Peliculonaza de las mejores de ciclismo.
    Excelentes actuaciones, historia bien contada y los oscuros manejos de los dirigentes de ciclismo
    Basada en la vida y carrera de ciclista amateur escocés Graeme Obree. La película cubre el periodo de vida de Obree que le vio batir, perder, y volver a batir el récord del mundo de distancia en una hora. Las estrellas de película son Jonny Lee Miller como Obree, Laura Fraser, Billy Boyd, y Brian Cox.

    EX come On This I saw you fall Us Praise the Lord sing Hallelu of angels all ye blessful ones of heav Glory to God and the highest Glory SC this is to stop I understand you’re in a bit of bother again today young man you’re still not prepared to give any NS you’re just going to have to let us stand up to them this should keep you out of trouble this is your Christmas from your dad and me

    Maybe it’ll make up for who know not a Christmas Song Yeah so you just take left to is that for service 6 minutes from Doby’s loan then it’ll only be 12 minutes before you’re back with a 81 hi there how can I help you hey this B give you the wrong passord okay so what you do is you wait

    For her to go off in her lunch then you knp back in get them to sign for it before you hand it over then this BS can sort out their own mess I’m m m govern G ory yeah I know who you are I’m a big SE fan For Come on [Applause] Down there’s no we just got here a minute ago I’ll put the K on let rip you off make it 300 you got a deal look son you’ve gone busted make your mind up it’s either 200 or nothing okay 200 it is I’m sorry better off going up the

    Road oh not with this antique right um what can I do for you well I need a new an old cck um I don’t think so but let’s see oh Once Upon a Time e I’m afraid I don’t follow Cy I had him though Boardman he’s good a he there’s

    Always the man to beat there still is the bugger right are these young boys are bright ideas but the G stand a b you mind if I deliver that one myself hav got time son I got a buyer coming in the yard it’s okay be there before you

    You trying to be funny tell you what you get there before me you can keep the 200 I get there before you I get the other hundred I wanted this gentleman here can hold the cash if you’ve no objection He’s done maybe Not oh come on I’m fine I was mad it’s been said before that’s going to cost 300 to a p of Vine you could have killed them man ah it’s all right I would have won anyway if you hadn’t cheated you weren’t perfect yourself son anyway have to grab

    Your chance and Trust to the Lord when it comes to religion KL Mark’s got it right I’ll find a crank for you drop by sometime next week and we’re in the flat above the shop Mr backer Douglas backer CH so what you doing with this law putting food on the table and paying

    The Odd Bill but you’re famous you still hold the British another record I got to make a living like everybody else have a sandwich cheers all the same oh Jesus what you got in there is that mamade enough sugar to keep you going all day I but it tastes horrible

    These for breakfast I’m up the road in no time that’s sorry miles we 32 and A2 and if you’re not going to eat that it Back what Chris Boorman then he’s going for the world 1 hour later this year but then again that record hasn’t stood for 9 years for nothing has it you’ve been head tohe a few times with bman have you you think he can do it if anyone can do it God can right’s up Enough what’s the problem on you go I’ll catch you up there’s something wrong I can pick that I’m good at that stuff no there’s no problem just got an [Applause] idea H you go you’re wasting a good head Start what the hell have you Done night with grand I see he’s inside do you want fish and chip I’m not this is ky hi what do you think yeah definitely got something come that bik oh no she just BS it off her granny at the weekends where do we off to know

    You got that chip yeah yep got it see told you it be okay so Kat is a baker eh suppose she’s got tattoos and all that stuff bikers are into that kind of thing aren’t they then again I suppose she’s got a Hell’s Angel for a boyfriend

    I just dropped by and I was wondering if you’d found that new crank for me and you dropped a few bits and pieces when you took off like that look it’s a project for a new bike and building and it’s not really stealing idea who’s this it’s Maly Maly

    Mgov what new bike why do skiers Crouch like this better aerodynamics exactly so why not recycling too I tried reversing the handlebars but after about 20 mi or so realized it’s not enough got to go the whole way build a new bike forget All the Rules start from scratch but to what

    End break the world 1 hour record which stands it 51 and a bit kilom 32 miles more or less well nobody can accuse you thinking small but hold it hold it before we all get carried away here even if you could do it this kind of thing takes lots of money first

