God I love Parkruns, thanks to all the volunteers and organisers. This Parkrun run was my best so far… well, it was my fastest.

    Run a Sub 30 minute Parkrun? Video – https://youtu.be/wVo4FIYpoT0?si=UAqpHkS3CqcfpVkO
    Why I LOVE Parkruns! Video – https://youtu.be/YD1xfjkJTOw?si=ixo9E-AdJZZ-COdv

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    📚 Great marathon training book for beginners → https://www.amazon.co.uk/Running-Your-First-Marathon-Complete/dp/1939754305/ref=sr_1_11?crid=2RP2YYD42C7G7&keywords=marathon+training+books&qid=1699096579&sprefix=marathon+trainin%252Caps%252C183&sr=8-11&_encoding=UTF8&tag=ryancondon-21&linkCode=ur2&linkId=fabc597af1a5bf1387e540aa799b1e5f&camp=1634&creative=6738

    First time climbing Alpe Du Zwift! – https://youtu.be/xnr7uZ0UP14?si=YiHj-3RNrYoccpr_
    First Month on Zwift. – https://youtu.be/BlrFfKbTU7U?si=HZkV-…
    Don’t Get DROPPED on Zwift – https://youtu.be/sDwpzQbBfTI?si=F7HMidhkC0GEJiOl
    The Four Horsemen on Zwift – https://youtu.be/hSToJ6B4oR8?si=4nSc9a_gP0p6WFEm
    Running The London Marathon – https://youtu.be/4oTgrUilYVI?si=cyEagFuh9IPUXi9_
    Get on the podium on Zwift – https://youtu.be/WcpR36jYETE?si=hn_CPrUU2_wIftDc
    Can I RUN a 100K Ultra Marathon? – https://youtu.be/xtpdwNH4FPw?si=gqLWQ…
    The Value of overcoming a Hard Challenge! – https://youtu.be/PMCBABD_m5A?si=f7pPj3yfdhZDznBg
    Can I run a sub 30 min PARKRUN? – https://youtu.be/wVo4FIYpoT0?si=Y7y0J4pMeaNixLaO

    All my Running Videos – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr…
    All my Zwift Cycling Videos – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9w46…
    Every video, in order, from the beginning – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr…

    WHO AM I?
    I make entertaining YouTube vids about the value of overcoming a hard challenge… My aim is to share and document what I’m doing and maybe inspire others along the way.

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    My new park run PB Video this video was supposed to be my 2024 New Year’s resolution video I’m quickly running out of time in January to make that video it is coming the list has been collated and the script has been written for that video but something happened at the weekend that men I

    Wanted to make this video video instead and if you follow me on Instagram then you probably already know how this video ends training run training strength training healthy weight loss especially only works when you put in the work hundreds or even thousands of hours working hard and learning from your own

    Mistakes celebrating the wins and picking yourself back up to go again when things go wrong that’s how real change happens that’s not new information a secret or particularly inspirational that’s just how change works people say work smart not hard that’s not true when it comes to real

    Change you can try and trick the system but ultimately if you want the change to stick then you have to be prepared to put in the graft it’s that simple it’s like learning to play the piano for the first time you can learn Chopsticks in under 30 minutes just like your first 5k

    Park run or your first race on Swift learning Chopsticks can be fun and you get a quick understanding of what playing the piano involves but if you want to play chovy’s Concerto Number One then you need to put in the hours basically if you want to get good at

    Something then you’ve got to be prepared to train I don’t if you can see me you can probably see the sun rising in the background so I’m an hour and a half early for park run um two reasons I’m an hour and a half early first reason is I

    Want to get a warmup running second reason is because all of the trouts and foot paths leading from where I live which is about 8K away to here are flooded and I don’t really fancy running my park run in trail trainers now I assume you get where I’m going with this

    Making training fun is the key to longevity and success playing Chopsticks is fun to play even when you’re trying to learn the basics it gives you immediate gratification now to have fun you need to work out what’s fun for you I like to have a Target aim for because

    That’s what makes it fun for me I’m very competitive mainly Within Myself adding in a currently unachievable Fitness goal time Target or challenge is what keeps me coming back to the smart bike out on the trails running or hitting the gym but I do recognize that you don’t always

    Need to have a Target to smash or a time to beat some of my best runs the ones I remember the most were the ones where I just went out and ran for fun with no times or targets to hit just running for the sake of running where I lose the

    Concept of time and I feel like I could run forever these runs or the way I feel when I run these runs are why run that sentence had a lot of runs in it targets and challenges are why I train why I train to get fitter lighter and stronger

