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    Jimmy Corsetti is one of Roseanne’s favorite guests, and for good reason. Jimmy may not be a household name, but he is one of the brightest minds out there. As a former soldier and teacher turned youtuber, Jimmy has carved out a name for himself by questioning our history, our planet, the “experts” and everything we think we know.

    Jimmy Corsetti:



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    Co-host /Producer: Jake Pentland

    Music: “Synthetic World” by Swamp Dogg: https://youtu.be/2_uOB0455VI

    Greetings humans and earthlings thank you for being here uh for a very interesting episode of the Rosanne Barb podcast and um I’m very excited for a guests that can talk about all things all at once from archaeology to the Mysteries to Hidden everything and then back again including 911 Jimmy

    Coretti Roseanne it’s a pleasure to be here with you today I’ve been following you for years and I couldn’t be more excited and proud that you’re speaking up and you’ve kind of led the charge on exposing the unbelievably what is it the the crazy times we live in where everything’s

    Upside down things don’t make sense so [Applause] see patience and um I have to say real quick then when you just recently had Tucker Carlson on and he mentioned that we have absolutely no idea how the Egyptians constructed the pyramids true and I was basically standing up clapping

    Because I’m like more people need to say it because it’s actually is a fact that the Egyptians left us left us with no explanation probably cutting carved stones that weigh hundreds of tons and then moved them hundreds of miles and then stacked them hundreds of feet above

    Ground level so anyways thrill to be here but did you not hear my answer apparently not you know something happens with me when I spit out truth you know when I speak truth I don’t know if it’s because I’m so stunningly gorgeous or my sexual pool is so

    Engulfing that males can’t even bear to try even to withstand it it’s intoxicating yeah it’s intoxicating or it’s just they think I’m crazy which you know my hat the nuts bringing crazy back or is it all of the above or is it all of the above and that I am speaking

    Truth but I’m putting a little spin on it on account of I’m already called deplorable and a terrorist enemy of uh America America by the FBI you know simply for being a fat embittered old Jewish woman who hates Hollywood it means that you’re over the target what’s

    It saying that that the Flack is heaviest when you’re over the target they would never come after you if you weren’t saying things that are Truth uh truthful and resonating with the masses and so you are a threat because you’re doing something right and in fact we now

    Know through all the madness of the last few years that anything you say that they go after is exactly what people need to orientate their attention on yeah correct so you’re on the money you are correct sir I am the money that’s right and you know cuz I am it because I

    Was ordained to be it and how I know I was ordained to be it because I was it and once you are it you are forever it because you were meant to be it and you will continue to be it no matter what they can say or do about it right that’s

    True that is 100% true I and I am it and they ain’t it and I am not going to let these [ __ ] win there is no way they are going to win no and in fact I hope that you know all the Flack that you get you know just light to fire

    Under your ass to just keep going at it does oh it increases the the oxygenation in My DNA and my cells my atom everything on the atomic level of God himself going Roseanne I’m like please leave me alone Lord I do I’m like this Lord can’t you get somebody else for

    Once get some it doesn’t really work out that well for me when I do what you suggest I do I mean I I believe it but can’t you get somebody else can’t you get a guy a handsome man somebody they women want to hear stuff from but he’s

    Like no rosan it has to be you only you can do it and we argue and argue I think it was meant to be it may have been written in the stars and we were just talking a few minutes ago about Law of Attraction I’m dying to know cuz someone

    Like you that’s been unbelievably successful that in your life do you how would you describe Law of Attraction and how it’s got you to where you’re at H good question well law of attraction is the same thing as As Above So Below it’s very very biblical we’re living in a

    Biblical time it’s very biblical and that’s why I say we are living through religious War whatever they want to call it they call it communism stalinism you know they can call it farri fascism they call it Nazi whatever they want to call it it’s a religious War it’s all the

    Same thing whatever word they want to use it is literally that’s what it’s going on we live in a time of good verse evil and you know this is there’s actually um religious texts like from the Bible that talk about these times of of end times and they say that woe to

    Those I think it’s like five Isaiah 20 I’m not like a bible thumper by the way but I’m like anything that was written about thousands of years ago that went to such profound extent to preserve I think is interesting and they mentioned woe to those that will call good evil

    And evil good Bittersweet and Sweet Bitter and light dark and dark light something to that effect and I’m like is that not the upside down world that we’re living in now it certainly is do you think it’s end days so I don’t want to be Mr doomsday

    Guy but kind of and I’m not necessarily saying In Our Lifetime but I do kind of have this weird feeling about that but I will say for hundreds and hundreds of years people have been like predicting the apocalypse and that it’s going to end and the sky going to be on

    Fire and never happen so maybe I mean the apocalypse the actual word of it means um light like truth coming to light right and so but yeah like one of the things I look at like with the mysteries of lost ancient civilizations and cataclysms that there’s like a there

    Seems to be a cycle and it might not be precisely down to the date but like history repeats itself and I think that no it is a cycle that’s what we’ve been talking about pretty much every episode cycle of it how much time you think we

    Got what do you think’s happening do you think this is in our lifetime and where are the people that are supposed to be fighting this fight or how do you think this is well I only can go by Torah I can only say if it came out of Torah I can’t

    Make anything up if it didn’t come out of Torah right which are five books of Moses you know yes the oldest stuff yeah the real OG stuff yeah the old old Testament and uh so um did they think it’s end times yeah this is definitely the end but it was

    Like all these things are going to happen like uh because history changed and everything changed and there’s a different context now and uh if if you’re biblical it’s because well the nation returned to its ancestral home Homeland in 1948 then at that point was uh was the completion of another 70E cycle because

    It for the Jewish people always goes in 70E cycles and this right now is the 70th Jubilee year so that’s like 70 times the Jubilee so yeah it is right now don’t they say Israelis are going to get attacked in their homes in in the

    Torah at the end days what does it say it’s all about it’s all about the religious War we’re all fighting is an internal War it’s not out there it’s all inside and you got to learn how to win it for good A lot of people are giving in and losing it to

    Bad and that’s what fuels bad and keeps it going are the number of people sacrificed in its name but that’s what gives it power or the number of souls sacrificed for it because those are desecrated humans I love that this podcast is talking about the end of the world just smiling gu it

    Is the Poes are shifting you know what’s interesting is that you say 70 years and the cycle of the uh Equinox is the processional cycle is measured that it’s one degree every 72 years and it’s like this Grand cycle of 25,920 years and the data shows that like we’re halfway through this cycle

    Where things started to warm approximately 12,800 years ago and I’ve been studying pole shifts have you heard of this stuff of course please tell us I I haven’t so the polls shift uh the geomagnetic poles that the compass changes over time they’re actively updating runways uh they’ve been doing

    It for the last number of years back in the late 80s the magnetic pole was changing um at like 7 mil a year and then just a number of years ago was 30 mil and now it’s like 38 mil a year it’s accelerating wow and Wonder besides the cataclysmic effects it could potentially

    Have on the environment which I think it will I wonder if it’s throwing people’s brains off because like how did these religious texts like foresee these signs that we would see and people in society is breaking down as was described and so I wonder if like if salmon and whales

    Are wired to the geomagnetic poles I wonder if like this is causing people to go crazy that’s a really interesting Theory I I I saw you talking about the pole shift but this is something that’s always happened right it’s nothing new it’s not like the first time they’ve

    Shifted no it’s happened hundreds of times that are documented over millions of years and we’re overdue for the next big one but here’s what’s Wild is that Media Matters who’s funded by George Soros did a hitpiece on me so I was on another podcast Congratulations by the

    Way thank you I I’m like I’m kind of you must have you must really had some good data you must have told the truth I was on a podcast that I talked about the geomagnetic polls and then they ran a hit piece on me and I’m like why does

    Media matters care like I because they they know all about taking polls that was good that was good I’m adding a drama effect so like when I I’m like out of all things in the world it’s like if they’re concerned about trying to debunk a conspiratorial pole shift theory about destructing the ancient

    Times maybe there’s some truth to it so I’ve gone further down the rabbit hole on this El musk had uh talked about this a while back on a podcast saying that ice ages are a deep deep Rabbit Hole oh they are definitely you’ve looked into that oh yeah she’s looked into

    Everything I’ve looked into all of it so to anyone that’s listening that hasn’t looked into this stuff this is where things get really wild so the data shows that we are in the middle of a I shouldn’t say middle but we are in a ice age right now that’s been ongoing for

    Three million years and this is where the part that things get nuts is that from Ice core data that we have from the North and South Pole it shows that over the last 450,000 years there’s been five well you could say four but I would say five interglacial periods and what that

    Means interglacial periods are periods of warming glacials are periods of cooling right so we’re coming out of the you know the cooling 12,800 years ago and it’s been warming but this is the part that they were like trying to debunk me and say that I countered mainstream science they say because I

    Said that the the data shows that the Earth is cold more often than it’s hot and we should be grateful because when it’s warm we can grow things when it’s freezing you all die right so this is the part that’s crazy when I went down this Rabbit Hole looking at I bet they

    Said they they came up with a vaccine to vaccinate the Earth that’s what we need that’s what I’m talking about you know shout out to my my buddies at you know big Pharma yeah ching ching it’s like sell my soul for that um but let me just say this to anyone listening that’s

    Curious It’s like the periods this is where it’s wild the periods of cooling are 7 to nine times longer than the warming so in other words the warming period that we’re in now is said to last several thousand years whereas the cooling lasts tens of thousands of years

    And I think that that’s this is what’s actually happening here is that no matter what happens on Earth it’s going to freeze again no matter what we do no matter how bad us humans trash the planet that the real thing is that we’re going to freeze again because I’m like