    There’s the money to build the bike then you need to find a world standard V Drome which we don’t have around here and pay for that including all the timekeepers and all that you got the job what job well an used to be my manager before but she’s got enough in the plate

    As it is you can take over where do you plan to build this bike well I hadn’t got that far yet but Uh I uh I do have a tendency to hoard so anything you can use go ahead this is fantastic first to a new world record to a new world record 8 weeks from now oh wait a minute what do you mean 8 weeks from now your man

    Boardman’s going for it in nine weeks well then let’s do it in eight morning how you doing you tell me he that’s what I’m after I’ll uh leave it in the shed for you I didn’t know you the high tech make doing men that’s the old

    Approach must be a killer going at that rate for an hour Killer’s another word for it franisco Moses set the record it stood for 9 years Edie marks held it before Moses said it burned three years of his life mer SD never go through that kind of torture again and he was the

    Greatest cyclist ever he won the Tour to France five times for him it was Asen B baldini and copy Don 29 and2 minutes from the start Is Okay fine the pr manager running a bit late secretary says so you could just wait a few minutes no problem don’t I know you from somewhere no I don’t think so I’m sure I’ve seen you thanks you sure seen okay cheers a man you for a joke

    No a man have you were in here last week you’re not running a personal management company you’re just a delivery boy no uh we’ll just leave it is it about Maly taking over no I’m delighted about Maly taking over I know we need the money I know

    I’ve got to keep on at the hospital are you sure this is the right thing to do going for the record sure why Not cuz in spite of all the hassles things have been quite good recently don’t want to spoiled it won’t spoil anything I can handle it I promise how did you catch the C cycling bug oh same as any other wee boy got bite for Christmas one year it

    Must be more to it than that did you go Cy with your pals better get on hey Kitty thank you thank you thank you so what you dressed up like that for just walking the streets you raising sponsorship for gam how’s it going well how much have you got so far to be

    Honest wouldn’t pay for these coffees go and see this guy tell him that Katy sent you who is he a Serial parking offender who has seen the light you meet all sorts in my job it might appeal to him kind hurt to try that’s great thanks m listen I was

    Thinking maybe we could go and get a drink sometime a drink did you think I’d show you my tattoos if you bought me a drink how can I go out with a man who shaves his legs more than I do no geme your bum does not look big in

    Those that’s a sexist remark what are you going to do about it lie down here in your back and close your eyes I can I resist now raise your legs right and pedal this better lead to something memorable now you see how close they are together no no bring them back there you

    Go keep going yeah now check that the natural comfortable way is one banana wide so why are pedals made two bananas apart that’s why you got me down here on the floor to my lecture about petals and bananas what else could we do down Here H Are you all right yeah just got a a design problem just trying to figure it out oh seems like Dark Night of the soul to me everyone gets a bit down sometimes oh sure listen I’ve got some work next week and I need a cog and wheels type fancy give

    Me a hand next Saturday hi good so you see Mr Armstrong cycling is universally popular well not so much in the UK of course why would you want to sponsor gam well because he’s pretty special really I mean for a Scotsman that is and cin could be a lot more popular

    If if he wins and uh uh that’s about it really Franchesco moo eh what a man what a cyclist with that one hour record pure Brilliance you got to take your hat off but to think if that record been held by a Scotsman hey my God what a thrill that would

    Be I don’t for you a drink but I must get Off Club out it tonight we’re going out to the thrs and back sweet island a ah rapid employment will be proud to assist such a splendid initiative how much have you raised already it’s going a bit slower than I’d hoped nothing then yeah excellent rapid employment will get all the

    Publicity great come back tomorrow same time we figure right thanks Yes oh beaut What is it exactly you’re doing how does a washing machine spin at 1200 Revolutions a minute bearings beautiful bearings in their own casing what does your wife say she was all right about it you’re a lucky man you were never married oh I she died I’m sorry long time

    Ago so this uh sponsorship deal that Mal has landed is it enough just um it’ll get us to Norway well before Chris makes his attempts on the record at Bordeaux and we got this stadium and the eke keepers for 24 hours now we’ve got the machine okay let’s hit it [Applause] For now most of the tubing is actually from BMX bikes these rear ends are part of an old padlock and my washing machine well the bearings are in in here but this bit’s a part washing machine frame if to Extra Strength so uh you going to get on it and off we

