yeah oh

    God no you don’t want to be taking risk on him and however the real the real honest talk is perfect age breakthrough season which I want to go back to by the way in terms of goals homegrown um so mature be Beyond his years English as well price goes up with that Winger love genuinely cares about the supporters super marketable which is a thing in this Modern Age of football mate Johnny I think we I remember when do you think this we could be getting a record sale here I remember when we titled a podcast probably about two

    Three months ago Gabrielle Sarah will be our first 50 million pound sale and Darren huby took huge offense to it he was like you Bo we love we love a h debate hu you watching 50 million quid minimum for Johnny roow do you actually mean that yes promise me you mean that

    Yes 50 million do you actually mean that I’d take I’d take 45 seriously yeah I mean Fair yeah fair fair play let us know if you agree or disagree there we go um let’s go to Stan yes when was the last time time you saw Norwich Play Dirty we kicked Hull out of

    Their own stadium in that first half it was beautiful to see if farer is the German Guardiola then Vagner is the German Tony purus oh that’s absolutely stad yeah we’ve got a long throw now and Sam mallum as well we are turning into Stoke City 2010 do you know what that that is

    That is the statement that I couldn’t agree that that I’ve agreed with with the most this whole season Vagner is the German Tony pus yeah I agree I totally agree with you he’s even got he’s even got the cap isn’t he he’s even got the

    Got it all perfect no I agree I I can’t disagree with any of that yeah I think on another day I think we we look at that performance and we go how how unprofessional we had two players sent off it’s it’s cost us the game yeah why

    Don’t we just you know be a little bit more professional about things but because it’s gone our way we’re appreciating deman elbows and Angus Gan taking out their best speaking of Angus gun Robert Eagleton name of the podcast so far says Angus gun where would we be without him this

    Season gone under the radar compared to row who’s also been huge gny makes huge saves every week to keep us in games that are as good as goals I mean I agree Robert and and actually I think he he is a player where and I think you said it

    In your postmatch review video Jack which was brilliant Again by the way going watch if you haven’t um where I I think that we need to be really we need to probably be knocking on angus’s door now and saying what do you want write write it out Angus like you know the boy

    Needs a new contract big time hell of a keeper I I definitely think he I I I will stand strong on this hill all day long he’s the best Keeper in this league and by a mile by an absolute mile no one t no one spits on his

    Gloves they don’t he is the best Keeper in the league and so norch have got a job in their hands not just keeping Gabby Sarah not just keeping Johnny roay but keeping Angus going yeah I think you know we talk about play we we must keep like Gabby s and Johnny Ro absolutely

    You know you do forget about goalkeepers and the influence it’s that it’s such a big role and we’ve been so lucky for the last 15 years really we’ve we’ve pretty much for for the baring maybe a little bit of time in sort of 2009 2010 like we’ve always had a really good

    Goalkeeper whether that’s been cruel or rdy or robertt green or you know more recently gunny surprised we you’ve not mentioned Remy Matthews Remy Matthews who’s of course doing fantastically well at Premier League Crystal Palace um brilliant see him get that that Premier League move and and and doing great

    There um could have done so much more here Damon Clon y Big Andy oh hello Damon hello Damon um Big Andy hasn’t played a single game for nothing for us could be good to get in back on loan look let’s put that thing aside interesting should be the absolute

    Poster textbook model of how not to progress your career and the on Obama Deli like if you’re Johnny row and and a and a a no and Forest come knocking and go we give you 25 million double your wage blah blah blah you say no you just

    Say no and and and I feel look I’m sure I’m sure big Andy’s fine but complete in his in his well I know but but I think that’s really that’s a very very difficult C situation Jack because you know you’ve got to consider where he’s come from and his

    His sharp hockey stick graph into the ascendancy at nor City I remember very well that that that goal against leads um which was awful one of Daniel F’s last games thankfully at the time um and I think looking at where Norwich were at the time I don’t blame him blame I don’t

    Blame him I I think I I don’t know what he’s been advised but you know not Nottingham Forest was it was of course it was a gamble but I don’t think it’s the end of the world for being Andy mate because because of his age and I think

    He’ll still gone to have a great care he’s a good enough footballer but you know it doesn’t help that you’ve been sat on the bench for a year would would what would we get him back would I want him back on loan yeah of course I bloody

    Yeah I’d have I’d have him back on loan as well love big really nice guy as well by the way David Whiteside says how much wood would a woodchuck chuck chuck if woodchuck could chuck wood not bad also what is your ideal aim this season and