    Why else would they come after me because the last thing they want when they’re pushing this manmade yeah their narrative is that okay because then I could start asking questions like oh well where are we right now in that processional cycle that said to freeze things over again what to what

    Percentage is that playing a part in our temperatures if you’re going to come at me and and and try to get me to write a check for carbon tax sorry Jimmy corset has some questions before he writes that check and I’ll tell you what I’d say right there I’d say their computations are

    Racist they did against warm weather well yeah because I mean they have against the tropics think about it this is word vience that’s where the brown people live and they’re racist right so are we in danger of warming right now or cooling I’m confused so this is the part

    The mystery is that so we were warming right yeah the question becomes how much do we warm until it eventually cool us again and here’s the part that gets nuts decades ago the so-called experts were saying that oh we’re going to enter another Ice Age right and then they

    Backed off that because it didn’t happened and they’re like oh well it’s global warming now they’re starting to to do another flip on that and yeah now it’s climate change and you want to know something else while I’m at it uh so have you ever heard of the little Ice

    Age the mini Ice Age so I have heard of that so from the year 1300 to 1850 there was Cooling in the northern hemisphere where there was um reduction in crops livestock increased famine and disease there was also subsequently 2,000 years ago something called the uh medieval warming period or the Roman warming

    Period where the Northern Hemisphere had heated so much so that there was an abundance of Roman Vineyards in the UK as they’ve recently discovered so and it’s all tied to Sun cycles so that’s another thing is that where why don’t I hear about this so if they’re going to

    Talk about us trashing this planet and heating it or cooling it I’m like well let’s cut to the chase they want nothing of science anywhere right you mean science TM I’ve been adding this on all my social media posts like you me science TM just little trademark it’s SP

    And paid for it’s like follow the money absolutely 100 100% I love that you got a HIIT piece that’s so cool I want a HIIT piece I should be careful how I I word this like I’m almost relishing it from the standpoint that we were talking about this earlier it’s like there’s

    Something in my blood where I enjoy a good fight it me my brain starts firing with ideas and although I don’t want to be on George s’s naughty list CU like be careful what you wish for these people are destroy people yeah he already warned me so I I’m very careful what I

    Say about him yeah yeah yeah he already warn it was scary how’s it was scary via fax machine you well threat assuming that you know that for what because the process well don’t matter she said he turned the na but it was true well that

    He just was a kid you know the whole story of a kid and was a Nazi slave so you can’t hold him responsible what he did there right true he was a slave of The Naz he was scared no UNC he was 15 I know the story and the part that angered

    A lot of people is he was 13 oh 13 13 well she had said you can’t I mean you have to say that he was a kid I think that’s important and I he was a slave like she said a best after the lawsuit

    When she got out of it she was like you can’t blame him for that it’s everything after that that I’ll even say I hate him for what he did after right what he been the last number of decades and I will say like destroying currencies communities human

    Lives he’s doing it here he’s going to crash the dollar he’s going to buy everything back up that’s what’s happening that’s my theory he found out the power of Destruction and you know that’s that’s uh I really resent him calling him self a Jew which he never

    Does unless it serves him he’s the only Jewish person the ADL has ever stuck suck up for certainly not me the only and he’s not even he doesn’t even he hates Judaism and says destroying Israel is his number one wish and he hates Judaism he he doesn’t

    Consider himself a Jew but a 100% Marxist or whatever the hell it is he hates everything but he hates human life basically he’s a very angry man I don’t like that they say he’s a Jew but he has the Jewish name a gin Jew and name only

    And that is the only Jew that the ADL ever defends they never defend me for taking apart Valerie Jarrett’s Iran deal and saying that it was an existential threat on the people in Israel and it that was proven to be true October 7th right and uh so they can kiss my ass too

    You know I’m not going to let them win no I don’t like stalinists marxists or fascists I don’t like True Believers that think they’re the only ones who have the right to speak that’s all those isms in is are it’s devilry it’s tyranical control and domination of

    Mankind and I’m on the side of mankind like good good vers evil either you’re you’re going to be a standup person and do what’s right and say the truth or you’re on the other side and there’s a line in the sand as far as I’m concerned

    Now that’s right there’s one law for all people including the Jewish people and I’m so sick of the world’s double standards toward Jewish people and trying to use us for their moral hostages as we continue to be targets of all their IM moral uh [ __ ] it’s going to change and everybody’s [ __ ]

    Is going to go away and people are no longer going to be able to say one thing and do another in the this new configuration of night of 2024 [ __ ] is gonna die quick right I’m optimistic um I think times are going to get worse before they get

    Better but like they’re talking about Mark of the Beast stuff where in in the Bible it says no one will be able to purchase in the markets unless they take the mark of the beast I’m like think the mark of the beast is the central digital

    Bing curreny of course it is you can pay on Amazon with your palm now right and like you were saying Jake about you know the collapse of the dollar that’s the proof that your body is currency which they’ve wanted all along since they put in the Federal Reserve right the human

    Body is currency that’s what a birth certificate’s about Federal yeah it’s like not even Federal it’s just private institution of the Rockefellers and the the Rost Childs and like this stuff goes back hundreds of years it’s not a conspiracy it’s just true somebody it is true started the banking system which is

    Brilliant in its own way you get you know but um yeah when it comes to the dollar the fact that they are now removing the Petro dollar which is what’s made the United States dollar so powerful that’s going away in 2024 the Swift uh system with the US dollar is

    Traded in from OPEC gone and then on top of it the fact that um uh the bricks that you know Brazil Russia India and China and then a couple dozen other countries around the world are establishing their own currency right like I’m like this is there’s a lot

    In the world but this is one of the biggest stories biggest stories we hear nothing about it in the American Press because they don’t want us to talk about they don’t want us to know about it well that’s what I was saying to Jimmy that

    Soros what he does that’s how he got his money is he goes in he manipulates markets he basically essentially collapses their economy and then when their economy collapses he buys [ __ ] up for cheap that’s what he does so it’s like why is Soros involved in American politics well no [ __ ] he’s destroying

    America because he a vulture investor well you don’t want to buy a house for a million dollarars if you for 250,000 if you want to get it down 250,000 to destroy everything the people who live there you know say in some Hawaiian island so you destroy all their lives

    And memory burn them with the satellite yeah and get rid of the family indigenous well that’s how you get the money down get you get to get investors to come and build you know Disney World that’s what it is and it’s it’s Buy Low sell High that’s that’s is like how many

    Billions of dollars does that guy need I’m like shouldn’t he be like riding jet skis and living in an all-inclusive you know just enjoying himself like no they never enjoy their themselves no and except for them couple times a year is when they go to them festivals they do

    The no them festivals in the castles oh what a new new thing for you to look into Jimmy what’s is this the epin stuff oh it’s Epstein’s just part of the there’s no evidence there’s no evidence EP Noe no you got to keep saying just like in 2020 there is no evidence there

    Is no evidence Rosanne there’s no evidence that George sorus doesn’t love you do you trust anything that’s uh being pared out of the mouth of so-called experts on the TV no when I hear trust the experts I know they’re lying after the last three years I I just don’t

    Trust anybody me either that’s why I’m kind I’m very excited to introduce you guys to the wellness company and specifically their medical emergency kit it has eight potentially life-saving medications so you can feel safer it comes with meds like um what amoxicillin isyan you read those Jake ior meon oh

    Yeah that’s the big one Z Pack the horse past Z Pack uh and it also has a 22-page guide book which is basically like having a doctor on call yeah you don’t have you don’t have to go on Web MD and see that you have cancer they I got to

    Get one of those for everybody for Christmas yeah that would be a great and a satellite pH Christmas person what I’m doing so write me down and get me that M I will and liberal are liberal uh your liberal children how hell I’ll even give them one they would love they love iorm

    They’re huge fans huge fans after Joe Ren came out with it no that’s that was when it was horse Pac but yeah anyway so yeah tww C.B use promo code RB for 10% off there’s no evidence I want to see there’s no evidence just say it 10 times

    Fast and then you could just put somebody under some trans like you’re right there is no evidence there’s no evidence that he is dangerous to our democracy remember that one when they so that could be dangerous and they’re all trying to win an Emmy all those

    News actors so that’s how they got the job because they could go there’s a weather front coming in you know they all they all have you by fizer yeah exactly 100% there spokes models cheers by the way yeah cheers I’m so glad you’re here so can can we get a

    Little bit of your background because I know we just went into this stuff and we’ll get back to it but just for people that don’t know you if they don’t so my name is Jimmy corsetti I have Channel a YouTube channel called bright Insight I’m also on Rumble now and I basically

    Bright Insight bright Insight Insight bright Insight yeah sight someone actually copied me bright inside does not plug that person um but uh porn site yeah they talk about the mysteries of the pyramids with the shirts off it’s awesome just kidding um something there man yeah um the uh lost my train of

    Thought all right so I talk about mostly the mysteries of lost ancient civilizations and various conspiracies so for example there is literally no evidence for how the Egyptians built the pyramids there’s incredible Feats that they did that that is completely inexplicable for what we were taught about in school involving the Egyptians

    For example let me give a quick one uh there is a statue called the ramum it was carved from one piece of stone 1,000 tons it was moved approximately 150 miles from the known quy in Egypt this thing to put in comparison that just in 2012 the Los Angeles County Museum of

    Art moved a 3 140 tons Stone 106 miles to do so they had to build construct a trailer truck around it that was to get this 260 ft long 32 ft wide had 44 axles 196 tires it cost $10 million and took a year of planning to execute the thing we

    And and so meanwhile there’s these statues that are twice and even three times as heavy and they were said to be the Egyptians were said to be a Bronze Age culture which means they most sophisticated level of tooling was copper based which is crap like you’ll

    Never they they they claim the the the experts TM the archaeologist TM and historians TM claim that this surely was how they constructed and these these stones and um when these methods and these theorized ideas how they could have done it when they’ve been tested a modern times it’s complete crap it takes