    Go what do you think well you’re right nobody’s ever seen anything like that Before oh not bad for a first day okay it could have been better but I’m beginning to get the feel of the bikeing that’s the me that is the last place we should have been testing a bike that was stupid was the only bloody place okay if there was even a b

    Standard track within 50 miles of here fine will you get off my case and do your job for God’s sake gam the bite the Goldman’s going on cost half a million to develop and was designed by a computer so how the hell is that that thing that’s made out of scrap and

    Washing machine parts going to break a record that stood since well since before they were born what that man Su hi hi that’s right son get one thing straight Maly I know what I’m doing here maybe it doesn’t look like it but this bike’s been built according to the laws of physics there’s

    A scientific reason for every single bit of design and that’s how I’m going to break the record with or without you he’s trying to help you that’s all well I don’t need his help do this on my own Lord your holy us in your sight those command you have ask you to keep him from all harm in this world still we hope that you will stay by his side in difficult times and give you the strength to rise from Despair and self-doubt Jonathan I baptized thee in the name of

    The father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost amen you’ve done a good job Maly couldn’t have done it without phoning you twice a day and there tickets this one’s for me I’m not coming yes you are Katy says you and gam are a team and that’s good enough for

    Me there isn’t enough money for the three of us to go to Norway yeah well I’m paying for myself I really appreciate it but I’ve got no want to me you in Katie’s going to take some time off she’ll look after him it’s all sorted are you still worried about the

    Bike yeah and that’s why you have to be there you see I’ve got a contingency plan that gram doesn’t know about I thought if you knew right away you might think I was after your soul and don’t you souls are of God’s business mine is people so I feeling under

    Control well the hour is almost at hand bring it on I’m raring to go good turnout that’s not for me they’re getting ready to announce the World Championships M over there Franchesco MO is over there he’s on the WCF Council now who’s that with him I don’t know some suit right let’s

    Get Old Faithful put together give them all the heart attack can I talk to you first what about uh actually can I show you something I got on to M burrow told him what the situation was and he said okay he take a cracker

    It I didn’t know if it was going to be ready in time that’s why I haven’t said anything anything to know I gave them all the specs it’s exactly the same as Old Faithful all the ideas that you built into it but it’s the work of a world class bik

    Builder and I think you should you know what do you think well it’s it’s not exactly the same as Old Faithful bar is used 32 mil not 16 so it’s heavier right did the wheels specialized M them and if you beat the record they’ll sponsor you for a whole

    Year just give me a minute May you knew about this you always said Mike Bars knows what he’s doing don’t use it if you don’t want to my friend allow me to introduce an me hello you have built this yourself no it was Mike Barrow I did the design and uh

    Put together the original model uh what was wrong with the original took a bit of battering in the road trial age so don’t worry conforms every WCF regulation I made sure of that doesn’t worry me Mr or it would only matter if you were to break franchesco’s rare please okay ladies and gentlemen

    Here the track back please okay okay gr this is it set ready give me not 5115 km that’s 31.7 miles which is almost exactly the same as the journey from prweek to Glasgow but no Hills no traffic no roundabouts and when a gun goes off you

    Broken the world D in five 4 3 2 one go On come on come on Come on keep going keep Going going Grand Go B R r are you okay that was a brilliant a for was was me just do it m step back this is total [ __ ] fail again don’t don’t do that look at me gam don’t do that don’t do that g no he’s over here wait wait wait wait how you Feeling sandwich man I’m going again impossible the WCF must have access oh 24 hours that was what my manager agreed with the people here so we’ve got the stadium till till 10:30 tomorrow morning but 9:00 tomorrow morning you English are mad you want to know what mad is try calling me English

    Again I’m a Bavarian and I’m very proud to be called German but I know you’re Irish Scots always fighting you can’t help it yeah what are you doing making sure I exercise every couple of hours stop my legs seizing up no alarm clock like a full bladder for you slept in you slept

