Timeslips continue to puzzle those who witness them, like a window to some kind of residual phenomenon which can even be very interactive. Here are three of those strange experiences sent in by weird world viewers.

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    Do you have a paranormal encounter you’d like to share with us send us an email with your story for a chance of it being featured on weird World Time Slips continue to puzzle those who witness them like a window to some kind of residual phenomenon which can even be very

    Interactive here are three of those strange experiences sent in by weird world viewers 1970s driver Nick from Swansea in Wales in the UK had this strange and potentially dangerous encounter he states that throughout the 1990s and into the early 2000s he was a keen racing cyclist and spent around 15 hours

    A week on his bike either training or in the summer months racing one of his favorite training rides took him along the b242 between abdas and Glen in South Wales he particularly enjoyed this road as it was usually peacefully quiet having a dual carriageway running alongside it which was taking all the

    Traffic there were only a few houses scattered along the road including an old abandoned Farmhouse so seeing a car along there was a rare event however the road hadn’t always been quiet once forming a really busy link between two dual carriageways known as the heads of the Valley’s Road sadly

    The road became one of the most treacherous in the whole of the UK with all too frequent fatal accidents drivers were known to speed along the single carriageway as though they were still on the much better roads taking risks to overtake slower moving traffic or misjudging one of the many tight

    Bends one evening Nick was in enjoying his solitary moments on the road thinking about his next race and how best to prepare when he sensed a vehicle behind him he was cycling at a Brisk 25 mph or thereabouts so gestured for the car to pass but it didn’t remaining as

    Far as he could sense it way too close for his liking so Nick slowed and turned around to a gain gesture to get the driver to overtake him he was with the sight of what he assumed was a beautifully restored bright yellow Audi from the early

    1970s being driven by a woman and with a child in the passenger seat he could even see the registration plate dating the car to 1972 Nick turned again and made sure he made eye to ey contact with the driver once more with good visibility ahead and no oncoming traffic he politely gestured

    For her to overtake him but still with no success he could sense the car over his right shoulder for around 2 to 3 minutes or almost a mile in distance along that road he could by now hear the car’s engine plainly getting louder as it got

    Closer in fear of being run off the road he increased his speed slightly and turned again to now angrily remonstrate with the driver but as he did the engine noise stopped and he turned to see nothing no car no engine sound nobody just the once again deathly quiet

    Treelined empty road there were no houses or Junctions on the stretch of road he was on not even the old farmhouse at that stage which was still some way off in the distance he knew that there was nowhere for the car to just pull off the road into a layby

    Driveway or whatever he therefore logically thought that the car must have either stopped or worse off the road at some point hoping he could at least offer some help Nick turned to retrace the last mile or so expecting to see the Audi either broken down at the side of

    The road or even crashed and off the road but there was no sign of any car that Al own a 30-year-old Audi nor was there any trace of possible damage to the roadside where it might have gone off the road Nick cycled up and down the

    Road for a good 10 minutes retracing his journey baffled but sure that the woman and child must have had an accident but he never found any evidence nothing on getting home he tried finding out if there had ever been an accident fatal or otherwise along that road involving a

    Yellow Audi but he found nothing he also tried looking for old aerial photos of the area around The Farmhouse to see if he could identify any Vehicles there but with no luck of gain to this day he has absolutely no idea what happened to him that evening whether a time slip or

    Ghostly car and occupants one thing was certain that it took him a long time before riding alone on that road again the hidden room Keith Macy reported that back in the 1960s his mom Elsie got a job working for a company located close to the Tower of London she

    Used to walk there and have her lunch break in the grounds and there for got to know one of the beef eaters who look after the place so well one day while walking around inside the building she entered a room with display cases which she had been into many times before and

    Now also saw a stone arched doorway that had never been there before the doorway showed a flight of stone steps leading down but the odd thing to Elsie was that normally there would be crowds of other people around she later said that she found it odd that approaching the room

    There was no one else around or indeed inside the room itself she found herself walking down the stone steps that wound around until she reached the bottom where she entered a darkened room with no windows she realized that it must be below ground level loose Stones were on

    The slab floor and a big round metal grate in the center of the floor she kicked a stone into it and heard a splash and so concluded that it was a well she walked back out and returned to work but the following week she met the

    Beef eater and asked him about the new doorway in the room in the tower she assumed that the stone steps leading down to the well had been uncovered because in that spot had always stood a large display case her Beefeater friend simply said there was no new doorway El

    He replied don’t be silly I walked down there last week eventually he went with her into the the same room and sure enough there was no stone Archway in the wall just the big display case standing in its usual spot looking behind it the wall was solid stone with even cobwebs

    And dust accumulated over some time behind it it had obviously not been moved in years but Elsie still insisted that she had walked through a stone Archway there her memory could be trusted as she knew the place very well having wed around it so many times the beef eater even remembered seeing her

    Going in the direction of the tower on the day it had happened they both wondered if this was a slip back in time to when there was a doorway there which over the centuries since it was built has been covered up and forgotten perhaps one day the hidden steps and