    To be able to achieve these targets and challenges I train to be a better Runner it’s kind of the chicken and egg scenario when it comes to run training I want to be a better Runner so I can continue to enjoy my runs more now as

    Much as Swan Lake on the piano is beautiful to hear and is probably the aim for all buding pianists there is also a place to be had for the Chopsticks and the intro to extenders everyone starts somewhere you find fun in the small things and enjoy playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star occasionally

    As well as having Ambitions to eventually Play Swan Lake flawlessly and they are not mutually exclusive you can do both you can have your cake and you can eat it have fun immediate gratification while simultaneously aiming for the stars now next week I’ll be making and sharing my New Year’s resolutions Fitness targets

    And challenges are we want to achieve by the end of this year these resolutions will be my 2024 Nutcracker or 1812 Over but I also want to have fun and include small wings that I know will help me in my training along the way oh it’s so cold it’s so cold this morning so I’m just going to have myself a nice hourong warm up just a slow jog around the

    Course so one of the reasons I’m doing this is I’m still trying to set a decent new PB it’s going to be one of my targets for this year is to break and beat my Park CRI PB that I’m not going to be able to beat for a while however my

    Current Park CRI PB is 2959 so 29 minutes 59 seconds and I feel that I’ve got at least another minute on that possibly even two so I’m doing everything in my power to beat that today I’m taking all the tactics I’ve learned from running that I know

    Work to beat my time the other reason I’m doing this is I’m treating this like a training run so park runs are really really good for um max effort runs and rather than go for a long slow run today I thought I’d do a decent hourlong Walmart run

    Followed by a Max effort run followed by an 8K run home so all in all I’m probably going to be covering Half Marathon distance today with a nice Max effort in the middle so it kind of breaks it up it’s kind of like a really bad interval run

    In two weeks so two weeks tomorrow I have my first marathon of 2024 I’ve signed myself up for a full Marathon but it’s a trail Marathon now I have never run a trail Marathon I’ve done Ultra marathons that include trouts a lot of them include trouts but I’ve never done marathan

    Distance over trout so this will be my first ever Trail Marathon which I’m really looking forward to am I ready to run Marathon distance no not at all have I trained for it absolutely not um am I looking forward to it 100% yes I have become equally addicted to park runs not

    Because I need to hold my local park run route record but because I want to hold my own personal park run record turning up at a park run on a Saturday morning I know will make me competitive and that makes it fun for me I can still go out

    And run 5K on my own with my Garmin watch on trails and Roads around my house but doing it on my own doesn’t have the same bars as running with 300 other Park Runners I’ve just checked the pace calculator on my phone um I’m going to

    Go for a 28 minute time today if I can get anywhere near 28 minutes that would be awesome so obviously with my mentality of shoot for the stars I might hit the moon if I go for 28 I might hit 29 who knows so 28 minutes is is a 536

    Km Pace that’s what I need to stick to so in the last two Park runs I’ve done in the last two weeks I’ve shut off the start line in a sub five minute pace like for the first 3 to 500 M I’ve basically sprinted It see you [Applause] later [Applause] go which you know I do it for fun I do this for fun and that’s fun to Sprint off of a start line and pretend that I’m keeping up with the Front Runners at least for a couple of meters but I’m not

    Going to do that today reason for that is because Max is out my cardio before I’ve even done the first kilometer so I’m going to stick to 536 start line all all the way to the end hopefully fingers crossed now this route I’ve chosen marksa state park run is

    Awesome um however it is quite muddy underf foot on some sections not all of it most of it’s bone dry and it does have a very short but meaty Hill which I need to make sure I power up and not drop the pace other than that it’s

    Relatively flat it has a small incline but obviously then you go back downhill and you can pick up the pace there so that kind of makes up for it knowing that I’m running at my maximum capacity for 30 minutes gives me a buzz and pushing for a better time gives me

    Something to aim for it gives me a reason for being there over the past month I’ve made two park run videos now these are linked in the description if you want to go and watch them in them I attempted to run for the first time in

    Under 30 minutes I actually turned up at the course with the intention of running a sub 30 minutes previous to this I just turned up with the intention of running my best now in these videos I run in three different Park runs I ran to achieve my sub30 in December and I ran

    Exactly 29 minutes and 59 seconds twice one of the park runs I ran with my children so they were slower I achieved an official park run result of are you ready for this 29 minutes and 59 seconds you couldn’t get any closer and my time was drum