    In go be on the track in 30 minutes when the bloody hell’s Maly we’re late I’ve rebu Old Faithful for you she’s ready if you’re ready Maly you we St that clock should be set what’s wrong with it think he slept dead as well this is a Shambles excuse me he’s going for it now excuse me he’s going for it now thank you this is insanity gram you will [ __ ] yourself maybe something even worse than that right you ready go come on G come on G Same as yesterday come on gam Shi it come on come on come on keep going this is where it went wrong yesterday that was yesterday we cannot continue like this you’re right come on me really started to pay on Come Away G On come you can do it come on there come on keep Going a whole laugh up on where you were at this point Come Away come on keep On he’s going to do it he’s actually going to do it come on come on you got to do It go go come On [Applause] [Applause] Yeah yeah Congratulations You get that Congratulations R absolutely amazing on behalf of specialized I’m proud to give you this check and to announce a year [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] sponsorship G he he’s messing upart it gr congratulations I see you made the front page or the local paper anyway I just wanted to say thank you for your help oh I didn’t make much of a contribution which would seem to be the way in other

    Cases as well what do you mean you remember what KL Mark said about Surplus value you’re looking at it apparently the poers at be feel that this town is too small for two congregations so there’s going to be a marer one of the churches is going to be sold off to a property

    Developer Agnes go on be with you in a minute now gram I’ve got work to do excuse me one of my Parish has my husband’s just passed away she’s got a few problems coming hi sorry we’re late guess who kept going on about keeping inside the speed limit

    What well there’s plenty of time do start for another half an hour so where’s griam going for a run said he better things to do than watch a non event the English riter Chris Borman Great Britain’s Olympic champion is now certain to break the 1hour record so

    Recently established by graem Wy here he goes and and how devastating this must be to his arch rival au but the world one our record holder is now an English Cheers Cheers open oh yes i’ like to make a reverse charge call please yeah it’s 01 163296 433 that’s press I knew it was you a world champion now some [ __ ] like that just trying to make a call here all right you by heing champ just come back

    To show us did you [ __ ] off all and it’s me all right listen I’ve got a punch Maly come and pick me up yeah Maly oh yeah I’m back in the Valley of the damn to the pub in the Main Street yeah okay listen what did bardman do 700 M more

    It’s more than the margin I be Moses Rec right I see you then okay what the [ __ ] do you want see H is thinks he’s the big man now H but I can remember what we used to do yeah you made my life hell you’re proud of that

    Come on G me it’s just a bit of fun mate that’s all you eat s bastards [ __ ] up [ __ ] up Champion you know what take a good [ __ ] look at me cuz this is the closest you’ll ever get to anything Worthwhile okay it’s a pain in the ass but this is what I was thinking we book Hammer again for say the end of the year after the specialized money run out then we announce you’re going for boardman’s record you get plenty of people to sponsor you then we get them

    To make bids no they’ll be lining up around the block a Man from Nowhere returns Flying Scotsman Rides Again no I’m going to go for the worlds but you don’t do that kind of racing not the 4 km Sprint you’re a long distance man 51 km or four it’s still what I do

    Yeah right enough I suppose 12 months to get ready for it I’m going for it this year no that’s that’s totally impossible you’ve only got five weeks that’s fine treasure works for me ladies and gentlemen Chris B uh as you know the annual bringing by sale is going to take place in four

    Weeks you have to be impressed that nois oy has even made it the semi-finals of the world championship but of course borman’s the clear favorite his half million pound computer designed carbon fiber superide but he rode to gold medal in the Olympics two Riders chasing each other

    From opposite side of the track for 16 laps 4,000 M of Agony 4 3 2 1 the Christian band who are really rocking with the [Applause] [Applause] Lord [Applause] [Applause] 22668 a new world record for Grandma Bri to go through into the final please forgive that short pause I get quite excited by the prospect of the annual bringing by sale he’s beaten other semifinals Chris Corin by 2.38 seconds Rec [Applause] okay congratulations G awesome ride but

    You need a better moment yeah use mine for the final and the best of luck thanks another world record a new world champion you got a world Champion sorry didn’t mean to make you jump but the reception St and don’t we look like coup Wells listen Maly I know an told you about me good what wish you could do stay here I just get really down sometimes and then I tell myself get a grip man

    And I pull myself out of it I mean there’s nothing really wrong with me you know Sumer called Bret’s been on the phone about exhibition rides in France money up front accommodation for all of us that’s what he said everything for the new champion and we can go in our new