    Room will be rediscovered and we will all know active ruins John wodsworth from Cumbria in in England shared a bizarre experience which was reported by his father as occurring in 1992 near where his father lives there is a ruin of a medieval Abbey called finesse Abbey set in the

    Countryside John’s dad would often walk his dog along the country lanes in the evening very late one night in Winter he was out in cold and foggy weather he did his usual walk in extreme fog and turning a corner saw what appeared to be figures dressed in all white walking

    Down the path along the river they were wearing cloaks and tall white pointed hats the figures at the front and back were both carrying lanterns John’s dad blinked in disbelief of what he was seeing as the men proceeded down the path it then occurred to him that the tarmac of the Lang had

    Changed to dirt and the Hedge rows were suddenly a lot tidier he found found himself quickening his Pace towards the Abbey and was there shocked to see the ruin now intact in the fog this building had been destroyed in the 16th century and so it was absolutely amazing to see

    It whole as well as the glow of the candle or Lantern through its now magnificent stained glass windows John’s dad related that he seemed to have Ste back into a past existence eily another white figure was staring at him at that point he realized what was happening and ran down the lane

    In the other direction he was relieved to find a very modern day Ford Escort driving towards him with its headlights beaming into the road the driver slowed down and asked him what was wrong and he said he was just out on a jog so as not

    To seem crazy he had had a brain operation after a tumor diagnosis the year before and later spoke about this encounter with his doctor he was told not to be alarmed as it was most likely a side effect of his medication however the experience seemed so real that he remained convinced

    Particularly as many other people have reported strange sightings around that area many visitors have spotted the figures of monks wandering the grounds and ruins of furnus Abbey one of whom repeatedly walked slowly towards the Gat housee before disappearing into to a wall that same monk is also seen

    Ascending the remains of a stone staircase another hooded man on Horseback sometimes headless has also been observed riding at speed the figure of the white lady is literally the most hair raising and she may have been who was staring at John’s father she has also been snapped she is thought to be

    Some kind of Guardian Spirit watching over Treasures r red to still be buried Beneath The Abbey she only appears at night and evening visitors to the ruins are warned to stay out of the belfrey tower for fear of the white lady slamming shut the iron door trapping

    Them inside one sightseer in the late 1970s reported the translucent white lady walking alongside him for several minutes the man’s hair stood Straight Up In Fear And he avoided the location in future from Time Slips to Paranormal beings very active and interactive Ruins


    1. How do you know any of these timeslips are real and not hoaxes, pranks, hoaxes or delusions, or misidentifications?
      Do you investigate the submissions, or do you just accept them uo keep your post rate up forclickbait

    2. There is absolutely no better way to spend a dark and rainy morning than with the talented Weird World hosts. They never disappoint. They create the ambiance perfectly for historic haunting timeslips.

    3. Their is no doubt that some of these stories are either false or a mental problem which can be treated. But some are hypnotic trances caused by the devil . Satan is able to fool some susceptible people into thinking they are in the past .This is particularly liberal to happen if more than one person is affected.Its Demonic.if this happens to you consult and get in to a good bible believeing church repent and receive Christ's pardon for sin.Even those with a genuine medical illness should seek some kind of spiritual help . Because demons can use it. To further torment the person concerned.

    4. Love your channel. I myself have experienced this time slips. By the time I figured out what was happening, I was back in my own time. This happened in Japan, Spain and Florence, Italy. It was a WOW experience. 🤩

    5. I was a Louisiana State Special Officer during and after Hurricane Katrina and myself and the National Guard unit I was paired with had multiple strange and paranormal experiences. We had four different time slips or something. Two were at City Park and two at the Ursaline Convent.

    6. The first story got me to thinking. I wonder if would be possible to research to see if there existed a yellow Audi with 1972 registration plates from around that area around that time period? Then perhaps we could find out who the woman was and if she had a tale to tell about an oddly dressed cyclist she briefly encountered but disappeared while driving on that stretch of road?

    7. Thanks for the pause between Stories 2 and 3. Big improvement!

      The person who saw the line of white-hooded figures should be very glad he was in the UK. If someone in the USA had seen a line of white hoods, they would have been scared half to death they'd interrupted a KKK gathering. And have broken a land speed record getting out of there.

    8. There is rumoured to be a hidden room in the family home of Elizabeth of Glamis (the late Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother). There was once a party or ball so they all decided to go into every room and hang a white sheet out of the window. This was done and looking outside, despite every doorway being opened, there was one window, with no sheet hung out of it.

    9. I love these stories and the ones that always grab ahold of me and give me chills are the “interactive” ones where the slipper is seen while they have been transported to another time. As that’s not the most often occurrence and it seems like the person who saw them would also see them vanish and it’d be just as traumatic for them as the person who slipped into another time. Think of all the entities that are seen today and throughout history, what if all of them were time slips and that was all they were? Of course a time slip in my opinion is no small thing and for both sides it can cause all sorts of problems and judgments on the people who either saw them, or were them. I haven’t had mine yet, but any day now I’m sure I’ll be a slippin’! Wish me luck!

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