    Roll I couldn’t believe it it was again exactly 29 minutes and 59 seconds with my garming watch backing this up I had run exactly the same sub 30 minute time I had set only a few weeks previous I had run the exact same 29 minutes and 59

    Seconds twice in two separate Park runs now I couldn’t have run the exact same time twice in two separate Park runs on purpose even if I had planned it that way I had achieved my goal of a sub 30 minute park run but only by 1 second and

    I’d done it twice and if I’m honest it was annoying me that my garming watch still had me over 30 minutes it always takes me a second or two to press stop on my w so with my park run time being 1 second faster than my goal my garming

    Watch wasn’t so with this one second time in mind I again took the day off work on Saturday just gone so a few days ago now as I’m making this video I turned up at my local park run which was the Marx Hall State Park run in Essex

    And I attempted to run this sub3 minute park run Target and put it to bed once and for all now I live as I’ve mentioned already 8K from the start line my partner needs the car for work so I normally run to the park run start line

    And use this run as a warm-up however recently there’s been a lot of rain and the foot paaths around my home are all flooded or water logged so Tracy dropped me very early nearby and I ran my Walmart run on the park run route an hour and a half before everyone else

    Arrived so in the pitch dark in near freezing conditions I went for a warm-up run with the intentions of setting my first sub30 park run PB on my garming watch as well as my park run what we do for a park run PB so that’s my that’s my warmup done that’s

    5K 5K warmup for a 5K run so that will do for me I’m just going to quickly jog down this hill Cafe is open now we got about half an hour until the start of the park run I’m going to go and grab an Americano while everyone else arrives

    And then I’m going to make my way to the start line so it is4 to 9 I’m on my way to the start line even at 10 15 minutes of not running I am now Frozen um yeah no coffee cafe is not open I’m sure I’ve seen that Cafe open before

    Anyway on my way to the start line to smash out my parkr PB let’s do this even though I didn’t get my caffeine fix from the cafe that is massively missing out on the trick with over 300 Park Runners turning up for a fun run in the cold I

    Joined the start line after running a 5k warm-up run then they announced that the park run would be delayed so I run another 2 and 1/2k to keep warm while we all waited for the delayed start based on how well I did at the Colchester park

    Run only a week previous I decided to go for and set 28 minutes as my pacing Target which is a 5 minute 36 second per kilometer Pace as normal my tactic for the Run was to stay disciplined for the first 2K don’t push too hard and stick

    To 5 minutes 36 Pace leave the start line controlled get a good pace and then stay strong going too hard too early will ruin my chances so I needed to stay disciplined I focused on the plan stay disciplined don’t overdo it Ryan that’s what I kept saying to myself in my head

    While I waited for the starting shout having said all that I stood on the start line right at the front as normal like I know what I doing fake it till you make it and I went for it as soon as the Marshall shouted 3 2 1

    Go I sprinted off the start line all tactics and discipline completely went out the window and I literally sprinted and when I say sprinted I mean I went for it for the first 500 M for those first 500 M I was running a 4minute 20 second Pace

    Until my heart felt like it was going to explode for nearly 400 m i was pacing the leading pack I mean these are like super fit 20- year olds who are running flat out I always get drawn into the hype and I try really hard to keep up

    With the much faster Runners I don’t regret it I love it having fun with my training will always Trump being disciplined I don’t know why I’m I’m never going to be a professional Runner so my priority here is to have fun with my running as much as I

    Can there was a long slow incline shortly after the start line and I powered into it but I slowed allowing for more discipline Runners than me to pass me chatting and having fun whilst I was pan in because I’d sprinted like an escaped convict contemplating his life

    Choices I was grateful to reach the top of the slow long climb and I had to look at my watch my timer dropped from 420 to a far more realistic but significantly slower pace of 620 that’s the hill I’m not averaging a 620 Pace it’s not where I want to

    Be I shot off that start line but that heels killed me and that’s not even the worst heill okay okay downhill and I had to get back to 536 and keep it there luckily for me there was a really nice downhill section that I could caner

    Down through the mud and then around to the Steep Hill Climb okay we got the hill big hill Steep Hill I said at the start of this video that this course was flat what I meant is that this course is a lot and I mean a lot flatter than the cester castle one

    From last week but there is a long slow incline after the start that I have already mentioned I had to climb twice and a short very steep climb at the end of the first lap that I only have to climb once because they deviate for the finish Line now I powered up the hill I got to the top and I powered on I knew that I didn’t have time to slow I was now at the halfway point and really really needed to push on I didn’t look at my watch I got back to the top of the long

