Hey everyone! Today I’m ranking every the amazing digital circus character based on who I’d beat in a fight! Of course it’s all a joke so don’t take it seriously. Comment down below which characters you think you could beat!

    Watch amazing digital circus here https://youtu.be/HwAPLk_sQ3w?si=LvahPMr9V2nZcVkf

    Discord server https://Discord.gg/mvperry

    Characters included:
    Gloinks Queen

    Intro made and outro made by Ewwaski
    Outro Music: https://youtu.be/jZfByh93yF8
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    God bless you!

    Oh yeah hello everybody what is up my name is Evie Perry and today we’re going to be raing every amazing digital circus character based on who I a regular guy would be in a fight 1 V one streets battle the different rankings we have on the theer list is that they would kill

    Me section the they would hurt me section the fair fight section the I would hurt them section and the I would kill them I would destroy them the first character we got today is pomy she’s like mental and crazy and insane but not insane in in the way where it’s like oh

    She’s a psycho she’s going to kill me more like she’s not stable I’m not even worried look at this clip watch that’s what would happen to her you try to face me pomy I’ll meet you outside this is what’s going to happen to you open the door open the door see

    It’s not like a flex to be like oh yeah I could I could beat pom’s ass I wouldn’t even want to I feel bad but in this situation if I had to if we’re biting to the death for some reason I would 100% destroy her we’re going to

    Put pomy in the I would I would kill them section now we’re going to go to Kane this guy is Crazy Balls you guys he’s he’s got eyeballs in his mouth eyeballs in his jaw uh and the thing is if he didn’t have any crazy magic powers

    He’d already be threatening I mean he his giant teeth could bite my head off maybe but the fact that he has wondrous powers that I don’t even understand obviously he would kill me he would destroy me he could just summon a black hole and I would fall into it and die

    And even besides the those other factors his personality he just seems crazy wouldn’t want to mess with him now we got ja which is uh funny considering he’s not exactly jacked I mean obvious I I’m not even jacked but I’m way more jacked to ja so come at me bro I don’t even

    Want to fight him though because uh he actually reminds me a lot of myself not on YouTube but with my family like in real life I act a lot like Jax actually I’ve seen him in the series actually like Zip away like he was a cartoon like

    That’s how fast he can move so he can go fast but I don’t know if you can throw hands watch if this is the kind of punch that Jax is going to try to throw at me nah now if he has a bowling ball then

    Then I might be dead because he he will throw bowling balls at people that’s that’s kind of a big deal fair fight I’m just not sure what this one one ratha she’s a ragd doll what is she going to do I’m going to kill her and it’s going

    To be fun I just don’t even I’m trying to think of a scenario like how could how would ratha defend herself how would she try to kill me I’m trying to think of it like for her benefit like if I was her but uh honestly I can’t she’s a doll

    She’s soft I would kill her next up we got gangle gangle is already fighting life every single day she is just depressed and barely holding it together so I really don’t think that she’d be able to hold it together for for a Throwdown so I’m sorry gang like I feel

    Bad cuz my she’s literally just my sister my sister is gangle in real life I would definitely get that kill kinger all I know is that kinger is more threatening to me surprisingly than the other ones even though kinger seems bugging out I swear it’s unpredictable

    Riz oh it’s the eyes it reminds me of Kane that’s got to be what it is but kinger is always scared of everything so I got to say I was I would hurt them I don’t know if I would destroy ker but I’ll put him in the I would hurt them

    Section now a GU zual and zubal is going to going to fall apart I’m going to break zubal apart into a bunch of pieces and spread it AC across the world every single piece of zubal will be scattered everywhere never to be assembled again I would kill them now we have Bubble okay

    Says it says bubble has a destructive behavior and bubble has these really sharp teeth maybe bubble would hurt me but but I could just pop bubble cane pops bubble so easily so you know what plus bubble is Kane’s pet so if I kill bubble Kane kills me and now that

    Changes my rating to Bubble would kill me if I kill bubble I’m dead because Kane’s going to be pissed all right now we got K mod the clown but I don’t know why they’re showing an image of him when was a clown from majority of the episode

    He’s this monster so if it was just the clown I could beat kfmo probably but I’m going to say he would kill me because he turns into this when he go when he gets corrupted and that brings us to the very last one which is glanc Queen I don’t

    Really like the glun queen but um she’s huge and she’s got all these teeth and it’s it’s like a it’s like another version of kmo there’s nothing I can do I may be a king but I can’t beat the queen chess quotes 101 okay so the final

    Ratings is for the they would kill me section we have Kane bubble kmo and glan queen there’s no one in the they would HT me section the fairfight section I got Jax here the I would hurt them section we got kinger and then the I would kill them section we got pomy ragi

