Aux portes de la Champagne et de la Bourgogne, le pays de Langres regorge de richesses qui ne demandes qu’à être découvertes. Votre voyage commence à Langres, l’une des plus anciennes villes de France. Sa forteresse, la plus grande enceinte fortifiée d’Europe, témoigne de 17 siècles d’Histoire.

    Pour découvrir les merveilles des plus belles régions de France, c’est ici – Abonnez-vous 👉 🙏

    Réalisé par Jean-Christophe Naberes

    At the gates of Champagne and Burgundy, the land of Angre is full of treasures just waiting to be discovered, starting with its capital, the proud citadel of Angre with 2000 years of history and hometown from the father of the encyclopedia Denis didro the famous didro encyclopedia 20 million

    Words 72,000 articles 2880 illustration plates the land of Angre is also an oasis of greenery with its 400 km of hiking trail which reserves some wonderful surprises C water which is always clear which always makes you want to go for a swim even if you shouldn’t do it

    It’s forbidden and it’s a natural site which is classified for good reason a source country and of lake four in all very popular with fishermen and lovers of the exceptionally dense fauna of the country of langangre our catfish which is not happy

    There has a lot of mucus on its body so it is very difficult to hold it we will also follow one of the most famous chefs in the region in his quest for the best local products pig Joël I pr ah you are right

    To have a worried g so what weight is there 106 kg yeah so that will be 80 and a few kilos of finally story of lose a few calories we will board the Funny invention of geo find everything local we

    Are good we are like in a deck chair and we [ __ ] so fasten your seat belts your trip to the surprising country of Langre begins now it’s at Langre in the south of the department of Hauteemne, where our

    Journey begins, clinging to its rocky spur, here is one of the oldest towns in France. 17 centuries of history have shaped this citadel, the largest fortified enclosure in Europe, this immense walkway David Covelli walks it every day since he was born, don’t look for the best guide of

    The Angre, it’s him, he knows the slightest loophole in its towers, the ramparts of the Angre are exceptional for many reasons, first of all their length more than 8000 m then their diversity since all the works of the offensive are represented the enclosure of the 3rd century of the small

    Square medieval towers of the enormous artillery towers of the beginning of the 16th [Music] century formerly border town the Angre looks very early to protect itself from its numerous enemies it was towards the end of Antiquity that the first enclosure was built; it will be reinforced by

    Successive touch during the following centuries in particular by FIVE monumental artillery towers so we are approaching the largest building fortified with de langangre it is 30 m in diameter 20 m high with walls 7 m thick the tower of Navar built approximately 500 years ago under François the First

    With its enormous bumpy stones and its monstrous gargoyles the tower de Navar had enough to scare the enemies of the kingdom when he inaugurated it Francis Pray nevertheless found it a little too small there is a small error in the construction the plans were given in royal measure and executed in

    Langres measure a king’s foot is 33 cm a Langrois foot is only 27 so this tower could have been even larger than it is 6 m larger to be exact but did he really need it when we know that the city was ultimately never attacked Henri

    Had also nicknamed it Angre la Puelle but Langangre had more than one string to its bow to ensure its defense so obviously the defense of a city is stone but it is also men also and these men loaded to defend their city it was the

    Albardiers a 100% local militia and a privilege for the angre since everywhere else it was the king’s troops who occupied the ramparts it is impressive because they are almost the same weapons which were therefore used on on the ramparts old but effective portable weapons

    Sir these arquebuses are perhaps effective but very long to load more than a minute better not to miss [Music] target for your weapons please other disadvantage it could make you deaf thank you David for this demonstration let’s now go and find a little peace in the heart of the

    Forest of the country of langangre which occupies half of its territory you will perhaps come across Jean-François, an inveterate hiker in love with the country of langangre he has marked out himself even the forest paths of its region so we find ourselves here in Angre country so here it is the care of

    Hiking circuits so we have around forty short hiking circuits and then two long hiking circuits the two passers-by l’angre therefore which is located in the center of the map so what I suggest to you is to go to this sector and see an exceptional point uh of the

    Country of langangre in terms of nature so well we are going to go there whatever A surprise may well be in store for our nature lover to find out. We are heading towards Roland Pont, one of the most preserved forest areas in the region, so we are here on the

    Rolandpont tufière, it is one of the most important waterfalls. petrifying of the department and it’s a place that I particularly like uh in a forest environment there is always the lapping of the water that we hear this water which is always clear which always makes you want to go for a swim

