I took a trip for a look around Doncaster but it was ruined by the rain. I had the best fish and chips yet though!
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    Hey help everyone so I’ve come to Doncaster and I thought I’d start here because there seems to be so many videos with people vlogging about Doncaster and they always tend to start on that street but I want to try and be a bit more positive we’ll get that out the way and

    I think this I mean I’ve not been to Donnie for years and I’m sure there’s lots of nice part so we’ll just have a Wonder we’ll go to town and we’ll see some of the sites and we’ll go to some of the nicer Areas Well I’ve come just down the road road to tickle and it’s a lovely little village or [Applause] Street there seems to be a lot of uh Bakers and there’s like a bit of a pork pie war going on they’ve all displaying delicious pork pies in the windows and

    I’m so tempted cuz I love a pork pie but I’m fancying a fishing chip review later so I’m being strong I’m holding it I’m starving myself I’ve just quickly come back to the van because it’s starting to rain and that’s my biggest worry the forecast for today is horrible so it’s stressful

    This vlogging you’re thinking I need to get a vlog out but then what are you going to do if it’s just chucking it down all day I’ll just have to walk around with your Broly anyway that’s tickle that was lovely and I’m going to head to borry now living it

    Up I put my coat on because I think it’s going to rain again I’m in borry and the first thing that struck me about B Tre he’s trying to get Parks a nightmare about to park miles away well not miles but a long way away and there

    Just want to charge it’s paying display everywhere you go so what I’ve noticed coming here it’s very much a place of wine bars cafes and restaurants there’s obviously some money around here I mean you can tell that just where people dress so I stand out like a cell

    Phone anyway we’re just going to have a quick look around nice things hello am I on camera you’re on you’re on YouTube yes oh what for just walking around vlogging oh right okay can you take me off yeah if you don’t want to be [Applause] on that’s the china Rose restaurant I do

    Have big memories of going there many years ago to some sort of Christmas de or something I’ve heard it’s supposed to be all right now I know that restaurant of been there Indian quite nice that were a long time ago though so there you have bter High Street it’s

    Rather nice and now I’m going to head towards the city center because yes duncaster is a city I think it was uh given City status 2022 that last year isn’t it I might be completely wrong with that and it’s quite a big city as well population over

    300,000 I believe I did look this up the other night and I’m trying to remember them all I thought oh what this Lakeside Village that sounds nice yeah I’m not going to be stopping here I can tell you that onwards onwards into the city center this is where it’s all going to

    Start happening I can feel it it’s going to be amazing it’s going to be just jolity is that a word javil no that’s not a word what am I thinking of there’s going to be good stuff there’s going to be pubs there’s going to be fish and chips it’s going to

    Be buskers and stuff can’t wait doing my head in this weather if you think I’m going out in this you another thing coming it’s ruin me Vlog what am I supposed to do this is this is my job no oh H I’d got it all planned go to Doncaster

    Today shoot a vlog get it edited then get it out by whenever and now it’s all in Jeopardy because it weather well well it’s not good enough and I don’t know what to do I’m just sat here in my van in Doncaster we’ll just have a talk what should we talk

    About what do you want to talk about rting in it this I have got some plans apparently there’s there’s a listen I don’t know if you heard that there were a mad man walking past bus uh past bus past van singing so I saw an article online other

    Day about officially the four best fishing chip shops in Yorkshire and one of them is just up road so I’m going to go there I thought I’ll go there now it’s raining and I can do a fishing review but it don’t open while 4:00 it’s just one thing after another it’s

    Pandemonium so I don’t know I think I might have a broing back and we can walk around the dreary drab streets of Doncaster in the rain maybe find a pub just sit there you want to come with me have reversing cuz I might not go out I’ve got until chip shop opens

    380 so here we are we’re in Donnie we’re going to have a wonderand around God this is depressing and I’m not blaming Donnie you know no Way’s going to look good in this crappy weather but there’s a pub there look the queen anybody know that P shall we go in [Applause]