    Car what’s wrong with the one we got have you actually looked at it this time we get something a bit better who’s driving oh my word I don’t have a p [Applause] when you to beat the record of the one hour we all wanted you not to stop ever to continue for always is she and if you have eyes for the bicycle sure [Applause] Beening is it um going to be like this everywhere why not we deserve it you deserve It but how can manufacturers persuade people to buy the ride bikes when a washing machine on Wheels can break records is he cheating drugs perhaps no you can forget that he takes nothing we even tested one of his sandwiches just oranges and sugar you know I love seeing

    Him ride his position is so uh grotesque so ugly and unstable he fell off last week oh yeah he fell off we have come to the conclusion that the riding uh technique of here oby could cause him to hurt himself especially if he were to fall from his

    Machine at high speed and not only that such an an accident could cause serious injury to other cyclists it has um therefore been agreed that the riding um position of ha Aubrey will not be allowed under W please let me finish under WCF rules thank you very

    Much it’s ridiculous to see it’s unsafe I’ve only ever fallen once and you know it’s no Miracle machine either otherwise I’d win every race no way the bike meets all the WCS regulations so now they’re just making up new ones okay I’m going you know you don’t need to

    Work what am I supposed to do when you’re away on tour with all your cycling Gres I wish oh do you know the way things are going I’ll be spending a lot more time at home hagaman and his pals are really out to get me well you’re a threat you got

    To the top the wrong way if few more like you and those people won’t be running things anymore no more gravy train that’s what makes me so angry well that’s healthier than being depressed you’ll find ways to get one up on them now because of the wcf’s con

    Concerns about safety I’ve made a few modifications so ladies and gentlemen I give you the new Ultra safe oby bike stand back stand back we must not allow him to make fools of us whatever time time we change the rules he changes his bike to comply yeah then you try

    Again that’s as far back as it’ll go great your bike conten the regulations subtles must be 5 cm behind the center line of the bottom bracket i s you inspected about yesterday you okay it 5 cm all Saddles must be complete and intact Mr Aubrey if I use this first thing I ever

    Designed must be possible to purchase all parts in the commercial Market that’s just not true all the tops cyclist have their bikes personally made for them they would cost thousands to buy in a shop yes but if you had thousands you could buy it that is the

    Point the changes I had to make to the handlebars mean it’s very difficult for me to get into position on a commercial saddle because they’re so big there is no rule about the design of a well it um it doesn’t break the uh letter of the

    Rules but it breaks the spirit of the rules the spirit of the rules exactly the SP It this is from a 12-year-old’s mountain bike so we’re not breaking any Rules what’s this bastards Hagman just invented a new rule there has to be a gap between the rider’s chest and his hands a gap how much he won’t quantify is it strange that I’m the only one who rides with his chest on his hands yeah exactly

    I’ll tell you what the new rule is nobody called G M’s allowed to win the World Championships here’s what we’re going to do we’ll replace it with the tri bars they can’t object to that you can get down low enough on these and you’ll still win no I’m sticking with Old Faithful the

    Way she is you’ll be out of the championship I won doing it my way I’ll lose it doing it my way what’s that supposed to mean that’s a load of bollocks and you know it look I’m your manager right it’s my job to organize things so that you win and I’m asking

    You to use these bars and just go out there and give it the auy magic gam it’s your only chance doing it my way Maly when loser get disqualified the hell were you then [Applause] so a red flag will be raised by an official if his chest touches his hands

    Three red flags and he’s out come [Applause] on I have to say that the [Applause] wholey only one more flag of the World Champ Championship will be over [Applause] has fallen and it’s a bad one they’ve broken it Graham Aly is now ex world Champion G Mali here can take this stuff with you next time you and see an take it yourself it’s got nothing to do with me for God’s sake KY it’s got nothing to do with me either I’m not his manager anymore I’m short of that pigheaded bloody minded

    Pain in the ass which means I canot care less about any of this you still read it all though don’t you and listen if you think that you can shout at me like that then it’s time you move back to your own flat and sorted your

    F auy has fallen and it’s a bad one they’ve broken him only one more flag and the world champions championship will be over auy has fallen and it’s a bad one they’ve broken him Gra come do all this way to see you you have been back for a bit