    What is your realistic Aim so we won’t answer the chuckwood comment David because we not got the time but what is your ideal aim for this season Jack and what’s your realistic aim well of course the ideal is that we we well actually oh I actually just thought twice about

    Promotion that’s weird isn’t it well the aim should be playoffs fourth biggest wage bill in the league anything below that is a is a huge under performance the board said that playoffs be the aim yes that should be the aim look it it depends on I think it all

    Depends on who the head coaches I really do and I hate it is boring just coming back to this I think with a with a an upand coming exciting head coach I think we do get in the playoffs I think if Varner’s in charge 9th 10th I think that’s realistic y

    We’re just in this cycle of I agree get gets you excited and then I’m just looking at West Roman Leeds and I’m going if we put those performances like we have done against Southampton and Hull against those two you just get beat kind of link to this

    Um and I agree with what you’ve said there David um California Canary Mark woodr says isn’t it clear to everyone now that the owners are just treading water with Nork City while the Takeover takes place behind the scenes there’s no point in going up this season but Championship status is essential so

    Varner is doing a brilliant job for them no just just dis agree on every level do you absolutely what you have like I’ve said it before I’ll say it again you stay in the championship your best players leave yes your parachute payments stop yes so you’ve got the fourth highest

    Wage Bill and granted that will change when players leave you’ve still got a really expensive wage bill with the players that we’ve mentioned before that we’ve brought in that starts to get slightly tricky you’re less sellable to players that you’re wanting to bring in

    Premier league has to be the a it has to be the and and as I’ve said before I think when and this is the worry and this is why and I wish the board would would would listen more to fans I think it’s incredibly concerning when supporters are going well yeah I don’t

    Want to go up anyway because we’ll lose every week what a crying shame that is what is the point in yeah absolutely what’s the point in you know what are we trying to do like what what do we love like mate there’s no better thing remember we you mentioned it last time

    That man sit at home game that David versus Goliath situation for me there’s no better feeling as an orch fan seeing your team try and get a result against one of the best teams in the world I think it’s great Tom jar Krispy says statement Angus gun is the best

    Goalkeeper in the championship so so Tom is agreeing with me Tom you clearly know your your football opinions um Matt Gregory says can you take Angus gun to Nando and chat to him about a new contract says Matt Gregory uh friend of the channel um new contract for Angus

    Gunn is are given isn’t it well it’s got to happen ASAP well it should happen if you’re Angus are you signing on the dotted line I don’t think you are are you well I think the club are incredibly fortunate that he’s a Nork City supporter that’s what I would yeah which

    Which does have which does hold weight this is a nice comment from from Daniel just says Rave just bloody loved it last night of course referring to Friday perhaps I just went into it with zero expectation loved how we grinded it out of course the same issues discussed

    Still apply but strip it all back what a fantastic evening watching on the love the spirit of that and and link to that Jack to to again another positive one Rave from TY I love a rave we don’t we’ve not had many Raves this season of we Rave we’re still unbeaten this year

    And you know what Tyler yeah you’re right allow yourself I know it’s been [ __ ] I know it’s not good enough I know it’s not acceptable but allow yourself to be positive when these wins come around 2024 year of the wagon Ari Harry brista hello Harry says question

    Is there anything Johnny R can’t do answer absolutely not dribbling through a plowed field with the control and finesse followed by the finish my word I mean yeah har Harry what I would say is yeah I’m surprised it’s not already on PornHub yeah I am I’m surprised that

    It’s not already on porn and if you’re I think if you’re a farmer watching that you’re going cool prime prime spot to to you know put some spuds in next season I mean what what an absolute potato f L link to that I’ll try and get through as

    Many as possible on the ball update says Johnny row that’s it that’s the statement yeah yeah oh here you go another one Jeff man 98 statement it’s summer 2030 bloody Jonathan he’s fast forward this3 statement it’s summer 2030 Jonathan Rose just scored the winning goal in the World Cup

    Final never know norch have just won the Europa League and Rose is our top scorer David Vagner is managing League tops which life is good on another note I’m out of L I’m out of lakens that’s very good Jeff man I I’ll applaud that that’s

    Very good you know when you know we last week we spoke about you know the lads from um where were they from Lon Buzzard oh yeah yeah Lon buzzard and we were going you know that’s why you come back yeah yeah yeah because you’re right that could happen yes you know that

    Could work you know if you were a Manchester City fan in in in the early ’90s you know going up and down from main road going what’s the point of all this yeah you never know what’s around the corner yeah you know we could be very much on the verge of greatness