    There looks a bit ominous don’t [Applause] It so it’s all kicking up in this a [Applause] Goodick someone’s [Applause] well it’s still bloody raining I liked it in there bit of a Mexican Vibe going on and anything that reminds me of uh Salma haek is all right by me I don’t know if you’ve seen that scene it’s one of my favorite movie scenes that it will off a bit though in

    There somebody having a bit of a altercation anyway we’re going to WAND around we’re not bothered we’ll go around it rain we’ll make more straight I said I said to her I said listen Helen’s favorite shop there I meant sense why the bloody hell of I coming here I must be

    Insane I’m losing will to live in here food C buses and trains this way so we’ll going another look at buses and trains got to think out else to them completely lost trains this way buses let’s go and look around bus station riveting this is it bus

    Station you don’t get this kind of content anywhere else do you HH this is what you really want to see bus buses oh we could go to the railway station but I’m not sure you could con your excitement right I’ve come out of there now God knows where I am it’s a big

    Mural though i’ that’s out of there because I were going insane I’d rather be in rain than in a shopping center all right so this is the famous Doncaster train station there is oh I read I read somewhere that Doncaster is where they made The Flying Scotsman so that’s an interesting fact

    For you is it at this this is nice he’s all coming back to me now uh Paddington Bears From Doncaster and something else was From Doncaster but I can’t remember it’ll come back to me in a bit oh look at the Crossing there countdown that’s what they have in

    Europe first time I’ve seen that in this country look at this this looks like a massive boys up here so I’m going to do a bit of a service for my mom cuz she loves boys my mom’s boy is the biggest fan it’s got a right cult following as

    Boys I want to Che you in I’ll tell you what we’re not messing uh we’re showing you some proper stuff on this channel boys nobody else has done that have They just realized I’m in underwear look at all that habash look at I feel a bit cheated by boy duncaster because it’s only on one level when you look at it it’s really big it’s massive and you think it’s going to be like multiple floors like it is in uh bring

    Scabra but no it’s just the one floor I’m let down to be honest with you anyway onwards Donnie in the rain oh you know me footy F the H what’s up here Jazz Cafe that’s interesting rainbow burgers I’m much to Crossroads and I feel like I’m at to Crossroads in my vlogging

    Life desperately trying to salvage a vlog out of this what do I oh my going what am I supposed to do I don’t even know where I am completely lost what we’re going in there oh Dam God this is depressing I’m we I don’t blame you if you turn this off bloody h

    What’s in there absolutely s well it says warm and friendly welcome great times I don’t even know if it’s open great times and a warm and friendly welcome that’s what I want I’m going in there for half it’s not open it work they renovating it another barers there everywhere everywhere you Look I’m only half an hour early that’s how bad it is today that’s how miserable it is so I’m just going to sit here and shut my eyes for 30 minutes and then look forward to these fish and chips I can hardly contain my excitement this is oakle

    Frery we just get me peas out I’ve got the peas in a tub I’ve ordered oh they’re nice tubs I’ve only ordered a small and I think I might have made a mistake they come to1 something with a drink I’ll show you these and I’ve ordered hadic it’s Icelandic

    Hadock so there you have the hadock and chips and I got the peas in a carton but after doing all that I think I might pour them on the chips so yeah I’m going to put them on chips there save messing I’m so hungry I normally always order a small

    Because they tend to be the same size anyway but this is quite small to be honest right here we go hang on let’s start with a chip one chip lovely they even named the potatoes they were a thing I couldn’t really film in there because quite a lot of people

    In just been a bit weird but it said what Cod it was that was Icelandic cod and it said some more information about it all certified the hadock and the same with the potatoes what sort of potato CES were and it’s won like Lads of awards they’ gr them all on wall but