    Forever it’s not feasible it’s not accurate it’s not with the level of precision and so to anyone listening like if you actually go down the rabbit hole of Lost ancient civilizations it’s abundantly clear that there was something that happened here on Earth that was they were more advanced than

    What we were taught about in school and potentially very Advanced maybe even more advanced we are today but that’s conspiracy that’s conjecture I’ve always thought that I’ve always thought that it’s it’s you know they talk about you know what the religious text from around the world that there was a flood and

    When you look at 12,800 years ago there was something called the younger driest climate catastrophe where there was a rapid ental last I age and the Earth sea levels Rose approximately 420 ft in a relatively short period of time and since most of the or today half the

    Population around the world lives on or near a coast it’s believed that in ancient times it was even more so because of the resources and ability to travel and um so I think that there’s evidence that those those flood Legends are based on truth because they extend five continents around the world

    Hundreds of different cultures talk about a flood that reset them even the Egyptians say this which is so wild um speaking of which I want to tell you because I heard you on one of your podcasts where you mentioned that you did a DNA test and you had Egyptian in

    There North Africa right me too it came up as Coptic Egyptian which is the ancient Egyptian and I also learned that my mother was one point or is 1.2% ashkanazi Jew congrats yeah so I’m like I’m I’m an African Jew yeah yeah most of us are I’m an African well most of us

    Came from most Jews came from Egypt right I mean that’s what the biblical story is about it makes you wonder who you’re related to what have you related to like Cleopatra or oh I know I was really oh she thinks she is Cleopatra to be honest yeah I do it’s Jimmy cour you

    Don’t have to lie I I do think I was she said in every I go you I’ve said it my whole life I said you notice everyone in their past life is someone famous you’re like who are you she’s like I go they always think they’re Cleopatra mom’s

    Like no that’s different I was Cleopatra in every single one of my past lives nice I was every time and all these other waitresses think they was but they wasn’t well Jimmy when I when I found you was through the the Rogan episode and I’ve been telling Mom about because

    I want to get into an article and all this stuff but real quick you made a really profound argument about Atlantis that I don’t know if that’s been updated but well isn’t that in the polar the whole polar thing he thinks it’s you think it’s in listen to this I don’t

    Have my phone on me have I got to show you a picture do you mind talking about it real quick because I think she’ll find this fast and then we had to get into Antarctica because that’s her I want to show you a picture of What’s called the rot structure or more

    Commonly known as the eye of the Sahara oh yes I know it I know so most people have never seen or heard of this before I never did until you mentioned it and what’s Wild is that so it’s a circular structure in in northwest Africa in the

    Modern country of morania it’s 250 miles off the coast of the Atlantic and it’s made up of concentric circles and what’s so wild is that it matches more than a dozen similarities to what Plato had described as the Lost ancient capital city of Atlantis and to anyone listening

    That thinks that you know Atlantis is a Disney movie on the contrary that the Egyptians the legend comes from the Egyptians that on their walls they wrote about how they were descendants of an island that was destroyed in a cataclysm and that the Egyptians were colonists

    Who had started over new and what’s wild about this place is that not only does it match concentric circles specifically three of water and two that would be of land it had an opening at the South it was made up of red black and white color Stones it had mountains to the north

    That of all names was called Atlas who was said to be the first king of Atlantis so the atlas mountains are in M Morocco additionally and this is wild so Atlantis was said to have an abundance of gold and so much so that their outer

    Walls were lined in it well it turns out that the richest man in all of human history was named monsam Musa of the Mali Empire which is consists of modern day morania um and so rich that he’d be he’d be more wealthy than Elon Musk and Bezos combined um and and what’s

    Interesting is that prior to the discovery of gold in North America apparently uh Europe got most of their gold from morania and and so it’s like the there’s tons of other there’s a whole number of other fascinating details about it but um it’s something that most people haven’t heard of before

    And it’s a site that gets shunned and I think I know why which is that there’s if you look at North Africa the Sahara Northwest region of the Sahara from satellite imagery like Google Earth it’s obvious that it was blasted by the ocean and some catastrophic Force you could

    See textbook water stations that like they teach about in in geology class I and so it appears that there was some sort of cataclysm that wiped that region in Northern Africa here’s another little fact that it turns out because a lot of people say well what are you talking about the

    Sahara Desert like just would be there what’s Wild is that up until 5,000 years ago the Sahara was a lush green Tropical Paradise with one of the largest networks of rivers ever known to exist it had the largest freshwater lake ever known to exist did you know that M I

    Didn’t know that isn’t that fascinating it’s wild and I’m like see this is the thing in the context of manmade climate change uh before I sent off my carbon tax check I’d just like to clarify what exactly it is that happened to the Sahara because apparently it they now

    Think that it changed in a very very short period of time and like so what’s that about what happened there it was our cars probably yeah it was ancient cow farts they had too many cows but what was interesting there’s something that goes on that we don’t know anything

    About I mean but it is a cycle yeah I mean I guess we’ll figure it out sooner or later right when the sky on fire I mean I don’t know why don’t we ask Mark Zuckerberg who’s building a 100 $100 million bunker on his one of his uh

    Hawaiian estates this just came out like two days ago do you hear about this no no but he lives right down the road for me let’s get a ticket to that dang have you met him no no I never met him you should go I don’t know if he’s a human I

    Think he’s one of those people just on media there’s something I swear he’s just a media presence I don’t think there really is a person he looks like an empty vessel I’m not look look hey Mark if I met you in person maybe you

    Know I might I could get a read on you he’s got the realtor eyes as I well he’s he’s autistic so I always worry about is he is okay I didn’t know that well I mean I think he is I’m not well because he’s got the realtor eyes all the

    Realtors are autistic I guess I think somehow it works what’s the bunker it’s so I don’t know all the details about it other than that it’s $100 million it’s going to have a water tank that’s like 55 feet long and 18 feet tall if I remember right which I

    Have to do the math but that’s like huge that’s oh that’s a few swimming pools um and and stockpile of all kinds of stuff it’s also gonna blast doors what’s he need that so here’s the here’s right yeah so here’s here’s the good news I got good news the bad news

    Is that I think they know something’s coming the good news is that if it’s being built right now I’m like oh good I thought we were all going to die and like you know you know maybe we have a little bit more time just a little bit

    He’s got to get this thing done true okay I got time to make a little bit more money what I have to say to all of them here’s my message I don’t know if these guys are but I want to say have you guys ever

    Heard of this guy uh by the his name is God uh have you guys ever heard of him at all because he is kind of the one that’s in charge of everything and it’ll be what he wants and not what they want and that’s can you imagine what a shock

    That’s going to be to them when they realize it’s going to go the way God says it’s going to go and not them and their study groups and their PR people no amount of money G to go that way no amount of money in the world is going to

    Be able to save them from what eventually comes their way and I think that people need to really get in touch with their spirituality to realize that we’re obviously a product of creation like I look at us like how did this all come from nothing like the mainstream

    Scientists will say you know the Big Bang this and this primordial soup theory where all this crap matter came together and over time and enough a little bit of warmth you know taly formed and it turned into this other stuff and I’m like but here I am so this

    Is amazing did you know that we’re made up of Stardust yeah mhm most of the almost a huge percentage of carbon and that’s why they’re trying to tax carbons CU everything’s made of carbon you’re the carbon they don’t want you’re the carbon they want to get rid of that’s

    What Nazis they are that’s like we’re gonna we’re going to tax every molecule of water in the ocean well the biggest companies on Earth bought up water rights all over um United States and elsewhere I’m like and I heard that I’m like oh God it’s over oh real quick

    Don’t drink tap water uh that fluoride they put in there do you drink spring water do you have water delivered to where you live yeah but who knows where it comes from you know I don’t believe anything it probably comes out of the tap it probably does it probably does

    They put a mountain on the logo probably comes out of the toilet straight out of the toilet gon like jokes on me probably sifted through Clorox to get the [ __ ] [ __ ] DNA out and then put in a plastic bottle yeah they’re probably throwing the back

    The thing is we’re not going to be here for much longer I’m not I mean I’m 71 I’ll die my way out of this [ __ ] oh no you got you got 29 years left easy you’re going she’s I tell people she’s a cockroach she’s gonna live all of us n

    I’m saying if I’m lucky I’ll leave but I feel sorry for the ones that are going to stay because when this [ __ ] hits the wall and it becomes apparent to all these people that are these clerks that board for Joe Biden and stolen vote for

    Him nine or 10 times yeah uh they find out when they find out that their retirement and benefit funds already went over there to the Ukraine they’re going to be pissed even then they still won’t believe it the media will spin it with something else and they’ll

    Blame still be our fault damn Roseanne Bar Jimmy cor it’s all that podcast you know it’s like he hadn’t tarnished George s’s reputation she’s a Jew they said that not a Jew but that’s what they mean but that I was uh what was I controlled opposition Illuminati because

    I had a black and white uh checkerboard mask uh I doubt Jimmy saw that call your I see this actually people like you know throwing all this oh real quick while I have you I have to bring up I I clap to when you were on I

    Don’t want to talk bad about him I haven’t met but B marah and you looked him right in the eye and said you’re MK Ultra and he looked like he just froze and then he tried to pretend he didn’t know what you were talking about come I

    Told him I reminded him of when man and him got in a fist fight at the Playboy Mansion did you did you guys yeah and he did not even remember it really I said that’s cuz you’re all MK Ultra Bill wait so you guys you hit him and did he hit

    You back of course he did [ __ ] I said you hit me back oh that now that’s why he forgot he got got did not happen he went beep beep beep we shall remove that bit of information it was that the part that throws me off about him is that

