A day in Whistler bike park in search of the most challenging, steepest, and most technical trails we could find!

    Tune in & see what we found (pretty crazy!)

    Go as slow as you possibly can very nervous W him the bottom will only be bad if you [ __ ] let go your brakes you ready benis super slow so Whistler bike park is often hailed as the crown jeel of bike park it is the mecca for mountain bikers and it

    Has literally every type of riding all in one place we’re talking the best biggest and the most Progressive jump lines a wild slope style course huge Free Ride lines and The gnarliest Rock rolls this way you know things getting scary and in this video I’m going to

    Show you what a day in whistle bike park looks like as well as trying to hunt down some of the most challenging features this bike park has to offer and to start the day we rode a track called dirt Merchant which is probably one of the best jump lines in the in the World oh my put your hands together if you see them sending it on those jumps good forun that that’s the warmup yeah now we can actually start riding so once we’ve done a lap on dirt Merchant and felt fluid on the bike felt warmed up we jumped back

    On the gond went straight back to top of the mountain to find some bigger and even more steeper challenges forecast Ripper of a day so on the top jff now in the high Alpine absolutely beautiful that’s an old Free Ride line that was in a DVD roll down here off that first bear

    Of the trip Mr bear hello There Going to give it some scale now like that scale scale is it Christ so cool man so as you’ve seen we’ve literally been riding for Oh Ranger Ranger right like super super scared man okay it’s a start man nice hands honestly I couldn’t let go of

    The Rock and that’s why I couldn’t get clipped in oh my God oh My we actually accidentally ended up taking a wrong turn on the trails we ended up on some of the more off piece trails in the bike park looks a little bit more natural these were probably a lot more intense than we were all planning them to be oh my

    God yeah what is that compression about where do you stop I don’t know I’m my heading going don’t Now get on the brake to the bottom yes lad oh my Gody Anor easy M these are like your typical rock rolls natural tracks this is the style of riding I really love doing it’s really challenging pushes limits sometimes a bit too far actually slow slow slow to

    The edge yeah then slow slow slow slow you’ll pick up speed there was this one rock shoot that we got to it was super steep we couldn’t really see it was the bottom of it the bottom will only be bad if you let go your brakes feather like

    Feather and there’s enough enough grit to stop come on Ben we’ll be sweet lad I’m very nervous but I’ll follow you in you ready Benz I had my camera out and I was filming Tommy Lewis and Ben that’s where things took a bit of a a wrong turn super

    Slow Ben went down the rock shoe picked up a ton of speed couldn’t slow down couldn’t control his speed couldn’t actually see what was coming in the woods at the bottom went over the hand the bars he was actually okay as bad as the crash looked yeah and he walked away from it

    With just a couple of grazes and scratches and he was actually back riding within a day or two so after an intense morning you can imagine that we felt like we needed to refuel and regroup I need an ice l so there was no better place to do that than at Lift

    Coffee C everybody’s favorite coffee shop in Whistler and speaking of refueling a lot of people always ask me where do you actually stay in Whistler when you are mountain biking or even skiing in the winter and for me during this trip to Whistler it was Pangia pods who have actually kindly enough

    Supported this video Pangia pods isn’t a hotel and it’s not a hostel it’s kind of The Best of Both Worlds and it’s located right in the center of Whistler and if you’re a mountain biker like me and you’re looking for a nice place to stay that has secure lockups for your bike

    Ski or your board has cozy beds with a place store your luggage panop pods has You cover and after a hard day on the bike there’s nothing more refreshing than going to pangop pods and chilling out on their rooftop bar with a nice cold beer and a wood fired pizza with

    Your m going to jump back to the action now we’re all refueled and ready on coffee and we’re going to head back up to the top of the mountain for another lap and this time it was to check out some of the old school Free Ride lines in Whistler which I’d never actually

    Seen before this is junky ho my God so Whistler and British Columbia is kind of where the whole Free Ride movement started in mountain biking so it was kind of cool to be shown around by local Legend Max gryon who was actually the winner of pink bike Academy competition

    Okay we’re going to pink bike Academy if I’m riding the way I’m riding I’m winning this thing just I’m just enjoying the process and loving riding and I’m just going to keep doing it until it’s not fun anymore he knows a thing or two about riding bikes and

    Because he’s a local you’re like an encyclopedia he knows the trails at the back of his hand and he could take us to all the best spots track I was expecting what’s on the other side of that weird cuz you can’t see the other side of it that’s all good

    I did nose toop to tiny table I’m like a free rider now yeah yeah it’s just it’s all happening R you guys want to see a bit of a slab over here can how much like what are we talking in comparison to the you’ve made us do a little more dangerous

    This way you know things getting scary no whoa sick if you control your speed it’s not bad this is like some old Richie slay lines I think weed Simmons was the first to to roll this this is an a super OG freead line so you would come onto

    Here hip into that rock slab and down go as slow as you possibly can after riding all these Free Ride lines we decided to switch gears a little bit and check out Creekside Valley which is a valley next to Whistler which I hadn’t actually checked out this year wor than the great bind

    Was they’d had a flurry of new development and digging on new and revamp trails so we had to go and check that out first time riding Freight trainer Sh follow Martha down oh Christ this is n One’s called barking duck a new one on Creekside it’s a blue one but heard really good things about it w oh man holes H absolute wild cat I feel like we crumb so much riding into this day but I also feel at the same time we only scratch the surface

    Like we only showed you a couple of the trails and some of the main features in Whistler you would have to spend literally 7 to 14 days in Whistler at least to go and get to know the whole area cuz there’s so much riding in the

    Entire Valley and the Sea to Sky Highway if you want to venture a little bit further out which is a guess kind of just an excuse to come back next year so hope you enjoyed this one massive shout out to Pangia pods again for supporting this video If you’re looking for an

    Affordable comfortable cozy and secure place to stay in the heart of Whistler go and check out Pangia pods I’ve put all the details in the description below if you want to go and check those guys out and we’ll see you in the next video


    1. Love to get back into it to myself just brought a new Cannondale hardtail looking at a full sus for next year some nice trails here brilliant

    2. Great video, Alex. I reckon you'd have to search YT for a very long time to find something that's edited to a higher standard. Very impressive. Thanks!

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