    Hot but yeah them chips are awesome try some at peas oh yes they nice chip and peas let me show you them peas can you see them well yeah the chips and the peas are amazing I’m looking forward to trying this Heche I hope it lives up to the uh chips and the

    Peas gu it could be a winner guys I’ll just clean my palette with dandelion and berock which is the law well when you having fish and chips you either have to have D L and b or Shandy right let’s look at this look at that that’s quite nice and

    Thick although it’s a small fish that’s quite thick for a had it oh I’m so excited are you ready M yes yes yes yes BL absolutely gorgeous so I read about these on a on a website something like York live or something like that and apparently the fish friers Association or something voted these for the past four years I think in the top four fish and chip shops in in

    Yorkshire and that’s why I’ve come and absolutely look at that Heche that is amazing so meaty had sometimes is really flat and it’s got that unique hadock fishy taste you know had it sounds D but hadock tastes a lot more fishy than Cod they’re perfect I’m sorry they couldn’t be any better there

    Could not be any better absolutely gorgeous sure we scoring them I’ve had some good fishing chips but they go straight in at the top of the leaderboard with a 9.5 they’re beautiful I can quite categorically say now I don’t need to do any more fish and chick reviews because they ain’t going

    To get beaten they might get equaled but you you can’t get better fish and chips than them I’ve just had they were fantastic it really enjoyed them they’re obviously very popular cuz there was quite a queue I got there when it opened at 4:00 and there was quite a cute well

    I want say quite a cute but there were a few people waiting outside uh have you tried them you know let me know if you’ve tried Oakley fry or if you you know give them a gun let me know what you think they were really really nice and it’s funny

    Because before I’ve had them I’d have said my favorite fish and chip shop is a place in conisburgh called seafish which is equally lovely and uh it just seems that you get really good fish and chips in Doncaster probably just a coincidence I don’t know but well worth the drive out

    Anyways I don’t know what I’m going to do now I’m sorry if this uh vlog’s been a bit rubbish I’ll do better next time I promise you I’ll put more effort in Helen on the man I put effort into this i’ got it all planned out what am I on

    About can’t help rain can I it’s not my fault stop morning I’ve got Ellen on next two videos probably so that’s going to be a load better I’m always better when I’m with Ellen but uh yeah I don’t know what I’m going to do now to be honest I’ve got a

    Bit of headache I’ve had this cold all week and I’m just not feeling myself I know get a little tiny violin out I’m going to just head back and park up feel like having an early night tonight I don’t know so if you found anything of any use in this

    Video then great if not please forgive me and I’ll see you in the next one see


    1. Aw…feeling a lickle bit sorry for yourself I think…still good fun to watch though…Helen is a tonic and you do bounce off each other though. Doncaster is where that horrible woman pretended to kidnap her own daughter and kept her hidden in a drawer under t' bed!! Enough said about Doncaster then…just kiddin' Im sure it has some nice areas…

    2. James, can't stop watching your fish and chip reviews, currently residing in Tickhill, not tried Auckley fisheries as yet. But on the occasion I travel to Wetwang N/Yorks to Deep Blue where they fry to order and I have not had better with the exception of Whitby. Might be worth a run out on the Bridlington Road from Stamford Bridge.

    3. Please come again in the summer. We don't call it Sunny Donny for nothing.

      Fun fact for you to vlog about. Near the bottom of Printing Office Street was a music shop (next to the school clothes shop). The grandson of the owner, is called Dominic Harrison. He is an international singer songwriter called Yungblud. Around the corner on St Sepulcher Gate is Cafe Nero. Above the cafe is where David Bowie's father was born. When Nasa's Perseverance was landing on Mars they asked Yungblud to sing David Bowie's song Is there Life on Mars at it was actually landing.

      Another interesting fun fact to do with Mars. Agemaspark is a precision engineering company in Doncaster, They have made parts for the International Space Station & Nasa's Perseverance. So when Dominic was singing Is there Life on Mars, parts made in Doncaster were actually landing on Mars.