    Even if you shouldn’t do it, it’s forbidden and it’s a natural site which is classified for a good reason but it’s a place which is always magical because every time we come back the configuration of the place changes the architect of this corner of paradise it is the limestone contained in

    The water of the river year after year it is deposited on the leaves and creates a rock that we call tuff so here we see very well how is the tuff created so the water arrives meets all this plant matter the leaves the moss

    The branches et cetera and ends up petrifying all the plant matter creating a kind of monumental staircase of natural tuff after several thousand years this tuff ends by forming immense quarries like this so here we are in the fossil tufa which was which was exploited we can

    See very clearly here the phenomenon that we saw in the active tufa the tree which was which had fallen which was beginning to be petrified well this one here is in fact the hole here and all that is inside is

    The tree which is completely petrified by the tuff which afterwards well accumulates accumulates to form gigantic cliffs like this one which extend over a large perimeter and which have been exploited by man for these construction materials Mother Nature works wonders with tuff man used it to build chimneys

    It is a few kilometers away on the shores of Lake La Lièe is the unmissable meeting place for gourmets in the region. We have an appointment with its chef Joë Bourer, thanks to him the good regional products will no longer have any secret for

    Us 19 please in the background he left the country of Angre for his cooking studies before returning there and setting up his restaurant 28 years ago I came back firstly for the country because that it is my country of origin and I

    Absolutely wanted to return to my in my countries of origin to be closer DEES my family and and my land of my fields of my flowers of my my plants his terroir Joë made it his menu fish meat or vegetables almost

    All of the products come from the country of Angre he has also decided to concoct one of his specialties for us so it will be a braised pig with honey and red wine we are salivating over it. advance but before launching into

    The development of his recipe Joë absolutely wants to show us the pig breeding where he gets his supplies from the brothers Gérard in bal surmne hello Didier and Philippe took over the father’s farm 25 years ago today ‘today he is watching over nearly 300

    Pigs there he is going to get the malâ blower that is to say that he detects the trout in heat because they were weaned on Thursday 5 days later they go to the sickness of the pigs first carried it’s a bit like a

    Pig’s ball the young ladies are lined up the malâ makes its appearance and suddenly a [Music] meets [Music] she is motionless with her ears erect this evening between these two things will not have dragged on and 3 months 3 weeks and 3 days later here Joë is

    In the maternity room the little ones the births of 126 and today they are 8 days old and well there in 15 days they will be 8 kg what and there they need what 800 g 1 kg no you need 1.5 there well the pig

    In France it often comes from Brittany imagine if it has already been transformed in Belgium smoked in Germany and which comes back to me at home it has traveled miles this poor pig eh while everything simply next to my house

    He is there he is well fed well raised why I will go elsewhere come on they are having a lot of fun these little pigs eh well well there your pig Joë I prepared your pig very friendly pig you are right to have a

    Worried look so what weight does he weigh there well I he is 105 106 kg 10 yes so that will be 80 and a few kilos of meat kilo of meat roughly there we are at one every 15 days I hope one per week but ah yes

    All the same ah ah it’s getting interesting yes at Didier and Philippe we leave it to no one else to feed the pigs and that’s why they grow their own wheat so that ‘s a plot that we’re going who’s going who’s

    Going to feed the pigs in the end that yes of course well not it’s eh n onen se culture it’s the only culture that we can that we keep as much as possible it’s the raw material to grow the grass in your pig Joël there you go and the

    Wheat was fed with the slurry yes of course it costs less than using chemicals eh anyway we have to do something with the slurry the slurry this are animal droppings it is an ideal fertilizer for wheat and as a bonus it is definitely healthier everything is good the

    Pig the wealth of the country of Angre it is also its inhabitants who see in their region a treasure to highlight this is what angelique strives to do she is a guide at the angre tourist office today she is taking us to meet thibo her own thing bikes and solar energy hello thibo

    Hello how are you go and you tiibo saloon is a young engineer crazy about bikes but his bikes are unlike any other he invents them in all shapes and sizes his latest concept a bike that can be transformed at will

    Is mechanical assembly it’s like a big Lego so we can come and dismantle and fix parts a little where we want we can very well imagine coupling two bikes together to make a tendem if you want to transport your child you

    Can come and fix the landando between the handlebars and it works and then tell me there are several rather unusual bikes around this one for example what is it yes so this is my first prototype of a solar hybrid velobile here is thbao’s most unusual invention the machine looks