    He’s clearly really intelligent I hit him first I I’ll admit it he probably had it coming he did oh yeah go he proba did I don’t condone violence but you know we went for each other’s nuts but I didn’t have any nuts because I’m a woman

    But he looks at women like somebody who has psychic nuts you don’t look at a woman as like what it is he’s got a perverse view of women well it’s women that he’s not attracted to he looks like that yeah I guess it’s if he doesn’t want to [ __ ]

    You yeah because I would I ran into Bill Mara back in the day so many times in in town and he always had like the most beautiful supermodel on his show it was a escort ah oh you don’t know that don’t get him going allegedly well whatever

    She was really into bill for that night gotcha well that’s what he wanted that’s why he’s always at the Play If I were single and Rich I did they were all at the Playboy Mansion but I’m just saying he doesn’t have a problem all trying to

    Have sex with all the super bottles they could have sex course that’s why he there going to fault him that’s what men do no [ __ ] Live and Let Live I’m just saying he he doesn’t have a problem with women that he’s attracted to as let’s

    Focus on what he really got mad at me because I didn’t follow the Democrat Party Line at the time yeah he listen he’s still mad at me for it I didn’t like Hillary Clinton all of course nobody likes Hillary Clinton nobody likes her like work for her and have like a financial

    Like you know investment stake in it because I’m like the fact that you were on with him talked about the election that they still love Hillary people are saying they’re going to put her up with Nome against floating that’s what people are saying I’m afraid they’re going to

    Try to throw Michelle in there well that’s what they’re saying too the Michelle Michelle and uh Hillary they could be one of the ways they go they have to run Biden I want to I want to squel CH those theories because never they cannot ditch Biden like it doesn’t matter because they the

    Way they went to B form the way they covered up the cheating the whole thing they’ve done if they sit there and go okay the guy we picked is dementia and he’s he’s a [ __ ] let’s move on they lose all their leverage they cannot they

    Have to ride Biden all the way to the end so I promise you Biden is going to run for re-election there’s not going to be a switch I’ll put my life on it okay I’ve heard this Theory so many times if they sit there and go okay we’re GNA go

    With news I’m usually right if they go we’re going to di ditch Biden because he’s crazy so uh pick Newsome for instance then we go wait a minute you pushed Biden the guy clearly is has dementia so why should we trust you again with who your next pick is you

    Can’t do it well especially if he gets impeached which uh margorie Taylor green said there’s no Republican we asked her yesterday Jimmy Traders she said it won’t happen interesting she said there’s a lot of Republicans that won Traders Democrat all these these all the Republicans are Democrats yes they are

    They are trans dams mhm they’re CL Ed marxists they’re so smart obvious at this point that won’t acknowledge what happened in 2020 involving the elections we don’t have to get into this no let’s get into it let’s get into it it’s abundantly clear to anyone that’s actually researched this topic as

    Opposed to sat in front of CNN and MSNBC like a zombie where the kep saying over and over again there is no evidence there is no evidence like my joke earlier and they believe it I’m like actually that’s not true if you look into this L we are we’re sitting in

    Maricopa County right now Trump won it cleanly here in 2016 and there was no reason to to think that he wasn’t going to win in 2020 it was abundantly clear I have liberal friends that said yeah I know he’s going to win and they’re all saying yeah okay I thought he was going

    To like create a war but like he didn’t and they’re just kind of like you know being quiet about it I knew an older gentleman who told me he’s like I voted Democrat my entire life but not this year and you know why that’s how quickly

    We forget that back in 2020 in the summer antifa was burning down cities and everyone was remember defund the police def the summer of love I didn’t know one I don’t know one single person that was like yeah defund the police those are crazy people like no no sane

    Person is actually like yeah get rid of the police I don’t I don’t care about 911 I don’t want to call them like that’s insane and I think a lot of logical people heard this stuff and were like okay fine just let Trump take it again like and they didn’t care and I

    Don’t even think they voted um a lot of them and so to to say that Joe Biden got 81 million votes when Barack husse Obama got 69 and a half million votes which was a record turnout people were standing on the street to vote for him M everyone I remember this it was

    Unprecedented yeah and then and then you know for Trump to have got what was it 74 right so I’m like I just I don’t know I know this is super taboo but like it feels good to speak the truth and the reality is that we live in a

    Constitutional republic and if we don’t have Fair elections the con the Republic is already lost and people will say to me like Jimmy you’re a you know history YouTuber why are you talking about politics I’m like it’s not politics thank you not politics it’s history repeating right we keep talking about

    Patterns I want to it’s Freedom over slavery and they’ve got us so bullshitted with it you know have you ever looked into the patterns when you’re talking about the pole shifting or whatever there seems to be a pattern also with anti-Semitism have you ever have you

    Found that yet cuz I want to I don’t know what to think make of it I have no idea I don’t know I don’t know why it’s a thing yeah I it’s it’s something I don’t like what does it mean so like God’s chosen people where does that come

    From what what does how far does this go back like I don’t even understand I’m going to tell you how it goes this is how it goes God he’s looking for somebody to represent his laws well he goes to the French would you like to represent my

    Laws and they go well like what he goes that uh well uh that you know you shouldn’t covet what your neighbor has ah no thanks we’re not down for that then he goes to the uh Germans and says ‘ would you like to represent my laws and they

    Go like what and he goes well Thou shalt not kill his one they go now we’re not that’s we’re not down for that and uh then he goes to the Italians this is an old joke don’t say it’s a joke it was so good then he goes to the Italians he

    Goes would you like to represent my laws and they go like what and he goes Thou shalt uh whatever it is what was that canot I commit adultery covet the neighbor’s wife yeah it’s adultery but then they go oh no that’s not for us so

    Then he goes to the Jews he goes would you like to represent my laws and the Jews go how much and he goes it’s free we’ll take 10 that’s not bad keep that one how it goes but there is there is a there is a turning a fourth turning or whatever

    There’s a pattern we keep we talk about this every episode we’re trying to figure it out there’s something happening now that’s happened before um that’s historically documented I mean I always cite Salem OR McCarthyism that’s what it feels like to me but there is a point where people

    Just go bat [ __ ] [ __ ] crazy and I I wanted to ask you this why one of the things I want to ask you when you’re talking about the pole shifting or whatever do you think the madness is is part of that I can’t prove it this

    Is literally this is it kind of it would make sense actually if the geomagnetic poles which influence life on Earth including Birds insects the biggest mammals on Earth whales uh salmon if their lives are dependent on the geomagnetic poles for orientation this is how like orientation T of thousands of miles and

    Then return to virtually the same spot that they did same thing with salmon within meters of where they were born they return to to lay throw their eggs down um because they were programmed for regeneration and to replicate well they’re they’re sensing some right that’s not explainable right like

    Some sort of sick sense that we just can’t W future science will you know identify it but there since there scientific evidence that like the polls do influence life on Earth this Earth what’s to say that it doesn’t influence us because people are going crazy like I

    Don’t even get it I’m like this is like I’m looking around I’m like I talked to like do you see what’s going on here like this is deteriorating and it’s really crazy I know Skeptics will be like well maybe it’s the internet well The Internet’s been around for a little

    Bit and it didn’t start off too crazy like I don’t know I just feel like in my gut for whatever it’s worth might not be worth anything but I’m like I just sense that something’s coming and that I’m living at this point in time for a

    Reason at least I want to believe that way you know it’s like that saying like live your life like it’s a movie so to me I’m like we’re living in history so I’m embracing it I’m like this is whatever’s the future of humanity is right now being determined the future is

    Not certain I think things will get a lot worse before they get better because that’s typically how things go um historically like for example for the masses to actually stand up and do something about the tant that the corruption that’s going on tyranny is the right word you were going to say it

    Yep usually historically there is no Revolt until people go something like nine meals or without nine meals which is like three days of food so like usually it’s not because right now like things how do I put this I was born in 1984 and I never would have imagined

    Things would be the way they are now with the corruption could you imagine if all the World War II veterans were alive today in their Prime to see this would never never have happened never and and and so it’s like I just think that it

    Won’t be now that we have our internet I can order food to be delivered to me I could just sit on I could play a video game I could distract myself with videos I can just do anything else to avoid the confrontation that will in inevitably

    Come and and so it’s not going to be till people get desperate they see their kids starving um that they’ll do something but don’t worry that’s where the world economic forum and the digital currency is going to come in to save the day and that’s how they’re going to do

    It this is my let me give my big prediction they will the United St the collapse of the United States dollar is imminent I made a video about this in July of 22 where I said it was probably going to come more later that year I was wrong I

    Don’t have a crystal ball but when I look at bricks when I look at the removal of Petro dollar it is now certainty is a mathematical certainty that US dollar is losing its power and it’s going to accelerate through the next year as these measures go into

    Place and so with that being said once we’re all impoverished and INF inflation goes through the roof for reel through the roof to where you can’t afford a meal the powers that be will come in and save the day with like don’t worry we got you it’s a digital currency all is

    Well here’s your mark of the beast and then they own you once that digital currency is in place it is over the social credit system will be there it’s already being exercise in China and and so I am very fearful of of what’s to come yeah you’re you’re dead on you’re

    Over the target going I a conspiracy theorist so we have to have our own currency definitely the people well gold CI our own currency I think we’re going to have well they said it was going to happen in Texas first the first gold back currency for the United States

    Texas is I mean I follow Texas a lot that’s going to have to happen that we have our own American currency that reminds me go to.com you know what I think what that they’re gonna make that illegal because that you just probably will they will because think about it with these 87

    Additional thousand IRS agents I’m like okay are they going to check venmo payment or they are they yeah they’re going to do demo yeah well I mean they are but like I mean like what are they doing that to just do more audits because they’re giving them guns literal