    4. Roy Clarke – the scriptwriter made millions of people laugh with his comedy work Last of the Summer Wine, Keeping Up Appearances, Open All Hours and its sequel series, Still Open All Hours. Fun fact – Open All Hours and Still Open All Hours was filmed in Balby, Doncaster by transforming a hairdressing saloon into the famous store.

    5. Doncaster Racecourse – The Doncaster Cup is the oldest horse race in the world, and the St Leger Stakes, is the oldest classic horse race in the world.

    6. Doncaster Racecourse also held the first ever Aviation Event to be held in Britain in 1909. Early Aviators from around the world flew into Doncaster Racecourse to take part in this first event.

    7. William Bradford was born in Austerfield Doncaster. He was a Pilgrim Father who was on the Mayflower. Sad fact. His wife, Dorothy died in 1620 when she fell from the deck of the Mayflower into Cape Cod Harbor. William went on to become the Governor of Plymouth Colony, USA. He also wrote a famous book called 'On Plymouth Plantation.' He is also made the first declaration and is creator for the Thanksgiving Celebration that is still a special day for Americans today. The house where he was born still stands and is still a private family home 400 years later. The Church where he was baptised is in Austerfield too.
      The famous actor and director Clint Eastwood is related to William Bradford (12th Generation later).

    8. William Nuttall experimented with a selection of mint-flavoured sweets in his Doncaster sweet shop. He invented Mint Dainties – later renamed Nuttall's Mintoes

    9. The Gentleman Fishmonger in Doncaster Fish Market, has had a stall for around 30 years, is a social media star. Fun fact Ian Bothan and his wife travel to Doncaster to buy their fish from him. Martyn and Sarah also run the DN1 Deli Dinner. Delicatessen & Dining Room by The Gentleman Fishmonger and it's their first anniversary this week. They are also aiming to be receive the first Michelin Star in Doncaster.

    10. Weather crap…Vlog great! I left UK for Canada in 1990 and haven't been back in 20 years so this was fascinating .
      Your perseverance in the rain was appreciated!

    11. Very interesting vlog…cheers! Well you made me laugh you just gotta get out of the van even if it's raining! That pub was a nice suprise in the rain 🙂

    12. It’s not any better in glorious sunshine. The reason they built the flying Scotsman there is so that people could leave quickly. Completely avoid on race day, when a whole new life form emerges from a laboratory somewhere.

    13. James, Doncaster is famous for its Race Courses as well? Next year 12 – 15 September 2014, check out the Betfred St Leger Festival?? I will be placing some bets

    14. Well.i was born in donny left 1986. It,s all changed but it hurts to watch fish n Chips and mushy peas, but to wet ya wistle with dandelion n burdock… i just cried😂😢😢😢
      Brilliant Video and thx. Brings back memories

    15. Wow your on my stomping ground Donny has really gone down nick over last 20 yrs you walked past best pub in Donny bisket Billy's on silver Street your rite about auckley fryer very good chippy but bit expensive like everything else now days .
      Evan bawtry has lost it like you said lot of money over that way .

      Loved it not boring 1 bit

    16. Nothing ominous about the Queens, some of the best music to be found there in the evening, sadly the market tha tis featured in the video years ago used to be a thriving bustling homely place, now all modernised, it is souless with sky high rents for any traders that might be left. Well done donny council, killed of something that people used to come from all over to visit, and this is all gone down hlil from about 2014/15.

    17. The minute the Dandelion n Burdock came out, immediately hit dislike, reported to YouTube, Police, Military, NASA, Asda, the Paper Shop down the Road and big Shug down the pub. 🤢🤢🤮🤮

    18. Our tune!! Loved listening to that on a tea break at work. All the warehouse men doing fake crying to entertain the little teenage girl (me). Tune took me right back to the 80s. See I watched to the end! ❤❤😂😂

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