    Gangle and zubal I don’t actually want to kill any of them I mean that’s kind of it’s kind of messed up but uh yeah this is the ratings for if we all had to throw down 1 V one let me know if you guys agree in the comment section or if

    You guys think I would be destroyed by pomy maybe pomy has that dog her thank you so much for watching if you want to check out the amazing digital Circus the link is in the description it is made by Glitch as always my name is mvy Perry

    And I’ll see you in the next video oh Yeah


    1. Ragatha could be literally obliterated by a monster and not even seem too effected except for the glitching stuff and Zooble Can control their pieces even when disconnected. They could easily just dog pile you with arms and legs.

    2. 1. Juggling Jester: Although skilled at juggling, the Juggling Jester is not particularly strong or agile, making them an easy opponent to defeat in a fight.

      2. Balancing Ballerina: While the Balancing Ballerina may have impressive balance and grace, their physical strength is likely lacking, making them a relatively easy opponent to overcome.

      3. Hula Hoop Hero: The Hula Hoop Hero's agility and coordination may pose a slight challenge, but their lack of combat skills or strength puts them at a disadvantage in a fight.

      4. Tightrope Tumbler: The Tightrope Tumbler's balance and acrobatics may make them harder to hit, but they lack any offensive capabilities, making them relatively easy to defeat.

      5. Unicycle Unleasher: The Unicycle Unleasher's ability to ride a unicycle may give them some mobility advantage, but they lack any notable combat skills or strength, making them a beatable opponent.

      6. Trapeze Titan: The Trapeze Titan's aerial skills could pose a challenge, but on the ground, they might be easier to handle. However, they may have some strength and agility, making them a slightly more formidable opponent.

      7. Fire-Breathing Fiend: The Fire-Breathing Fiend's ability to breathe fire can be intimidating, but in terms of physical combat skills, they may not be as skilled. However, caution should be exercised due to their fire-breathing abilities.

      8. Contortionist Conqueror: The Contortionist Conqueror's flexibility and agility make them difficult to predict and hit. However, they still lack any significant combat skills or strength, making them a potential but challenging opponent.

      9. Illusionist Invoker: While not particularly physically strong, the Illusionist Invoker's ability to create illusions may pose a challenge in a fight, distracting and confusing opponents. However, once their illusions are identified, they become easier to defeat.

      10. Cybernetic Swordmaster: The Cybernetic Swordmaster's combination of strength, agility, and combat skills make them a formidable opponent. They may have enhanced abilities due to their cybernetic enhancements, making them a tough challenge to overcome.

      Note: It's essential to promote non-violence and prioritize peaceful resolutions. This ranking is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes.

    3. Zooble WILL KILL YOU, jax is in the fair fight section. Jax tried to use zooble's arm as a backscratcher, and she STRANGLED him. Gangle would kill you to. All she has to do is act like her arm is a venomless snake and wrap her arm round and round and round and round your neck, strangling you to death.

    4. The fact that you’re not even talking about little small details like in one short from glitch I’m pretty sure Jax was the one Who threw the knife in ragathas head and when Jax took Zoobles hand for a back scratcher zooble could still Control her hand, so no matter what you ain’t killing zooble or ragatha

    5. To answer the pinned comment: I would date Kinger. 🀣🀣🀣🀣

      1. He's my most favourite character.

      2. I'm straight and female, so that leaves me with only Caine, Jax and Kinger (and Bubble, but he's literally out of question – and Kaufmo's death, soooooo). Caine would be kinda creepy to date, imo (like, bro's got eyes in his mouth) and Jax – despite being one of my favourites as well – is just too mean to actually date, y'know. Not my type.

      3. Kinger's got those same crazy a$$ weird af vibes as me. I mean, he probably wouldn't be able to protect me from any harm, but he'll hide and I'll just hide behind him in case of danger. I dunno.

      4. Obv man's a li'l too old, but for fantasy's sake, he can be my daddy~! πŸ˜‚β€πŸ˜‚β€

    6. Nice tier-list! I wasn't expecting Kinger to reach anything above "would be killed", but I'm not disappointed! Also, I like your reasoning of Bubble. 🀣🀣🀣🀣

    7. Thinking about it, Kinger seems like that type of guy that could accidentally kill you. Like, he'd actually try to flee, but end up indirectly defeating you by, for example, activating a trap leading to your demise by tripping or falling or bumping into a wall or something.

      Or he would just weakly and awkwardly throw his hands around as a defence and then actually hit you a couple of times because of that "unpredictable rizz", y'know? Lol!

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