    M4s yeah they’ll just shoot us right yeah they’re going to kick your door down yeah they kick your door down like I heard you paid for something gold watch they’re going to make gold illegal they’ll make Bitcoin illegal the only thing I knew they were going to do that

    To bitcoin but I didn’t think they were going to do it to Gold well I don’t know that they will this is just my think that’ be smart of them if you have to say allegedly and look at the camera what we yeah which one can allegedly what we allegedly

    Tmac TM I don’t know I’m Hey listen what bigger conspiracy theory is there is there than the Big Bang Theory though right yeah the scientific accepted thing it’s the most [ __ ] conspiracy theory I’ve ever heard it is CRA anything we do right because how do you have some

    Something from nothing you don’t it makes no sense and I think that it just goes beyond the human brain’s ability to comprehend and the yeah it just turns off at the point where it skips the logic then you have to go off right because you can’t try to understand

    Insanity it it’s not that’s what we’re not we’re not here to live in insane Web of Lies try to figure it out it’s speaking we’re supposed to just be here living life and loving it yeah we’re supposed to literally we’re kids we’re children like think about it

    Playing is fun and and life shouldn’t be quite this awful I want to see word awful it could be so much better for everybody could be a golden age I believe it happened in the past and I believe there will be one in the future

    I do too I think it’s very close yeah soon as all the women get sick of the [ __ ] yeah it’ll change in a heartbeat what’s it going to take for the women to get sick like over the limit sick of the [ __ ] yeah I think it’s happening now because of them

    Coming for the kids and the kids are single mothers young women though the swifties they don’t give a [ __ ] all them yeah well they can’t ever get pregnant because they’re vaccinated so they’re it’s a whole different die off in one gener we just have to put up with Taylor

    Swift the young voter is my biggest concern that is my that is my fear when I go to bed at night that’s what I I think before I close my eyes is the 18 to 24 year old is so stupid indoctrinated they don’t even know they

    Don’t get it same way I’m an Iraq war veteran I used to get in debates out of high school um with you know when they were doing the Iraq War Invasion I used to yell back and forth with friends would debate this stuff and like justify The Invasion and George W Bush’s

    Policies and everything and now I’ve done such a 180 but I know what it’s like to have believe in something like there’s no way this is a lie of course there’s wmd just they haven’t found him yet you don’t understand of course you would have hit him what’s wrong with you

    You know Jimmy went to Iraq mom H he served in Iraq after 911 I volunteered I believe George Bush’s lies um I was inspired by all right so my father is a Vietnam veteran although he was basically drafted um both my grandparents uh World War II veterans I

    Saw too many movies as a kid and I’m like I’m going to go I want to yeah I’m going to get a medal I’m gonna you know I’m gonna and I saw America yeah I saw the movie I’m like and then I was a high schooler on 911 so I was profoundly

    Affected because I’m like a young man a kid but like 17 years old is an impressionable age and so that’s who goes to war yeah it’s all kids it’s all so when I finally got to Iraq I was 25 and I was I was on the higher endend of

    Age I mean there’s plenty of people older than me but a vast majority were like 20 there was so many people there there were barely 21 um kids um but anyway so that was part of my Awakening is once I learned that that once I

    Finally came to grip like oh my God this wasn’t like like they didn’t screw that up it wasn’t like oh well bad Intel and darn no it was like oh this was there was lies told based on almost zero evidence and in some cases zero evidence

    And so it’s like once I realized I’m like oh my God one you know seeing the the entire media as well as the government all in on that lie it really wakened me up I’m like things are not as they seem and then I go down the rabbit

    Hole from from there and various conspiracies I learned about operation um um what’s the paper clip Mocking Bird operation yeah mocking bird is the one I was looking at Mockingbird paperclip as well as um what’s the one where they were gonna Monarch which one’s that operation Monarch they’re gonna blow

    Something the the one um Woods something Woods um it’s where North Woods anyone that’s listening hasn’t heard of this they the go they were yeah Google this actual government documents that they were going to blow up uh airliners and on Cuba so we could go and do an

    Invasion this is true I’m like hearing that I was like you know God bless Alex Jones for blowing the lid on that you have you talked to Alex Jones oh yeah we’re friends we love him we’re gonna we’re gonna we can’t wait to have him on

    He’s coming on when we get back back you know where he belongs we put a lot of energy into that too because we just love him uncle Alex he’s he’s the uncle at all the all the family dinners that’s telling the truth you know everybody calls him crazy but he’s always right

    Right ahead of his time and yeah I want to meet him like I adore him I’m like what the sacrifices that he has made I’m like you know telling the truth isn’t easy I’ve told the truth you know and and you see the way friends and family

    And everyone like you say things that people don’t like even if it is true and and you know the truth hurts as the saying goes well people hate truth tellers I had that in my ACT remember Jake yeah people you know I’m like my conversations with God but I’m like you

    Know I thought it would I thought it was going to be cool to tell the truth and then he’s like no everyone hates truth tellers Rosanne they only like him after they’ve been dead 2,000 years and only if they died in horrific painful torturous way bur it’s true torn you

    Know limb from limb or something then they like them but when they’re telling the truth they hate them there’s a saying it’s like the truth is like poetry and everyone [ __ ] hates poetry that’s true that’s a good one I stole that from a movie I think I stole

    That from uh The Big Short or something like that such a good line yeah I want to throw one thing out there when you’re talking about Bush and Iraq like I wanted to serve too thank God I I hate my libtard sisters but thank God Jessica

    That day cuz it was right after 911 I said I’m going to go join she’s like you’re not going to do it that it’s [ __ ] Cheney’s involved she told me about Halton like I knew all this stuff and I ended up not joining the military

    Thank God so I give her a little credit as much as she drives me crazy well you have to thank him for doing it no thank you for your service no say say it and I already did I told him I said Jimmy thank you for your service thank you for your tax

    Dollars they fed a steak and lobster tail every Sunday in oh cool and then the education so it’s like um no I was proud to do it I don’t have any regrets I didn’t shoot anybody um I was really scared to do it and I and I did it and

    So like it’s something that I always have and and because of it here’s the one takeaway that makes me real passionate about freedom is that I was in Northern Iraq I was in mosul and man did this population hate us and what I thought I was going there to liberate

    Them and then I remember going I was a military police and so we did escorts and we were training the um Convoy security and we’re training the Iraqi police and every time we go into these Iraqi police stations to train them and other things give them supplies when

    You’d have an interpreter you know converse with you and they always I’ll never forget this they always addressed every sentence with tell the Invader this and I’m like I’m like 25 years old he’s like and he’s looking at me like he wants to kill me and and by the way

    These were the same people that fought us when we invaded and they’re like tell the Invader why you know I want to know why the invader’s here tell the Invader this tell the Invader that Invader Invader Invader and I’m just sit there F in this I’m like wow yeah I was like

    Because it hit home because I we’re driving and doing these convoys I’m seeing these people look at you I’ve never seen looks of disdain like this they want you dead and I don’t blame them if if someone country whatever invaded us I’m not going tolerate that

    No um so yeah but the part oh I was going to say this is that that’s the part that stuck with thing is that the poor Iraqi people were beaten down submitted people that were that had had tyranny over them for decades and they and they were beaten into submission and

    That’s a their souls had been sucked and then they had to just tolerate us dominating their daily lives and determining [ __ ] traffic and stuff like just they’re just trying to go to work like that’s the thing I was most surprised when I started doing combat

    Missions like oh my God this isn’t a war zone people just like literally trying to just go to work and go shop and just live their lives and seeing just seeing them after the victims of tyranny I was like oh man that is an ugly sight you

    Can’t forget it’s sad um so yeah coming to America sooner than you think probably definitely um it is it’s on its way well I mean I don’t understand why I guess once you are really invested in bringing that anywhere it’s inevitable that you’re going to bring it home after

    You did every place else you got to go to the one place that’s Still Remains where you didn’t screw that up that’s home save your home for last I think the CIA was like [ __ ] where else where are we going tomorrow couple years let’s go to America money the thing is they just

    Go where there’s a the biggest pool of money and that was the American middle class y so they had to go there and suck it out yeah that’s what the whole last 10 years have been about right what I wanted to say just real quick was that remember Bush remember when they were

    When one of the guys spoke out I forget who he was it was Valerie plam husband and he said that there’s no evidence of yellow cake or yeah so they outed his wife as a CI agent basically put her life at risk and I remember watching

    This live and I like bush is a war criminal and then Cheney does his no bid contract to halberton so this is why I was a Democrat but this this the point I want to make that’s the same Playbook that Biden is doing to us now and Trump

    And and Obama and it’s like holy [ __ ] I hated George W bush I was a Democrat and and when Trump wenton I remember being around my friends they’re like Trump is the worst president ever I go do you not remember [ __ ] eight years ago with wanted to burn him at the stake remember

    That he was the worst president ever but what I’m saying is oh my God Bush and she calls it Bush Bama and Biden that’s the same it’s not even Republican Democrat it’s that’s it’s just a destruction of uh civil rights in America that they would have got a black

    Guy to preside over the destruction of civil rights in America just proves how evil how [ __ ] dealing evil they all hate Trump they all hate Trump I know which is the reason to support him it’s so listen to this you want to hear a big conspiracy about the Iraq War involving

    CH everything everyone talks about Halbert hurn yeah that’s something to focus on but here’s something wild that few are aware of when I said I ate steak and lobster tail on Sundays in Iraq that came from a a company called Kellogg Brown and root more commonly referred to

    As KBR they do all the logistics and supply chain for the United States military for example the housing the food moving millions of tons of equipment over the oceans um so guess who was the vice president of KBR right up until the 20 uh 2000 election new

    Some I’m I guess uh give me give me one second this is good I love this question Hunter Biden Cheney so the they got a no bid contract and then if you look there was there used to be New York Times back when the media hated George W bush they were