    Doesn’t take much Co how much Lakers have you had doesn’t take much look for me I don’t I don’t think we see I don’t think we see true greatness and progression until um until the atasia group are here yeah but that’s not far off yeah true yeah yeah we’ll be giving

    Up work following us around Europe we’re skin but we’ve got a dream Kazakhstan way uh Benji say statement Barnes has been criticized a lot recently and maybe fairly but against Hull he did everything right same goes for Duffy yeah just just a word on on Ashley Barnes Jack has come under Fire uh

    Fairly recently um I just think his contribution uh not just on the pitch but in terms of what he gives the leadership it’s exactly what he was signed for and we saw it against Hall there was a brilliant moment where he won a corner just by pure

    Passion yeah and that’s what you want to see isn’t it big bad barnesy the spirit of barnesy Barnes is brilliant I don’t know why but someone just popped into my head on and and in a very strange roundabout way much like Ashley PS should I be concerned here slightly Claudia

    Winkleman because I I’ll tell you why she’s just popped into my head Friday Night Football right Friday Night Football brilliant loved it and then we recorded traitors right but I’m looking at Claudia winlan a main stay on Prime Time television got a radio 2 show and whenever there’s a show with Claudia

    Winkleman on you go I’m going to enjoy this yeah you know solid consistent performer is Claudia and I’m looking at Ashley Barnes and I’m thinking the same he scored against Bristol Rovers he knits together a dressing room and I think if you’re a TV producer who do we

    Bring in we bring in Claudia he knits together dress I love that from you I one of your strangest ever analogies on the channel that but but I but I love I don’t know why she popped into my mind Jay um who goes by the handle ncfc 02

    For a statement just imagine how good we would be if we actually had a good manager well look we’ve spoken about that basically haven’t we jack it would be good if we were unlocked um so many good questions I mean Barry Barry young has just put um pompy

    Fans going home at half time Deus sing up pompy yeah see this is the kind of thing you don’t need that those comments were so unnecessary weren’t they Jack they really were they were um this week yeah big week another big week yeah big few weeks and another opportunity and

    Another platform will nor City take their chance I am very worried about this and I do you know what I’m concerned about myself that I’m about to come out with this I’m worried about Bristol Rovers away why because like it’s kind of lose lose because of the D well yeah I just think

    It’s if you lose that game You’ you’re instantly back into this toxic cess pit again and by the way and I’m not surprised I don’t blame people for being like that I just hate having to I hate having to criticize and I just hate I really want to be positive so look what

    I hope for is we beat Bristol Rovers away of course we beat West Brom at home but for me imagine if the store you said Hope’s not around the corner hope might be around the cor what about this what about this for a little Canary pipe dream okay another shitty dirty horrible

    Performance but but we beat Bristol Rovers away imagine if the story of the season was beating Liverpool at anfield I don’t think it will happen yes I’m questioning whether I’ve had had any Lake lakens for breakfast um but yeah you never know maybe that’s the story of

    The Season Jack that we beat Liverpool maybe Vagner versus klopp maybe it’s written in the stars Jack maybe it’s not but you never know I must I must admit and may I’ve really enjoyed Friday night and I think often after really good nights there’s a bit of a cown I’m I’m looking

    Forward to this week with not much excitement because Bristol Rovers for me is lose lose like if you win you’ve then got another game you don’t really want against Liverpool and I think it’s like mid day on a Sunday but an opportunity Jack is it well don’t get me wrong it’s

    A you know it’s likely that will’ll be embarrassed of course I’ve I’ve very much gone from up for the cup Bristol Rovers at home to oh complete unnecessary game potential for injuries to key players of course of course of course um so and then West Braum I’ve

    Still got that Boxing Day game in the back of my mind going oh they just dominated us going how many times have we you know on the Wagar roller coaster have you have you been at the top going oh this this drop’s about to be amazing will continue buzzing you know arms in

    The air cheering oh let’s go and then it gets to the bottom and it comes off the track and then we have yeah and then we have a yeah and then we have 25% possession at home let me tell you the real you know the devil in my mind

    Where it’s going this week go on um defeating penalties against Bristol Rovers oh Jesus two-nil defeat at home to West Brom 30% of the ball like that’s that’s where my kind of is going where’s your heart at though heart at is going um play the youth against Bristol

    Rover’s loss get rid of the fixture congestion and then and then a scintillating you’re so anti scintilating performance strongest 11 we we mix it up Sergeant on the score sheet get past West Brom that’s that’s the dream week for me defeat to brist win against umn against West BR the

    Other thing well another dream for me is that we sign a player that would be nice wouldn’t it I keep forgetting it’s the January transfer window Yeah well yeah it’s weird isn’t it do you think that will happen uh I think we are I think we