    Like a rocket and yet it is indeed a bicycle that is my main means of transport well I’ll show you so we can get inside quite simply we have the pedals which are in front so the interest is being seated comfortably we are not on a saddle we are protected

    From cold weather in winter and we are more aerodynamic I added everything that is electrical assistance which makes it hybrid and which allows you to mount the coasts easily to recharge on the descent to have a socket for the GPS gives a demonstration we can

    Go for a little ride yeah and well we go there [Music] go no belt no belt we put the hood back on and we go [Music] go We’re good we’re like in a deck chair we [ __ ] a little bit of assistance to make it easier and it’s nice Angélique’s turn to try this funny machine she doesn’t our guide doesn’t seem reassured [Music] [Music] it’s very easy to drive it’s a

    Bit like a car between the bike and the car and what’s funny is the look of the people who who finds it original it appeals to passers-by a little in any case it’s very nice it’s a change from the ordinary and who knows the future of the

    Electric bike is perhaps found in the land of Langre return to Langre where our waits favorite guide David Covelli he has an appointment on one of the city walls with the heritage brigade in full restoration work we are going to go to the site of the heritage brigade which is a municipal team

    Of municipal stonecutters and who works on the restoration of the ramparts in a very particular way Paul we return over there against the passing of time there are no 36 solutions this great lady of Pierre must regularly pass on the billiards hello Paul and in the role from the cosmetic surgeon

    Here is Paul sil head of the heritage brigade it’s really no longer the gel this one starts like nothing a jackhammer as a scalpel and the operation can begin it’s a mortar based on heat so we have the building which dates from

    1603 and cement did not exist at that time if you put cement you risked breaking the stone since the cement is much harder than the hot the hot has a certain flexibility which allows you to work the building that’s why the old buildings are still

    Standing and the modern buildings wo n’t end up dry not very optimistic Paul but let’s go back to the old stone always wet the masonry before it allows the dust to be removed quickly as the mortar dries too quickly because the stone will pump the moisture hesitate to wet

    Everywhere and here is the prosthesis of the Langangre stone coming directly from the limestone quarries of the region so here I do what we call a drawer break I simply put it in as you would put in a drawer in the classic way

    2 and a half tonnes per cubic meter the drawer all the same my joints must be perfect because even from a distance it is very visible once it is aligned B it is a question of habit after we position ourselves we

    Can see we have it’s going to be 10 years since Paul has been operating on the ramparts of Angre, taking care of the heritage, it’s his Hippocratic oath to work on the historic monument sites , it’s always been my dream, well, that’s it,

    I worked on it I helped to save a heritage monument and I do it for future generations and that ‘s something we all have satisfaction when we realize that what Paul’s job is actually to intervene on preventive measures, that’s a change a few a few stones now to avoid

    Having to change 10 20 30 times more in a few years when the other stones will have been damaged be reassured David thanks to the work of the heritage brigade no doubt that the old stones of Langre are among good hands it’s in the heart of the countryside that

    Jo gave us an appointment after the pig it’s honey that our chef now needs for his recipe and the honey Joë comes to collect it directly from the source so there I I insisted my Ruch we are on a wild land where the hives are oriented

    Southwest protected from the north wind to approach these friendly little creatures we will have to equip ourselves with waterproof pants the elegant jacket I am a little allergic so I better not get stung an amateur beekeeper allergic to bees that promises then the bees are not particularly

    Aggressive eh simply we are thieves for her we come to take their wealth that is to say their honey so somewhere there It’s normal for her to react to the thieves, not very reassuring, all that, we ‘ll let you pass in front of Joë, we’ll start with Which there’s not much movement because it’s the middle of the day, they’ve gone collection it is at this moment that we can act because they are the least numerous in the Hive so we are able to get through the flower season but she always finds something there is

    Always a plant where they can get their fill so we are going to remove the cover we are going to gently remove the canvas we are going to pull the frames so if it is very light it is because there is no

    Honey and we have the essential little tool it is a small duster which will allow to sweep away the bees without hurting them, we gently sweep them away, they don’t feel too attacked, well, sometimes you need a little, come on, girls, yes, my dear ones, yes, we’re bothering you, yes, it’s for a

    Good cause , that’s a very heavy frame, that’s it. Joël’s treasure nestled in his wooden frames the creation of these frames is very interesting because it is local the small village 2 km from here is called V he saw the birth of a gentleman