    Slope around the Ben I keep saying here I mean it’s a slope but it’s uphill and it’s destroying my pace And I started cantering back down the other side it was then that I realized I was on for a decent sub 30 minute time this gave me a spring in my step and I tried as best I could without my heart exploding to Sprint the last 400 m 500 M 500 A lady that had paced me for the last kilometer and who had unwittingly helped me started to race me to the Finish Line she picked up the pace I managed to get ahead of her but just like in zift I went far too early to hold my pace and

    Then she picked me to the finish Line We I had to thank her for the Sprint I appreciated that Sprint finish it’s great to see people go for it well done great Sprint anyway I finished the Run got my barcode and scanned my time through morning [Applause] morning thank you lovely thank you very much get off this mdy

    Grass started to rain now and now I have a 8K run home oh I’m already 12K Jesus I got an 8K run anyway two things firstly I just had my max heart rate increased to 191 BPM warning flash up on my watch not warning

    But to tell me that my max heart rate is just increased so I can now run with a heart rate of 100 and 91 BPM which I’ve never ever done before um so that’s the first thing it just come up on my watch it come up so quick I was going to film

    It but I didn’t get the camera out in time second thing I have just run a park R PB so I called into my watch I just ran a my Garmin watch really excitingly had shown me that I had run a sub 30 minute time but I needed to wait for the

    Official park run email for my official time my official park run email then came through and I had run a drum roll please I had run a 29 minute 35 second park run this was phenomenal now this is my third official park run sub 30 minute time but most importantly most

    Importantly it is a confidence sub 30 minute time it’s not just 1 second I am absolutely over the moon of this I will 100% take this time it’s confidently below 30 minutes and now it’s a time I can use as my base for this year as I go

    Into setting my new 2024 New Year’s targets and challenges one of which will very much be my new park Run 5K PB Target definitely coming in next week’s video I had a blast going for this target it’s been a Target I’ve been desperate to achieve for the whole of

    Last year so over a year now I’ve been trying to go for this my park run PB going into December was slightly over 32 minutes and 33 seconds I have now managed to shave almost exactly 3 minutes from my previous best time and no more beating the 30 minute Mark by

    Only 1 second I’ve now achieved a sub 30 minute Park R by a whopping 25 seconds and I’m over the moon of this achievement and I can now confidently say that I can play chopsticks I can actually play chopsticks on the piano it’s the only thing I can play thank you

    For watching this video see you next week as I lay out my ambitions for chai kovsky see you next week as I lay out my ambitions for chovsky thank you for watching this video see you thank you for watching this video see you next week as I lay out my

    Ambitions for chaikovsky Concerto Number One basically I’m going to set out my New Year’s resolutions for running and Swifting oh my God this is what I’m dealing with uh okay so this park run was a really bad idea um the Euphoria of Smashing my park run PB has been replaced with the realization that this here is the foot paath I’ve got to go up there

    Basically and this here is a river that’s not supposed to be a river this is a Footpath


    1. 3 minutes of improvement is huge, just goes to show what consistency and hard work can achieve.
      You probably owe 15 seconds or more to the lady you were racing.
      I loved her knowing smile when you first passed her. she was saying "he's gone too early" with her eyes😅😅😅

    2. What happened next after you got to the river? (leaving us on a cliff hanger like Eastenders). Was it socks/trainers off and wading through, Straight through Spartan/Tough Mudder style or did you about turn and go back the easy way?? Oh well done for the consistent improvements 💪💪

    3. Huge kudos for the prep of getting up early, running in the dark and then running home again after a PB. Serious commitment and you deserved that result. Did you walk through that river to get home at the end? 😛

    4. I was lured in here because of Zwift 😁
      Congrats on your PB. I'm thinking you have another minute for free, if you pace it right…find the people that always pass you halfway, and stick to them through an entire race.
      Don't get too overwhelmed about your max heart rate. It says nothing about your current form and it simply decreases with age. Get exited about your resting heart rate which you can affect by improving your current form. I hope you had a great swim home 😀

    5. Warming up and pacing myself in the beginning has helped me a lot with parkrun PBs. Try to resist the sprint of the line and see if it helps

    6. I think I know what this would mean. You don't want to just creep over the line, you want a good bit of daylight between you and it. You want to convincingly do it, not in a way that could be a fluke. Fantastic that you've plugged away with discipline and achieved it. 💪👌

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