    Are going to sign a couple but as I’ve said before I think it’s going to happen late nor City will not be the first option for players that we are attempting to sign I think they’ll be young players um I don’t think we’ll be signing old experienced heads um and and

    I think that it’s actually more likely that that we’ll sell more than we’ll buy as well I I I would actually not be surprised if we sold two or three um but again I think it’s going to come late into the window I just want to finish on

    Something Jack want to build the anticipation the excitement for something that’s happening early February on the channel no something is happening on the channel early fa now I can’t share many many if any details now but all I will say is that it’s one of the biggest most

    Exciting things that we’ve done on the Channel and I and north city fans have to get involved so stay tuned on talk north city and by the way if you’ve got to this point don’t forget this week’s hashtag to see if you’re a true TNC subscriber is Hash thec F like bass but

    With an F hash Cass okay let’s see hash Seas all over social media this week thanks for watching joining Johnny row oh by the way buy a Johnny R t-shirt as well you’re at it why wouldn’t you still on sale these these will be collector’s items oh these will be collector’s

    They’re already collector’s items but when Johnny row um wins the World Cup for England in 2030 we will be wearing it in Sweden for the Europa League final oh God yeah um remember Johnny Johnny roow thanks so much for watching we’ll be back next week for another podcast

    Looking back on Bristol rers and West Brom I’ve got this terrible feeling that next time we film the podcast we would have lost lost both of those games oh god well look stick about the find out um stay locked into all the TNC socials and until then stay safe drink

    Plenty of lakens and enjoy yourself bye-bye everyone H theable City


    1. Did you not see the large lump on his forehead. If that was done against one of our players then we would be screaming for a red card. It WAS a red card! We got away with one there

    2. What he's worrh and what Norwich would get considering the financial issues at Carrow Road. Huge wage bill needs cutting and Rowe will always look amazing in team of also runs.

    3. Was the only 21 or younger player in Europe’s top leagues with double digits in terms of goals. Scoring all types of goals in a poor performing team, and then a goal like that(!).

      Every reason he should be able to break the Championship transfer record (£45 million with Ake for the record).

    4. I really think you're making too much about the performances. As a neutral I thought you played fairly well against Hull and although they had a few chances they weren't high end chances.

      You're 2 points off the playoffs when preseason you said you was worried about relegation and predicted a midtable finish

    5. Regarding 'Rowe's possible value' – it's worth noting until Fridays super goal it was beginning to appear that J Rowe was tiring & opposition teams were playing on his comparative lack of strength .
      For his own future (& NCs) I'd say at least another couple of years at NC would be best …..rather than a quick move to an average premier squad ,followed by bit-part appearances etc

    6. Ive seen some great wingers in my time, Mark Barham and Disco Dale Gordon where both ballers. Hucks of course one of the absolute best. I also rated cooper in 2002/3 I think when we went up, he came on loan from Wolves and was absolute quality supplying balls to crouch at the end of the season.

      Rowe could easily be worth £40m in a few seasons but not yet. I dont think we will cash in yet at least another season imho

    7. With 'the elbow incident' – I think a booking for both ; 1 for possible intent ,1 for feigning a facial injury.
      With Gunn's challenge, a bit like the GKs 'assault' on Josh earlier in season – it's frustrating to lose a player injured but why send a GK off for trying to stop a goal ( as long as its clumsy not malicious)

    8. Yeah I like at Norwich City, fans saying that I agree with them Rowe has a potential phone Norwich, but this is looking very worried I think David will screw us up in the transfer market

    9. Getting to the playoffs is one thing but winning promotion is a different story altogether.
      Teams that have gained promotion through the playoffs over the last 6 seasons have hit great form over their last 13/24 games.
      Luton 2022/23 Only 1 defeat in last 20 games
      Nottm Forest 2021/22 Only 2 defeats in last 17 games
      Brentford 2020/19 Only 1 defeat in last 15 games
      Fulham 2019/20 Only 3 defeats in last 20 games
      Aston Villa 2018/19 Only 1 defeat in last 13 games
      Fulham 2017/18 Only 1 defeat in last 24 games
      It has been this momentum that have carried them through. Patchy form will not be enough.
      If we continue the season on our current average of points per game we will end up on 65 points. This has not been enough points to make the playoffs since they started 30 years ago.
      Now is the time to hit a consistent run of form if we have any aspirations for this season.

    10. I love you guys and I know you have t-shirts to flog, but £40m?!

      Well….perhaps unleashed by a settled midfield that feed him endless chances….oooh?

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