    Called Charles d’ Adam and he created this interchangeable frame system and this format that we still call today the Adam format take care of yourself Joel it looks like the bees are back from their collection not be happy he I them sense that revolves there and around you

    Too eh imagine yourself without the clothing let’s not be too greedy for Joel’s recipe six frames of Adam will be more than enough I put them empty filled it and the frame is perhaps I don’t know 200 g empty and what I have in my hands is at least 1 k

    500 each bee in its life can make 7 g of honey so we can imagine the number of bee lives that this single frame represents and we will be able to escape back home Joë will be able to collect his honey and we will simply uncapping the little risky girl

    There what are you doing there did we allow you to come with us no already arrived from Rener with me about twenty bees without worry good it was not aggressive and when I started to take they left they came back in large

    Numbers to come and collect their property it was a bit of a task we slipped into the centrifuge but it All that’s left to do is turn the crank and hope that it’s cool when it flows, we can hear the little noise , so we have frames that have become significantly

    Lighter, there’s still wax and there’s more honey or very, very little but we ‘re going to bring these frames back to them so that they can finish licking it, consuming what it has and re-clogging it, starting the operation again and so we’re going to see if it flows, eh yes,

    Here’s the unfiltered, undecanted raw honey. sees small grains there are still small pieces of wax which are with it we will decant it for 48 hours so that the impurities come up it is really delicious which read raw a little material a plot of land and everyone can become a beekeeper amateur

    Here the pot is full otherwise it will overflow see you in your kitchen Joël we can’t wait to taste your recipe for pork with honey we find angelique our guide at the tourist office of langangre passionate about old stone she takes us to visit the abaye d’aubrive one

    Of the most beautiful sites in the region it is welcomed by Alexia Volot the owner of the place Alex hi angelique it’s okay it’s okay yeah yeah we’re coming for a little visit with pleasure what do we could go and

    See first perhaps the rest of the medieval church which remains to us from more ancient eh we start at the beginning it is still the most interesting the abaye d’Aurive was built in 1132 by Cistercian monks rebuilt in the 18th century it still retains some traces of

    The medieval era like this old chapel we are in what is oldest left at Aubrive Abbey and it is really truly what is oldest since the monks when they baptized the abaye started with the Church then we are really in a medieval architecture eh

    Of Romanesque inspiration with openings in the middle of the holy uh we are in a Cistercian spirit since we have walls which are not endu the Cistercians being literati Saint-Bernard felt that he did not need the life of

    Christ painted on the walls to know the life of Christ it was better to read the holy scriptures another Cistercian golden rule life in self-sufficiency for this he systematically installed near water sources at Aurive the monks will go so far as to divert the course of the river to ensure their

    Domestic needs in reality the original course of the Aube passed in the middle of the cloister and as the monks wanted install their entire hydraulic system and they diverted the course of the dawn on the south side of the valley which passes

    Here today, that is to say that the water had to arrive running within the abay and then be evacuated to the river from the monastic period the abaye of aubrive had 1000 functions in the 19th century it was for example transformed into a

    Cotton mill and even more surprisingly into a prison for women middle floor of laabaye in fact it is half a floor which served as small sellers during the monastic period and the prison from 1856 found it very practical to reuse these cellars to make

    Isolation cells, which means that these cells are relatively large even if there were only one take at a time per cell one of these cells once hosted an illustrious prisoner Louise Michel, famous anarchist activist and figure of the

    Commune, will be detained for 20 months in the Aurive prison and we know that here, for example, she sought to educate the prisoners who were for the most part literate and she tried to help them by giving them notions of reading and writing but also in writing and selling letters to try

    To intercede on their behalf so she could be very vindictive in certain ways and at the same time very human and helping these cell sisters in a completely altruistic way and the latest reconversion of the Bve Abbey is not the least original the place today hosts an art museum

    Contemporary around twenty unique artists are exhibited there to the great astonishment of tourists from the abaye and reasons to marvel there is no shortage of them in the country of de l’angre which is also nicknamed the land of four lakes the lièse the fly the vinjane and here is the charming lake

    We find Jean-François our nature madman who for once abandoned his forest paths for a canoe trip with Emmanuel hi Manu hi Jean-François that Well, impeccable, we’re leaving in a canoe, here we go Emmanuel Drouau, he’s the fishing guide of the charming lake, I’m going to give you

    A vest, I’m going to put one on too, I’ll hold the boat for you, settle in, Gratz, with your feet firmly in the calpieds Come on and I ‘ll join you, we’ll get a little closer to the water intake tower and I’ll