    Trying to do everything to expose and uh KBR was implicated in literally billions of dollars in overcharges for everything so they got this SN bit contract and so he I’m like I want to know how how many stocks d owned in KBR so he left he stepped down to become vice president

    Yeah but I’m like what investment does what to what level is he a stakeholder in that company that just got trillions of dollars daughter yeah Liz probably was a [ __ ] LLC yeah she’s that’s probably why she hates Trump too that’s why people are like Liz Cheney’s a bra

    Like Rosie oon Liz Cheney’s Brave look at a republican crossing the aisle I’m like she’s a [ __ ] daughter of a war criminal and you’re on her side you hated cheny eight years ago and you’re defending this [ __ ] you want to hear something else so when President Trump

    Or when he went on stage back when they were doing the debates prior to him being uh elected as president when they were doing initial debates when he was going against George W bush I’ll never forget this and a lot of people have forgotten it but he did say he’s like

    Referring to his father Jeb’s father he lied they knew there was no wmd and they went in there he said it he said they he lied and I’m like that right there you just accuse a war criminal of being a war criminal and if I’m a war criminal

    Yeah you oh man I if if I’m willing to be a war criminal I’m willing to stop the person that’s accused me of that I just wanted to take a second to tell you and remind you again that we are now affiliated with goldco you can go to rbikes gold.com that is my

    Mother’s uh landing page with them and fill out the IRA kit form um that’s what they specialize in if you have a retirement account you got your money in savings or stocks and you have this big plan you can’t you cannot Rel lie on it things are too volatile I suggest highly

    That you look into transferring your retirement into into gold and silver at least a portion of it because we don’t know what’s going to happen with the stock market I mean Biden’s [ __ ] his pants literally and election’s coming China’s here me you know you know how

    Insane things are so go in there fill out the form if you have a retirement account uh they’ll walk you through it you got to do it you can change it years later if if you’re not comfortable or things get better but right now put as

    Much of your money safe in gold and silver as you can you can also just buy gold and silver on this website you don’t have to do the IRA kit that’s what they specialize in that’s what they you know that’s the product that they’re best known for but you don’t have to do

    It just fill it out when you talk to someone say I just want of my gold and silver bars they’ll talk you through that as well so go to rbikes gold.com and protect your wealth thank you and I’m like that right there [ __ ] that what it is pissed off the bushes

    And the clintons that’s why I love him yeah that’s why I love I think that’s what Trump’s doing right now he’s forcing Obama into the light yeah and thank god um because he’s clearly pulling some strings here is he not literally the he bragged about remember

    He bragged with the coob co stepen this is his third term yeah yeah the earpiece he hates white people I can’t believe how much he hates white people after all they did for him um which is a shame he hates black people too he killed his Chef

    Allegedly I mean he don’t like black people more he lik I don’t know if I should say this no you should this is the rosean bar podcast this what you say this is so provocative what well President Obama his mother was white I know you’d think he’d care about

    That yeah why would he say that white people are often when his own mother was white right and you know if you want to go down a rabit hole calling your mom a hole right if you want to go down a rabbit hole she was a hoe though she was

    Doing all kind of pornographic modeling in the she was yeah with that Frank Marshall Davis was porn pictures of her when she was only 15 can I look this up no that’s [ __ ] yeah hell yeah that’s hor I’ve heard rumors that she was CIA oh she was that

    Too everybody in the CIA sacrifices their firstborn to the CIA God look at everybody that’s ever assassinated everybody is in has CIA parents that’s oh no that’s like Nazi stuff where like they have to B Operation Paperclip oh right well they brought over all the Nazis and they run

    Our whole government they didn’t lose World War II they won it seems like they’re still running the show they are Nazi World Order is the New World Order too bad they’re going to lose like some crying big ass baby bullies you know they’re cry bullies yeah they are like

    That they project they they accuse you everything that they actually do like the you know textbook uh Rules for Radicals and but yeah they are there are people that can dish it they can’t take take it they’re weak-minded um and yeah they’re all dirty and they’re all blackmailed that’s the real

    Deal it is that’s why they’ll do anything because if they don’t they’d be lucky to go to prison for the rest of their lives lucky they might get worse and so yeah they’re imagine how horrible prison would be for some of the [ __ ] they’ve done oh man for those people

    They would be that’s and so that’s the thing they’d be doomed to a lifetime of cons of of isolation um the being confinement like you know like how they do it nobody to lie to or [ __ ] over that’d be worse than living in hell is it would be that because they crave that

    Dopamine rush they get from lying in that little that 3 seconds of power they feel they have and because that’s the only thing I can explain like why do these people live the lives they have they’ve already made all their money so it’s like why are you living this

    Lifestyle cuz I got to [ __ ] somebody over for a minute feels good for a second oh they blood I was able to Gaslight them I was able to Gaslight them and then suck their blood just before they died steal their you know little energy vampires little sacrifice thing um yeah

    These people are insane I’m like it’s it’s abject Insanity say I’m bring a crazy back because it’s going to take crazy to fight crazy that’s right you got to fight fire with fire right that’s right I’m bringing the heat [ __ ] that’s right what did you what did you think of

    Mom’s speech last night Jimmy was next to me when you were on stage so it was a great pleasure I got to talk about this real quick lost my whole speed we got I went into huge panic because I’ve 75 disorders but then I was like God save

    Me God I pray right to God God this is all your fault you told me to do this once again you killed it you have some kind of joke going you hear that let me tell you let me tell you cuz I was sitting right next to Jake so it was a

    Great pleasure front row right there I was watching you I was like this is surreal I was thrilled to be there and so here’s the thing so I witnessed I saw you know you’re like oh [ __ ] you’re going through the laptop and you can’t find the notes and you finally just

    Close it and the whole you said it you’re like oh okay okay you know and you made jokes about it and um and then you just you winged it and it was killer the crowd loved it no one knew what you were going to say next the I could feel

    The energy in the crowd they loved it the the the reception you know you could hear it the laughs and everything else and it was highly effective it was authentic and this is what people love about you ran is that you’re authentic that whatever you’re going to say you’re

    Going to believe it and people know it even people that don’t like you you know the evil left like you know it’s like they know you believe it so it’s like you know there’s something very special about that is to hear somebody it’s the same reason why they like Trump is that

    You know at least he he he says what he’s feeling and I like that about him because even if I don’t agree with something and there’s very few things I actually agree with on most everything but if there’s some things I me I wouldn’t necessarily say everything he

    Said like I’m Jimmy I think for myself and I would encourage everyone else to think for yourself be you be you but that’s what people like about him is that I’m like this is what I tell people that like support Obama like oh you missed that nice and because people say

    Oh he’s not presidential enough he leaves these Mean Tweets I’m like oh does it make you feel nice and warm and fuzzy when those politicians lie to your face feelsy good inside yeah it’s like oh I just prefer to be lied to oh like a nice suit and a teleprompter and what’s

    The worst thing people like why I don’t like these Bean tweets I’m like the worst thing I could see that he ever said was calling someone a loser yeah and they were a loser like it’s like who cares I’m like I want to know what he’s

    Thinking I want to know what the top dog is thinking and I appreciate that he shares that and that’s what people admire about you and like about you so I honestly thought you killed the speech I left I was smiling everyone was like energized people liked it people I’ve

    Been seeing you here walking around the convention Center and people are adoring you and so I just think in my mind I’m like I don’t know what it was the notes that you had that you didn’t say but I thought you killed itk well thank you so

    Much and I’m just happy that I did get my two quotes in that Jake saved my life because I was like oh no I have that quote from uh Thomas Payne and you said Patrick Henry but it was Thomas Payne not the top one was Patrick Henry oh I

    Don’t remember all I know is I was too fat to jump that fence and I was so scared I was going to fall you nailed it though thank you I did I’m still a little agile enough at 45 no your speech was great the reason I asked is cuz this

    Morning there was a hitpiece in the New York Post and and I told her but I expect it but this what this is what what I want to say when they have a hit piece against you that means you did it that means you won that means you hit

    The target and that you scared the [ __ ] out of the [ __ ] well like I told Jake and like I’ve said to everybody I mean it is a sad State of Affairs when I’ve become the voice of Sanity I love it though what time we live in because like

    Yeah and I think the fact that you had said that you’re all in for Trump is one of the things that these powers that be because they’re trying to desperately to get vivec or Des SAS whoever else and I’m like they the reality is that Trump

    Has the numbers and so when someone like you that other people admire and want to hear us speak about these things when you are like energizing the crowd to say Hey listen I’m still all in for him and then you said because if I don’t they’re

    Going to send me to the goag the goag and so it’s like I’m like that right there I’m like that’s a reminder to everybody listening it’s like hang on a second like you know what happened in 2020 if you don’t you’re a lost you’re just yeah it’s the truth they’re going

    To send us all the goog this will deteriorate so quickly and it’s gonna um it doesn’t have to though and I am optimistic like I said I think things will get worse before they get better is that optimistic yeah like I’m optimistic we’re all going to die most everyone

    Will die I’ll survive because I’m a doomsday prepper I will be raptured yeah yeah I hope we make it I’m going to the spaceship do we talk about the spaceship scient it’s behind the moon here drink this Kool-Aid we’re going let’s go well I I think that uh my prediction is that

    Um it’s very biblical and uh that all falsehood is going to be burned away and it’s going take a while but it’s speeding up it is it’s ex and it’s like they are just uh exposing themselves right and left and we don’t even have to get any Karma on us to do

    It for them they’re doing it theirself I mean Joe Biden’s Christmas card is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen in bad entertainment was that the dancing yeah oh that’s that was a Christmas card I didn’t know what that was I mean if that isn’t just the seventh level of hell