    Girl seen you fall in television big man did you know my old mind got done again see it your boy girl do put away thing is M all boy’s not coming by cuz he died inside just couldn’t take it you did make something out yourself Grandma for a bit

    There I can see you hiding there you’re good to hiding and run away You’re s we sh running away you still think you’re too good for us that’s all you ever do in that bike of yours run away no wonder you’re a champion see all that stuff we

    Didn’t you that was just cuz of your dad you do know that but you’re not really a hero are you gr you’re still [ __ ] you’re a nothing mate and you still think you’re too good for us you are nobody you’re pathetic So [ __ ] you C I saw you fall I sorry oh my stay there listen listen to me I’m I’m good for help all right an ambulance a doctor do you understand me I’ll be back as soon as I can just lie there and dick you we going to put an ambulance

    G this can’t go on we have to do something it’s all right I’m okay no you’re not okay hey this is an ex world champion you’re talking to so many people can say that R you need help I told you before I sought myself out in my own

    Time yeah that’ll make a great a TR It’s very good you’ve been working hard you should rest when you come in you know especially since you’re paying the bills these days have you been a good boy yeah we both have mhm I phoned The Courier people starting on Monday it’s only a month’s contract but at least it’s

    Something back to square one eh Dear Mr auy the track at Hammer stadium in Norway is being resurfaced in recognition of your historic cycling achievements at the stadium breaking the one hour record and smashing the world record to become World Pursuit Champion we hope you will

    Accept this piece of the old track as a souvenir of your wonderful Triumph it has been a pleasure writing to you with this news and I wish you the very best for your future you’re sincerely Berger Olsen the boss wants to see something about special Delivery Gr how are you all right got delivery for you needs a signature I’ll get my glasses come in look I’m not stupid what’s this A need of if I suggested we get together what would you have said what’s going on I told you I’ll be leaving at the end of the month

    T I’m going up north some friends of mind from The Merchant Navy you’ve got me a job teaching Disturbed kids how to sell a boat oh is that what I am disturbed kid I uh was going to tell you about her your wife what happened to her she droned I

    Was be n when I met her I left the Merchant Navy and I was studying for the ministry in Australia and one Summer’s morning down by Sydney Harbor I saw this young woman not much more than half my age and oh boy felt as if I was struck by lightning all I knew

    Was I wanted to spend the rest of to my life with her amazingly she felt the same way we only had three short years together that’s all you said you drowned was it an accident oh no she can swim like a fish she killed herself gr she had the same illness as

    You she couldn’t take it anymore said it was like being in a swamp alone in the the darkness slowly being sucked down inch by inch the life squeezed out of her and knowing that nobody was ever going to come and save her because nobody knew she was even

    There you see there were things in her life in her childhood she would just would not talk about I thought maybe maybe had a bit more time together I could have done something we can talk about it what’s the point in talking about it have you ever talked about it

    Before so why do you think there’s no Point made me feel wor just like ‘s nothing something to be used who’s there Girl it’s all right it’s all right it’s like your first time on the back just keep going you’ll be fine For are you going to talk to him again probably although he says I should see a professional therapist what do you think maybe you could fix me up with someone at the hospital yeah I could Maly called tonight yeah what was he saying just wanted to chat it’s funny I was thinking

    I should give him a call yeah see what he thinks about going in for some we events nothing serious just a tow in the water Bloody Hell [Applause] The crowd is chanting Superman Superman right oh I sparkling water okay so what’s the plan what do you think forget col the only person you need to worry about is that stubborn bugger gam auy come on your beauty just one more time so no signal still [Applause] halfway [Applause]

    Oy is 0.7 seconds down on his first lap he’s not making it very easy on himself or [Applause] us [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] we The making here here 8,000 ft up is incredibly thin two laps left I can hardly look they’re absolutely neck and NE there’s nothing in it has colelli got anything left as The Flying [Applause] [Applause] Scotsman come on J come on you do it baby you’re LEL One the two t of the wheel will be the difference between these two great [Applause] [Applause] athletes greatest achievement one of the most exciting ever [Applause] Seen Astonishing ride by grae auy to take the world championship you would have liked him Graham oy is surely Scotland’s Hero [Applause] Hey [Applause] [Applause] w La La Ho Oh Oh I


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