    Tell you about the construction of this 360 m long dike, a dike because the charming lake like the other three around the angre is in fact a reservoir lake it was dug from 1902 to supply the Marne canal supposed to transport iron ore towards the north at that time you can imagine

    That there is no machine or almost none and everything is done with spades and shovels with very, very large contingents of men who will come here there is a lot of work we will have to build these four reservoir lakes we will have to dig the canal that’s dead

    No the lake of charm is not the largest lake in the country of langangre but it is certainly the most famous for fishing jean-fançois I suggest you go see Cédric there I see him on the corner we are going to go see if he fished this morning Cédric it’s he’s a fine

    Fisherman hello Cédric you caught us something yeah well you’re lucky I see I see that the net at the I my something I just take something there this morning catfish ah great ah yes it’s a nice size too so note our catfish who is not happy

    There has a lot of mucus on his body so it’s very difficult to hold it the only place is to take it that way then young fish eh even if it’s about how much 1.30 it must be 1 m 1 m 25 about

    What weight approximately in the 20 24 25 kg to say that it is still only a baby this fresh water monster can live 80 years and at adult size it should measure 2.50 per 100 kg on the scale that makes you think even more

    Of to imagine animals like that in in the lake good so be careful it is it is not bad for for man it is a fish let’s say which is very nervous very very powerful therefore hunted by the fishermen and we are going to put it back to water is

    Much better it’s a respect for nature and then we’ll take it again maybe one day it will be fun for us in a year you take precautions before putting it back in the water yeah we have to aerate in fact but hey there it’s fine it seems to be very dynamic still

    It’s a fish which can actually stand being out of water for quite a long time in beings where there is not a lot of water it can silt up and it can last at least 3 or 4 hours without really breathing like another fish I think it will leave quickly [Music]

    While our catfish finds the depths Emmanuel and Jean-François have come up in their canoe this time on the lookout for another kind of fauna the aquatic birds yeah on the right look look look he’s leaving he has the fish

    In his mouth the one who is darker over there he has a fish in his mouth the one grbupé which we also call the pat en cul and there are the little ones running after him that’s it a little one has just grabbed the fish and he’s in the process of

    Hooking it there we see his shot there rising yeah we have we have grebes there but look look look at the lessons there we are lucky to have a grebe on the lake of Lièise this is the place where he has just reproduced there he turns he goes ‘fly away

    Soon and he’s going to make the second one fly away he’s not happy there you hear him yell there like he’s not happy while jean-fançois and Emmanuel calmly continue their orniitological stroll on the charming lake back on dry land in Angre more precisely with David Covelli here everyone knows David

    The best guide in the city but there is even more illustrious than our accompanying charm here we are in front of the birthplace of the most desangro so Denis didro he was born here on the 5th October 1713 on the first floor of this house he

    Spent his entire childhood opposite a few meters from his birthplace he stayed in Angre for around fifteen years then he continued his studies in Paris a child of Langangre who became a philosopher of the Enlightenment that was well worth a statue in his honor and not sculpted by just anyone4 it is

    Due to Bartoldi who also created the bfort lion and the Statue of Liberty and the final nod to his disagreement with religion the statue turns its back on the cathedral which is 150 m away and this cathedral snubbed by the bronze philosopher is saint mamè it testifies to the long

    Religious tradition of the city of langangre moreover if he had granted the wishes of his father didro would have become a canon so when the local child begins to openly criticize religion he is unanimously against him the proof of

    This disenchantment can be found at the Hydro museum in langangre David sends us there meet Olivier Comon his curator right here the original plaster of the sculpture by Auguste Boldi 1884 40 years ago another sculptor Joseph Lescnel proposed another sculpture and

    This sculpture will be refused by the Langois who do not want to see in the city a representation of the atheist and materialist philosopher no one is a prophet in his country didro was not welcome in Angre and will only return FIVE times before his death this my understandings the philosopher

    Owes it largely to this the famous encyclopedia of didro and dalambert the largest book of the 18th century in size and editorial ambition 20 million words 72,000 articles 2880 illustration plates here is perhaps the greatest language treasure the original edition of the didro encyclopedia will take 20 years to complete with

    The help of dAlbert illustration in this book there is the largest information meeting of the entire Enlightenment and moreover the intention for didro and for his friend Jean Lerond d ‘Ambert to include in the work elements of philosophical religious political contestation of the society in which they