    Right there it’s just hell that’s somebody said it was a cubric movie it’s hell on Earth it was I couldn’t get through it it was that was it was they think that’s a Christmas message yeah these people are insane just like did you see last year how they put up

    They’re putting up their Christmas lights on their tree at like 900 p.m. on December 24th yeah did you see this yeah because they don’t they it is a religious War right that’s what I want people to know it isn’t a coincidence that it looks like they’re anti-christianity and anti-judaism and

    Even anti-muslim in so many cases yeah uh they’re anti anything that isn’t extremist fundamentalist they’re anti- God that’s what anti-god yeah they are and they’re anti people ever having any hope of Peace they’re nihilists they they’re they’re worse than an atheist nihilism is the most dangerous thing on

    Earth because they don’t believe in anything they don’t think it matters so people need to operate their lives as if it does matter like I I was inspired by Jordan B Peterson when he was talking about this a number of years ago where he said that like even if you believe in

    Something and you know your life will be improved and it’s like I operate my life it’s like that we’re being watched that this is a test that I’m when I die I’m going to wake up and they’re all everyone I love is going to be surrounding me and be like Jimmy why did

    You say that why did you do that and it reminds me pulls me back in it’s like right it’s like what you do does matter yeah it do it matters for everything yeah and so it’s like people I like that Vision I think I share that yeah I

    Believe it I’ve seen signs and I’ve had some miraculous synchronicities in my life that have proven to me time and time again they go Way Beyond the realm of coincidence that happened at just the right time and just the right way to prove to me that like oh my God like we

    Are part of something that goes beyond the veil of the human eyes that we are part of creation and it is special and what we do in life matters and in more ways than we can comprehend and so I’m all in on that how about that yeah I

    Love what Maryann Williamson and why I wanted to interview her which I did is she wrote Such a brilliant piece and of course I forgot to read it when she was on but uh about what people are so afraid of is afraid that we might be divine yeah

    Afraid that we might in fact have the power to turn everything around afraid that we might be able to in our uh love for what is good in each other and what’s good in uh our country the best of everything that we would be able to create heaven on Earth that that because

    In fact we do have that power we just don’t have the vision and we don’t know how to hold the vision long enough to make it happen but we could very quickly learn if we knew and were honest about the threat we’re under right I completely agree um I say that um

    There’s this uh line from Exodus I think it’s I can’t remember that exact number but it’s like I am that I am and the one that is called I am has sent me on to you I’m like that’s it because like we always say well I am am I am Jimmy it’s

    Like I I think that we’re all connected to the Divine is that I’m not the god it’s just that we’re all part of this one thing it’s like if I’m made up of if we are all made up of Stardust and all of these various elements have come

    Together to the point that I can sit here in front next to you and not just talk about it and think about it but feel it that right there in itself is proof of of intelligent design call it Creator I call it the source because I

    Don’t like to use the word I’m careful on the word God now because I was raised Catholic and I know I know people that were raised in with such religious Dogma that it repels them so I just I try to break it down and say well I’m the

    Source of all that is I am one with the source of all that is and the source of all that is is one with me that wherever all this came from whatever this is we are all one with it way to look at it I always say it’s the

    Battery and we got all got to learn to plug in right because it’s the only thing that makes everything live and work and go right and the enemy is all about creating that little seed of doubt in all of us when we start to feel right

    Close to God or like you know the archa whatever they are come after you scientist TM oh yeah the mainstream media comes after you they all come after us it’s like they just want plant that little thing like you don’t really believe that do you you don’t really

    Think there’s a God really how about this and they just are so scared that you’re just going to go no I know I don’t think think that way I think think they think that you have a captured mind if you think that way and I think that

    They really feel that the holy books and the whole notion of God is a filthy one you really think that I do well yeah because I was around them for so long I was one of them and they think oh these uh mindol deplorables that cling to their guns and their their ancient

    Faiths and their lower chakras and [ __ ] that is true you know they’ve got to be removed from this world because first of all they’re useless eaters and two they have bad teeth and three you know they just go down the checklist like that and three we could own what they have in a

    Heartbeat all we have to do is figure out the scam of getting it you believed in God when you were a leftist though right I did and that’s what ultimately made me leave because I saw oh my God the Jews over here don’t even believe in Torah yeah they’re anti- Torah they

    Stand there and say they uh free Palestine yeah and prevent the Jews from praying at their holy sights what yeah but that’s how how communist Jews are they don’t even know what’s real yeah they’re not godly I don’t think those those Jews I I don’t know well they’re

    Not like me no they don’t see a long history they see a history that began what in the early 1900s rather than 6,000 years ago cuz they’re anti-science anti history anti-act anti biology anti every [ __ ] thing yeah anti-truth do you think they know that they’re lying or they just

    Dumb I such a good question right like start to tell the difference a little bit of both I’ve wondered that myself but I think they know they’re lying but they think they’re getting paid for it so it’s okay right right it’s worth it and it’s harm and it doesn’t and it

    Doesn’t the only thing they care about is any means necessary if we have to you know throw away in Georgia because this is what they did the votes they didn’t count in Georgia were the black voters who voted for Trump right that’s what they threw out so if they could be like

    Hey we’re going to nullify black people’s votes in Georgia a pre a former slave state and call that proem democracy because we’ll eat two yards of [ __ ] with both hands as long as we’re getting p PA I ran as a socialist so I’d go around and ask people you know to

    Support my campaign and they’d be like how much do you pay I’d be like you I would it made me go crazy I go you don’t get paid for being a a socialist revolutionary they thought you did and I said you don’t you get paid after you

    Win then you get paid big but not before you get paid after you win for sure look at Obama half half the government got jobs because of Obama right that’s what we half of the people that don’t care that they you know still the election

    Right we put in place by Obama going hey we’re going to steal the election because we can’t let these deplorable white racists cling to their Bibles and their freaking faith and money and not give us what we deserve for being Democrats those are his own words the

    You know the when he said um when he was caught on that hot mic when he was running for president and he said them them their guns cling to the religion and their guns is what he had said remember that yeah what is that that’s an interesting comment and it it really

    Sheds insight into the way he thinks I think that guy was a murrian candidate if you want he was he was an invention of the CIA I do too he’s also an invention of Jeremiah Wright what H which happened at the time when they were trying to hybrid uh Islam in with

    Uh that certain kind of Christianity that was the uh the Trinity yeah that Jesus was sort of a Salesman kind of guy thing they were doing yeah that I forgot about that Jeremiah Wright his uh his Pastor right that guy the chickens come home to Rus sky that guy do you remember

    The scariest thing that happened no one ever talks about it do you remember all the the the churches that were blown up in I think Sri Lanka and all over the world by Muslims and Obama and Hillary Clinton and I can’t remember who else all tweeted the same day that their prayers

    Were for the Easter worshippers do you remember this when was this this was really no one ever talks about this was mind right up check it out uh I think it was a Sri Lanka attack so Muslims were blowing up Christian churches and um so it happened it happened in like three

    Different cities horrible Carnage so obviously Hillary and Obama had to speak on it but they didn’t say Christians they said Easter worshippers all right so I need to listen to this full speech because I noce they have avoided that these were tweets cuz they couldn’t yeah

    And go look it up I’m not making that’s even worse then cuz it’s like you’re choosing your writing and they all had pretty much the same tweet like a threat to our democracy and I was like I was that was my red pill moment cuz I used

    To be a Democrat that was the one that where I was like I just remembering this now like why can’t you say Christians were attacked by Muslims because Christians are attacked all over the world still they’re very highly pers more and more more probably the most

    Attacked je je always like to think it’s us but it’s really it’s Christians and that next day they were like prayers to the Easter worshippers and I was like what the [ __ ] is an Easter worshipper that’s a Christian or a Catholic or whatever it was the weirdest thing and

    It just kind of quaffed it over the room and everyone kind of Let It Go and I remember it stuck with me I’m not remembering it till now that’s wild I need to look into this look into that it was weird Obama is like uh like why

    Can’t you say Christian Obama why can’t you say a Christian was attacked by a Muslim why can’t you say a Jew was attacked by Muslim why is that so hard for you Obama yeah he came out for Hamas too oh I mean he’s just despicable it is but um

    We we do have to wrap up can okay can I ask I know we have to WP but really only have like five minutes but can you just give her five minutes of Antarctica for me cuz oh [ __ ] and we’ll have you back um I I don’t have any like secret

    Knowledge on Antarctica but you think do you think it’s the Nazi uh Breakaway thing or you just know more historically stuff about an I don’t know like there’s weird things about Antarctica which is that all the the the what is it all the hands have their thing in the in the

    Honey Jar the what how’s that saying go yeah all the governments have making money in there yeah and I think all right so I have I have a few thoughts one could be real conspiratorial I’ll say if it’s kind of a international Place nobody can claim

    It right right and they all have it split up like down to like the center of it and it’s like it’s like a big think of a big pie chart it’s like here’s the US and China and I think if I had to so we’ll go into like levels of conspiracy

    If I had to go to just the most likely scenario I think it’s the fact that the polls are going to shift that ice is going to melt most people on Earth will die and then underneath that ice in is abundance of all the Earth’s resources there will

    Beil diamonds um God knows what else maybe even evidence of the L civilization I should also say that the ice is supposed to be really old so that shouldn’t be possible if you want to like you know people are listening I don’t want to like give you information that’s inaccurate but there’s something

    Weird about Antarctica there is I don’t know what it is yeah I don’t know I mean the Nazis had interest in it which is interesting if anyone reads about it it’s like oh they were just interesting in getting whale oil and and that’s the end of it okay well I don’t know I

    Wasn’t there but I know that like it’s just something about it so I don’t know if it’s like the place where the you know it’s the entrance to inner earth or something uh you know probably not but maybe like I I don’t yeah some people