    Live today the father of the encyclopedia makes the pride of his fellow citizens impossible to pass to the Angre without coming across the name of didro another pride of Langres a renowned cutlery industry established in the region since the 15th century note for the record that didro’s father

    Was himself a cutler more than three centuries later a handful of craftsmen keep this know-how alive faire angelique takes us to the workshop of one of them so we come to meet Philippe Bernard a cutler installed near our people in a small village and we are going to see I think he is

    Working hello hello Philippe hello very good work well yes I am in the process of making noent so what is noent then noent is a regional ord knife which was created in the Nogent basin by the members of the brotherhood of the Nogent steel basin this brotherhood of which

    Philippe is a part tries to safeguard the knife-making know-how of the region for this it has imagined a very recognizable knife we ​​recognize a la guule because of its bee B Nant we have to find something so we found a way to make two materials and the combination of the two materials

    Represents the de no g here is the grandfather then the father of Philippe was already making knives in this workshop in three generations the gestures have almost no changed so I ‘m going to take a very rudimentary tool, normally it’s a hand drill but which I use for

    Tapping I have a tap which is just at the end I fix it on it, it’s true that at the era of the internet of the laser it’s funny to see that next step is the assembly of the plates of the spring and the blade by

    Rage so here we are going to put the axis which will go on the blade so there we already have the minip already there it already has it already has a beautiful shape it is Re and what I was saying earlier the steel in the rant

    Comes to put itself in the little cone that I made earlier to the drill and as it can no longer go in one direction nor in another [Music] an hour of work and the thing is finished remains the final touch on a coticule stone like someone calls it who is wrong with

    The water it’s is a stone a very stone soft which allows you to make a thread the thinnest possible thread of the l and it’s finished and cut it’s beautiful work knives like this Philippe can personalize them with noble wood or even more exotic materials

    We can make the sleeves imagining in D of facochère in ivory of facochè it’s original we can do that too pe ask its r but with mamouth laugh mamouth ivory we find more war well let’s say the mamouths yes but the tusks yes we find as many as we want in

    Siberia we find a lot of mammoth ivory , don’t worry, there’s nothing illegal there, so if you dream of a unique knife made with respect for an ancestral know-how do not hesitate to open the door of the workshop of [Music] Philippe return to Joë’s restaurant direction the

    Kitchen so here is the beast our chef has received the main ingredient of his recipe here he is ready to to prepare his famous pig braised with honey and red wine first of all he has to cut a very particular piece there we can clearly see the well-known piece,

    The pork chop, but here we are going to cook it whole with this fatty part which will protect it during the cooking while melting slowly we will start cooking our pig in the soft breast the sweet melody of the meat [Music]

    Seized for both the taste and the color we will use red wine local red wine Pinon noir and the final touch for the appellation what is it already like pork in honey here it is fluid so we are going to put this pork fillet in the oven with Coan

    ETOS in honey and a little bit of local red wine with Pinau noir for the next few [Music] hours at 80° for 8 hours 8 hours later our pig has changed color it already smells very good but it ‘s not finished we still have to prepare the sauce a little caramel very

    Quickly just add the cooking juice there is a sweet presence but not strong at all we will say that it is ready and we will immediately see a honey sauce it is a little more modern than what our grandmothers made but it remains the authentic products of our region where we

    Know where they come from and the entire production also keeps the country alive a little bit of parsley a little piece of rarin VO enjoy your meal, gentlemen, thank you Joël we’re salivating in advance it looks delicious as for we continue our exploration of the country of langangre

    Jean-François our hiker takes us this time on the trails of the Aubrive forest not far from the abaye jean-fançois it is going well and you very well jean-goustio is a nature facilitator he prepared a little surprise for I-had some sun we’re going to take and

    Alfonse ok eh we’re going to go get them hi animals donkeys here are our surprising traveling companions come on come on come on Reba don’t be stupid but there’s no question of climb on their backs Reba and Alphonse are beaten donkeys they will transport

    The belongings of Jean yy and Jean-François to their destination an unusual place in the heart of the national forest of Aubrive tight like a brute there and so there well our an is loaded he is ready to leave see you there is more

    For his first ride with a donkey jean-François has a little difficulty being obeyed [Music] no you are rather convinced by the ride with the donkeys Jean-François c is really well it allows you to enjoy a hike with a four-

    Legged companion who is a little stubborn especially when you are dealing with Alphonse who only thinks about eating but but it’s a pleasure we say he’s an anarchist who agrees to spend a few moments with you that pretty much sums up their state of mind here after the donkey it’s nature

    That rules we are in the heart of the future national park of the forests of Champagne and Burgundy making these 200,000 hectares a laboratory of nature preservation opening planned for 2017 so this is what the foresters call a candle so

    It is a broken tree and then which will wither on its feet then one day collapse and in fact these dead trees represent approximately 30 % of the biodiversity of the forest so they are very important for all the fauna which will eat the tree

    Dying on the ground generally so these trees are marked with a blue triangle which means that the tree is protected somewhere it gives life and somewhere it is going to give life because all this is the future terrain of the forest a few more kilometers and our two guides

    Arrive at their mysterious destination it is time to attach alfon etba to take a little height so we arrive at the nest of amoré the perched nests of cabins like this one there are several in the heart of the forest open to all it is the

    Ideal place to spend a night under the stars so it there is access via an interior hatch and then you can open the cabin, that is to say, draw the curtains, you perch it and there you discover the landscape, we are on a slope and therefore

    Without being very high on the cabin we dominate anyway the whole valley the idea is to come and spend a night in a very wild, very nice place in the middle of the forest with everything that it represents all the imagination that

    Can be behind the night it moves everything around a small animal like a mouse a hedgehog which wanders under the cabin and immediately we have lots of images that come to mind which are linked to our old ancestral fears we wish good night to our

    Two lovers of the nature if you want to spend a night in an original setting know that the country of langangre is full of it you can count on angelique our charming guide to find you unusual rooms as is the case of Bruno’s house hello hello angelique welcome to the mill we take

    A little visit 3 years ago Bruno left his job to create his establishment in a 15th century mill we are going to function the oil mill the dining room has retained the spirit of the time but here is the most fascinating piece

    So here we are next to the millstone which was used to make oil quite simply crush the shuttle seed the particularity of this mill is that when we bought the property the previous owners turned off the light so they left all the

    Instruments all the machines in good condition and then if you choose to spend the night there the other will be happy to give you a demonstration of this 3 centuries old mechanism but in perfect working order so we are next to the crusher which was used to burst the seed so the

    Shuttle the shuttle which was a small black seed which was the ancestor of the colsa so after we took the grind which was in the lower part here we carried it under the grindstone that it is here and then we simply had to remove the pin and engage a sharp pull and we

    Come to put in place movement actually the millstone once crushed the seed was heated before passing through the press and then we simply pressed with the bar which is there we pre-prepared the oil escaped through the small orifice in the

    Decaliter then we put it in the oil cans we have the impression when we show all this that it is the Middle Ages but in reality 50 to 60 years ago we were we were right in it I have people who came here

    To visit elders who told me that he went down to the yard with the horse and carriage and the grandfather brought the oil to the shuttle to make shuttle oil for 50 years this mill no longer makes the famous shuttle oil but you can always taste it at Bruno’s table the

    Rapeseed oil so very fruity very colorful we see it we see its golden color you can take it in salad as well in salad as to cook potatoes in a pan quite simply he so it’s an oil like rapeseed which can be heated as well as not

    Heated so if you want to discover the secrets of making rapeseed oil come and visit Bruno you will know everything about how it works ‘an oil mill return to the town of langangre to discover another of its curiosities for centuries the

    Inhabitants of the town had no other choice but to climb on foot the 130 m difference in altitude between the valley and the town high salvation came from this little cogwheel train, the first created in France in Angre, it was nicknamed La

    Zouille from the name of an imaginary monster which was said to make as much noise as the big wagon after almost a century good loyal service la Zouille falls into duétudes stops and almost goes to the scrapyard but that was without counting on Jean-Pierre gerfagnon a lover of the

    Rack of the Angre and well here we are going up in the rack more commonly called the Zouille with some friends Jean-Pierre restored the Zouille to its original state it no longer runs but it is possible to visit it we are here in the second

    Classes so here we arrive in the room where we could leave our bike so it was suspended by the front wheel here we have a driving position the first rack that existed it was a steam locomotive which dragged behind it a wagon it was very very used by traders to lift their

    Goods it is a time that those under 40 cannot know but the memories are still there for me I knew the housewarming so I took it in the years 65 66 67 knowing that it stopped in 71 so we were going at the lièise which is just opposite so

    We went down on foot then in the evening we had the housewarming or sometimes it was the opposite here is a bit of the history of this housewarming which is very close to our hearts today ‘today to go from the valley to the upper town there