    Tell you know what it is or you have theories on it well they say it’s a breakaway continent that the Nazis founded in World War II just before and during right where it’s supposed to be bigger than the whole North American continent under the ice where so it’s

    Bigger than our whole continent and they brought something like 40 th000 German women there during World War to to meet with the soldiers they had there the perfect in you know Aryan people and they’ve had all this time to breed and there’s 250 million of them that live

    There and that’s where all the high space Tech is coming from see that’s fascinating and I’m open to it a lot of people won’t believe this stuff but I will say that there’s this Jake did you see that map I sent you yeah that’s what I wanted to yeah that was crazy there’s

    A map from the late 1670s it’s called the kunu kuantu map it was made by this polish map map maker who moved to China this like 1677 or 1672 regardless it shows so let me just say this anyone listening Antarctica wasn’t discovered until 1820 according to what we we

    Taught about in school right however there are other maps that seemingly show the Antarctic continent hundreds of years before its alleged discovery now people will debunk it and say well this is probably just TI Delo which is on the southern tip of Antarctica others will say oh this is just Australia what’s

    Unique about this map is a couple things one it shows TI del Fuego and it’s not connected to it whatsoever it shows Anar or excuse me Australia which is not connected to it whatsoever and the only thing that’s more bizarre than all of that is that it shows giraffes

    Crocodiles beavers all kinds of exotic animals down there and now let me say this the Skeptics will say that oh that’s obviously just one not possible Frozen and two they’ll say well it’s just artist depiction like perhaps the unexplored land but here’s where it gets wild is that going back to even the

    Ancient Greeks they understood that not only the Earth was round but that the poles were frozen so this is the most bizarre map it’s kununu quantu kuu nuu quantu like Q UA n t it’s even on the Library of Congress website you can look this up even has a Wikipedia page and I

    Only just learned of it a number of months ago and I’m like how have I never seen or heard of this map before yeah isn’t that incredible when that stuff happens right and so I’m like I’m not here to tell anyone it’s real or that it’s was thought out there animals down

    There like you know what I mean but like at the same time I look at you know we talking about like Nazi Escape you know I was my mind was blown when I realized that in 1955 10 years after Hitler was allegedly killed himself allegedly they

    Never found him that the CIA was pouring enormous resources into looking for him and that the rumors are he and a bunch of other Nazis escaped to Argentina yeah Y and ARA that’s that’s a rabbit hole because I’m like not only did they never find his skull when they thought they

    Had found Ava bronze it turned out to be not POS was the opposite sex and different age whatever it was like they don’t find not vanish Without a Trace whereas they found the garbles they found all them and so it’s like knowing someone a tyrant like him I’m like

    Something tells me and I don’t know him but I’m like he didn’t kill himself that [ __ ] dipped out yeah he dipped out of there he you know he didn’t go down with the ship he [ __ ] ran out of there and so God knows you know I don’t know how

    Long I think he went to Argentina too I would think so there’s huge they all they went to the US they went some went to Mexico yeah and some and some went to Argentina yeah and this is very they said that right Nazis have gone they did There’s whole communities that still

    Speak German I couldn’t believe this this on Joe Rogan we had that gentleman on I was talking about it and I I started looking into it I’m like no I watched your documentary on it they have like Nazi towns basically or German that right but World War II era German towns

    They’re full on like little Germany and a lot of them did did flee there um all right well we do have to wrap up but I I have to say I absolutely I knew this was going to be a good episode this a lot of

    Fun wonder my pleasure you I want to do it again yeah there’s barely dipped in on all the the fun stuff to talk about oh I know we barely did we now we know where you’re at we’ll go even deeper you bet you know where there’s like 9,000

    Rabbit calls for connec and all this [ __ ] that’s what he does m he just goes and he does but he does the research a lot of people go and he actually does it and he’s fascinating I show screenshots I’m like look I’m not getting this I’m

    Not pulling this out of my butt I’m not getting it from Bob’s you know blog spot website this is like mainstream there’s all these studies and things that exist it’s like look it’s right here but anyway it’s one of the best YouTube channels hands down that’s nice of you

    To say this is one of the best podcasts I agree Rosanne I’m so proud of you I know what you’ve gone through and how tough they have they’ve put your feet into the fire and you wind up on top and I think that you’re part of this fight

    For a reason if I were you I would never be discouraged by any type of criticism you ever get the masses are with you and if I were you I would re-energize and put that energy back into the fight because these people in my mind you’re

    An escape orbit you no they can’t take you can’t cancel you like what you would have to literally curb stomp somebody or something to get canceled like nothing you say is g to is is going to stop what’s going on and you are the proof is in the pudding that you’re inspiring

    Millions of other people and and I remember listening real quick and I’ll because I running out of time I remember listening to that speech you gave it seemed impromptu in Las Vegas just a couple months ago it was very very inspiring I played it for my girlfriend

    Brandy and it was I got chills when I heard you talking about um it was just what is it God’s truth you said something reawaken tour yeah yep yep and you were talking and it gave me chills because you’re like we all have a part

    To play in this and that you know and we are loved and this is spiritual and you know it it it resonated with a nerd YouTuber so you’re you’re influencing people than you can possibly imagine hope so you are I hope so because it would be so easy for us to just really

    Get together and fix things quickly we we definitely the Smart Ones can do it I believe it the world is what we make of it and the the future is is uncertain and I believe it’s bright yeah sure it might get worse before it gets better

    But it will end the UN I believe the Arc of the universe favors good over evil it certainly does it certainly does let’s make a pack that we get close to Zuckerberg and get in that [ __ ] bunker his and kick his nerd ass out I

    Just want to meet him I want to see if I alien Vibes I just want to know he’s a guy might be a little awkward but I want to know I want to know if I want to just scratch his cheek and see if there’s reptilians Blue Blood CIA to they’re all

    In it of course yeah but the thing is it it’s so easy to dispel all their power I mean we have to come back and talk about how on that bombshell it’s easy love you Jimmy I uh plug your plug your YouTube channel Qui right Insight Jimmy coret

    You can find me on Instagram I’m now blowing things up on X Twitter I love it you follow me on local support me on patreon I’m in the I’m in the fight I’m taking this like because I I feel the same way like I if there’s anything to

    Learn about history it repeats itself and they will always go after the people who speak truth the historians the teachers anyone else it will only be the state that can say anything and that’s the direction this is going so I’m all in on on freedom and also the experts

    Are always wrong yeah they are experts truth [Applause] TM patience is growing thin with this Synthetic


    1. Address your photos with the black eye and one eye covered which are satanic symbolism. You were part of the entertainment imdustry at a high level but you don't admit or talk about being how you prayed to Satan to be famous. Love you but not sure you aren't self serving and not so honest

    2. How did this only get 70k views? Rosanne and Jake….The truth sayers, get a fellow comedian Katt Williams, you have both been cancelled so many times. Just let him rant ❤️❤️❤️ We love you and Jake please keep up the great work. God bless you 🙏🏼💜🙏🏼

    3. Great to see Jimmy here! I've been watching his videos since he started. I think he's off on Atlantis, but enjoy his shows, he's a great guy.

    4. You can't have it both ways on who is a Jew. If you dis-identify someone who is Jewish as not a Jew because of their bad actions using the basis that they aren't practicing the Jewish Faith, you then have to do that with every non-practicing Jew who has done good actions, too. Of course, pointing out they aren't adherent or ignorant of the teachings & scriptures of Judaism is perfectly valid.

    5. You s need to have Ben Davidson of SuspiciousObservers on the show, He has spent his life figuring this out with top NASA Scientists. A pole shift is on the way.

    6. P-L-E-A-S-E get Dennis Quaid on as a guest, to talk about the grid going down. People need this information, and need to do research and prepare how to survive if this happens!! Love you Roseanne, keep speaking the truth and exposing they

    7. the 'elites' will indeed be surprised when they realize they're not in control and on their knees begging when they meet their maker. No amount of money can save them.

    8. Humanity will get what we deserve. Just the way she goes boys. Maybe they know the pole shift is upon us so they are pushing forward anyway.

    9. 10:45 Several years ago there were scientists pointing out that there is ''global warming'' occurring on both Venus and Mars at this time. The Martian ice caps are shrinking. It has to do with the sun, not us.

    10. The cia made fakebook. Not cuck. They know everything about you if your in fakebook. Between the patriot act and cell phones and social media what more do they need. I don’t do social media at all. I have tube and rumble. Other than that I use private web pages for info. I’m not lazy. I refuse to be lazy. I am getting fat tho. Way she goes boys.

    11. The uniparty is endorsing Haley and Desaint. That’s why they haven’t put up a dimo to challenge obiden. They know he can’t win. Haley and Desaint are bought. That’s who they will push to win.

    12. Those bunkers are quite possibly the reason God mentions earthquakes will become more frequent in the end times ✌️😎 God is BASED and definitely loves the constitution

    13. Hey! What's wrong with being a Bible thumper??? It's leftist commies that has made this out as if it's a "bad" thing. HOGWASH I say ☝️😎 be a Bible thumper and BE PROUD OF IT

    14. Said it before, they are encouraging migration from the earth between 33° North and 33° South lattidudes to empty the area, so that the Eleeches can rule there during the next ice age. If the stupid migrants knew that global warming was a lie, they would stay and fight for their equatorial lands.

    15. Great discussion again as always. I really agree with everything you all talked about. These truly are biblical times and we're in for the ride of our lives but listening to you, Jake and today's guest gives me hope for tomorrow. I pray nothing but happiness, joy and love for you all always ❤

    16. Love you Roseanne!! You have the best guests. Jake also adds to the show. You guys really work well together and the truth is ALL that matters! You guys rock!!

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