    Is a more modern means of transport a panoramic elevator a good way to quickly reach the summit let’s hit the road again with Joë our passionate cook local products the latter decided to talk to us about plums and Mirabell but there is no question of making a pie

    So we are at a thousand and we are going to the Corsican market, they are the only distillers in the country of Langangre for our white alcohols and I ‘m coming to get the alcohol for the Bour inn here is Jean Guillaume

    Since 2002 So today we’re talking about Mirabelle plums in this one and well, you’re in luck, we’re going to load up some plum damaore, that’s a variety of plum which grows on the plateau of Angre it is the but on the other hand it has a good taste to make eau de vie

    With 50 kg of fermented plum jean- guuillaume is preparing to make 5 l of water of life thanks to this almost century-old copper still following fermentation the sugar has transformed into alcohol but to extract the alcohol from the fruit we use the destillation process the vapors that we have all

    Around it is alcohol vapor there is brandy in the air the heat is everywhere so in fact we see the white vapor coming out and we stop it h we put the lid and the neck of CNE so the vapor rises goes up into the CNE pass

    , hops back down into the coil so there we have a tank of cold water where the alcohol will condense in the coil and will come out there so we could drink it but it is not refined enough so we

    Will still redistill once the second distillation has been carried out this is where the science of the distiller comes in no question of tasting a good haau de vie it is first of all by its clarity that we recognize it by tilting the

    Glass a little we can see it’s a question of habit eh I do it instinctively every day there are times there are faults and they have to be eliminated but there it is it’s it’s perfect what it’s perfect it’s perfect not quite the eau de vie will be aged a year

    Before bottling we’re going to spend the best time tasting so we’re going to toast so country of country deay to taste of course in moderation, it is impossible to leave the land of Angre without tasting its eponymous Langre cheese, a

    Melting cow’s milk cheese to which some locals devote a real cult. Éric Masselier, grand master of the Langre cheese brotherhood, gracefully presides over the tastings 2014 our Me Éric de langangre grand master of the brotherhood I have the pleasure of opening an exceptional chapter in order to taste the cheese

    That I am given the cheese founded more than 30 years ago the brotherhood of langangre cheese is is beaten to obtain the AOP and the national recognition of their beloved cheese it is indeed my lords I confirm to you that this Langre

    Is worthy of my palate of your table it is the caviard of cheeses it Raves us quite simply because it is the occasion it is the pretext for convivial convivial meetings and here comes Joë who by the lickable smell demands his share of the

    Cheese it is a cheese which has character which sometimes gives off an odor in the fridges ahous there the whore in the mouth very gently things are different it’s a bit like the Langrois climate oh it’s a bit harsh it’s but what’s good about it and well there

    When you eat it it’s it’s the same thank you Joël we couldn’t have described it better this endearing country of Langre, if you are passing through the region, go and enjoy a Langre tart at Joël’s table and then what would you say about going for a walk on one of the four

    Lakes of the Pays des Sources before perhaps end the day perched in the nests of the Aubrive forest in love with the good life of nature and heritage you now know where to spend your next vacation running to lose

    Your soul under the stars we are barely seen at night chase away the dilemmas dis- me again that you [Music] love me


    1. La crémaillère partait de la gare en contrebas et grimpait jusqu'au pied de l'hôpital, alors que l'ascenseur panoramique vous monte de 2 niveaux de parking situés aux pieds des remparts jusqu'en haut des remparts.

    2. Bonjour vous avez de beaux reportages, je les regarde très souvent.
      Mais là, l'élevage de cochons en batterie est vraiment contradictoire au côté gastronomie paysanne/ découvertes de bons produits régionaux etc…😮
      Désolé, mais en vacances je rends visite à des agriculteurs qui pratiquent une agriculture bien plus respectueuse des conditions de vie animales.

      Déçu que vous ne montriez pas pour ce coup un élevage sur paille ou en plein air…

    3. Réussir un reportage aussi passionnant sur le pays – un peu âpre – de Langres que j'ai visité relève de l'exploit. Toutefois, ces images datent déjà de dix ans…

    4. 16:44 Oui Paupol pour avoir des joints parfaits il faut bourrer de mortier et nos remplir seulement en surface.Et le boulot de ton chef est deverifier en y enfoncant une tige pour verifier que tu n'a pas été au plus simple! Ta pierre elle doit flotter la seulement scellé en surface

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